OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque evening herald. [volume] (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1911-1914, September 06, 1911, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070581/1911-09-06/ed-1/seq-1/

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ritiiit ni; cm.KS.
VOI. 2(1. NO. flfl.
VOU I, NO isn
Harriman Official Declares
Two Systems Have No Un-(lei-standing
and That They
Will Not Confer.
Federation Leader Declares
That Men Are Becoming
Restless and Demand That
Dcoision Be Made Quickly.
Illy Ml mine: llrmlil A. I. l.rnard Wlrr)
fhicugn S pt f Th. iiriiMi' lii
t'.dnt of JullUh Kruttachnut i .
lircMiii.iu and iiiM'ftor f nun in. nan ,
nf of tin I lurriiimn Hm i, .t.i-cjtpei-ted
tn rlttelnp i bcnrlu,; mi Hit
Hllttola Central labor tift ! -
The liarrlman evaewtl--. wim
Jet-ted' thi llMIMIHta Of lh i. ill
hp men rneth- at Hen HYnih i oo m t
week, iu betteveg lo haw it . ni'i-
iv with PYnetdeat Marhhim r th
Hilnoia Central n k-ta program ir
t"lu Mr Markhawi on Monti a u
tin. d in meet agent of the new r ii
' ration of HHnole (Vntral shop work
i r, as AM Krutteehntlt at ton Kran-
Mr. !C rut tar halt l wont direct I.. hln
oittco when- .if wu In coiifcrcaoc
with Hi Mriataitt for several hour
Hi declined in dnaOMas the labor dis
pute un the Hnrrtman Mnea but mIiI
hi might hasr aoiftetttfttt to say later
In thi r.
llepresetttuttvea wf tne Mlne crafts
il liiinoin nhophteti and onlcirn of the
rterld hod- riMujin) their confer
i nrr behind ctoovd door
When seen shortly hefori' noon Jul
Iiim KrutteallirlU gityfJt
I urn not Int'arfarted In any otllolat
way in thr lllti t central railroad
In Lor tenable ud know nothing about
it extent what I hve read in th
iiewapai rs, Th llHrrttiMii hm nnd
the menses VMm flr MUrnlv Iml
pen(!iil aim I ito not nee how I
could b- culled In conference with
President .Murk ham In regard to th.
situation on the- Ilrirrlman 1 1 n .m then-
have horn no new deveiopm. nt a
1 left Man Kranolecu laat Satunla "
PreaJduiit .McCrcary u the fcilri.i
lion of (Ulnota Ontral shop enipiow
Th null want tu strike ami
growing vpry rattHN at tlm I-Ui 1
think it i rtur the 111111 that -ui'' 'l' -rlMhni
br raht tuilav."
.Inat iMfor' I i. ni. th- roiiri'i-im
bmk iii Thr wmbrrx iliolinril i
aay Hiii'thirr th' r rfawriii!i'
1 1 A 1 1 1 II Jl ,.N SI'IT.VI I .v
IS Mr iiiam:iii
Hun I'ruiiciMfi. 8pi fl. HufHaiii f
illo Mlllrtnla or thi- liiinoin omml
lallrtwil tu rHmwl,. tht- f -iIitmIIom of
Khf, nii'M of that aiHi will not nf
frrt ihf aitnatkin on tht llarrlman
mtni, iicconHw to th ntnt'iiH'iit
miidi' by ,1. . Kllnr. triaiOini of
thu likii'kMiiUh milun. whu in ohnir
lliavn of thi' flhnp men u 'iiiiiiiill, now
In tlito 1 lt .
When aaktoi w iiclhiT thwri- ally
truth in thi minor that the h"i mn
of thi' IIHiiula iVntrul nvri- onl
wrltlMK fT thi aanctliiM of Utt- inti-r-iiatlonul
uffleura In Han I'raiiolwo in
for. ilm'Urlnt a atrllir. KUn- rutiilrU
Hint I he oilier r III i-'hii-nao iTf iiu
Uiorwi'il (o ttMihllt' ilio Mitualioii thanj
mn thi k mw nt. Wht-n proaawil for
u nnrf tivtinitH anawiti tu aaM.
'Naturally thi- iiillw-r th r- bi ina
xutMirillnHte olAalala auulri mil tu
timtr hiim rlora tor iiUvIit
No int-Mauac had bwll rcci'lvcil trom
tin i-nal UMi 111) ttiWbd. with the a
anrHiifl Hint nu4 hn) hprii a?nt oui
from hrrr
Mi'iiikm of thu a!inral roiiuniiiuo
will arrli Unlaj ''HI ' l4 ut ci-rtulu
tluit iv WJKIclont niHlHr will Ik- hvrr
bj Htght tar a cuHfi-rt rutr lomorron.
The lntrrrmtionai oifirira or th.
lollruaa .ahon ermfta l roufcii nca
hurt will liat lute tu4lii' for Harm
mt'nto tu att-Hil a runfwtH at su. -rami'iilo
toutgtlt. brarliiK illi'i'tl m
tin pri)t)t (1lftriiiiini'iii Mli 1 ho
1 uioloyra. -J. W'. KJIn-. n il. m oi
thi' IniiTimUuflftJ ltHcliiiiitli mu. hi,
mill lie WH tint fit llbC'tt)' to in.- uit
tlii' MiriiHH of lite flilirti'i'li.r Hi
iiioiuli It wm nt mittlolaiit linimi linn-,.
In 1 uiiHr a iiiiri'Uil tiii to tin i'Uitul
"I'l.lllT t'OI"1 WIM.
HtOTHcr thi: mux
(llr Uwiilna Hrrulil A. I'. I.rnaril Wlrrl
Oi-nvor. Jinpl. A - -liHiivi-r, imt-
tornliiK auniewltiit Hfier lm An-
KrliMi. la to lllii u "fllft io."
Inn, invut'KtiiK tlii' I'alltornlH pro-
'IH, IHIn llllllvllllllll l tu III' u
11 l'urllHii lit Don Juan Riuai-
who It tu OlntMivi-r wIihii m 10.
kiiInIi miitlti a HHirklliiK i-. mill
flimli uf hMUiiii anlilf uprlnna 4
1 rum bIiumi" fit 111 1 itt it - 1 oiiutn
mill wlmti ijthoi'wi.r
Tin ninnt-n uf Ui-iim-i uiv tvii
t'i'liunil, Hnyr iu 1 1 - mihI m- 4
tin iionril, u 111) now i- imiwi 4
ntmut iiiottHilliiK tlii' nu ll Tlmt'x
uhiit otiioa of llvhiB In .111 '.iiHl 4
HUflniKv xtutv
Lone Woman Reported Holding-
Out Against All Others;
They Were Looked Up for
Night in Rooms. ,
tllf ISIimiIhu iirrnKI A. I'. I. rn.nl Wlrr I
Ik'lllnKlUlln WbhIiIuxIoii, 81 pi 0
N'ort'iwiai WnNhlnRtuii'H Hi hi tnlxuil 1
pur, alx muii and aU woiiihii. fatloil to,
nrci 011 th- millt or liinoconco of 11!
aHlmmlat . liHtKfil willi ai'lllim liquor'
10 tin liullttit voaiiiila and Ht mill-
11 1 wlif wok uiurid lock ml up for thr
HUM by AiiimtIoi liiilae Kulloau TIlP
luilllfla oacntleil ih' luiora to Houaratt
(lorililloriin on 1 In- lop ftrxn of thr
court hotiai' and locni-il I limn up un
ill iltrv wcii' iclfaacil fm liruaklaat
HiIa imriilnu iiml all 'i wiiiiIh were tin
iiolc 10 iacli a M'lillci Tlic roiirl
t"'lltll III ,11 'III II (llHHkll'OIIIOIII mid
' iho mi iim-i li ih 1 p port 1 1
llint wninait iiiioi ia piuM.'lltlllK 11 i
ci ill. I , e in.; Iniiliil
Frederick W. Hodges of Wash
ington is Delving Into Dim
Past on Platoau North of
This City.
Ill lit rriliiu llrrnlil ,. I'. I,inr.l Wlrr)
x.tnlit fi , N M . Mt'pi Kvratu
lion of impuriani iirfliiatorlc rulna f
the Jrmfi plxii'uu north of vllu
iiui r.ii. vihI n.-at of rirtiilH Fi . hugHii
loiliij iiinli-r the illr.ciloit of Krpilcr
It k W llodar of Wnhlna"ii. hlif
of tin- liuifnu of ftlinolog), ami ltd
anr I. Ui wt'll, dtn-rtor of the MchiHil
o( American Archanoluay at MHMta I"'-.
of whoa amir, H. M ChapNtHh and
Karl Kli tchrr and Nnlhnn (MrtMawttth
or duni'ii fiiivuraiiy lrt today with
vaok train for the rajlna. IIwiIm haa
imi ntwrfil from 'Mmi nnd Itiarrlp
tion rock, wlmrt' iothr with .laawt
U NVuabaum of thr aohoot, he toott
imiiri'ion of th man hhhortr in
HTtil mn tli-il liavr HHtdc I li' rook
liilnoiip mid tunc '"aoltcd In It train
oV ltril a uniloiml nionahioni l the
He Will Take Part in Opening j
of Great Irrigation Project:
and Will Attend Big Ban-1
quct in His Honor Tonight.:
(Ill llimlim llrrnlil A. I', l.in-ril Mrrl
Ukiishi-, Kt-pi -Hecrtilor.i ut .Van
1 tilturi- Janii- llaon arrlvrd lu r. io
da to laki pint in the drdliull.ni f
tin- nnal Ktaitilli'v 'lain. iIchIkiiciI I"
Wilier 3011, i" arrra of liiml within
alirht of HiIimi I'liot l I hi' di'illiii
llun ixvrcuo'a. which will takf plat 1
tomorrow', e rctary W'llaon will In
npci tin project. IikIimIIqk tia ii:
ml lea of cnmilK Tin ayatrM ha Jlial
buM coHiflet.il at a coat of $fl,o,n
Toalfllit n.. retar U'llawn will
tmlra0 h i-itn.piei u the fhainlMr
ut' coinnieii'i' ni'i aixi a mini la will
Uri'et the Hocrctari
WYO.MIMi i;ovkiiou
Miains sKt'uiri'XKV uilmi.n
I'hetenni', V.n , Sept -ilovernor
t'arr la In Di nw-r to meet Kern tan
of Agrli tillurc .In no f F Wilaon uml
to purtlclpatf vMiii oth.'i Kuv ernor
In tlii dedlcullon "I Mr ui.-ut Htnnlcx
limit lie will lie un.' ,.i the Mpeakera
II Hie II till).
liiillrinicul lime Mihii Itclniiicil
HiiliiM Wcnllli.t ch Yorl.cr- llnl
-iel ir rnili'i1 Si'itl.
I My llleiilni; llrrnlil A. I', l.rnard Wlrr)
New Vork. Hi pi fl - I nlleil Mlatca
Hinlrlci Attoriu-v Wiaa lulmltliil Una
iirtirnoon that the fiilemi miimi jury
loitie dtua aao ruund eiurate lnillcl
1111 nia uaaltut .Vuthiin Allen, llir
wialthy leather ma on rail 11 ri r uf
Kiiionhn, Wla, nod John It Colllna.
n millionaire imal oiunil(ir of Teuu-
aae, eharglna unitiaiini;. The Hi
.n.tiii.uta were unrler aaul unlit thla
The .tvwele of Mih. I fun I) .Iciiklna,
willed linvc liuoll 1m nitetclia ul Willi
le ll0l'l.lt WOHlllli' IIRIII Uf KulllNMP
U'U, mill Monipllln, Tonii , tlanrad
nciilu iiidiiv tn iDuorta dial Ihc Mi'rul
Km ml jiit- v Iiml foiiinl liiilliuniuiii for
Tlic Ji'Wi lx. hii hi to In viilncd (i 1
I 7o.uim. wire jthiin lo Mix Jeiikinu
In I'.inti m cot ding tn tlio aiorlea oli cii
I11I01I uml fin iwu yotjra lint rcvciiiie
ttfllceia have linen onllaittliig evlilinicc
Hun il:nv wi'tc lirouglii from Kuropo
wltliinii iniyiiioiii of ijl!lten M IK ,lun
kliiH. r'olleciiit' of tint ioii uicii nnd
lil mi Herv"."!' I'urr mtp wliileHkca
iielim ttte viiiiiil Inii Ilia1 IiimhIiiiI
f 'I M 1 f iat II moii'll ,i?n
Picturesque Texan Declines lo
Discuss Roasons for Quit
ting the Game and It Is Un
derstood He Practices Law.
The Retirement of Strong
Democratic Leader Precedes
Wonderful Politioal Chang
es in Lone Star State.
(Ilr III mini: llrrnlil A. I', l.rnard Wlrr)
OalttcHt UP , TcXuh, Sept li - I'nlle.l
Stnti Senator .loa. pli VV I4aile to
rtus lonriruied the uniiounieineitl
mad. i..-t mailt Hint he would not
lii a .iliillililte tor re-eleetlon to the J
I nit.. I SlHtea aeliute. Ilia term will
expii. MHr. h 3. im.1
It 1- mi lil Senator Halle( will ro lo
v. Vork cll to prmi'Mce law after
ii.v Mn, in the what aplra.
Miiii timaa luA Menator Bailey
t . r.i-. ii to amilir hln hrlaf nd uoa
iitki atiiieiuant liven out laat night
aniiioiinint hla forthcoming retire
nielli Me would onl m that the
-tat. oi' nt wa "emphatic and fVrev. li
able To a few Intimate rrin the aen
alor la aald to have confldad the ilr
tiiiliwj cauaea of hi action, mn theae
riivnda tew rfugr4 to paaa the in
forinattoll alun. Humu of the aen
tor'a frlflMla nm the actlona of the
preaent Tuaaa leglalattirr have bean
dlcplvaalna to Meituior Ballot, but dot-line
to iiuote or permit the nae of
thvli xiimii.
MIIMHt'l'.WT t'll.WCIC
IX TIB.VA I'tililTlf.s
Auatin. Tevaa, Npt .- -Annonnte-ment
ot t'nltod Klataa SnuUr Hall. s a
retirement to prtvntc life forecaata an
important political change in Texan
Thla la the etttnlnatlon of an laaan
which ha a pNM red In piiHUtull
every ImtMrtaHt political agitation lit
thla atate for about alx )Mra. Mu
naHrtwHh) gd m) Joai mjm the aeiia
tor'a frhad thai heaamatlty the ullgu.
mant of 41''" und of ".mil-liailev
niMn haa haen a inige tactor in the
Mitlng at the atute legtataturc uml
'omellmea at the polla on purely atat
inaiiea. A atlc. eaaor in Senator Hal lev will
'i aeleited at n prlnutrv next J.il.v.
Thi.B. mentioned an eanUldulea In
iinle tlov i). H. i'oliuilt. former
.ov.rnoi Thnmaa M. c'amitbell, oi.
lake Will tela, lender of (Iih ntlll-l'ro-I'llii'.iuiilata
in tlx recent Mtulewlde
ile. Hon. Thi nt.iH Hall, leader of the
ni' In Ihc -hiii. eleiiiuii. 1 'oimreaa
ul. in ItHtlilall. lone .lohiiKon and
IlldK William I'olloleVtei Thi tat
l.' lo , 1; , lllllllllll. lo If. , ,1 )o
..t Hie ,i! , I. , to. 11
American Consul Wilder Offi
cially Lays Facts Before;
This Government; Rod Cross
May Call for Funds.
Illy llvrnliitf lli-rnlil A. I. I.ratril Wlrr)
Wanhlnglon Sept. 4 - Thi etli't
ntit and ln.ri'oi of (he famiin Mnia
1 ion conrtoutniK t'hma, eaua.il o iite
. i. rfiow ot tin Vang Tae kiw.uik
iu-i, wan oflielullv. raporti'd to the
stale tli par I m. tu li American 'oiimiiI
Uenera) Wilder at Shanghai, ami lite
ipiaatlon or leuderlni; tied t'ri.M. H
alatance la under coaaMaratlon An
the amount at Hie tlhi)H4Nil of the
American Iteii t'roaa aooiaty for tlil
puriKNM la amall when eom pared with
Ilia ptoporllnna of the nuOeaalt). It U
prohuble HiHt an appeal for Hddltioii
al fund mut b laaueil.
Tile entile territory Imlweeii Han
kow uml HIiHllghul, 11 illaUlliie of
about 0 tnilea, hua Wit overflowed,
Slv. Wilder .lei iarea t'llltw ami louna
nif uinlot' water. nwn iltialltiiga iie
lipr ntlrel wiilmieiniHl. Ilwauae of
the K-aiVlty or rli e and the daatrtn .
Holt Of the flelda the coat of liviUtf
hua llaon to tlic hiaheat point ever at-talneiV
Denver to . srpt. r,., d-
cIhIoii wua teachntl thla inot'iiliig
4 ut th eon vi 11 1 ion of the I'nlteil
Ty put beta.- to alllimlt tit,, propo-
el Hon for lliet'itlng th' I It fee
liriilic.' Into one organlaultoti
Till. , o. will ,n t,K. II till- 1 le'
noon. 4
ucmuunHiiii c
Albuuerquc, Ancient City and
Clovis All Put in Strong
Bids for Gathering, Capital
Winning Out.
Biggest Meeting of Democrat
ic Cantral Committee in' His
tory of New Moxioo, in Ses
sion Here Today.
S.i ni. 1 P. it the plue. ..11. 1 iti'tub.'i
a la the date eat for Hi. firm atat
"o.nenilon of the UeBvxiatl. iiarty
In New Me.tlco. Mauta r-. Albtniuei
uui and I'lovla ware the ehief con
tender for the hnor r entering I he
contention To- vole ato.al, lbu
uer.Ui, Santa lV. i'lovla, lif.
I'lotta ttithdrew a ad gate .hi
trength to Mama f. aome of tie
I'loMa pe.l.. aaylMg th. t preferred
flantu V beauu' Albfauer.Ue had
"ouhl iToaaed" the Sfhgh 1113. The
c'lilra! lommlttce In goaalnn all day,
djourned at olu4 lonlght until
o'clock tonight gt Njhioh time thi
Oftmmlttc. will go Win executive
aeaalon with only iioorcdlted dale'
gatin preaeni
Par dm pa tht boov attsudml anil cer
taint) the moat onthnaliHitir Muaakm of
the New .Mexico f9tltiH:rHtaf uelltial
coiiimlliee n the That ttfgfHv year,
la 011 In Albuqiiornuc loitgy aud na
continue mil 11 toinflitw araultujt nnil
..oaalblv longer The ritmorrgla ar
In .liii(iicifi.iie from gll mrta of tin
atai,, ht ought togciltiM' tW thu ptir
piaw ul urittlnliiK h riiirnlgii which
tnoy !asl oertiiin ivUlmiUilJ u awuoii
iHg lWNriitJe vtr(Q'4 Now .Mrg
lMn 5Srvr)br ThnTrJn libera of tho
rtnitral commltii an piotitimnt -1 r t
xona In tholr reaorx'tivc 1 o.nmiiiHn.
Hid Hie pieaetire ot hiicIi .. I.ni!e ,im u
bet of oraanliiatlnn leaih 1 - lo ie t..
tint, indlintea ihc Inlerest titai I-
lug 'Mien Hi pollipa 1 liroiiliiat the
new xtatc
"I have bon Ul New .Mexico. .11
lending central committee .ueeliiiua
aince lkS anil thla la ihc ia-at at
lenilad and the llvaal one I ever at
leudwl.'' la thu roiumunt of Simiiuein
llurkhaii, aecratary of the foin.nlttee.
lodaj Chairman . V .Mr Dona Id ot
i'aniaoao. who unninincail that ho la
going to atay in AlhuUeratic until all
the work of tin 1 ouitnittao In nhhiliod,
wnti ciiiall eiitliiwiaatle. bwanso ot
Un ciiilnialitMii and iiiti'mlance.
t'lutlriiiuii McDonald iMillml lib cu.ti
nilnec Hi order at in o clock thla
inoinlii;; In the Conimerchil cluh mill
thn following nieitihora announced
tluilr pitiaencc on roll call:
W i'b MclJoiiHld. ('arrlsoao. dn:n
UieiM Hurkliari. Albuquoiqiic; .1 A
Malioiict, Ih-nilng. A. A .louea, Uu
Vrgaa: O. N Mm run, AlbiiHiieiiiuo.
I nan Vigil. 'I'lioa. T W. N'di'imiii. Sail
in Ke. K I). Tinman. Hlllahoio. A ('
Tone. Socorro. liilKtinlo Itomoio.
.Mora. W M. Walton, MIImi 'il. .1.
(iieonwitlU. Sik'oiio, C 1 ICHHles.
Shiiiii Ke. X II. lMiittUllu. Santa IV.
Kafattl Itmiieiu. Mora; W It Mcliili
I -a Laiulo. 11.(1 I'mirH, Clnvla, )i
T .lovner. Tliornton; 0- A. Illrliai.l
ami. Hoawi'll. laauc llnrth, A rieiaeh
ci. AII'Hiuettttc. .1 1. Illnklc Magci
uiHii. H I). Hell. Koawalh ,luliu Mot
row. Hi c It Kohlnauaun, itainu. o
L. Owen. J Clilldura. Clovla M
(' U'Umit, .1 PaxUiu. Lsa ('rmcx
Ki'tttik Traxlei, Vaughn; Thorna Ijiv
dan. (lallup. W K dialcup, Alamo
Morilo; Jngf M Uipei, (ThamliH. lit
I! ,1. Ifivaita. l'oii;;lc J. ) Mand. ju
Vega.'i; J II Latham, Uki Vallct ,
Arthur SollRinan. MaieHm Uairlu,
Santa lo; Melliou Turraa, Sarorro;
1 It. ,lclCliila. WlUnril.
h'ellx .Marline of 111 lao waa a lao
ineatmi at the iiihoiIiik, ua well aa t
n urn bet of pronnneat party leadera
fro.n Allnirjiietipie and vartoua part-
of the aiiua, 11 01 ineinliore of the ceu
ual coiiiinliici' but iitiVortttolraK. 11c
tive wotkuiK tu 1 he nmiiihMitloii
Routine 'Dusinata 11 Chief Mornmu
The rearilug ut ht ropoii ul' the
chatiiuan and no tftari, ihu reading
let let a HMit lelcHiiima of regret Hon.
.iiumlMrg or the lOinmUtoo tiiialilc i
be prtiit, ami tin appoint uieut ot
(oniitHMW, oiH'upii'd the ontlre urmi
lug aoaaltnt A uoiUHlltluo loiiaiaili.u
of W. C McDonald. Itafanl Ujpi.ii
V. (' Deltaca. A (' Torrttr gad Sum
.mra Uui khaii. waa appnluiot nr I ha
ptii'IMiat uf diawlng tip tMHlllllkina
,il)illg Hi lite ic .Igiiatfoti of 0. A iJti
ihxoIo. aa a uM'inbei af tlto rooniiit'oe.
wliogo formal reaigiiittlon waa nic
reiiititl to the oiuanlagUou by I'hjn-
I an McHonal.! tmluy Mr 1 uuohia
Hi.atiua for raalgnlng were gi forth
I I a tletnileil alateineiit print wl lu thla
pnpm ao.ne data ago, Iga orlcitwl
copy of 1 ho ataieioent baint prmnted
thla murnliig to the cumiHlltoe
Resinnatlon no Lanrier Game of Muali
The riialgUHiiou nf Mr. Uirragolo.
which on nte aa u conaMlariiblH ahovk
10 naiiv of the Di'HHHirnta whon K
wua lltar iinnoiiiiced waa a iiiatu 1 ot
'ft mn 1
Prouty Opens Sonrohing In
1 quiry Into Ohargos for the
i Hauling Commertity From
West to Points in Pur Enst.
til; I'.teiili.K llrrnlil .1. I. I.rnril Wlrr)
I bh ,m,i .t lj All un eatiH.iHoli
Into all. kiiI am ea-oiial'li rate .ii
hipmiiit ol Wooly and llulea riooi
t rtei 11 i.intx I., eimtei n markeli
jb button Inii toila.t l) I tilted Slnlea
tnliralat 1 'ointiterr. 1 'ommiaaot, 1
f'roiitt A acore or mori tif tvltneaae
Iw.ve I . eii auiniiiolled lo testify here
af-.-r wlilch t.'outmiaaloner rrogt will
hold .'in- r aeaalolia at Ienver. M
liililiier-iiie. N. M.. Salt l-uke i M.
Phoenix. ria.. uml rortland. tire
II la the cntttellHoo ol the Wool
-In, 1- tliai tin n.iulit latex liati
In . M . . 1 v .1 111 II m I , l Hill'
in. ..o-siine of ill. 11. i.lo un rut. Imt
'olil .,,ir IIXl. .111(1 liuit III. ).l nelll
tmiii 1 . vurbti .iit in . o'-ip.ii i.. 11 .iili
l ...'Ut'.l t,.i ,i,.i , ..in n .uiti a
Ilost cattleman is
Adolph Kessling Who Sold
! His Stock and Put Money
in St. Louis Bank Ten Yoars
' Ago is in California.
(Ily litrnliiit -ralil A. l l.rnaril Wlrr)
llicnliain. Texaa. Hem r. Adolph
Keaxellng a widelt known cattleman
'or thla cli. who dlaapiieare.l ten
ygr ago, la now dvclgi-iHi to be itllt.
' and well m Calexlco. r'alli In itmi
j he went to 8t I.011NI with a load ot
I cattle, wild them, detHialied 1 ! pi n
, cada in a hank and then dropped out
of aight Ueccnili Ida wire receiti-i
a loiie, fro. 11 htm aavlng he wan in
f'allloinia and would 1 el urn hotn.
noon 8h hc 11 1 Charlea Shru. a ami
lulaw to Califoinia to invaetlgate the
; lettei nnd lie replied a rtn or iv. o iim
1 Hint t waa will ten i Keaalinu 'iiit
hhm no iiinilcttlam
M. E,
Date of Wedding Was Set for
Tomorrow at Newport But
Churoh Would Not Permit
Minister to Perform It.
I (II) III mint: llrrnlil A. I. I.rart WWrl
Utile I'oinptoii. It I Sept fl The
ll. I'ledi rn k I. Iliooka. paator of
, III. .W. tlfdlsl .-hureh here. nu Ueetl
naked to oiilctat. ,n ti,,. marriage of
ji'ol Jiihti .la.-iAt aloi ami Minn Mud
I ellne TaimiiHe r'orc and haa .lei lln
I ed. un mu I.. Hi,. 1 1 all l.tioim ultleh hln
. hill' !i j. .1. . m on th. 111.11 n,i, ,,f .
loreeil .ei.,ih i 1 ordiii). t,. Mr.
. Iliook- Ho lint. .,1 t i, v., ,,i inn wan
j M'l i'ii '0110. ri lot .,t V . 1 1 ,,i't
, IS F
(Mrs. Catherine Cecil Thurston
I Succumbs to Appoploxy and
! Her Body is Found in Bod:
i Hoalth Was Good.
lly litrlilim llrrnlil A. I. I.rnaril Wlrr)
' l.udoii. S. pi 1, Mr- K .therltn ( .
til TluiiKton. t.t. inali ..'itlioreaw, wua
! found 'l.-ail thla morning ul a hotel
lln fork
( pon retiring laat night Mra. Thie.
ton wg in lur uauni loaith Apoplex
I II' git III II" Hll I'HIIKI f l ,llh
National I ,ikii
1. M I'.
I'm lu.l. 1 I 1 . ,
Hi miK it 11 ... : - -1
Kil'tit galiic-
I'tii' 1 1 null 1 7 u
HlllaUutg . t i i)
M remit ggilo -
'incinuall 11 $ 1
I'iltanurg 1 (l t
St. tjoula , te S 4
'htiago , . h t a
ApiurliJhU I0iil!',.
Waahlngton 4 ft
Xch York $
trlrai asete
nuaton f 4
I'hltudelphia 1 II I
Second gm
Hoaton 1
f'hMeaeiphut 1 W 1
Mi Louie i i
I ti trot! t t
fteeoll.l gn nil-
ft 1. .1 ! . . : .
! tl "It 11 d' '.
Yorkshirenmn Declares When
He Starts That This Will Bo
Last Attempt and Victory
Crowns Hi Efforts.
(lit lltriilnc llrrnlil A. I', t.raaril Wlrr)
I guidon. Hi'iH tl S in Huraena. a
Yorltahii email. iimI.h auci eaafnlly
awaui tin- Kiiglinh ihaniKi nom Imver
o ('ape (it lane The awluiniei laud
m at Cape (irlincit al half pant ll
1 hln .llornlug exai'U) 'wetin font
lion ik gftei leaving Dovei
Iturgeaa haa been trying tot teura
to etiiulale the real or rrapta.n Webb
o' ItTa and several ttinwa rte got with
in a milt of the goal, onlt m he
awii awg hi the lecemng tide
011 thla ocean Ion. which Huigeea
.1 elureil would he hla laat attempt, he
lariod from South F01 eland ut ir Mi
' lia k alHr(la,t tuoralng A airong
Hue w-aa flowing ami the awim.iiar
iiinl a lough taal, to get ,ieal ('nod
tin nanda font hours after hla de
n.iitiiic the awlnimet wga oMty slv
m ilea on hla way
Thla waa the laai heard of him un
til the new a of hla atrcceaa lu roechlng
Hie Krench ahore raaohed here, and
eotiaulorable atixtel) waa lielng felt
,ia to hla rate. A heavy fog enveloped
the climiiiel laat night and the croas
Hlg ateuuieiM lulled lo Blah 1 I Ile aw lllt
.mt liui ui ih oii i i'-a todiit In aw 1 mm 1 11 a
Hie Knt-hf 11 I'ltuiiiiel 'olloweil ill in- mi
am ( eaalitl nUt'lllpla In If'tfOt lllle the
ha nut t.'..h n .fill . 1 liciwecp the
l'"l I iei .ill.t l-.lill . 1 1 oa-la
B. E. Glide of Foxholm Wins.
Lucky Prize When He Gets
Number One in Big Govern
ment Land Lottery.
(lit lit .-iiliiif Hrrulil 1. I'. I.raanl Wlrr)
Si un. 1 X It . Sept H K (Hick
Koxholm l. ilrett Hotimntead
No I in the llerlhold I ml 10 it reaerta
tion t. libit
rii. name of lh. winner waa an
in. un. eil h) Judge Jamen W. MltC'tt
ioil.it to the thoiiaanda of land neck
era who aaaeinbled from evert .oricr
ol the flitted Stalea, tir.it. d .1 lu Ht
lain 1.1 utlend the drawing
The eiHini drawn bv the ninnei
who haa ft rat choice of the IK
errcn of rrrlllr aoll, la valued at rroin
IIV.OUU to J 1 6,00(1.
Mr MHok, who drew Claim No t.
ia .'S yea re of age and owna l:'D ,0 1. -of
land two m I tea from rSixholio
No. 3 waa drawn by John W.n.l n
oi Ditworth. Minn., and X t bt
Kdttln A. Dtivall of Mlaot . n nr
the rirat 7:i nnini drawn I iter.
Ihi.e ut Voi'tii li.ikot.i t.-l'.ii' ami
t. 11 'I M it.tt' ..(
Diroct Legislation Loague
Takos Up Cudgel in Behalf
of Measure Vetoed By Presi
dent Taft in Statehood Bill
(II)' lit mini; Herald A. I. Iiraaril Wlrr)
Heiit.r Si pl a u .no 11. tin. 111 ii.
the 1 oiialltutloli provldllii: lot Hi. ii
Mill of the Jtldiflar). aa ..telnt ill
Hie itmi,i eoiiatltuiinn l.eloi. 11 " a.
. Iiitiirmled li I'r.aid 111 T.ut. tttn lie
"H.iliHted tn I'olorado toliii. al Ihe
ll. M alH(. ele. Hon. ll tin Ulllpalgn
aim led In Ihe Wre 't l.- alalatlon
l.ugoe la ailiceiaCul The league K
juillii.il t'.ioimtilee hua approved rha
Jii.ln lart 1 nil and 1 . "iniii. nded
unit .tepH I.. 1 .Ken it ..me to initiate
mn It .it. .. 11.' mini, at
Miiiii 1 tin IHitpule Appcur on ICiv of
1IJuat1ne111 liui roii'i'i'tullt c I'id
let l ilophil in I'lunce.
lilt' lltlllllir llrHl.l t. II i.mmMm.t tt'll
Purla. S,.p H -Arlt li ra t e.-eiv r-l
heii loda front It-1 li n in.i..u. than
the Herman imperial . hun. . Mor t on
Helahmann-Holweg. haa inilniitnl hi
g.H'Vpluni'e of Krall. e a propoaala, IT"
eii I eil laat Mouitat In the lit 1 man
foreign mlnlatiir. Hen Von Kl.leil. n
Waeehle' ii Ike Irreach aoitiaaaadot
1, t a m bun. looking' to a ettleinnt
ef the Miiiuiuan dteaate.
The IrVeneh foreign ofTl. . hoaever,
iiiailiiiiliia an .itllttidi oi 1. -.i.t re
gaidliiK tin . .l. .'! th.- ll'Kollrt
1 1 1 1 1-
Young Husband Charged
With Heinous Crime Dc
olares That He Has Impress
ed Court With Story.
Beulah Binford's Mother De
mands That She Be Releas
ed and Judge Says Hc Will
Free Her Tomorrow.
(Ily lltrnlnif llrratil A. I', l.ra.rrt W'lrel
Chmterfield Court llouee, Va.. 8ept
11 "I expt'it to be home ltltdtl) I
feel that my atorr hua nnpreaaiHl tin
Jr and behave the? will Hive me a
atinare deal "
Thla waa the .influent remark
Henrt Clay llealtle. Jr.. Indlelad ror
the munlar of hie wlfn, aa he eat in htn
cell liere todsy. gwaliat lu retroapei t
at the II rtaya of evldmict tiiklni;
which waa brought to a oImn luai
Cnraalnea or nurvoaahiNMi wnrr mil
viaihle in hla loonteminee or muuner.
1114 Itlll.lUSIID TO.MOItltOW
Kichmond. Vu . Sept. fi.-JtidK'
William A Wataon IimIh) cunferreii
with I. o Wetiilerhurtr; and J. M
t.regorv attorneva for the groHectt
Hon. and II. M Smith. Jr.. uml IIIH
'Vrter. routine! for the iiifnnn. In thn
Health- trial
The) met for the UalMl a rK It IIH-11'
in the abaence ut the Jury to timer
mine what lltatrurtloUH ahollld bo
given b) the court tomorrow tu the
Jury a. to the lagul construction or
vurloiia klnila of evlilnnce. The lc
leiinltiHtlnn of fine tuehtiiciilltlea of
law anil lay un of the I will Im.sln for
the argument of vouuael tomorrow
were oxpuvlcd to L'liiiKiitne the ontlrit
tin) 'a 1 oiiforeine,
Mra. J. K. lllnfiiril. mntlutr of Men
lull, aaw .lutlau Watson and iittorneyn
frir the priiFoliitlgn today, aonicrnlna
th. rehatae or liar Yltuifilitor .IuiIrv
Wataon iliK-liireil trwit titilrtaa aome
thing unforeseen developed he would
laaiie'mi order for her relouac tomoi -tow
The Hiuford girl roeelveil the new 4
joyoiialt When aaked If ahi) ltnc
why ahe hud not haau allowed to
leattf) ahe 'xuaaaed that they found
out . nnugh 1 It rough other WHlloarien
I'HUl Ilea I tie. ronflnetl III the SMinn
Jail. aim. expeeta Ilia releaae tomoi
Alaskan Hotel Goes Up in
Flames and Guests Arc
Roasted in Their Beds Sun
day Night,
(Ily Htraliii; llrrnlil A. I'. I.raanl Wlrr)
.Inn. -itu. Vlankn, !ept. fl. -cicveii
peixoiia are know 11 tn he iluatl un a
i.Kult ot tit,- nr.- vtlit.h destroyed the
lun.au hot. I ami the Mvdrallt hullil
UK '.it. Maniliit ntght Other bodlea
ai. i.i ma Mi.uaht in the raliHi. Anton,
the '.a.l at.'
Amnit . i-.iit.. ra. I -oe Anftelaa.
1 1. n 11 if Harrington.
Moth. 1 or the latter llvae tn ln
1. . , iu
I' mill . t. siurt stloii for
Mule of WtiimliiK ul (iicyenm
m-Ioii 10 .iit (mil llimilii v,
(Ily lit retail llrralil A. P. I.raanl Wire)
Che)HMHe. Win. Sepl . - Th'
thlrtv -aet eiiitt niinnai otnmunl. alo
or a. F and a M lor V)omlHK
v.-ned In thla .lit thla morning uie
will remain in aeaalon up to and
cltidlna Tin" ati.it evening, all the
flclala ot the grand lodge and man
prominent Maaona trom Wyoming ami
inlji.tniua i.itea neina In ailgdan.
Thi loarth annual avaatoM of thi aldte
1 h: la .tian in aaeslaH and
utaht -le. 1 -.1 Mra Mary K. llvmia
l.aruuite a rand iHHron
l,l'ITI,i: HOY SMtlOTij
Illy llvrnlna llrralil A. I. l.ratrrt Wlrrt
l.amar. Colo Sept t He
.'Mila' I .'-vein -old Verrili Mllta
niddl. dlaragardad lO-fear-ulil
Willie Hotti'i injunction not in
take unt iiinl,H from Hit . r-
t hard ot the latti-i a grand
mother, in hii n ihi two lau.i
Wee plutlllK. the Hot, lad mu
to ihe houae tttttvrdtft procured
a gun and aut hla i.ia mat. a
through the heart kilting hlin
Inatantlt The hot ilinu pptMH'ed 4
aft. 1 ti llina llal In hml doH
.mil huf not tit hwu round

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