Newspaper Page Text
A1OTW1MV1 Ifl M1IA1D, M0KDAY. JUKE 26, mi, SPORT I0W THEY ITAHD. National Leagut, W 1. New Vorl ;i7 T. ('lik'iiK)i . . ..a nil Philadelphia ;c, I'lllHliiiiK . . ... ;ir, 25 St. I mis 27 Cincinnati L'7 HI llronklyn .. . ,, us ItOKtOll t 111 American League. I'd ,17 til .fill!) ;.s?. .r.r.u .m:: j:i:i l I. I VI Oct run .in 2i t:vi I'hlliidolphln . , fts 2n .tie,. New York a:t 21 r7'.i chicimti .. an 21 r.r.c Hoston a2 S!,s SuV.X Cleveland f, ;ss .101; Washing !! in .an St. I.oiils Ill IT. 2i!2 Western League. W li. I Ml. DtniMT .an 21 ,1'ml) 1'iiublo ;n; 20 .it lit SI ,loHi!i!i at 28 .671 Lincoln ;i2 Ho .r,r.i Slmiv Cltj 112 27 .(51!! Omaha 2S a.' .Hi" Toiiiiiiii ,...i: v.:,' .ii7 ivs Moines .. ...Ii5 .it) .to t vni:i(i; tiikv i' touai. National League. Huston tit 1'hlladvlphla. .Vow York nt Brooklyn. Cincinnati in I'lttsburi:. American League. Cleveland tit St. l.ouls. Detroit !t f'lilciit:n. Washington nt New York Philadelphia ill HoMou. SUNDAY'S GAMES. National League. 10. II. U I 12 - 2 7 0 it. ii. i:. ;i 2 u. ii. i:. 'J I. 0 1 I 1! u. ii. i: 0 I I 2 : o it. h i: t 1! I s 13 1 it ii S 12 t 1 ii v Chlenito . I'll lulling .St l-oiils Cincinnati Second annio- St. Louis Cincliiiiiitl .. . American League. Hi l.ouls Cleveland Second eunu SI. lnils ('ll)Vt'lilllll . ... CIlU'llpl Detroit ITS A REGULAR CIRCUS It's a regular circus to buy at this store. Something doing every minute! A big display of wide awake styles and values. Featuring all the new outing togs two - piece suits, shirts, hats, under wear. Two-piece suits plain gray mohairs, blue serges, neat gray homespuns, gray in patterns, white flannels or neat effects in black and white. ($15.00 to $18.00.) Outing trousers. Gray flannels -white flannels, gray neat ef fects in pattern. ($3.00 to $7.10.) Shirts Soft shirts, collars and ouffs attached in silk, lisle, linen, mercerized. Soft shirts, collars at- I tached. Oxfords, flan nels, silk. $(1.50 to $3.50.) knee drawers short sleeves. A splendid value 50c. Better grades, too. ($1.50 suit to $3.50.) A STRAW HAT'S THE THING! M. MANOELL WASHINGTON CLOTHING HLBUQUEHQUE US SECOND GAME BY SAFE mn Locals Retaliate for Their De feat at Hands of Dawson Club Saturday, Winning Yesterday Handily. Tin- tribe ( Imxkj lnwMiii .Mlticrn we.-,. Riven a net Imck nil Traction l'i(rk dhimmd ycslorihi, six 't three, tlif Albuiiieriuo Ornyx rcttiU tlttliiK for tin Ir doioul nt tin hands, or llio visitors Saturday, when tin? IliUlllH loHl seven tn five Tin- con tost yrstarduy u perhaps tho best game nt tin- soiimin to lie played mi local mounds. I'UlnliU' kiip tn tlir Brand ttti nil yesterday , Mini .1 tlcflolf In tlif nioiu-y wick Inter, when It rami' tliiu to settle up with Dawson, vu'tf iniiri'HMii' mil weight) Imllcu lions Unit Alinmni'iiitii' fulls to ,-iilly to tin- upport nf Its huso.mll I'luli. .Vo loynl Albuiiueniuo fun could Jnivo Qua to lilimli for tin' p.'i ruriniinc" at tin- lionii' ti'iini yosli'i'iluy utnl It l n jilty Unit lluuv wim not 11 InrKnr cfoM on lintnl to I'lu'vr the I'ffortK Of- thi locnl Iii.Im iik tln-y worki d lutril for tin' Ions i-nil of tlio Mi-on . lint tho fnni who wvrr thi-io were with thi' lrny wlii'ii t'wr nny ronl luinl rootliiK ''H ni'i'ili'il. Tlic root Iih; huh mil nit for AMiiiiiici(Uu, Imw. "CVwr, um tlir Uiiws'on ho) nr v ry l0tiiln r In-ri'. and tln-lr idnyn with iiiilniliil Jiui no lltii'i'iilly mill ;i ''onthUNlitftloully iih lime,, made hy Ihn K'Cllls, JyiTnjir W'.'OkM iiltchi'il urat Imll tr," AltoiUi'Hiiii' mid tht- locals wore iililc t Ki't to tin' Dawson nimiiid ?'ofkM-N. Thin Ii'IIh tin Mory of tint .nil . Wt'ckx pltt'loiil IiIm tli'liil off, liitfiiii tlioroiiKhly dlswiicti'd imr.iUHo of tlu In of thi- uuni.' Satin day. PawKon iif'il nil IlK'lr hlan ninturlal, H'si'ida. CnlliM't Mtu rli'O . hut unit In li'.' Ion 1.- hein-h nftur tin- Initial J'tinili-r huil twit rundiTiil CorlcH tn' 1 di'il hlni and tuld il IiiiiIhun, 1 1 f liiM'd h LitiiHliiK. thi' hero of Satnrilii' muni'. 'I'll 1 lilts off nniiint thrvi- rniiK Thi tlwltorn w.'rr not illf witlMfl wttli tin iicntlni; tlj.- r,'c'iv yo ti nliij Si to ffvti nii'imt a had fc'iin . itli (hi- ntlit-r I'tith liaiiinii'i liii;, till- lull1 .ill tftt'4thi lilt llllll III UK' Kdin. .v. 1 y inlnnto. Dawtoin took tlir.. xtrctuhtH from l.niiiininiiiv uinnini; tno in U'mvmiii mnl nno li'i', i.inini; Hit- Ht-ili. it it- nut llko Ir thai Uau'Hoii wyi tn- InotliJht tJ) A If mitit'rini' uwalii t.nn j'iWihim. Mnniiiit't Iiiii I'lfdijhi Ii.hI to lli; ill' fiflv iloi!.ir it inf'hU ii in to imtli U III ' ' lll l'.'-H.ll'S " tin- v hi'mk,!. ii ii.. tdn mud. uy tiw vmit- ln tlim Dauxi'it .'tli t . t'liti'.rr.iw 111 L Ti 11 d,i 1 July 1. j t .. i 1 1 I Santa ml in E FOR FIVE DAYS A II Mctiiilfi , ii well known tin), ler tiimi, linn lettiriud Ironi it brief vIhIi to the Kant. Wnlle In 0,'iroR nnd Chlr-mo. .Mr. .MrtiafTey, an arilenl biiHeball fun, look In till Ihe aliieH Mihlhli. In Chlcau'o Mr. .Mctlalfey t-aw ' HIiiKur" t'orlittn, Hie Albuiuer. ipn lad, whii now regular iihoi't Htop for the White Sox t'otiiun wh hit on Hie head hy a .siiltliall. Hon! over by I'onl of the New Vork IHuhlmulimi, nbout two weeks tiuo. Coi ban told Mi .McOaffev (hut ho took I he count when I'onl hit hint and ilid not oo.ue mil of his .sltwttlur for live days In I ho nana lu which Coi haii watt hit, he had noiu miminuful In crack litt; Ford lor a oihvIiukc hit. It In belli ved that I'oril. liopMtjc to Injeci a Utile fear or the Uird Into Cothnti, turned looso a upltter when he wnb up tho next time liutead nf Jiiiiiplnt; 15 feet awav from the plate as Is usual with "Kid" batters. Corhnn held hit iriniud mnl according to dope nrtltUH, "vvaH eraekod on the beiin." Mr Me (laffey sayn that Corhnn In nlinost en tirely leiovoteil now and Hliould bu buck In Hie Kiiine nhortlv, OLD TOWN BROWNS AND SWASTIKAS VICTORIOUS Hiowns and Swtihtlkas victors; lltip,yH nud Highland SluprfierH van ipilshed lells the story of the tipitnlni; mtnii's of tlu roceuly oanlicd .luvc nlle IliiM'bull iiHSoclatloii. Moth aiuna we're played on Luna I'ark dlaniond. Tho Swastikas nnd SltiRgors met yen- lerdny moiulnj;. The SlugKors (ailed lo uiulnlalii Ihvlr reputation as swat' foaicrs and wore defeated IS to 0. In the afternoon ihe Drowns won from tho llnppys, four to nothing. Leo Murphy (or tho Haps pitched bril liant hall yesterday, better than lu any kiiiiio ho Iiiih appeared thus far. He wont Into the box uulnstriictod nnd Klvon a free hand to win hit own Knme ns he choose. Four hltH wero ..ii ii... it.......... lit Itil.'n '"'V... ' " v r rH "".' !":"'' ' ... ...i li win liu.,1 .,.,111 i'U, In tho Inllold and otitlleld at critical Itnes Inst h, itume. YoutlK Murphy domonstrnted hl'Hrh(nK ability ye- tordny more forcllib thsn over Im- for.. hhI u'llli Hie unimnrl uiiliutally n..Pii..iili in- the Ifani. would hnvo won in ii w'ulk, Cliavez tor the mm wmm of sub mm SCHEME MADE I. B. Harris, of Belton, Mo., iu Albuquerque, Looking Over Situation, Investigat ing Land Propositions. A dnimiiHiratlon uf tin- Iturrlit Stih-lrrlKiitloti. OliUi'lhutlni,' mnl Dr.ilniiKi', Nomi.thliiK otnn punitlvi'ly now In the IrrlKUlliiK "n,' wa.s tnadi' thh, morning In tiiu office of tho .Vow Moxli'ii IturiMiti nf Iminl urallnn, th, i!nmon!trutor b'.-liiK I.. U. llarrlH, of itilloii. Mu.. ri'iironMitlnu tho M.irrlM J rrlit Inn, litMtrlhtitliif; anil DnilliiiRu Syntotn. Tu- doinnii Htti.tlon wiih iiulto IntiTi-innj and wart wit.ioii!oil by Si-culiiry itoniint, or th,. Ituivnii of ImtnlKruiiMi,. I 1 t -ilont .Stern mnl Secretary N "t "iK of tin ('omtnerc'liil Oluh mnl a nuintu c of other KL'litloinen ItlteroHti'd in tin tleu..oiinelll of till.' vlllley. Mr Uuni-, lu'lt'T known n "liridv ItmrlM IK iiutillMhor or the Helton !! r iild. of Helton, Mo.. 11 ml li u typ'i ' MUiiiurl editor of tilt- old Hclionl, In Iiir u rettlar Henry ttt'r.on In hw Ht'tion of the country. Spcaklin: ol KUh-lrrlKiitlon tod.iy Mr. llnrriM nald- "Whllo tho theory oi nih-lrrli;ntioii lv umiiPH hat in w to the itunerul ptio li.l it im not now to oxiiortH In the lino or tnlKiitlon nor to etnnimnloH n-ivinc laini' Invert iiii'IUh In mirfaci' irrlKiitlon. Irrigation exports unit In-tun-jiiH rooounlze Hint Htirfaoe Irriga tion will Mion ho 11 tliliik' of the piiHi. Snh-irrlKatlon, either hy menim of llnrrlM Hj'Ktetn, or Hoine ntliev will eventniilly .nipidnnl Htirfuui Ir tlKiitlon. It will he inoli economlcnl more priieth'iitde, eheapor and pro dine Kieiitcr anil more fat! factory r-miltK ,Whi n the nutter or ehoupneie. Is inetitloiK'd oni who iias not rIVoii Hie xiihjeot mature thoitttlit, will he Inclined to look douhlfnlly upon tlx propotdtlon. When however, the loss llluolrnllou "IiowIiik the Hro'.vns pitched x: edcd bull, but ' was hit frciiueiitly. SliiltthiK out the I laps wan accoinpllslied by splendid support behind Chavez nud by poor base niiHiIni;, when Hups sol on i ImKCh, Ah tho resitli of tho llrst :nni". ol the KiiKue, the Swantlkmt mid llrowns Matt oft' with .1000 per ecnt. while the llaps mid SluKitur nro In the cellar N'ent .Sunday, uccordlnn to prehent chcdulo, tho SwubtlluiH nnd llruwnn will play In the inornliii; and the llnp;y ttnd tho SluRRon lu tho aftetl noon. wnv womf.v suri;it. .Mnitj, Alhtiiiieriit Women l'iirnlnp tint Cure, .Vro Woiudii 7riun Htitfcri not .Unowihi; the CHUM', H.icknche, hciduuhe, dlzzliuJ nervoiiHiiess. Iirouular urinary puShiiKis, noM, latiKiior- Kml-Ii a hooinhiK torture ol' ltelf. ToKothur tell of wvnkonid kldnoys. Strike at the roottrot to t'UUNC, Quickly kIv the help tin- kldneya Hoed, No reinnily endorsed Wo Doan'rf Kidney I'llb. Uecommended by thousnnds-- Kndori'v-d at home Here's eonvltielnu pi"oof from tv Albuilui'Miie Citizen. .Mr1- H. Adair, SI 7 S. IMIth St., AlhitdiHiruue, .V. l fays; "Two and a half uro I usod Uoan's Kid puis and wis io pleam-d wit.i the i.onoflt f obtained thtit I was ttlad tn publicly recommend (hem. In Hiv ing this h ootid Htutomont. It Is my ilcflre tn show thai I value this tcmedy iih IiIkIi us ever. I had suuli severe palr.s as'.'oss my loins and bu t weens my shuuldors that I wan Kreaily Inconvenienced lu KettlnK around. Tho contents of ono ho of point's Kidney Pills relieved me o "eatly thul I could not do .nthcrwIs.J inn iinunA ttnim" tl.,.., ,,rilun III, on ' I'mho tin n. ' . '' 1 M. ?" 'vTZt nuZ r.'.' ,., . ,"rk. H,), tt,M f"' " UBlt ,ud States. 1 llemumbir the n.tiiWnoU' uko ho otltcr U ji . tlliutnim or the llnri'U ol nat.i hy n, the annual v.-uier r nt, thn uneirtuin mnl muni Hli.etory H'Tvlce, thr nt land hy ti-aHon ol that portion ooenploil hy iliicli'H. Hie cont nnd trouhhi or flnitl d"trlhutioii n.'o nil tnuxidored, It can i il hi- ilcmontilr.Unl that miu-lrrl-uutlotl will not eoit tn oxeeed- six tint In, nr tho cofl of surfaei Irriga tion. "W.n never there h either mirfnen writer or tin underflow, Milt-lirlnatloii eau h.. tuoi'o cheaply ItiNtnllod than en niririee IrrlKatloti. "Thr llarrhi uyiiuii eonslxtH or t r'-ttilnliiK lank, il or reservoir, of Ninull dimensions, frnn which 1 tin wnt'T If dlHtritnit'd throuuh small 1 1 1 1 1 In- Hid lateraln to the iicMrod point of ellntlntitlon. ut-nffM nro nt un'li.'d to the. ri'tainliiK tnnkK hy means of which the flow of wuiur ii di tornilnod. ' From the reJainiiiK tankH tho water In dlHtrlhutrd nndiTiii'.itli tho I'ltrlave .if the Rnniuil holow tho flow point hy means o' porforatur. pipes. Tie y plpe.s may he inuiln out of any' mutable material. The Hyutum Hani - .Sub-lirliatlos S.istem In oKrullou on unv itHen InkIj of Unit. IMMENSE CANAL IS SOON TO SE BUILT Agua Fui-R Company of Las Vegas Expects to Greatly Increase Its Futilities in Near Future, las Visas, N. M., .luno .0 -Ho-eatiiiu of thu Increased demand for water lor city nnd readout um, tlio Akuh I'ii r a company Is plannln-; to roiiHtnicl mi Iniriicnso cunal Hum its pretorves In tho Oallliias canyon to lt new I'ctonton reservoir. I'he eanal Is n part of tho system of iiuprovcuiouts thai bus been con I on plated by the contpuny for aovtial iiiouHik; a fiyMcni that will nlve 1 .it, VeRttH iih near perfect water servlct. us can he obtained. The canal will bo over llt.oou feet In IviirHi. The e will bo '.',50( feet of fltiniea spaniitn;; tho nrroyos nnd runnitiK along tlio sides ol the bluffs. Work on tho con struction of the Humes will lie begun nut later than August t. The eiitlro canal will ho ready fur iim- by April I or no.t vcar Tho canal will ennulo tho Aua Punt ctiinnan' to kcu its rescn'olr rilled to It uiaxlnium ciiiiaiity Un der tin present system only the nir- plus water not used lu tho til. Is Im pounded. This penults much of tho clear water In the rlvr lo escape Hy the canal water can Im Impounded at the most propitious obkouh, the res ct voir bulnw tilled to tho luiiii in twenty days. This will safeguard to Lus VOKiiH at nil tlmo plenty of cleat', mire wntor. lly'tlio wt of tlu new reservoir under lite present stem nK pmctlclly but the I ..u ..-111 fuL-.. tb.. new cattHi win niuKo inu ussuraticu llnul and complete. The canal wll load from dam s In ihe rialltnas canyon to tin ' ( v reservoir. It will fallow the f iMt side of tho canyon. Water will tuiuctl loto thu ombhI by it Ulvumou suli'lrrlutlon Sit'in. flhown lion today !h ho arratiKi i that no evpert lutior In runulred iltlm in Iim InHtnllluK or uperutlon. tv t dlnary farm hand run contn .ml Pitt In tho whole plant. All v. ipi. ra tion, wnxto of laud. baklliK of vill mid Incnuvcnliitici' ih duno nw ty with. "The cost: Nattirnlly the iii.ti .n of i'imI will HUKMoNt Itself. Without koIiik Into dotnili., It n Htiffl. I- nt to .say that eomputlUK oomparativi o penie mi a ten yearn' 'oiimIn hh be tween surface unit Hiib-lrrlKallou,' Ii has lii'i.'ii ileniotiHtr.itt'il Hint miIj Irrluatlon will eoct little or un morn than hair that or nurture IrrlKatloti. "One purpose of my visit here nt tlili tl iik- In to locate n consddcrnblo houy of hind tn ho nperatoil l..v tho eomp my nnd i'Jho to locati a mun ufncturliiK and dlHtrlbutlni: ci nter." .Mr. Harris Iuih nothltiK to Mill and In not looking for nny body money. He Is Ntudylm,' the comlltlonx how over, In tin arid anil soml-tirld por tlonu of the e .untry. The trip will bo xtenili.d to Hi'dliinilH nnd l.".i An- tpM'.'H. dam oi concrete which will be con htrufted at dam No. S. F II I'lere.', mnmiKor tor the Aku.i Pitrn coni.ianv f-ave tne following de scription ef the canal and the purpoKo for which It will be constructed; "A cement dam will 1k built at a point lu the !alllnas river near the present location of the Avun i'ura oiMipany's No, ii Ice dam. This dam win lie a diversion dam tor the pur pose of putting water into the eanal Thu canal, hi'KlnniiiK nt the diversion da. u, will run nlnn the south bank ot ii (ialllnas river for a dlstnnce of about feet whom the water will he emptied Into the new reservoir recontiv completed ty trio company. Tho eauiil will ho built in earth, but around the rock bluffs there will he n larRe timnum of lluitie. The fluino will li constructed of wood. At cor Willi points the fhr.iie line will he about foriv feet above Ihe river. The lliiiue construction will consist of an lion shoe leaded into the rock Into which will he lit ted n timber, which will hi ti sill This will In MipiKirlcil at Its outer end by a hriieo externum; to a ,)oint below the sill wheie It will K'-'t a secure fontltiR in the rock and be cemented Into pbic litebt' sills will ho placed at a ills 1 nice of twelve feet apart On them will 'in constructed a box lliiiue Tlu S.S.S Pvvrmu, Acne, Teller, Poison Oak, Pimples, etc , show Ihnt some unhealthy humor or acid impurity is diseasing the tirculittimi, nnd that u thiitouh cleansitic of litis vital fluid is necessary in order in correc I ic irutiblc. Salves, washes, lolions, etc , may relieve some of the iich'iiu and other discomforts caused by skin diseases, but such treatment lus no effect on Ihe blood and therefore cannot do any permanent r.ood. Until Ihe humor is removed from Ihe circulation Hie cuticle will suffer the effects of an acrid irritation. S. S.S. is ihe best and quickest remedy because it is the greatest of all blood purifiers. It noes into the circulation, and removes every panicle of the humor, whether it be an infection of poisonous plums or from other cauteg, and nukes the blood pure, rich and healthy, allowing it lo soolhe and nourish the skin instead of irritating and inflaming it with acrid humors. Bonk on Skin Diseases and any medical mlvico desired wnt free. 5. S. S. is for sule ut drug stores. THE SWIFT SHCmC CO, ATLANTA, QA. flinnn will bo locntej nt leant one foot from thr rock wtill In ortlur to nltow nny scnllnit of the rock to pns be tween the fl' no nnd tho ellft rtnd or cttslen oh i.,n dn:nnrtc n poaslble Tho cutinl will ho ptovwurt til proper polNtB wi" ' tii ona rtnd overflow-,, "Arro ;ial rttriyotis will be erod ed hy 11'i'inH tho Miuno its tho blnff" nnd the n. used llieto lor Htiplinit Ibr tlic 'I . m will lie Kid In fonrre't Tho con "notion will be net In snxli tnnntiei ' ,t the onital eau bo eitlnru cd ' i. tlmo nroonlliiK U) lequlre ntonlx Tho loontlon or the oniuil on tho m.ii'it Bhlo of th rlvor pliieeH it nwn r-rnn nil nottleiuonts mid fie fio.n iKilhitlnu of tiny 1c 1 ml ami an pi'oiaco wntor front the oannl will j;o tllreiili Into tho river without Ineon voni'Tice or ilnintiKu to nny nro.tom ' Tin (Initio work will bo bomin An P'it I and Hoonor If tho loontlitK tr ny enn bo completed nnd tniitorlnl Koiten on tlio ground. Knrly nest i:rltn? the diversion dam will ho rote Htnietod nnd the earth part of tho rnnnt oniiHlriirtod no tlinl the canal will fttrnlHli n full supply of water for tho new teKorvoIr mid will (111 H to Iih full oupuelty within twenty ilnvn When the witter In muddy In the river 'lie canal will bo closed off mnl onlv water from I ho mwrvolr iihoiI for city Hiipply. Thi rami I will coiipUte the Improvements planned l the Air, in I'ltrn enmpany mid will cive I.iih 'e Kim us nenr a perferl wnler Hiip.dv no can he obtained The ranal will not bo lined duiini; the winter Pia.ii n- the present pipe lino will ituiiph nil tht water during U nt wason ff the ; em "Stephen 1'nwern, nHsLUani miperln. tendenlNir the ARiin l'urn fompait), will have eliarse of ho oonulriiiiton work " The Churches Si I'uut'ri Kucli.-tu hut lieian church. corner W Silver and Sixth Ktreet. held the usual Sabbath services, Sunday school at !: 10. Much of tho hour wait consumed by preparation for tho Chll dren'H day woniecH. which wore to folloiv nt II At this Hervlco there was a pood atleiidance nnd nil Heeiu ed to enjoy tho pi'ocrani. The offer Iii7 was Klveit to the orpnaim in our Tubulin home at Lincoln. Nebr The evcnlui; Chiirttlan hour was profit ably Hpent lu thu study of China as a mission field. Ureal thlnus are lu store lu that vast empire for our ureat world-wide endeavor movement At the close of the study the noolety vot ed to have a lecture by I'rofettHoi Dnnison of our city on his ten vein around the world. This will be a most Interest Inir discourse on tni.el expcrl enooH whllo tourltiK "round the Klobe." The date will he Tuesday evening. July 11, at the Lutheran chinch, to which the very untnll stun of ir.o will be roqtiMtctl, the procticds to go to the Chiistlnn Kudeiivor socleh The patronage of the public Is HolUilod. Gold and Broadway Church of Chrlat The inornlui; sermtin yestiTday watt a presontntloii of Jestu' own tes tlmony to tho lucl Hint he was horn of Mary, IiuvIiik been lionotien of Hod, his I'ather, as the sospel story nar rates. lu the evenliiK, llov. .Mr Williams pleached on "Th-' nepths of Holi ness." lie lend from the tilth ebnp'or of IJ.oklel where the false tencheiM of Israel are com pared to uusons, who pretend tend in riueilr :i w ill liv ilnnliliii whlielv'fitdSrelaS'! o lies from the r..nmhiilon .... The oti si ones from the foundation up, The rain mnl the hull will soon wash away the fraud, and the wall will fall. "So holiness with (Sod Is not metis, tired hy a fair reputation nninnc; men "The text this evening Is that por Hon of ,lesu.,' sermon on tho Mount beulnnliitf, 'Ye hnvo heard thai It was said. Thou shall mil commit adultery: but 1 say unto you that everyone that Inoketh on a wo.uun to lusl alter her hath committed adultery with her al ready lit his heart.' "Jloto wo have the depths nf boll-. ness required hy Clttibl, us illustrated In the uiarrinKo relation. Lust Is heart .idultory "I'nehastljy waR condemned b) nod's law. It was punishable hy death. No ImMnrd could enter into the holy sanctuary, fltil ihe pi nple commonly measured respec for tills as well an other laws by Mo overt acts, tho deeds committed "Hut Christ ntenaures bollne-s bj the passions tolerated In the heart. Do you follow lust I ul HiouiHiK do you on ley the salacious vnud-mI o oii pour over the French n"i m Kloat over the Denver scandals That thows that your hear l nut hob. I nnd you do not love holiness You tare violating Hod" taws lu Miur heart "Jesus says thai If tin riKht hand 1 or the eo eaiihes one lo iitiinihle, this Hliould be muputated Now the eye nnd the hand am not only leitl mate organs. Inn highly heiiolhinl Hut If the eve Is employed tor lust nn.i ihn hand for vlolenoi tln-v be come pjriilciniis. It Is betlei lo out them rather than thu Hie whol boil be destroyed In hell "A yoinr engineer tail ed ltli no uboul enterliik' more actlvi t i,il Han work lie said he couldn't u Ii hr-inn 1 the (empiatluns he had found lu vork Iiik with eotistriicilou muiKS Such work Is lOKillmate and houcliciul to iouleh, but he fob thai he would lone his ioIIkIuii il he continued lu It, lie was wllllm; to pluck out his eve mail of sood reputation was u,i CUES ECZEMA. ACME. 1CnO.P0IS0N0AK.ETC. SHE GOT WHAT SHE WANTED This Woman Had to Insist Strongly, but it Paid Clileaco. III. " I MilTered from a le. male weakness and m.'Ui.i Ii trouble. mid 1 v.i ii' to iim ht'ir-- to a bott'.o or l.yillit K. link ham'M Voire t iblo (.'oiniiotiinl. lot' the olerk tint not wnnt to let me have It -he Haiti It wan no Knot! anil wanted tin to try houifthlm; else, liitt knowing all nbout it I ln Klsted and llnally L'ut it nnd 1 am Kind I did, for It litis cured mo. "I know of no many oases w hero wo men have la-en onred liv Lvdia K. link- In nf.s Veirctable (. nmpound that I can hay to every HtilTeriuk' woman If that medicine, noe.s not nein nor. mere is linthlnir thnt will." Mrn. Jam.tzki, Wi Anil .St., Chicago, 111. This Is thu nun of mtbstitittioii. ami women who want n euro should insist uioti LydlR K. rinkliatn'H Vouetuble Coinnotiutl lust nx this woman did. and ttotaocejit HoinethlnKcl.Hoon which tlio iirutfRiHicnn iiiiiko ii uuni more proin Wonton who nro passim,' throiik'li thin critical jH'rlod or who are miilerinc; from ntirof those tlistrosstuif Ills n onllarto'tlieirtex Hliould not lns' slyltt. of thu fact that for thirty years Lydin, K. Plnkhu'm'H Vogetnblo ComiMiund, which is tnndo from roots mid herbs, lias been thu standard remedy for fe tnalo Ills. In nlmoRtOYPrycnmmutilty you will liml vomen who have Im-oii restored to health by Lydin K link, liatn's VeKctnblo Couiiiouud. pointed on Hie ,io!!co foice Now tho work of u policeman Is important and honorable, but It reipilres a strong charact i lo resUt. Iho aitou huil te.nplailoiis This y.nin follow was soon illseliaiKed fro:n the force for dtunkenucss and debauchery. He had not been wIIIIiik to cut off his tlht hand .losti said that divorce had been allowed as a police measure. Hit' civil law does not present any fair standard of Christian hoilnesH tied i law In Hm matter of uiurrhiKc ns will its lu nil other relations reipili. s ,( l;h;her standard of thought mid life than Is ieiUlred by human laws and customs ".M father used to run a little 'rur farm He ulwuvs boimiit full ipiaii boxes lu which lo sell bis fruit Thu' Is : Christian standard. Competition inn sometimes drive u Christian mer chaut nut of business by dlshoiiiMt tricks- llul It Is far holler in bo i Clirislluu upinoved of Cod than i business man approved onlv of men "You suv nuno of us has lived no to this standard or Christ, that we have all at tinny b.'cn impure or ills honoialde lu thought. That r tie point Wo have been unholy Let us U""" '' "l' " J ""( , " healts" ed ."'"j '? heal Is washed not think v.'e enn bo Tiolv by the in tile We he blood of the Lamb. Then may 'enn." Honest we hnvo a Rood show, nud all he people comlnir to the Airdome Read The Herald Want Adi. They Get Resulti. WANTKIJ- once. -A Hood bnkor at HOME BAKERY 111 North Firat Street I'lioxi: .it. THE SIMPLE OILENGINE Vtes Distillate or x Kerosene No Carburetor, no Hpmk no Hattcrics, tio Tr-ubl. ono uptrntu at 30 f Gold n . n no- I . r t .iri.-uUrs und prtc s art. dr- a 'I hi: m.mi-m; oiii i;m;im; co. ov SIAV .MI.MCO. Hihjiiis t!..;tfl Jlainctt tilook. Albuitieriuo. WIllIAMJON HAFFNDRCD aim f'l II'