Vincent Piul Vail. Who Had
Derived From Early Boy- j i
hood to Become Worker for ,
God. Dies Here Yesterday i
t'urUiJtlntr itiit ii low main silt he
ro rr dmth of the blesul mritftlgnt
ioircil in si!ne alny emifecriiie anil
administer litmtr n ' '"tholtc i jtlo r-ni
orient. Vlntefit 1'nnl v. at " i iMiu,na f
m. nun oi mt. aim .vtr. itntniuiiii
Vnii. nf 7nu' iThinn Avmtite. cipvMiuirt.
hi. pHMdil rtvifiy At 8:IU frlock
s-menlny mnriiln m lit? fottt. M
Mr.uUi Walter SltCPl
ill il.i .
'. "SMI
.1 of a ii.
' tli- lltliili i '
iti I.nuuiiu
llnw r.fl mtlix
r i vi,.r. ;
l ')! H'MHSli'llll !
.i- "i Mho
, crtnvint
Tll hnml nf death tiatiail hrv.
iIWhVh siuIiIpii, was lulil lljjltlb n
nine wmtly t ynnnr Mr VRll Ac--unpftnled
b IiIh uliuer, All l.lltfun
Villi, nml by IiIk uncle. Thomas
Moore, .ir, Vnll came lo A ltuiinrit
iii month nifo. Close sttldy n n
.mttinrlnn In St. MHry's semlnnrv Hi
iiintmi where In lint) Hifiii ftw
preparing for th priesthood,
ami undermined the
i.'.-illh Me tramo to
l)UMn .m-l I I' Ii
la i thnii i iim ml
rttimi'i iuni 'n ii '
round inm 1
Immr m mi mi'.i
trttellVe John'... i
AO rhUittlettt ii tul
HI I .. In.h .ii t n -OlO
Tll pi.il..ti.
miles ninl .'hi- in i
nctuni r it ii I ii l. ii.. .
returned lo Aiiei i
oniijr i,rilH.
"hint, i i
ii. i hi i
I. ! llllll
-II..U .
II .1
riii. i
.11 llllll
young mnM .Inhitvnti Ho romi- .'t...-u
Albiiuueniue Ii,(Up nml I niiiin.i m
orll. hoplm: Unit the sitnii ellmalp fierce o ti.miii. ii-
mill the drv altitude would restore Ills i however, mill t)i. I' .nl in.nl.
luxt linMlth. mill thai Ii- would rulflll In a iiiMimnr th." ipIikIhi
)lt llfi' ninlllllilll or one illl lii'llIU' , i lllHM'l or Ihi- ( in Thr
rilHlnetl h !itthollr prlftft nni tutu hh-ih of tlir la i. p'ii v
iHlofliiK nl lln Hilar of (loil Kor inrlj iirflvml m .tlim
mime wifks Uii- jiiiiiir man milio'il. , cncl of ."uvvnnot. At th. '..
i.ul luti-r Iiiikiiii to fall I .ii nI WYiIiiim. Iilll a mini nltti n ii.hd
la Mr Vail nhld'il to r'''lvi. Iki j iiintm lie K.M lit- m .ri-i
.iiiiiiiiiiilnti. ivlilMitly fi'dlni; that he n rtir hail mvi.r noli. ni Hi.
iim iKM'oinlni; Woakur. I tv. I'atlicr that lit u until ttn thi-n up
MnmlMlnrl of thi IntniiU'iilatc Con- I hum Wlinthi-r lliiri .1-tm
.i inii rhurch adinlnlHtort'il ihi. naf
iciii'nt V'ltwmlay. rturnlnir Satnr-
ln to niltiiliilnl.'r tlu l:int riles
KarM Hunilliy morning Mr Vnll vl
iiintlv hail a tiroMnntnii'iU that hi
unutil nni Ihi. IIiioiirIi Ihi' ilti llo
rprilii'Ktoil nf tllx IUH,I li!t carlv an
oViork to taloiihoiU' to Kwthor Mnn
ilalan in lirlnit tile hloysi'il xarrano in
t ' nilorU.
Vliv S n'oloblt," axki'il Mr. Moon
That is M'ry inrly for you ami tin-
i t. i i
VII. ,
"III. IMlllH
.. nilt r
Ml tin illnn't" rniMllllllnii I.. r
j rumi I llllll: thi' Mtui'inii'H- .ii I
or tliiti- unan'i flvii In ili.
j not Known AnyKfly. tin I"
!iii lli hill. nnilinil. ui. iiii i
j ITi (li'i'i' ilK'lllii' ilini all
Tin1 tcHnia(r. niniith r;.
at thi Toot nf the Mill, w.'iiil. i
I it happi'Mfil
' With tl anli iliolilli it nil
! Mhli lo iniik.' trip thi l
l.:t aunlii thi-
fnthoi . '
I tut at
mini iimUimI that a totrphoui nii'n.Hiim-1
hl Mnt to I'athiT .Mamlalarl. At r i
o'clnok I Im prh'Mt nrrlvoil with tlx'
lnllciiiii. Vomit Valt, in rl'i't'tU ''"ii-1
hi'Ioiih. rociilvi-d tlii wu-nul Iiom. clou-'
Itlir IiIh i'hh, ii mmlo a frv-tlt :
tliankKlvlmr w'hloli ooouplcil a (' .
Mioini'iilf. Tlirn hliltllni: hln v'-e
atul rtdti-r fiirfwiill, he wimvly mink
into tlw laHt Mli.(i, Dmith rami at
. s J
A tew uiohii'tilH aftur li' hail r
. i iw-il lit Maker for the hint time
iiik Vail n xtanillni; lii-fori- lllni.
tor ltun hi' hud iliitvrmliK'U to ly
up hotm anil rrlmnlH anil I'Vi'rvthliitr.
Acvofiip.tiili.il liy Mr. Mooi'i anil
.M itn Vnll. tin- hoily or A'lni'i'itt I'attl
VnM will hi- M'tit ,-it t! o'clork touluht
to tiu tnuilly hniiii. in t'luvolnml.
wlwri' a tnothiir anil father, two hIh
t tn Cnthorlni' and t.orottu, ami a
iifothi-r I '1 w .t t tl . arc 1,-rt t,. on. urn
Mi nn ciiiim . nil nt'ii i pi:i'
vnllllK I i r iiin ma mi' r Mio riiiiilx
I v ll
i . i (
i, i l
..it 'hf
t it
i 11 1
, ii .
!( .1
I. .,1
.1 .Ii ' 1
I I''
n V
i ii n J
One Man Is Killed and Prop
erty Valued At $200,000 is
Destroyed by Unusual Ac
cident at Port Arthur.
Kna "ii-lnc fit i.im
animal Industry is
to supervise the
sheep dipping
OlllolH IOI' (Hliplllg m1I'I-I 111' V 4 K 111
Ihrtlli'd t)j ti SlU.'dp .S'llll'tllX 'Oil I
nl Now Mcxliii to nil li". i rai iv in
ilu tt-ltliorj Tlif l iilli I Sta'i
r.iitvuu of Aiiliiial lililmtltv will (0
oM'liitc with tin- lionril as nxiial in Hi
lllK)llllllH'lll or lIHll'CK'l(t u III
Mpoctor of tin' htiifaii will ou'Wi' fli.
illiilni; of ivitr tilu't'i' in ii-r'
lory at leant onn iIiIh Muiurm-r
I'tvputaiimih arc nn niailc l all
hlicc.) ini'ii to liuln this tin pot ( ii tit
work at onci' .luh in Is poiulmi im
ccpti'il itH the dull' on whlrh lw 1 1
I Inn will liotsln.
convmillfin of (lie dUttict In-
Hiut'lorn. Htailoni'il at varloiiK iiolutB
In and near Now Moxlco. Is latin.
Beginning of
the End
We are about to clor,; one of the
greatest Piano Sales in the history
of New Mexico's Music business.
You will have to hurry
to be among the many
who are participating in our
ureat money-saving Piano Sale.
A Few of the Live Towns
whose people have purchased
pianos from us during the
Big Sale arc
Santa Fc.
Las Vegas.
San Mnrcial.
Gallup and -Winslow.
Strictly Up-to-Datc
Regardless of the fact that every. Piano sold
has been delivered, OUR STOCK is strictly up to
date, and if you. MR. PIANO BUYER, will call and
investigate our claims that at this time we will
save you from $50 to $100 on a piano you will
we believe select and buy.
Further Information Given
It will only cost you a few minutes'
time for further information.
A Call
A Postal Card
A Telegram
A Telephone T
A Mental Telepathy inqiry or all
at our expense will bring the desired
Learnard-Lindemann Co.
The Square Music Dealers
1 m fork,,, iSHTEM
i sntu
Impetus Given Railroad
Stocks By Hirriman Decis-
' ion Saturday Is Beneficial
to Sales.
(Hr Uvrnlmi Hrralil A. V. I.taortl Wlrrl
v Yolk .lunu !!5.-Thi mow
inrht of Hlot'kK wn wldo illirlmt tlm
iiiki iiiin: and trad i watt autl Tho
inpitiH ulii. Ii iik mvi'ii mi Patnr-
!il:i li ihi' llarrltiian tniMi,vr division
irtfultfd in n lu-avy bnyliw ninvcmoiit
.at tin opcnltiK which uiit- Inllni'iu't'il
1 "ty weather rcpottx of rain over larao
iHeitionn of the went. After display
Hit; pronomu'ed ntn'imili, however. Ihn
market lieeatne deitldedly vmk, duo
lo realizing hy prof Milium lx The
fmldeii inountlni; up of Norfolk &
Wentern to II" 1-1 hail only a tno
tnetitary effect In oheeklim the de
cline and rem wed nellluK nont price
to a Mill lower level. Ity noon many
MtockH were nilliiK larite fractloiiM hc
low Saturdai clone.
IIoiiiIh were irrcmilnr.
The marki t clnscil weak.
Itulltllnu nil "cr .M)itViieiiii. and
actlvlti amoiia the, htiMneft hp u.
MhoWK that ltiuiA(er?iiic ix m the
vcrtto of .i htienln worth while
On. in i while i'ou will henr wiim
mcii hnni ciitiiphilijhiit ai llo- utin
1 1 mm hi- liuMnew siIiTiwh up even 'ut
ter than the eut t eftoudlmf time in
year. You can't atop a t hionli Mi k
er. Thin in a ili'cmjjji
Hk .1. Sum llujion
I iicys"'
I lie will mi llleitf filer twcitt-
two hundred people at thi- Ah dome
hint nluht.' tint If the ttuth wetc
idiown there weie ftot more than fif
teen humlted
Totiluht the umiioI llM eroudtt will
he at the Alrdome to n-c Jt'!e .laimyt:
Wild wept eomeilj . I aildevllle. ami the
new plcturrc
Yev, the him k al nunc liomi
Lee Caulk Sustains Serious In
juries to Face and Head
When He Is Hit by Ma-chinery.
MOW la IuikI-
Xmv Vork Smh.
S'ew Vork. June 20.Cotton stptit
Cloned J5 pi nils lower; midillttiu P
Jatulit, H " mlddllmr milf. 15 i0;
no tialt
l.llt'l'IIIMll SIOt.
I.IVi ri I. .Iilll" 20f'otton .loto.-i';
Hpol. a dirate hnilnef!', pr;ce.- S
point I wer: American rnlddllm; tali.
od rnlddllm;,
i' mlddllm;. '
i; ortlltiMiy, '
s.sr,; mhld'Mtjr.
.'.i.t; aooil onll
I'.'. Nil ley. ! noil
Staiullin ion clofio tn faM r.voh
lilt; niece nl iiinchlhi'r.v I'"' Hithfi
IV iniii'hlne ahopM. piou'il perlnim lor
l.ec c.hiII:. a nun lilnlHl, nf Hill lt
Iron nvi'iiui'. nt :l n'cldcK Sntnnlnv
afternoon, when ho wnn Hininl! h
hlml Ihr- em and In Mm fnu. rfcei
Ida IiiJiii'Ich v.lilch caiucd him In
ruRlicd fo Hie hiisiillal. Ait Imlunta
ilon of ootifhlnnihlo riko liohltul lh.
rnr y iiuiK'. niortl Heilotiij littrt. al
ilmuiili IiIh f.ire la unite hnilly cut n
Ailvlc f.iim the, SantH Po honpli il
toihix i in ilio etfoot tluti Mm joiinc
loan It rcHilii-J! eally unit wllUi" nhh
10 iit to IiIh 1101110 within a low diMJ
i:.('iifiiieni was caiiHCd tiiti cvoip
Inn at (lie hatitl concert at Ituliln-mn
pink when a lull lamp upon the Old
tnohllo owned hv It (! Unrein, caught
Die. ami ihrcatv'iicil (o Intrn up tla
inachliit' The flanio nioiinteil ipiho
hlnh and attracted 'he atleiillou of
imsKcrxli.. Inclndliu noaic iwy.i romp'
lnu Mie RiaHH. Chcmor llobuor, ,
cnlhii at the Santa I'o iouiiiIIiouko,
ruDhcil to the ihtattncil (thin ami
Wclii'd the lamp olT licforo hciIoih
(hunimc waa done The lihic wn
caiiHed Itv a defective wIcK
All m mherH of Alhuqur .iU(! I'Mllip
No. 1, W O. W., arc rwiuritiul to
meet nt the Sacred lleott chtimh to
morrow tnomlmt at o'clocrt; Sliarp,
tn atttml the fnnonil or Sovrtuo
MlKUel Mnrtlnnx. Intermsnt will m
made In Sun .Iohc cenmtmy.
ity order of .1 II- Unl.n. t.'oiiMil
Whooping cmiRh Im not iinuet.ui
when the e.oiRh 1h kopr lodite mid e
l i tmatlon ea hy mIvIiik rhanthcr
Iain's CoiiBh Itcinedy. It haa luen
iiv. i in tnnnv epldetnlPH of thin ill
ense Villi P'-rfe'l KIP . I'oi
h all drmtitlKts.
Viv Yoi'W lotie .
Y..rls. June 2rt. Call mony.
j 'i per cent.
. paper. I f? I ',4 per emit
an dollars, l
KOIt m:T-Nlrelv fitriilshc.l fouj--tooiit
limuiulinv. line slecdiij! porch,
Oil S Waller pil I Oil S Walioi.
it, ft
Exclusive Optician-.
110 South Second Street
We lo All Mail of complicated
lcii frindini .
Now Vork Slnok.
S. York. Jum in. Amalcnmntcd
ropinr to l-s.
SuKir 120
M' hlNou. Ill I-1,
(ireat N'ortlmrn prefurrtid, 1h
Si w York ('fintral. 1 10.
Northern Pacific. 13.
ItemlltlL', 1 0 0 l-S.
southern l'aclflc, IS
I moil Pacific. ISO I-1.
Steel. 71 T-.S.
Steel preferrod. Ili 3l.
New Vork Metal.
Si w York. June !ti. lll
I Ml I Ml.
Stimlaril copper nlit
temii.-r, lii.YRfi la.ar..
Si , i- '.J, 3-lc.
pot ami
1 Albright & Anderson
JIJ WKST fiOl.ll WI'.M IJ tlJU'rr.ltQI'K, X. M.
(lij KirnlNv llrralrf A. V. Lraard Wlrnl
Port Atthitr, Tcmih, .lniie 2il. An
e.Hllortlon on the oil Iiiiik.' (luaihle In
Mie hai'hor hero todny caused the
iltnUi or oho man and tne licHtriiciion
by llro or iro)crty valueil at about
$aIJjD00 The oxplosloti wan foil fnt
i.vvml ntllet!. Three harpcH. n iiik
awU ihroc warohoiiHt'S tilled with oil ill Ii IMitit. t'nrrhoo
hi ibe Tevus cointifiny's mm intiiu- am . Dillliait, Texas-
were destroyed.
Auk t
le-u tun vatiii illi Ah
In the city toda) and ioinorio.v ai the
hi.d(uariers of the 1'itliod Siaie-i
Ilttreati of Animal Indium., i Hie
New Moxlco and Arizona dlMttc. In
the Occidental linllillnc l)i-. .Mat Ion
lincH Ih in clmw of tne ntcoilniM
The lollowhm tllstilct lniH-iow
each a votorlnarv mininn. arc In at
teiidnuc trotii limit icspectlvi' atn
Or C ('. liillim, TCaHi '.n Vftnus;
Tr (' ('. llencocV,, Ourlslm.l. Mr .1. .'
Ilmim'tulohler Union : Or M A I.IhjJ,
HoHwel); f)i T A. McCailhi. Snino
Ke. Dr. It. -f Olliortor. rinyton. Or.
K Ii. Olilalier naKrfrnrf. Ai'oiih. If-
Or- W A R'tv-
Or )' l Sc'im-lil
ei. Sun Itariinl. D- W .r liiini.ipfo'r
Diiranm). Colo.. Or W Swl' Wit
l.ird. Di K. S. Spifidlei, Ma- Inl.'iia
Or S A Waldrs. Hiatnt' Hi- l i
Wiley, AlliiKiueniue
I'lider e.u It of these amii th 't me
Ki'l' HIMiertOlh TWl t:t ' ll ,1 I
:.o,i.tl iiiHpt i "ns wJir ii t i.t'ilovrit
the ,ir .ii .eaioii Tltei-e :n ' vi -1
tint I n- :ri I i udi mi el etetlnai v
pruc'ice ,ifnu all iititip i.. ho conn
in !l. r imi:e ui.tp h evir.
pi . nt nl i wo' k
t lie i 1 1 1 Kide unde.ia! -1 .it .tlt.:
fh n.i-: loi'MiltUhle oi 1' .ncntteii
lo the sh ep several -ais ao l at-
held comiillahlliu Hnlellillil reSllltH The
If you depend upon the
mail to do that import
ant business you may
regret the time it takes.
Successiul men
where are using
era Union Day Letters"
amd "Night Letters" to
clip dayt off the fast
est mail service.
disease scaiiles Is tllflieult ol treat
ment heiause tin mites which cumm
the troithle mn lodfte on the Hheep'
wool or mn he curried on ranuo urns'!
hi Mm sand, or mi posts ami trees on
which the sheep tuny have nibhml.
A medicine l prepared for the hath
Into which the sheep an ol iced. To
bneco and sulphur, nicotine ami sul
phur or lime ami sulphur arc pre
wired tindpr the mip rvlsl ut of an In
liwtor. Tin- wash i heated to l'"'
to 11(1 ilojcrooii
Two dlpplUKs ate Hlven Infected
sheep, ten to fourteen lays aimrt.
Tim flrnt HtiWK KUIp the Uv.t mlte.i
ami .lthln ten das nil the remaining
hkus .ir hutt'lvd ami hefotf fourteen
tlavs more ens 1'inniot he laid. Thmi
the v.-coml lUpi itu rids the sheep 'f
nil ocuhlfw ml ! ore I" effect Jl.
Scalilc i .t oft' l ml to lU'terloritt-'
ami en ii to tii .. i torn the hody ami
th.- dippliu iu-.i.Ic means much to
the . ..nt nil"' ( oi n'i w .Mexico
I!. it. .0. V !., Jut. Tile fol-
. .iU list of instruetors ltui tn ell
. ! I till !.. the sell'i.'l hoard to "-r
f.i lie eotttlfiK vear
sin., rnin-om nt. l". V i'iutvt.i.
.liticl.al. 1' il. HoiiwIk.. high
Itistrnytor K. .l- Webb.
l.iiKin tfra t'olgitn .toil
1 1 anli. .1' To in iisltfiinl
! ii.. i. tin.
i l.ouyll'lli'o Itillllllim.
, ,Min we .Hiinp. .prlmiiHil
Sheltlim. ihktl iirmle tlrae
! siomr Kin ir: 'Aof liavls, first
A lilt (luifleld. f""' Kl
( lilcauo Cralii.
huai;o. .1 ii tic SB. Alt uniixpect. d
r ersul of sentiment In l.lvcrpoel to-
l.i viif the wheal market hen an
.ipw.iid t im. Shorts al I.lvtiriionl arc
lien, us t iinrernlllK the smallness ot
im . .iiitr.lrt stock Immediately al
P. .ml The total showed a decrease
'itnpnred with lam week ami was
,.iiU !.:' 1,'ina hushels, eotupated
oil fi.lTti.O'ta hushels a year aim
Th. opelilm: wns a-Sfl .:c ilown to
t x'o i-ie ii i at :-s? ss :t te lor
"Pt.nher. A rhte followed lo S'.t .kc
The close was firm, with September
at a train of 'Jle.
1 Withe rim; heat southwisi sent all
tin- pit tpiHtulaiors to the haying side
of corn. The close was firm tit a
utn nt 1 1-sTj 1 1-le for September
uts were atso affected by the hot
'wi'titlier September started l-tf(3-Sc
low,'i to a shade hlisher at ll'.'j'
J It . and climbed to 12 .'lie
I Provisions were easv with hojts
Im-nl Interest, is now l etrsi sates are t. ys it rc lower to t.",ie
time, a deripioti In "I', w ith September delivery $ 15.17 H-
tor pork. ! iiO for lard anil 1 s.:: 'i
for ribs
The . ,i-te or I ran. II s. Utnldl.
trustee, versus the Hank of Com
merce!, a Milt which was tut ouiKTowth
of the .1. N. Itroyles malil.'i upto mid
of consldetlildc
h tiled for all
lavor of 'cltinltlt havltm been ren
deretl by the I'nllcd Stllles elroult
court of appeal In St. Paul. Minn..
recently, I'rancls Ii. Wood, or Miir
rott Wooil, attorney for Si'hmldl.
it-turned . Saturday nlclii trom St.
Paul, wlitro he went to urmie tin
case. It wilt be remembered that tin
east! was uruueil heroic Jtitle Iru A.
Abbott In th- Second Judicial illxtt'lei
court hem, the plaintiff wIiiuIiik "
favorable ib cislon. An upptsil war
taken to the supreme court of Ni iv
Mexico, In which court
decision was affirmed.
Ml hi it'll
in t.'Tjpsr irrmi. .
''vMntl)liio liiilhllm:
l''" SBiw.i' helm.- principal'
Mil bet llUJlfeft -IXtli Kllle, flinill
. '. . . . . .. . II
hIK-IU Ililll'lll U illlOl ll
I. .W T
ants aipenlfd to the t;ulted Static
Irciilt court of appeals In St. Paul.
on the m'oiiml that the clruult court
of appeals has tut author!!" to review
a. hnttkrtlptey case after a decision
has been mmle by the wttjr me court
of New Mexico, lite clretilt court of
appeals uiin.i- u deolsloti . er iUi(kly
lifter the at'Kitmepts were ntade wlili;li
pructlcu!l means that there will be
no further lltlKalhm as far as (he
Schmidt-Hank of Commerce ease In
Mr Wood snid toilnv that II is v. ri
w in in in St, Paul and roaMiut; hot In
Kansas city, and that hi Is wind i
Kd back to Albii(ucriiue
Chleauo l.lveMis-k.
ChloaKo. June 2H. Cuttle Hccelpta
2ii,UOii; market sternly to 1 do lower;
beeves. J I . .. tt G.t,.. : Texas steers,
J I. lutfi :,.itu, western steers, H.&uii'
:.7ii; stoukers ami locuers. J3.131.
) fi.nf.;' co'ws and helf.-is. J2 .2:. it
t.tlvts, S.ou.
lions Meoclpts in.ooii; market
sternly to shade lower than SUiirdny's
the Abbott 'vi tae; Unlit, $t!,lU5j ii.;,r, mixed.
rhe ihtfend Jti.KMi i!.(l.-, heavy, M.OSfi ;. IT :
New Planing Mill
Completely Equipped With New and Modern
Machinery for Turning Out
Screen Poor and Window, Store
Frontt, Counters, Sash, Doort, Etc.
At Prices That Will WArrant Your InveatigAtion.
Chicago Mill & Lumber Co.
V. T. OMIItAI', .M.iruiKcr.
Coiner Third and Marquette, Albuquerque, N. M.
Finnigmn - Brown Company
Mi4a, F1U an of Goat Jkina
AJbuqacrquo llinncli -IJ2-I2I North Firm Street Iclcpluiiio :1B;I l.oti)
lnf wnuciilon H'rlto for UHtwt QuoUHoim.
1 1 1 1 1 -1 1, - r
Hi ad
.idol i;iri
MUltBle J
. .Millie Hill-
UMmUJimUmimkammimmitimUimttmmmAm 1 1 ill' It ! I I Ui'i'iI, iii'iVi'i 'I'. ..i...i'r
I'J llllll
i 'ii i ' ti-t fcnitle.
Illvli Schtml irulhllOK.
I tiiiHsb Ttyi r, flrrt wradiT; Mr.rmu r
Id. MucphV. second wwl"'. N ellie
jt-'uni). thlnl urml.-: ti-iccola uliss,
It. .intii ut.-tde Alaska- lavls. fifth
b -.1. I it. l'altlersou', sixth made
! The woman of today win- has flood
Ihoulth, Rood temper. - - d sense,
ihrlKhl eyiw ami n-lovt .mploxloii.
' the rrsult of oorrect Ii mt and koo''
I dlKi'Mlon, wMnK'Hie ad' .ration nf'llie
world l..wr dim i on Is funny
chnmhorlMlH'a Slnmn i, and I.lver
Tahhln w)U outre I it lor wlo by
all di-ujtaHia.
With wooden shots ami tnlm'tald.
hroK"(' MarMu and KltiK. "Mint
noisy pair, tie al the Crystal the
ler for im t tiKmietueui. .Martin ami
KIiik nt" marvels with the vvoo'.lcn
shoes atul an do more fancy steps In
u minute with them than the aver
uue '' ihiii. er can tlo In fh'e. The
pair mo swiet slnaers and have a
hunch of l ew and catchy (lerinati
sopbh. Tie act Is clever atul refined
and the crtstal will (lotihtloss enjoy
full houses while .Martin ami KlnK
are on Mm prouiam.
i. ikIi. $ii.uri4( 0.20; uood lo i lini
h.-uv J'1.2llffii.lTit; pIks. IS i;,, 1i
-'' bulk of suhat, $r,.3l)fi ti.10.
Mt.ep ItiK'elplH 2S.IMU1; market
weak lo lr lower, native, f2.2.'i
(.:.. hi. nl. J2.iifi . or,; yearlings,
ia.'.iii'n ( iiii, native lambs. JIt.7.Vo
till .nt.ii iiiiubs, I I.iiii'Si tl "
irali, and I'rotUlim.
hlcuKo. June 5fi.--Whfiu -July,
bvy mi j-m . io,t.. Sit l-liffgy 3-m
corn- .luij. r,7e: Hejit., ;,s T-Sftr-'ic.
Oats-.IHI). I2V41i CJ .-..vc; Sent
Ml 7-Sc.
PorkSept., nr,.Mik.
l.artl .litjy, .Sii. S.jpi $fc.:i5
Itlhs July, .a2i: Sept.. s. in.
Kansas Clly lilvesioi-k.
Kansas C. Jnue itL-tCiilile lie
' ' iptt '.aii'li market lUcmly to stroni;
native steels, $ t ':4l 'i.&V southcrO
-tet is, t;i "sw 5 . n n ; southern co
ami heifers. $2.25fir t'l.lu; stoekcrs and,
r, .-tiers, $:i.r.n v.'i.ki; hulls, $.liMt IX
17:., calves, H.H'H 7. '.'; wcHterni
stt ers, 1 1 7.i 1f it. Hi; Western cows
$.-:. ir 1.75. ;
Sheep Itecelpts S.iMdij market
fti inly, maitous, t:t.2rl,ii(i; Jilnilis.
irt.r,ntni.7r; fed wclheis ami year
lltiKK, $:t.50f( I.TTi; f(.d wcMUiril ewes,
2.r,uif a.r.o i
I City Scavenger Company
Cleans Your Vaults and Ccw Pools, Haul Your Trash.
140 CALL PHONlf 490
HSHING TACKLE. Gun and Lock Smll,
Ford Automobiles
402 W, Central, Stan Bldg
4 HMMMttMMMM ,,.. 4
Kl. l.oilU Wool.
St. I.ouls, June 2tl. Wool iincham;.
etli territory and western meilluniH,
I7! lU'ieiflne mediums, HHn7!C;
line, 1111 ll'sc.
Jckho Jnmei, at Alnltiiiie tonlglit.
Dairy Prmtmii,
lilltlll, Ml., June 2li,lllitlci
S3c; output, 1,1.111,700 pounds.
Road Tax for the year 1911 is
now due and payable at O. A.
MaUon'a Book Store.
Alw the itliiiqntMt Road Tax for the year 1910
ii FAyAhb At tmwm'i of fioe At Atirt honte.