Newspaper Page Text
ALlUQTrElQUE EVENING HIIALD. TODAY. APRIL 2. 1011. 1 m it M LLIHG HISTORY of rami The Story of Settlement nnd Development of Sister Ter ritory Rends Like a Novel of Adventure. To tiiKMc imifiit'ii with ii invi' or wintry, hone tor Mm iirenmii mid (u lllie growth. Influence mill power ror ttTo ttniiomi welfare, tlu-i p in nuthlnu' mare fnijeliinttiiK ,or which iuhpIich inure inrvfiit imiil.itHm, llian Hun nkiiinr life which hn inr I in iiurimw tiro btmliiPHu of JiOnlnn other nf it Wtlilrml upltlt In ImiMiIIiik N MOW HlHlc. in toe added in the tnmtl.v or inn finl oml hiiIuii. Surd Imn heon the loyal Kiruiiulc or lUninii of the frontier ror inure thrift a mutiny enrvlin; out o mwihleui illvtmon or uneviilnred re Hlu"ii. in in i n u. miIiiIiiImk or ciitHiiicr tlin mi vu nit?, mul phyjilmil coiiilltlimx; KVilorlil, iltmnvt'i'liiK mul l wloplnu cBllh rcp.iurceii, iiliililliilf cIvlllhlK IliElttuilonii, mul neenniidltdilnu tluine thing iii'cpynry to n MilfKovirnliiK crrtnniuiiw ctilth. Thet in no lilKtuilriil pane of our country no Itltimiimd'il with ItiHtruc U mint red ax thin ot the Mate Imllil ci or thin viiHt uiwtcru ronton unit of III. Iiiiluniltuldc Hplrlt of itlniieei'M who wrought out ilnwe uehlfvctnctitH. It him hceit tin- liollcy of the fed- I'ltil Hiiveininetll to nt'RllllUc iih rrnii tliir ihkIoiin into t i rltnrlcM under un nrunnh rcdernl law. which nerved an their !' 1 1 1 1 V COIIHtltlltlOtlN, limn 'llllfi'lTlllR llIOM lllr lcnlll' tlH plHM'T of limited hi'l H.-ir-Kiivi't iimi'iit. lliW I'Slllg till' ilelllullllll' Mel III UKCIT- laiulntc their ipiiillllt i.tli.n iih a s.-l f KOvri nlm: mul ovcicIkii state, the d'd.'iiil government kIvIiib the tern mrv I'loiiiMiim mul rinmichil aid hy PHIiik siihirloM oi territorial nfllciulx, the hKlMlniuren. caiinc lor the In iliaiiHj .)u (Well an tniilUnt; tni.iinnl I n -Pto cinontK. TIiiih the cnvci nuicnt ii&iNtfil In liiiilillnu infant hiii nmti - Wglillh Ity till policy the tlllllenu nnmiiil ma ten which flrnl eoinpi In.mI I ho federal union have incrcuHeii to l? Ktal.N, with i wo leiillorleH now WlllllhK for UllMglOll. In isRs tlfo "ihniAri Stan aiMiilrel wIihi in known iih the (Jailm-n Pur i'Iihw ii irrrltorj which forninl a pfUt of the Mexiean Ktllte of Sonoru, i' hi .a I i;w uillet. long, extiiiiilhn: trom Hn i olont'lo river hhkiwiiiiI to the Texm line: an extreme width of tan in 1 1 en, I'.niiiiintiip aboui 10 ami mitime inn., or .'fc.i.Hii.uioi ritpk. Main arier (he (iHilcrin 1'tllTlUIM' the Allie1ean HIhiiih In the ncwl ariul!.Hl teirl- ir nraeii upon connrpfM the neei- for llx Niipmtite iiifianljriill"!) ilmia llemutu-. n 'iVi'iliort. The rirnt errnit to thin enii h lllllde hy I'nlleil ritateH Senator i5uniie . of Callfoi nlu. who in lni ii I'll! ill th m-iimI.' Tin pul l the t ! .item and ' til' 'l If I'll'' 1U"IVI. lir lit I ."In. ed :ll U.I ilM ..ri"i i'iiC: iiimiirixlnu very little hum-, than the reitlotl einhllKlllK the OiiiIki'II I'hi c hnie I'mler thlK hill tin terriiorv in divided Into four vntliitlfN liained .lefremon. VVaithliiKton. .Ini-Unm and Hid limillli 'I'he tlwllllli hill wiik ile lellted. (II MiH'f Miller. IS Sellillol' .lerrel miii )iivIh lutroduccil a hill (o create a Icnipniai KoVerinueiit for Ihe ter. rlt'iij or Arlzi'iia, The hoiiiiihirleM proposed rtcfc tho.Mi' of the ihuUetl l'litcliaye, the northern linilndaij lie inir Un llla river and New .Mcvleo, atid Ihe eaulern laiimilni of Texan. The hill nliti i i d Ihe Mitnc late an llx pi eilet'eisoi I III l Illher f. 1 S ; 1 . neleKllle Wlitl ol New Mexico Introduced a hill in Ihe lioitMe of reprexcntatlveH to ptovlde a tenipoiary i;overiiineiil for Allzona and fur other pill jioen," mid on Ma s, ISiia. It wiik panned hv the hoipie (in Kehinmy 20. ISOtl. It Wax panned h the Helilitc With a few mueliduientK. lu which Ihe lioiine coll cul led I III I'ehrmiry 21 It received the approval of I'icMilcut Lincoln and then became a la An ihe hill pavneil the urea ol Ari zona embraced I2a.nis liinrc iiiIIcm or TT.SSU.i'.SO iutiw. Thin area afierwm d reduced to 1 1 3. una Miiiarc mile bj coiiKieHtilui; aiiuexlUK to Ne vada that Het'thm or Arizona l)liu? hctueell the t'olorado iher and Ne vada lllll( el .llllle lllllle. The nfficliih' chaiRed wllh the or mm I hi I Ion or ihe lieu terrltor) met al Leavenworth and on September ni l out lor Arizona, coming overland hy touch with an cmi'oii or Moldierx. The pmt tnivcled via Kortn Ulle. I. allied, l.ynii and I'uloii. makliiK nlmrt HtopM at each place, reachluu Santa l-'e, N M., Noveinl er II. enlim on the jr.tll of the 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . reaelllllK Ihe Ativan. i line and elltelltlK the territory on Deccinbci mid ror- innll) Itiaiiuuratcd the kovci nineiit at .NllMiJo SprlllKH. roity uilleH West of Mill, on Ttlccilliy. iJeciflllher 2.l. A I I p. ill, the ofllcern. the cHiaiit and cltl.cim aHHcuihled mid Seoietary Itlcharil r Met 'oruilek. Ihe otator oi the iiciacliin made an iuIiIichh. hoint ed Hid (lloi In tolteii of the author lt VeMed III llieln mid look poMNen Hloit of Ihe ! rrltory, not wUIihIuiuIIiik It wiih clalnied hy the cniifcilcnioy tllleli ill milled teeesslon from tile li ilcial o i inment ). The oath of of rice wiik ailinlnlMti'il hy Secretary Mc I'oillllcU to Ihe ofllcllllx and (!lleltlnr' Moodwlii read Ills proclamation an lioiiticliiK Ihe orKmiintion tel - l itoi lul Koverililiciil. The liirtllorinl offlccifi anlved at Poll Whipple (neai 1'iiwotti .Ian iuir IT. 1ST, I. Whliiple ha villi; been estalilinlii'il about a inoiitli pi lor to their vomliiK, IM.cott wax thin IIIMile the Meat of KOVerilllielit or cap- Hal or Arizona tin l-Vliiuary .'i the iiimxluil wax dliected to take a celisllM of the while population of the ii i luiry, with a view to p(ctlnp: a dele(1te lo coiibi ws and ineiuhel-fl of the flint A flKOllll lUKimatiiru. , (in April the ftiiitainur In-aied a luix-lll lilli l loll, ileflnlnj! tc three Ju illcinl district and iiMdiinltiK the JmlKer. Ibeieto. . . 'in .Mav 2d ii proclamation ordering an ebctlon vwim hiie.l. and .ItiK IK tlw eb i lion mih held. r. H'lltlllK ill the Hilectloli of l'liiirhr I' I' i (then impel intend! til t Inn faltsl lii he ill Ii mill ( i onu ti IlleinheiK or I III IckInIiiiIm anneiiiiM nine mnuihcr foi the coiiiii II ami i fdl the ilfiKCIIlhl) (III September id thf l gmlalare convened al l'ricott and orni. a It eolitlu.ieil III MOHfilnii llllt'il N'i' her n iIpvoIIIIK Hourly all ! lt tine to rrnmiiiK mul ailuillnt i cod. lawn. The lerrllol.l wiim illvtilpil into f.nn ciuinilin, each iimiird afti-r a friend I irthe of iiiiilant-"l,lnwl Vtiftm. M" hae mill Vaviipal. spaioi While Sclll Mil).. Thtii Arizona wan horn itiirliiK the tut moll of civil war, and oiunnineil ulth a military KnnlHoii at I In weal ol Kovcl'llllieiit Tlo t.-rntorv wiih populated Klmifiely, Hot lo eVceed II doyen Hinall Heitlcnieiita, neiirl. all miiilh of the (Ilia rlVHi. The ImllniiH eiilllptlHid aboui 'in p.. cent or the population, more than hair or them hostile, or no Inclined Tiichoii. Viinin mul Tuhac ivi'p. the leadiim tn. IIIOIIlM. Thele aluo .i Rev. nt mii.iiII mllltan RtitrhioiiM. the pi. .t which hold Die Indiana ui im The While pnmilnllntl, prill. i. nil ; Was a lePkliify clmoi, eilmlunli" Ii. .mi I vfirloii Hlatitx III hldlni; from I. K. ploccH.i. other, victim or t an. I In hiiHliicHM. dome.Htic or piihli. i i. had Houuht mci'IunIoii far from loan. inaiiy who had come aa anlillern re uialnliiK on eplnitlon of .nllm in. al nlller.H of Hie plolieel Hplllt Who t.n Hired into thin unknown rnuloii unii hlK llopeH of the future. Tile pupal. i tlon wiih coHinopolllau, bat kimicuiMv Heir-reiimii, vith strotm point oi ihm-acier mul iiudoiihlcil pbvj.ii. 1 1 coviraiti . low or no iIi-oiich. bat hk nrexlv. darltiK Hi veiittire, ever lead.v to Mtaki all on Hu ll faith In the ra tine CainbllnK and HalooliH were the ilomlllatiiic Influeiiei's. Iiailets, mov ernnii ni conttactoi-M ami liidimiH com piled most or the voiiinicrclal Inter cmIh. Social coiidltloliH were at the minimum- -no ueWHpapeth. arhoolN. cbiiicb.N or rralerual Hochitlea. At In I UK and lallivatloll of the soil weie held In eheoli H the lloHtlle iltlltllde or Indian The only means of trae Wiih b HtiiRe eoach oi team. Mer chuiidlNi wiih bi.iiiyht to Yuma hy watci thence dhdrihiilcd hy Ireiitht 'iiiiih tlirouub the w.-Nlerli reitlou of Arizona, and fiom KmiHax City and Si. I .in In overland hy Irolitht ttnim for the lantern section, reiiulrlnu lv inoiitliH or moie to make the trip. wlcain ol hopo for the future wiih Die evei preMeiit missionary, who foi )uir had been IiiIioiIiir atiiouu the liuliaiis in Noathern Arlona. hiiimlnir thani io h seiill-clvlll.od condition, and u ho have over since been loal friends of the white and Mexican liopalatli.ii. Thea.. rtcit conditions which con flollled the oterllnu hand of pioneer red. nil ofllclals appointed to esiab lish a territorial niivm ninent mid lay the foiio'ltttlmi iiihiii which to hiilbl a future state. Coint- K-ialill-lied. With the convviiluri .r the flrat Arl leulHlmure n cone ot lawa waa ennct ed and eourla eMttttiHshed to (iilnilnla lei the mhiiii The silent colifllel hi tWe.ll III. b ..lis .Hid . tin. ill. l '. linn m all n "111 i I l.'Kn-n 1 ! SWEET OMNGES, DOZ, I 15 CENTS i ii. I.IIIKI' .Illll'.V Irtllloi New llerillllllil fMI i l. j ir.i pUu- I'"" i - llieakla-t I'ihmI r, : pl.u-i. rrcli ''" I 1 !. -swirr- riuih1 nn- i ir. lalih' Si-Ui. uulbiii l.'i III lh. rii'ill "o' and l.anl Mild llcl Patent IIiiiii. " H- M III ). Ili, mllfnrliln Pod. I'nill- J I 0(1 J ni-. Hi -i onion s jr. H burs IjiiiiikIv S'lap :, II t,U". Hot ti'lllb II Sii d ( li.-luu (hit Sale on all tiiui v I lilun mul (ilaxiwan I c mic I, Tin anil iahiiMlc.l I,, sale on Men - md Mm.' Mills mul SI i a v. II. ii- We hate a beautiful Hlii Men'. H-e mill Work Iiiiu a No IlM iiiipiiCHiil ii lieaali'iil It im or Men'. I'alcnl l.catb. i UxioriN, i: GASH MYERS' UNION j WM. IIOI.Ili:, 1'ioprlclor 4 i!iu anil Jll! S.111II1 M'mmiiI st. I nnd i'i i.iw and o rd t auaiiil. .1 The fnritlef v . iiialinu i , r for join . it i ii k -Mt introduced an mi as a resali .1-- ..1 . i -tin ib. 111 1 M..11K' In. lu ll. lil. out- dlnlis brink and con,-eiUeut 1 11. 1 1 n o.' lite mid propetty. Tie . ainicIki 1.' 'iroiiKhl 111. if. tioops to th( t.mi'.i' iiddlliK Un reiiM ii hiislness, .r..t. . ti-ai to lielybt.i-. fioad Mtntc.o K.cpcrs, furmerN. stockmen and iiiinuia proa- peeloi The plena HOW (lllthmiuii ill its III I Hlli' v 1 .ioed ail linpol taut Inlill ence In pabllsllluK fa. Is 1 oiicftulni; Ihe lipliiin wars ami inllllan . .p- iiiieNts. tnliiea, I'llmate, pionuss of law and order. liioieasin "!iiei to III.1 and pinpirty, ajl ill win. Ii .n if. 1! favorable coninieiit' In metropolitan Join mils of the COIIlltM al lare, r aaltiiiH in capital seeKina iii elineiit anil u rapid Imireaso of ireaxuie hunt- el In flit. '.ii xjiirs from 'be orKHiila ta 11 the lerrltorliil n..ei niueiii Ait zona ns eiiJoyltiK a public school Hya tt 111 With si llools III eei settlement, conducted ity experienced teachers, 'IK III weeklv newspaper and one dall Journal, the Atleim l)all Still I'mleriml aocliitloH w-n- establlsliii: and social iiomlltimti- ei- raiudly vrya'tillixiiiK Church, s mul Iclmlp-d litfiiiea.e lor Kliod nncliored hull drcds .r pioneer fuunlic in e-tabll-b 1 UK lloiiies lu satteiuenls and 01 farms. S. iv. .fill autall Colonies of Mormoui' dlled !n alleya of i mini and nor'.h . ru iii-' 1111. mid lusi pros id tin ' i' iinnn .iKs..ilith.. "f out iIim rl lands T . tintr-i t. ! r r IIIIi.tillK .Hull-. H'lln 111. 11 "II no i t ilntc-. Ihe asri 1 1 1 ii 11 1 ar.a 'e ' In iiltiirul bistort ol wlidt is now . an HlK lo lie ilccci t. d ..- moat pi dlllIHe itKHouHu ' '. ,11 of thi fli line iii the . iiii .iinirx . Th. luird. tlllitl. o.l' " ions.' tmier ii' p. ople m re il'i'l 1 lie- ilolt l nl Huitol'S of th- .Hid eeli l In Ihh ll.oi Hi Ihe t nil.-' tat.-. and 'un ' pM,( 11 hoon rtoiia an Ht-ll to the enllt'f ,11 id i.Blon 01 the H Tltex llm from their ,.nrlo" 1 hlstorx pi'nViKl nm,c! a state hulti. crs elaeWhcie a- no" ill AllXolla the conatl I. II. 01 of the Soutlli rn I'm trie iiiila . hi h piercwl th territory III 1" wax the moat im portant event 111 the Inatoi) of All roiia Uiipiil mi. I . h. iip triinsportn tli.ll wio the 'I. nth knell to Apnchc wars. Ihe frt -lop to developllIK th niininu mul ..ihr ueullh lusourcev, the lit. ..( . ..miiieree ami late catn till sc. kniM invcatmciitH, the iiiiiid Krowib .0 p.ipulnlloii and the mlulinx auri' ulli.ial and slock inilliatt lea. Hie I il'i'l 1 lleclalnuil. llehol.l Ii. r oil lesei t iireaa re claimed (,, the uses of aKilculture. hi'ith nllm. mid other fruits or the -miiI. .v.i. dm one of seed lime mid hiiMi-t n ptoiHietlveiicsa rlvalltiK the lanioa- .ille ot (he Nile. Ihh. .1.1 ihe nmiiiotitii i"srvoltr -vst. m- ( ..11-trui ted f(r collservlllU stiov mul ralnnill of inniinlalii rnnui. to la nxi.i in the t eclatuatloii of mil lions oi acies or desert lands, thtia prmiillnK lioniea for thoiisanila of fatnilii s. stlellUlllelilllK fliftn life citi zenship, to which add ihe utilization of this conserved mountain witter In k. in ratlim motive power fur rhetor ics and mines ami railway and mu nleipul service. Heboid now the population of 20 - ...... .....l..o... It... l.i .......... M.toa 1. lid Htm, I'llli'l I'. i"h ' . . .laiiKlitciM mi native ftithers and tnothers: the sous ami ilnunlitcts of 1 every Htntc of our federal unbiii. iiian of them leavliiK their lar-away eastern homcM, "weeplnc. hetirliiK precious seed " b it now lejolcllli; III llle harvest of their sowlllK. These pioneers, the pride of the families whlcliKiive llicm birth, were con trolled hy Hie aspirations and purposes -thai or huildliiK a Mate. Couiukcoiis. aelf reliant, with un fllnehlm; ilelermluatloii to achieve ami mould their hopes Into IIvIiik facta, t tiiy-- pioneer heroes anil heor- lues have absorbed and appropriated In charncier huildliiK Ihe power of the forces tin have inercoine. The character wrmiKht hy theai fathers and mothers of pioneer life me ami will continue to he mani fested in the native-born Hons and dauKhieia oi Arizona, which will civ to our lomuioii i aintry the best and noblest typo of uiaiihnod ami woman hood. Mere la sucuesteil a significant fact Character Is the result of thought; thiamin is In a measure the result of observation, especially of physical sin ronudlima. Heboid these conditions in lowering nioiiutalns. Il limitable plains, mighty ciwivhih goi'Mts ami other natural phenomena Heboid a laud or vltallzlim and never .'Maine: suuahlne; the torrential ruins With unprecedented liBlllullIK lllld thunder, llle lleaxenU scenoi v .(r the lilKbt AM -f aIik Ii .iwak.u and in "title lui. initiation. lo. mid adoration i . ig III. Mill,. Ittftllug, I'nstlni. I.w ' .1' l 11. 1 ror 1 in - a 1 1.. 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 i selllltiietil 1.' lai.. iiielellom' Hated Hi tie 1. I'.pment ol tin .bn lielci ol niaa . -m il la III. ctti. 1 alllp ! viii. 11.11 ilalwart pi. .10 . r and th. it iif;.i tils Thi-ae ,ir. s.un. or the Jewels th plolle. l balld. rs of Ihe state ileselll 10 out ' oiim'caa mid ti.ieat iltld hopi th answer will he the omin.'im . iiltii ol Arlznufi - The Kartb INTERESTING OF ALBUQUERQU MAP E THIS TIlsT Ol' .Mlllli r. .Mhiiiii(iipie People Are l.ltcu Con luclnu' Prool'. No better teat of mil article can be utari than the lest of time ami tbla la particularly true of a kidney incillMne. Moan's Kidney Pills have aloud tills teat ami stood it well What better proof or the mortis of this rein cd could you demand than the stale incut or an Alhtiitieriiie lestilctit who has been cured and has slajcd cured'.' Head the following: Mra C W. Iiavce. Ill 7 S. A run St.. AlliuiUiM'iiie. N. .M says Doau's Kidney I'llls have been used In our home with such positive results that I cannot pralsil them too highly. Hin kadi., caused me a ui cat deal of dlsi milfoil ami I knew that It arose from disordered kidneys. The doctor told nie I wiih Hiiffeiliig from Iddney complaint lint I wiih unable to get re lict fioin his medicine. I'lnallv I com iiii need Kilting Moau'H Kidney I'lllH mul they removed every ayinploin of nn trouble. Oilrlng the three yeara that have slnne ias.ed I have had no reiuin aliaak of kidney trouble. Kor Mtl by nil dealera. Price (SO ceiita. I'ostor-Mllbiirn Co.. Iluffiilo. Ni w Vork, solo ngetllH for the I'nlted States. Hctnomhiii the name Doan'H anil take no other. Drawinc' of Townsitc Recorded in July 1882 by J. B. Rnndell, in Office of Pro bate Clerk. An liivoMtmcnt of tsu In one of Ho .s- lots In itelly'H Addition to the bualni'SM center of the town of Wllf. laid on tonus of J I down ami $ I per ttcol;, without Interest or taxea Is bet ter than I in tun away In a wiMiium bunk IP siller, stm r. and will la the pulng Investment. IW'cnimc uf froiptutit napiesta made hv aHoi neys mul real esltito tiifn du ll Inok ni tlio nrlKltinl ntiip of Hio liiwit nl Alhititiirn,uo. A It. Wnlkei. pnilmte clink, lilts dug out tint lira: oillrt'.il ilrawltiK ol ilio tuwnalto ami liua pliu eil H for ciiiiviinlcut roforcnc" The ttiiii waa drawn hy ,1 II. Handed and llhid (or tecord on .Inly I, lss:'. I wenty-elglii yenrn ago. The tiiti(i coll Itilna Mtitite two dncn ailvurllHetiieiits of inetclitintH mul htisltieMH Imiises tit oNlatence lit thin lime. Neatly all Hie iiilvcitlscrrt are dead and gone years tigil anil lite basilica eliteril'Uen wliich ihey I'Stabllslicil are ltd tiune A sillily or the map Is IllleiextlllK The hiaiiiilarli'H uf A1liii(iiertiie at. llM'il ill Hull llllte have cntllltltleil lit Inrce with hut one in two hIIhIU cliaiines Alliiiiieriiie III ISS2 w.ia II WlllleltleNH of vaiuttit lulu If .1 It lltlllilell. llle engineer, wild compiled Hie map. vvcie to ii();i Into AlbliipiC' ipte tuiliiv he would ilonhlloHH Iih cult slileniblv sttipt'lHi'il lo fee tile vacant liiis iloiied with modern InislnesH hnlldlngs ami home. A com ram of the map of 1S2 ami ol the map drawn hy .1. U l-nrwcl In l'.WS U aluo tie cidedl.v inleniHlliig. Mr Waltier, wliti was lit AlhiKinor (tto at the lime Itmuliill ltitnlo Ihe orlglnttl map of the towiifilie, In very ftiuilllni whh coiiillllotiN (xlatliig in Unit time anil wan Hrs(intiMy at (itiiiltitud with neai Iv till tlio Itiwn wlio mlvertlH'i on the iiiup. Tlio ifxpiiiiHi' of diawln.; and puhllHliliig Iho uuin was eovend .noKlly li tin uo of '"e vci 1 1 icllieili r 99c 99c SALE Bargains of Exceeding Merit Tomorrow Only at 99c You'll admit when you see the items that this 99c sale puts all our previous efforts in the shade. If you know and appreciate good value when you see it, don't fail to be on hand tomorrow morning early to get the cream of the picking. The following will give you a partial idea of the many attractive numbers awaiting your selection. . . Good quality Lawn Waists, worth to $2.50 SPECIAL TOMORROW, 99c All Leather Hand Bags worth to $2.50 , fi SPECIAL TOMORROW, 99c House Dresses of good Ging ham, worth to $2.50 SPECIAL TOMORROW, -99c Kimonos made of Lawn nnd Cotton ChnlHes, worth to $2.00 SPECIAL TOMORROW, 99c Children's Dresses, Gingham or Percale, worth to $2.00 SPECIAL TOMORROW, 99c Muslin Underwear, consisting of Skirts, Drawers, Combina tions, etc., worth to $2.25. SPECIAL TOMORROW, 09c 6-inch Cut Glass Nappies, worth to $2.50 SPECIAL TOMORROW, 99c Hand Painted Plates, worth to $2.00 , SPECIAL TOMORROW. 99c Good quality Bed Spreads, worth to $2.25. SPECIAL TOMORROW, 99c Nottingham or Swiss Ruffle Curtains, worth to $2.50 pair SPECIAL TOMORROW, 99c Brass Jardimevs, worth to $2 SPECIAL TOMORROW, 99c Infants shoes, lace or button, plain or patent, or patent with fancy tops, sizes 2 to 8, worth to $1.50 pair SPECIAL TOMORROW, 99o Sterling Silver, 3 piece Mani cure sets, worth. 1 .50 SPECIAL TOMORROW, 99c Colored Pettifjonts, worth to $2.50 1 SPECIAL TOMORROW, 99o Woolen Dress Goods in mix tures, two tone effects, etc., worth to $1.75 yard SPECIAL TOMORROW, 99c Hand painted or Burnt Leath er Table Mat"-, wovth to $1.50 SPECIAL TOMORROW, 99c Burnt Leather Post Card Al bums, worth lo $1.85 SPECIAL TOMORROW, 99c 'tr 99c SALE TOHORROW ONLY SUE WINDOW DISPLAY osenwa 99c 5 ALE TOHORROW ONLY SEE WINDOW DISPLAY