ALBUQUERQUE EVENING HEKAtD TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1011. k K SPORT HOW THEY STAND. National League. W I. I Vi. 'i :: .Mm .iiif. ;i i; .cud I ; .100 r. ii .nii! i in ..-so n - ..ion I'lillinlelplilu I'IhhImii-r X'ow Voil, (Jliltmgo (Jlhiiliinail llostnil llrnolflyii Hi. I.oiiIb .. American L'eaci'uc. Dot roll jR" .Vow Vork T U'llHlllllgtOII V, i.. 'i 7 7 7 11 It I'd. .e.sti .Mi .50?) .60U .m .207 yillKtyo IlOgiflii Plmniieiiiiitd Olovnliuiil Si. I, mi In a i Western Le.-iouc I'ci. .m .750 .r.ri: , .ar.c ... ! in .)Oll .lot i aluu.N C'lty l.llllMlltl fhjiivnr . St. .lufii-ili Topokn lien .Molni'H . I i WHERE THEY PLAY. National eatiuc. lliiKton at lhilailuliliia New YorU at llrooklvn. Cliiolnniiil at I'lilniiyo. St I.ouIh nt I'ltishiiiK. American Le.iijuc. (HlliriiKO at Clevelliml. ' Detroit at St IoiIh WodhiiiKlOli at ItoHton. I'lillaileliilila ai New Ynrlt NOTICE. tot') Iiiin linn rli'ciiliileil that the i 1 1 hl-li iii nl' altalla U rail-eil h ni) IhmIii- itii'iieietl tho market. M. iihi I't.r liu wry i'linli'cl, lli -l I'uitlims, In lulu, t,'. i alfalla. line leimtl, haled dry, I- M'J.Ml per ton, Tlie li.rls an'. I did not Inlenil in hieak In on Hie loeiil inaiki t, Inn In older in n'fnto ilio story luno eon. eluded In do sit. I Im '.V. ton. rur Mile at ahotit liller. i. K. ii. .si:i,i,i:i;s, '.'11 . I.ohl w, '(, Htltt. No. t Alfalfa. $12.50 per ton. E. W. FEE. Her our ! nHltlng wlmn iloi'i tlw Alrilutne uimir,' - :. -CO , lJfr t r5S Sky pieces! The latest models! Monoplanes Biplnnes You can buy plain, conservative styles or the most extreme novelties of the season. All Right in style, right in price, right in quality. Cloudy shades or Sun shiny! Whichever you prefer. Hawc's Three dollars! Stetson's Four Dollars up. While you're pondering the hat question don't forget the main part of our business is fine cloth' ing-i The Washington is the Best M. MANDELL OF INTEREST TO THE FANS owner .)t-M of V uhIiIUh-Ioii, In lio KllllUlIK t llRlllc lip till' at tin' lit! inuhl inly fin 7.UOU Whatever Hnlil Hliirr Im. ir that much more than liu Imh Riillon fnmi hi V. liter JuluiMiiii lnvatiiu'iit ii J . to dnt- Am ii mutter of fuel the Idaho l-Viunn hn IouIunI WoMM tllllll Mil) Hlablllllll nil M. Alecl H payroll ti fur and imIohh lie Marts n th. correct trull lit mi early ditte, llloal or Mini JT.iinu mil p. In swell .lollliHon will win ii lot i.l Kami' lit--for., the atfimill In aver lillt hr'a Kt 1 1 an u Intn Marl. lie worhrd invnintu Huston in hl.i ) llel nl Kl bumped for I I lilt Mil M Mltlllll WUllupillB ( yiinil trtmnititrjj in ilue eer nfcihmuu hut ne Win limited in edge n.u k Into tile rlulit pathway hi next apppurflni'u. On Atiimlu) .r I.iki Meek he lucd Mill I'hnae'M htiHtlltiK Yunlin mill of alt tile pHle ( ell linil KMIIH'K. John- mi I i'k plulilnu wiik th. iiltlmnti- limit. JIMMY ARCHER, WHO WILL Ii l uriHiMl .llueW Arihur, ' Ktop, Hint Finn CImimw wtH to r- , buiuinm th Ciil limc-liln in actltr i ).'ar , An her will a(iit Ullo the ithttte of! '.Inliii KIIiik n hiiie ttn ' plgo It) lllK." ' r..t .lohii Rllllk'. ttlj mlh John I 811 V j .iiik He boan tiie tMekril inim lie a vimr iikO. and If no lnllrr thl kimiiik l.tttt I'rhhiy, In the llerii! iiiul mux! I'Mltlnw huttle ..f Hi i I nun the inviiiHhiB John fell down ' h'ir.l In Hie ninth Wttunur h the llrst lllilii im. and .Melntlre lllltl MPIlt IWiil ' utrlrieN m'r the ilnte He flanhul Upl ii fiiih-hi'ititiiK dttut mill W'agnur xuiiiii: 'I'ho h.UI tliifd hit) lint, Allot lino KIiiik" mitt, hiiuniloil ami rattle ii.iuml i m n it t . . tuiiiezifl r v ."it. althoiiuli Kllnu maile anotlier Ktah at It, n lite .lll mil to the Kroiind till thr next erfort W.iKiier Hi'iatrhed a hit il'.nn low iii'.l Mimrt ami heut It The YankH not only huiuimu'ed him fur .i total or '.'1 Iihhi' hut In he pawed nut two wild pltehoH. ue vent to four paw" and a)4.-.l Kd Sweetie) on the Hlllti hum. He innk ed like Mimie wild htixhcr with a world r Hpeed Jiiwt hreiikluir In and the few pi'K he nirde within reiifh or the plate wire piomiitly tired hack t. tin far lornerM of Hie yard. .1 far It !ian hueit a had Hnaxou for K(arn. The ftiet tlmt ,ohiiiou, .Mnth ewiom. t'oomliH ami VViihdi all lout I heir opoiiltiK Kttinei l Miuii. tlilnt,' Tor the bun to liulliler on hut a queerer part ( it ttll l that all nmr wcru hatted ami hammereil t a pulp. Tin. were all lilt ho hard tliat If any one of the hint hen Jinn hrealdn In tinue would hase mien it traiiHfor waltlmr for IttiHlitown by lllMlltfilll In their four opening naniOn thl Kt fat quartet outlined almvii yUitded all i.Vell fill hlixe llltf. ail ilVnl'llKe Of owe li 'ipleee. J MoUiiiw'm (IIhiiIh i from Philadelphia hint week ll Piiddor hut a wlr-r tram. Iltirtdofore the tllnntu hi.M' titled the 1'hllllen for wiiiiiiIiik: Up pliriioMin. Tile) expected to do about the Name thht )iar. To ditto Hli') have faeed ..rilll'K men ill foil- K-uiieH ami throiiKh the :n: iuuIiirm IliUe run IIP the uiliNMlve tutiil of two rtiiiM, or an iivcnin. of Vj inn pur i;ame With the VanUn heatmu llm Atlilelm three xlralMlit and thr I'lill lien HlunuiUK tlm tilaulM r.nil Mtraluhl. Hie dope worked almoHt exaetly at level He tMluh'M. Those four wnllniN in a nw put an awful crimp In .Mi tlr.iw h .iiIkhiiiI liitintlou to eel oir with a ihkIi and an early lead, fnrelUK hn pt'oph hm k nli. a rut rtoin the outs I I I'lieS (hut wild I'hlllle- . in, . ,i elll. lml tlnv uh.lmit.te ,IK I iinii ii fitKier hull team tliun . ii ...-l M ..IIK anil ai l' Mill ,i fa. rir Home tinii tn i en, i i .i .III til. ilV. j Still e tile cll('S (jtine oil llf ll t'llii! nevernl ilnya nitn. Hn hi. III...!. ....I.... .1.. I... I I I " . i hwiiip iikiii up 1111 Iliuuei i Hi") have tlii'lr way. thry'll pi u,, n i Krapplo with (lie TluoiK (in Hie "n" .iii.iK iinwovor, inn dcimiii imh nave (( K0 Htiirt ami m. - v ln ti Yi.i.hi'n uaiiie of .". in II mhuiuI more Hi... hiifth.i 1 tit If lilt until it t Ii , a liitith. hciwoun profuHHloiuiln l.ut 'Hon. iijoh. am) (lartynor mmK. .1 t hall with tflw ami Cohh hwit h aionu l l lie illamnml m m,tt0,,. y , iillinimhi ii wiih a Iniiioh of l.i.U ..niv. Iiik nin o' cat Tim I'l-llioh-liililH National, looKod . M'tilfniny nut II Mm,.,, m,, ,, , It I H Willi ll 11 till flUlill It... .. II . ... I' i 1 i luiiuor or iwn lie knocke.1 n. i , III HI'OIU ,iepl(n hilt nwil iw.. . ( SANTA FE APPRENTICES BEAT SAN MARCIAL CLUB Tin- S.iin.i K. Aiii. iiiei . M'hti Kl.i. lion, their i nlKpi .Maielal Ihomjli Hit hn , ,. , Willi a mm Kin or inn foui ., ilii'lr roilli iikiUiihi tlicii ni . MOtmiitn ihuy feel thin their u icior . eniiipleie MatiHu . i him iuikc out htmliiMt tutitl ci ' lorm ami feiile He mild 1 The AlhuiUii iii. Aiirt.MH k telle ,t---(tllt Ion .trovoil ton niucli the Kan .Miiri liil dlt) Icnni Suml San Mmcliil wlunlim In a lam -hy th. Mcnre or lour to th ' .i.lilltl(OK ilavo, hli-li ehms thioiiKhoiit ami gliouril niueli ..e STEP INTO KLINGS SHOES out KIiiik miMxeit Miller' bunt There wax u ttliu- wtien ICUtlg wim loiiketl upon mm the Kreutuat ixtckftop in nh..e lentil, r. but lit he4l oUtNITW tun bod), and Archer, who hd tieen pleldd iii b I'hiiner n(tvr llttffh Jen nlnprn let him t"t nwny. itiid hi .mil pluKCeil hIoiii. ArellBi' did m well that with tllv Hel)i of Necdhtim hiuI .Mnritn. KIIiik who lioeoininii k iniuiory Ai her I not only a spl.iMli.i uli'ht?r, but lie In u VAlmfblf uitllt man. He ciflti do g atuilt ft liit l. i ne.enMiry. aUUotigh Ills fiiiinU nv r ehilmvil he 111 dcvolop into a ll ii t'hUHl. In adilltlon to Ii (lfOjjtve hI.iI.iv. Arehrr Ik btlr tllan thr uv.-r.iu with the itirk. Ho hit IS lam whirl). n thv ttKJtt nt the .V.itl.n. leHU'lle'M pom hHtttllK, W.H IiIh'i ellolix:! for ("huiiee hue. lt- niniTKeiiry man iiitre III a whlh. "lien .1 lilt K'llH needed. foi in tliun lli 'lr oiipoiu iilH Hiiiiliti. tni' Hit appiilitii-ei pitrli. ed a brilliant xaiiie lilkliif: out 11 lin n. walkniK otu . and allowliiK Inn two hits off hi dell voi y. Iluliiu at Hluiruinp, I lowland nt second and Ooii.iih ai third iltitmrvn Miinrlitl iiieiiilon lor kooiI. rnnnlHt tttit bail IiIhvIiik. whllo C'liavo.. Riituluir, phi) ed III" iiHiial nnil, el roiloHH uiinii' Vroiieltii. Cut iurrux ami Wiolh rowr. ml the onilli'lil in grt'iit uliapo, Wiolh lieliic oHptrlally hiioiik at hat "Ctirnii at first plnyuil a k(mI nm . ami waM crnlltiMl with a purfvft a tiller hit Itlx lli'Hi time up at Ikii "Ah lor San Alarclal, the) wi in nlmpl) unahlr to connect with Hm -linn dnllvory, while tliuli plirlior ai lowed iilovrii lilt ami walkml tliiw, Hm Apiuoiiilcib liaviiiK Hirii hattlnn cloilmn on. The wrallior wiih iinrfcct. and a Kooil crowd lunu'd mil to mh Hi" gaum, which wiih hIiiiii and niiiipiiy, IiihiIiik our hour ami fnrty-llvo mlm lllOH." The Appitttitlci'ti will piohahl) pliiv at llolon next Siiiula, .May i.lh 'IV v di'lraloil Helen ai Alliiiiiiiiriur on April lillli YOU NEVEH CAN TELL ABOUT "LEADERS" Wllill rail lie llle olijei'l of llic Now .Mexico DnmocratH in WaHliltmluu In nlliunpilim to hiuilrr iho piiMaitii ol htatrhuud lor X w .Moxlio? 'e un ilersiooil thai DrmoiTiilH ami Itehiile lleaiu nlike wantt'il rtiali'lioiul mi 1 thai nftei the lluhi In Santa I'n liuili Hhleh wiif wHHiik to nlil'le iiv ihi' ii' Milt ami pull lOKethei tor th.' nm Hiiuu Mii'unh waturd town, xl.iii liood lla d (Ml) Sown WAIT FOR OUR GREAT FIRE SALE. Which will lake place soon, when wc will sacrifice that portion of our slock res cued from our recent fire consisting of thousands of dollars worth of Furniture of all kinds, Rugs, Carpets Linoleum, etc, slightly damaged t r th i m w i i 1 1 ii him Mwimrrrl"MM' " ri rrrn m 1 f MMMMsmsMMmMMMMMWHi These goods will be marked at prices which will move them quickly, as they must he out of the way before our new stock arrives, preparatory to resuming our business as early as possible. Date and place of sale announced later The Futrelle Furniture Co. SPRING FOOTBALL IS NOVEL EDICT (California School Tries Un - prcccdcnted Stunt in His tory of College Athletics; Big- Squad Turns Out. I.oh Aioii'l.f-. i a I i .Mu -1. Spring i Hnll prii. tut- .Mix the edict which i III nut ut III.' I" S. i' luw nellnol Mind uhiii 1'npiain Slaniiina or deied ull nicmbelv ..f lout ymr' UK by l mini in report tw ptMCtb at l-'ieatu iMIik. M', all men win. w lnh ii erutin In tr, nut for tiext Hell OH'x VmlH rtei. HiMml to ceur. UH from i.. maniiuWrnt and t..n the iiouad. Th in rtiMl time in th htatni) ..r i.iiHl tioiteBc athh tliv tlmt MpHlIK punt tl(t0 ee11 HttHOI't- 4 and lia rcmilt will k wutcbfd vitii kan tnurHi i. in turrtf or tin tdMklil KKItx' HinoMi the dtrrii.iil tollugmi. AlMt flfteell lll.-IHKII f luHl nun- vtctornxiK Kiigw iram r-, o.i- d ifn ! call. Mild DMirl.v ,i ibix, ii ii"W rMrltii m r. f hand ii iin ttrat prartb. li m $M.otrtl thin t tKJid Mill rep. n I I'ur rn Ii' tin." HlIM M Week for th.J ftaJaili , ut Iin ; amnriHor'. nnu in mre nie mini'ni i .i ji'Mtlon wt In ciMi-al pra-.'ii.. khiih. 1 will Hk"l bi i I u -' t bijtwt'i ii ih.- iin' 1 1 1 ter and ll. I .on Ana. luali , p'hoi.i tiftei n i ,ii h Xoi.i. ..i me I 111 1 1 la l.liU ;.. !,. .Ullllbil ,nl . i). ' mrliiK i'." 'iiirti. BIG INTERSCHOLASTIC i MEET IN PENNSYLVANIA ! I'lithidelpln.. Mi. . i.- T.i . tv of cnn- v . . i, ,i u m v , mi , una I iBifrt '..i. t and 'iick tir cti'tilHi i i.i) nice hi , i ' . i HpiilU on ruinkilii ltt!l I'Hilav ulle of th Kreiileat Jatn.-nn.; riaaay iithl. i. inul, tn ivi ' hiomfht t.u. in.' ni Aijiiirnn i. . ilaiion i.i Hi. .. unify ui ntcil in ti" iin "i eim'lwi. The m.'i I tub ear !ielitl.d m ml all tin uhuhI ti.Kk auU Mold . .iu om-in i if i'i'iii lines fur ilirtfi.n. clatiee ol eidli'Mi Mill the .ill.- and r..ur-tiiile iiHiiinuil robo ili.n. pti'imhiiui. it wiih laifuly tin ' auallliit the nml, Mild Iddiiute alar uM'iinat (f uad r ' .i.'te Kwirl M.'i-) Unyrroliegi.' Hampton ol limh (hp ortHt ami : ' rt Wlta Hllteri-d ICilwurda, Ho .Mt ottftuililon ' ' ' i. r met i -1.11.11.. In, ut VjUJe, f ,.,, , , lidinplnii Win-noil Wins ill the Jump atjuinm lt..i.eita iir Ainhuivt. tl twaU'ru ului in iiii.ii Tim wijtinj eh- m Idoit lr wuilter Murfjhy of IIIIii .im. coinpcind wiih ilurdhjjr nt llarxari uml liulnuin ni Dartmouth, in tie .dint tht. Itern ohiun blnil, Win. pitied i Kill Horner, liu. -iiKtrrn uhaiuploii ' As In prewmiM la.-es tjn iolay raoneT iitiiimieii ih. nttnntlun. Tho i-onlmtiintx m tin- ruljiy uhaiiiiui n nhipti lu. liiibil llurvaiil. l'i.i iu i '. I'rJIiit.-toii. 'iii'.i.i, Mluhigan. oti- Hanie and I'. nnsxivanln u iju n. mile. 1'ili.i.b.i. I'nrnall, lliu.ird. I'KtJIlHVlvaniu inul VMrKflda in the t.i mile, ami I'nie . inn, f'nfnj)l, l' hums I- Vli Ilia Mild N"lle l'Hiita In tin I' i inlle. Ilahy u .ii l uiler ixa iim'.- ii. IU1 Lit'- i ! Ulectrl. iii.ihI. V dol' ,-.o. I it 01109, n H(.iH ilk(. ' ' un tciici niH a- hai .mm; SPEEO STEEDS ARE INARMING UP : Several Stables of Horses Are Already on the Track Get ting Into Shape for Classy Race Events of Fair Timfci Ii l.mkM iif ir iiii'i'e w it iixlnn to be iii fat iiinutiiK at TriH'tlon l-alll. thlK 'h iIiiiIiik rail lime, Judg tnK by th.- dlnph') "1 Iin:-". rienh tluil l alreaU) evident un th truck. Lo cal hnrxe ..uiieiM nre wiirmlnit up tin ir rp' ed Hii'i'ilH. and Mi'itinu iim i lna "ni r ili. lr muarli'M ai Him .trl ilutf, and from the a the) bit iin track, tt tonka uh If Hi. r u..',l.l 1.. H'.iuethttlK tn oiii'h ni" n. , n durlna fulr woik. siierin ri.if-nii ,.f Santa I. Ih esipri-ii'il in Uif " un day now. with III hIh i.b' ..r tli'.ti.uah'i fd. Thn lb-i-will hi- chii. - ndna lu re fair .'k .- -." ' 11,1" ' .i doubt V ItltdWN VI'I'DV MtlilT t l.AM-N , KlMlllt'l'liin h,l'.s U'lill.- i. tuklnu xtm-k of 'oi-hun. xh.'iilil not rorgct J' i line Iin. I. nil. hi. t'KiMt( led 4 qlltte tltfTll ill loi'lll tame. thoUb tl Ki b. bml ur- ihtinii. In Immi't much mi laitM win ii 't 4 i nieo to phi) Ilia ut th.' iiad. i'nli mime AlthiiUKl. Albert stii.h am Iin. .i hie Job up In Hantn K. , In- bud the oppoiintlll ul th' ieaHUum' imnortunUv tn ; mio th gam mom any dav. n be ."tlelU urnund tbi I'.iplla in I doion't HU. ,i iu at ull wn.i. T. xax ahoula for turn in n.n and piuy. and' down In ..I. St. l.m.lM where AnhrUfcerx fmii"U- in w la. thfre'n a rlnniuu .mi- tiait rtntiy rr bin mmi. but b tb lia right to. Ma work a .. v n eriiuiHiital ol.ii'k, and otii tuk.H to kimtball iiuw uml then. II. hllK lUltf ll'fiWod til IfHM "ri al(houh lhe uhiii him Iim.i a ul .shivvupnrt. and hen In ib" niumi at man) bn ball town.. i nit In- atU'kx l hi typewri'e, With btH fate u liltl. brlKhtei. lor tin IickIIik ol St I.ouIm ti'Hlu ,.i llr"Mi DELAYED LITIGATION WILL BE SETTLED SOON v M M.i Tni In XI I. rill i' ib 'li-li. ".nt for ,i. in , miiitv i"H i 'I. in. HeithiiK nf a huh that I. II'. " ' I ' 'linn. I... lllll'kct lOI nl'l' thin- wi .. timi of T It ('atioii or Siintn I-'. aauiiiHt the I'lalmaiitH to l.iudn mi the Mm ii ttraul. The Hillt la to iiiet title and warn I1lml at I no tin..- .Mi ration iurchieed the uraiit. It liaf never imii Imiusllt to trial. Jlldft' I'litlVllo .1 Hi.lierta IlllUOIIUUud tl) open tourt Hint In a olltt allow lily attorn.') inter, hi il in Hm uat) lv ii'ionthn in uhn ii t.. Ket rirnil) fur trial. Debt) im mat tlnin Mill nmiit tlie dlaapprnvHi the Judur, wli.i ta mixluu1 t" lean from the dUtfHat till Ih. i'm ..i I'.iik atamlliiK ltlT wilcli it liu t . ii "iiiuiubi tor npa. iMbu- I Tni 1 1 . .ti i lam. "ti-eet urrhla wrm int.. a m 1 - ' p mid luked for a quarter ' a i.'.iinil of (till. Itl.ieli or K li."' Inqlllli'l In. xl"- . i ii ...'Hiri mutter, mUi, i i - - .r "i 1 1 i i.i mi i i i . JAPANESE BALL TEAM SLATED FOR MAY 14 In" .Iiiuikhi lliiKclmll h,iii mlir 't ' im the out) pinleioiiomtl ,la,iam.'M' l.iiei H In till' win Id. act urdliii; o lien itiiiioiiiu'i'iiii'iitH. ennt linn iIki, .l lillcHqilrty vi-rhoHe iilinniitireiurntH hat iho) will play hrrr on Siimlii) I .Ma) tl. Thry lll Iravr I.oh Anarh-H mi thr ninth, phoini; tiallup on thr Ihirtrrtuh, I .an Vrjjtm on .Momlii) thr IIItctinllMltalnii on TiieMilay and Wril iii'Hdii), whou tht' will tilt to Trlnl ilnd. I'lielilu and other tmllrlnn mr tropoll Tlie arc Hollriioiialx opponoil to betllK ruuflleud with thr Wimifilll nut vrralty tunni from Jiipaii which la tourliiK Aniqrlun -for thr pruHunl." and inalat that thrlrw Ih ii atrlrth Hctni-prnloaaioniil ulaiiilliiK Wll.l. IAKK ItA.N-s I'l.ttt li I lull. I I li I.' i'i 1 1 1 fi'i.'i v , 'i.'V'iw- 'I hat l lb.' Iiilliiiatlun l. Hen ilui Im a lla-elnill tu- of s.iiiln l'i, In lleauril in Thai ..nilci lul 'ream I Tlli')'ir (.ol t'p Tlii'ie. Tin-re I more iiniHe 'inina from I'", mi account ot th. live banc b.iii i. . m thui apruna int.. xiHiunoe up iheri than la uauull) inadi when tlie balaliitum la in HfHviou Tin1 pi'i.mUi of aM(Jl niiiMot'oii nf haar mill ri.nn H rapid bunch li ilinuina on the .urn or local ball twa with un i .i.iua I nr.. . Now i nines om AJrt Clancy, long Him . ii mted on th tbdd fo: hta ir.M'MH .mUi the attok nnd ab.v. . .md d I h my tMt h Iiiih n bun. b ni- i,ii-n lMI will make linn I'aililia . i..'4cfttl flrok look Hki the ari .. uiaanlH nf Wial wmr'm bit'M insi H.oip PariairMi nrt Manatra, vi.i. ber lf'aay, l.opn, rs FVyt, nli 'in ih. ISIMaliaiY. flrxt tiHH. man. I! riii.i.lin.'lll (IHahi aiiad hue man i. XmtfnMU, third baneinan; vian.i ..i I'lanntr, rttort atup; Korh. iwht it.'ider: Wye, crnu r floldar. I"). Audi i. oi, left Uahler, ct oatcra, rt i will make Dan pray end aw-oar ii ml make oatha unrfar ha brvath Th. . b. iii ii btff baaabftfl mvlval at Sniitn Vc luat Inght. and iifbr ntv irK tb" leuni n aid arnii off elecUMl ibiir iiuinuai-r There will he twlv in Hi, i I'll ! hen they arrive Sun day A I. "ill baker declaii'H IIihI Ii llilH ll. Ill wiled fnl .1 ilOei i.uriH to fred the Me.,rn after the K.ime f.. Vtir IHtAW Tills SI HIT tl 'KH'tXii: M'llV atiod j.iti I ..pen tor tn"ti. who can run itntoura and bi" .inaa H. ellniu, wliUHiHt. the pl'rt l"i lopo- araphi. draftamen rnniMliud in th nitll'.uiircmcllt' recfUed fluin W'HSll maton bt feilert. I oUicera lodiu The I 'nlted Kiat civil mirWoa ("ininiHab.n uniioun. ttn t.yninlnnHon -ii Ma- St nnd s. 101 1, to b hald ai v.iilnuH phtciw ihioui.'houi Hie I' ulted Statea rm lllllitc pimltbuiH on topomaphle dr..fuman and copytat t'lpoRiaphu draftatnan at aaiarlva from Jfloo to $j&fni per annum. 'IV coniiiilMaion hna thr iltlllrulty In HK-uriiiK a autlU'ivut number f tll tsliilra tit the paat and qnallHc-il nr Minn are uiKr.l o rntvr thhi oxainlwa llon Aipllinilloii hbiiiki. and furthar In -1 fnnimiliui mm In m cured hy apply ing I., the arerrtai '. of the twelfth civil service illnlrii l nf San Pram-laco, fHllfginla. or In the lo. . I civil cr- Vice '. '. Inry in till" ' ll) .Iiiki for inn tmilKhi (Srm PERMITS TO SMOKE Can Be Obtained at 206 SO, SECOND ST DURE SPORTING GOODS CO WAGON MOUND GETS LUMBER COMPANY Businessmen of That City Or ganize a Company to Own and Operate Planing Mill; Stock Sold. WiiKon .Mound, -V. nt!,. ,M.y -'. The new company which i- in own ami .ipi'tnt. thr js:.,oi!)n hk mill tor thia city, wan orftajiix'-.i at tin bank U'ednatKiM)- mid. ft.iu Hb.i.eH ..i "tork rre aubacrlbtMl for Oillci-rs and director were .h-itei! th ...m- puny win named, and Hi. ipnr.i- llou papula w.-ie approved Th.i plant will be road) Im bii" mw n minn aa I he hulllliliK nin in . reel il 'I'he lieu orjunlsiiiii"ii will b. known a the Wagon AUu.mi i.iunnnr .mi Aluniifai'liii'liia loiurNiii) Tl." ..II cei-H ar. J. ft. Ajtullat, preMi.t. nt. in K. A. XurtkWood, i.'.'-i.i ' -ild.'ii' Wultnr Urepnwood, i leiafv ii ,. general manncuM'. Th.Hf w"h MarArthur. ljp. Murtun mid Y'orrnbera. coiiHlltnl. rln h..,i'il ..i Uln-ctora. (irouiul for tlto build I ni Ikui tn -amcurrd from the raili-iauj '.,ni...n; . Houtii f th dpoL. 'fwo humiiin rei of aide track wilt have to i. laid, work nil Which will Urt ' IWi'l'. AHHHIl ;ni UVXltS AltU W'lTHItltAW.V I'ltftJI IJXTin Wunhtnalnu. Mil) 2. tH'rr atriH of publli' Ixtida orllrved t underlain b) coal, in Mvufa i. i I 'tab. iviTd withdraw from duriiia March, in fiirihrur4ci- ot n KoM rnmentV poHry of Imvlni th. i-idoKb-al Hiirvf") claaalft mil ,.lue '" public ittal lanrtn In lh huh mouth, aa a raull of detail, d -loffb . xamliuitlon. I.ttft t." I n:r- land within the coal ii.'IiIh m i'ii rmlo, .Montana Xpw .MeM. .. s. r Dakota. I'lah and WvomiiMr. " by i he ealiwuical aurvev t tn- - n .i rual ' In rhuauilM', were ralunn il tly pubHc ilownln. Uiirlot il.u . it. 7 1 m aci-aet urrtt- chiHiftid " aurvey na 'aXBH" bind und i pined tlirnn HUiKeaauma 71". Hud thttMf com I lanila ben . . IWhMixl nt tkn old iiiiiilmitiu rm. HO or IM mi acr thlr vabm WDUld have broil lil.JM.141 -a .1 retire tn favor t( th foimf"' " aa th rrautt of u ninah month'a v of 4H.lK.5!tti. Uurlnf March HS7.S74 ' dalgnated by the aromary of the m teiloi h iion-tnlgoble ana bM'( i rutrv ..ader thr enhtwrwd or Se-ai.-haiueatead art. I'm UumU arc " lUho. Montana. V- 3im JM ' itAina turtng rhraary ir: tt alrea were an diaimid (taA durm Juuuar) iSti.ilOD acraa. Tito tJlmMi. "Then. han't ttaana 4ath In fami; r." thlrty-Rvr yrarn," taid rich "I.l i uriiiiulgeoii I :i.ive oftii wood. -red ahy iiaur !'. 1 1 e- were h . feurfql uml patient ' 'lin-Hgo Iti i'ord-llerald No. I Alfalfa. $tl!.60 per tort. E W. FEE. t