Newspaper Page Text
AlltOTIMTTI mull HE1AM. THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1011. s? ' A STATUE OF BROTHER BOTULPH UNVEILED AI SANTA FE Frank A. Hnbbell, President of Alumni Association of St. Michael's College Makes Address of Day. linln Ti-lrurinti . IUmiImu Mrnilil) Htmln IV. . . . ,,iia' siS.-l-'iniik A. Ilubbell. picHhloni or the Aluiiitil Association of St. Mluhnol'H CoIIuko til thin lt y. today made the nildieHB or tiit iim hi tin- iitsvpiiiim or tlm Htnltte of llrothor llotulph, lor tnniiv .VOItr CI0Hl(et or till CO.'iOKO. 'llu- uxoicIhoh worn plodded over ly Very Itev. A. I'oiii-cIhiku, vicar Kt'imrul. mill weto hold m tin ollene They wute om')h;i1 iy uiiihIi- In I ho Ixuiil. niter which Mi Ilulilie.ll dully mill li Ik mlilreRH. Tin- audience xiiiik "America.' anil Hon. O. A. Larrazolu lUilllo (111 cllllellt lllllllOKH Hpltlllrtlt Aftur muulier Hnloctlo.i n tii,. iHinii, Hov .IiiIoh DiiiiiuIioh. i linnlnlti of I lie college for tlii' i in h r ifiiiM HMi 1it tilluile to Mother llotulph The audience hjiiii; Iliii (iod. Wo lnilKi Thy .Viiiiio." mill the Wear Konornl llll'MCtl i fit Utile, The tundltion miothor Hiiluetlon olosod Hid .iiokishu. Col .lone n. Mmiit, foi.iiiM tnnyor or tlii' city, and a pitmiliiout Itninmi ('Mitotic of tho torrlfory, olllolnted an nmstor of corotnonloa On the pcdontnl lninlnt of t lit Maine arc tlio wonto: "In Momory of Hrother Moiulih, I'roHtitont irom x"o to moo." Um olio Hide nit- HioHO wnrdir "Hruclcd by iho Alnninl of Hi. Mi chael's Collide, 1 1 1 1 " Tlit niatite Htwir u'iik .undo In l(iil. mid prcvlotiH to the formal nuvolllim. mid dedication lias boon hopt In Hi" i'uIIko inn.suutn. II rupruHont Urol her llotnlph an about Til, or at llmi period of lilt) lite 20 vour heron Ill Uttttlh. II Ik of the Uncut Carara marble, mid In mild b thofio who know hi. n to ho an excellent llkenon 'llu Mtaino ratirKiiiit a man of .sllnlit iHiihl. clad In tint conventional sm mollis of tilt folio wor or St. John do l Sallo. It hIiowk a man whoso fttco iluimlos tlm httihost iialll of In lOlltKonco, and nt tlio snine timi- ait iiiiKwt-iviiin ftiiilifiilnoiii. to the rich). Hi oilier itodulph wnn preHlilom or iho fnllw foi :tfi your, and died I'ebrti nrv i, lliui; Mr lliibbcH'M addri'.iB. in pari, wa nt! follow x Tile eniiteiltptnttotl of I lie ll of iIiohc men who lotiHoerniiid Hu n iidven lo Hie inline of liuiiiiinlt . who UUVf tJiolilHnlvwi IliOMl Ihoroiinllly lo tiie world around iliem. and who were mo preoccupied in I heh own in'iietlel oni leio Hon on the wm Id that Hie w e n jirael li llll net mvi lon o ii Hi p ,liati- evistetiee li.i"- !tlw,- iiillWH- French Cuffs All the tfo just now! The soft roll cuffs have proved to be very popular. They are comfortable. And stylish. We arc showing a great many patterns in negli gees with French cuffs at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Some with soft collars attached! They "came across" from ' Pariswc have to rather hand it to the Frenchmen on his attire sometimes ' Soft Collars 2 for 25c. Recreation Togs. M. MANDELL WASHINGTON" Or.OTIIINO id and chin hied I In- Imaxlnalloim of nun Thorn who, hcllovlliK In the divine l-io.nlHe. WliiMooviM will Ioao bin lifi lor my hiiIo tdinll llml ," ;;avo tbeiiiHcIv 'M for ol lift h. lived foi ol li ft v Hiicilllced IheniHolvoi for olliorx. have heitnenlheil the Unlit of I heir IIvom lo all men who lollow ''o hiicIi poHti'iltv im a debtor Ue eomo loj;. liter Indav to lecall Hie mniiioty ami to ciown the Hianie ol' Mich a man A iiinii mIkmo mime will over hIIi like a trumpet the lii-tii t h or not ntilv Die loyal mum of til .Mldintd'H folloKc, Iml tliu heart or every titan, unman and clilbl with in tin eoiillnoH or New Mexico who ban learned and who Ioiowh of tin Hiici IIU'ch lie iituile. the haiilHblpH bo cmlttrc'l, the lollv iiclilevementH he in coiiiplltdicMl f-ir olbem Wluil thuti iIouh IhU rttaliie HlKiiIfy? What milliner of man doc-H II topro-Bi-nt ? What iptalltlen iIoch It'.' What Ichhoii doert It como)".' Till HtnUie k not the dIIIkv uf a Hohllcr who, in valiant decdrt, did Kient Horv lee to tile male or to the nation; it Im not the clllcy or n iHateiiman whoxo niemoiv It h deMlred to perpoHiatu iitemmo of Homo moat princlpli; ln cniratcd ii him Into our political nysiotii: nor or a wilter who ban bionuhl nnltltmlim tnto 1;IiimIiIp by Klvlm; eXiri.'nnl(ii to thoilKht held III common and elieriHliud by all or them; nor Ik it the elllqy or an orator who, bv IiIk eloitnenve and maftorv of ihoimhi and evpieH.Hloii, awayed the limit 1 1 1 il i -h mid cotitrolled the lt' IIiiIch of comiiiiiiilllen. Yet never within out teirltory ai loam. Iiiih a Hlatue befii elected which Hpolio of a virtue Dial ua pmor. or com. nemo tilled MurvlecH which wore more valu able than thin hi at nt- we ait' about to unveil. It Ih tin- Htatno of lliotber llottilpli. lit wan Horn In Ithliietnnd or Itlien lull Hitfihla. In the ytnr is::.:, and died at Santa IV the luh or l-Vluunr. I HOC. Ah Hie IntliHuiov ol hlH li 1 o had Idling effs-ct in moulding and formliiK Hit chiiracteiH or Hiohu whom he taught mid trill ii ed. vo the Hiibllme chnracier mid noble vlrnifH of the paientH or Hlother liotnlph llilllienecd hl.s life and moulded nod formed tbe chat an or of the boy. and ilevtdoped Hit vIiiiicm which iliiHilned hi. ii to the caroi'i ol a mciiibor of tbo llrotherx or the CliilHtlan 8uhoolt. It Ih told of Hio-e paronlri that they weto modeld of even ('lilNtlan virtue, l-'oiir of thilr hoiih becaiiif lni'iuber of the ('In l-'laii llrolliers An a voiiiik iiiiiii. Hriiiher Uotulidi iiiiL-rali'd to ("an I'da. and In Joined tlio order or Hie It.olheiH or the Chrlftlmi Kcdioolh at Monireal, ('(Hindu. II- IiiiikIiI Kticeoxtilvelv at Klnutnn, Caiiiiihi: Hotroit, lliilil.iioie and I'lnl nilelpliln . ami at the lime hits Kii,enn ordeieil til in to New Meco he v. n Innpeetor or kiiIiooIh In New YoiU. l thotiub SI Ml lutein n eKlabllHle 'l in In.'i!', and irom that time to s;o wan tluUm a K""d worl;, H ivik tint iiiiHI the latter dale that It tool, n -place iih tin- biiulltm edaeai iiiiiul 1,1 MtlluHou Tor Im v lot he n iriloiy The The I'Mivllielae of the Order. o' Hie ChilMilau IIkiMiitm. Itrollier I'iiiik .. bad lu'eti rloMel.v waichliiK the eaii ei of oar iliiiarliul Irlenil, observed )iU ludomitable imeiK.v and comiiijiinlliiv, uliillt. and ulioii Hit tkiinaml. or Ht Mil ael.' tailed for a .inn 1 1 ilre" tin ite-olnloH ami provide mi ItiMlltutlon to Miii Hie utuwlim liemmidii of tbo o ople of e Mexico, he neot(id Hioilici Itotnlpli and IiIh only diree timi wan (w uu to Snnlti IV and make 01 Hiut enllnne a Bttc(!oH, mako it a iredli no on), to our oider. but a nedli a!:-! to our church mid to her pi ople I'pon Iiih nHMiiiiliiK olmrne. you. Iho old boyn wa hack In the noviuiiIow, Know and aiipieclntii or what the col lejje couKiMtcd ono Htory adoho imiUlliiKH, iHiorly anulpped mid Imidu' iiHtc in ev . r way. To a man of laint heart and wavering louipern meiit, Ha coiimmid o. liU upvilor would have seeined ItiipOHXlblt' of be in,: caiiie.l out. All who know Hrotti 'i l'.oiiil.ili, howovor, knew that In lili- lexicon there wan no hiicIi word iik lull Happy wan the day, tliuio line, for tbe then youth or Now" Mexico, and for tlio Kcno minus of yoiiHt that are to come, that llrolhor llO'iilph. ol ill t.-HKt.'il uicr.ior. was put In chaise of our Alma .Mater .Not unit do we owe to lib endeavor tliodt' iini .uoduiii atrticttiitH. tally ipilivcd wtih evory uiodorn coinfon knee and npimnuua, IkmihIiik for veaiH to i'omt the youth of the tri llion, wheiolu they tncelve and uro to receive the UmtriKUloliH l.upaitoil by the kooiI (MiilHtlau HrothcrH. hue alto what Ih of far siipi ilnr worth, tbo Infltti'iiceii of ills lilt- mid or hi work Upon the couutli'Hit Iio.vk who, diitlni; lil h ailinlnlHtratloit. came wltblii tbo ioiiii1h or tltlH bulldliiK. and wcr.1 e(ulp,iod liv him ami iIiioiikIi him tin the witflaio of life It Ik by tlio example of Pitch men an lltotlier llotulini that the ialHu cliaiKOH HKiiiiiHl the Catholic church are (ho hi.'Ht i fritted. How often Hi) we hear even in flilH da ami In Hili Konerailon, that tin- Catholic chitreb Ik opposed lo education Of all the falMe cliaruen alleged ajittlUHt tlm old chuieli, the nioHi xeiiHul'-sm mid uu Inundei! Ih that r.lie fcm'H hcIuiico ami In the enemy of education. I lor op poiienl, aluiiHt In Hie Hitine hreiiin. fhaiKe her with helm? Hie Me mid Hie monopolizer o; nduuiHon The heholil her Bleat icIIkIoiih ordeiH of men mill women devoted in Hie work of education. diuMii more Kuerlllcei lliether llodulph; ami his only diiec woineti on eailh, vmvlnn at the iiltar Hint until they no down to I heir Kiavea ihey Mball ilovote theniMelvoH In poverty, cloudily and obedience to Iho ;ieiil work of edueailuu the Im mini mind and heurl Ami Hie IiihI man In the world to feat Inlelh etniil proKresii Ik tlm ratholie. And of all of Hie ordeiH dmolod lo IhU Kreat work or rdticiitlou. of all ol tin oi'dcin wliiMi m-niboiH have c.lven mid mo kMiik t ln-niKotvcH for oihetH, u'Iiohc iiieuiherH have lived mul me IIvIiik lor olliciti, and who have Hucritlfod and are HtierllWInn HiDniHolxoH for otltorn, of nil of the onlnrH, ray, which l without a pi or, U iho order of which Urolhor lluliiliiii wiih a illritltmitlHheil member the ()i dor ur the lliothcrH or Ihe ChrlKtlun Sc.IiooIh. Tlio fipllll or (he order. Ti ritHcil by Hie example ami lonrhliii.'H of It h rouiiilcr, and loHiered by tbe exniclncH of a icHkIouk life. Ih a itpttlt or faith ami .oni. The a.tltli of fiilth IndiiccK tlio brother to mm Hod In all thltiBH, and thus to miiWr everylhliu; (or Ood, Tito ilrlt of zetil alt t acts him to ward children, lo IttHlriict theni In irulliH, and lo penetrate ibelr heailH nml lead Ilium lo the prtictico of linn cut, tipilidii, count lent tot i HvtH How Hiiblliiu the iiiIhkIou ot iIioho men, How .irdnuiiH Iho Innors which tiny perioral No wonder ilia" in tie con templalioti of Ibelr live wi wmiiler far In iho llehlH ol ailmiialloii No woudtr (hat tuicli onleia have a.iunij, their niiiiilieiH mini of Ihe coiiiuiuiup Iiik abllilv ami Iho coiihiiuiIiik .mil or lliother llottilpli l.tiiiliit,' the it yeair, or IiIh i.'HkIimim life, he ,an clunked with everv duty cniulnt; to a menilicr or the order, and performed every einployiueir from bo miMt nii'iilal lo the most exalted mid exaetltiK. and It can he until i-i tlm, mid It Hliould be will ten on the bane of oinlcr Htatiie. that he noser lulled In the porfornuince of a duty, mid (hut every HiliiK he unm-noou i veiythliiK he put K mind mid hi lujarl mid bin hand to, of .hat he lllllllO II Klr'CeHi We Hhall loon In vain to ilipl a tiioro lalllirul, devoied. Hiucum dlHclple of Do I.a Halle 1 1 Im inlluunce upon t tie lire or New Mexico will be luRllllit Indecii Ilia work which he m.-oni. pllnlnid did not die with him. Mil luu llxcd ami will IUu to Inlliieiiuc fo, i;ood Kcucratlomi yet ituborii Wv tiro Kind to mcj heie todav no many Ijovh. the boy or todiu Into whose hmulrt In the tomonovv or a very row yeatij will he plur, , (lie ilefllluleM or the future jrcut Mtate of Now Mexico. V'or you the HrnHierH or the CliilHtlan Hcboom i.r.- makins everv amlllco or human ainiiitin and liiimuu love. These nncriflci do wm iiiiteclaiu, ami lira you putt.n i. m your vei'v bcrtt efTorl fo cooiei,it with them ir you me not. then e mo appeal to yon that it Ih iI.iic i!ui you Hliould awakoii to the tniin- that I h In nieat comiuouwealth Im in you. To you docn Ii look In ur yeatu lo take ah InteicHt In Hie kio. iUohHouh even now iiicmciiIIiik them hoIvch which alTect human nuclei To you done It look mid demand- nt you, Hint you Hliould equip yottraelv. -both ill mind and heart, that when tlnrte iuchHoiih are preHoiitod ou will be ablo to IntelllKently meet the ii. and hIc lo litem iih they mis the reriouH coiiHliloratlon which lhe iIohcmc, mid boIvo tlicm in the way thai will boat brlii happlucHH to (hi; home ami piodporlty to thn Htate. May you ovur emulate the it hick ami HterlfUK manliood, the devotion to duty the Holf-Hacrlflce of the man whoxo memory wo pay tribute to this day. and If you but do tbU, ou will la a Hir nraler nit-afiitrc periietnaie tin memory or bin xuw deedx and -, rlliiK worth. Hum could mvrluds ur ttiaililc elllub - such an we are !'"'ir lo deilii all SPORTS HOW THEY STAND. National Ucauue. W. I.. 20 21 21 21 2.. 2 ;n II I'll. .11112 .'iNl. :l i i ci'.i ::. i 2i'S (hic.iHO .. New Yoi k . Philadelphia IMUnliiiip .. St I.oiiIb .. , .;tii , ..".ii ..ii (.'incliinnli llriMihlyn SO Homo 13 Amcrlcnn League. w. U l'? Uutrolt It! Ik Ten I'hllmloliilila 0 is m Now York U) 21 Mi' Chluagi as 21 " HoMon W OU'VuInnd UK ' :s; Wanhlnuion tl 3t. Lmito 10 l; :7i Western Leaoue. ' V !!S ;i 1, If. 20 :"t7 2t: :io ::n i'i i lu 'J CK. ;.s". :.;:i V'T .nil ill .:sT Doiiser Puoblo . Lincoln St. .losoph Hioux Clly Omaha :il :tl 21) 20 Topeku '-' Dch Moluu.s 12 Where They Play Today. National League. I'hlladolphla at llrnoltlvu I'ittHlmrK at CIiIcuko. Now York at Itoilon. St I.ouIh at t'tnclnnutl American League. WnKliliiatnn a" I'lillndelph.i Hohio.i ai Now- York Cb'.caco m Si l.onis CIcMland at DclroU RARE VAL1I E OFFERED Matson Sale Feature Is Writ ing Paper and Envelopes at 10c a Box; Also Big Cut in Office Supplies. A Wax or utiractlvi iwitrnu pit per with euvel'ipi ( m il' f"i' ten ciiIh! TIiIh Ia a Maniple of the iiiirKiiliiH no. Iiik' offerml ul Hie Mb pre-invi ntoiy wile at Mutmin H bonk gtore. Ih H any wiiodef tin .Maixnii (Milenpi-opl. an kept mi Hie jump" ItiiHititiwi men xheiilil look liitu lbl Mile Mr .Miitfini ih (irii'llltu .la plu ot!h e niiMdli'i'. IncludliiK typewriter rlbbniiH and earboii paper, at per cent dlHooiiut. Amithcr puimlur Item ronceiiiH reprint i npynKlitcil ilctloif at lir.c u volume- ulxo lllbli-K at ID per i nt dlcc nint CHicHKrasmui st mm MM ywn v M. um. aimm uuaS t T ? T t t ? t ? ? ? ? V t ? X ? ? n W- jfin Nobby ? T ? ? t ? v t t V t V t ? ? V ? ? ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? f ? 5 rT1HlS fine assortment consists of the very latest novelties in all silk four-in-hands and wide end ties. Beautiful stripes or solid colors in all the popular shades. Just a glance will convince you of the fact that this is neckwear that you will ordinarily pay 75c for. Don I overlook this op portunity to secure Three 75 c Ties for $1.00 il Where j J 2 5 REPUBLICANS LOSE (l?jlillniH . : tiitri 1'aue Otic) t!ie Deiiiocni'li h-adoi. 'why would it not Imi pm nulled to do do, if in llrt ludmnunt that i.- tlio btm uoume to iiiiiriiie." 'Chun an rohii tlio iiIhIo bogan an pou bidiliiin '" ut-iiuuticmi Hiipport lor a jjunui'iil i.nifl ruvliton. Senator Itiilley ilitiilnreil he Intunilud to olfer Hie Irue list lull n.s mi amimiliin n: to the tuolprocln incimiiip. Sdiiiii.h Hlx oti. lUipiilillcan ni Mofitann, said rluo if the iDflinorit bill way lo iiiih- lie would Ughi fm a Kiuittrai taiin u vifllon no ilui. the wliolo coeutiy. mlaht fuel ik. i Items of the p.iiliiiM down of tin iiioiectlvo tarllT wtill "IT you ai in raftiOij deilno-l Seualor Willi.' uu uf MiKflKslppI m- (nine up in Hie mar It njiil ,v wiilj help yen tiiuUi ,. our proiilisu (:ooi ' Tin- Hull' iiiit ttie tJcjrv inoimti lauid until ii o clocr;. TJi'yn uu at tempt wii-. niuile by Sitntitor Ciu","J el In .el in. It'll 'Hill lllMtrjJjJIlt". ua wl'li the lJemocrals, r3funud tn' lc the IIkIii be lialtiiil, and with He iieieie nf the motion to iiibiuru tn liiHiiiKciitrt touk up Hit ittulliplH uti ' e.philiiei their imrposii anil tholi Hi icnlloiiH mi the tmlir. Semiiei I.a I'olletie diHitrod thn Hie DimociaU had been baiting tin Iteiiiudleaii ploKieHHlveH by aHklmi tboiii If they mill rotaltiod lltelr prlti elple ot downw ard tarllf rovlsloti. I In calil he t'avoreil a uoupllni; or nnin l ail If iH-heiliilex with (ho iculproeli bill, ho Ihal tin pi t'Hliliiiil would be comiielleil lo piiKi upon Hieiii iih an I lit I l ot v t "I hellpte Hie e,eciillve, who koi IiIh elecllon nil Hie piuuil-i or a ilowuwuril i cvIhIiiii or tlio tin iff, will not dare to withhold IiIh apinoval from u hill llmi euaulri Into law IIiIk I'anaillnti paet, and al Ihe mnne Huso euiiotN lednciloie- In duly In the-' Im ptu'lmil tarllf In ditlcK," mil l Sou ulor l.a I'nllette StiiiutfM ('mumliiH declared be wiih convinced the muiuiIo lintincc con mil' too did uoi Intend in report any ''HI ulTectliie the tariff olliiir Hum 'be roclpMn It bill Tor thin u.tiv..i :.f viiltl. Ik would jo;n in' Iho tie tiaud Hint tin it her blllH ho report ml out wlililu a certain Hmn. Ho derln-ed I'liairuuin I'eiirone hini made fit HHiieiin ms that he oNpected the 'f t p;oc)i 'i ll to piiHH within a -ii ' lime ill! Hint he expected the kmmIi' to adit inn Hltortlv utter. ' I am ptepHied to connldor ( ,i r fullv a nnlRlon of Hin woolen imiu repllcil .Scnulor PenroHo. "H haH been nil Iii Hiilule liniiliM fm- ,n 5 CLEAR THE DECK SALE Neckwear Regular 75c Value 3 M $1.00 Quality Meek X J .in I i i.iidn iou.s in i tin c1 aii 1 1 1 1 wi have a t.i'ilT buard .naiv t' i lula re lll(ii line iei pn.i-e ,' w. hate hnnilied.-. ot pi nplo -n have auk' d Im lie.irinns mel 10 ii allowed to unbuilt arKUUlontH to 1 1 .01111111111)1.-, mul we have before ii almply a bill Huu wiih drawn wit In ur In-atingt mid wltlioni lemniiKe to ili-tud.-l infnnutitinri ni r.-eeiil hia Hmii " Houninr ('uiii.iiIiih iIvcIbiuiI IiIh be lief I bin niiini uiiB tmit jiii9t unturod ttpon a levUtuu of the tarllf "Irom hogluuluu i end " "I Mpeal. oi nivMoir and for no olli ay man,'' he nuhl. 'tlm I my vote Hhnll not he :ai lor Htu adjournment of tills seMUloii, priivtited t tic t'litiiidlnu lOBlproplty hill jiumhch. nnlil all tariff iwlii.'fluJt'li eimialoluK luJUiiHciM hIiiiII Intro boon eliansnl. At the iunie mo ment thai HiiN auitfcmeiii piinhck iv kIioiiIiI take from lite HhouhleiK of -In-pooplo Hie inijimi (UMiilou iiudc which Hum labor '' Mr r'limmliiH Hal. I thai iililiouuli ho wnn oppimed to litmriiiprn on the wool bill he wuh dlHpoK.'d lo Imllovo Him Ir l. Jiilv in Chairman rmirime would Indicate a dilrp for live or ten day' mine Hum the Hcitatv would he din poneil in concede II to him Mr Pennine wild that liutidrcda alreadv had petitioned for n IiciiiIiik and he could tint iitiilertake to limit In- Hue .Mr. t'uiiiinliiK ilien 41m '.e-teil ihut ir Hie Horn loot Ion wuu I i-i-eii hi hflllovcd all ovun meaier ox i.nilon or lime would be granted liy Hie oeiiale. guided by (ho hIiiiiiUoii op lnl in. I m certiiluly caiinoi juceil tbo mi nation." huIiI Chairman l'umiH wt'ii eiiiihtiHlH. 'Ii would ho moat iintalt 10 ihoge who would emtio here to Me1 in dollno thnlr vIcvm. i am all mil I -dinll be I'm ceil to icply In huiiilieU of pellHonoiH all over HiIh 1:01111' m thai iho Hiinale refunim m ieeei' in 10 hoar them." Somi'i 1'enrone ptcpured bin hIiiIo until t ultii nt alliiKlou that Konator OtipiuiliiH mil l protml iih a rolloclloii II lam hiiiiH' it 1 1 Ih rolort drew Son Hint lioyi ii n iiik the dlHeiinnloii mul Iho latter ire nip'. il i-i tend the Iowa Faniiloi- out tn If piiblli'iiii partv for IiIh ''' y Hie niandati a f I bo cuttcii. u iiiunitiiH Htiid hr hnd nover been i..nni t any chiipum and ho wim proud ' n record "I waul to Miv ie ''nit cotuiecilon " bo nalil. "that I iii'mhI hi brlns to thin ftenato prnpowil tie Hie revlHlon of .uiiii) c)teliiioH in 'nt'' Hie iiiiree incut with Canada Ih vnied mi Wo tnlKht an well ho plain .,1m. -. Tito Mine for lonccaliuont ban 1 ed Setuitor lloiiih wiik eiiiail ciiiiltti tic In IiIh (leniinclaHon of the n-troe. m m ami In Hie ileelariillnu m f T ? ? ? ?! for Men Y V t X ? ? t T ? ? T T ? T f ? ? ? v f T v t f t f ? ? ? ? V :' Price J 5 ii litinii to in ueui il t.nlff 11 mhioii Senator Jones, while anuieiiu ! mi; liti- to Mite tie tlx aKrectiuin acroeii thai the levmnm of a laie iiiimbi 1 or BCliiiliile . wuiibl be udvlHiible. lleroiofore, Mt .Ioiich has lueti coitulod with Iho reHulaiK and hU m loraucoH oconaionod uttrprlHe Or Hie iilllraiatlvo voted euxt for tlio (lore motlim ovorUirowian the llnuii r r iinmllt. e nlxteuu ii lie ptitdii iiiih. Tim) wen- ocnatot Hoi ah. lloiituo, HrUtow, Umwii, Ulnp.i. i'i.iw lunl, CumiuliiH. DImui, CrouiiH. .Iiiiit-M. KeiiMiu, l.a I'ollulte. N'oIkoii. I'oi.nlex h i . Titwiiyeinl mid WorltB. I Ii Ih Included Hie full Unon .;ein Hiiem;ih ef ihlrtceii. utiil 1 kMiiIuii S.ti.roi .loii., Nelson ..hi Ti'wp ciiil H. iiaim Myei'8 w.i Mu out Peun ' al otln wlt' Hn Kei i db all n-MiUKl In mot Ion TO I It HvrnlliU lli riilil A, I. I.i ii-ii iI Wlrr) HI I'hk... TeK.ii. .llilli .'.' M Is t.iklUK li - ilnilniM mi tell, it l.i ii; ili.wu arniH 111 I.nwi-r i .ilirui'til.i .ilnl. duHiilte Maili-r.1 Drilt-i- tn -iiiMu 1 criiiH not tn u there, I.'iOii fi ilerul lemitat'H are now mi route from I'lilhuahua to .Imires, where they will arttvu thin afternoon, (air arc wiiIHiik In tlie Hoiithern I'aetrie yarilH In HI I'iihu to IruiiHport them to California, ami Hie local Mexican conteil Ih uiiikim; ut- lailKi-UH IiIh at the ellKtiilil IlliUHe I" luliti Ihe HiililleiM ami Ihcdr arnin through thu fulled Stale. He ha IIHlO'd Jii-i iiiIhhIiiII tn eurri .'OD linlM.-h l.'.Oll men mul I'-"" rlfl.K Arm.- a n In be pl.n i il 111 Ii.ii;4'ii'i ar mi U r RUIIt'll Of lle tll'till Mali 1 C'l'tM Try a Herald Want Ad. Evtry Wtman Il miricit'il ani mouu kuow bout Old wnnJfilul MARVEL Whlili tpiiy The iew vatinai ynn. Bin muit ccimr.lnt. I, clcunti Iniunll. AiK rout diui-jlit foi It? l( tin (IMwt Ihl MAMVIL. acerpt no oihti?) fcul lend HiniD foi llhuiiitrd book-ifltfd. Il cltcifull Dlltltu- Uu 1n.ldlitctlc.n1 in'Mluiblclo IklltiT MMVtt CO . 4Mil?M Slittl M1ik MU SOLDERS CALIFORNIA DEAD MAN SECURES JUDGEMENT FROM DEAD MARSHAL Both Plaintiff ami Defendant in Suit in Iloswcll Have Been Deceased Nearly a Month; Plaintiff Wins. t: ii. -V Al.. .tunv St I' ! i' 1. ii...i .u.itn-t I;. W'li.fl. r hM .inn 'I' i e.l iKiOMt tie I'amtilT Tlie l'.-Min e Kuii I. i..itnr- "f tin ..'im- Ih llml : j 1 1 v el..i.itlfl n I ' f -nil.illt .Ife "li -. .,.'il Kliir. II, 'IHiik t,e leiton, yi't tin uiirt ri'inlfr-U . .i,-, i-i..ti. unU-iiiiK tin Judiinitnt .o IK1.II,. .l ,)f Muv 1',. ,lt Allllh tl"l 'in no ii wen- living. The i-um-,i i i.i.--. ,n milt. Rrnntntr ut or i.m in i tiblhiini iriliii.iin , l.i-iioir tluit wim lmwi ay 'he ev - tele , I.. v the preriv nf WtlK. il i'.nl li. en m-llml uu v nlotire by Wnnf ! i on :i march anil Hotr.nrv w-nrrnnt illrxeteil niilUit ItHlnl I'utrlnk. In .h much iin WIUhui vva not a ilMtuhr ' In the I'lti, In Willi KtVUM JlUlRlll .it c. - J,HH,MIHI u hM goods. Iii i .im cane the t-lty i-)iltelldiil th it hi sh,.uit bp ll0W'il to oiintlimite ni' kolxvil In not-li uokh. Tbe mi iiiled to Dip lurttriir)- but mi; ted Hint tbe city could retain p"- in i'iii of snob llitior by Ivttlt: bond r ir tiK'tn until their .iwniimwip in di -uiiIimI In thi irtoi. Tin- itiw ! eonldor'1 on miiumiuI ote Wilson 1lil nuiiin vvniikx auo vtlnle tt- Wonftur .who w'iih cllt- mat -iml. wii hnt and killed durlnir i i. (I mi an IP Kuii Joint here, a I flim 1 1 mi' auo mid .Km l.vneli Iiiih i . t, h. id for lh. killliiK. WIIhoii bt UK l .ul, be en n imt of eniirso, re- iv, t!io lliinor which hiiK tii't-u I ;i v .ii ih il to him. 1EBBER OPTICAL CO. Exclusive Optician. 110 South Second Street We io all kiiidi of otMf licated leu f rindiif . AN Tlii) lite t . K I hakt-r at J HOME BAKERY 111 North First Street I'llDMl Kit). THE SIMPLE OILENGINE Uses Distillate or Kerosene No faiiiurolor, no Spark I'Iuks, no Itaiurie.i, no Trouble. See 0110 opctatu tvt 307 Oold avenue. For particular!) and prluc.i ml ilrunit Till: SI.MIM.i: Dili I.NI.INIJ Ct. Ol' MiW .MKXH'O. liiiiints ;ir,.;ui liainett lllock. Albiiiiici'iUe. IIAItll WOltlvl I'.S ki: l':.NTMI?SI.i.-T(' iitinut "in tn 1 -ad No matir b"A hunt ..mi uiilk. oithr with mum m or biai" yu will Mud plumy of air -.. Ih'Hiik n inrUliiin iil III HllH bt'ethl mu- Wi- iMike all kiiulH; whoat, r . erubiim. Klutel. Io.imi, f!e. Oltr ret' . ill-H. i,INlrx, .Ie, are of tile HUllli 1- pet-inr 'ittalltv iiri:i:it atil South I'h-M Sttiel. HAFFNBRC0 mm 9$