Newspaper Page Text
ALimaUERQTJE EVENING HERALD. THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1911. MMMM MM MM When buying Olive Oil be ture to get j CUMMER clothes are usually CORSETS TOMORROW ONLY A fine line of high grade Corsets, made of Silk Embroidered Batiste, selling regularly from $6.50 to $7.50, your choice, tomorrow only Each $2Q5 Ech "Gr&di (L Domenici OF LUCCA, ITALY Nothing Better on the Market ft of light weight fabrics; you want them cool. If you want them to fit and stay fit, buy W. H. HAHN COMPANY Tor tlit llt In l-'iicl i f Ml KIihU. ceiuum.os T.t'Mp s in v i n w.u azm OAt.MM' LUMP KIM'MMI AND Mll.l. WOOD GALMU' K(JO 1 III K D l'LASTKMNU 1,1 ME ANTA I K HKI"K. PHONE 91. Hart Sdiaffner & Marx Wolf's Premium Flour Made From Finest I lard Wlicnl For Bread Making It Has No Superior ASK YOUR GROCER Crescent Hardware Co, STOVES AND RANGES PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS FOR Marsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Stcnm Pumps. 318 West Central Avenue Phone 315 Use Kirk's Flake White Soap Cheapest and Best Soap , on the Market Today CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR Offices Cor. First and Copper Everything in Our Line. Write for Illustrated Catalog. LEMP'S KEG BEER A SPECIALTY t Phone 138 ASK YOUR J UK1 Canned Vegetables BRAND and Fruits The Finest and Most Delicious on the Market j BOYS' SUITS With two pairs of bloomer trousers in all the nobby gray and brown shades i and upwards. T Mail Orders Promptly Filled. E. L. WASHBURN COMPANY $5.22 & KEG BEER COMPANY P. 0. Box 318 GROCER FOR I SANDOVAL COUNTY INSTITUTE. The Sandoval County Teachcin' n Htimie will no held ut llcinalillo lu llif' Sinter of l.ntotto school com-nn-iirliu on Juno 20. l'JII. .i S it. in. mid (ontlnuliiK four week. Mr. Alux lu Cnronol ut Hit- Union city hcholH will htivo plunge TIid tuition will lie tHOn ItONIKVCK) MONTOYA. Superintend, lit of Schoola If V"i want ii iv1Imi horo find Imikiiv V. I Tr.iolik' li.l North Sfroiiil I IMtiii No. 3 I DUKE CITY CLEANERS ' We oloim Inn. . n.. u'h ii iiil women's lvi iik, ruK-. in i iih, ilnitinrlon. rt.' r.-o w. vi c ; ltl Phono 440. Promptness Our Motto. I .MA'ITIIIJW'S l( i: CI (ISAM Set tin' Mnuiliiril for absolute unity iix well n iIcIIcUiiih fin tor. ltt on helm; wTt'l v 1 1 1 1 MimiIicm'h oiil)'. X piiom; iuo. jr. Stop at the Cool Corner I ,at I'i. ...riitr ' I I ' i I .1111 ll I'll til p'iMiillli'C II ll ,. . ill. ll phi' e hi t v ilia, )i ilni and II Ink.' ii. ) it proviliK to 'iu that u Ml. in.t i. Hi l.oiM Soda and Ices Schutts Wholesnlo & Ritail Confectioners FOURTH AND CENTRAL Where Quality Meets Price Crollott & Watert It M ltAI. I)H(i:vIOItH AND i;MllLMi:ilS- -l-u(l) A-ltanU III Wot I .!; Phono, MkIiI or l (-. r.7H. Springer TRANSFER :; COMPANY Charge Reasonably for Satisfactory Work LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tin: vi;vnii:it. (:.iMr. ill) t'lniuly Willi Loilili tliuiiilcrslni ins 1I1W iilli'i iiiiiiii mill o. nlyhl or I'llihi), elieullcr, iMcopnth, phono 7 1 7 1' I. Kcudo.i U a visitor In the city fiom Sawyot liiiirm- V lliuilon Is visiting lu rh, cliv initn Mountiiliisili'. (' (' Stubb arrfvuil lu Hie olty ctcida fiom Htilon in moke h shon tlHlt Will It KMd Mi for i ho upper I' Hum mni'iiliif: for Uniting unit intention. I. II. Wirhltt iirrlvml In I lie oltv fiom A Imodiums yoHtnnlny on ;i hard- III r!H UllMilOII. A Klchwnld, n ncnornl niorohnnt o' Ciilm, N , . arrived in tlio city htnluy on IiiikIiiuks. Ii. It. Paul, troiiHUior of the New Mexico Central, arrived In I ho et ro;n Santa IV yesterday. MlhitcB .Mary A tfoorj;e anil (Jraco Utorno an vlNltoiM In the city from Madrid. They arrived vcMorda.v. It Hornero wan an arrival in tho city vosturdny His honit' Ik In Tier hi Aiiinrlllo, N .M Mr. l.nulH CIiithIh n nil son ii'turn i'il to i:i Pa.iii thin ninriiliiK. Thny luivo ttii-n vIxltlUK Mi'H. SlKfrltil (ii uiixfulil. V F. Hoijnn. inaniiKor of tlif Ortiz Mini' Byuillmito, urilvcil in tin1 city from CorrllloK voHtonlay to roinaln it bliort while on IiiihIiii'xh. oiii. smvi' mill family nn1 .iiiioiib thf il.'imriiirf-K for ho upper i'..i. river. They will Hpnllil tlli oiiiiiih'I' nt th.'lr I'littii)'.- tlii rc. V. C. McDniialil. ii i-nhlonl or llm Cariloo 'I'liiillnu nniian itml man Br of ilif Carrlzoi!o c.itilc Hmi'ili -'o.. nirhi'il In the city UiU inoruin from I'.uil.oiu) o attoiiil the iiic'tlii4 of III!' iK'IIKICIIIlH. At the mooilnii of the Moilotn Wimiliiimi, lidd lnn iimht. II wiih lie liled to Imlii mi entertainment foi .ill Woo'lmeii, whether nil iiiIrmh of tin local IoiIkc or iioi. ami for tho Itmal NeiKlihui' ie t Iih HilllJ A New POST CARD DAY r iryhody Is plantiliiK l ""1 "way nome ntrdn r , Jttiiii 22nd to advertlBO New Mexico. Our stock "f loral enrdK Is the laiRei't 'n tho rlly, and ar,. koIub to soli Al.l, r'.MtDS at 1c uic'i up to, and lucludlUK, Jen. I'i'nd. ("Hi In clu.l's tie Oi iron cardH, the iitu n t .. m irki, JOHN LEG CLARKE, (Inc.) Comtr Ctnlral fi'r. and Fltil SI. iuiihIciiI and literary pioi-raui will ho retiilereil ami .1 ollailon piovlilml, MInh Violet De Tulllo Will leave tllil Week for nlifni Mill lo Mpetlll the .summer In l. ukc1.m ami vicinity J om pli l suluer, former eoiincll man for lt.-- ' ii, r. niiv. left for llu. AImoiIoiiiv ml Itel.Vt thin mornliiK to look llilnn- nver Me -ll return III il coupl.i i.r ilavx MiK.s Melenl Miiiule of St. Charlie. Lu , arrived on the limited today to ) the KUest or her uncle, Mike Mitn di II of thlK i lly, and his family dur iuk th Hummer inontliM. rihnr lUnry lfl for a litre.- i- i 'iir weUs' ..iiiinK at Ulndnor'H. .m tlic uppnr Pe. im ttl IMHI'llllIrr, Killl- ' t. i (Hiiltiil ru n IH .iiih nf ii .1... k Driittimonil anil Frank M .iiin ni'p 'li.'iluK'd l Uft.. t !. v f"t the Ppcii win re they wlil ,i"iu ui, nu(tic rum- oti.ny fur a w - K "i- ! n day. A liiiinher of twnrflnf; pupils of S' Vlt.ei nt'n aoaduiu). aimompanli d i hctctal of the liitri(Moin, returned m iii-'lr iiomiiB lit varloitrt pnrtluiiK ofi.c terrltoiy HitM tnorninir. Mm. S. II. Hurlie Mild olillilren. Sf i. con ami Helen, of .Monnuiliiali . lcm today to hjioiiiI ilio Mimuior lu Caltro, nin Mr. Hurteo nroumitnnlcd then, mh far ub Alliiuiuwrrno. t 'apt" I it Chirk M. "9rr ami ' nvi. h'fi thin mortiiu nverhiiut t i -li J. iiu-x Sprint) Th,' fur i -j ar. ai -com panted Mlw- Mhi- Kelt,1, daushter of Mi. uml Mm. M P K lly ,. K. Mctiunu, piomliH'iitly iibfio olntoil with i tl ustnio nctlviilc lu lloswoli. anivod lu Alljutineripie M" lorUuy on a hiiHins visit Mi M Ouffey i n lnolhei of a. It. MeCnili of illiiiniortii.'. lay Allan rttiritd to Uomii Cnmp lwlc tilth r from ItouitlURo, X. M.. thit UtorntiiK utter n Mull of everal Uy lu iIUh city. He Ik awmclnte.l wiih tho otutliiK enterprise of the. Santn llnrlmrii Tie nnd Polo company. Will '. Hi'iieK, fornik-rly of Hie forenl Korvli'ii and now imaociMted with the tariff hoard, ulll arilv. lu Alhiuiueripte on June Uft to collect ihiiu reitardliiK the tmii'f npon New Mnxlco pi mlucis. Therii will he a 'pavlllK" llletillnK In the city council ohaiphcru at ..'clock thin eVOIiililf, at which will he heard cltlzuiH ami taxpnyeri on the ItlcNliOII UK Id Whether AlhlUpierU.' will he paved. Hveryhody InturextHl In i:ivlii xhoiild attend the mietlm; and epr'M hix .pinion. Mrn. SturKeH, widow of the lati Km uk H. Sturitex; h.-r noii. I.loyd; JamcM Martin, r-'ain I). Siovoiim nnd Mis. lixHliiKor, vho ai i'oinpanUd (he hudy nf Mr. Sturm'" to I.OH AllKelef. retuineil lo Alhiiiiiiripic this morn Inir. Mr. .SturKcn' hody wan (remated at :i o'clouk Kaiurday afternoon In the lain AiikcIi. 'rematory lu' Hill iieiiuitiiry. William lloMildcn of the Superior l.umhcr luiiii'iiny, Ih the only Alliu p;er.pifaii, iih far as known, who linn rfeelved a coronation favr, ill reel from London, Hiwm IiIch i ih playing a red, white and Idue firm, with the Kohl coronatlnn einhh'inH af IKcii HiKH. Iili ii, who In a n-phcw of W Mac llesKehlnn, Iiiin hcen In A mi r i a'l'.ut a year and a half and li:illil-i lo hei'Otuc an Alflerlcau .'It li n in UHk'y an po.HxIhlc. Mexico Where Quality Meets Price f -M- SEND YOUR FRIENDS FOR i; Post Card Day ! Your selection from 25 I subjects of Loctil View I t Post Cards. t 5 for 5c 1 vSpecial j For the next three days I only, a 25c Local View t Souvenir Book, for 10c. t I STRONG'S BOOK STORE ittltl W. fentral .c. X EDUCATORS TALK TO L Thr tmirmui; Nenwion i.f th Hciim!- Iiiiii inuiij i.'iuii :r iiisiuuii' imiiiy ui. an umiHiially liiturtMlUK one. the 7ort -thre.. tcachern lu attvuiilauce lic Iiik entei taluud hy tu. Hph ndtd ail- one ny AShiiam NUp.'iiu leiup.nt if I'uhllc IiiMtriictlon, Ac.ihIo :llejno.s, ami the other y I'rof. hoii. of tin- L'lilverslly ut New Mexico I'rof. flnllot;o. mi vo i nlctoiy 01 the pt'DKiom of educational hyhtomn In .Vow Moxico, telling many Inter mini; facts of much vnlue to the teaehi rn. 'Nature .Study," wiih th,. mihjeel uf I'rof WatniiU H tnllt. I'rof. W. II. McKiit lnnd. head of the Silver CMty puliUc ycronl Nyituin. war a visitor .it the Imtltiit,. this mornliiK, Mr. MoKarland Ik on a tour of the ' territories, visiting the varioun county tlixtittltex. I A 11. Siroup. 'ounty mtperlntend. nt of Kdionh, piayod letter carrier "I tll lUMlllllti. Illik liinrilliur. im; up one hundred and ilfty ard. which the toachnr," to mall hecause of pout card day The examliriteins will he held Krl lay and Snturday i.f mxt week. The limtltiite tiniM far Iiiin been on,, of tho most HllccesHful in the hlntorv nf tlm ,coiiulty, hold in noun uf attendi nee anil aci'ompilNliuieiit. OBJECTS STRENUOUSLY TO BEING ARRESTED A Hciixnttonal trial took plaro lu the court of .Ioho I,', lloiuero In Old AlhiupiiTiiiie this afternoon, when a Kiloonkeep..r named Joe Did Knite, l.l.zle Mcflrath and Illanohe Hteel wore fliii'd in am) costn each for drinking reireNhuieutH in the rear of a hhIooii and creatini; a dlnturhance. AlthoiiKh the women aro Krantcd a HceilHe fr he iliHpuliKiltlOU of liquor In tho reNtrlcieii niMrlot of "new town." they were not permitted uy civil auihorltl.h to drink soda water an they protemeii n a, Town. They were arrcHted by n policeman ami re Iciin.xI under bond, to appear thin aft ernoon. Mien McUrath wau inct-mied at her iirreci. In lemifylnir xho mild: "it h the flint time In my life Uml 1 wiih vi" r arrented when I wann't drunk." MORE PRETTY SUMMER HATS AT MRS. lALLEW'S Mm Hallow, who coiiiiikiIh Dm pop. ular ni 11 1 1 it t y cHtnlillHhincnt on I'ourth Htieet, ban rucclvrd aiintlmi' lot of lliotio pi city wlill.i tin. iniiori lino iin.l l K lint rf, which Him ll. offcrliiK: al prici'H wlihiii tlm leaclr nl all suit conclave of Pllrltn Com iniin.lcn o .1. K T. IIiIk e enln i.l v i.'iioiK for rennin.- hmtliieHM AH vIhHiiik Sir Knluhu are welcome liv onhr of the II. i M A 1 1 1 1 V HIHI'X, ItPW.nlrr. Ilnrnh phynlcH react, weaken lint bowels iiiiihc chronic cnimtlpnllon. Do n'n ItiuuiilH operate eanlly, loni) the Nlomaeh, pur,, cnuxtlpatlnn. jnc A wit your Ui HKHlwt for Uiciu, 01 SCHOO TEACHERS clothes; all-wool for wear, for shape-keeping, for service, and Hart Schaffner & Marx name in them means correct style. Suits $18.00 and up SIMON STERN THE CENTRAL AVENUE CLOTHIER I This More is the home ol Hart Schaffner & Marx dollies Montezuma Grocery & Liquor Co. Imported and Dometrtia Ghetto. Bfrftaltir of iMom luro OIIts Oil. WliolcMlo Biul Itctall IJquor. Asttl fur tMn Antonio Mhh, AIh)h Vrvatu Price lllght. Call. Pbone or tkiul for Solicitor. Phone 10. ALBUQUERQUE BOTTLING CO iurri.Kits ok ;i:riNK rovtyrf: siiti(M nNKiuii vti:ii IYoiii tin Original llarwlt Spilmc In t'ojou Ciinyon. I'urlty (;miniuti'il. All klnik of Sol4, uml Hit' Snh'IiiI lll;h Hall thit,r le, aur. mihtii rnisT sr. piiom: hi:: MIKE MARTINEZ dead inns Former Member of Albuquer' que Police Force and Em' nlove of Santn Fe Shons. i v - Passes Awny. A who wnn roceUthl thlH luoinlni; by .1 A. Muniiiyri of tlil city annouiu- i Iuk the ileal h ut .Miguel Martluiw. i Martin.'-, was for four yoar n uieinhm , i ., . . ... i oi i no jntin mrre ot aioniiitr(pie, and ha been tor the pnsi live .voiim In DoiikIum, Amoiia, ami N'noonn. Alcvlco Ho dieil at one or the othni of the. placcH. troin koiuu cause not t presKed In the loloKrum. Alartine, was a bollorinakor In tho Santa FV hliopn houi imforo acct'pilim the poHlthm on iho pollcv force, which he lllleil in n eaiinlile iit iiinur II.. ... hurtled Iih trado In Ail.ona ami uni.t , f i oin there id Mexico If, wiole i'o I llceman Lilian nf Alhuiiiioriuie inn week that ht (pi.'Cioil lo return to DoukIiih. Marline, leaven a wlfn In DniiKla.i, ' where bis father, I'iuiicIhco Monnua, it'iilileR. An lidopted tXUKlitcr, now married, Hvck In Allui(iieipie , brother of ilocoaneil, will Montoyn Ik fnllowlni; the liolleiiuaher't trade in DoiikIhh or Nacozart. Decc.iHed wn.t a menibor of the Woodmen nf llu, World. CHORAL SOCIETY WILL RENDER FINE PROGRAM lahiiieil I'crfoi iieis to Alsi In 'iiooTt to IU (ilven In lirl M. i:. t'llMIK'll, Tin follnv.lnB priittum will be rep. der. il at the noclety concert to he ulVell III the Klrxl Methnillht church, Third HtreU and Lead avi nue, bcfilunlnK at s o'clock thlx even Iuk. OpenliiK Clioriu KtittndHhlp, l.ovo and rfont? t-'horal Hncltily, .luldlctj HoitK Mary and Martha Mrn. Iilt and Chorus. Solo Selected Mrs. Will. 7etllH Plantation Melody .Solo ami QunrUlV Hiorint. . MoonllKht Will Com.- Asmn Choral Society, Mixed Juvenile Quartette Onhlon Years MImch litt nnd HoKern and Mesfm. Smith and (irabani. Jubilee Souk and OhoriiB ,. ItNo and Shlno K T. KIlHworlh. Male Quartette ...... Kntll the Dawn MoiinrK. IIiIiihoii nnd KIlHworth TenoiK, ami ami Murray, HllHCIIH, t'horal Society. Has Soln, . . .Down in the Deep I. et Me Sleep When I illii. . . . . ' 11. U. Murray Jubilee Hoiik mid i.'horiiH Didn't old pharoli Oi-t Lost H. D. Murray, f'horal Such ly, Mrs. Hrln.ui, MIkh I. ltoKers, Pianists II. l.r.Mu.yii. II. I.. Murray, Mimical Director. Mall a copy of the Hcraid Post Card Edition to your friends. Wa will send a copy to any part of the United States for five cents. This Includes wrapping and postage, RELIABLE WATCHES I Ilccun.c of our iluhl lo-pcelloii i eter motcnicnt, tho Inlilii-le benul ami arllvtle erellenre of the cum s I In iini-Kleiilly ailmlriihle wn-kmaii--hip. ami our ail jeai'-' exjM'ilenii- a IiiiiiiIIi'Im or vtiiiihc, It Is iniMi'tnnt thai if 'n me uoln lo piirehiiw. n uiilcli jiiii i e our u-imhI-, We hate tlieiu innn si. no n, sr., on .itiltuhln for oui' eamplii nip, ami fiom that up In K'joii.iiii In tin hli'liee Ktmhx. SlMCt'IAI.S Ceiiulite Anierieaii Jetv chit motciiicills In 'Jp ear gold lllleil i':eiN inily Jtl.tlll. RELIABLE tATCHMAKEHS & JEffCLEftS IQ7W.Cr:NTrtAL AVE ALBUQUERQUE WIS WARY OF L0N6DEH Local People Failed to Bite, it is Believed, on Graft for Which Man is Now in Pris on in San Francisco. A smooth operator of the lmiiiIIiIciico variety by tho name of l.oimden wan ilcl'il up In Han Frnnrmcn by police olllclnls on Monday ol thin wcel. AI ihoiiKh the man would not m:ilc a Htuli.'inent when ancrtleil, It war. clalumd thai ho Ikih operatud lu Allni (ui(iie, Hunta J'o ami othflr Now Mexico cltlnH. UuiKdoii Ih rcnicmlieii'd by the AN hiiiiuoripio pollen. Chief McMIIHn HayK that l.ouKdcn and a wonuui, ulm claimed to lie IiIb wlfn, thoiiKh Salt Krancltico iIIhiiiiIcIich jIvo bur na;im illrferontly wen kiichIb hi (he Savov hotel here lor ho vein I dayx, diirlm; which time they tiled In Inieietu pt.. ,ilo lu a I'lilladclpliln wlinlcnalo IhihI. iiukk which they clalmcil to veincKent i I'd to tt'urt.hent '-'0 ilepimli or 1 when ililrtlva.-i for a KcAkml lie icceipt uAW They retpiorilttd a I'.'u HiimpleH of kdoiIh, ami nicelvoil tlmy nultifd ii, n .ini.t.) ill. ..... .....I,.... . .... . . from tlm victim, ho would bo nSinreil aKiiiit for tho company, and whll" LoiiKden and IiIh wile went In the next town, could think i over Only mm man to my Kiuiwledso even iilhhlod ut tin wuile In re,-' hiiI'I Chler MrMlllln TIiIh man appioacli. ctl mo and aHlml i i Mimmln th liclienm wiik ativ itnod, and I lohl hlni to let II alone. If oiIioih sot In dec or. thoy novtir camo In me. ami I don't biillevi' lniiidcn not away with an.v thlnK lioio"