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ALBUQUERQUE EVEMMG HEKALD, THUISPAY, JUKE 22, 1111. GEORGE 1. 15 CROWNED KING OF BRITAIN .1 .r i-i I' t "W in tin , iiittin i.iinati" '.. i nee milled i-iiiih " itul . tl'. mi . rn U f Ihi-m iM ul.'il froc (li.- nut1 t a lor enroll' Al t.icti t-lot lUt-ft i w Kttr- imm1 burifevmt with fclw i Tii-n 4 t wHlfr ,i. M..tkrd mil) Ifta rMTwtfli tK-r l'f I- ! HI ' el ii, . I'll ii . i Kt Mll-l Tlx U IX UlNnl With I . AVU 'I'1" i in ! luantU' el iaii W".I i ' ll ri... It ft! tlt ltl the k' ' i i hoi i" iiitinl ti) fiMin fc I UlM' It ' u( cloth of fiiUI mitilc of i iii until thrta,W worked udoii all ) tintlt tbk -1 1 k )u-i l h Htf iWmlni and undo' ins t)i tln the H'i WtV Indian rv4 '.ii'ii A ilifigtn ut IrM ivit tit ttii'niilrml i'lmh of Ho i, I ..mi rrn. ,i n 'kground tu tlti u in ml ittttfT'i.,,. i,i ,,f i),i mba. i-'i :mjt nf rttMii tiiN in various col it Tli. inlilitiii". i'i.mi'1 lln thi IHll'l ' ! n III. i. Ill" toil oHftit', tlH I r-liMmrotS I'lul IIiihII', with tin- .ii fh.wdr ft lit ini ft re I'tK'Ir i l'l . wreaths ut niu'.i ii Tlif oyu - r' mUrnAI'Ti'ii ut attwr. the loi'm Miiwii-d in irhit.' the rnw, liiiiu i oi k .mil ihlotli- in tin u iiHtHnd imiI' oiv .iiiil the, lire fiiBtut ntd the w..!i surface of t)t rnbr. MHiiiHrtHi It, v. ttti tin' luiirrl leaf irnama'titii- 11'- v.!' I lib .111(1 IIIHRtllf ll'llll Till' Wlhleifr i hi I'UKii if xidii in in ilt trttin tlic Imperial i-Hglc r ltjfic. flu' roynl robe of tti. which the fcHHi wtmrB white tiroeeuiltnf: from the vcHtMile of tin- abbey t tlii' "thiui tt" when he IhKi' hi place during the ceremony, h of rlrlt timnoti w. vtU. amhlUKfillcd with llitivv gold luce It hns n train of Rteut length anil Is ItiuHl throughout with royal otiiilno. liundlWlH lf Skins llnlim luicetMiii) tor tlllB pill I(IH(. TlllM Ih MKlttlll W ttll niHrt tliltll lU.Oflfl hiuull iiIkcuh of lilmk fur. Aftftr ll' onrptiiiuiy lili innJvMty ill liwc tlu nhllity iittlri'il In :i rlit. of roynl puriile. miller which hi will wottr an uniler coin of pitrplo. un III liiiul In- will wear tlu linpi.'iliil I'MJWII. Thit niKallit. propfih mo I'alli'd, hriiKlit Into nii at the I'oroiiatlon, toiiiiittst' P.t. Kilwnnl'M irown. ihi' wiiiur, tin- vlrKf or roil of pouts, th Orh or nioiinil of HovomlKtii), thr Kworil of mnroy or ctirtium. the two Hworils if JtiHtlot'. tfinporal niul Hplrll uiil; tho rl iii,' of iillliinco with thu KlilKihiiii; I Ihi arinlllai', or lirurilctH; I tie npnitt of uhlvlar aii-.l tin- Mitcri'i) ami rnyiil viini(iiilM. The iiiu'li'iil ri-Kiillii ui-ri' ilimtroycil hy tin' ItuiiiihtluaiiH In M'iIU liy onler of piirlllilininl. hut ivri-i' rt.plaoi'il hy intiln,s of a wi nil tn r klnil iniiilc for Hio uoroiiiitlon of Chniltfi II In liiiiv. TlitiMt. tOKOthor with Ih'i- cruun Ju "IM, urn kept III (hr TiiUi'i' of Ijoii Iiiii. Hi. Iffilvrtiril'n fiiiuu In the tilflcl'il TIMVII Of l?llClllllll ulth uliloli III" inoimroh Ih iimnilly uniuiind. allhuiih KtUviinl VII iiiihIi an irX'tpllon. iih mi that ut'cimloii It uitu niernly ciir rttxl tn the proofiiBtiiii (iiui'Se V will in erim'tifl' u'ttlt 'Ittiftfiviirrtvi'tiiuiu Iiik tl for Un- Impiirhil crown In Uhttfh ho ulll Imive llii ahlicy. Th. original St. ICilwuril'H I'lunn uiin ih'Ntro) cil h Hie Itnpiihhi'iiiiN III I 'I II1, ami a replica uiim iiuiilr of It In 10CZ hy Sir Itohi i'l Vim i foi the orniintlriti or I'liiul' H II It Im a very rh h toun of ;ulil. i-ni- llelllflleil Ulth 1'tltl;. .Ulll lirt'ClollM utoni'M of many ktnoV. coiupi'Ihuik tltit - We know of no other medicine which has been so suc cessful in relieving the suffering of women, or secured so many genuine testimonials as has Lydia li. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. In almost every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia K. l'inkhnm's Veg etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has either been benefited by it, or knows some one who has. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files con taining over one million one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, in which man) openly state over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia il. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical opciations. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made ex clusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harmless. The reason why it is so successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upon the female organism, restoring it to healthy and normal activity. Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such as the following prove the efficiency of this simple lemedy. 3 1 Culuiiin, Wisconsin. " 'r thru" yours wn troitlileil with ft'iimlo wi'iikncHM. Irrcunliirltles. Iiiu'lutclio nml licuriiiKriown .iIiih. I smvun uil- vcrUHCiiicnt oi Coiupotintl mid sovcrnl iHittk'M I iniut Htiy tnut I iiiii fMirM'ftly well nnw miiu can Hut tliwtik you I'limiKli for whiit IiVtlhi i:. IMnk Iihiii'h VcK'tlile. CViiiimmihI Iiiih tlone for me," - Mrs. .John Wcntlunil, Jt. I)., No. JJ, Ilox 0, Coloiiiu, Wisconsin. Women who are sufferinir from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound lo restore ifiiir he.ilth. . ., . i hi, n.. etllclitlll i ' II Im ,i lll.iiltul or i -1111,11,11 miIIi a flllm ,f K,,i,t n.i 1 1' mi. in. d n ilt III ei'li in , l"M ti'lltl It " " hikI (titi iarxii pi ii r l m . "!' "I h tv lldeil 0, , ih i.tHt-i two hiiKiiii from tie l 1 Ih. i. At- illflil the !, ir. f. ui irwri iiittl tnUt MfTitrt ilt- il "f wiiil. ill "imimttiiiiMj With jiA'tt rVoy ircnhir uriliin rru fimu t" ,imi , in- 'i.'tiM'N. all iimi'iiiiK .' ivith Hoi niuwwd at Hold ami f ,nt, HiK a pc4ttl. 'Wif ni u'lthln 'ii. i"n m ui iilnmuh elut llllcil w i whit taffotiui mill Hi r He'd up at tim iftti a with i rtfilni Tht- ci own is lurrtfd in tlif procvMiliiii oil a i;uslie.i, Uv ttoe IomI (Mult "tnwuril JunI fu front at tHr iMvnrijni j,i'iiit iihiih take a iiriiitiln'jiil phi i in the curi'iiatiun our ,'infni ' Hr muri nncieni trtrtti rrownn ns eiii blrnif nf .i . i l inn illniill Tho roni mipter, m Iiiiik'h Hwji tar "Iih the crum hoine hy the lllolmi'ch In IiIh riRht ti ii t 1 1 It h made nf ki ill and Ik feet 'i IiicIicn lit lunmh. the Hpfcr part of It hrln IT. Ill, I'll III t,M. hHllilf of KelllH Itllil etlllllli I hilt, the toot WidellHoUt Into a Ummk pi " .me I hi itiuiifiiteil ami uiluriltil ulth iirecmuii atone The tri"Ht nihethjriii tirh renin at the top on ploctM of Hold work ruNcinhlltiK an nrchud crtiwn. and tho oromn uh It Ii richly M't with dlainomlH. The UrUe, inlled tile M'fptiT With the ilnbfr. held In the U I m;'s I ell hailU dttrintr the cereiiimiy of InvcHtl ttltu. TIiIh Ih iiilt. plain, except at the k!i) anil poinmol and In thu cen ter, wilt-re It Im Jeweled. The dlMtlllf t ion iietweeii the roal nceptcr anil the vli'Ku Ih that the foinier Iiiim a er.iHh at the top. while the latter hail a dovu. Tin; vlrxc in of ohl, 3 fuel 7 Indie In length, 3 IiicIiun 111 clT fUtn foi once tit thv handle ami i 1-1 IlirheM ul the top. A circle f ttihle dliunomlH decoratoH the center and at Hcvcrnl plauiiH there are prculotiN litoiii'M At the lop hciiuath tho while eiii'ineleil dove ate a iflohc wiirrininil mi with tone illamniiilH and a oron. The nueen'M kceiitur with tho croiH In tif Kohl ornamented ulth dlamonilH mid other Mono. It Ih "Jt feet HI Inchon In Iciirith, and Iv Miirinoiinted with a iiioiiiiiI nml i riisM l.nKtilnu out of fleinn de IIh. 1 1 rinmiihlcH the voyal Kt-epter an reKald.t einhelllHll tnitiit, hut It It Hiiuiller In every way. The in'in'M MCopter with tho dovu Im iilniiml Hlmllur in ilihlKii to the f.oeptcr with the croHH, hut the nioiinil on top In Mtirmoitnti'd tiy a crriMH on which Ih iilai'cil a white eniinielud dovo. t St IMwnnl'n utall', canlcil hefnri.' the klmr In tlm proL'tNioit In the no tify. Iti of ttolili and ih I teet 7 InehiH loliK' tl Iiiih if foot of ntetil I l-l Inclien Inntr. while ui tli'i; ini are an orh Hiippoiieii to ci'titiiln a f in ; lit of the true I'rowt and a cross. Tho tirwinicnt me of .ilil and Hh dla linger In t im--iiiijlu The iiii'i'n'n vlrwe I a ftcuplei' of white Ivory t (uvi I Vt Inuhu hinu. The pommel and oriimiinntH are In ttiilil, an well iih the motilld mid crotH al the li.p It can leu at the t"p a white eilailleleil dove No fowir than four hwoiiIh il a part In Hie ci renioiiv m ititoiiatlon. The ifln. iMil of theie W the nword oi Hialc. which ih a tuo-hnmliHl wcup- I I.yllii l;. IMiikliiiin's Veucluhle tlci'hU'd tn try It. After tHkhiK foiinil It win hiliiiir iik, hiiiI I Formed nml Kfntly rril. wotn " v ill nml ih till the rBnns nf tlifn , c Mtt nmld cini, V'Hi's nml inotli"! . 'I , tin' un Hhaiilo, wholouoitit lnxativi' rnnrily which nc'l8 Kcnlly nml iilcianntly anil tirtturiilly nnd whirl, tuny ho UK. it ul tiny lliiic, lien IS, -yHtuin ticrdu a laxntlvi'. with pi-if -it .vfoty and real !y hcni'llf-lnl ffTcrtil, k Syrup or Viet nnd UII.Mr nf rntnt U hns thnt trps ilt.llcncy of flavor which Ih so rffrosllnn to thf tnnU', i hot wnrmlnc ntul ;rntcftil lonltir; lo th Klomnoh which ivupomlH no favor nlily to Dm nut Ion ami Um InxuMvu ef fect which h mi lienont'lnl to thr loin wlii'ii. octaslonnlly, itn senile clritnulnst In rofiulrnu. Tim winilrl. alwnj'H bi'.'iilnj; Hie nntiu' or tlif ('iillfiirnla I'Ik Syrup Co.. tiuy ho i)iirohn:it;tl ri out .ill loading rlrtiBKistff In orlRlmil piirlaiRcfi or nno t,lEf tuily. price (l(t r?nU por hottlc. on. witii a Hiilmiilld Ncahluiril of orlin- Mill w lut ill ' tiite.l 'tll ohl I'llller ' of tie i.,,..l '.iiilmi Tin liluil, ill,. If if :!'.' in. in.. 'iiK mid niioiit 2 tin lit-' hrnitil 'I to K'liu.i, litn anil pomtiu I lire of Kill nu Ini Uik Hide of the Ktfurd Ih mIi;ihiI like a Ihlll and the other Hies ii jirnconi Th ncutaliard ! ver cliihiitatety ornatnented. the center flute hcarlliK tit l late Ut-nrtllK the full roul i coat I .'IIIIH of Kiirflanil Willi hup- potter The nworil In hornc in the proocni'iii in ItH Mheath. The next Important sword tlif lurtaiia, or poliltleH huoiiI of mero Ii i" H inchi'H lontt ulth the tilt. Ul- lilitde llM-lf heltiK .lJ UiclieH In lemttii mid alinon a HivIich in breadth Tho handle Ih of fine koIiI wire. The Ht-iihharil Ih In crliiiHiui vel vet with a m' loll of K"ld hriild,1 hilt tin suci'il ih held tlrauit before thu klnif. ' The pointed MWoril of Mplrlttial Jiim tlce him a tilaile lu Im.'hoH loim. ulilch Is also iiiriled drawn before tlm klnix. It Ih mt) Hlmllar to the cuilntiii, ex cept for the ol'liameiitatloti of tllu hlade. Th,. NUoni ot totnporal JiihIIcc Ih a olaccd upon the altar, titter which ' Hharp-poinii d ucapon, with a cah- hlrthtipii hIiik the l.llnin . tlic ante hard lu all reHpect.i nlmliir in that of co.iiinunloii Kcrvlce Ih rcclled ami a tho ciiitatiu It Ih curried drawn Iii'kIioiI Herinon prciirheil, at the bosln- the hearei t ! It h.iiiil In front of his inuJcNty. The Krcal ipihleit Muirn, iik tile em blem o elilvnlr, urn carried III thf pnicchxloii, and at the proper period ill tin ceremony nr.- hrnuqht to the Ulttir hy tint lord ureal chamberlain, who toiichc.i li In mnJcHiy'H IicoIh ulth thoiii one after another and then rn titrtiH thum lo tin- altar. They arc most elaborately uroiiKht round the utcr edge as. well an at tho buckle ami riiMeuliiR.M Tln nro Htmilar to lite opuiH worn 1 tint AiikIo-Suxoiii nml N'ormmiH and have no rowelH. hut "Uiil In an ormitmttiteil point The rlnir of alllaitce. tomct!tni'H called In micleiit wiIIIiiks "the Wed iIIiik rim; of Kimlnml." Is or pure ftohJ, M't with n larK1' table ruby, violet In color, cluiM'il with the crosit of St. !for;c. ami mil rouinled hy a circle of - ti iIIiiiiioiiiIh. It h JollHed like ti hracuh't so that It may fit IIukcih of different i he coronation iinu of the iiii.- ii is alM, ..f koIiI set with a larKc table nihy and Hlxteuii other smaller ru- hu, K" I nr I J J I ll il I'll 'u i.litilo ..ii lit I. Iittt rill " , " iiioiiiin nu oi liiiftiami su u iitm ino) are cro.Micil. hat a very loint hDitory li lu ..,.ll. I-..,.,, i, .... I.-.I.. ,,. ,1'j n .iiii,. ,.i ij ,.,iii, ,n ui. ixiniii M cliiilr. att a mark of respect to I'Mwnnl the Confe.'ioi'. near whoNe idirltie In Wfstuilnstf r abbey it usually stands It uas made hy unlet of IMwnrtl I, lo hold the coronation Htotu of ilcsllin, on which thu iiiouarchH used lo hit when thc' were crowned. ICduard I seized ihltf stone when Im had practically subdued .Scotland and sent It to Westminster In l.'uii. At each Coronation cere- motn with the slnK'l... exception of ' that of Mnrv 1 who was crowned III .. . ... i i i. i u ioiui m ill li. hit u) toe i'M.-. n hrotiKht out of St. Mil wit nl'ii "In I and placed before the allnr, In thf eastern part ol the abbey. When Oliver Cromwell was installed In I Im office of protector It was taken into Westminster hall, which foritu a portion of the parliament buildltiKS opposite tlm abbey, and this uas tlic only occasion on which It lias ever been taken out ot thu ubbuy Tim 'chair Is made of solid oak. lis various parts helm; pinned toKHllior, and, ul tlmuMh co iHlderabl ilumnKi'd by the t Ifocm of ac ami mutilation, It ro niiiiiis almost as firm as over it was. .Some of tho original Kill ami orna mentation may yet bo seen, hut at loach coronation It receives a fresh . ovcrlllH of cloth of Kold. ItH dimen sions are: Height, li feet '.' Inches; width at tlie bottom, a feel inches; Kremlin from front to back at tho bottom, - feet; width of the scut - feet ,"i Inches, htultiltll of thf icltt from front to buck, I foot fi luchen: hehtht of tin sent from the Krotind. ' feet 314 Inches; helKht of thu el bows. 1 fuot 1 Inches. AIUioukIj tlie chair llHidf Is of con- nidi-ruble antiquity. It Is In reality Hut uii.i,.. it,. iikv I'lininiiii'ii within Its -. - trnnie that Riven It Its prime impori- ancc This ancient stone, which rests i. . .i r i mid die frame supported by tour croii- h nut lloi.u. was placed In the nhhey of IIIHI'I II1U rii-iiL IH ll. in.i. i. I .Scono. in the Scottish county or Perth, as wirly iih the year 60 by the then Scottish klnif Kcnniith, nd, although itu provloitu lilutory Is lost In b c ici. It undoubtedly served for hoiiu cji liirlcs before tlmt date Un ri ii.i 1 1 nu tliroiie tif the Scottish kinr Tlic l Hi nds of tin. Scottish burilv ,!, tare Unit It is the oilulnal sti o which the patrlaroli Jacob rcstt i is head on tlie plain of l-u. wb.n , t was eiirrleil to Uvypt. and ifteruarrtii broiiKht to Hpalu by Of thu' .s, Un: son of CeropH, who 'hud l. r '(inisheil to ICnypt from Athens hi father, anil who inarrlc'd Scots dauKhter of, I'hiiruoh, flyluir with u.t to .Spain In order to escape tin ihiuex and ink Iuk the ton with t iietii -rem Spain It in said to hu i boon transported tu Ireland, and ufterwuriU to Scot lu nd. hy their descendants. (Icolo Hlsls, lioui.c ii mi rt thai tlif stolio l of nnri'lv Hn.'tHh "tiKln and wim litiirrleil In ' ' out of til" ' K.ioiNlolie of Hi " v A tliit'llt' proi i." an oi IkIiimII.v ' llifi titled on tilt '"" ,,n m th to tho fft.i l Ui i It tall' fjl(.ifk "!' rtliel'r thlH MtotTo hej ' ult'l I II" l-oolH Mlllll' ,r t'"'1 t mi I tit hu nntii'd ' 1 The ptophecj ' '' t'1' recoil tn il iniiiiy heoti ' " '' union "I thulr t'lllll Willi IJtU-lfll"! t HOW CEREMONIES AKC Oltl(li:l IT !' I'I'lilt I.otiilon, .intie iif ImpiCHnlvu ciieliioiilHti of (.'ui mi,, noli l)il, iht'ltld Irip tin. coi'oiiattoti ,i. if ami tho iiiiin it. id ii tnllH wliii.ii iiiiiiny It. me an laid down wi n the exnulnoHtt of otli'lal pioccdun . unit ll Ih tins to Ion Mil.' tlm KOi ' .flllaiil ociiln win oil ii ry Qhout u c niilohlcil t i.iiilv In tho inoiii'":- tin.' loilowln i' (tic Hint rbqitln nciit Hpucllleil in the ollli lnl lot in lit (hi ntoriiltiK upon tho du of the coronation cstr1 iic 1 to lie tali, vh i It it I the mcip ,'.ln in tilled with oil. ntnl, 'onuther with spoon, ho laid lelld Upon the .u"" Ih tllu tlhhU.V church." Ounldo lh wi-Ht door of Went ntliiRtur Ahhvy wliio tlif coioiiiitlon ocaiti!, thu titcli iiHhops and hlHhopH nwnll the apiimiiilt tn Iholr itinJcittlfK, ' which Ih sot Tor 11 n in Untorlii!; t tin- Ahhc. tho ..inr and ipifftt piimii j nlotiK i he imd "I tlic Cnllii'dl'iil. tluoiiKli tho choii' oei up the HittirH f to mi elevated iihitf'iut ltiiown an tin1 thealoi PnHHlitK 'i iit.Mx.yipMi'it Hiev ' KiiokI In prnycr at laldstoolH nut tor ( tliein befon thf lr chairs of Htntv. on . ; thf south Midi ot tho itltitr, tln'ii tnUliiL- thulr nhn . , oil tlif hfiilltllllllV I Uiirvml mill hUlml, at til c chlllfrt J Then the Arfhhnthop of I unti'thiiis, ti.Ui'Htur with tlic l.0Vd L illllll'f IIOl. tho Lord Jiioitt ciu iitnirliiln. the Lord 1 1 luh Coimtiililf and the Hurt MurMiul, wltlt tho Cnrtt'i K, in at-atniH piccoih I III? tllt'Ill, 'lOOH T C till' i'!IHt. 8011th. Wl'Ht nml nortli hIiIuh of tllu thoator iii hup- ohhIoii. ami proclaims In a loud votco Him, I hero pteM-n tttito yott Klitu (corcc. tho timlotihtt'tl IdtiK oT thlH iciiliu: whorofor nil you who nro conic this day to do our hoiuiiKC and Mcrvlcc. ait' you wllllift; to do Iho HIllllO?" Tho people Hltimh thflr wllllnsni's by Hhinitllie; "lioil hiivc King (IcorKc'" The Irunipotn tliciciipon sound a loud murine and the fitircil vchkcih and tfuallu oxent the nworihi nif tilni: of which tin Klli. who lias nun nrtn rt'iuiiiticd uihovimciI. piiih him crlniHon velvet cap boidcrcil with er mine upon IiIk head and rctaiim H iliirini,' tlif addreCH, After the Hcrnmii the coronation oaih Ih adinlniHtcre.l, tlm kiun hncfl ftiK on tho Htop of tho I lu r. artcr the ArchhlHhopH of Cnntf rbnt y him put the formal question Sir, Ih vuur niajcHty wlllltm lo tnKe the until?" to which tlio kins repllcst "I a.n wIIHhk! " Tho ltlnn thon Holunuiiy proinlHoB lu novum iicctirdliiK to law and to maiiitala the LMliihllKlicit religion, and with his hiitul on tho j-ofipols, uwcarii Tlm HiitiKH which I liavc tnroro promised, I will perforin and keo.i, so i help me (iod" Then fii" majesty hlHM's the biMiU and hIciih the oath i Itctuiniii to IiIh flialr i he Itlnc re imiliiB there while tlif rellisloii.i now lee Ih continued and. nfior a iihor: pniver. risen and In iltntohcd of hl crimson robe by tlif lnl (iieat fhiimh i lain T hen lo takes on his ,,f i,,(,. llM(i .irticueds iikiiIii to tho ." . flltnr, w,ch ho tulct'B hfn seat . I utmnluz of a royal a- .0MP KMkIUh of Mm C.arter ho d Bi,o frm , mvr(!H Htatlone.l in 'canopy ou.r him and the Archbishop , fc , , ()f 0 ....... I. ...... ...ifiliilo ll I III I " . . . oi V.IIIIM IOHH """ .. W Jlllf! ulll ai cumsuop poion un- on iho ldtiu'H h.'iid ho says. "He thy 1, I ...... Ii. ., I ii ltli I, nil nil Il L'llllIH. lll'llll illOJIiii' ll i,w ......... ....I......I " 1 prmsts tnut pfopneis wei.- i .io,.o. . , s be c.poiuts him on t no iireasi lie snvs "ite lli.v hruiiBl ailolntcd uli.i holv oil.'' . t . I A. or stone i As ho nuoili's I lie itiUK" nuims nt Scotlisli hh ' "He lliv haiiilii tuioiiiicil with ltol. oil." Thon he coiitlnuos: Ami its Solo l.l.. i,. ll,.. tlm :itoi)licl. ho lie 1 J.,,, i.iinliitf.1. hleasfd and cons.'crated : .. . i i i... i ,...,i r . . . . ovc ins people, nu u ...y .vor -,uli 4 . uovorn lu the name of tho Father, . . ..... f,.,a, 01 Ul lie.- i3"ll "ti" ui '" i''J. v.. ...... Allien.' Tho klm; then ItncolH down while the Aichblsliop Hays a Ulusslni; over hint. Tlie Dean of Westminster now plncen tlic colobluui HlmloiiU, or all), over his ninjeitljN .shouldcis. follow od hj the Hinlclc, or dalmatic Tho It inn's lieiils am touched Willi tho Krciit olilcii spurs by tho Lord (5 rent Ohiniibi rluln, and the sword ot Jus tice Ik lt roiitiil hlni. iho Atclthlsliop of ('tint. 't bury moanwlillo saylDB: "With tlim sword do Justice, slop the row Hi or iniquity, protect the holy church tu (iod, help ami defend wld- ,,,. , KB Kdwarirs chair, where nws and orphaiiH." This Hword liiho Archbishop of Canterbury anoiniH then taiien ofT tho It In if. drawn from ,,.,. ()v !, ,,0 (;10wn of the liea-I, Ito flcnhbaril and carried naked In while lour peeresses hold a canopy front or the liliijr (InrliiK tho rest ot ,ov,,r (1. t-,0 (luH ., n,(J. ,.ntf ,,iucei the cfienonv mpon the fourth llnuor pf her rlnht Ills niajmt'i( Invostlture with the hand iih ueiii of her ood faith anil Htole and tho linpcilal niantlo Ih then , (.-ow placed upon her head by tl" perioitiieil u- the Dean of Wostuiln- aichbishoi, ut tho inoiiiont ililt Ik htnr. iiv claspH IicIiir fastened by tho ,mo the uccrcHHCH proKout placliiR l.o ri! (it cat Chuuihcrlalii. I Iholr cuioneiH on tlielr heads. After 1 ho KIiik Iiiih nguln taken hl The archbishop then places the scut pi st Hdwanl'ti cmih-. iho orb la Heoplro with the cross Into hor rlKht brought from tlio altar and placed in )ilu huiul b. tlio Archbishop of Canter- bur. who also places on uib rmnt ,1. .i.. ii ,,i.,, ..I,,,, mum inn; iiiikci ih m m-h - rIovp Ih prt'Hontf.. to li the on of t ho manor or Worksop, who claims nils mi an iiercuit.try mi", land ihen the sccpfrn with the crosH, . I. . .,.. I., I. the Hjinhol of power, M put into the KtiiR H iiRiu nntm, nn i am wi1 ' with tho dovo, tlto omiiiem ot equu , nnd mercy, Into hln loft band. ' oni-j-i Tlio cnlnthintlmt point of tho core- inony is tho ciintmiM'.niou t i ni r,u. wnrd'H crown hv tho AlfllhlsllOp tit Cunterbnn at tho altar, the vencralile rlcruyinrfli repeat Ini; In iioloain tones tho pravcr "O (iod, the crown oi uie faithful hlcss, wo besi'och Thcf and ninictlf- this Thy Horvant, (leoro. our kliiR: and art Thou dost HiIh day nut ii crown of tune uold Upon his head, so enrich his rnyul heurl with iThino ahuiidiiiit Riuco and crown hlni with an princely virtues, iiiiuuhii ni lilui: eternal .lesttii Christ our Lord Anifii Alter this pruycr the Archills hops and biHliopu louvo trio ultur nd bo toward tho kltiK. who ha meanwhile taken IiIh Heat In 8t. Kflwnrds lilr Tlie Ih an or WcHlinliintor lirlnns n Ladies High Grade Shoes For the pair $199 the Pair This is an offer that can't be beat for money value. Every shoe in this assortment is desirable, representing footwear that sells ordinarily from $3.50 to $4 pair, Blacks or tans, high or low cuts, lace or button, in styles to please every one. You'll have to hurry, for these shoes are moving fast and soon there will be none left. crown Irotn the allnr, hauilh i to the ArthhlHliop of t,atiierliiir. who rev I'Uiitl) put.1 it on tlic ktiiK'H head At tlic "t'ltic nio neiit all those piescnt acclaltu (iod nave tlie UIiik! " and ho pceis put their corom-is on tholr iiii'iiiir. i iii' ii ii.ii L'li'i n no. ti mow it ioiui f r , , iut,,i' h.o ancient Tower or i.oiiilou ih henrii Tlic eiilliionejieiil occurs Imnieill- iiitely afterwnrds. the tiln lielni; lifted l..... Il.. 1... .1... iii.,1ilil.lliilliu HH' Oil Ullt'll'l IIJ tllC III.. iiiI'iii'"'i bl(ihn.,H .....i 1)0,r8 A Kcncial act of ItoiiiiiKo to tho l.lni; Ih led hy the AinruuHliop of Cull terhuiy. who. aftor ItnuclliiK before lllH UlitJi!Ht. Kisses lilui on tho loft eltecU, (Hid Is followed by tho Ptinco of Wales, who rouiotes n?J coronet, knccM down mid iloou Iioiiiiikc, In which he Ih succceilod hv tho prlnco. 01 v ,'"," r-vnl- r wll0" tiiiiitliiiti lila mil l.iuf l u ,'l-itu-ll mill ItlsHcs lilui on tiie left cheek uIho Dukes, marquises, carls, viscounts and barons currv out the siune pro ccedliic lu tho order or thulr prece dence, only the senior peer of each donee actually kneeling, toiichlui; tho crown mid UIshIuk tho UIiik on the lull check Drums neat ami trumpets sound when the Iioiuuko is over and all those In the church shout mice again "Ood savo KIiik OcorHo1" Tlio coionatlon or the queen, which now ensues. Is u much moio Hliuplo fen tuony. Supported by two bishops her najesty kneels ut Um steps ol' tho altar whuo u prayer Ih said, thence diiksos to u riildatool betweon thu ,an,i , tu. M.eplro with the dove In- to lior left hand, and she proceeds to her throne, bowlnu; to iho ItliiR In passing. The otiHiiIni' portion or ihc ceio inony Is of u purely relluioiiH char- ncti-r. the klnx and queen Koliq to tlm B(H , ,,0 tar( where tnev lake olf xwiT ,.rwiiH, hand uvor the Rifts, that from the kin, cnniprlKlnR an altar clotn IU ,,got 0f xold whIrIiIiik a pound n, n)0(l0 o(- tiu, queen an altar cloth ftii iiipj ill ic ) (ill n.mi i twin ,,,, n ni,.k wt.lht of koIiI Tho nion to l.ftll (111 lllltir Oinill I ,.,.IH ir4 r nio Uiril'B hiipper, aflci wai'ils replacing their crowns and, with the scepiros In thulr hands, return tu their thrones for the filial praveiH Tho processions are now rcturnicd and the liiiiK and qimon, followed by nieir Hiiiies curry iiik tho roKullii. pass imo mi. ki wan H c linic Iro.n thu POIllh niul nnrllt ulilnu tf tl... ntitii i,.. Hpectlvoly. Arttir oxcliitn nu ids oillclal emwn for the imporlal crown ami takliiR olT 'lie liuperlal mailt lo and rHplaclm: jiy ,H r0)lK of ml.m, v.lvt. Mm Ulnir, aeroinpunlod hy his consort, tmch benrlnic In tho right hand tho scoptio with the cross, nml the klnir. In IiIh lefi hnm! the mi, ami tlio queen, tho Clear the Deck WWWW WmWWwWWwWWW "Where Quality :' Meets Price" .-icpire with the dove, pauses liui k ti (lie west door ot the nbbe , where the proceKSloii had hist milcicd, ami Iho rt turn joiiiiic to the imlaco i bociin. In couiu'iion Willi the icIIbIoiis side of the ceioinony at the Abimy. i the Itlhlo on which tlio klii takes the oa Hi is a now one on on oh ociiihIoii. : Al I he ('oroniitioit of Kdwuitl VII. Hie HUilc was a Joint ilft or tlio t'mvur sUlcs of Oxforu and CiiiuhrlilKf ami is now preserved in tho llbiury at Lam beth palace. The namo universities Jiave ptiiKi'lilcd tho lllble used by KIiik OoorRi to the Archbishop of Cantetlinry. Tho HUilc on which Hie oiirlj Hns Huh kitiRH took their coruiiatlon oath Ih still picHorveil in the British :uu renin. It Is a Latin transtiilioii of tho four gospels in iiiaiitiscrlpt supposctt to have bcou written at tho end of tho ninth century, and It coiuilstH or 217 quarto Icnves. Tlio ehalleo and paicii. which arc ciitrled by two hlslmps in the proi'im nion in the abbey and later used In tlio communion sendee, are or j?ohl. Tho ainptilla and Hoon iibciI dtirlni' tlo ceiouiouy of anornltni; hoih kliiK and queen are said to lie the only iirtlcioH of tlic tcKalia not dfslioycil lij tin- parliamentarians. They are both ccilnlnly or Kieat ae Tlie am pulln, known as the (Jolilun IOmhIo,'' Is a kind or flask which contains iho holy oil. It is or true sold, in the lor n or tin citftlc with otitspiead wiims, niul ll striiids on ti pctlestai also of imte gold. Altottolher Ii Ih about uliio Indies hlpli. It weiKhs about ten oitnceH nml Is capable of holding about six ounces or oil. The head uiiHcrowH al tho neck for the purpose of lllllim the flask, but the oil Ih poured Into Die spoon from tlio tip of tlie houk. Tho oil used at the present day Is prepared from tho linoHt olive oil. It Ih poured from the ampulla Into tho spoon, which is of sliver niU ami dates from thu early ihrrieenth century. Tlm handle of the spoon In about retch mid oiiiluiir inches Ioiik and the bowl about two unit ouo-hulf inclKit1 There tiro four hno pearls Hct In the widest part of the handle and the bowl Ik llliely chased on both Hlilcx Tho anoint Inn Ik ciirrlcd out by tlio Aichblsliop or Ctiutorhury. who, dlpplns the tips or his (loners InWMho spoon, makes Iho hI'ii of tlie cross on the ir.own of the 'iIiik'h heiul, on the piiliuu r his hands and on IiIh breast. Tlie orb. uv mound, regarded nn tho emblem of sovereignty, Ik placed in IiIh majesty's luiiid immediately bo- IUI7 III'' WllUiliU l (o i in iiiv- fii mm hoad ditrlui: tlio Abbey service lie fnmo It... nllliilul t.l-J.tttl I lllll fill it ih afterwards carries It In IiIh el limit: in tm pioccHsiiui back to tho palueo. i It lit a musKlvo hall of field six Inches ! In diameter enelicleil with a Jewelled I hand of tho same uiolul, rlclily cm- helllshed with rose illinmuids mid oth , or niDclons stouo and cdued with pearls On l lie top Is an Immense umothyKt. violet ami purple In color and nearly an Inch nml a half IiIrIi, in tho shape of an oval. Around the uinelhyM tiro 'our bunds and It serves ub tlie ped estal or n splendid Kotiteu cross, throo and one-qiiRrler Inches IiIkIi and three Inches broad, clopcly sot with dia monds mul having in tlm middle u napphlre on one side, ami an emerald on iho olher is aUo iiiiiaiiieulcil Sale with four law pcarM in tho iiiujIck of tin cross and throe .nore at tho ends The wlnil heitthl of the orb hum the wise to the top of thu ciosh Is ek icii inches DEHMSHTO TALK OB THE 'We Have Done Everything We Can for Statehood," Snys Chairman McDonald of Central Committee. ASKS REPUBLICANS TO GET OUT OF THE' ROAD The territorial Democratic leiitial committee Is In session in Albuuuci inn toila, iiieinbers be I n presunt from larlous parts of New Mexico. Sessions of the committee ui-ic held this tuoriiiHK and this afternoon in the Commercial club. A caucus of leaders of the Democratic party, both members of the commttteo ami those not iih tubers, will be held this even In for tlic purpose or sinnmlm; up the present political situation. "We are Kiithereil together today for the purpose of discussing mutton lu Keiieral," said Clialrinan W. C. Mc Donald of CarrUo.o. "We are not roIuk to do anytliliiK furiher leRard Iiik tin- sliitclionil sltiiatlou. We have done everything .o can for statehood. We Would like to sec the llcpuhlicaus Ki't Into the Kiiim- now and help us Rel statelmod tliroiiKli the iiouse and senate. We have It up to the house ami our Democratic friends lu con uress uro pliiRKlnR rlRlit ulong for Its passage All We ask Ih that tlif lit -publicans help iih or get out of the road ami stop blocking Hie kiiiiic." It was rumored today that the ecu tral coiniiilttee discussed possible New Mexico candidates for tho United States senate. Likewise it Ih said thai tlm governorship was talked over at some length. Nothing regarding these ruinor. however, could he con firmed by Inquiry among the mem Iters or the centra! committee Auioug. those here Mr the meeting today an chairman W, C. McDonald, Currlxoxo;! L, K. Menurfey. Hon well, W. H, W"j tun, .Silver city; Kd Tittinaii, Milts boro; A, c, Torres, Socorro; Kummers lltirkliarl and O. N. Marron, Albu querque. Itooiievult Dam, Alrdomu tonighl Aniilvcrsury. Alnlome tonight Tonight great Alrdomu celebration, lied fin and e. ill olcUl, Ail'ilfiiuo, SITUATION r!