Newspaper Page Text
AL1UQTJERQVE EVENING HERALD. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1911. BAD BREATH kil l uir.t all kindt at inntlrliiM. Ur ti'iiaua I.M b-n acluallr m irrn iraM, nif liraalli lia-lua t iriM ni tlr mine II.m.i I can mini Ir an4 thaaifullr aar tballlir Tiata anllrrlr eat'Tnir. I ttitrttnta Itl Jmi aiiow thai I ahall Ivrumtilali Mian, Viaiif nna ult.tlnr (mm inch ironfclM." .j UliM. II llalptrn, III I:. Tib Hi., Ktw ., N, 1. 0f -.aaiiyaygillV ... fc 50c DMUCGISTS IVaaanl. t'aJatal.ii 1-otanl Taata Hissl Im tlwxl. i,',' l.',f.VW"n "r ""I- Tl man lat.l.l ilantwtl oi'C , U..ati.ieM lu ur or fuur mD-f li a. Jx-irr auM In tciik (a Slefjlng Krntdy Co., Whif ling. W.Va. INNW 1 2 MNtLMM SONS IMMIGRAHT LAW AND HOW II IS ENFORCED Commissioner nt Ellis Islnwl Tries to Prevent Breaking Up of Families and Other Unpleasantness. New Vuik A pill 13 -"Cninntnii muim- imil it n IIIiitiiI 1 1 1 1 r t it -Hon of lli' In u h lit v nili' In inunl rraiioii raxix where sticking to the li lli'i means tlx- htcaklni; "f fniitl- Hl'N, (III- llcporllllltlll llf (III- Mill t ( In t Hi W'lllell Ullllll I'ltl.I'IIH IIM' ItlUlll', tin iMKtnitlllll llf ('lipid, tin- IiIIkIHIiik nf tlii' III)' hope or a 1 1 1 1 1 ii ur woman who ran iln um no Ilium, 'rin ii- is piohuhly ax much or ttni'il In ilii' immli;rn tlun service an III any phase of uv it iinii'iiliil 'ork. anil tcmpcrlim J.ixt n't' Willi niiTi') ran tin It no harm Tint ! an- all sottx of enxes iiiIsIiik rcunlmly In which I tlr-ti'li the law alumni to the liti'iikltm point iind search illllnnll for a loopliolii to avoiil a literal i'iiliiri'1'MH'iil. I In ii'tnl In I'oiitlniit lo ilo wo, anil trust Hint no )iit rm will In' iluiii'. wlillc such llimillHll Will III' IIVIlllli'll IIS we. tlw iltnli' 'ntttltlUlo IIK'Iii Imt h or soelcly. hiiow llttlr or " In this way docs Secretim S'ntscl or (lu- ili'imrtmi'iit or coniinort'c unit liiiior otitlliii' hlx pnllrv with relation to tltc li.iiil'H knocking ai tin- italic or Hie United Hiatus. 'I'll)' mills or ill. iminlKriillun service urlnil In accord ance with schedule In thVir ixlinlHioii or ii million people ti year, lut there Hi" rtniti lo.iiiiti t. l&.oni) rtmvM un mmllv In uhlili tin- port ittithiii'lilix arc In ilonht, anil these tip- ri'fi'rri'tl lo tlii- scerctim fur action. II If In tlu ac uses Hint Mif x.-iretatv i'i'i- CANW C ATMMITIC ' amPMaaar rsistpr m-i Shoes f 'X II II r I ID .fjw.Lt nr. maui 00mma With 11 1 1 IM II Wl Ol mw. --" Ct II : I I represented, and entire satisftction j r WAlii II L'.mk mrnilt, mnkus suth MS UorothV I V.VV fJ.J C-IL.. J M, Snm j v v . in r-j. a ..II 7r. ' VV) fs Px U uikirh are rmted A I in (lie World AbL ) of shoes. Let us show them to you. laXa A .11 - etw a II MM I 1 A II rises ti I h prlvlli'iti' or hi'liiK humane "I'll I j cuiiiitry." tin' xcuctini ion. I I tit' I'd. ' lllllil la- pli. Iillcd floin tin phVHlcnt or moial rinilaKlon that itiiKht tisilt frmti the mlmixxinn or tillile.Hltahle I III III I K til II t n l.lkeulfi. tli' ie xholllil he notlilliK or hum hid ellllinetllalll III Hie tile rejection ot in i eplaiii i' ol an lininlKriiiit lint IliltMlllles.x Ullil Illliltiai'X llletlliiilx "lliiilld. iim lal ax If in,Mlii'. he a volileil. I.c-M'iilni: flu Toll or lli'iiiiliical.. 'I'Iicm l ti Hltrilclent iliill loll or itiiiei v. li at lliteiik anil am row that IiiiiIh Im uhv ill hen ovel Itl de-) I piifN on an aveiaKc or fnfty chhi" a il.iv, a total or I2.0IMI a ytiil. 'I' 1 1 en' mi the 'Uses ilium which the limped oi'.m do not cute to piixx rinaily, um) upon which I would not cute to have Iht-m linn-, let Monie hai'ilxhlp II lleH MlirrelliiK he lliriicleil lipull the Hlitllu I have HOIIKllI to UnpieftM ilpoli the illhpl'ttotn the liee, or link illK ll'lel' all the liiety o Hie rune have III I II l nil rilll KOtle over 'W'hal will 'ie tin eflii I ir HiIn pi'lMilt In .tit nick ' Take llf cane or the poor woman who net out rroill Ktirope to come to ' f hiiMhand In flili'iiK" with her thtie I'liihlieti tin Hie wn out twu or the i'liihlieti W'ele atlliekeil with illplllln i In anil wete plm ed III ltB I' ll III Itlf Oil the ihi tlinl I NOW lli'l ill I'IIIk IhIiiIIiI Hlle llllil JlINt lleatll tllllt her two ililldti'ii hail illiil anil the third child wi xtrli ken with the iIIk I'ndet the law there was a po- II i piiihlhltlon iiKatiiHt ailmlttliiK I iiit t wotmiii mid her xlek child. ' Hilt Wlli'll that poor noiiI Htooil lie rote hi III the ilmnl'iici-M or ilexpalr. iKIloiaut or what wax helm; miiIiI III a Minimi' loliKlle, and ttemlilliiK w(h f I'll I ol till' Coneirii'en ol Ollf lie llhermloil, lllel'e Clinic In nie itlotlU with the awtnl pallor or the whitest race I ever miiw a relit ml realization or HIS I I HIOIISllllllll'H I leulleil II" I never did heroic that II IMtcil with llle to KII.V Whelhel that lllflll'l'd wo- man xhoiihl he sent either ( Main hiMinltv or death, or whether dic mIioiiIiI he allowed lo take her lemiiln Iiik child and k to her IiiinIiuiiiI, which I knew wax the ntth hiiinali power that could mivi' her iciimiii or her IKe. "Then and there I ilctennlncil to ri ml lii the law xoiue Jtixtlllcatlun (ot her ailmlxxiiiii, or, fnlllni: that, xome aiithorli for hrcakltiK the law lu a axe Dial the fnreilMllt or Ho leix- lator, however wlxe and experienced, could pllXMllil) he expected lo cover. I coiiMiltcil the licxt leual talelll t could find III m Hcarch ror a loop hole While tlu law xnlil that no per xon xillferltli; I'rotu ,i cnntiiKloUN dl eaxe colllil lie aillllltted, lull inuxl lie sent hack. It wn toiiud thai If that i hllil could he Hi'llt lo a private tiox pital the i Ii I Id mid lis mother nilKlit l otlle III 'Thlx woman had no iiieaux for that, her hiishand had Npeut all he ioiiIiI lo et IiIm lainlly t Ii ti h far. Hut It wax not Ioiik herore the motley wax at hand, the child and lix mother came lu for private trcautirnt In a paid ItiKtltutlon. mid mt xoon moth et mid child were sent to tin rather In i'IiIciiko, ami I have ever, reaxou to helleve llllil the iiiMlon ill thlx "f- tlce wax the means or xavlni; lo thox , ;i U I II I: A . ... r 11 the lattti laeas m rsniuuaic u II Cni.nanr Ftivvtkin0 Atsitmble is 11 jf III II lW.Wc.. J II I S; :. mum,mtA as lo stvle. auahtv II W w "v II I, A- 4 II 9MMW U rr people all i( llli happlltexf that 'if can nlfer in xai'h af flit Hon .luxl to xhow h'Ml lliinl II lx t i ml tnllil'ter the law leliieiuhir thai I; liiiilmiid i lu thlx coiiulrx we rami"! keep Itlx Wire out. Hill ir one i.'l III. clllhlteli x Mllfferlim fnutl II 'iitilii Kiollx iltxeaxe. or tf It Ix IlleWllllli ih th lent and that'x a hiond term tin child caiiiioi come In. "Thlx can llltixlliitex xoille nT the dlflli'iiliiex Hint lire hioiiKlIt herore nx h thoxe eonilitlmix. All alien with hlx Mir,. Mini two child ten caiilc to this colllltr tin yiMirx hko. A lllllil child wax hiitii In thlx .oiiiiIi.n. ientl tin mother mill . hihlreit went alumni lumpoiarllj. un iheii return the clllldleli BhoWe.l xwiilh-n Klaildx lllld tllelt cclllllcHli Hete Itutoivell. 'fi(. perl lllheli llliialx U, , ,,. u W(, could Hot kee, Un Mif,. ,, '('Ii,, child hoi II III tile I'lllleil Still cm wax mi A merlin ii rllliii imil . mild not he kepi mil Strict mtrt ,t etntlon of the law ptolllhlleil the lw.. ehler rllll- dreii, horn alitoiid, riotn rotnlnK 'a. Would ion lu en k up that rntttii Mn a lllet e XIIHplcliiU OT llllli l i llolx ' The law ax I tr to ndiiiliilxlei it do,-x not contemplate that xiich a hriilniiriiix it'lce xhotlhl he palil h linmlKlimty "Volllilt Kll'lx Who collie out illiiii. companlcd arc Ihiiv.n rexpoiiHlhllltiex oil till- ill'plirllliellt mid II reelx It We hae a u I mati Instu iici-h or Kill" under live who come out ror the pui poe or mmryliiK a hetrothed, who hax come out ahead or them. Main well lllleutlolleil perxollx IlliM- Wllllli'd nx to xt'f thai (lioxe cli'lx are married hetote the! Ifave lilll." Ixlaml "That'x all Unlit In theor. lint let lis see how II, Workx ol In pilirllce I ri'iiiemhcr oiic liixtmii'e, only a few weekx iiko, ol' Ii Kill Who Clillle out under sin h cli ciiuixtaiicex. Ileix wax one or IIiiihi peculiar llui npeati mill' llaitex Hint the pareutx plan for their clllldleli, and xlle hail never seen llel future hiixhaml. Ililtiu poor and till I ft x . xlle had secured the promise ol a place with a uond ranilly ax a domestic nho were ready to receive her It was proposed hy the autliiit Itlex thai the pair he ii in trlii I at the t H lit 1 1 ' lii'fnl. the llepai'tlllelll xllotllll admit her. "Hut the view t took of Him case wax thai e would in thlx way he rorciiiK that Kiel to pay a price or ad mlxxliin Into this country which she wax in no meir.ix sure that she oiusht to pin Her place wax reinlv for hei. So I iliii'cteil that her ruture mixtrosx he itiriit nii d or her m rival, that an axxoeiiition that Ix charged with the care or xurh clisex he also notllled, llllil axked lo send fin her. her tnki hit phice, )ei ii i - 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 ( I with her hetrothed, mid ir she uiinteil I" llllil t him. well and uood Hut let her action iii such an Important unit lei 'nine ftiim her own choice mid not compel her lo marr.v a mini she hud Ilex, i xeell, with tile allcl'liativ e uf heliiK n ut hack ir she didn't. Into tin- I'li-l la hi u a- Well. "i r course, we make mixtakix hi xoiiii' i axes ami we come In for a lot of i rltlelxm. Uitr wutk Ik not wholu ill Hie Meeril',e A lot ol people thai we want tn In- most particular ahoiit ami lor whom this department has no mercy liiiwl In first and xecotul cahlns If the law Ix stilrtlj Inter preted, every xlnt'.le iax;eiiKer mi our , i. rnxhipx, fruni la' r iM Ulllht to h' ''Hid' '.mil mid pax thriium in, immmrathm 'i,n I ii..- ..r wlicihiir tti n . itii ii- or illlillis. T1. r ,,,t ii.. - ix iiuilrnly il" ' .He ' . I ..mill. ill xPIIXD '" ' " " t'ic '"in. mix. in n xtrlll intnrp t - ,. tn.. law thlx oijtilitl !H "ri' uxor. llel.x II flllXe tjnj pr" Hint llllil ii ix oiil) olio of fiii ii . in .hi with h'x wlft anil s"eV5il 'I.CIt.n I. hi. led two .if tliriif W'eitKB .... Id ,ix a i tint' Illid hi? fatm .I'f.i.i, . Mi ni mid whp rtJfrdy til I" .ii full rr It .luxl tlm itfti . K'.iiit tlun iiiix rniiiilrj' moKi it. . d- i, mid hlx rmmh warn wnni p. t m flotti i llllllllltnl "I' "ie ' l.llld point mole Ihnn n '." ..n . ..I of Millie that llnVP illle i 'I" i "V'i that mill) and ho m. .,uid lint l HllllllttC'lo "' '' xevi'll chllilnn was inl''lK '' ' " H wax not for HiTx Uepi.. u... 1 1 t,. nnH those people to jTay th. c t sl1ll- Iim that pnor llttju mi' 'i.f k lo ini tclmlvex to ho nlvfnjx iii . i mi hp lIl'Hll. Thnt illlllll Nil' tl ie ot all ihe family that nion i"'d.d in. imr fills' cure. IJpmi th .! .iiu uf lilitltal de flOlellCJ tin hi I' .iminhi- ti.iv. niul that oi I lit ...aid ie.t . ..inn I iii uilhoilt ll W'llirill luxikliiK of the III" SellilillK tllllt Wh'ili filtliilv Intel.' forked no real miffei inn h. .unl ills- !u....itillili.ll UpOll IIIIMilie. el I Cllll- jliut hi'lp reiiieinliel Inn thnt ihK limn luiil in. mote than a normal si.ur' of si. kn x in hlx fiimlh I "ml I III ii U that He 'Ihuxi hlrh does nut permit a hot under Hi to riiiiii tn without hlx piii.'titx wii. vio lated lo, my aelloii In iiilmittlim thnt Mill. Mpiitiixh orphmi oi l". the oilier I dm He xtiiiul lip lu fnl . us nx ht li'lit lai ii doilnr, with his . loth, iii iiih I l.l uxhi d. ami looked eer lit. I tin' 'llllli' man tllllt Ills r nl attcrwnnl Hhowed It (itl In he. Tin- onl IhliiK aunlnxt him wax thai hi- had nine to ; Hits ,-oiititi a few un. mas too .Mi nxkliiK lor his pnxl hixturv I round that he mux nun of Ho r u Miivivorx , from tl l''Celly WTci ii'xsel. alld thin h the oxerolsc of hlx own stri'imth and prexenre of .nin.i he had tiuiili' lux r.'xcu,. piisxlhle "Don't von think that n i.ov or I-'' who him xtieuKlh eiii.nuh and coiirai;e clli UUll to "live hlx lire III ll ciiKc oT xhlpwieck, when xo nisi n older and l Ntnuiier nifli tiro droiMud. ix HI ,cnr old within the ineiinliiK or the law " Well, I let him III. and I haven't the Hlii-lit iKt fi'tll' or lie HIM llllpeaclli'il t.n "i iluiii); " EXTENSIVE COAL BEDS FOUND NEAR WAGON MOUND WllKDII las; tlflil M011111I. N M , April l'J. A ol coal. cnvelliiK tlKiii.iiiiulH llils hi'i'll illrtCOVi'H'il lliliu iif acres, ;nlles etmt uf town, mill iii tlie pear luliiii', an mhu ax inacliliiery can ho fectiiril mid placed, milling mi nil i' leimlvo mi'iiIc will ho ciiiiinii'iiceil Tin presi'iice iif cciiil In the vicinity m Wimmi Mound linn been liimwn lor 11 nuiiilii 1 nl yi'iiis, hut fur IiimI lew M'tifiiiux, lilt- never hiifdl'd lu.'fll innile iiihll- Tim llelil JtiHi. iincovoi' ml In mi u Imul belonxliiK to Slinuii ViirHiihorg. ami exhuiiHtlvo n-su have proved Him the Himii! vein Is lttidct' Dm iiiiul ow 111,1 liv S. I' Orii'Kii. .1 11 WaxlihiiHi am) Die Muck place When .Mr Wiishiiiirii wax liiformcil hint Siiiultiy 1h.1t tliuro him coal nil iter Ids laud In- wax much siii'pi Iscd. mill wan not coiiiciii until lie had visit ed the text IkiIi and saw tin- coal for IlllllUflf .Ml Oli-Kil WHH Kill) lir llle fuiiiiiii. ilim iiinlei laid Ids Imul. and was Kri'iitly m prlw'il. Ho hud nut even HtiHii'ciei h mid luiil in ho con vince! Ii.'foie In- wiitild ludleve It Am pi Ice lie .iiIkIh ti.'ivi.' had on hlx l;uid wni. Iniiiii'illaii fornotti'ii Mr Vol 1'iiliei'K Iim known of tin' ciiiil lor Miine iniiii. hut wax hot iciiiiy to mi lioillico ll lllllil ti ellll.V. Tlie vein vUi'ic It wan iiiiciivimimI III II xllllll nil 'lie VOI'i'tlheru place, Ix 11 llitli' moil' than two feci thick It Ii a line (imil " . of hltuniliious coat, anil rem, liiiii:.tli luav llinexioiii'. The coal lu Hi- 'cut xhnft Ik uolliler- tally li'ci' Imiii xlitt or hnne If a winking hIiiiH Hunk ncai the lirst illxcovi'iy. It w ill ln 11 wet iniiii;, ax Ix It no iioai 'to iivr. Kntlimiti - ..icil upon cm of ul Ktiuly of ronilliinii .. iliat UiIh cuiU. ciunl lor lii'Hi'r tlian mat which Ih whipped ill ft lilll illsl.'lllt pollltH, Cllll tie xold for le.aU 11 toll It C!WI he easily tlllllcil niul in. the. .. c no IiIIIh lii'iwi'i'ii lift ! niul tip in no It will ho an c:iy nun lor 10 haul H 111. A hrniicli rati HIIKl III till' ll'llr IP 0110 Of tlie pOKXi hilliii'K o 1 In- pear future Tin- town oi VVaKm Motthtl Ix about 1 lie center or what ul one llnic wax lu ufiui voiiaii" wiiiilcver tiiore wiik lli'te of millet ul Wl'nllll. oil, tlK (It coiii, wn hnni'd out when tlu vol cano was iii'Iim lliiyoiul tin1 volciinlc ici. lour 01 iim nilli'H fiom town In tiny iliii'i'Hoii ohl, coal ami i;iix mc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 till' "- Ulllllll'H iir.witi- ni oixtiknts roii r. 'f'Alt It 1 1 TII.XT l OXTAlX .MIMK'IIUV." Ax mennn wll xiiruly destroy the wentie or huh I' elld completely il.-liuik. the Whole - l.'ttl When elllnrlllK It thioiiKh Ho oupiiiis surfiicex. Hueh lirtlclex Mh'iutd never he tlxeil nxcepl on pto-'iii 11- from roputuhlc phy- xlcianx. a- tn. latmiKe thev will do Ix li'ii-fold I" the koiiiI you can pox- xlhlv ili-riM fi"iu them. Hull h Cu lm rli I'.ir. iiiuiiufaotnri'il h I'. .1. K'licncy & i ". Joioilo, i) cuiiininx no iiier.'iirv . ,111.1 ii taken Internally, act I nil dlrc'ih 'ii"in the hlnoil ami mu cous xurfii'i- of thu xyxtem In huy- Iiik lliill r.iiurrh Cure ho xure you get the ueii.uKc 11 is inkeii internally and mini' m Toleilo, t)ho, hv I". ,1. t'ln'iH'j -V ' " Tcsiliiiiinlnls free Sold bv lhuKlKxtN. I'rlce, 71c per buttle Take lliili u ruinll)- Mil, fur coiibtl- Iputluti. MINING CONDITIONS III NEW MEXICO Victor Company in Organ Mountains is Operating Four Full Lode Claims; Much Development Work Accomplished. 1 MlniriR Woi hl ) .Nun AliUTco. .Mnnidl'iii Tile shaft mi Um .iruiti S. mine m hulnn . ten net 1 mn priiiHiTiiiir lo un wiitHiit the iiilue. nevelupmnut In (he liiw'nxt level or the HiiiihiIiii. .MlniiiK rjiiiiipany'x mine collllllllex In am. il ot 11. The clnlil-up for Ihe flint ten days or .Miii'li 11 xiilt.ii 111 i;,iio iiiiiickn or ijiild mid xil Vel lltlllliili. Silver nit i'orll -three toilH or ore have heeli shipped rtum the I'h'VHlaml Hlnup ol inliii'M. owned hy (leorxc II. I'lter. to the I'll ho xtueller. A koiiiI lolie iif men Ix employed and reuiilur xhip IlleltlX oT tile IllKll rildi. llle III.' he UK made. A law Imil v or rich ore hax he- n elicuutiteted on the pi Opel tics ill' Ii, "heinuui; Copper companv In Hie Iim ro iniiiiutaliix. The ore uveitises he' ter than .'. pel cent roplier. The e lent or the ore hiullex hax not . heel) deterillllleil l.nx I'ruccH The Victor Mlnlim and Suieltlin? i!imiian Is opiiatliii; 11 property in the III 1:11 11 moliutitltts, cunxlxtllii; or foui full lode chiiiux known ax the Hiireka. Vlcior. I.chiiI Tender and Hhrevepori. Alruaily JIMOH lias lu.-eii expend, , 1 in iievelopmeiii ami th proxpectx are proiulxlnif. .1. J. Illtchc or III Pasn ix prexldeiit and Keiier.11 inaniiKer or the company; . M. .la lerxnii or (ikhihoitia rity. vice pic dent: I.yciitKUx l.ncy or Kl I'axo. xe letiuy and tieaxiircr; It. I,. Nlchol Kelierul attorney; .liilin II or I.IIM l't ueex. lei tllllt llil Tholilpsoii IlKellt Ailoiin. Prc.icolt. heitll coll N'i Hutliitiulis have just. 1 lllileil lor the taklllif over of tile I'or luirii group or mines at '.on la hy .1 I Mil. in It or Alabama ami a lai Ke flrt pllMllelll W'dH made lo the llWIlerj,, api .1 w 1 .iiiti ur 1 .on . iiki'I. x mi lii'OIKe I ooper of l.ehlch. I lltlll T.. condltlonx of the purchase kIiow tha'l"'" 111 xt imuithx the hala or f 1 1 are " to in- paid, utiil in the meaiitlme iipe'iitiuttx are to he xtarted on 'he propcrn Tin- nine eliiluix Includcil in the Mile are ulitiutcil in the nun., lull ax are the .Mlnen I levelopiuett: company .'lalmii, wheie churn ilillllpc. Ix koIiik on ullli favonilile rexullx. In ropper llnslli the .McKlnh-y .MlnlliK ami I lev. 'lupm. -in cnmiMiuy hux mnrted otienilloiix on 11 Inrgit Willi'. A new oie hudy Is reported lo have been f.. niul in virgin khuiiuI in the Lincoln iiilue opei'llteil h th- Klll-k-erhoeher couipHiiy. Thlx ore hoily whh f. 1, 111. 1 in 11 croswut from mi old level tiliioil lull feot heolw llle 1 1 lu II tunnel The mill wax cIimh-iI down a lew llatx ,'tBo after a Niiccexxrul txt tun. The r.-tiitnx tjiive heller valiifH ihnn w.-i. uiitlcliMited Hut ins (lie month, the mill Ix 10 he aiarted iikiiIii mill lllete ill elliillKll ore ill Wluht fill a Lulu run iinlv the miHltiim mude iifeH Weie IIMi-d lu the text mil. over l.:"ni mux or ore from the Hew xtrlke lUllile In the Vll VII pui M.-t- aW MlniiiK ami'lluu cumpatiy have Juxt been fin w 11 rd.-d (o Allegheny i'lt, I'a.. h It II. StiiliHliitid ami .1. II. .McrlarieN Thlx xiimpli- reprexeiitH ..hat wax token Horn the pa xtivnk mid wax ohtaliieil without any xoriluu. Since thlx xtrlke was made public a lew Weeks tltfo the values have been maintained ami the ore body has re. uialiieil minim and uniform lu dinr acter. The averiiKe of the pay stieak ix :'ii iui'hex. mid from top to bottom will run to Jl'r. per ton lu mild, xll- ver and ('upper j The new ,.iiiipinetit at the works of the I'uciric i'opier company on stiver mountain Ix a xuii-i-xh. It .'inialiitx of an sft hotse power vcitlcal kux eimlnc which drives a four-drill ciituptoixnr. a L'O-kw Keiieiiitiu that runs the puiiipliiK plains and luuilxhex 'the IlKhtx nil the surflice ami under Krmiiul.a 40 horse iinwer Imlxi and other appllaiu'ex. The ciiinpauv litis put up a new hunk house for .10 min ers ami has aiiothur under way. also :i liuiltilllll,' house for iin men Willi ni l -ral uth'-i iitilhllnKs plmtneil. Itaimiii l.opex recently sold ,1. II. I'.ublu an Intel i-xt in live. . lulnw for'io. A few hours afierwui-il the new owneix xold the property under hotid and ) to (I (' Sieiicer This proper!) Is lopated near the hit; xtrlku made b .MtAlrnnx a few inoiitlis iiko. Mr. Si..)n.. x camp will he close to tile Velli'lllll works. l-'lori'iico. There Ix a protiu(H that the Motl in-iii Mliilnx ''"iiipiiiiy will Hoop Htii rt a. tl ilevi'liipnii'iit work on 1 In- Aaur it. i'..ui. ai I'rtce station, lu sinking 11 vrillral xllufl IhlOIIKll the illorllo lat .iHiliiary, with a view to - tiitlmi Hie liiittoin of an ohl In .Mm shaft that caved In, 11 blind lead a ax .-ul near the HllrfllOo. It lies about .'a d-fi lu from of th,, vein upon which the Inclined shaft was sunk mid iwrnlli-i with the laliur vuln. At this pollll ihen Is mi uxteiixlvo hodv of luiriiil'd dtoriie porphyry, well ftMiuieil and tilled with fuult plains. There an indliiitiiiiiK that olhcr blind ore-lien ; mh flxmireM uxlxt In this porhpiy. 11ml t'"H ilixaeinliilit ei (dialcoclle. In 1 tiituiieii hit iuiintl Hi'S. Will itlmi be fiuipi' from neiir llm surface down. HI. .lie Two of the Miami com riiiiiilor unllx arc riiiinlinr ilemllls ami u third hiiKaii Its pivllmliiut'v ran M.ii 'i and soon will he hmidliiiK Its iuulli iif ore. Tin' fll'xl two uiiii- to I..ifIii oo.t-rillii.r im t.., 1, , n.l llli about. 350 torm cucli dully, but Mi.l'suiu vom ruim airemly into tiiu I'ro-1 in .1 1 1 - " . By Lydia E. Pinkham's ll.. ( i.f I ll" woman's. 1 invil" (li W' dm 1 1 . 1 s I .1 -I 1 1 IH and nt-glt ivwhcro shoultl rcmfmlu'r thai there is no I ituwn to nii'dititu- that will so MiM-iwiully win r h 1 cairy . H 1 1 . . thiuiih this living ii'tiiitl ;is Iyili.i h. . 'i talilo Comijonnt'l. made from i.atic itiots e vw ikhi' and la it-. 1 ! tf is proof : I .V.lirk; Mass., Iwi'iit lliiHiiirli t ti I liii'il liiliu liotltltl. 1 vns iiiiilil not Ki'i'ii luiil I'ri'i'py si ii.siilliius mill i inilil mil slri'ii nlulits. I mis llnullj tolil lv two ilisiiiiiiH that I Imil a liimor. " I mill mn' ila of tin wniiilorfiil ciinvs intiiln liy l,.viliu I.. IMiilJium's I'i'tulilo oiiiioiiiiI tlinl ili'Hili'il to tr.v II, niul it has iniulo ino a Moll wuiiimi. l iii'lyliliors ami fiionils ili'i'lmv It IP! lias world'il a mlriu'lii for mi1, ('iiiiilMiiinil is worth its wi'fuhl in uolil lor Monu'ii iliiriut: Ihii IiitIihI of llli'. If it w'H (n'li others you iiiu.v inhlNh (his liitli-r."- lrs. Niilhan It. (Jri'iitnn, 51 .No. .Main St., Nutlok.Maft. ANOTIIIIll smiLAit rornwallvllli', N. Y. " I liavi Iivi-h takiiiK I.Mliu I,. IMiiUhuiii's Vi'Ki'tahh' 'oniioiiml furl nlillll' llllil' flir CllllllK" f llf't IHTIIHWIH'WI, lllllil u llliroiil uruwtll. "Twu iluetors mlvisi'il im to ro to tliol liosiiital, hill mm ilay while I was away vixilitiirtl I tncl a wuiiiiiii who tohl mo to IMiiUhuin's Vi'tjetahti! Cimiioiiml. lcmiu ll. heliHiil nm womlerliilly. I am veryl Oii.tikiiil (hat I was told to I'liiklnitiiVs Vi'Ki'tahln Couipouml." fllrs. Win. Cot'iiwallvillc, X. V., tiri-iMM! Co. 'Phi' mahcrs of Lydia K. pound have thousands of such letters as those above thev tell the truth, else they could not have been obtained for love or money 'Phis medicine is no stranger it has stood the test for years. Fur .10 yarn Lyilla I'. IMnkhsuu'H Vcgctahln C'uinpouiiil ban ln:eit the Htundaril riimvily for female llln. No slek wnaian Iimh jiixtlee to hernclf who will not try tills famoiut medicine. Miule exclMMlvely from roots anil hcrlw, and has thoiiHands ul euros to Un credit Mm. IMiikham invites nil sick wnanrn to wrili her fur iidviec. She has CUiuMl tlioimnmlN to health "l I illti tidelil . "in madiialH 1. 111, 1 .ixluu "" I'lllX .11 v.CS till I 1 ' I X . ii"- .1 until ' each i-ii'ii .1 liotirx. At Ihe New ICeyNtoue H I said that 11 new electrical hiilm. a ..imp'c-. llllil other XlirllU'e eiiililiu-lit ill xo "I he IliMMltud nod Hint mi .pital tram nil) will he huilt In . otiii v Hie Ism Xlorte "l't I" tlx Mlilllli nllrellll .i'"r. iihout I'm le.-t louii IIihii Hi. lorui' 1 Al the Inxpliull.iii mine iiixtullatlon of .-li-cllicHl eiUlpm"UI for the ne' hauliiip- n.vMein Ix Koine forwniil mil Is i-Xiectnil lo tin reil t"l' opemlioi. ilH mi Mill im tile pen ill I'lM' ami Ix litxtdlloil. Station 1 uttiiiK .' the liiilloiu ot tile 'ob.n(lo xllHll is iilmoMt connilrieil When flnlxhe I work will In.' huBun mi h drift tint Mill he 11 ilt Hull llf the linillnilH lele' rouilectlllK the ''otiiiHilo mIUi Ihe .'.' fool let el uf llle .tin- Muxli xllllft. The I.UOO-t'oiil xtntluii 111 llle M'' liHW xliult Of the Sllp.'lioi , lloxloll has lu-cji fiiilstieil and 11 3,01111-iriilhiii pump Iiiim bxiin Inxlalleil theieon. A drill Is well under way from the xtn tion in u Noiithwoxifi'ly dlri-i'tlou 10 rut Ihe Cli'llt KllStelll M-lll. ill. out -IT, feel illxlllllt. The drift Will elicolin- U-r the .rlu at an mini" that rlmmc- leriKex Hie lode nl llllil point mill will cotiHuue xouthWiKtcrly nloug the truiid or Ihe vein. Kriim the point of the drill x coniuei with the Ore it KliHterii ti crow-out will In- driven north lo cut the Old Homlnlou taull. llbl.llt IM! feet illxtllllt. 'liurii ililil hole IT. oil the Live nxk piopnriy has oiipoiiuiei-cil I per .. M 01 . This hole, which entei-fd the oi- HI a llepHl ol Still leet. ix now ullollt lion reel III depth. Hole V." ix Mt ill III chalciM'lte ill 810 lent depth. Stttlnfin lory prominx In tielni; miiile 111 th, ohl xhart (No. It mid tin- new xhcti (No. 2 1 oil the western end of tbo I.H'e Oak Kl llllil IS Sini lcd. The ll"'.V nhaft wilt h mink to 11 ilfplli of i.'j'H feet Hint Is lii cut ground ulieiul lirovfd h drill hole Js. Thf work of bliH'klnii out iim Live ok ore body will he Mmteil ax wnflli x xliHlt No I In 7t fori ileepo, at which dipth a lliW level Will III' IXStflhlphll Vii-kxioim K. S. IkillO of Now Vork hux pur cllliseil the triiel of pluc.-r uio imiI .HI lllllex south of thlx ili .mi. il by lid ShuuialP. II I. cott llriman Voc mul mat I. AiMlfixoii ' IMex .oil. Thts triu'i i'wbrr,s .,.i Limn urien. .Mr. Halle) propoxex i ntur' a ramp lliiiuedlale ly, liiivlnit aliead utilereil two latHe .III wilrhillK ma chines. IClvln. I II W Thnyr, tnlnltiK nuuiiieer. has I'MiinliU'd Hie viiiKidlum prupnl bniweeii Kelvin mill Ttoy. Ills i--pori oyn. 'I'he iiiopurty connixi or ten cliilmn. live liavu himhI sliowniaii. Tlif oihcr five nrc .lfiti'l"iis mn from prit HirtleHlloim th'-v too im. la 1 He biMllix of ore under tin H' cupping. Si.iiinrowi veliis rainiio'. from flvn to twmiiy fHKt cross tins ore huilv dliinoiuilly. Or starts from the rii xx roots mul In un op 11 .1' Jim fi'.t Iiiiih ami I f'l ilfeii n h.. 1. 1 Its own. 'I'm null II. X. nrnwn, preiildiiii "f in.- 1 in let field Cupimr .ompiin itrrmiu.d -HiH piiichusw hy th-- I'h'xi' '" hi ""' ptiny of the I'lotectlon mm iiian. tnllii'S, the fornier Mn i iioitiie.i' iiNluiislon mid ih lultft a soutii'M-i I'Xlimxtun of Hie ICspeninnu (put. 111 oi lillllti. The lisptilllll'Mi hax hern il". , I lopeil In mc billow the .1'ili-toot Icv l. 7 land thin lu a true riawii" Tin- i.ich fttui.irlol ihe hnrtliuuut ilrltt 111 the l..r lei elu xilVl'l'. Ix in this ftMOlv. all in kjo) Iind and copper rr 'I'll I a fix . Vegetahle Compound ,11. al II I II M nl .1 Unit.' 1 t n( Ik.iIiIi nl this - " I I'linniit cypress wlmt I rt iiu tin Iiuiilh' ) lH' lii't'orii I.. riiil.liiiin N I'ui'iiinii' imil ill Mich It tiorvnils iiillilltlim I .still. My lintlis tvi'i'i' cnlil. I hiiliii I;. PliiUlimir.s Vi'izi'tahlu si:. take I villa !.. I ilhl so anil IL tr.v I. villa lloufflitont Pinkham's Vctxctablc Com- free of charge. li-tti.n iinlii Alinill 7' r 1 t 11'. un l Kxpi tiiiua iim on tin- 'titei tum a pt. xli.tlt hux lie, n mii 11k win 'l 1 in iiuutri ed the I'ipeinuiui rixxuri ri Iti A two-.'uiipiirtiti"Ht nhafi will 1.. pui down. Tltc value or the oie i.iken rrom tin lnprrHtizn may he :ip ' pieclatMil when tl lb KtUiWil llllil 111"' . Iiimi ..irloii.l Ii 1 1. ixmI Wfi'l llle lower i.vclx Kui 11 ml return nr $1.1001 nu-r H'l.'iioi has he.-n i.ik.-n rrom the KsHciaiiRii and 11 .1 'there Ix much UU'i.- II1.111 (hi- value ' III MlK'it 'll' blrk'd "Ul Th.- iJImice niitii "ti 1 hf smitliw est . vi..i.--i..i into ! Ii). 1 1 ti.- rpfriinzn tlxsur.. M.-II.U, l .intuit 1 thlx -U uri.un.l. mul It, 11N0 un iiiiM.i-t.iiii i" in. itesiei Held iroHrt. The- I'ln-xtci i.vhl l equipped With two luxolllli ''"NIX. ol" rtf t Olid Ihf lth"t '.lh 'I horse jutwrr .1. 1 .line The follow Iiik Im ii lint ol (he new lilHchlneiy puri'haseii in Hie Arkan MtH-ArtlHillH Coinier onikMill)"- 'on-Iiilimotl-Hand liopetlul type com rMonnl cumin ir with a cnpoiiv ur S')" cubic feel or rree air pui iinn ute; one air rpct-lvfr: ('miarnl Klectri inotoi, rupiiclo hn bora.' power "to No. ll I'linieron xttikluu pump, capi' 1 1 nun giUlnnx per iiilnutu; aim, hell xtnttliiK binex. iMiim. "tc, mul 2 poiiiuls or four mul live-Inch pipe 'llle I'lilfit Verde I'npper ciilllpali Ih iIoIiik a xrwit miiuuui nt coiiati.i (ton work. A chmigi' of form 'Hon 1- t.'poiti'd lu the drift Hum Ih" Dillon tunnel to the ) s, s s - fun t atiuft on Hi. Hull prnperty Ttio drift lum for soon Ume hpi'ii run thruh 11 mlnnrnt "'o wheh linn nlveii up soiiin IllKll gradf Ol'f III bUlll'tlxM. ullll H l preillclcl Hint tills drift in cm to a boilx of pn or). Al the t'ntii-il Vcrile H.Mi tislnti the iiiiderarouiul crew l li.-mp iin-reaxe.i ami crosxeutliiiR of tin- Ifiln1 and "ti hoillex Is hei mi don. ii icveriil point- Tile .lel'ollle V rdl I'llppel ..I'll piuiv - in 1 1 1 xiuiit ii now down - I feel L a Lu STANDS FOR Loose Leaf Ledger If you haven't one YOU NEED IT. ORDER NOW. L1THGOW M(i. Sl.itionciy Company. Tin: sin Mi:xico mit'si: l'IHM? 111.' I. lliuiU(iiillc, X. .M. m -Tift, aaaaaaaKa9aaaaaaa(l mmm I HI I