Newspaper Page Text
ALBUQUERQUE, EVElflHO HERALD, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, Ull, UHHm EMS HUNDREDS flF flUS EN ROUTE TO COAST Se'en Special Trains Arrive and Depart for Los Auycles, jEach Train Stopping Here I or an Hour or More, Ber nalillo County Medical Society Extends Glad Hand 'o (Visitprs; Are Given Ride About Town and Valley in Aijtpmobilcs; Delegates Loaded Down With Albuquei t(Uie New Mexico Literature. PtngUgnlly fvrry plum, mm r tin ' rtti$imiiKl hlnnteir a iniil)r of the rftNpllftli onmiiittli'" of Ihr Hi I nuJMW CMhy .lulil upockittun Mir rpPOfiuBtl of pTiynk-laiia who nun. "i liitgli Alhimih miii' tflllnv in "vwn fpeBlnl troth, Ik)uihI for tin militKVor tlio Atniirfcnii .MotltMt ciatfflfi oonvcnifbii ni lx Aiurpi- Mnu cljlxinip volunioeiad tin? tia ir t.iPtr rttnntiiftblKHi fnr the entertain incut of llii' vtnllnrt during tu.u mnp. " r Slm.ui Htern. pn alriom. ntul T I Naylon, . rptnr of lb.- I'ntiiiner- ml otTib. liiid .luck Duukpi. oMrtal utuTU aapriMnry or thp Now Mexico burimiH of Inltulftrntlon lent lliPlr na lainjlao In riMjft'1iiK thi itutdieol mnii. ami In illNtrUiiiuiiK ltTrlin- liter turi flmotiR them. Soiiietlilnu iver aovon hundred f Hi., medical piorrRt0!i from nil porta r tlto poiintry. nittiiv of them iipponi pantou by uir ulvet. mill rnnillloa j)f(ffinnpVif fnr tit- const, timl nil were ullnweil plop. over i.r nil hour "T more to vMt tlw city Mnny of tltfn ft PI i' uri.'flti'il by loml people, wlin hail knrtVn tlnm nt other plnc lirfOIP cOltllhR to Now Moxleo. "imfl misou nppolntmi'ntH wPtt. inndc, and not n fow of tins U'iinticroiie,iin v. ip nt Hip station in tin hope merp Iv of llnillnK old friend. ..Mnny oll iwfimintfiMPPM upii. ipticwoil. xHtipr- Hilly itinBnK tin. iiiptllin! iiipii of thl niittry. In the KipetlUHH nnd lntroiltiuioiin Hint ware 'XcliiuiKil, the word "Doe t'ir" moil an Inrn'.-iilnblc nuinliPi ( lime Home of tli,, vlaltnra tverd iiltun to tltt lorni HitnlfiiirHtniM on trlpn of Inafiecllnii, niid num. mn (nlc'it to view tlic iin!(ii. Indum ex hibit of the llnrvey nervlre, nml to -nnp photon of the initltiiia nliout thP plntform. .MtiniiRcr llPrmnn Shwl xfir And a lurp ffirpo were Jinny mn ittictltiR the tbtirlMa tlirotiKh the ( urlo rooinx. TIip i-cvon imltm nml tli. rpmtlnr Cnllfornln llmltPd nrrlvod In thn lty nfinr tlio follotvlnp Kt-hfiliilp. lid special, cnrrylim tlie Denver dolcyjntloli, 1 1 n in. IIOKtiliir No. 1, currying mnny dop- i"m, on tinio ut ir.or. . m. 2d fepeiflfd, cnrryliiK lnt CIiIphk" ilrlpgntjnn, U-lf.. 3d upoclnl, nnrrylnK tlio Inwn, c brAHkn, find MlnneKotA dnlPKntloi, 3 30. ttli Npfotitl. PurryliiK doluKiitloim fioni tin .louth mid vft,. J isn. tb penliil, cnrryliiK deiepnllon from MMiur, 1:.i0. Ull opeplnl. pnrrylnR 2i CIiIprko dPli!ntlon. 2 p. in. .tli fpeelri, mrryiiK 3d Clilenso del- pxaiioii, .':io p. ni. AinonR tin liiimmPrAblo Hot of li'iyelelniiH IiIrIi m tt), m-ld of tnedl rn practice, tlie name of Dr. Mnxyrlt V navJinol, prpldent of the American aoointlon for the prevention of tu irPu)t)FlM. tirobnbly Mnmln out a of 'lilor Interest In Albnniieroiie Or JtnveiiPl Ik bncterloloRlst for the 1'nl- vprlty or WIspotiKln, and wns elerteu m hln post nt the Inst niPPtlnif of thP i.woclntlon. Me Is n IiIrIi ntilhurlty in bovine tuborrulof. Me expressed a dcslri' to visit th, Albuiiimrnue win itarliin, nd wjin driven ther.. In a innohlne by Dr. Khortln, nr I-Ulns--ton niiTAUd or Npw York, .secretary "f the iiiitl-ttibiirctilojilK brnnch of the eonvcntlmi, wnn aIko on board IV. Krnnk nillliiRH. pr ifenKor or Inteninl medicine at Hindi In ' "Utile (;hlQato., vlfdtnd nonip of his poplin. He In pornipx the Kientent "iilhority on Internal medlclneK In nuji)rablo nther of nntlonal repnm i'"ii wure Rrcetud nt the Mntlon. Tho i'eio,i(i .xprpr.pd thPitmelvej nn iro iP'iMluoiifdy iinprpsMcii with tb.. pro rtvp sjUrlt of Albii(iieniie. and ' ' bud many wood wordn for the J-nntn rnllronil and the appoint-nK-ni nnd ottUliip of the llarver Hy toni. whleli Im mi.kltiK a Hpeelnl eirort nrnvidf ror heni with tbroimb 1'intiiR oar aepominodntlnn Th" local iintl-tiibt t' iiIohIk u.,.' ntbin 'nvlted .severnl or thi Hpe.inl--tx t- vImII Albiifuietdue oh their ie 'i'n from the roiifi to lirtur,. upjll 7 lbs. GOOD SiZE APPLES 25c t Vlii li IHruiiil NutUo Cherries r,.l I li.i.ll Ttjym Walelinebills llilllll . , ... I'exl utr I'ens miuiiiI lit I X'lln SiiRiir I'ens '2 IpmiiuIh ror , SttillN I'b nlc Hums lb. .. I.'.c i'linlli, Codil-li, lb. , . ir.n lie . (llu .Mii-niiy Mnekrel, kkh !. i cnefi u Xlcn l,(r (. J I'lolt Crcuni of eucli n jui Trim-, i-ui li .,(! Wlieut, itUu I.'h 4 V'luiui' iui jiciii in im, .-,(. wo iun ii inriso tuvk or Cn. J ibrtteni at money mhIh ilf. Ullllc' VU Ke, 10,., i.-.e, .'(,. mid .ille. .-jleir. luilerueur a.Vi nml 30c. Ji'n culoii SiiIIh, .Vln In 2..-,i, SimvIiiI T ouln on IjiiIIcV sinuplo WiiUIm hi li. Iiuii ih,l if nuiimrnc. imt rmtr fin inm' .HILIIn l,. derKMiiiteuu JitM ulcuii ut Hm w.t or nuiicrbH. I'lHlen-klins fttto mul up. KjxhUI Sab, HMm mul roi,ls ens Imv uorkkliot, at ai.iu, ytt-h-M Jlaia, IJkt, aiN., Ufto mul ad Uhm vt iiOwrr MiraNlna, ...... .1 .. . . 9f9&W$ rfllfWtTi thr iiipl --lull ol the llLsjpliH1', ui.i .i in .n 'l hlii'l mtf ISo iiii.iuk- ''M AHMineiiu , fty nnotni" hi.. .i ip1tr .n-tiuln vtli the fi-uum i)int4e'ii t-Ktuy. yVfftint n i.tMrilH inni ,tf bin I'Miriim nr, .n pi.mimi Ifit'rj or- A inn .if th vinltom n eOuld bo an omnxiilrt (!. were bmrtpU III 10 Rireh!li nl .IllVn nlioUl till' J rlne mmeil mi an nvprituo of luillll ml lUte. tlut lllH rthlell llllll! ti run w mud up to the t'nlwrjdly, nftrilltit h "tgiii of tb. rivrr nnd nfj Ir, unit h ttlp iiinilf ihr . null I'ip llti-4 iiicm ttoii i. i(U ii( ! dliitrii't and. old Amii(iprtii The vtHtturx wr il. lighird with tile roal r .e-.ii..n th. reeelxed In Al blliiueiiiue, .in.l ft ptiyitleliiii Willi nhow.i i nun. itii-H .urte.t will lift it flfin friend or thn. . itt ,inl .if the titor fn Mil urn. fitting l,ir Im Mililllle.'fod ni. toiiiolllle mid drlv.ra to Hie lift mil lllo iViiinlv .Medl. iil noi lrly t tilf mni'ti. In anil thl nftrrnoon. nrrr. Pop lotw III. f. rnrnn. Krnnk nnd orntHh; Dr. IC. .1 Aluer. It I'ollook, . A, TMbr. f.'. A llubhfll, .Mr .Mrflonry, Mr llornor. Iton Merrllt, ('burin f'h'irtwlrk. Mr l.-Mfru. .1. c itnld Id. Million Klein. .Mi r'mtertlehl, Ml Hinllh. .Mr Kleinlii-. I'. It, Sebwe ntke; E ARTIST Divorce is Asked By Ruth Browning-, Alleging- Her Better Half Has Failed to Support Her. Hut li Urownlnfc. nu omployo of n,.-I-Toil llnrvoy aygteiii Imic. Uluil niiji for divorce today In n KoiiHititotiul complaint Her husband. whoSe bin- iiionloiiB nnine U Alvn llrownlnn. hnu not contilliutcd to her mippori since t'jyl" Jiaiijjnie Ju. Jviibrttati.. .I'm. llu Ik u Itindne.'ipo painter Aftor tliolr iunrrlnn In IMwindfi-villi-. 111., lie went to SI LoiiIh. TIiIh was in April Mrs. Hrownlnj; ihen went to tlubMhuitf and worked for hor (IvIiir I'pon reeelpr ol a loiter from her liiiHljnnil, who w.ik then In St. Loulfl, iilie tool, hist advice anil onler Cd the llnrvoy Hervlcc here bXMrtltir hi li 1 m lollow T tilt he lailod to do. Wlion mIic had .sent nfm $HI0, accord ItiK to her coiiiilaint. I10 roruied to write or have atnthliti; 10 do with her. Mrs Hi-owning ilam lout liei pit- tienco aim mieii ror divorce rrnns tne lniiilKcape aitlHt Decree Granted. .Iiine divnidPH cimttuiu1 o he pop ular, .lime X Tana wuh rimi iI a divorce In the Secoiul .ludlcliil ,N Irict com 1 tii(l(i. from Dolores Salu ?.ar Tana, who ilcneiied Mini The caKe )tlKlnAt'(l in Satnlo nl countv Tuna wnn repit'semed S Atiinney loin. VV WiNoti ami iih la wire conlfi not bo Induced to mil ml :n nml. the cam- wan tried ex parti) ILFELD BUILDING MOST MODERN IN SOUTHWEST llir WinehoiiMi anil IHlIrn HiiIIiIIiir .Mitt iiciux l;icleil 10 He Kuvllciil lllsl; for I Mili'itnllei-. The Oiarbv llf. Id iimpiiin i.uilil- Iiik, now it. nu hum ..11 the around inlJolnliiR the Kintn I'. rHtln.u.1 trnck I between Copper and Tljeru u Klrsl i Will Of, ttf . ..Iliplft' ll. Ill' moat modoru building in the m all went The ImllitliiK tu to he built on lrpt of reliiforcpft (ontrple iltnl It Will llf nil. i. it ...i ln.r.nuulllllll. " fhf II o he ili Hiiutfd ,y riro. Il Im wild I mi i inc iirili'ture win oe nil extel- lnt fire rlak fnr tlio umlci vt iiicrn. Ilulli l.-nhnpijil. faTiiR th. iailrt.n.1 trukn nnd tile aftntb, tie- holldlna n!t it., ciiiiutriuti'd In i"iiiibi tui.-iit, like u clilp. HhcIi comiwHiin-ni ll l" untlrdy twpaiAti and Ubttlncl from he other. .S. . I ttlll i biUg abut HUtoin'.iilralh In event of fir.- and tin fhlOli'K VI II III ullinlhi Ifil III one coll cret. i c.i. in Th, 'utuiinar "ill -oihmiii ftiii"ii . ware hi.iin. to. no mid offloe iihihi nml In hiliiR hullt unibr tlltectbiii of .1 A lint Inn, nil', hii the ontracl i.o li erection. PERSONALS. Th, niHt. Hinkwt. nff man rr P V Mc'nnnn. to ill at hi home on W.-Mt l' .11 nvfRlIP 1 Mot (i. .June lb, 1U, m Ml iii'l ..Mi" Itnlpn I'mach, n liMHfi i Putm h In h woll klloMti .n. ,n' Iho forosi Boryltip. I Mi.H Vldn Pliino b rt f.i I,..h An K'I' and tip. bWieho. ,., .minniifd J bt MUrf I'ern ItPpti-n or La Chi. .f jMIN lleeveH hud hpn Mian pinney'H . R unt here for bwme Mini. ! A me IIiik of th,. Clktf will lie bt'lil Ilil tlnli lodKf runiiiH on f,lii(-dii evellllltf next to liiHloll a liuw of ," new member, and to pariKiimte In n n-iierai roou iiiih h II H1 kai of th Imp. rial laun dry wuh operntvd upon for onpupll cltls ut wi JoHipb hoKPiial liliu ni uii JftK. M,r Kdijur "il" lultfli HUildelilv III wo day mko imI I U'h Ih rpportpi) tliif atli'tnot.n im h, ihr xni Ufuclory. mm HUS6MD MAIL SOUVENIRlPLUMfilNG POOL HERALD TO YOUR WAS BUSINESSLIKE FRIENDS By Special Arrangement We Will Mail Copy of Post Card Edition to Any Part of the1 Country for Five Cents. VllllltllB out flMllna if .I... final t rillion Off l?fio rktilillt M.-tnlit. iikImi pn n iMiiienum niieniuiin h notm n HiteniiiiiiH io!i To cIim i n tiNV I10411 kijii ht with a pBpr. i.f u-"i. iiiigUnsj Wfipifru nml illrfi'ii .n the fffiiiffr pipptiriHK ih.m for the hihII ovnr ilrif tin. othUnn wnt off tr pf1Hn Hitmli th ut iHuplc piii out iillo, two. lllWe UI1( A Mir doKPll roplfs fllliC'IH nent mil mttiit a rlfit and a liliu iif.i .miii.. The Kipnini! Il.'inld ill IrlbiilPil lie., to nil of iho AlllurliHlll Mfiiml .ntNfM'lHtloii npfilal imlim IiiiikIIpo "I ih Honvenli . illtlon. (tlio 'inlii ;i ioibI of nore tlmn ibvon lutn hunilri.l t oplei were jilriPi-tl Oil nioll (lie. I nil nil I lie Hipi iaia Till' pil'IHPM ''ip iiliif.-d In th earn by apnirttil flnnwlnhliiit 01 wi ie li.'imleil to tip tlnl W'UUn The offei innde hv The llerlllll ID whip .mil mull 1 lie mmivi nil (Ktttltin ftif I't.. c.iiit. eneh to nut itan of tlio eon n 1 liuiile a MX hi with pvuty lUt M'V Ht ut from oiih 10 nny intiinc- were hrntiaht 10 ihe ollioe lyi'iiiK ror 1,10 pnnwa at tlu rrtto of live routs twrh ami tlio piih ttiiiu" v icIIpvpiI ..r nny further Irouble Tlione who have tint -, awnrwl n. rn r.i nes or The Henilil nml wish in dn an. mm h nii( ilWHu hv iiilllnir or uljiiihoiiiiin The nffii infill tlitin Hill 01 1 on 11 in n 101 hi co I of life tf'lll- .Mil I oi ih iMMI.I If o 1 . 1 n i one telephon" 1 MAN HFARTII R FR lllllll U I I1U I U il L II U WORKING FOR Many Albuquerque Merchants Have Received Replies to Their Letters Asking Assist ance of Eastern Firms. 1 llli"iUh I In ,lhi(' 10 ilHlt I )0 aHfUtnili. Of eilstcl) in nhutltH lllltl iimitiifactun rs in t-eruiliiR HiatuhooJ for Now Moxlcn wm, iml Itiaiimirali'd tun daH ao, insulin are nlrdadj plnlnlt Keen. A riiunhei of AlhiHiiutr jue n.c rcliiinn. why wrote to ntt'f chaiiix ami iuan.iftic.ui.'i- ti the eaHt, iiKkliiK bel.'i In tlio dlrt'ctlnn ot Htatu luiod, have recolvud fnvoinhh replies. Iinatlably the replica ate to tilts p.f. feci Hint the proportion hua Iiiiuii taken up with aeiiuiora nml c(iiiRriK ntoii of the vnrloua mntt'a in wliisli ho uiniiuftipiorlci. nro lomtlnd. 'iTio ninipiintti wan hi'Kiin b' the Albitipiur pie t'l'm.n- ri iul ilnu WIFE BEATER GETS SIXTY DATS Old Mexico Mexican, Arraign ed in Court, Denies He., is Married, But Justice De cides Otherwise. ciailo Maldonailo, a native ot Mexico eonvk'lod In .lutlce ,loo 1C itom.'io today of win buittitiK. anil coiiUmuhjiI In Blsti ihiu' duya in Jitil, It in cllilmod .MNliUiiii'bi woilt III a drutikijlii uouilltloti to liU t.tltliftil put t' nar nu Siindiiv inwi uiir,- ...(.if.,. hqr jfi ittinalv,' lammo. uiorfeiUR jf noinmiaiPi u Hjntenutlc liMiilng, uc cordliiB to the . Wdeiice u ltlucod at he i rial Uepiit; ('hile. Aiiniio nrroHtud tho mail on a mirftt awrn nut hv lild wife sin t.Hiiflod thai Mnldoniulo lonaniiiil Alt:, iinntlier wuiunn, nil (illlnli. ii' 'ile 'PUB chnrni he ilonlfd nnd w in -it i.i .ih i itnto that hp ' .1 iii niiti f the woniuii in ilit - iuu I i.i .utire. howo'f! iliuiiKht In vii, e:ll s i-iiiK dnillilt',' end ii nun M'-ed iU. -.' i.i in e FOUR 610 SPECIALS AT 60LDEN RULE H) 11 (iv .,r furnihlilni; n Hlii'tllnR '11:411,11 thrt,t 10 u rorllijKllt nf eX 11!' -ullliuj inilviiy, Out Onld '" "I -1' in (Joodj, eotiipilll)' liH ali A'i "f 1 ', -ir r uiiirkabji Mpeclal lleniM to a. ..a hIp all duy 'toinnirow Tin liri Im eoini'riai-a wuinen'H tiuuli "im 1.-. Hamirt'-d mIdm, In lim n NbiuleM, ''"penli!! nml while, unith up to 12. (It SI ,-lM, I'lfly I'll 1 1 M of ivn- iiipo'h bhtk Mtlic iioWe. ell -isoM mul wtirtb "Uf a pajr, nr, 1 un ut :li miiin UiulleM nuiluPll '-. aim uinl In. lih Mice! rib .in 1 nifl lilaok lP, natural Wul rum IhiihIIcm, nro 10 in- offtirihl whii. tii.'t innt at 11 5 centa euoli. The reiitnre 11. in .if foiiwrrmv'a, MpllillK. hoWi-tfi. will be the OnldCIl Htiln'a entire UM-,,riincnt of nllk utU '.oitta. Tin-. I 'limeiita aell reKitlat'lV at from Hi I" II'' fin-h, bill will so tbiunrrov, ut 1 1 'JS. OGAIH Journeymen Plumbers Claim' They Have Copy of Soiled- iiled Approved by Master Plumbers' Association. I 1 "U' I ua .' - niji-i ifii into tin- I I ' ' " l H rtbi -n i , i nm tndny when He Jnuf liiu'fiii..ii 1.1'itiitn'ia. nnw in Miilke. (JXHlblt, ,i i. document whKIl Hu t inouTjt h n . .ipt ol the nrei.m -i.i entered liiio iMi.v.n the var'oua in- m ber iff tin p""' The iiRreeiii"iit vtiiu h thn jnirii. "e n hu la a vorr et (". of Id.. .,,,) ireoitii.l. la type wrlitPii (hi pjifici hrartntf the nuinu nf tin Albiiiiiiarti i .MiikU i I'lti'tibir' iiMH.i. latlnn iniii u, tiniue of tin' off). - 1 1 if tho uat, an. m. The iiRrOOiiieni ulitph the J.hiiiii-.-nou , 'hilni roiiMiliiu-il tln biiMM for the 'poiiP Ik h tollinva: Tin- fnlliiwiiiK - hfilnle vnx approv- ell to he tllXOII "il .'Il pIlllllblllR, llcut- Ilia mul riIh riinnu vtovk i'xeouii.1 in Ihr i iMllity of li. rnnlllln. nlMn lunltul lint an fur tintiii hh Hernnllllo unit fouili iih far an i: i.-n DpiiiuiuI tmtmi ,o be slRllyd pntuhli to the HOirettiry (of cam ma no nn Ih due until ioli Im eoiitpjetgih iv 'wi will rpufllve nil nionuy ntifl dupotn lame In IiIm nani i" bp iKflirHnit. ,i ih.- firm of each month. I'lumhlnu, In flgtlrliiR (lifllnnry JoIin of plumb liif. thht t, ivh.-re roiiRhtiiR-ln iiiul flulahlui nre to h. 'UMailHd toucithet tnx will he. tlf. r,.i enoli ilxttire. In Job.-c wTifire the rmiuhlnn-lji itn.i flnlHhliitf nro to be flRtircd Mipumtnlj . add 17. flu to enb ftxtln'p nt vnieh entlinale. In map w'hpr.- n.'irty wImIicm yon to I'MlKll-iu mul llisliill Home flxtlire lit ha. j.'ircliiiMi'il iiitiin.-lf imlppPiuliinih from ii n v pli-.uiMua concern, mlil l" ',. .i, Ii flxtlii'- iimtnllpil. In M-llliiir rixturi'M oiitriRlit It hurt ; in i F.xiirt to mid nnt m, but ir puiu 1 tl-ll.- the Mtlllle IIIMllllll'll nt hUlllV Ifutur.. dittp. mid K. ror enph. jllur 'nintcilniiH $lfl.on ( 'i m i iirumorn a. no Klre proteetliiiiN (on ouch out let i I.nn l'loif drains .on OnKiic trupM (when coiiitrtietn(l of brltk, till' or onnoriHi . . . 6.ort llnfilSPrator.M (when pouuMtod up nccordliiR to the ordluiinn1 &.00 llcutlm. The tux on nil hontliiR nppnniliieti, HtPiiin or hot wiiter will ha at. omit per rout on thp totnl a mount of rtnll- ntlou. Ilollpr W'luin th hotlor la HppnnutP ly liiMtnlleil front any ulnar work, tlioy nIiiiII be tutttiil ' lentc per rnt on the total nit. i, I aopaotty. coverliiR All covering for UontliiB Jobx will be tuxed HO pnr PPill or atiar contriiPl price for name. Vftr.. whtl the Job in don,- aepHratt-ly from miv other work. Ou-I'ltlluir. In figuring on liua, the fotlowliiff schedule will ho iinl'd' I'mler 30 ouili hO caiiic aoeli Over 30 oiilb ta i!K pcutti twll Thla tnv la on all now wotK. audi ii in new lioumin, pining old ttulbl limn or rtinolnp in ! new tiUdltlanB, elf. , gii Setter. Where wer ooutnmii nre let aep-n-ately from nny oilier work th" tHH f.ill be t(,e.l $5 rur the flrat 1 ft or fraction tlureof. nil ovr tltnt lniRth win Mdiltitoiial oltungo ot T. i (-111!; per foot. I Wuler Service. i Vii..r.. vM.i.r lltina ar to bo run fcparutely from any oiln.'r work, It will no tuynl fi for Hip fltat 101 oat or frnctltiii thcraof, all ovar tlfit b iiKib tiien vtiu I),, addiiiomil eimrfe of 2 f lltM per foot. Hural Wnlcr Sy-tems A tax Of 2.i Will be b tled (ill all j (.ytjleinx luctnlled In reablent a. WlHlb ;.' for oi'fK'. iiullillnBn and tn.i ttko. I'luuibeiK Waul Ital-e. Tin- Journeymen jiIuuiIhtm anl on n ttrlke ..n June I. vlnii ih.- ninhtor plumb. r railed to uign o w wtin?e KCllcdul' tin most liilpiittHiit ulpulri tlon In nlil' h wiik that Hip piumljorb ,boubl 1 1. paid V' lor a vt. rkliiK 1h (if eltibt h.iuii.. IntJtwtd of tl. aa be fore Th.- plumber ul wanted time imd a luiir roe ivertlme and double jinn on Siindays nnd bolldH. Th plum)" ih iiIho iixked l'nr a eb'xi'il fhop l'i,rMiti:it not .wvAitu or I'ooi, rxTii Sp'.ikiUR of tile afii ...1.1..1. i.m 1. 1 ..null i in iioblle attend n ' a m the I'-Puli of leatliiiony flveu in Ike II Cox. In the bunkrnptPy hear- linr In-rof rnltei StatPH nrorco .IOIIII W UiUon Wedin-xlui. Karl Huwillcb lireal'l. ut of tin- Pluinbera' union, anltl tudav that tlie Journe.tiliPti iilimibnra did not know nf thp exlaletie.- or tt) I owl Ulllll iveelllly. "We have Uircu union uli-ipa In Al-liti.iii-ruc- now." MiUd HowdU'h. "Noiia or ihrm beloliR to the iioill. We Will him It to tin ppopb where tlipy wnht I tin Ir work (bun- " PROMINENT MAN KILLS SELF Captain D. H. Jarvis of Seattle, Vice-President of Booth Fisheries, Ends Life by Shooting- Self With Pistol. (H r.t.'uliuc HrralU . V. I.rarrt .VIrl Keutii, Waali., June 2:i.-'-('.'aptnlii D. II lrII. tire prcHbliint or tin 'lloolb I'ih(ricH company and fornn'i ly le ml of tlic .UiiuueiiliPliii interPMiM In Warn tiiRtou mid AtuHkn. Hiuit nml killed Ii iiiNeir in (he A 1 ( lie club Mmit hefnr. noon The Markiti RAINS AND COOLER WEATHER WEAKEN WHEAT " RcnortK From Nnvtliivfl Til- jxcpoiih mom JNounwesi in dicate Fuller Sunnlics of c. , . ,, 1 ' , htaplc Grain Than at lirst c,,,,.,...,!, p.. u .,.,. supposed; Corn Strong. 'hieat(o. June 23 - (Joobr wentln-r and UrntU'i'ed ahott.-ra imrtlnv pmI wakaiiRd the wheal uinrket loibo. alHInilfiii ii oVteriuiii' rt fftiu l (fan miiiiIp by tin- hiilln to brnce up prlepx IlurviwUiiK tPM rt were fiiuuiilile in the itTbtn, and fnrniera Werp aPlllinr ut roattvel i.iw rigiiroM .Spptumber started at nu I mi'.io',. run up in Hi 1-le nml ihen foil to '.mi .st tlfl .4c. i'h.- eloae WUM llllff ltl"d Willi Sopteinher ut u low or S-lr Hot twatnr-r nnd almoxt totnl link of ruin mode eoru tttroiiK. Httplein lir on n.d S-K ft lo hlRher ut fl'.l U-j trim i i,-. but recoiled tu :!i SH' ''"lb PlOeind WPlllt. Willi SPp teiiih.r 1-lftJ-Sc lower. (bi ttar trrflKiilnr. pptenibei ainrii-,1 :!-sT'VtP up in a Hhude orr ut IIVi. 1i4l. toticliei! II I-nc and lai-r (lroi"'d to 13 M-Se. I'rotlalouB fluctuutcil wltli Rrain Klrai sulpa ware T'ifi lower to l"f up. wlih Spptnutbnr dPlivnry $15.;.'. ..i ii..rk. IX HTM, to S in ror In .1 ,n,l in to S. 12 ' for ribs. HtnekM incoverod 11 lnio nharc of ..ft Urdu loaai.'a duil;iR the inoriiln fi mlon. Tmdlin;. luiwever, was Urn less nnd Mbtiill in volume. I'ulnti I'n Iflc-. which ad vu need I 1-1, was tho fin; urn of the ninrkct hut the steady 'il'lilliiK up nf Uila iKKiin railed to Im part iiny hIkiw of aniuialiun eHewhertj In the Hat National ('ID Haul. i leinleil Ha ilfto to ICO, u kiiIii nf r! pointM on the day and nf M iioiihh alucp tho beuiiiiilui; or the ilioiilh neueriil (leetrlu, Kaintna t'li Souih nt, NortliPrn Pnelllc, Texas cotnpaiiy u ml Atnuilrun Woolon preferred khIh piI a K)lnt or more. IIuiuIh W(iu Staudj. The market clonal Httottg St. IauiIs Wool. Ht l.oul. .Iiiup 23. Wool un. hniia wd. tPtrltory anil woelern iiniluim ITtTHJHc: One mrdluinc, IfllilT've fin. 1 1 11 4c. New York Spot.' Now York. Juno 2. Coltoii, rfpoi VlOifld (i4li)l. 10 iiQllits luwnr. mid mo iifuiuiii. llf- IV; iiiMiiiiins vw. TB.iir.. iS'nidH its i intii't. Ni!tt Voile Meial-. Now Vork, Joiip SI. Ia.l $I.I5C I.BO. RUtmlard eapprr paay; ap..t g.-ptenihoi'. r.'.35i 12.BA. .4tlver. 52 7-if i'h. i llll, I l.ialii nnd iriot UIiiii-, ciiUaao, .Iiiup SI. Wliaut- .IlllS SO l-8afj l-lt . apt., t" 8-li Corn July. S "-aJJ57c; Kept AS 7-8 fi 50c Qat July. 12c; appi- li i i-"'' infk-.1nl). I15.0C; Sept., Jl 5 . . T l4tMl--.Iuly. !l; Sapt.. $i 32'. Illba- .lulv. SO; Sopt.. $si7'4 .Vim- York .MiDic.t. Niv Vtjrk, June II. Cflll iiioin-y. 2 per .put. I'lluni nietranilli. laippr. IWI'i pe? CPIIt. MexlPAii dnllain. I5p. Nl!tC Yolk MlK'k;. New York, .Hllie 2S. Vullili;nmitte'l Coppt-r. 70 7-S. fbiaar US 7-t bid. At' lilMon, 1 13 3-S. (lr-t Noitlmrn prnfwrtjl. IS'- k New York Ciintml, 1Q0 lS. Norilnin ITnjtrH?, 138 112. lioadtiiK. 10 Vt. aniithern lnelllp, ISO 1S. I'lilon I'arlHp. 185 H-fc, .Steel. 7"i -1 Steyl pref.i rod. IIS. liiio-a- I'll) l.ltc-lpijk. Kuiiaua" City, .iline 3a.-f"aitlp rt celpu 2,000; market ulandy uti iecr. i .sof ii.;is; Hiuitlnirn i-tciM. , ni;ijHNTV fi'i'i'v 'I. SIS; aonlliiini coiv nnd beir odiilloii pool. '''"M. 2.i)0i l-Sft: llllllve powh inn I " I" if. IJ.IB trii. 1 0; MtorkPi'M ami f' ''ipi'. Il.ufl ft lo, bullM. ;i 'Mi'-; I "'. ' alvaa, I I.un4i 7.26; w Mt. ru ':'. l."ai '..'nt: WPMl.irn i:nwn, U 7Bi.t. llnj itat.eiu lo.oofl; innrkft jlKinif to Ir hlnher, bulk or aal-a. tl SSfc (i.tft; heavt, l?r..!8'olii.lo p. k oi nnd htttejiora. it.:if.$rl,i7W ; lttll. 10. KlfrC.SQ. SlMcp Itaoctnla 2.000. Mmkd .teinly: niuttotia. tn-lftfT I nn; linuim r.,IOl ii.75: re, anitlipra mul .ir- JliiRM, tn.flOKM.DO' r,td aoatern ivt.B, s.noii (HllciIRO I JtC-tOfli, Clilcaijo, .lone 2!l. Cuttle ivi , lid' J.r.Od; tunrliU Hieady for Rood; olln r low. r. HoovftM. I.Sft i 0.70; 'ivx,! hi . rk, 1 1. iiSlMi.nii: wbHtuni me.i,,, SI ; . if s To . MtoekerM ami f-i, rw, jr.K ;,. in; eowi and lieirerM, $2. Itmr r. x.-,- fiiitcM. s r. . 7 r s7 s.nn. HiR. ItPCclplf. i I.IIIIO; mrn V. fctiuily to f.c lilRhcr. I.IrIii. frtonof. nil .,: lulled, M.20ii (1.S2 4 : h,ay. M H.i 11.110 rniiKh, l.nfi il.2"i; R-nul 1. 1 fbtilee llPQVy. r.,2'"i fifl.flO. plRM- tfiToiH! 10; bulk of kiiIcm, i. Hiffi ii.r,", flepp--Hi'pppla 12. OHO. iiinrkd weak Native, I2.7:.f( .',; wcMiern, 12 fiilii'i I i.'i. yenrllllRM. IIOOn lV.. InmbM, pailvi, 3 7Sii i 211. wcimii, l.00.2( DRY WEATHER IS NOT DAMAGING CATTLE Alison C'lly aioclT Yai'ilR. .Iiuin 2'l 1 y u . Tho cut 1 iu run of li.son head . I I....... l.1...ll.. . -ft, hhIlhii I .. ... .. li, III, lulling l.."' f.ll.r.. in iiiiichi chtiroit i (ml ol nny mux ni (li t wi inlicr, tu (lie Mill in ihc of a it'ood iiinii'. denier! here II la wiiieedcl that KiHtiiH' nr. p.rtly dfy In vnn ,011. lmulltle . eape, latly In MlaHOurl. I but In moHl ciim't tlieie HIP other iiu:ui(f ii',.illnhlc timl mo In gnoti I I nialliloti. and witllfil ichcIi ol the li v Heitioini, which will piwNeni im Ku-rti nacrlllco of conic liecaiiBe of (lie (!t tse.Hhei unload rnihlltlflllR Bel H 100,1 deal worp, mul the iIkiiirIii nun ( ,. i,. iul 'I'h'- nifli kut n.neiKi (ii'l i.'i to J:' cetila liiKt v.eok on nil lUlllll' ol KlIlliiX cut lie, the llfflt It It' ll,' MiMiuaib fin Ille wenk. tlic lowe, l;"H(tiM .iff n little. HIlK.'ltcrrt nnd feed !cm ree IvinI n hiiril blow, ntul me .'if' to ;:. eetitti InWoi tlmn tell (lava into . T.mIhv th ' .nnl'liet nil fdlllnij uulf I Inn-ail, t" lllnher. (toeke'H ntul f.-i'ilciK mcIIIiik a lit i It atinnuti nl-" 1 " '"""'liml unra n' cuttle nni-, l(1 ,,, ,, ,. VHln ..,,. ,., , , dn tiiem nbout atmniv. (. al 111" to t:.w lor bull., a t. a .,. i tr. ru. aim oup umfoi jinn si-ih lyoailltm luirv Mimalii ti !u m h,. I imiito .uvitikni tnflti ami i . atoora of pilule ipinll.t me worih ur in Jil.lfi. though uuP'- sold hhom fll.Sfi today. A fnlr number or ain-iM mill ulinve $ri.H0. nnd not u nrem limn her under JtRfin. The projinrtlun ci lorn-fed entile In b" recPlpit lorta. la Miuitllpat nf thn yenr. aa uiie hall tin run la in tln uitmunt Inc illvlalon. mul u ninjotliy of wimt la .fi miia. ho cliiaibid a alockora mill fpixlnia Cihvb ranw finni $B 2i In r. ?r.. htlf eiM (i :i5 to it'. 'id. bulls $;: 2 m $i rr. ettlvoa Jl'fl io $7. SO, slock aPi" $1 7 In l r., fcodork SI V In $...2fi In aplie nT llu very Iha run nl lingH in all ihc market Unit week, pilci'H hpbl up vetv well, niiil clOM'-il tho wik (lrni A normal run tmlai. Il.ooit Inoi.. (llxcloacd the (act tbii imekeiH want the hoi:, hadl.v. mi l tin N lo hl 'ld miiIa. r.ip bPfP la ii 20 todm. bulk $ii u.i io Ji. jo Welulit Iiorh aie m' 1 1 1 nit A..1I up wiui Use Kirk's Flake White Soap Cheapest and Best Soap on the Market Today P HINTING Albright 2lJ WI'ST (iOl.ll U m-wiimW'Www'.'' New Planing; Mill Completely Equipped With New anil Modern Machinery for Turning Out Screen Doors and Windows, Store Fronts, Counters, Sath, Doors, Etc. at Prices That Will Warrant Your Investigation, Chicago Mill & Lumber Co. V. 1'. OI.IIH.M, .Mmui'jer. Corner Third and Marquette, Albuquerque, N. M. '( ri- Finnig&n - Brown Company i Hid ss, Pewits md Goiitt rSHins ,Mluuiieriiu Hrnncli 122-121 Ndrlli Clr.t Street Tclcpliono :l(l; .oii HI-. Iiin( Liiiinci'tlon Urlto fur Mloi Quomiloua, M0'8'X''X I City Scavenger Company Cleans Your Vaults and Coss Pools. Mauls Your Trash. 540 CALL PHONES 430 HARRY T. JOHNSON uicYCLf-s, sronrw; goods wa'd PISHING TACKLE. Can and Lo,l Smith NOTICE TO THE TAXPAYERS t 1 Road Tax for the year 1911 is now due and payable at O. A. Nation's Book Store. Also the delinquent Road Tax for the year 1910 is payable at treasurer's office at court house. ,1... I. .. ll,,nl(,...M .... aald " plnduet t IJ4- lipKllt ll.Jjir. I B" .... . tju 4t ttiiat ordcra rur pork friim all otrec the World, nuk'unt I otn man-. ciiBlo.neia who lemalneu alloni (Inrlnu Hie orn nl IiIrIi price Utah (lomeMtif nml forolitu mnsum. lion nre iIhIiir iIiIp, find npihliu utiti b. HPii on tlio Iiorlafiu tllin I ltki'li to ehcpk llu wide (leniiilul aiiuep mid Iniilhi ate leutipmotln: n llllli' f;oui tho stupoi or u weak io. anil Hie tiuirht't Ib Advancing u Hub. If) to Ki lilatlfcr toiu IUmSOIdU flb.n T. xiiH nml Artwinii inn (Iwlnilllnir w-h wPpI . but u piotiy uouil rutl nr n tlvp keep pouilni:. Hupply la '.."I1' horp lOilg... nprtttf laniba a )7 'Hl tin topa. ivolbet-a J 1.0(1. vwirlltUh $ 1 .. own.. l So (Ionia inc u diutj nil tin nun I ' p acticnllv no ai'tiie 2 -, INSURREGTO FILMS REPEAT CHEYENNE PICTURES AT THE FOLLOW CROWDS TONIGHT A nut lie, Ii'k iilgbl ill ih-' .Million, lillllklhl The Iiihui recto H but lie will be a em at oil. A incline taken on tin 111(1 Two mIiowh Hilll'ilit. Kiiinlir taih I.'Uik ,,105111 ns anil cxeitiuii 'lb, umI uclilevllle pii'MCtlt' (I h! nun f lemii iiiul neiclibniH iih,"" Me lill-.'h. I tllln.lRH IllHI UUIlt & Anderson I M I m i;i vrnuji'i', v m. AGENCY FOR Ford Automobiles 402 W, Central, Stern Eldg AIRDOME