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ALBUQUERQUE EVENING HERALD TIIIIIUM: (TTir.RN. VOL. 2t, NO. fid. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY, JUNE 26. 1011. KVKNtN'O HICHAM! VOL. I. NO. Ml. II KM RRftl nLnUIUI UUnL ni hup mr liLKIMb Ant TRUST Famous Cunningham Group j Grabbed By Morgan-Gug genheim Interests Taken Awny By Interior Dept. PINCKOT SAYS IT VINDICATES HIM BARRED " lility n tin- Himin train with Attoiniv- Hard Fight IS Won, He Say, I Clarence H. Harrow. became the ecu Rut Thv is Miwli Yit to' i,i"'i today in the ilynnrnlt- Be Done to Keep Shipping' Facilities Free. lit; HiiiiImk llt-mlil .. I l.racnl Wlrrl WiiHhlngtnli. .Illlio W. 'I'ltti Minom-. i imiiluglium AIhhI.uii coal liiml cIiiIiiih IllOllgtl which It llllt bi-l'll alleged tint th,' .Morgan-Huggi'iiliclm ntl iHiu had .iliniiu-.l to ittnl their vas; Jim-ruBls In A-lunkn and i control one oi th.' .iidhi suluitlilc coal llclilh iti 'he world, svon Milii-, Ikuiills illKallou c.l Ii ihe ib1 puriiuetil in nr til' i lor Socmutr) or tlio iiiii rlor i'lulim miviiiK njipiowd tin- iiep.tituieut' ilc lainn an liiindcil down 0 I'icil I Jen licit, cniiiiiilhhloii. r of the I( tut oHlee, I Im Inn door U bollce.l to haw liccn cloned to the Cunningham clnlnianiH Theli attorney have threatened tin appeal to the t'nliiil Hlnt.'H hiipicnie coiiit, Inn filch an appeal ca;i In bancl only on hoiuc point o law In miIvimI and not on the tltulliigH or fact an announced bs the depart The Cunningham claims have lieen In the imlilic c.v tor more than two cat k. 'I'll c - In ought iiliont the Hal-lingor-l'invhot InveHtlKtitloti lv con grew and the dlHinlxxnt I mm the pub lie ncrvlc oi Chlif I'oinnter Clifford i'ltichot, I.oiiIm It. ClavlH, a chief ol lit II dh : If in 1 1 l:in1 olllci ntu! vcntl initio) otllclnl" Mntli Messrs I'lnchoi and OIavIh wne lisinbt.M'il (or liiHubmdliintlnn incident to their nltntTrt nn totlttrr Rccrctmy Unlllng- I I whom they claimed wan favorably illMiDiicil toward the clnlim. In antiouncliii; ih d'cMon nl' 'he i!einritni'iti todav, Secretary I-'Uher, who Miocoi'iloil Mr Ihtlllnger, declar ed that now coal land Iiiwh are need ed in Alrifdta if that teitliory H lo he il'ielo'icd ptulierty MONOPOLISTS BEATEN 8AVS EX-FORESTER .Vow Ynrlt. .tune L'fi I'erhiipr. no body In (liu ooiintn wt" belter pleas nl with tlie final dUpoHltlon of tho Cunnliutliatu cI.iIiiih iliati (JlfTord I'in chot, whose own fortunes had pivoted upon ihcni no erltlenllv "The cancollation of Mic clalniH," 1k Hill.! toila. "la moof. ivi)ii hy the admlulMlrnlon Hnelf, that the light r made iiunlnst it to prevent coal :non opolj In Alaska wan not onlv hiicccbb fill hut nitci'DHary and rluht Thin victory ItMiirfiK ho cancellatlnn of inultliiidcr. of oliet friiuduk'iil clnlnm In AI'ihU'ii "Our flfthl, however, Ih no yot fully wen. Ii la noHillile tfiat a neorct or dur of Inst October, liv which l'teHt iieiit Taft opened' th- harbor front of f'nturollcx Day. Hie natural outlet for he coal. In aciiilnltinn uv nicclnl In tel twin, may rcnult in a coal monopoly thionuli inonoiiolv of n.i.iBporlatlon. .Voss that tlio claim.! me cancelleil. i he on'' lintieratlve need for Alawha, ' an l oncHt coal land law. o Kitiimr ihrt eo-il 'n l iitiiedlnlc devolomuent undo I'fpe rotn the .overnment " PORTLAND'S FIRE CHIEF KILLED Three Severely Injured Also In Destructive Blaze Which Causes Property Loss of $100,000; Body Recovered. Ills lltt-NlUK llrn.HI . I'. I.rmnl Wlrrl I'm r.laiul. ure , .him sil.--i li lor Dasld S'lmpbil!. of t I I' Hro di iinrifiieni w.i liiftanit.' kllb I ioi .!.! and tliri'e otuer lllellli-n f. i clsed Ilijiii'l.'H III Ii lilae (it the plant of tho Villon Oil fliuiipuiiy on lb" itiM Hide wlilcli rofjiilrcil the efforts or the en III. iep;l. luiellt lo t-ubdite. The b)W it iiMllllliteil el llDO.OIltt. Campbell ltd a mn.ill hiiiiiiiI of fire in. ui lulu the bhulng ssiuehoui-e to plan the UKiiliiMt the fltiiui). The men wete groping tin if wuy Ihrouitlt tin building v. Inn i lieus-j expliolnn i.ictirrcil. Two of them were burluil hack Ibtoimh Hie door nmi ramphpll w. h not hvcu tiKiiln. IIIh body wiH recovered when the flamea bad been osrrcnine. AMTIHAM MEN 0TRIKE, TOO. AniHtcrdum, Netluiibiniln, .lime l'li,-.. Two llioiiminil dock IiiiiuIh Hlrucl; to dav in ympnlby wllb l ho milking t-t'iuncn. Work .eu.-nul at H iblpi of lite eight Urgent limit. RS mm IS miTniirn ninnnvi miwitu uludcu er detectives OF BURNS Wife of One of Alleged Dyna miter! leaches Los Angeles and May Testify for Defense in McNamara Trials. EVEN HER TRUNK IS TAKEN BY LAWYERS (Bf t'.vrmtmm Urmia A. I. t.r -) Wlrel Im Angcli.M, fal., luuo liir-l'iuler I tin; protection of ami cloudy watched i hj tlio dctoctlvcn (if the agency which j liiifcd thi iirroHt of her hiixhnml, and tlii' .McNiifiuiiu lnoihcrH. Airs. Orllo McMatilgal. wlui arrived here i-cHler- n,,,,, IirH..finiun mm deicuHo unwi claim tis a inHiiohh the wonian, who in aid to know niohl o' the HccretH ol the aileron gigantic eonnplrncs, whicli cost the Ions nl' millions of dollai'M o; I'tr.peii) and moil- ihan a fcore 'if mcx, and while aiparentlv hy pretei ellci HIIO llllh t 111 IMS .i tier lot Willi llu llefl'llHl', till' ileicciheK otuploscd lis the iiroHecntlon tida ulilalneii Hin MMsloti of her tiiinl.. 'I'liey xatd ihm coiitalneil eliletice ol vaine III I In ciihc iiKalnxt her hiMiitind. )ho I" al '.escil to liavs' confc'.Hed, and tiKiiln.-i Joli a and ,lnni.n .McNa.nata, the in' t UM'il pilnclpalH m the (do, wlio ap mulct ultutyen chniU' H of initulei A in an il ii.'Vi'tiled only Hie elothinx h'ic had urouuht weii 101 herxelt and her I no clillilren. Up lo tlie tlnu ol her arrival yen leidiiv the .iro.iecntliiti Iiuh .nnliitaln ed that ,lrn. .McMiiiiIkiiI would tcntll.v on hchall or ilie htatc lint who nIic iijipearcd !n the cltv accoinpanlcil by Mr. 'I'liciiniic .Mfttitin.', wife ol an ol tidal of the Iron workers' union In tHilnno, he went tu apartm-'iitH pr pared lov her li Allorifv llarilnian of the delcimi.'. The apparent nimet ol the piosecn tlou'H platm cnitned liy tlio attitude ot Mih. McMunlinil nave rUe lo .tiinoii that Mc.Miiulcal liliiibclf would rcpml hue .the QfmfH(on ho Iw nlluiy'il to have iniid and tiiKo hi ehancert wIMi the McNamarnn. It vvut iiIho icporloil that he would he defeniliil hv nlttotiioyH who repro Hint tho .McNiwnara tnoiheiH. Attor ney narrow declined i,o atllnn thin. ihii he aliio refimed to deny It The rumor thai McMnnlual had ap parently cliatifti-'d front hepm cireulnl. Inn folio winr. i he vlnlt of Mm Ma Mimical to hei huiihand In III' jail 'mnirdlatcly titter her tin Ix al SWITCH ENGINE ON WILD RIDE IN THE 'Goat" Goes On When the Thrown Wide a Rampage Throttle is Open; Stop ped By Coal Yards. (MprWal Trlrarmn i:tlair Mrmlil) I'lovls, N. Al.. June i'i!. Santa Huglneer K AndeMon was badly hurt and (. .1 Allkeal, his flreinaii, , yliHtuliii'd Ii-hhci- luJiirlcH in a H'-nt-u-1 1, inn I acclili ut stlili'h occurred In the r'antii l-,f yutiln here at I o'clock Sun day morning I'be night ksvIU-Ii en- LOWS gliie bad been stunting In tin- ssewt' end uf the yiirdH. cleaning HO the , ,-CM,B rrM . .. l.m.cU Wire) trackH. The engine had ilellvereil a i i.omloii. .lutie '.'ii - Another whip- Htrlng of cum and th iRlmcr n-iplug Hhllse svan launched today. Th" elveil a "bauk up wluiiul. Indicating I union ssiuki M on the docks ai l.lvct -that the trunk smih eleai Three of pool geueiall' oliesed tho onlcr to. the earn recelills Hssltehnl had fulled j Htrlke against ill'' IOIts-Hl. llllllH ill I to m t mi the hiding pnperl. how -. the shipping lederatlmi 1 ever, and the 'until" hit inn- of Hum Th hlilii.diig luterchlH at Hull j 'Ulircl. Tile i-liu ill tile ellKllle SSIIK ami tbe throttle throssti wide oiell. The eimitie tall svlld, leu llu-; down the uril.- at a terrific rati It en tdictl Into u hiiIiik of coal tan''. AlldelHiill. the ellullieer, being iadis Hi-nlilei In the nilN'-up nmi I'i re. man Mikeal being bmlb brulHed and buttered AlllletHOII still he taken to the ItoHpltal in Topcka as iiilckl a lie Ik able to Maud the trip. Mlkeal'l InJiirleK an not ho h-Hoiih it it 1 1 b .ss'lll be Heated here. The accident svuh one ut tbe ni.'Hi peculiar In th. I'xpuriitice ol many railroad mv here. ll; DlltlOllll.K lll'IINS t'l tn f'.vrnliiii lUmM A. I. I.i-inl Wlrr) ItitutoveiHcli-AlueniU i), I'ruxHla, June if; The illrlHl.ile balloon Car res al V, while umlerKolug repaliK to day, c iiiglit fl 'u find wuh iloitroyed No one wuh Injured, The I'aiHCval V receiiily hr.d Ikoii malting panicn Kor trlpn out of llerlln. JUOOE ALLIN IB HURT. I.oh AicieloH, Ctil, .lnmi 20. .Inn lice. M. T. Allen of lb.' Ciillfornlii rniirl of appculii and hcviui other pJiHoiu; wurti Injiirttl lihU)' In a coIIIhIoii be iwenn two Kiiburbun eavA. .hint lev Allen miHialncd n broUcn leg and It In believed IiIh k whh fractured, GOMPERS CASE IS nr nnrurn rnn RE-OPENED FOR CONTEMPT i i 'Justice Wright Hears Report of Three Attorneys Who In vestigated and Re-ncws Ac tion Against Leaders. IHy r.ral llrmlil . . l,rm,, u, WiiHhlliHlon, .tun, 2ii. - .niMtlce Dull' lei T. WVIkIiI. or tlie iIhi h i Hiipienie mint, today IhhiiciI a i ulr nsaiiiM Hamiicl (louipeiH, fuim MoiiIhoii mid .lolin .Mitchell, the la ,,., leader., icipilrlni; lliein lo ahow c-ikihc oh ,iuh 17 whv they nlionld not n Imlncl Uiillty of contempt or conn : hi ac Hon followed the filing of lie -. miu of the Ktjeclal coniinltteii of iiKiiuicm apiuiluteil by .liiHilce Wrlut m In iulre Into tiie mutter of coiiteini' .iioceeiliiiftH In tlu llucliH SIom ali i ItiiiiKu hoyeoli caie The I'nlied Slale tmprenie rmiit leieuily ncl u.ilile ail HeuleiiceH hen toforn InipoHed h.. .liiMtleo Wrlishl.' The riiipreiue court held that the con tempt on which .liiHilce Wrluht foiiu erly piiH..ul wan a civil ultimo ami icjuliiM the llucliH Stove and Itaime 1 companx The Hitiucme eoutt. however, uavc to the dli rli t court a rtulit to re open the case In the even that any contempt o' the conn HkcK or IM or deis. Hhoiild lie loiinil lllilMllucIl a h the Kiove complins ami the American Federation of l.a i or had adjiirtied I helt dllfc rcuc.08 It .an not HiippoHcd that the mattci would In purxtioil tiirtlmr. hut ih" diiv fiillowiuu tlie nrrlHlon .liiHtlce I Wlixlll llipolutei a cominlttee ol three lasverx to liiuulrr- Into all the circiriiHtanceM of tin- vtw and to do HMiuitie isheihei in not there lpul Cecil a contempt of conn Ittuilf. ThU i committee coiiHlsied of .1 .1. Daillnj!' ion. Daitf"! Ilaveiiport ami ,lame M llecl, Mr (iompeiH nui'Htlouud Hie tali iiohh ( ' an ltuitlrv lis thou- men lu ucniitch a- ih v all had been nssnciui d if i"in " I fo ' - conipuuv itKal.iRt II fede.ailon COMMERCIAL CLUB TO OUTLINE NEW POLICIES Important Meeting Tomorrow 1 Night; Every Member Should Decide Right Now to Attend; Directors Meet. l'ollulen fur the com.HK twelve iiinnthH win Im outlined and ppfvot ed for iiil'tiitlou al a me'-tnik; of the , I'ontmerclal club to lie le id tomor row evening. A mectlnn "f tlie Imaril of directors Is tu be belli llll.t i Veiling tor tbe I'lUiNlderatlou m minus mat lera. Tb meetlm; tu"i rr nlKtit 'will be tin Stern, the will privldi IltHt newly at nl' . il h Simon r"ldent, SEAMEN'S STRIKE IS DULLED AOAIN , - j I . . I UlUOll Workers Oil the DOCKS' In England Quit and Are Followed By Those in Am sterdam and Other Ports. Onole, (ii.iiigemouth and Clyde ioii.u' ; llieiiuelves in it Hl.ulliir plight, 'he nilon men n iuMlng to handle gni'n t Irom Iideiaiion Hhii! i HELD IN SPAIN King Names Infante Don i Carlos to Deliver Royal Speech of Welcome to Visit 1 ing Clergymen and Laymen. (Mr UtrnlBir Hrralil A. I', l-rnartl Wirt) .Madrid. -In ih- Jti - Spain officially wolconied llu- twcnty-tu'cuml Intcr mitloual l-iucharlHiic Coiikichh ycsler lay, K tg Alfoino delegating Infante tlon Oarlo, who made n Mpeech of prootlng. The church of sr.n Fran cIhoo, In which the irut"edlnH are being held, lllled with prelati'H, prlMtn ami lay iIcIckiMch from all na-llon. CHURCH CONGRESS PHIL SLAPPED MRS. SPRINGER IN FACE SHE TELLS ! TRIAL COURT Following Theatre Party, Shei Sent Note to Hen wood Warning Him Not to Come Near Hotel. DISTRICT ATTORNEY THROWS DOWN BARS All Evidence is Being Admit ted and Society Woman Is Promptly Summoned to Take Witness Stand Again. ill) lUrnlim llrrnlil li'iisei. .tune '.'! Hi ii -timuny of At' k'-i- ii Hi- trtJil " . I'. I. .-. I Irr) VI I U IK J Kill 11 .I'.hn YV Sirlu Kraii); lliiridd llenuci.iil for the .miiilor of tSeorit" i: i 'up, limit wen- iu ,isti ilussu to jiit ii Hlctel mh.iii.) Kllimt iHiii He- trlfil i" remiiiied, when II' ssitlidri-sv lilt oltji i timid tu III, lu i H'mIiii tluu of tOMlinous, leiullnc in -hm threutri nHiu-i lli-nssixwl hy mIni-i I.. Von 1'iuii preslmiw to Ih' fli'MitlUK, Mr SprlliKft- wan iiinni'illnlely simuiioii.-'l in -ipiirnr In "an nmi n!to ss'lt! tnke thi- -tniiil tln iifi 'i'iiiiuit to iiitt(y ecineernlim . ,nn "-, dloim h)ie Ii "I Willi Von I'hul ii. i I ii v n lug Hunts. i, l. Mi Ulllell giive ','8iii Im wtliili-iiMlllK M "I'Ji ettmii., wlllcll nl.ji . i ,.n, hail tun n Mtirituttu tl .iy .iikIk' Whllfnril. t . it lo- ileMreil t, Mi s t,n- (li-feiiilHUt rv iiiiniluiilly " JiiHlIfy hlH mil. William W. Itopx. ileputy cornnnr tolil tlil morning u finding imn iiluitiiKi iibn of 11,-mviKiil in Von 1 Ml 111 pueketK ill't'l tilt- lulti-r llilll im ii Hhnt. TIh'xi- photogriiiUH, It Iiik lii-iii Htated, 'l- given Min springer lliinsviiul, 8'cure, in the Sirillgi I nput tllltlll) by Von I'liul anil torn is htm. Iluiiwoud then took bi Ktaud and told of a bo party at ih. Oi ile urn the iiltornoon of .May i ii das b.'furi the Hlioutlug. ihu l:iri. iiii'lndlng Mm. SpiltiKer and Vun I'hul. After tho Jdiosv, be mild on I'.iul fullosvcd Mrx. SprlnuiM' lo tier room at Hie llnnvn l'nlace hotel. a Hi 1 her lulu the hall nmi pluppcd her. Mr. Springer at once Hunt fur lleuv.oiid, told ilni Hhc had lieeu xtruek hv Von I'liul t-nd b. ggtd blin not tu attempt tu recover from Vun J'lml her letloi'H, svllicb lleiisvood bail premlci'il to do. .lr. Siirliige,' told llcnwooil that Von I'htii wax 'ili'dpi'i-ute" -i 1 1 I that i- hud u Id h Intended to kill Ho n- sooil. The uxt day, oopnl illnc to lleiiss ooil. Mm. Sjultmcr smimglod ill uole to lllin begging 1 1 1 ii i ' for iJiiilV iiakc" nut to come to the hotel that be hud had an awful hcene wit. i V-n I'hul. srhu hud again initti'ued to kill llonwood. llinssooil iald bo bouglii it revol-' ver thai afternon M n ver owncii a testdvor in my life hefore," ic ..ddi'd. AIM. .lolin W. fiprlitgor rollowcil llenuooil on th" Httind anil testified to threats auaimt llonwoud made by V'i'i i'hul. rtli.- nl."o teHtlfleil tint Von 1' ml had .stniek her hi Hie mciilng : fori- the fiiouting nlfray and that br had Mnc I-IIIK. -' ' lii h- aetH She ritxo -I 'I'l II ffilii I tr ami i. r Hi n.S". ' her ir - 1; her twice oil 'ir- vliiUH 1 lind told Hoiiv of m i that Von Ph i' bad i '! apurtm. it - her- i:iUll two uliolo " ipllH ii. I haii torn i'i up i DESPERATE ATTEM PT AT SUICIDE MADE Carlos Herrera Stabs Himself In Region of Heart Behind Locked Door In Room At Atrisco, i A ileHperat'- attempt to connnll am i Id. ssiin inaib bv I'm Ion Horrent it San Igiuiclo at I o'clock thin lift- I li'ioil. s li II lierri'lii, svli.i U u I'liuch i r. locked lilumell' In i room ut ItiinchoH de MriHcii. thro.' tnllex ueromt th in., tiraiuie from AlhU'iiicripK, and Htabiied lilmsili In the i.glou 'r the heart ll.-ireiu arrived al Itan cbuH dc AtriH.o Miortly hefor- noon today. He took a room In a liollH" there. When he fulled to a'.-ar fur dinner -hi ins cHtigutlon wuh made, Hit. door to IiIh room beltm found locked It sviih broken down and Her rera s.i-- lotllld on the floor m pool of blood A moHHcugcr sviih iii-ratch-nl to llmtiieriUii and Dr. i: ihiiiiii left immi'illatcly for Ihe nceiu H Ih Mild lliireru Ih desperately s .. iiideil and tbi chnni.'cH for IiIh recosii' ale Might Vo motive Ih known t u- the deed Herrera lt married and ns a laniil and had no troiiblcH of rl iiiih nature iih far iih sverii knovs i It m h.iuI he ami IiIh family are wei to do people ami hIiiiiiI well at San I ur-nano VOK tir H CARDBOARD TRUST IS INDICTED FOR BREACH OF LAW Successor to Fibre and Manila ' Association Forms One of Links in New Governmenl Anti-Combine Fight. Ml)- I'wiilnu Ili-mlit s. I '. I.eiiki'il I re I M. I'lillel itjllillnl lusv iirnwe AtlOi'lli's it n- N'esv YoiU. .luiie ifi lormuhlied illKU't' Ml vlHlllll Of till Slli'llli.lll I'lillcd Hmten OlMrlei Wine. .mii ri'ii'.riiiril tod i he federal tiatid hly ststilii' " KiiHiein Mo Hoard dun," nlle: . i be Hie Hiiecejinoi id fit- "III--'1 I ITuet and Mntilla tiaRiHlintlHi III the luillnlilie.UU IUk nr! le II'.'SV efl(W ijl novTfrtlUN'IH ii . iiiikI piOhCCIItlollr. till' ir08lr'0!l,1 rn-"t- uud agent '.it iiapoi hoanl iiuniui,. tit Tim cm poi nt Inn ami co- im. .. , Hhlpf, Included In m lUWUbei-nli' of the Kiistoni Mux lloartl cluu. no barged '.villi 'un hii nllew l cii ii iinatliiii in emrnlui ol t-u! men lug i.i ut -i- mid tifhl. , UMiix , Me - W hen pica of guilty ssele eiri n-.t n tlie ihlri v-nlin ptiiei- lioai' eiepora- Horn Included In the tneii i xltif ot the I'lhei itod .Maullii cm pm nilon ami linen iiguiv:ailiig ISK.non ss i, im luiM'd and piiui. It wuti tliuujiu Hum (hi- piipei board trust had ii put out of hmdiH for good. The government allege, im, ser. that cet lulu paper board mai.. aav Ing made a iou. J5,tni0,i"iu n, in eon, blmitiou Hul.Hiauiially tor . .1 ihe "UiiHterii H" lioanl club-' Tn .Ik trlct nttoriies lmmedlalM io n. action agaltiHt rli. heeoiMl comhliiH'iuii ami an inilletini n" svun rctuuiel todav. Tlie federal uion 'cutni. It l b iiiueil, svill In tie. n ol conviction, unci Jail euteuce iih t,ell af t In Impo-iilon ot heavs llliert MAGAZINE TRUST WILL BE SUED. TOO Wnphliixtiiii. June L'li. chll a.itl truxt Hull imaliiHi the I'eilodleal rub IIpIicih' iiHsoclallon. coin ni nl' e ilb the niBM'nc tiUBt, will be hied In 'I 1 lilted Siiitcn court at New oi some i line tomorrow ncconliiu to plans of 'In dcpar'tueni ot hinder ARGUMENTS BEING HEARD IN RITTER Court. Listens to Reasons and Auainst Issuance foi Of Order Connected With Red light Removal. ArgmiiciitH wen heard tills iiioiu Ing .tint thin nlieinoon In the cnxc of Kittle Kit t ft . vetKU.-. the ClL' of Al niinucnpio, l.i svhich ihe ,ilailltllT hUh an injunction icHirainiir; the elf' nii.l Its otllclaU r.oiu interfering with hor liHuieiis or per. on. W. ('. Ileaeock in coiiiihcI tor the Killer womiiil, OIy A i loities II. .1. CoIIIiik reptotiutitliiK tbe luunlcliMillty The enso ly an out growth of t''e dei Inlon of tlm eltv council in aiiolUa Hie rmlllglit illHtrlct on ,liil t li I- not likely that the arguiii'iiiiH sslll he couplettid hefori tomorrow Jtirticr I' Sued. Suit sviih Hied tn ihe lhrmillllo county dim i lei comt lodny bv Antonio .1. Diinin. for the lemvcts of $t.0DI) ilamaueH from .lone I-' itmiioro. Jul Hei of the peace rot urecinei IS Diiiiip allegeti that the jiiBtlce svron fulls lom.uitted him in live dnv in jail fir route tint of court fj!iil Hun he wa clinrged hs Kmnero ss'lth Ijo orlan or i oni'iifeilneHo ModuMtn C. Ortiz l attoiiies 'or Ihe plaUitlll. coinplHltii svas filed bv C H. ,lp. Carles or Santa ! agaiimi nenito W HurgeHH of Kocorio unking for Jliiu alleged in he di.f on a prmuln koi v nolo, vvlili eoHiH and lnler.i ot ft 'in Tin- eoiin was engaged thin uftei I'ooii in uihlim tiMttmouy n ilm claim ..f Jolni Mordv mtntmii ihe Swunllka lieep eoaipany. tlie i'lliilll ntorlgaJe eii.' In hlcli M.Hfin In Htiiitibt to ln tecoverixl MarrliKi lleeunus wore erunii 'i l 'i. tif'ibatc conrl to. lav rn ellli I, Hi ul. of Denver and .lose ili I,. lone , - ' -ilm. li f)IUc I-: Wnbei c'" i inn' Hsoinlim and Kalnh K I ' 1 , if I iinmlc soinlng TODAY'S GAMES ilicrleuii l.capiie. i . lain) iumtpo If d Kl. I n, It. II. tloton I'ililniTuUlhi. g II. 10 t .Vow Vorlt . Wuiihlnatbu 1 National I eaim N'ew Vork"Xlfro'okh tpNcil. fblliidelnhln 1 1 lloslon " '. NilUNCTIONCASE vote TO BE REQUESTEO E! PENROSE III THE SENATE Hoot Amendment Now Deingj Considered Bv Ballot, It is i Believed Will Show Temper of Members On Measure. i Fit EE LIST AND WOOL ON SEPARATE DAYS Ml) Hli nliiu lli rnl.l . f. I.rn.r.l Iri l UiiMiiioii. .Imie 2d Chiilriiiiui liiiiwe nf th" finance commit ie to uinrtnw will al the Kiumie to IK a day to vole on the leelnroctts bill and tn num.' accurate dava tot s'oich on the turuims free 11ml and ool IiIIIk Though lavorable action U unllkcls. It will tent ill" nemire-n ten"er and tirolmbl) pavu tlio was roi lunger ill HiiH. of the muiat". The riinndliin rrt'inroelly bill sviih itil.en up In the neiiuie today svlthlti ten inlnine.i lifter tile eBloii eon iciii'tl. the Hoot a ucmlmciit being the Mieclal Hiibjecl of coiiHlderatlon. Semitoi 'I'hointou of t.oitltdinm de nounced i In- niitiiMiii'' on tho ground Hint It illvcrimluateii, iialiist the an i Iculliiral element Admlltlug the proimhtlll.s of tin de leat or the Itoot pioslnioii lutur in the day Mr. Tlioinion hi 111 advocated II lie hii Id t e did mil svant ('nuiida to 4it the advanlage that would h. ulv.-u lis the wood pulp IUOVIhIoii a- Il MtlllldH. Senator C'-trl. of Wvonilng alno ad '. ocaled Hie Itooi ii'iieudmeni Hating ilia) tf the bill sviih to hecouu a law he wanied It to be iih goo I an iiohI hie lie i haraeteri.cil that amend metii an the mil thing tlun svould niaUe Ihe nieaHiire reelproenl Mr. Clink added Hint lie wa- attallisi the whole agiei-nieiit sviih C inula MORMON SMITH IS GUEST OF SHOOT Leader of Utali Church Dc clares That He Can Add But Little to the Sugar Investi gation; Has Rheumatism. Ill) Mcrlll.l . I'. ttlri-l ..-I..I.K.-.H, .lull '. I lie l'ir ot lie M I.ilullli. -it Mi- ' '.lllf"l lll.l tun nut i'"-t HUgai hi' p Hi .-.'lb i : it- .Vio-rl''iiii Sngur iti-iiulng uui- Ituiiy, the Hii-t alien nuMr tni"t. A mill bifioi the hOllHu Himar enimtl- i.... niiliis' lis- .lnmi I). SureeHelx "f Sun I'mnHfuu. AH SiireckvlM ruhrem no d the VVsltern Sllgm- lleflntllg euniliMlls .It Calirnrnli.. h eat m sliyitt eni-rprlHc unit tin- SpreekeU Sttgur c"niniii a 1)1-1 I Htlftar pllUll. llu W'HH 'o 111' lis eiinileeti'i! ssitli III.- ;jiruck I- 1'lnla- (telnhlii Sitaur nbnit. ho,i i.i tin Anierlcnii Sugiu lt'-fli,llrtg "iiipuiiy In ihe iilmtl". Kxii.-Ptlng tin .iiM'CHrilce i .lonepli Smith, prentdeilt uf t It M-irinoti 'Inircli and h' ml or (lie I'tuh-lilali'i .'iiniMiui, a large uiliulivi of iv. oi, n sser, iits. ut ut to.l.i) s hear- iiih. All tinitsi. iiuwtvi ss.i noi . Kite. I iih h HlUlliMb Ulld it NlMleU HWl lie il.ll'l SV Oil 111 it "I Rive all ihh i.tiHi"iij uflttt t"iri'o ow. Irtii dent Minim utfTlreit i "t) went dii'. il i" sifiati't Mncitb bout to W Ii'h mi- at. k. d ..liolher in- hud H partii -utin ,i .iH.ia for ma wuhlug to . im to WimnWiatt.ii, ,Mr Ntntth cpHd IiIh "Illy U n!ri lind tict-.-ti to (1 VOl.l a I'Mkg MlMt IIPHollie JiKlfll. V tnbi) ui't' i lna from '-sere rti. iiiini lUiij, nitlrin In '' It tuiii 't' eouhl uild little ui MHttiiiti i" He nllghi' dni' ni oi Lie HHWUjJftte. ah. MaiMii und ifxii'v Vii.i... .." . 'nip. nil. id bjr Saimlur Sm "' n.i. li ed th.. ,-4imiuliix rtint .in u fun uii.iii rt-mUm. I'coin th- ri . l Hi. i "om ti llattneu mi.-n- . u for i tinw to Air. riirm-k Ii' vi.imu- Hon. TH li the I'liinititlli e M-lliulj Hi MuriFi'-ll leH.Jer, illlijeel to tMlll uild In ie 1 1 ri it. Wit. i llilll well) IIIOisI l th.- .HlillfllOe. I'l- uli-lll .lollll U. Sfe. li. Ik, oi t It w.-fi- ii sugar Itefiuuia company -f liilil'ii lilu told the ho IIH. all KM I ll'll-l lie tiK.itiiiK I'onimllt' toiiii) this I i l Ui.ilis in I 'JlH n-lUeifd into hii he. ' "10' ll svMh the i'Mlfii-ii;ii and II. mull in Sugnr eumimu.s .'IohIok ilossn tin lull, i f miBBi' inl.irv and ke. p'lu tl "HI "t He an. iigui im.r i'i fur j aiH. Thin la oiii' ui lh. litigation in Hi. kM' rimtrnt' hill in th Hitair IS. trum cum'. Air. Si '.kei- aiil "inn- I iet iKiirad him Hi. i rn n. i . ti-.n wuh I lelilluily logal. The Onltfirula-llaaailiiii "tupaiiy. W. 1 lie fit hi, hail l0t ahotlt i i.iili.nOu the ytnv before. I "They hud heiu eiitt ug I'l'le.H and l"Hl aiHilu) until this Wlllll.-ll ti get out.." .Mr glireeHeln nm".Hl with other l et uitlir wltiii-HCcH tliat removal of t Hie iigur tariff wuiiid ruin th- ie ot 3 I "UK . i tndiiMt-y. RECIPROCITY IN WASHINGTON t ITTI F RIIIF n i l i nf in BftLLU I lb T I Tickets for Proposed Amend- incuts and State Officers Arc to Be One and Sa;ie, Voters Mark Them in Booth. FLOOD RESOLUTION NOT BEFORE SENATE Smith Has Not Completed His Task and Measure Was Not Taken Up By Upper Branch At Session Today. Man l'oiic-HUiileiit ) The Kienlng Herald ) It. Him II, l'o-l lllilg. ) U aHhiiu'tou. .tun., ii'..-- Tin- nepar- it. lime '.iiillot for voting mi am no- ueiilrt lo III.' Ness .Mexico i-.-iihi .tn -Hon Ih iillmtliateil l) the .if ii M-nntif eouinilttee on turritoro sshli.h Ih hrluc pii'ivured hy Air rimll.i Hi- did nut report the l'loud .H. dill lull to the Hl'liate lllllilj IIH It Ih undi'iHtuod lie linn not flnlHln il u ntlm; the forniul repiu t on tb" llli:in e. Delegate AmlriiW" Mill tli.-i.- ssoiild In, no I) I toll III tin or" eedinuH III bin oiillliou. Air. Smith uild cot be found thin aliernooit I'll, eoinmltti-, In uNueiiliSe hi hh! m Si'tiirilus hit. I planned to Hiitmilt Hie I'cM'luti'in ami the report imlas tint It Ih nndi'M.'doit the mattci could It'll llufe been given .1 heurlUK In till i uate today ,iecuue of prior mea-i- iir' oat of which wan the rn-ip-roclty lull anri Hie Hoot ntneiiilmcnt tn rein. The iimoiitlttK'nlH tirntiOM'il tn tlie toinmiltie rnport, stltiHtlt'Mc fo the llu. Iiallnf t latlHe, lit-" I t. ul by the hoiHn eommlttoi' at tiie rcoueit of . A JoncH iiuil other Vess .Mexico Deinoi uitH, the tollowlug: "And only one ballot to i-nt'h eleolor at Hie tiiui he offers to vote nt nald election ' tu another piaee, vhe senate com mittee provide.. Hint hut one hitllot shall In- iiHrd for both the proposed unii udmelttH and HtiH.e officer-. 'f t.n. ofrieerH are to bo voted for. that Hi. 1 1,-ctor hIiiiII mark bis ball"! im th.' iimendm.'iit or imeudnieiUM ami tliat if he fulls to ho mark .iih llllt"!. then IiIh vote J-llu II trnt 1" euil.lteil, t-ltlte. for 01' llglllllHt HlC niuemlmcjit. It Ih fun her provided that each --lector Hhall he gls.n the liulloi, i. nit In-'uhnll rutitru the th.ut to Hi.- election judge Hid It -hall lul ilruin-i into th ballot hov it. tlort H.-iit from her. tit it th. resolution In I.i ii. r ported sslth the H-'iarat' hltillot l.lio'i is 1 1 ' r ire iilimltltelV ri on' .ic . RATON MOUNTAIN IS Valuable Timber On Wootor. Estate Being Destroyed By Fire; Campers Are Accused . of Starting Bla".e. tll.s lU.-niiiu lli-iniil , f. l.t-not-il SSI re I .Tilnldnil. Colo June 'Jd Tsso im died uieii aie ioiIii) utiagod in luh' inn a imei tin on Kntmi iiiuumaiu IHlei it mllon miiitll of U'i ". ! m . out biMt night niel UitH deu n.S..! m, SHluiilile tlmhei. 'llu Die U .. it. to hue boon Hinucd t- (auiiu i - i id C'll. ,1. A. OlS'eahs ,SM-B Of l.i. Aim: en 'imil(U, llifit U i In.; mmaei(. t,m 'Hi' yd ti nit ii wnul ffit Hulr appie bQifiBTn. Tiff) Wooion .--nate ssiia orlglnnll Jjnt m oifi t oi UieU Woo t nti. a jdo 'iioui ti liirtiti". Mcmtii and liidtnu Ugh' et and ilu mm who built tlie II' permanent iimiI through the Ifiu.ui pnw Dli. Woo. o.i lis.-il loi- mail' oai u em the foot ot Katon mottn tain and at om- time hi- cumged toll ami Uent a hotel on thin Hide of th pan lib old ho ne, built of log am. adobe. I Hiill n lamlmarl; mmr tin rlht ot svnv ; tlie Raiua I'e rallwav in Collax counts Tlie estate is eon Idercit one ut tlie moHt valiinM' IraciH In that Heeilmt and much of it Ih hettvlls ilmh.'ted wlih iuerchan' iible nine M . i.fvi: M,V in: LOST ON s III) Csriiluu lli-rnlil .. I. l.mnr.l Wlrri llelHUIKf.HH. Kitlblllil. June -'t'. -The SwedlHli-KlniilHh mail 0 Hteamer Hot- I. wih JtW Stock- helm e.xcui IoiiIhIh ilu uimrd. wan wrecked off Kurpc Inland 111 tlie (niter Skcrrlt-H tuda.s It Ih not known here svhother there was u Ins of life RAGING FURNACE