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AL1UQPEKQUE -TEMWO HERALD, SATURDAY, JUNE 24. 1011, SOCIETY I .ml (111) has i.iUM Mini Uollt. Hid itlth .. mitli m th.nisiimls III' M IHllllll lll itUllOII III tlOSl IK III li s fiivori'il (illnuH tu . nu lo Hie llllld of MtlllHllltli , )! 1 1 1 1 1 1 . t ill till ', boulltj. clllUllli mill health ThmmthoUt A merli n tmlii tin."! nl li ill w 1 1 uesew ii ri nlMtiK -1 i it i 1 1 1 tes timony iiT tile llit l 1 'lt l','iiti in i w .Mexico i'ililllilK Im Hilar, IIh-Ii j,i m illlll plivHeKc Willi Inlcil mi,- 1111- awnre uf Uh Klorhs. I''taiilit witli UptltlllMIII. hllppltll'S lltld l,(l Wcl' nil hi, 'Hi' iiii'swih.'m xiirru'i,iiitiy I'linviiiciiii; tu chut'Kc tile lintluiliil atmosphere. fcAcll tin' national ii'liali chambers, with tin euiiUclloii Hint III this stale fieri In tin flower of Anit-rtt'itii u llzatlim mill opput Utility. Tin mini' splendor tif Oil-, oiio-tlnic iln wioumi if tile pull In toilii) In liillihlllll i he lore till' lf I r tlllltlSlUuls til Wlllllll collie the Slllitllc SIIKKesll.lll III flltUIr homo iii ihe pictured i Oik special curd, lieniim; cupid'-. I'lilMtU'. In perhaps rcprt'Sontutlvf (it liuihy Thi idle rem). ".Muikiici lt , ilnrlliiK, If this InlKlit world woe mine In jjli. 1 could nut endow ou with irentur oc or a i t usmttcr Inmie tliiui my J0-ikii I'mm point In Nt'W .Mexico. .Say .Villi A III incept it. tlcorKu.'' Another iviitl. ".Mutliei, I haw riiilllil Ihe Urullttlh III tills net Well iiMintry' I" write the Inst net In in driimii Vimr mm will et Im- fnnum. Sell the place and cumc uUl tu live Chut." TlimiKh nut nil the cunls bore tin heart ntnry of the,- twn, yet nil were directed u the luillvliliiul interest ul till. H(lilMire, mill the Kr.HIl influx of residents certain to come to New Mexico in the mist five years will In no small memmrn lie a response to (h, (uvttutloiis m ilt nut ut the rciuext of Ihe Riivarhtir by Inynl patriots, in mil! tliHl tinlay ami fur nye Ihe lilt ill of Now .M ex lei i spell In thein the dniroet word In the world "lunttt . Vmi imK the In ml I love the best. .Mrcvteo. N(. Mtwifd. TIiu fnlrmi In ml of nil (he won. New Mexico, New Mexico. "c5ue omler Itio ilitinile'x stunim. W'hwe roMliift wrntt-n brtvlitly ulotim. Oh. fltlr it Is n piiiit u dremii Sf Motfi-o. New Mcxtc,. " I tin t 1 1 .vi le. No happier or more m . emifol func Italia hfive v,ir owuitpU In Albu (tlMniti trow the three dellKhtlnl bridge luncheon tallileretl h. t frmiids by -Mr Icnne Ihirth tin ikihi week. Tlio first of the serle .lonila utter ifnon wk nil that eoithl he ilelril In point of elesuiiri ami iilenNiire anil net Ihe Ntttllihlnl fm tin- twit ! fol low on even mole I'leilHK I'laii Fol low Mitt l he imdki. i.r limit, when Mr- W ilkiln.- li v.m tin hull i In of , . i i i Ii- I innk liei'nimi nitinniuiiiUt roe oln mnl ell"!', i miiI. hi 4'ln-iMlmi ihniiii conceri lYhluy i inln. Hit .i-. hliuln-i'li i v I'd nt the tnliliK on the , lainlu KueNtN Miunlav itftcrnooii ver Ajdanum Ootinnr. Curnn. Cai.fii lil. Tin .I,.N- linen. Mann, Ae'Kernuiii, FiiruHHon, .Inrrei. Foetieta, K took. Htrotm. Marion. Hum. WimiiiHoii. ),inul(i. MIh llreiit The hiteuewdlllK rum-tloiiN owitrred WedneNiluy n lid l'rlihi iiioiiiIiik w lien the UOol Ktjphyrt. oi tlx Iii)'h youth kiiv nilihil plenum i t tin ttmnen Vi'ilniii)ay tiiornliiK Ih, eoni pnllv iiKMelllhtild llhnllt fixe Inliieii aii'l di'Heii ihoJr nlii'iitloii lo tin im--eliiiiiiiiK mno ill tlte tro,h toi e.v ti, ii.'iiee wiih nwurduil to Mi Mai Kiir, t Meilliir. tjlirdh were III' II '", pern, tied at II o'llhieli h) all ehilxir itle lout inelltl t-erted Willi the diiiniv uppijlnunontK mmivini; tin ''il lured UnMQNj". l in Wi dnwduj the In i IU pt em nt ieri .MetnlmnOfl H. I'hirelili r. ICtnll I htfeht, r. I. Weinman. Itode.i, Km- nwiil'l Mcflidlini. KiIkmi. IIuiiIhk. Walton. Sprlutir. I'oinlsh. S. (IrinN fehl. li IKeld. .V. lltHd, .liifiu. Smith- it., p. Merit. Putney. 'Hlell liroun Meilh r l.mthiitin, lloUmnn. Tin hrttlK'S h Friday mormiiK Miiltetl m tho nmnteiiio for iirnt honor helm; it v it i lo-il to .Mffi. I'hitrleN White The It o'i'IduU Imieheoll wiih miothel' four-' oiirie fuaHl, about vltlih ill uonipiut llilKi'ied lotth'. elijoyliik' the eitiNltie mnl merry eotivt rse Tho iiivltiieK on Fiiilu.v wer, MIhn .Viitoiimm. .Mcxdiimef Hid llmilf, Ihir iv Wt'lller. Itnv Stmnm. Hnymnml -iiimiil. White. Ilolcniitn. NeithtndU i-rtit, l.,wiiiH(tn 1! . l'ront. Kelltl. tj-uuMHiiii. Itnlph Hunt. ilenlKt Unit- 0i Mlcxes Ftiiiiee- Hold, Mitlnlell Silinltz. NilNha im llludyx Brilliant Function for Misn Miller. Tilt' Michll ttvoitl or tho week Willi tho hall In the Woman x rliih lust ovi'iiliiK. witoit .Mvi- I' i Coriilxti inieiiiiliied In honor or MM Annie Mllld of NoilolU. Vn., wlm h in Hit' ell lalllna ht'f Hlhti't'. .Mik A II Dei-Mianle Tlte nlllr or Ali)IHUi'lt'iii wim iio,(iit to Kfi't'l lite uniitlit'rii girl who lt liuL'itlcUly illMluyuo ami I t'lnti mini! Tim iiIciihIiii; Intel lor of I ln cltiii iniiiiiH wiik eiulielllHlit'il with Innulii'M of Kii'i'iii'r.v linn the Huht or I liuiiiili'llL'i Klohert ;iioll(iveil by rod , hIiihIiih AIkiuI ii litiinlrcd youtiir nen- plf wie pruHtml, mill Hpeut n tlclliilit lull' Inliii'iiiiil kvimiIiiu In tliiiitiiiK In ilin iiiiihIc or tin- ('(ivitiiiiiiHli-Fnliriiit)'' (r (il i'ln Ntln lleeelvlnir ullli llic iin.Hlmii Wfic Allsd .Mlllt-r, Dr. CuiiiIhIi (Hid fllllclln fortilun Dmlni; tin cveiiliii' ,MrH. Kvckimxle. ,lr Hoy Staiiifii mid Mvh. K. J. AlKcr hmsIrIlmI hid iiowicHU in iuokiuk nfttM- tin.' piimk urn or th coiitptiny. Hefn-itlilnK diiiikx of fruit punch were mrved mid nl ii late hour, ti dalitly cullntluii, hit v. ml hnff 't tlo rogiiK'd thi. worry umUeifi Ml Vughey EntertAlns. iiiosl ilellKlilftil patlv, fhiiiinlim Iii appointment and ulmndplmru or fonlal frleinlHlil.m wiih tlie lle linn died pnrtv WiMhit'ialay dvi'IiIiik, when Ml-! Klfatinr Viniulmy ws honti'HH lo twenty .nelllhl-lrt or tho .VOIIIlKi'f Hie dial elicit' In llninl deuoiatloiiH. n fii'Hhiiii nl find ilatnti ai cemorleB 11 ii K wiih the color that (limed tlio ronniH and iilcanoil tho utney of Hie itiurrj loinpmiy FntKiant plnlt tar niitloiin wi-ic itiHtelii:;y arraimeil to rcalttrt' llif (lecornMop Wlicit the coiitcHi had cIohi iI tit the four lablon, Hoiivcnlrs lor hIvIM at t lit saute wrrr tiwariled to MIhh Mary Kathleeii Kel ly, a pn-ltv iia Hided pin and to .Mr. I.mihi llt'Ht'l(lcii, it Imolilet for Into Iilioiio iminla.'iH and nddlenHe Ices and calvi'H wire tietvod laic In Itm t'ViMilms. TIiomc who unjoycil MIh- ViiiiKlun 'h liospliallty weic MIhhi). Iteritll'l' HefKt'ldell. I.lllllt'eil AHI'llll. .Mmy Kcllv. IMcllf Kelli, Vlinlnla Carr. I'cail ronton, Katliciltio I'ow ell. .lulln Keleher: .MeHHrH Lester II fehl. Joseph O'llli'lly, Ua McCaniia. Joseph MeCailllli. I alls I IcSHehlon. FriinU llnhhell. Jr.. Wlllliini .McClnrlt In. Italph KcMior, I. Kchtilt, l.oo Mtn-ili 'I hil ly t'lult lo llmiet'. No hmii'i' for Ihe tnetuherh ol the Thirty titih or tlulr IntlieH to siifrer eiiiitil In midsummer or any olln i time when the himle priuelple of th. orv'nnlf.ttoii in "(he pursuit of happi llis" an a prlvllitKe iim well an mt U - nllenabli' liK'ht of Ms constituents. Aliothet Modal tlaili'e h the llletllhelr and lady Invitees will occur Thuis day evening. June '.!'. in Ddd IV lows hall To lionet moon on the l',v. .Mr Lewis ('. Mrookn and hrlde. for merly Mitt MnrKUvilte I'UI. whose weililliii! occurred Tnemlay tf this week at the hruic of the hrliltt In Itli- ellie. Wis. arrived yestetila 111 the colony ot AlhUiuei'iticaiiH caniplliK "ti tin haukK of the upper Itlo IVchh lo spciul a mouth In the plcttirewii t spot that has Deen sititl to oxoel III' Hui.uiik glories of rfwitzerhinil. .Mr. timl Miv ItroolvK will he douilwlli'd III tin rnihli rt coitaKe durliiK thi ir ntu. in tin (llottetaN. afier which tlmy win Mtiit thi grooiiJ's iurntp. -Mr. mid M. il I, ItrooUd In thlN . ll Aftt t o. t.jiir i .Mr and Mrs Lewis llroolc W'M ' .It hullll- Ht tin Hotel Soiner ft I'ohtoll WeddliiK lie I Is. Id. i w ,'k will stlslmn III, i 'it-; f repot ition for lni'lri a- nt it. is! t rt v AllmlleriUiv rLIn win tic t in. the m tter luilves to threi happy m t im (Mie or tiittsc win o'-i-iir in I' t liodKc l"wa. ut the lioim "f tin br.ot Thiir.dnj tit'liliiK June ."i ror i. rummy Mr Clllford II. mien. St I i .,nl .11,.,-t clothier, h ft tilt) Thui'-ii ii afteriiotiti. The iirldt; i - Mi- . Cttia .Miinsoii, f'Ttin ii i ' lloth the y on nr. 1" "pi' ... .,' i..'irllot It it r, ami tsi.em-i- .i wale olreh of friends lm i i ; ,'fler Hi ' htiiin w , 'hliliK' ,r i v. mtik'. thi.- . "UpP if J i t d nil T.t w i I I. .i i"i .i tnoiilli's tr..v.i in t.", r 'ttirillOK to Alhll'iin r. i home ol thp Krooin' par and .Mis A. W. Iliiyilun Ihe t .' ti in (llt . t 1 nit- Mi Ittt-t of July tt-ildint; n this oily ThuiMl.iv ivniim- will unite Miss I.cttle so,, and Mr I J. Mhte. Ile II I Williams w ill oiilnlate. In Kuii.'Jn (.ily i-iirly in the wek MInh tlertrude Xlrhttt Qf this -Uy will heeoine Ihe hlidt- of Dr. J. V Thoillp ni'li of Kiuisas Oily. House Warming. A pohi nuptial party manned with out thi' kuowk'dKi' of the limits, oc Idiirrcd Wed now lay cviiilni; in tlio lionii' of Mi V. K. .elser and the lady of the now homo who hud licen MlhH Kthul lllhbon till the pitu'i'dlw; oven Iiik Whllo thf liowlv wi'dn wen' on ti'iiiilnliiK .Mr .elscr'H mnoiilH Wed nomlay Mvonlnp. ilio ! i Ilii'- of the enhi oMdilns wiih hrotii into ira itieiiih h 3 In; music "i oi a tin-pan hrigtiilo ofrHctthiK vocal clforts that .-'III furl her illstttrhi'd tlto peace or the nclKhhoihooil. The hllailoiis chlv uiaii commit continued till thf sere nadiTH were Invliod lino the lium where tliev look lull posHt'sslon, dl putiHlits hnspltiiliiy, rrult piiniii and uetui'iil j( " l"'' ni" Tl"'11 inking' tin hrhlal couple Into custody I ho piirn .niloiiiitial lo (hi lionm oi liui crooin s '.iinihi r, Mi II 15. Zclsor. IMP S IMHh titrect. vilinre tittotlliir happy HOiiHou wiih piisseil In lite rom illlion of musical uutnherH more imp plionloiiH than tlio Initial serenade Thus Ihe liientlH celchraled the IiiiiikImk of ihe crane in liodorn pnrlance gave n ltniiHowirnilHK- In the Imtiio ol' the nowly weds Thou1 picK'iu were. Mr ami Mr Tow Don. ttnll.v. .v mill Mrs W 1-2. Zlner. .Mr. MnSlinne. .Mr. ami Mm C. (i. nilmon. MlrtHPH l.tiiirn Coen. llolon Scliellvc, flraco filhhon; Mchhih. Hill IU'IkIh'h. Ilowaid ('uiunilnsH, Howard Woodx. Miiedremir, Itnlph Olhion, Sidney (llhtiou Porch rrty. 'Can 4i ny (ileasurn In life cowpaie Willi ii uame of caids in the ha I my nil Surely nut . And with Urn pleiisuie of coiiKenlnl ftiewlH iiHStcnhlcil in a vlne-Hcreeiieil norch. l!io nlettstiiu IH i "boyoiul eonipHie." I Such wiih I lie Hceno this iimnilm,' whi'ii Mr Uwwlck eulertulneil ls teen liillwate r 1 1, iiiTs. at ih!i;c In honor ol Mih Denin- who li.. 's in. inoimw lor Topekvi Kan Thi phiiH mil veruiiila of ihe ('ana ih Oki itf-loid- an Ideal place ror Hiitii an (Sent Mid here tlio ladlos Heated til lour card tallies eiiloved the piiathue and each olher, and IiihIIv a lefiesliliiK fcpait nt ii o'clock ami dlH.iursod hi tir tlm noon hour. lloii-e IMi-ly. In ' i ll .ilntlon ol Hie relinli fiom KilleKe of John Melie. tllele will he a week or fiHtlvity in Smita eF mxt week ami a iiotuhle lioiiNe pally will h. eiitertaliieil ilurlim the week at the Imille or JinlKe McFlc. Atimnj; thone who will leave .Moiuhiy inurtiliin rm Santa I'o to he inemhei's or the pmlv will he .Miss Lillian He,'hli, Will It'r Allen. Mun (Jhmloltc Leillblie. I naiiiH I.cinhke l((uie- li, il r.lMJ. Not even innUuinim r, when hair the wnthl Is at ptn and llle ntllei half loiiKllIK to II". I- tli.. iutl. ,,r the chiw room auitht hut atlirtctlve to ui. ilelltH ill tile liiiMiKltv of New Mex ico mid the ZfiilmiK instruttors who are eoachlmt iIuiIiik tlie ieimim-i term ail Industriously as in mldwlnt. r. Lit erate treatN are the neml-wc,-kty loc tnri'H hy tlm provident on loi.i,'. ..,. tallilnu to anelenl ami mm), ru hls (ot'v Vistenlay inornlliR Ih, HtmU'titii llHlelied to all eillljlll tllKcourfH- Iii Ml (Jrai mi "Kocleti ot Ami, nt (Ireece." Hint wiih replete with iu- tiiricmit comparisons between modi n, sin iet ami (Ireek senlnty or mi era lollt; Itolle Next Tui,la inoruluK nt I" o'clock lir Uiay will mldiiMH Hi, studeiilH ami any citl.nns who are in leiiHted In the suhject on "Constitu tional .Monarchies." A eordlal welcome will he extended to unyolle iittetiiliiiK these leLiuri The li'Klilnr hours nie MondavH at !' ami I" a. in. ami Thiirsdios at Ihe wini,. iioiiix, the dlst'oiirse ol. amieut llUtoiy toopi. lirecedlllB tho modern Iiintoiv lailix. I'liJ'IclmiN Klllelinliieil. That one thoiisamt trnvelliiK ilslt- ors vmi he royally entertained In oitu hair day hy the local physicians. i'om menial , ,,, committee ami motorists or Alhiiiiueriiiie Is n tin nxl I'ilfllltl llf Ih, spit It ot cordial liospliallty In Al hutiiniue mid also lirool that Alhll- ,lier,in. . a ,t ,,r mitomolilles. f-'ewn special I'lillmmi trails nriled -Mis- Heel t . lalenteil rendu-. who lll av.Ki pn.yram at finis, linn church conecii I rhlai eieiiloi In dlfrerint iiours ill das iestcrd.iv hiitliinlm,' .a n t. dock, mid , . i, coiitlnitent of phiNieiatu mid tlnii dlcN Were toured ahotlt tin- . c throtlith Old AluiunieidUe and .mi to the Unlverstli heluiils. 'Iii.. V IKl I . ilM worn oliaiuieil to rind the eii ,,f tin. tit Id went a ureal park ol tree, .thrilhs and rioWelN. contalnnur Hi.. inuilern archltectutc ami . ulturtit Puople of winch the oust hoasts Distinguished Visitors in CMy, Ainoili; ihe tlKlltmillKlicil lisp,,,-,, M Albistiiei'itK; vi'steulai en mule to Ihe "Cit or .'iiikuIr" ror lie auiittal (onvtHitlon of phyKlclaiiii. weie Dr. Turner Wooion ami Aire Woolon ol Hot SiniliKK, iK. Thci weie en loiliilmiti rtuiiu Ihorr .tf.iv in imim city li Mr and .Mrs v Y Wallon and daughters Mv. Walton ami .Mrs Wfiotoii n if (imsliiH and liioiubeiH of the rtnuoiiH WhlttliiKion ramlly, iliiiu there in no nobler stock in ih Southland The iianu of WliliHnu o t U iliHeparablv iiKsoOialed with Ho' SptlliKH, as Major WhltllliKlnn. pnlnl fitllmr of .Mih. Woolon, wiih iiie o. Ihe oii4luiil Hi'llli'iH ol Hot Sin,ms Hoveitly-llve yearn uko. vlien Hie vir gin wilds of the Arkansas .noimtalii weie practlcnlli iintoiichcil h tread of civlll'cil men. I.atei when tlio lour pioneer land lioldeis had loual cohtonilon ifK.irdlm; Iheli tialiiirt. ttml tlie vliiiieH or tin uineral spiiis wore iiltraiilm: itaiional ititenllnii, tho uoverniiieiii appropriated the hoi KprltiKH in Hot .spring mmintain and left to tli-' quaitttt (f oiiulnal settlers vast, land lioldimti whereon hi now Hlttitiioil the meat city or Hot Hpiincs. peoplml hy licaltliKoelvorH front all over the wmM (!olonel Alfred Whit tliWtiu. rather of Mrs. Woolon. Is llio Iiihi Hcion ol the old family heat Ins the Whllilimlou name, licit has boon iiroHoiTod, however, hy the ae nuns mid pmivH ol Hot .Sprhms l allcd WhlirliiKton In honor of ihe ikatiKiis pattiol I)' Tumor Wootoit was nifiecably Hiirpiiited to meet In tliln lt an old eolleric mate In Dr Hhorllt' Hotlt of those able phyt lelutiH me now comlucHiig sanllnt ltilUH. lr- Woolon has a faaimiH lios pllnl In Hot SotiitU" and was Iiiiciiho ly Intln-cHied in iln short le Minltar. Itllll eondiicted h hlH eollene male ill ihlR (Jltv An eMiiaiiRc ot eotirtosl.iH. lltonititic. etc. wiih al once attreod upon while the pliyshiPjliH reticwial nltl tilite I'rleiulshlii . It. f. IMeiili'. In the Kia.i dawn of the 'glorious Fourth" (' young people will start to Ihy amlias ror an nil-day frolic. These will be Ihe students or llle Al- bll(Uel'(llc lltislllcss college mid such former students who are still Imbued with a irollcsoiiie spirit ami collegiate airs. The conveyances will he Jumbo and Du on l less, in which the commer cial HtUdcllth Will llo packed loo Ml Ik' ly to permit the precious lunches bolnp crammed Into the same apace m v !. fe il oillllliHiir W'a twu ' ontiiiKentH in l lllllpllH or t UlHllie " b tin . i nimissary w tin topi, or absorhln feminine students, i A'U I Il rooniH when "pitiinh Imioied ror ItiVltlltK r. The in tasloii Is t t plenP or the A. H. t .ul red b Iter tla.v of llo of Ihe enm-r illlltQliat h . Hon Kh ell Mr. and .Mrs. M "i Kreinlit will not as eh i,,. Church Conceit With eiery lltlhlhe eit-r.i number by ft I promam rm- the enne' 1 1 ' Hid in the (told Hfcl Hi . n ill be It led letter lit'' i or miiNlcnlf in this cd: ' , vmhmI who saiiK In 1 -. i iectlmi ami aillllll 'i ! tllel(Ui'.lll (IlirlllK her I i yours into, mm (ttmsci'i. hoIo ami to he olio or t telle that Is to Itiml'i number In this iim. Ilriidloi il. the odlillir .t. Mr Collins tho uultm i and Mrs. llurntr a sl.i . as well a h ocaltst. M . piano art In already w i , superior oiinllty. The Lie.. Hit ami (iultiir trio w,i number, Vrrill'ii ".MlBen (lanlen or Droaius," Th. ure spb nilldly lulled , ii cert nt weM as In sold nii laiiiK an expert with tiiimetit. The perton-' : I- Mrs. dOWoll. Mi ('.... n MisM oIkh Solke. The lltrary inimher- , i i. in li Mc(lleeli (tray, as .i dramittl'. reader mid .Mis I lam I v'ox who ix iln jirldo or tin- 1'nivernlty'H ilrmmitle ctniwes. A ;.n onipnulPt Mm li.rjmiau In, (Miiinps. th, llnest In New Mexico. With Mich an array r profenwloniil talent. th' primrmti will .lie munt of th. year's imislcalo. Woodmen to En;ertflln. iiu .Modem Woodnieii or Aincrloit will Keep open house lu-xt wjednot day (M iilni;, when I ho iadloH of lite Ko.miI NcluhliorH and all Alodnrn Wood nen In tho city, uheilmr a nil luted wiih the lodge nr not will with I heir . s he kuchIh of honor. Though noi , compieie ine Kiii'jmimu pro irrnm inis been In parr in ranged and with additloiM will he rendered din lug the evening- aftor which an In formal -clnl season will xlve all preHiiti an opporttinlO to enjoy each oilier .Music Itelht OreiinHtrn Address. Woodcrafl,'" W. W". llnrrJ Vocal Solo AIIsh Chnrlotle I'ratl AccoinpanlHt, AIIhr Joyro. Heading . Mis. Slritiuiithjt Music AddresH. ' Itoial Neighbors. ' Mrs I'ollanl. State Deputy of It X. deception to Newcomers. Dr AI011.0 Height. Mih lliight ami fnmili will he honor gnosis at an elaborate reception next Thursday evening in the parlors or the Lead Avenue AMImdlHt church. Dr. Itrlght Ih Hie imw miporiutondeut of missions lit New .Movleo for the First Metho dist church and Alhiinitcriiuc will be the place or residence ami lieiiihiuai tern tor tlm e.Ntenslve state wort. The ( eeiillve board ol tho locnl elliinii Ih the reception ami ptograin commit 'ci foi the function ThuiHday evenlni: .Music aildroHscK of welcone and ID ernr niinihei'H will be fe.'itnres 01 ,lio eiitertnlnwi'iit. MaciMbce- lo llaottiel. The conclusion ot 11 most int.-i st ing membership contest contllicieil b Alamo Hive No. I Ladles or the Mm . itbees will In a Immitlct ti lidi ' "'! to the winning contlngi'tit by the lov ers. The date ot Ihe reHtlvllv linn lint been 1. ' dcchled hut wilt i,ibabl.i oeeur on the return ol the hull cominumlet Mrs. Ida Mason, wini Is now louring the titles of north east Nt W Mexico on official duties a state deputy. At the meetltm o Tllesdav or this Ihe points ' the opi.oslng rank- computing f" first honor lit the ."litest wore count. etl .Hid the HCOfe showed tile Wetini of Ihe "sllvor stnr- ' captained by th record keeper, Ml-- Mllililo (!,'ir,iiil li, in ihe vvinioi- and ihe wear. 1 1.1 tne Kold diamonds," captained i-Mr-. Maaun. the . ..inniaiiiler. to !. tn. losers nml or.iititied host at t- . ontest hamiuet Tills coutnsl Im--1 1 ill uln t ,-tt union- llllel'efl In lb lute and occajloiii I the ailillthin ..' iiiaiiy new uiAtni.. rs. sl cttiididiit. -hieing rnciilved the Inlllutory litis ..' the meeting prior to the close or th- COUtiMl. To the prcsiililiK offieciH wilo hut. liiHpli'ed eiii'i'g. in- u'U. mid to 1 ineniliers who are esciiptloliltlly lo m Ih due not oniv ihe credit for tli Micccssriil Issin of the contest, Im for the Hteadv growth of thu im " liorsliip. ki-ei'iiiK the hive in flou tilling e.imlitioti Ht nil time. The slogan of loyal AllioeobeiiH th world ovei is Flrat In iratarultv first in -1 ,1 1 'i IU . flint to the liiKin of lis im nila-rs. M'whig Club .Meets, Though ih-plctrd in ntiinbors hy ti,, aliMi'tti-e troiri th. city ot' seiernl ni'iuliers, tin Voiin Woman' Sew nut club eontimiti to mei to ply tlm in. die mtd thieatl. Mr, tiny Itogi-is 'in hotde hint Thursdii) afiinioon ami tile next seHlou will he .it the Itotlle of Air, t'ortea (Julckel. .l.-e. Iliippe Ihilertlilli. Tbtirsilay eiciilntt the IiiiiiiIm'Io Ituppe himie on Nnrih Second ,-tr. i was tin Mtuiie or a merry restivi'v w lieu Allssiin (!rai . and Kiiinia liui i elltil'tallii'd tlilttv xoiiiig pnoie. ing wiih the feature of tho uvciiuk ptellHtire. Ihe spai'luUH llllllllg I'l'l' 'I affoiding a tlm- floor lor iim pasim l'lniui numhei's r, ndnred tinting ii" evetilng hv Atlss Kinder intmisti i' ' the eNCepllonal skill of the potior or. .Mr. II. Kuppc favoiftd tho co puny wtih several whlHtllng solo, talnut for wnh'li the gulihtt drugg' 1 Is fani' il Ih ton dispersing, after n mltlnlght iit-iii. Ihe gticstH wore j Killed with a tasteful thruc-coiiii-. luncheon "Keryboil)' l.oiie-oiue" t'lnli tiny. That "Ui nbndy'M lmcttomo" elub is n f tihtv a s ii lety of clmory yotiui; u'limiii. u'..m .l.'OitiiiMt ml e,l Inm .. ItiB wlun mt mcnibt'r made merry flit it nut a wlim lr to,- I i. j 1 ' HVHDb t NH e . 1 wJH ' T- W I- rH m 1H '! :"-H IH .mi !1 .oi ti, IhIkK'' ll '" IBHlBv ,BrH mm , KT' -nP 1 u" ----!-----Hr ,f ' Mbu . HKW i V: lH " "" i Gr '4lH i" Bbv pv-jL;ji HiNAr ilk F'rHK ( HjH K'l!-I!H " ' W v l4i "'' '" IIB1URj'kEIH flBKw 1 ! Jkt?H ti't lr BHil i lnH in H8 n i I. DH lie I .ilw mil M' t.Hii i n i.iuv liiiH'iii i oni rt I rlilav i M iiiiiu at tin , i I.i M - ) V r rtad t one of lfel in .t tliiH eMuw or yamm )' 'i'- Mrs, Runyitn Ml IDfr H,.i "lopt iim milt of ,HH i"D rln. if euntiLHMT lh-r. u, i' t iriwtl Mh remains iii.initiiiud to iMMn .loin 'uh r rending til moty Th. fVnntK Wtm ' .alh b'Uiii I't . I III; tin tHIl ht t'lu . I mid i. What foi tie Him tn. . ine.-tltlK enjoy ublt com ii n NtttlwMrli mcMQlltHi ii, n portion of tlt wvenini: lit fresniiii . iln were servc? i, n- TlKMMl Mr- Cnth illv Imppy w ,-rf : Ml i's Klm present Mrs. fiutNlii. Jemima iffgfr Attti'ill lnir.pc. 1'i.t. .11. Kdutt Kdlib Hurtnw, xiripe ruiri'. mmtBL M irth NMd.Wok Macttntjr "New Cmi-nuailnMiltMp will the Hubjurt ,ir (ItHcourw i? Uh-. Toi bent nest Wmltt.'Wtay m0hm h uiil-tok mt ftlna. MniiiiiMk. tmiuJ'HtLi. ltev .1 J Ituoynn. tttr ol llie toeul IWii-tiht ,-hureh. Is In Fhtludet phtii thi- v. k ttttvndinft the commo tion or ti,. linpUvts thm are uttrnet lug w.ri.l attention. Th film mutt mlilv vn r li- VAr'h. ru lists, hiivmu " " .t '..'in.,, 'ii nt toudnm Th.' H.i.tlst oi Amwrico it'' ul- nvs'Si't'i mhI lite W'orM " UaptWt All.aliC,. is u.ttfi.dJ hi JjyiOQ f Saturday Our Week-end Bargain list to tonight after 7:30 -t f V 't t It V t t ? r ncrc i i5,5JtJJJ ioi I i ,i it ailin. at ( In Nilmi of sMttidit t Wit MI. if UM grenlBSl i u tint fotivMtatt known. Rev. Hr. thf wnt-M Im - .'i Ituayan, in t uii.nn.v with Mr. Hit "' broth, i Hurker. will o tu tCiMttlRlitou. .Mr. U c, tn vinli lr. i.:ttwrli K. tiMik.-r. ui other lrothr feho in nrli'Hte pliysj inn nml ihtcl trntiirr ! I'ritMldotiL Tft. Wlititl UllilMlni'i lit .Meet. Nt'w otto), will inf u. n Into the rnkf "f ttM IV. '. T. 1' now that the Mr. Motile Uamlim lias rsfWrit'-d from sin NtntT vlnt t. Tra whurv Nile wn i tHKtt djl 11 sail rfim i't Htaner death Dctl. Tin atina nvKt TuMi wiM at t o htMiv "f th. tMHH pn-aHumt. iM . ,. Vnaaton. aiHl a full nitu-ni't- 1 .,l 'Watl m It desired. , Ht. Lliilllt'H Ullllrl tllllLII (Mill-. a lame tvprcxernaUon or tin- ii f thi (uMiNh wr' iri'N,iit Wednpn- d) TIHftK.olt, whtlt 11 coin mil tee of thf Nt. 4fefct' ultit enl.-iiained An impr, uiptu proKinm . nuulciti mid Itteiiiry Htimtu rs .Miilii.o the i,,m i nn ft 11 'in 1 .iu moon ri tfish IIIK li . , Ullil illflnlles Wire st-rvud Th.- i" i 1 . "t .to .itfiin wer, .Mch- 1I4.11 1 noi,- mil .nil .nit. rd ht I ' PILLOW TOPS & IoDbVU rttfOitoiomL of desjmbio pillow tojis. SjpoiaJ' 'Honijjhl A Pier 7:3 . 47 1 1 SOAP lilio wiilWhowi 4711 Soap, iu diffoicnt odors, regular price Spficin! I night Alitcr 7:30 Per Cake 15c CHILDREN'S SOCKS Gooil Quality Ghiidrun's Soolts. in black, white or coloif-l. rogulai' ii)c and 25c valuos. Special Tonight After 7:30 2 Pairs for 25e mmwwaldf Qualll: Mcels v rcrvonal .Menlloii. Mi It Ml I '"tiler, dntinhtt'l "I In i Mr i' Il I'onii'-r, loft Tim i riiim? ftr IHkkIm. T-- Im Will Np'-lld Mt m..tfiihs tli ml. Mister f Mrs (.'mi .v.. turmorly mimbr i . i....i fotfulty In '..ik At. 'itri. IH. Cart, I hi M Im Mni-' ItttMtortl Mt . .i i k lie t'urr left Thimwii mo. i.t Jclm Hot RpriMN . r.ti vn i-kt .n. Htl of AM Afttt1 i . ut sfv nil (toy In MM ot'v -I k. vtMtttnc flMMi -. I. 'ho I '.inKllri M MM. MMii .i i .nth atrovt. fetww Butt ci -. to I otlPi u tMM AMttli - i .i.i . moitilfiii, ..n m ('Oil ffwUom' Mill In ' i. 1. 1. ..ii. rii.."H MMt WHIM tMHtt i . u-fi. or tin Ckwd CtMvr eli . ih m fit .f Hn orohans t i v- li'.ine ill MoWH W i ,,, ,,i.i..b a MmUfyiim mil a. H,,i i.v ihe inddntrtoMk Ut i- i. ,.. i -hcer" wko aVwM i Ma.' The prumntti Ml Ml'' . s.,-elally IMW, mm nt I -veil in, ,'t H 4WWMW f iiieinU, in wpMKl ttlWI hhIiIv unprM-mMtv of tit r . ni. M.iinem ant vlwttwm 'h,1 t tli nteettm of th' .nil nt li! a. ml I.t lirmaii nrtuiiwl WhAh iv.ntiik iroili ii trip t linfrnlo nfHt wttM! HMii' I ni-Mi- Vi.d. Hh de TwWw h Hi - 11 ..lulu f.o tile I'nelll VMM fc ' " in-, nt ironi tin etl tlH Die netn .1 1 m iln rail, when fii wMI tarn lo occupy Iim iiccuslomiHl ft ' in tn, . mint) school .Mi mid Mm. D. II. Il".n 1 i-ht u 1-rnu-rtnlntng .Mr. ItoatrUht sti. M is. tt. V. Ford ami diuighl. r-. h nortrmle ami Fnincoa .n T .t mid AttnK .Minnie ItiiHtrtuItt ; i 1 ns 6lt. Utith the hidlea fomi&rlv r d nit in "In city mnl have niinni uh ftiends engfr lo wuloome tin m t" AlliiUU.'r.iie 11 nln AlltHt Ibmir ilH will remain 11 week and nontllllii) to-' tluv.-lN to California to tjpoud 8Vr;il weeks at the coast. Mr. Fflrtl ami Ih,' yoiiitg llldteti will Hjamd ttt Hum nift with her brother fiitnlly In 1- lllitlerlIH. AIIsm Mamie Ivy and Alttot Jonn 1 w left yoaturiln for I'lttnUllrir ' ' inir atny at the Y. W. C. A ti mis , Ily. Hnr titimitrQiiii rnmlH ar i.t-.i-nl i learn thru Mrs. II. 6. K0i1r i, ihi portad tmpntvlug. and tlmi pmtu nioiitr coin pltoSi tloiiH tlld not ntltititl the iiltii.i; or acute bromihlttR . jmilferetl. .Mr, it. Ituebechl. nccuiirnnttletl . All I'll lldebmiil nml All. Inch Will' rmitlii.ous. Viator mid Allien lift 'Ntrday aftiirnoou for New Vor'H, wheltc. tin y will still ror 1 ttl . In he n lis. nt a year Msltlllg their re I -atli-N anil friends In Italv and ti'ifoii- ADDITIONAL SOCIETY ON PAGE 8. V Specials sale go on worth SOc to 75c Each 14c : : :' Price