Newspaper Page Text
ALIUQUHQUE EVEMIKQ MI1AID, THURSDAY, J UNE 22, lftll. Extra Values on Sale All Day Saturday, June 24, 9 A. M. Sale Women's Wash Skirts 100 Wash Skirts, assorted sizes, in linen shades, Copenhagen and white, worth up to $2.00. Choice of entire lot only 95c The Best Hose Special Yet 50 Dozen Women's Black Silk Hose, all sizes, and strictly all silk, worth 50c pair, for this Saturday Sale only 39c Pair Splendid Umbrella Special For Sun and Raiiu-200 Ladies' Umbrellas, with steel rod, seven ribs, fast black top, better than Gloria Silk, natural wood and fancy handles, a big value 95c Each v. Entire Stock of Taffeta Silk Petticoats To Be Our entire assortment of plain and fancy Silk Petticoats, worth from $6.50 black and white, all to be on sale Saturday at 9 A. M. Your Choice At (SEE WINDOW DISPLAY) The GEORGE V. IS CROWNED KING OF BRITAIN ( mill ic ., f' l. IMCIIM IVs T Till: roito.s ition. A in. i km if rci'i ' x-iiti.l nt Hi. .'Ml OIKItlMII l the Allll'l iCMl Ambaaanilor. WiUteluw l. li, til,. Anvrle.ih I envoy John IJavy Hammond, ninny Atiterl MM wivfd ,r Rli)lMah (teei-n. amber uf lh.' Ante lira ii dip- stir cmpa. am) limny aiiof- la I Aarltvsn lucliithna t'hniiea IK Tfi. bnthr or Pruahtenl prutftajtous acftjo. The program (a l wMMtAtf Miiiuni up u a m. Wiatmtiiater Abbey (or r",vul hii4 olUrlul guest ami to u. in. M nova! uroceaaton form r 41 Ut am mm lHs Ww route stoni Baokinuhain (ijliari' lo IvViritnlnatcr Abbey k' t:W. u. m. l(lnn U.orsy and " taiMsr MMy"fth wdn: maw und nttsftisViiit. havt tttt:Mnhaiii Italic fur Weal mi Hater Abba). f. m- Koyal pioiriuUou thronith In trnt of Iindnn, from t'amirueUtiti Hill throufh Piccadilly v fall Moll, iVaftolswr So.uur . tumml ulitl lWt xtittai. taturtiliia; by I lit Hull to ItiiclftlMlhsm liailfti Night- tlaiMnatlom lhrouhoiit Ixnclon. iain.i Hr m hundred ! rock) hcuhtaMit nml porta through out ISnalaud. .Scuttunrt and Ireland lllnnar at tii foretRii oMit, to the kiiif awl mik'hii and na! ami nill lul gUcaU Itie eential ftSJllrv of thfc HuborMti coreiiionlrx is ttia torwuitloii itaetf. oc- urliia toward noon loditt In the -i'Nit)le nml disturb- Woatinltiater Ab bey. Tin' kma .mil i"i 'ii drive i tie ab ility la the liiinouK aim carriage wlifrh ho :iU "i mu uimiv Hints (mil uumnii' It whk limit ii- KIiib titm-gv in I TO I in inixWIml of NrtlHllo htaul) mill ijnlltiltjr, It weight, ovit roifr hm ii tid im unci) imllnliBil (inftu IhhI) , lovi'i'ul wliii iilli'Kiirkul imiIiii itiKR .mil :! 1 - li I'Miniilil Hlk'lil ' nl till t .li at i liii liMiii i.i' r: . al itiili!" .ill uf in ii. In il i u ntil -i'lnr Willi Ipni' " i fi'l ttmi'ii,- tnl '.'til'l i. t'l Uf ii' ilia - tl" mi t i, ,i .ii'. i t i ' '" ii ii" Help Andrew Carnegie once suggcutcrl as an epitaph for his own tombstone what he said was the secret o( his success : " Mere lies a man who surrounded himself with men abler than himself." Many able people are working for you, tcienttiK inventors, msnufactureii, alt tryiwg to make something you want. Do you use their brain and their effort "surround yourself with them" or do you plod iilonR by yourself, years behind the times ? Take your own home. Have you your share of modern irn provrmcnti llirrc moncy-savinR, labor-saviiiR, health-promoting? One of the moit important of these is a New Peilection Oil Cook-Move. A Nrw I'nffctinn ln nfvfr nvrihralt a kitclirn. It nvr your ittmgth. It vei furl iml limr. Willi tli New Pcrlfclion ovrn xitli the glm doort you rn go on with your iiomng or ny other wotk, iul Kill lie ture at a glance the joint ll loaning propel ly. Mtilr Hilh 1.2 and ) tirnti, wild tnnf , luiqiKUMi llu ttml.l kima'ri. Golden Rule Dry I i.4 - ii, . i.. . i1 whii, Hi, i im iilul 'i ,i a lili l tin ir r ' I i III. tlinn- I loyal mill nihil. n KileHtH. choir uf V vtmliiMi) r ohuntN I mm 1 1 1 CW'll ,'inl tlir ihliiicii of all I il 'ii mil i:n kinu'l'itii I'Ihk out I ll II I Itlfc Tii. , itii . il nr , iliiu I , tin- kitiK mi l imM tiit i'Mi'iii . i ), tin Aich- Jiityioii of U'itiiilnnt r who niltlrosi'- inK tio .iwiimii l atirFiM anil tlinuich tjifiii in. pit. of ICnulaml. wiy: '"li. I lu-r.- ii'in-ni until yon Klttg U'oryi , tin. iiiKlinilil. il kniK of tht'i tfilltil: Wh.'ti'forii nil you who an iiomi- Hi If iluv to do v ti r tioinitgi' lynu gRrvtar. arr vou wilttHK to ilo tlir . Th. 4Htnt uf lh iiwo tniilDil multl ttuli' ( alvioi villi "(toil uvi' th" hlUH. .Hid Ik tfikiMI "P rt ilrt .-choi'll otitalilo, while trumiielH aouml. an nonnriiiK thi "Hi, mi ii'i oaiiitiott mn the putttiik nil or ttir ituwii. Tin- urchlilMhiii uImo r'ffli. thr oath, ut th4 kUm. KoUmntr broinlMitis to mn.Tii I.i. i'iiil, ai'i'o. Uiiik ti th'' itlittitlaa ih imrHiMio nt a ml thr rwiii"' Uir Iiihh mill tuatoniH .f the n'lii. Ah th aiohhlHhi plai-i-f thi orowtt un-n UU oltlK'n .1 -.til, hi ilil"ne. " C.iKl. tlh- rroMli of tlti lull, if III Itli'X vtr tin i rh thef unil Mitllctlf) thin Hi M.-nunt. Corgr our Won' nml a h thou iIiihi l hit ilay ft a rmvn l ltll lllll lli 'll IllH llPHll. "n fill It'll 'i ir ruv.ii lo an uith ihlnr iiiituiuiit sriu'i- unil criinn hint with all iiliifb MrtuiN. tlir'uiah thr king . ii J I' ll an lit lnt mif IjtrQ Amrn Tin Wtiig tn III-tJli) litil"ii. chiiii' f Hi. Ktluaril hi tltaa'ttm ii u ilaci-l iiHii ii in .ul. Th (li'mi .,r Wo-t- llllll-ili I u 111. I'llhtlllliilll ill III. . InVMl UUli .I' K.I I ll Id fUjLV Ufl' Ml thi ni'.'in nt tin- lnt(ffi -tl,'. n iiioii till" ll Ill "I till- IMIVI-fl-lHtl Tim- llolll', the ptri.UiiK or i.i.' uwo'iiilili'il niii"i unit th.' tniiltltiiili niittilil- i- .ik mi Kiv.'n anil i I'oi'choi'tl throuKiii'ii' thf liitmihun. "tli'il w mi tin kliit: 'I'hi ilUiTii !. i tiiiiiialliiii Ik nr. ,iniiiu'il with wlinllar ciiiuullUui ul' linpi .-nli; tllKMIty 'lii' .ii iiiiitllii i riniuiliy i iiiiiliinin ni,.n 1 1 1 ' r fi. limit ban, il i.ii ;t.nli tit'tl .Hill .iiiiUnu il-iun lliii.i.uu t ! .I!i ', II i I initio .Hi" lllni. III. IIV.-I- .ilK .villi Ilui Jril'i'l lllltl l".lll ml"' t 1, ll- Ii. ' uf th. nil, t'l" I'l ""S for All riUHlnnwi)' aaulKd Uiiihiiiwiii i na I- nJ3.wrnf itonrW lud MMknr vrrilioi.l a ctbmrt In,., ,hih ii hllni wak diop,litlri, lu) ratai. le , . IValrii lff)who o not lor iW. jii4n cuculai In llit airrt atatf CsMtinental Oil CempM? llncorporaiaii of thi II H"'ii i'ii hniii.-ild', tin iiitiit' luii.itiiiii. tin- Hirin-iii, tin coin imitiioii. tin .r.iT of i oiihi rt'iilloit. ui tio T. I.ii'iiin litiiliiiniiN. roitiiiln imk tut- imiiii unil piifttitintry of fotiilul aim im tiU'vul iiKiii. with tin1 Kllttor uiitwiinl nhow of tlic iliiyc of ilili alr ' I'oniimiiylim thi' l;liitp anil miipOii anil MlttlttK hiwhli- them throtiKliout th l:nit'iilvi) pofi'inony, nr- to ho tin- Duki' of i?oiiit(itipht and the yuuim Ii In,, of Walt), tin- latter uvnilni: I th. itnlform of n inival iMilut. !nrry- !nit thi runoi over tin- hi-tiil of tin Hints nr.' to In- four knlnhln of the nan. r. th,. Karl f failOKiin. tin- Hurl "I HiMlMr . lli. Ha i'l of 'rw, ami t i" Kitrl uT Mitt in. Tln (inmiiy enr tlfil over tin- heml of Win-on Mnry in tiorni- hy four ilui'lifon'f.. ntimi'ly. tho IXlOht-.-H Of Illllllllt.lll. till- Ulll'llI'MH of Mintrom th.' DurhoaK of I'urllanil, anil i.ii- nutohuNa of Siilliotlaiul. The K!nn' iiiiiKiilneent rnhi' tnatli- of tin iPlolll of gold him a irntn laiinr- hy ('I Kill IHIKi'K, IIHIIIi'lj, tin- .M Kr'IIIlM of llnrlitwctaii, the Hurl uf Alillr, Vl unt I'nuilHiiiiiip, thf l.oril Ituiiillly, ffuil lour othti'H iirawti front th. rnnliM of t.i.' nobility. .ll of tin- furi'liiusl muti of tho Mituftuin IlKiirr alt In the viirlotm 't'iMPinoiii,. uf tii- coruimliiiii Tho Uiiki' of Noi thniiihi rlanil b thf buarrr of it ICilHrttril n vnmn. Thf ISarl of Bi'iMirhxni In thi hMtri-r of thy naorit of Htalr, ISu t'l Itoii.'i'tn thf honrer of tin- nt'cniiil awortl. untl Vlatotint Klti'luMiir thi- hturnr of tltn thlnl Monl Th. Duku of Argyll- beam the acMit-r with CW en.M. Th, lllnhop of i:i(.iin rart loa tho Kins' tvnalla. wiiii, in with'' of tjortlfrtiot. in.. Iuk' of lin liiiiciiil and othmn hear Mrl.nix othi r tt'tiilltlouiil nnihleitis f ilie km- onutlott tjueen Mitry x crown In born, in i h,. Duh of I.wvoiixhir. whHe ih. - t . r ; mm riiiH .it ''in Had t, .n mulh ttieriy Mian Mtlln of New York: the or Witt, rfmil. and the im mil hy 'ottntMM of Dinioiiliimiic, forinurly tin l:.u' t.l liiirhnuj. Minx ilmee of New- York; the Countitw Anions tile other notable !ly u - :u f i iiivi i, lurnn ily .MJbm Mortlli of tliix liiillhini ih run c ire tn ' i i . . - ( N w York: irnl the I'ountoaa or Tunk--eiitntm x ul r.Ji'flKii nili ix aiitl .-.l in x i i i ill. . lomiuriy Mica van Marter of 'I'lit.. i liii'lmli the ur'iwu iii iiii .mil ' New York. Hie in lin etw .if liui'jimny. i it, prln -e ami IMi'if. hh llnry uf l'ruia Arch duk Karl Kinnv. .lu.Mufor Auatri.i. tin, '"rowti I'.liui' and I'rltiiea of Den- liHirK. the ('town riii f Sorvln, I'rlnc llinry of the .SVtherlaiiilii, nno oth.-r prlni'iMi mid print "a f'oni thi l ot ul iioiiHe.s of ISili'iyn and the pnllre world. In all, the olllctil mietw eoiu prlm (a ineuiuiira of th" io'i- fni.i'U, -:.n r.u i'Imii .ulcrx. ami . ir niiliil!v.i (ii ii.relKii Hti'.'in, 11 Tin pucrn unil pui f.Mi. r.To nieinhi'ra r the hottn. m Ii''iIn mid house of eoiiiiiimiH, Sou mi. ! ii, i kailiii'H and milliliters nml num i rw '' the illiilotuatlu uorpx wit. i their -i'tix. Mini humlrud)! of r.'pr.x nta- jtileH or tile uliifKy, the ioIumi"" tii" iiin and iinvy, and ninny other in . iin h I'M of KovurmiH ut il uilimnlxlra- (iioii Tin' cupuelly ol Wonliiilntttter Vila.. Ih Moniew.'iul over O.uit'i, ami tin thi-miK iiHenihlPil n'Uliln Its ' Mill" today are tpeolei to nxc'i'tl I .null I Th,- rubra and. the crowim worn hy Kiiij? tloiirge nd (Jiiefii Mnry today attta.t Mpfclul aiteniliin. Tho Ulnt ili-iMM to thi' cm (iiintloii in a crluiHuu i-aiin robe. loiter liurlii); the cere m Mis ,e iIoiih the ttllllele, u lOUK enat li, .nle of cloth of old. Tltu roynl ruin- of Hint, which the king wear idurfiiK the ci.eiuniiy lb of rich crlni hoii U'Hct, einlilaxtiueil with ae.ny Kold lace. It Iiuh a train of m leimth anil In lined throiiKlmut '" ermine, hundreds of ,Uuia i inn , nei'ixiu for UiIh purposr. The trnft , vMilli erinille of tlllx xumptuotiM rone i- .lotted with more iliau Io.immi xmall pieeeh of black Itir. The rube worn after the ceremony Ih of royal pur ple, ami with thin the king wear the Imperial crow n. The crown pluceil upon the hwiil of ' KIiik itcorKc today in the liiximle I crown of si. Kilwiirit ll Is of tuilhl lliold Httlildml with illaiiliiliilM, pmnlx. 1 1 U ni x. eiuerahlH, and wapplilrex. Thlw t ro u u ha iiiiHXt'd llii'iiilKh tfinuo of the, ilruinatlc vtHRtw of IhiKllMi lilxlt.i). Iieiuu- dexinui'il at one tluif In life ' tipi'ltdiiK iiHiiliiHt nion.ircSilal authority, 1 "lul i "placed liter for the coronation of I'liarlex 11. J Tin (Uc(mi'h Heepter with the eroHH I In of Kolil oriiaiunllted wltit illlimtilldx I anil other prcclouH hIiiuck. The iii' -n corollittlou rlliK Ix nun of uuhl 'mm with riihlnH. Thore are inany I nt In r t ru il 1 1 tuna I feu I ore uf th,. royal I ren'ilia w iil.'h lliiiire In lodiiy'M i. re- inon.ex, inciiiiiiim the m- iter. thr Wine tne Miult, the rour hwoiiIh of rpirliuiil Juxtin, U'liiponil Juxilie, t . tin tint; 'Ml' lUItlllt if (iiiilint dii - Th. AmiTli'itn rcpi'i'H. ntitlon ut the iiammnt Mll inclinl.. lli Aim-rli'iin iiiillmyHiidor Wlilti'luw ItPhl, ai''oiuinulcil hy Mr. Iti'hl, unit tlti' A in-r Ion ii Hjifclal miiliiiK8iulor, Mr. .lohn llaH llutiintonil with hi wIM anil ilaiiKhli'i'. Mr. It-.'I will hv ut ti'itihil ir. tii,, otllcliilK "f tin- Atnarl on n 'inUaii, inulttilltiK thi M't-rntury of th.- iinhitxHy, Mr. Wil' I'lillllpN nml Mr- (lillllpf. thr- naval attai'li", Connnatiili'i- Simpson aii.l Mrn. Slmp utiii. ami Hit military utturht', Major .Slnriiiii anil Mm. Htuotnn Atncrli'iin Hpi'olai aiuliuiaitot'. Mr. lUiiiiiiiinil, hiiH ax Mix iiillltiiry ulili t:,.iininl (iri'iiloy. .uul his navnl nhl Admiral Vri'ulmul. AllhotiRh liii.iilit'ilx of prmnliit nl Anti'rh'un havf ntrniptiiil to otiuii- ailnilxHlon to th. ahhi'.v, fow. If liny, Imvo hi'i'ti hiiu I'fMlul. I'i"liliiiit Titft'n .irothitf. Mr. Ohnrh'n P. Tuft, anil tho hiltnr' wlff, nr. amoiiK tin- few not hohllim of Beta I pn.sltioiiH who hiivi- hi'i'ti mn nt Mil ai'titH In thr uhhpy. Thin win ilono by com tun ml of Kluir ticorco on the MtRKfutlon or tin' iiritlh iiniliii("ailor to W'.ihliliiKton, Mr, iiiutni'H liryuo. The Aiilcrloun wlvon o'f KllKllsh iiii'inlii'i'ii of the ni(lilllt) lltirc proiu Iniuil) hi thi' t-xtirilHi'f. of the ilu). AlllllllK 111 I'M' Mf tllt'l'V llUlllll'WCX, namely the liuelnub of UoMmruhe. tile Dtii'hejiii of Miuielietili r nml the I ''"'""T , "f "-""''WR". f'-nnerly Mtap tloelet r NMvport. M tea Ininwr. man or iNncliiiiati ami Mlaa Van.l. r- hilt or Ni n- ork tiMsprut I v-ly. UthiTrt .nart'iiiout'aa ut iJiiiii'rin, firin erly Mh Imvln of Now York; the li'...,i. ,.r ibv fiiMnrt,. m,uj 1 Itti ttl f Vnu 'ittLr I It.k Pun ti t .iatk! tf Hulfoiu. mrimirly Mlwi l.elter of Wii.m1i- HiKton. the Cnunteaii of tjrutiiird, for- nth - Aiiurli.iM wlviai uf III It mil lc i - are tile 'i uiitttnttH Kulklaud; Lady iliifyluninor. . Lady Niiwlior otiah. Uitly Monxoit; Lady I.elth; lnl) AKhburtoii uml Unly liatoiuan. .Many prince from Kant India m their Roitieoitu it-liliiiiB lire to In u .lit inluiiei!, Tlu- luuluilo tin.. Suit. hi I 'era It and the S'uluin of Kcd.ih. and the hunorart Iiiillun ti lil i-m-.i . amp of the king. IneludltlK the M ill- it i iijulm of Idtir, liwailor and lllk.imi, who with the il.iekwar of llaroda aiiiuilg tile special mucMh, hut the In- ill Ul ili.puiiutii'ii Ix roxlrlult'd on HiIn iil'Cllslilli UWlllB to the Miik'h Inteutlmi to lil Indl.i l it' r on unil hold an Impel lul dtir mr it Uelhl. The Hpeiui: .iinliaaaudoi-H unil in miv'm of Hum, t.i lex mid lopiihllea um- I tipi'eeHi i ;,v , l . licet, fin 111 nil lllti i - callus croup. toKuthur with the deb - (,'HtlmiH ii'.iii tiie overmniH ltrlilxh ,ui- onlix. The liitter Include, t ho prim- mlnlNierx m th, Dumlnloii of tjuniida. lr Wllft. it Ijtuilcr; ('uininonuttiilih ol Aiixii.ili", lion. Aliilrew I'lMher or w e il.iuil. Sir .liiHeph tittut'Ki' Wmdi . nt South Africa, tho UlKhe Hun l.'.uix ilutliu, ami of Nowfottnd lauii. Sir IMw.trd I. Mmrlx. Ilixtiliti- I t - fotekolnt;, tho pi line iiniilaiera ..r New Hotilh Wnle, TtiH niunin, Went in AtiMiruliii, Vlulorlu -Si w llruiiHwick. Oiitarlo, Alhuriu, .Manitoba. SaxHatcliewan, llrllltih t'oluinlda, I'rliiee Kdwurd IhIiiiuI ami, (jucliec take their pluicH, while lliu rtpi'cM nlaliven of the llahamax, ller iniiila. Ilrlllrh Ilonilurim, clu., coiiipluto the Kt'oup. WthtuilnlNter Ahloy, the veiicrahli udlllcc which him vltiieH."ed the . ruwn Iiik of mail) Itli.h'H and iiiiiciix ami tile n has hecoine tiuilr ilnal icxilmr place, aliui with I'IiikIuuiI'h poetH, niithoi-H nml Mtatexint-'ti, hax been pre pared on a ntiwt cloborutu ucul" tor the coronation i .iciiuiiiIch of tinla The rcle'itii of dei'iirntloii of tho lanioiiH uutlieiiral on lllti b.iltkH -.f tie liver Thuiu.x wan orlKlllilted and -n t nml ion in.- iiHii-v wi iiiiikii, iii.k' Httuulx h.tte been ereutcil on tie UI...I ll... ..Ill.l.. 11 Miuarc .tii.i on tne iiui an monsr Abbey front for l ie contUm of Ku.-ts Tin-He an .. vm have ullered the fu.m- llur tine of the church u a coiiHlde dimrc, althoilKli - have In" m. nle io lend mi air of ur to tlifM 'iiieu aiiiiiiioiiH. The Hpie In He iii ih ery llmiied nml 1, fore t imi- poxiillile lo Hike Into cm xldi 1 at" 11 I'll of tin thoiixauilK of a; pliiulc h t'J iiiMtulloiiH from the ill i lh' t;ri at Ktilik'tt m ..ii;. .a, i ami ninny ami I- .uitifiil Mttrvlv.i Closed Out At a Great Sacrifice to $15.00 each, in all colors, also m VI HI K"t Goods Company tiiiKiiixliiil MMtoi'H and others ohm or hi inn pf. Mint. It hi'ounic in i -. Miry lor l,n oihcc of woiKh to pr.ivnl MttltiK room for no fewer tluiii l."n olllt'lul mii'xtx. .... ,.i The Ktitndn oiitxlih' uro covered with ....I ,....1 ,,..1.1 .l.'i.i.i.rli.u lint ll H tlmV . . .. ...I., i",,,'" i " - Ih'cihih illluil with the illHtliiKui.-liva IlNfHtnhlaKf Of IllVlU'll KtH'.lH, I hen , i lii t uv tii, iiri i nil ,, nd tin i uih . . .. roliii'H aff olotltul lllllftlllllH Ut till of thi' WnllH'll. until till) Whiili' mill inM niiii'H oitu of atilnuiti'U color Inutile the ahhi'j thero linn in n I'tiniparatlveiy utile itti'inpt nt iltx.i,i, hi wind thitt iiei'i'twury In coniici tmu with tho Htruelural lUtuoratloiiH fur the Heatint! ol tin xpiotatoi'H nml the coronntlnn cen inniitul. The old nr.w urchi'R lend their xtntoly puripeetli to the tu'iMiv. tilitouuhed hy fhiKH ki any itleuin of color. Iti.-Mlnj; on the foundation of a splendid pile carpi I or royal blue, Into which are worked emblem ol the Order of the i.larter mid oilier heraldic iIi'hIkii'4. the cen tral llmitcx. of the hlxtorle pletitreH lire grouped In lln.-lt KOrKeoitH rohef. lllitKlde tin twill to we i'm of Went tnlliHler Alihuy I'Ue gradually above the temporary addttliiiin. ami with tin Hlalely IniiiHe of InrilH and the whole hlorU of parliament hulldlliKH. lillild' an ImprtuHlM- oackitrouiid to the pic ture. In roxpoiiMc to niiiiiy petltloiiH from partli'lpauiK In the eoronatlou II' I'l' 1111)11 In I, the Ollll'e of workfi Iiiih u , rmlt lho. irwi.lU , pin-chime a xuuvenlrs the chain and ,, w,e , , of wllU.h an, mlll.k,.,i xvl,, ,, word 'Coronn. .. ,, ,.ml)W((1 .,, . orwll ,ttU' of thi-oi-curti'iiuo. Th- Korst'Diix street pruptiratioiiH for the coronation have been 111 ptoit- riiu tor weekH. They reach thulr cll- mHX "l ,u" """1"; .me nun Xr""1 ti'imediateiy in the viuinily or th.- entiled ral. troupx prtixeiit ar, Hit picked ruKiinentrt uf the ut'tuy. and thi IhiiiiIh of mimic tin bunt llim llxh Itarracka, and the xi w II Hull d" in i n )"Iin could heml out. T.i' iniilu thoroui:hfitiei or the city, win i they arc pot fltinked hy tuvlew Uf 'I. unlit lor olllt'lul and illatlnmilHli id Kiiexin, ii iv Klveti over to hainl uuuii . and III I ) 1 1 1 1 cuaeii, illlltile well, in, x uf iliH'orittlnil either ut the nniiux oi tile uuiiioritiea or uy privaie , IndlililualM, or tn ooutitluaa prlvat' Htuiula foi HpiR'UttorH, each eoiiipotliiK with th. other fur hrllllaney and hunilty ut etlfct One lonit street Ik rluukod with ill tnaxelve eiiliiiiiiiH, each hitiiiliiK Bill itBiiroa of lctury, llotis uml Hi'llllnx, uml connected with Mwlniilh); Kiirlamln of oak mid lam t'l Ic'iveH, with elusion) of ioxe al Inter va I x. The iliKiorutloiiH are inout luvixh and niutailvo In the nii' vicinity of Wimttiituiter Abbey. TrafulRtir a'liiure la one m hum uf color, while th. lxlltiix down Wliliehall, CoekHpur xtreet, I'all Mull. St. .lumen Htreet anil i'lccu dlllv. ar inHKiilllciiiit unil iiuwlldm Iiik with comill.Ma fiuiw, liuntlniT, kiii'IiiuiIh and wreatliH and fcatonua of f lowerjJ. Night 1 1 1 it nt I mi t if have lieeti pro Ji el. m in add a Hpleiiilui' to the xoeilo t en the llRht ol day eoiild not Klvc. I.umlon, mi chroniitlnii ulKht, ilnubt i. xx will li.- more brlltiantlir llliiml- ii.. ted than any utlicr opot In tho Vln III Viiiouk the notable UulldltiRti that it-, tu be rraiileiulent and kIowIiik In ' tne llflhta, fiialitiit)il t" furiii e pi s i, .na uf loyalty and kooiI wIhIioh I,, Hi. kln uid ipietm, nru the hit jiU i( l.i'iidou. the royal evohunge unil III in. mill, a hoiiie. niimberlotiH elulut hum ni Iniallieas liniixeH; lloreliHttt'i' huti-. the rtwIlletlci'S of Whltelaw Hi i tin Aiiieilenn (itnhaiwmlor: the pllh . - : the AllirrliHtu eiiio.iaxy III Vlet'H'i.i xtreet, uml Stnittoll limine, Plocudili' . the reHldence oooupled hy John ll;n- lluiiiiituml. tint xpeelul aiuhiihti.iii'ii i'i the eoreiiiitlon, Not' ar. the HllintltlHtliitlH to hi llinltetl I., i.Mii.luii. Kverj ejty In tint pnivlriOHx t " have Uh illsply ol' eleutrle. uml n.i- Uahting tonlKlit; the vohhuIh of Hi, Ih'i'lah float la thc chiiutml are t .iiiLcae with tuluk- liiiK decoruti.iii- ni l Hn- fluxlirx of I .. 'tuetr powertu1 1 throuuhout u1( i , r, hllKhta, ami l Kiiindtnii, eltloh are to h., Illii,in..t i uiuht uml .ut- lumMiuHtu. ,mKr , , are to he i i.d tu eolelnate tn. t 'liatlou of ,;,,.,. y ,( SUify ,,, 1 ' bullion, .lime '.':.- I lie ill-ease uuiu by Anierlcuii ladlex at I oro I ami a half In lenntli llm coiotiet ih nation In WtvritinlnHtnr Alibi un do tin suiiie ax ilpn ol all "ail H iiiod as followtt: Viiti'ouuih are robed nlmtl.irh to Hie Mr Whltelaw Uolil, wife ''i" peers of hlstier decree but ate entltl tiuoileau AuibUHHttUor; Tho Uima.etl to only two una n aalf tows of hIic wore al tho llt'Ht court UiIh Hon- miii It Ih ol while ttalln. tho front and liacl. IllniiiU'd Willi pi'iilU and tlluuiiinilB, mm piuiuiii oi line nice. ni will iiiho wear u intra tit peaiin aim 1 1 1 ii it mil il h. u pt'iiri coiiur unil iupuh oi ' 1 l,L""B Mi 8 John I lays llitiiiiiionil, wife uf the American miicuIuI on vox : A ilrcua 1,1 1,t,,,VJ while Hi'tl" iinl'roIiloM'.l with Jwt'u" lM,,,u"(;U feiitliei'M, I lor Jeweln coimlHt oi ii Hunt, nvcklueu. oaniiir.i unil hiaeelct of dliinioiiiU and omtsr ulilM. The. eiirrlimH nru it pair worn ,y Cnilierlnti 11. She will curry it wiv ostrich lenllior Inn, a counter, jmet of tin- one inenen.'cil hy South Allien lo the pioHonl iituon ul the lime of her uiairlaKe. l.ll.e all (lie other IiiiIIch, kIic will wear tin cc on- tricti I'eiiletH In her liutr. Mih. I'lillllim. wife of the llrHl score liny or the oinhmsfi:--iWllillo Hatlu ilreri with pearl and Hilver irlininliiK. A tliirii. illaiuoiid collar and penrl lieeltlaee. Mih SliiiiHoii, wile of C.'apliilll Htlit hoii. until iittuclio Aiiieiiean imp Ijuhh) : While HMtln Irlintueil with old p ttl 1 1 1 luro unil iiMiiiunto; jewel;), 1 In ll i mill h. Mr Slociiiti. wllo of Captain Slo ciiiu. tnllUnty altaelie A neiienu em hiiH .- While nut In etiiirineiiHe oin- Innlilci'cil In a illmuaute feuther ile hIkii: ii illuinond tlnm an,! necklace. The iiucfu'h train usik carried hy ni .lotitii; lailleH, tlaimliteirt ol ICarln. liiHlead of K tiHiial hj pusuH Tlume Heleeted for the iluu were Lady Mary Dawdioii, ilaiiKliler of the CouiUeHrt of Diitiiev; l.inly Mahell ObIIvv, dntiuh ter of the ('oiinieHH of Atrllo: Lady Vlctoila CairliiKtiiii, iliiiiKhi r of tho CoimteHH Cartltmiou. Ladv ICIIeen HuUer. diiiiKhtor of the foiinteHH of l.iineKhourKli. Lady Klleen Kim, ! daughter of the CountoHit of ltatifurl.. ,,,, x )0rothv llrownc. iliiiiKhte , ((f h) (.om,,UHS r Kotiiiiui'' The rohcK worn hv the .no nhers of the varioiiH denreeu of the ..eerimo at the eorouulloil of I lie mmiauli nr.' ii itiilati'il In preceiTotit ilallHK Dfirt; lor eontui'loK Tlioso of tin nrnt. ur ducal ilexree, which Ih roKuriloil mi tui dlutillhiil that all ptlnoutt or the hlooil tojal are erenii'd iIoKoh on tho til t n 111 nieiii, or Hhoitly niter, of thulr urn Jorliy. tniiHi wenr In tho IIihI plaiu full coin t ilioHH or iiiilforiu. Over this In eariled a mireoul or iiuititln of erlnt son velvet lined with white taffeta lulled with uil.tlver. which Ix the white hir of the erinliie or Hloai with the tilack taila attuelied. while the oape Im or the kiiiiio rnr wllliou' "ho black IiiIIh, hul wllh four rowx of black fur n)iniiietrlenlly an aimed round It. The dulio'tt cap Ih of crlne Hon velvet, turned up with omiiIiio, ItitvliiK a nold tanHtil on the top i iiu Its roplueed alter (he completion ot the coronation ceremony :v it commit coimlHtlii; ot u olrcle ol old or ehiKcd nllver IIL Hi t lotiliil wltll eight dtuiwherr lonvon The ooroniiilon rohe ot a do.ehtms Ih ii crl.nt.on velvet Titatille. the tmpu fuiieil with while nilnlvoi haiied with lour iiiwii or hluoU einilne live Inchon lioin tin- eilac The lili tlo iniiou at the witlHt oer the white putiel. The boil ln Ih low and Huhi llitiim. with ntm uolior and panel of n title or croain inaioiial. with Hit lionleiiim the top ol i he Imilleo mid eoiittnued In a hnnil over enoh Hhoulder. llei co.onot la Hltiillur to t lint of her huslniiid lillo her train U vania ,'n IwtiBtli pcern of the uoM ttnien. or uai ilillMoa, weiti pieiiaeh Mililllar iolw lo thorn- ol the ilukoH. but llu are on ililod to otil three and a hair row ol hi a ok fur on limit- eiipoa. four on tltu rlKlii and Mine on Hie loll rililo. The cup la the name, bill the colonel Ik udorned with four allvor Imlla and lour golden htrawhorry luavea arru.iK eil alteriiutelv A iiiurchlniioaH' rolio dlilerH ftoiit t tint of a duclioaH In that It lain only threo uml u hulf rowa of hlaoh fur i omul it, while hor tnilu Ih rodiicml 10 a yuul and lhieo.ipiaiioiH in luiiKUi. She weari a Hliullar coronet to that ol her hiiKlmiul. For an earl, or count, ihe ioIioh i s ilie Hiiiuo. hut iho harK of black fur are reduced to throe. Illn coronet is a eli de or Bold or allvor Kilt, cluiaed aad hordered with unnlite, and ii heuin elKht pyrainlilul point a pliieed Hroiind 11 iiltornately with elKltt mrttwheriv lnavoH. whllo a lure nllver bull Ih placed on the top of met point A coiintexH wen in on her coronation rohe only three rown or hluok online, the border ol' nilnlvor heitiK rodueed to three luchus and lier train to a yard hlack fur on their ;upcn. iiiinimetl three on ilie linlit and two on the left Hltlo The million circle of a vIh ouiiiit'M coroiiot Ih tin inmintou by nix teen Hilver IiiiIIh The robe or a vifiCotmtoHx, In Iho mitno way, Iiuh hul two and it half town of black fur with a whllo border or two ami a half Inchon, while hor train Ih a vatil and a ipnirler In lenutli i'or the liaroiiH, who fortii ilio low ex t. ilouree of tho peerat;o, only two low'H ol blneU lur arc permitted to he worn on th.'lr capes, their roboH he ltiK otheiwiHo similar lo thoxo of tho other poor a Their coronet h iuiiihIhI of a olrcle of old bordoroil wllh or iiilne. anil hcnritif; hIx Hilver li'iillii. A haronurH wears only two baiH black fur unil it two'ltich bonier of white miniver, while her train only tnoiiMiiioH a ytird In len:;th. She wciih r. Hliullar coronet to Unit of hor husband. The Htjle of the dress worn by all poeroHHOrt at the coronation, as Ih tliiKiilHhnd lioin tho rolies, ih reKiilat od by the olllco of iho Karl Maihliall, it h follows: A klrtlo of I'liuiMiii vol vol, boiilered nil round with u tiariow oiIIiik of nilnlvor, or white fur, Heal Inped In front, othorwiHO plain. TIiIh l.iitlo inn be la hi en 'd down the bnuk or In front. It opeiiH (rout tho. wulnt in front. whle.tlnK KradiinlTy down lo the mound It 1111 v he mithered bin 1. Ill throe fOHtooitH, ouch tied hack with 11 how of Kohl lln.oi Th.' hIo.-voh iho ithoiil nine Inohoi lonn of the same nilitoiial. decorated with two narrow row of while min iver, below which urn live lappet 01 leimth varying between one anil three liielp'H. each oiIkoiI with white nun Ivor, ami below these white hire The pott loom 1b white or eroaiU'Colorod, edued with luce, embroidery or bro cade, wiilon Ik of (told or silver. Jewels itie iici.nliloii to he worn round tho neck, and also on the bodice and pet ticoat, while 1 Im an ,uny bu carried 011 Hie heml. thi: oii itiAi. oitiii:it ISSlll'ji I'tllt TOO IV Lomli 11. .tunc -The iletull ot the eoion, itloll cerenionilil at Went minuter abbey liuve been act forth at length In the official older of service. I'pou eiiti linn the church their nut -JtiMleK are received by the atmftiiK an mullein. Then, upon taking, their pines, the ollhiiil recoBnlllon oocuri. Th- lllnny Ih then suliir bj two hlah. t'liH. after which followtt ihe htKln- nlmt of the couiiiiiiukm Korvlce and the xnrmuii. The oath in thuti aittuln Iriii red b the arohblHhop, utter wlil' U the 00 im inony of the ninilntiim takeH llluee. Then Ilia iiiujeah tvetstvea th'- Himi-s uml Is Klrded with the awonl. Ih Invented with the nruilll and the oynl robe and handed the orb. At thlx point follow tile m l ml crowuliiic by the arojibbhiip, after which cuiiiim the priwwntutloll of tbe holy lllble. the betiedleitou, tile m- thronlxuiloii ami the homage. Tlui. follow then the eoroitiiiton ( to maji'Hty the tiuoeii. the cuttflliislon (he I'oiumuiitmi aurvlco. the liniVor m cotiaeetatlou and the Te Ditltii Ui'ol (i in im. The klim d lives U) tin abbrv hi ottronatlon morning atijiutl in 11 emu aoti antlit iiniloi-iDllt) rr-uetiltttt 10 ia kiiaoa. ovar wltult he Ktsra hi crim hoii pttiiluniiiitltiry rokoi. which, 1 vor, he taliiiH off on reaching "ho ubboi'. Alter Hie oemtiou f tlif mioiiit ItixT hu put on In u"'oartoi tM? " luliltlin Hludoiila, or 1. xri f alh aio n ax 1 worn b bi'Uop: Uietl ci.iihh tho lunltii or dtiliiniie . (otloweil I" tin aloli. ituii flnull the Imperil mantle ur poll. The eolobllllll attlduiiia i ,i siltipl" lawn Kuniiciit reavmuiini; o nirplle. . The tuniole la a hi fin 011' cloth of Koiti with wide ajkttnc Juhi it low the tin ixil it maeta In i"'iit uml thoncf rull alralKht t Hi tn t. tbj eomplettily elivelopimt the kill boil) Kmlii-older.v fulll' Ini'livJ ill width itdolnx ll i.ilKO" otl til' 1 1 Hide where It iiumtM, muktliir a luuad bnml of embroidery rlBhl Uown He ,niici when the robe Ix faaleneil i1 1 mre tx 110 other decoration and tin real of llm urmitt praaatita u mitfe d aar luee or I'loth or cold whe h Iih- ,1 in oil brilliant lfoot. which t udilni tu by the embroidery being; ot i u gold eolnr briiiin? 11 aluiple 1 Mitatical ilealutl Wlthlllll emblollinl. -iKHllt-mi nee. A bund of cloth uf Kohl thi' inch en in width with a frtnuv ur nutlloii 1, Unix the xlole. which Ih heiivlly ein-bi-oidcreil with xllk tlii'cudx. A ptuK ti'oiitniio U "ii I'.ni.' sis, rjlimti 1 );