Newspaper Page Text
'9 NO USE TALKING, JEFF HAS A HEAD LIKE A FLAXSEED. hi,A.M.S 9 OMR ll-OM Tin; i:(ommiist mrj7. wm m i xcj s&fl r -vus jw sam itM . i'..cirt-rr.s r-. 1 r -m- 7-u.-kriv' a i whit f v rjvn-. i--" -if' i .3 r . M i.i A 'fi ski ure x- The Lconomist TAaf Satisfies Till! IvTOXOMIST THE WANT FIRST INM IS TO BE HELD AT GALLUP Premier Full Distance Event, of Southwest to Be Pulled Off in Carbon City; Bank Credit System Established. kiii'i'lMl irrrttitiilrni'i- tit Ihr llciulil) f 'JHllllli, "M ; Jilllr -Tllr J -In lor .iiilillMu t llr- c i li'liriill'ill lit liiiMiit mi Ilic III) .mil Mil i'f ,llll ."i K'llita in.Trllj mi. 'Phi inhiTtthHif: in:nitli'.. rw.-lvt-ij tiifir Ittrjr patit . thlN c-u, wlnrh hnw Uii illf tiiiiiii'Mi fnr mill wtrti, Tliij lmvt iiihiIi- ill THiitti nii iit U Dip limilikKHr t ililif .tuiiin, it IimU iiinnithiiii ruiinot' ( Ciriiliil .lunrlloii. Colm mly, "ho it nitHl i,, Hiiimig ihv hrHt in dtp I'l.iitiiiy. in mn MVnliiKt I ho Itmipfi runiiii f tlio 7M trlli'.. Ailiuim limy it.- Min,. ruiiiioi'. hut tin- hi1H .if l)ulllli will nck tint X.Mtll fur mty lUiiMiim, linvlnu huil a Mrtinjils .il won. ! i ful itiliirHin e. The r.ici will he tin' full murailinu iIIhi mi'v, tn mii. ;!r. ytiriln mill will ! thi tl. xt run illHitinii' nnutitlinti i--r piilUiil i.rr in thf uutliwofi Tills t'i'tit will iiiiilnlilitiilly lif ii tit-cut ilii MiiiK (iiril anil vltltni-H iii4i thn. Ulf.v Will Ket tlieli mu ii' v' wonli ifvi'rfll of 15IIiiii'8 itiMo-iliitr miT. .kiiiI. in I'nmiiMMtoii with Hie .Io Kiiili'v roiuity hank, luiw MitiihllKlictI .i iiiini: rr.-illi HVMtnin. fr tint purifw f iiKhtilnR icoylo in liny lit li'iini' :illil itly i-anli. Willi wioli CIKill HI)' rliiiM,., til,, init'cluiscr In lvon n crciiu Mmiiii foe Din aiiiiiiitit tiduclit. Whoii tlioy hnvi' I'lillwtou IbH or imo'(. of iiii'n'p Mniiipy. tln um hp tnnipd in to tin. hank. hr lin y a III ho ro ilH-nii'il at Hi ! ciMitH on tin1 ilollur. jL IMi Iiimi Wfiliifnliiy iirtfTiioon l lur o clii"!;, .MIm Mary Mi'Qmtilp nml Jih. T. Hrnuii fro tinltml in llif lioly IhjiiUm of inKtrhii'iny tit tlu 8iirMl li.irt imrnoimi!!' hy 1'ntlnT I'loroiitlnii MpyntM. Ininii'illntfly nf-I- r the i'(rPliinti, lln- happy roiipln hi .' rimv i'il to tin. horn,, nf tho lirlilf 'H puri'tiu on lln- north nl!' ,1a "no of Dny'tt Iiitro mitof, wltpr n mmipiiioiiH futnt wilt) knrvvil to cihIf iiiiiiilifrliiK cIohp to lu'ii luinili-i'il, who iifitrwaiilt Hpi'iit n wry pli'imiuil 'Vfiilni? Alth mtiNip nnd oihpf pnipr tHiunii iiic. 'riic yiiiiui; I'oiiplo wi ro t iii'ipli'iitH nt ninny uipfiil ntul vnlu- llhli plem-nlK. TIlP hrhli- l oil,, of Onlliip'y iiiohI popular yimuu IiIiIIrh, lm vttiKT rphlril hiri for ninny ypnrs T'n- i oiiiii. a nnilvi' of Inillniin, has icnlili'il in Ddllup for (h puxt tliiop yiar. whore hi Iiiih mmlp mnny frii'inlH. Mr. nml Mrn. llrMi will tnki- up hon'kepplnr nt the linnio of Ilic lirhlo'H jm touts until Mouiptlnip In III" fnll, uhPn tlipy will mnv )nli ihi'ir nml iniiUKP In tlio Siinnvulu lulitlilon. wlilrh k not yet cnmplPloil Tho McQiiriir ia ml I j; wcrr .'ry nuri'itilily mirprlKPil lunt WotluiHiliiy imirnlnn ly Hi'' nrrlvnl of thHr I ilaiiKlilor nml Hon-ln-liiw, Mr, nml Mim .lolin llortotl of Liih Vi'K.'is. N vinln, In alii ml Ilic wi'itilltiK of M'rn llot'tmi'ii ulHli.r 'I'lini' rot limed to Uicir lionio on Sunilny iiioihIiik j tVIr ami Mrf. McfiiPMlr nnd two ihm oft Mninlny itiorniim for a 'Ihii iiln-lr frh'iitlH nml i-cImiIvkk In V.nw t'i M ntul Pent Intnl. Tlu'V will proh ; ' i v he until1 four nr IHc mniitliM i'Iiiiii llnnlliiu', .Ii , v ho Iiiih liircc Hlf IiiipitMh til c.'iniiilii'r, Arlr. . 'H nt fcvciiil iIu.vh In (i.iilnp li'itit ' i U vlnliiniT frlomls. 1.' t V ilnonilJiy uiornlnK, Clint), I., Diiv III., popular piiipili'lof of Hip (I.iilnp .mho poniimny, nlol,. a nmnrli on Iiim fiiPiulH hy (tulniiiy Hlipplinr iuviN nml Iipiiik jnhipil In wi'dlmk n MIkh .liiHilnc Mvlnmiloii hy .HimIiic or Iln penrp iMnifion ci:ih, Al. (.'niton, u (niiticr rOnMuU I J i." I i i. r , it.t.r. I . . I I V r m-i-v,r i mc i I -- fe'Mi ' irt1ji,1JwiT i i - ; l ..... : . . 'i.'- i ( --v. ii i i Drapery 1 .111 No. I ckinUi-. or viillli1 li-Uiilittli ill Mli- I'J 1 jc mill l."i, 9c AD SEES MOKE PEOPLE f fi..iiuti iinl .i on of M- mil Mrs Cottun wllli hi futility nrriv ill In ; it 1 1 ii Mnuility in iil lln parent- Mr Coltnii Ik "tuiiiipil with the Uii'omolilto (Ninipmiv of Iih AiiKflf, cnllf'irnla. Tin iufntit ohllt! of Mr nml Mrs .tftJi. PtitlUon of Olliwin. illi-.l infl SnturilHx of "utunidr ceniplitint It n hurii'.l nt lltllahlf .'pniiipiy on .Moinlny. A Hlu mlnfr wiih nivnrtty Priislioil liy n fftll of rnk In Hip Xnvrijo tnlnp lntt TlmrcUi- llr trn linmi'illntnly tnken to tht, Cihton whOr'i hp Im nniv In n vmrj" wlmt condi tion c i:. Ilichiirdn. a Sanin K hrtikc ni -in on the itrnt illviXon. Iioh pur pind n oonitoliing in tlm Coniinprclftl rwiiniirfliit, nnd puhpm lo ponron the dltilns room Into a itoi hall in iti- HMir ftttitrp. ThVMiVttrrciW aiftl .ti1iit Kltrlii-n, ilaushtfiri of Mr. mid Mrf Ppit Kill lieu, ifluriiPd linnio t-'alurilnv frotn 5nt:i IV whir,. Uir !mc lict-n fiiiiitidlnit wIi'msI. UtlitH). Iliirdlnn, one of Mr. K M. SiuiJiiI.'' r Hie I cut rlcrkn. rptiirm-d lioni. HaUirtlny Hum Cttllforni.i. win-re hi. Im it bati fnr the putri tii.n.ili m hi" VHcntlnn. ilnvllup HH'. Ufen Mulled b.x ciul t'cfri'viiMiK whuwi't-H illii'tiiK tin poHi WvfU, whii'lt wi i i- vory iiitirli if . ili'il .Muclilnory to iiciniiiii,; to ..mho nl Hip Wkivpi mini, fnr flm tir .o ( plunt, winch th,. letof-miii-pn Irtiol ioniMiii lt itiytallliin at pliici-. Tin mil nil to mnki' tin .nn of tin luiK'-kt plants m thi jiiiiitir, mi ;iud will niriii'ii powor to opcrat. ma chinery ai Hi. UViivnr, lloittoti and Xiivi.Jm milieu it ml aUn fiirtilHh UrIiih fnr the tlini. earn its. 't'lils cotnpiilij Is HponilliiK Kfcnt ihml f miiiiit in Ituprovlni,' tin ir property, hnviiii: re Odtltly pOllHinicl (! fmu twtnl-llp inW dwi'UttiKu fnr their inliur. Tin y also Intend tn..l;luK nutniirniin mi provptnentu al the Navajo mine whir i tiny ri'tolltly opened u i(ew ulnpe A iiph Mnr and Huvurul now dwillltiUH will ho built. Tlip npw Klinfi nun", wmpli limy hnve hceii ilovplnpltiR for thp pant ynr, will he Hlnried full bl.iHt about th,. llfM nf Jul The l-'mmlHPiin fiitliotH. who ire in Phuriie of ihe .Sacrod Heart . lnirph "nil iKiiifh, urn lhilldlnK a two-rnnm workNliuit in llio ivrir pf Hip Cathn. llo fhiiiph. T)il wni'knhip will ho used In punni pilim with On , oimture- ll"U of u 1IPW IlUJItllltK. wltlili l to be tnti'd mn CailmlU xehoot. T.'m Tiofk Till Hie tiehnol InillitlllK Will ntni't In a short lime, Knr tint Hixi lime, iinllnp will liavo a "Sal,, ami Sane" I'.iutill of .Inly, the town hoard ItnvlriK punned an nt dlnaiiei pi-o)iihitnK the hi. .,r lltp Wl'l ItH. Tell your friends In the East about Albuquerque by lending them a copy of The Herald Poet Card Edition. Five cent will cover the entire cotf of paper, wrapper and postage. ppMiHit will ha.ipon, hut tlio bout. rt'Biiliilnil tmnlllPH kidip )r Tho.iiaH' IOpIpcIIp till for Biirh iiiipiVi.miIpr. It Hiihdiii'ri Hie pnfn ami IiciiIh I ho hurU Biliousness "I h M.4 rnr tjttntbl ptrrU MliBl Ihtiii i.ttar, (luiildti'i du wllhum llin, 1 titt uitil Hw tor turn li f'tr (ltiliiii ami I.II louinnii una km h"W eniuliUl)r cintO. Ittecm Bi'ilil l he in In trorrun. Ilura lllU foil will Btm It willio lUiivMi lliaiuaiir Lantrd A. fiti, AikMfi M.I. Ma Ut Me ill. TllUfn " Hottr tUVMi UOC. . IIHMMN4 fu r mKl wmmtt n (1Mb. car of inie awej ph. utrvr jei'i wim. aelMia PHMWHly C.e)., WieeHiid, f.inii. iwllUlL PiLE M iS aH,HL'v,a,Vil Mat' ETENINQ HERALD, tlttftSDAY, .51 I i I . 1 ' 1 1 S CfH-r t .VT WrtLK fcfAlLCJ, TO k ON SALE Special .'lllilu SntIiiI TERRITORIAL OF ARIZONA BEING PUSHED Work Rapidly Progressing: Be ! tween Tucson and Cochise; Large Force of Men and Mules Employed. ' Ttipnon. Ariz. .Inno 2t--Wort: Ih jiroKrohMiu; ifinldly on Hint ta-pilon j ol tlio ii'irllnilnl litshwit liptwtKui liilR oil) nnd CocIiIko TIip i-onlm-l-ins. I'nplu'i'o nml (Itlfflili, hip nt work with a laiK.f fotro tif moil, li'iiiiiH, sritipcrK unit niiili'K ami Hint lOrcc was lintlior IncrpaHd vphSpi day Ii) Hie tiililltinn nl iwcniv nioie :i liornrn Ctnitrnptoi (itiilltti ptiinn m IiLuhpH. olitnliit'd the mi'it and tnuk lliom hncl; with Idiu In n wtiKon to i)n cindlm; (limp Hint I In- I'dhtincKiiH htie pstnh lixlipil Ah rniid work an In eohHUtPnl Willi pxpnllvupp h wlitil Is prnnilHi'd uy iln TtlcHiin cnniniPlorK for Hm link or llm H'lilinrlnl liluliwuy. It will on tlmlr xt 1 1 ii lo Imvc iltlii piece of mnd Hip Iiphi or any in I he w IhiIp rlintii Kioni lh pnBt tlioy niif woiIiIiir wph and will coiilinui' until tho IiIkIiuii' ifi litoiiKlii Into to rlty. At a polul nliniit plovfti iiiIIpk from own Die hl'thwny will ho nifl in ih now poiinly nmd that Is liiim laid nut to ptilarcp Hip prowunt Hpci'dwaN K.vsiptn and t Iiiih thoro will conic Mil full, a lamer addition to tin; iniiilt vard d.VHUiui that HiiiioiiinlH Tnuson than had l'n ntitlclptitcd Su mat (pi' wliPtliiir HiIh toad i iiiih in llnrp. fori, IIIkIipp, Toitihulotip or Hpiihoii ll will ho a valualilc iiimi'Hoii lo Tiirsoii tiPxt winlpr for all siipIi S lMl 'is ,ik enjov nutt orlnt; am) liuliilxc Mi dial slid Inns out or door rooma f Ion m cup is Work Commenced on Shearing Sheep at Las Vegas, Ani mals in Fine Condition, and Bumper Crop Expected. l.ilh Vcros. N M . .tune 2 - With the hheep In the finest pOFhlblf. ' 011 dltion. nnd the wool of a ('orroponrt lnrl Kood oitnlll. .dwnMip hi- tin mt'ticed on the rancti of Sheriff No eiiadlno llomcro nt'i'usn rtranib Hherlif Itomero enjoys the dtnlm tlnn or belim the rst rancher 111 fan Miguel county to 'begin Hheniinir tills Scar Others are plnnnlnR to Miehr next wepk. from all parts of the eountv whrre ishcep ate uraKirt the report comes that lambs are In better rondltlio than foi nia.i) years. This is d ie to Ihn frpiptetit rains wiieli have made tin supply ol arass In the piistiii'cH and on the innifes evtreniely plnntlPH Mr llopnro has sent wind to the rltj Huil he has never seen luii)bs In In Iter comlliloii than Hiohc in bin pas Inns ihis jeur otiwr sheep men aie nin tlliiK dtnllatly. NOTU'i:. Thin i to notify ihe pulille (bill I will not be rpKpont.bp for any debts conlrnctcit by Nora riilffln. Slunen TOM UU1FFIN. For Hip best saddlo hories In the city call phone No. .1, V, U. Trlniblo, 113 Nofth BeuOnd EL m m EXPECTED iMwvuiut ) .( MWKP. t r, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY consisting of 20 pieces of Oriental and Conventional owif H of Scrim Curtain Materials, Duplex Draperies for lungplow Curtains in AU-Over 0ttffns and Plain Centers With Borders 36 and 40 inches Wide, divided in thtee loti, as follows : ;l ui N'n, J I'.iiislK of mi I in- -cllliiif ii'Viiliitl) t.'i' lit iTm yniil iiivtnl 12ic IN ONE DAY THAN YOU CAN SEE WANTED. WNTKI CotnpitPiit woman for conk at"! Ji'iivcwoil; family of two. l.Oeklinil Itancli, I'lione .12 IHtf WANTHIi Carppt clf-nnliiR W. A Cuff, ii5 Kant CPtitral. i'hnnu .'OS. WAN'TKO oil Kiloil ItUHlnrn. iiropetty. a tnati oi i;.iiill). .,ldrps 1' O. Itox lu:. cu. 2.1p UCtUT aMlTIUNO anil hIioHur. .ilioos , liiuid iiitulu, liad lift :i Hpcolnlty. ' Chnup for cash. Oo. Muifhltmon, 211 WW UaU 2 Mf ! ROOMS FOR RENT. I'OH RUNT FuiiilhlM'tl room, alnslo and en hiiIip rnr Ikht hoiihi-koppluit. .'Ill Wnt Hllvpr av. 21-c I. A ltti K COOU itOOMS for iou kecplni;, rent t I'tiHonnhle. Call ul rear of 521 West Central nvpnno. 3ftf I'Oli HUNT- Tit lailj piiiploycil, nice ly rurnltilipil trout room, with InrK" cloHct, in niijilciti home, No other rooilli'H ami no ellllilletl. Plll.-lle ll.:m. r.02 North Pnuith. Call af icr f..:i(i p. ni. FOIt ItKNr FiirnlHheil rouiiu, mod-i oi n, nil conveniences, di'jt KohI i .Maniuettc. M tf I FOH ltRNT Quirt modern aleoptriR I rooni.i, tiHo iiouhokcopiiik rootii-s. (17 S. nronilway. 18 p' FOU ltKNT Outfltdo orrtce room In N. T. Armljo biilidluir. Apply to (ifo. Y Albrliiht. Kvcnlng Heruld ot- flCP. MESSENGERS. M H SS i: N' fi 1 1 jj Our boya wnsta ho titnp; call tin for rnerimgM or par cpIs. Phono COl-r.02. "We ruah n-" Houses for Rent. FOIt lli:NT--Moderii houses. 4 to loins, liirnlsheil ami unfurnished. V II. Me.Mllllon. -'1 W. (told. 23;t Full HUNT New llve-room coltoue, two Kcrcen porches, HOfi North Fifth. Apply on i'i'cmlHP or .Strotia's book store. 2tc IMP. HUNT I'. . hottst fnrnilii i ni nue room modern, Sit) Went Iron, 21c CATTLE SHIPMENTS HEAVY AT TULAR0S.A '.I. K. Cnniphell, A-lstallt fniivtop M OHIiii nl' (iia.hi( ItepoiiH lle Sale- cl Sleets; F.vccllcul Halns on Itiins;!', AvH.stiiiit ForeMpr .1 IC Campbell "f tn, nlllcn of urnrliiK In Hie loc;l iMrfw-t nerMee others, teturned Itmt niBht fio;n a three weeks' trip 16 Tillnrosa and the MiiRdaleiiii country on fnrit bunHiit'S. He reports Hie sale of I.r.OO steers al Tulnrosa, net ting Iir,,0i10 to their owners, .MeMila. Dealt. (Isnn, Jone and Conpfr. eVar-llm,- btousht J20 en h and two-vrar-olds nnd tltfpo. year-"Ids t&nnd 110 more retpfptivcly It ruined three lays at Tulttrotu last week. i'lione Ijlne liiitullril. The Installation if " telephone line from the olllee of Hie forest .imervior jut Spiinpin v III. n ll doroolt has boil Commenced. The entire ponMruetlon will he poinpleted m four months. The . ennMiiiellnn of this line will ho ofj rtlmnt'l neflini ihie heneilt to tjte mr-, vlf, aw poinniuiiienlionr. from Hprlni; ervllle to Ihe iiiFtrict oiiIcch have hpjp- tofinc ben wu dllleuii Mnnysei-i U'-i'S. of whom lare iit'iinbeis nte ciimiIiik into this country, will receive. Hie hniicili of the line also, ax the set -Vice pertnll" tlp-ni to tiie It wjienevpt ii can ne ooiii' MniioiH nciriinpiii lit Ihe ih pat Intent orvli" A plume Hue from Tultifosn down n tin NtRnt' i-'inniiy, a tUMnueo or tn mile", h i- ''Ci n eniupbii'd, Finiitici dome. d nl iheyenne, Air- JUNE 22, 191 1, 'INQV, ARV l.ol Sty cuillrirl) ' '''iiVVi FOE SALE. CIMH liXN'D.H! Wp lime honiD Ioih, llllHllll'ftl IlllH, lllVe.Mlmi nt loin l.nts of lots mr loi of purnoso?. HI'KCI.U,. tr H.nloi.vunn! A ti-n-room home on Went Ppntrnl. lot 100 hy 300 tret. A beftutlrtit home. Must In neon to be appreciated. Own er leiivltti,' the country U cause of this Mfurlflce Foil HUNT A fine ranch on menu, clopt In. Good houie, oiitliiilhlniftN, hrtile ,ind fruit. UeNrvolr ami plenty of water. Ideal plnen for ohlckenn. flood ptopositinn to rlaht party. I'oit ham:. I J.'OO- fi-room model ii hrlck, Hlah IntiilH, cIohp to :e;Urit; .'lO-foot Jul, w'nlktt, scrten porehe.i, cellar. ca.h or terni.H. $ -l-room ntul bath, two nereen liarehc'i, cetnelit wiiIUh, ."O-foot ldt, now houoe. well iIiiIhIu'iI. TIiIr In-eluili-H all riunlluip. (;itn mtiKe and exu-rt (leetrle llulil IhluteH Fourth ward. Terni. nr,nO Kfaht room., modern. oeniPiit, hlneli, i limp III, conii'f lot f.Oxir.d, uMiiiiit walks, lawn, Munle. htnam bent, Hi epinc pored, Mhade. $2fl0u Will buy a f.-room iiinilern pot. ttiK til Ihn hiihipilow ilSfliict. near 4'eiiti i im'Iiup. iMst riotit, mil lot, uax, larH'' poreltea. i'a lllte rent. 12IMI- Pj nerPH of nlfaira, close In. Iir.n i .-mom rtilliin CftttnKe. 2 norepti ior In k, sink, eleetrlo lliihls, cor ner r.o j i pint pjifih, h.iiance s per . at ir.o iv f - of rich land u the Pnnhan die t . inile for a .'t-roorn modern homr i Ubutiucrqiie. ItH IX M. MOOlti: IICAI.TV CO. ruti: ivsrUAXffc, iti:.ii icstath. I.OAXS SU AUSTUAtJT.S. '.II West Onlii Ave. Plimu) 10. SUMMER RESORT. TIIF. rol'NTUV CMMI. In t'arnuii iijera Conjon, The publlo Is cordially Invited to at tend tho opetiliiu of the above place. Lunch, refreshments nnd pleasant smiles with all tb freedom of country llfo will bo accorded to all. It shall be my great pleasure to make Htla the bent neat up-to-date rnuntrj dull In tho southwest. Parties that desire to Invito their friends for on outdoor dinner can send their order by phone, and beforo reaoblnv tlnre everytblnis will be In r-a dines, without watting or taking the trouble 'o do your own eooklnr. Plmne l.outt, ItMfnueltl ITamuel Omnlry ,1nli. FOR SALE Misscellaneous. FuU SAI.H-A t ell esiabllhd and pi.unK nenernl nier.-handlso busi ness in country town, setnl Indian, trading pttet llenlth reasons for selin.i; Addrees "A. H." Herald of lice 22p FOIt jvU.F.- Thto.. tockimr chtiiim, Ijood '- w lmtiie 117 II. TIJelas live. 3Se FOK HU: Vounu apilni,- fhlrlcriiH, b"tHt in He nifitltot Cull 41.1 ii, JroiMwii SJ.c "r . r FOH HAl.K- c.ood horse. buifBy and hurness. A i -1 "ill N. 3rd. 2-tf r r, i , FOIt SAM-: I 'n p bead Hlnijpr Hew Iiik maehliie. $:non; alKA one for IK. 00. 022 West i.pper AVo. tf. ff)H fiM.i:- ri)i..i W. II. M f Hold " ' 4' ml liaiiil Iiuk n I ft W Ml FOIt .SAI.i:40 h, p. murine; car la A I condition, $7ui). Hnnabiiiit In Al condition, in &. HcllH dt AUIO in, 40 1-ton n, Flrat 8t. ,.im. ,., , i i . . , - FOIt RALRUntlarwaad TMerUer5 aood orter, fit. Aaem No. l, flmnt tilllldlftf. tf iheyenne eelebrailoit, Alidonn n llUlll 1 Ml SIN-- V lA IP-"!- k a :i inimMu nr tiilni. .illln-t lit :!,( ilic Mini. sim-HhI 25c FOR SALE. I Two Bargains 4-room tnodern houne, corner lot, rant front; owner la lenvlnn town and property must be told at once. Make uh ,n offer. Two fine lots on North Kiev enth street. Price only o"0 Fiiti: isavhiixae LOANS P0RTERFIELD GO. 216 West Gold. DENTISTS. Dlt. J. Hit API' llcnUU HarifrrT Rooma I atid a Harnett Illdg., jfai O'HIclly'a urut stora (Appolnttnenu made by malt.) Phono 744 OKTKOPATIIV. lilt. C. II. CONNKU l.lcciiM'il to priutlco OsU'opatlir, 3lcdlclnn nr Surner). My special work l curing ehronle diseases. Office In the new Stern building, comer Fourth and CVntrnl avuiiup Ti lephone for apiiolntinent cr.i or ?HTSICIANS. DR. ROBERT SMART Tuberculosis I lt"oms i ntul 'l, niiltlnt: Itulldliu,' IIoiiin III to 12; i to 4. 'tel. A. . KIIOHT1.K. l"7T Prajctlc l.ttnlleil to TulH't uloalt Hours IQ to 12 Telephone tXf Rooma I, t and 10, Smt Natlouut Hank Hlock OIOMON lu IIUHTON. M. D. Pliyaclan and htiricvoB Realdonce 10 South Walter Street Fhone 10JO. Offlca t Harnett Htilldlnf. Phone 417 Dlt. Ii. O. HICK miyaictaa and tiurfctwi W. M. SHERIDAN, M. D. PnU'ttce Umlted to r;i:xiTo.t'tuNAnv ww.tKs The WiMfmimm and Newmdit Te.sta "lioi; Adinintatered Htntc NatiojAl ttjinfi HulldihK. AlniiHcriitH, ttpw Mrtlcn. ADA M. 4"lli;VAir.Mi:it, U. V. Praellce limited to OlHensen or Women and rKiVtrI.. roiisutin-Hons- 9 to 12 mi 2 to i p in snlie !, Cromwell hldr., residence oil N 12th t Phone .112. JOHN .f. MOHAN, M. I. Pltortr a7, ItiHiina it I anil ar Itanieil lliilhllitK .lloany -It 7 tii H, PERSONALS. AM. KINDS, both near and aeoond hand, bounht, sold, rented and re paired. Albuiiter(Mo Typewriter Ea chania Phone so, ril ITS eloatied unit prosKCd, l LTt No KiiNollno, BntUfmiliin Kmiraiiteeii Jim Uouiiur, 214 N Fourth at. lU lt BY "BttD" FISHER LCVJF vl MIKE. LL- U1 MWTT. Bt; i TIIK I'rOMfOMIHT The Economist The Store Tht SmtisHes TIIK IXOXOMIST IN A MONTH .MtiMiWiAWWWH rOR SALE lono 9-foom, 2-Mory hrlek, mod- crit ccninil, flno location: $ l .nofi pnHh, bttlntipp S per crnt. IiiOO fl-room frnnitt, lot C0xl42, Komi wrll; HlKhlnnd. 'near cor line. J.VJOO 7 room ht kd!, ziiodr-rn, ao'otl r.liailc. W Coppor nve., corner lot; tcrniH. I2TO0 C-rooni doublu hrtcH, South Iiroadwuy. oioie In; rent tno; $700 ciinIi, bulnncu S per cent. IfcaOO 7-rnoin brink, modern, flue slludo treo.i and tnwn, corner lot 7Cx 1C0. fln location, Wont TIJitus. $ Jfifin-ri.rootn fraitip, kooiI out- bnlldluH11, oornrr lot, ffoiith Waltrr. MOiVKV TO MIAN riHi I5THUHANCB A. Fleitcher III OtlTII rUDUTII ' MTHllifft.' Neat to New fatiofflet. Ptont DRUGGISTS. WILLIAMS DRUG OOMfAWT nillHc IKcrlpUM Our ftMlMlf 117 Wat Central lln rroftt SANTA FE TIKE TABLE BB (In Kffect January 17. 1U.) -WKHTHOUNO Arrlta Desarl 1. Ca). Kxpresa ... 7:4p l:30p 3. Cat. Limited ...UtOSa U;2Sa 7. Mex. ft Cat. Fx.lO:C5p U;40p 9. CaI. Fast Ma1t..ll:S0p 12:41 i:.ktiiound 2. Fx. ... S:C.1u 4;I0 4. Chi, Ltd R.fip 4:0lp 8 Kastern Kt. ... C:3Jp 7:ICp 10. Overland Kx. .. K:00a H:2;a V.I Pan Train hO?, .Mex. Kx. ... 12:I0a S15. Kl Poao Pans. 1:10a 810. Kan. City A Chi. B;05a il6. Kan. City fc Chi. 6:3Cp IliMwell nml Amarlllo. ill. Pecos Vftl Kx , 2:2la 812. AlbU. Kx. ...ll:2&p P. J. JOHNSON, Agent. No. No. No. No. No. No. No, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. TIIK T II H i: K I) A V I.HM tHtii uu r NEAL CURE Wc Invite the nest thorouuh InvretN Kution. Full information in pluln sealed envelope on requckt. Neal Institute niii N. fkToml HI., Albuuneri.ui', N. M, TI.'I.KPIIOXF. 821. HOUSES FOR SALE. FOR HALE (ti)Oil .Vroom .ilthlein iIwoIIIiik. wv locntcil In IMkIiIuiiiH Handy lo HltopH, f)nlv $120. TeniiH. HUN8AKER A THAXVON, 204 W. Cola. FOIt SAI.K -House and loll J.SOn f taken al om-i (.'1 s Hroadwui-, 2i Try i Heruli Want Al. It will triug rMUi.