OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque evening herald. [volume] (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1911-1914, September 29, 1911, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070581/1911-09-29/ed-1/seq-3/

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Nulliiiinl l.i'umic
New York ttn
I'lltMiurK at
IMllld.l.Jilllitu 77
HI. I.OHtB 7(1
rtllfrttiillitl (IT
iimniiiri lie
I . I
II .
I'. I
,i.( :
I, 'Ml
.'. iK
t 1
.1 .1.
. I -' 1
Wuh. U.KI IM
I'liliHilelplttH 91 IT i.. I
Hetrott m it ..HI
etcvolutiil 7fi fl'.i .j I
.Now ork TS ;n ..-.is
ClllOhljo 7J 72 Mm
Ikniun 71 ;:t ft,
WliKlliltKtoll Gl S5 .tlx
HI. I.OHlf lit) ..',
WViierii liittui'.
wW t.oHi l'. i
Denver iff :,i n;ii
St. .liHii'fili si uii .; '
I'Heblo si 7 i ,11
Whux Clir SJ ;:. .j, i
litHwhi to 7r. j I i
MiwhH Tt 7K .Hi
Topehu & i :i ;
Dee .Mollis so I ii I
Xlllloilltl I.CULUl.
Ilrooklwi tit St. I...Hlf-.
New York (it CPU-nun
lloMon ut t'liirlmiHtl
l'lllllllli'lllllll ut I'lltHhUlK
Amciluiu l.cnmic,
III' HKn Hi llltlllll.
."I t.milx ut Now York.
I'lrv.dnml Ht I'htliiilelphlii
Uftrolf ut WtiDliitiKtuti.
Iilacxlloii ami Asslinlhilloii.
It I not thn riimntlty f f..nd lute u
tint Hie amount illfiOfttod nml mkhIiiiiI.
iiltit tlmt Klvoa MtrftiiKtli ami Mtnlity
t.i tin, j-Ktm. Clintnln.rlalii'M si, mi
ii win! Mwr TnhlctH linlaoriii. tm
'"iimi'li Mitrl IIvhp nml oiihIiI,. them to
perform tlndr fimciloiirt naturally
I't mi In by oil ilrtiKsfctts.
.Mary," Mid h mother, "mil must
ii"' Kfi in (I anil stir nmiahtv tin mo
Y-u Miouhl alway jrlv Hoft aliN
w i r '
Won hoc little krotiier tr,n..k.l
In r an Hour HftanVorfl, Mliry .-tt-iK hi . I
t.-r lillli. itt ami mild. "Mui.Ii' -Til"
ii' lmnrtl.
Thoro'H imp of the wlna-nt n"t !
i m r mot."
II. line howiu to lie- mlpclii well
Well Informal! Why. that nun .n
tmilu kiiniej. ulHlUSt miii'h i- S.-n-
.it Italtoj ihintrN Jle know - t'ltl.
UK" iMHUItl-llomlll.
A guide post!
It points our way!
The right way to the
best valuesbest quality
best everything in
men's and boys' clothing.
Better clothing can't
be made
Better shirts can't be
Better hats can't be
If they could, thi.
store would have them.
We know that when we
sell you that Pall suit or
your Winter . overcoat
we've made a regular cus
tomer, Not only will you come
back again, when you
need another, but our lit
tie label in your coat will
bring your many friends.
I have on display Eder
heimer Stein & Co.'s Ex
tra Qood Boys' Clothing.
Be guided right!
RtHchbaum Gothcs.
THE Season's Styles re
veal a decided English
influence in men's suits.
Shoulders natural and rounded ; body
lines incurving: the waist rather high ; and
with the lines of the lower limbs long and
slender, narrowing to the feet.
To best appreciate the change in cut,
slip into one of our beautiful new A. D.
Kirschbaum Cr Co. Suits and study the
effects in the mirror.
Kirschbaum materials and color tones are
everywhere rccoRnized as authoritative. They
are All-Wool," and fast dye as proved by
laboratory test. And every Kirschbaum garment
is hand tailored.
The Kirschbaum label (Cherry Tree Brand)
is your guaranty of the highest excellence in
Prices for suits, $15 to $35. Overcoats, $15
to $10.
The Kirschbaum Special Worsted Suits at $22
are the greatest clothing values in America.
We'll be glad to show them.
Golden Rule Dry Goads Go,
( LOTIIIM. .slxriOS
t lin(i(tn. Simt g. .lohtiiu Kwi
luili a IH'U ii tit 1 1 1 1 Ion III' uuiltH to !t
l hi fimliml IIdIiIIiik llilnl itaNi'tiiuii tlio
CIiIciiko Culi i in tnur Iiiik hud ICvcm
wax ii'Ktinleil an n wiiiiilorful hIkhi-
Mtiip whlli- a tiiisiilior of tho iiilniii'
loumii' ami MiuiiltiruHwMloiiul hiiiiik in
Now ml( stulu. Tlu C'lilciifsu Culm
HlHiitil li t in tiiuiuiao of tlmt rt'piiiallon
Ml fi lie cutortMl tliii iniijor Iciimi"
lanliH ho wuh ttmioil Into u hocoiiiI
IIIm iiiiiliiilun thou wan to Imut lloli
llmvi'll mil of tiln jilnco nml liocu.uo
Hiu itiouioHl IIdIiIIiik ami utiickcHt
thluKliiK Inllulilur tho Ntitioiiiti Iomkuo
ivor pdhhomhimI. I'or Hourly ton mmuh
IiIh ublllt wiih iiovnr qiuwtlunoil. Now
ho Is (liiit'iinlin'il to oHtnlillHli tho hiiuio
icconl a i tho far em nor, wluu o llnn v
Htulufulilt Wllh lOCOglllXt'll IIH IIIIIOIIH
tho UohI i ho louKiio ovor hail
Cut II thlH houmoii tivotti uovoi occu
liluil i tit i 1 Iiiiho with niiy roMuUiln lul
fuel, ho liiul iiluyiNl onlt m io kiiiiio
(lioro In ll Ik uiitiro Uiikoluill tuiooi
That hIiikIo IiimHiiu'o wuh wllh Hi1'
Cults In lUDI iiKiiliiNl i ho tiltiiHM Thou
ho illil not lliilnh tiio inuiio Ho iluoil
only 8UWU luiiliiHH. nml wan tukuu out
1) Ki ii ii k Hnluo. Mho wuh thou lomlor
or (ho I tin in ,utul who wan ii r ro lit Kvorti
noulil bo lillloil" hy ilit vlcloiii ilrivim
HiiihIow Mertutt. Iatt McUntin nml
KiiKor llroHimliiin won amuvhltiK
through Ii Ih loriilmy.
ICvi'in wnn wovonil iiuumU llliloi
limn ho In ut prenoiit. Ho who ciwtltml
with two hiojih Hint day that Hourly
Kmu'koil hliu ovur but ho wiim mo niello
Hun hu rooovatiNl nml got both run
norm ut lirwt . '1'lint tunui duy (luurno
lliownc Inlil iluwn n bunt Iflvom crniio
up iiihi, moooiioU thu Hphoic, nml ulniPk
Hit iiiiiiii'i in thu nouli. Uvois niuiln no
utioiuiit to iila ililnt bimo aft or that.
Wtiuii Clinnco unKwl Hu- TrojKU If
ho (inilil 1 1 1 ft Hiiiil Ihiko. Ksoih lil
iiiit il, althmmh he wu iitiMmm to nut
buck In tho kuiiio Hiu louMiui for nut
tt(-iHitliiK Hio ofTor liuiuoiHit'ol.x waa
Iiociiiiho ho foai'uil his tliinuH woulil
mil in- fiiHi nml sluing uiioukIi fioni
ililul to Mint in playing norninl Initio
tho pt'K mo only oiio-Hiliil u long,
utiil little Mi oust Ii Ih nuronfiury.
Chnmo Know whut lOvnra onlil do In
tlnnwIiiK, as ho hao a womloilnl arm
for n man of IiIh hIzo Tho niunuuoi'
coti vlnccd him that ho uoulil cover
tho hiicIv, nml Hhoulil try. 1-Jvoih found
Hint ho could llnow tho bull Jimi uh
ounlly tm ho did whon lio wuh ut wo-
oiul HU i hi own mil not have ho
upui'il. hut Hie rapidity with whloli ho
fioin tho ball u it-ay imxotH thin, lie
Hides, It Ih a HtralKlit umlei'linml tlnou.
and llltlo tlmo Ih IohI.
IIoIuk out or tho sn ino prnctlenllv
foui moiitliH li ii m not iltmmod Uvors'
buttlUK oyo In tho IouhI Ho feunxl ilt
oyoHlKhl would bo affo'lod owIuk H
tho mini V hIcoiiIohh nltthlH ho Hpein
wlillo III Hlnio ho lutH boon lnuk ho
M MftVMtf ft
V nl-t
midh In- (an lolhiw tho bull UK well uh
i voi In Hie uihI name In Cliii liinnll
ho hoalialoil ultout h(iiiiiIIiik up to the
plato. but wluni In- criickod out a ilnoo
base lilt Iila coiilltloui'o iiiliirnod
On Iho Iihmoh Kvoih Ih up to his old
trlt'kH, and ho eeiluliih huu.ih Hio op
IkihIuk iiltrliei kuokkIiik IIIh attitiido
on tlio llni'K mid li Ih m-tlotiH nio poi
liloxltiK. nml in- cuiiHOH tho pitcher to
wunto bull aftor bnll, tlilnldim Hint ho
Ih golnx to btoal m I n like hoiiio i'av
with Hhockani. who follows li tin la tho
buttliiK onli'i
If Imitators Attempt to Sell
Something "Just as Good."
Undor Same Label, They
Gail Be Heavily Fined.
WashliiKion Hint JS. A row iiiuv
w 11 a ntfirt-t un .itln-r nanic a
vruing tu oik wiiiimiii MiKipf.ii .
bill it trndiimik '.' Nt-ur' Wluri fiiii-,
i if liiumu'un bitrd'M mimlly luinoirtHl
niiwry. "vH"J' I" Hami' "'" lliul con.
I'lUMlw- iffmutlitii In a ii'italn n.rinr
ut tli lntrtr diimrtiiif ut. wliM'o the
onttrt haaiMfM uf Uioh mpluyod
ttiti'i Ik to ifi miu, vliiMtfy uiid rvRlvtir
llililli'f !
MlKllly-tttl" th'JIIMIIIli pl'opltl Iihvc
puld ut uOll m.)n in Cticlo 111111 for
tb ocliifia rlKbt to uo u uhiMM-u
illliuti ! i lift rk ni) tin Ir vurloim pn
rtui-tM iiitcrn .y Hu- public. Atul thl
bureuii or K.iwrnmuiH Hit tmdi
murk illvlflon or the United ymtr
patent illut iiinkon It pii!tblt. dullv
tor certain imiiif to bo wurtii million
to tlu-lr ownorH ami olhor u wortb
b'tw thu t v,n Hiu llurd of Avon iiuihI
illliuklc In htn win vc.
'I'll. rutltniil.)ii of triKlH-nmi k
fiut inwumlnx trumKUdoim pri!p..rh..iii
tn pun purullUM m-mc.-ly a mIiirIi
urttclti for Hi-ncml uku ihiwmiIium tliii
ilofg nul War wii 1 1 1 nmia' or mmk t
diattiltltli It from II liuxt or ."tn-
P'tltornn-wurlnK npihiivI. f i
ilrlilkillily. plumliliiK iiteitKllK, fi'ii.
plow Ullll H tlliillHiiUd HUll utlr nli i
1'ifiilut in in hoimf liolil usd.
Pick up lb" ilii artlilcM ut I, ami
ail'l. pi'tvnlt'il ilif iiiiIhIiIi- Into 1 1m i i
ni' t It u a Niife I'tU'-i tinc thi' ni'
i i , vriii in- f , uihI a ni. irk ii'in ii'i
ii 1 I- itt.it linlHlr,HK httl, ix.i,
"I I I l.lt lll.ll k. ll' bIkIi i .-ii ' I'll'
ii.ihiii i'i.'h ir man hi in-.n hIi i. it
I '), iin-Hkiiif! ."Uil miuI nil tif
i ml IlKurofl of i-arth. uh hiiiI
I".'.'' - It.i. Ih.i-Ii iorl. In lii .in
' imI I,, .iiiiiin M ilirni thn I will
'.ll h ili,l l,,il'l tltl tnlMlr'.x Htti'llll'ill
Tlio NiiiiiImt nf Tiinlo MiiiU-..
lie hnlliiu tln ftfid1! tlim tiillli.
i i i' i 'iiMv mm biinilri'd I liou-(t ml
ii' if in r n wtiriU iir tt ron-i-i'"
l ,'i t,n pui wit olltgr. And Mill
I'm i. in in 14 tiiiap iimamtns " Nl
mh, ii i. ni" t.iir t vrf1ow to iirr-iii-iiis
in Ii,,.iiIIiik lhr ilfiatfMlH flrtd
ii, ni,,. 11....-11. Tho bit pitMltili. inm
imii lit...) i una tn ftnvo urrtvmt, hut
lr. it.li' i i.tlK'IK llll'k llKll llllll
a, . i .in, -HM ..iiii r
I' k.i fin ly.iiiif Trn affn, wny.
i.,i, k ,i tTii, (Hut tin- Bmt trndi'-!
in iik i i ,in dim-,, ihi-ti tii
tow 'mi ii.. v . horn niHilf. and mnny
i' ti.. -i iiihi t nulr-mark r. un Inn.
h 1 i ii - it. ii. i-. 'iHte iiMHut Imw tn
m ii I,. i". undor inii'Pil rllaui. mi
li ii "f tin1 'ninttnnor f put-
i nf- l.dw.iid M MiHin-.
on. ,,' in,. nimpltit ih-niiiil'iiin ovor
him ii f ! tio- tfrm trnilf.miirk Ih '
ini.. m. iik i iini'n ' iiKiincri-ltil lg
I'.iini. Tiiii.n timt ' iMmnorcinl ig
' .if i' in i1' mo ni i ImtMtrtunt if
ii IhikIiii'm thai It tuhoH iilimiKl
'in., i iiik with tlii "Kind will" and
!,,.ui.f ufM-irtl Inrno bimliioKH i iimi tnii '
li. v , i t X 1-1' in-.- MI Mlt tholr umill
tll till- iiil'il dnuHtnd hlltlllrcilo i
ili,,'i-.iii,i- ,.r iinlitii ttimtiiy for th"fo
iiti;, 1 1 . . 1 1 1' Hint lirtMtglit thflr pru
lii, im ni r.'ii the piiltlli-
It l ii slmpli; I'roooM,
in ii "in- ilmlrOM in I'l'Ulnli'r u
I r. li -in.i i k In- uliiiiilil hvIiiI tn tin
tunii ui.ii k iIUi-Iimi nu Hpiilli'iitl.iii.
, .,l- i-I.iik of 11 "iHll-IMl-IU, M-IIUlill llllll
di 'a it'i.ii Tho fir f h itMliim-nt
tir K'.'iiIm ili"ii Willi Ii It li ili wlii il
isi tio- tiudonrnrtt, Hit- potltinu i
.( ,i t fm- l Ih rHKttrHtliii. iiiol t o
I I . i . . r 1 1 ... 1 1 i.s an imth ni tn I In- truili
1. 1 t i" I'l' i dlliK sttlunu III With
tli m iif n" :i iii'ii mid Ink drnwnK
of i!n li v i, i- ii di'Klroil to imkUIi i
ami .. mi ,i tiT of JIO. Hut otic t In ii k
, I-, hi. t.i in i'..iiihuiv nil thiM. ami
Mil- wan i in tbi. nioHt Importiitit nf
.it 'I'Iiih i t-lili'i' m iHOfl or outi-r
p. i. k.iK. "cr. or whlnvir l um-il to
i. .Mr on- ttiioilH Hold, IhowliiK tlmt thn
tt ii'ii -murk fur wlitnti M'Kimrutlon m
xiiUK lit I ul ll.'ll l Atl'tllH I MK4 Ill'fOlf
tin ni. pli, .itliiii In imido. TIim
I. nut . ' I in,. It Haft beti immiI li
l inn. iii i ai ii nmy bo inn ynr or
' m ii .i - initio Onx .
Til-1- i- liiiwi-vor. mioilii-r wmv "f
ni,. I'n.k- tin- m-IuiMmi rUlii to H-.I- a
it- ..irk. ..ml Hint Ih In hnIiik H
I' nit- it Iiiih Ih'hu twod on Mur
Kii" .ihi.thir i ttttllll(rt to iiko It Ilk'
In- , an In- pin-" cilti'd mi Ino
hi. .uihI i.r .iiti-mpt at friiml um. r t m
, iniii"n law Tit Ih Ih olio limtiiii'i in
"hull Ho '.miiiiiii law IiiiIiIm, nml In
u hi -h tin- 'l. im of yrloritv Hinndi-
H...iil tlf a-i.iiM.f- It In to bo provoll
in.it f I-, v.iurH thrtiuitlt utdiiiil iihi
Win ii tio-n. l it niTi Miry to kh tn
tli. oxii.-iixi. nml fnnitilp of oblulnliiK
i . k 1 .ii imi fur ii troili'-iiiHi'k'.' Tin-
i i trti'-fnld.' Whon ii tmde-
ni. 'Tk luix bvi-ii duly roftlHttirod It Ik
pi iiihi i.n I. cviil' iioo thHt It Ih your
pri.i rt in tin- ohi of H!U. 1 your
i-u. h oti. tiiriH- tfrntMi'iuiri. hohi of
.'.in i ii. in. r iii iititiiliipd. whori'iiH
it t" .iiii'i' liiHiHiii-i only ilniimttiw
M !., .,,,!., III''. I l tlio ('Ml- Of
u niuiiK III.' milt. too. nil illo. ooploH,
i' , oi Un trnil--ninrk Htniltnr to
,,,irx iM-iiiil ho ilmtroit'd And por
impH .H ie. niipiirtmit or .ill l the fmi
laat In (hi 1-iiho nf a 1'i-rImIoi-i'iI trndo-ni-k
huh -c tt In- tii'iimht In tho fi il
ii. i Mlll'lx allil till- 'llllroilli- t'llix
in nil- ii I'lil.lli r 'il.
Chancellor Samuel Avery, of
tlte University of Nebraska,
Agrees With B. T. Crane as
to Bibulous Tendency of
I.iin-idn. Nob., Sept. St?. l)ocrlni;
tin- niiiiHn of intoMt'iiiith ut iinivorMt.v
NIM iMl fllllOtlllllH, I 'llHIICI'lllir MllllUt'l
Ai.'i-y, ut thn 1-oiiv.nntliiii uf the L'ni
v.ixltj i.r XtirukH toilny. mild ho
iiKi'-od with riH-i'itt nowsiHiptir ur-tii-li-
ii ll T. Crniio f UhlciiKO uh to
iiiti-iniii'i'itiu-i- in i-dueullanitt IiihIIiu
tl.nii -
"It l true,' (Mild I'liiniei'llnr Avry,
"Hint utmlont life Ih i.voi-j'Hrlmio chnr-aeti-rlaod
by aonio nndtjHlruliIti ffH
tup'", mid ulwnyH will b. Hlnc nihi
cation ciiunot well bit dfrrod until
th. uttnlon t hH .ii ennlH hh tuld uh IiIh
laHrvnlH. Tho uroHt liiHtlttitloilH of th.
ojl wlilch Mr. Crane w tlerooly ut-
tucked urn fm nil perl nf In point nf
lnoritlH to mum IneMuitUiiiH on the
other alitc of tile Atllllltlc llllll I be
lieve that oven h hiMtllo critic would
In- nhllMed to concede ttlMt Xebl'HHk.i
ami 'itlioi'K hi.-li 1 inl?hl iiimiiinti
would bold h rolatlVHly IllKll pine.- lit
th.- mural Hunle.
"Tho f-iipHirtliiK Htmlttiit Ih Hi"
Milvhttott nf our wiini'ii liimltutiiinx
lmlh .-ducutloniilly ii nil moi-Hlly; mnt
thoHo tiUHpenkuUli- coiiilltliiHH which
Mr ('rune tlnHorlheH uh .ltlnii In
Hiinti' iiilltutlim. tivordruwn thnuali
I think they mc, rc lar;cly duo to
the preHoliCf nf tho Itlltt rloh, wliune
influi'iieo everywhere ht ilHHtructlve to
r.h.ilnrhl. to mmihood mid to wo
liiHiihoml " H
Ah tiHually trontvd, it nprnlnod an
klv will dlMiblo a man for threo or
four woekH, but by itpplylnR Chain
berlaln'M Mnlment freely uh noon nu
tho Injury Ih received, mid olmonlnit
tlio diri'ctlona with om-li bottle, a
euro onn bo effcetfd In from two to
four iliijH. For Halo hy nil drtiBltlsts,
( 'munch I I HI Allit-I D.rkiiA
You can host aiiprcoiatc what the makers of
these olothos have aooomplished, uspcoiully in the im
portant points of oollnr and shoulder litting, by slip
ping on a obat.
We have a great range of handsome now fabric
from whioli to select.
. -frVw-..
. '"'. V
y -.x,i , ... ..ft-w-
"Wz, o
The niiri i-H ot I In 1 1 1 ( - Himw
at tho Now Alixlii. Hlnl. tail' llo
tltreuteliH to i xceoil ll xpoelflttnliM
of .Inliii Itueb, Hiiporluti ndoilt of tllla
Imiuirtuut i!mhii tineiit. Mr. Itueb hi
tniln HcrlnUHly eiiliHlilorlliK boaftniitllff
the work of bulldliiat nil unuex tu the
iMiulti'v dlHplny hull. lintftMi hove
conic in no rapidly during the laat
fow daH that the Imllcall.iii are that
Hpnco will be at a premium before the
cIohIiik du, which Ih iiooii ou Moll
dus of lair week. Mr Ituih Ih de-
tormlnoil In have room l.ir ul Onlii
el'H, ImUi'ver. and ir tn i . xnr he will
cutinc l" Inilil n "poiiiti hIkiu an
il. 'V;' Will l Mill Mill,, III l all! p.iiil-
tr i.iiiUiiiiK ICntri.M m- I" Iiik inude
Xow Yura, Stpi. t -C nniiio Muck
Ih nut a uimiHMui who ioi ahoaa by
HlMhdiim atltl. CoruelliiH. oor Hliica
the (limit hvo nbown climuploiiahlii
form. Iiaa pick oil ibo Colo (.i-oundttra
as Hm twini which will win th Na
tional leiujtiiu pwiinani Mark hoiHta
Now Voik will win thn flait. for than
hla work wtll nut have been for
naught Itluht uwu uu it.-ooiun aua
plclmiH and aak youinolt Hu mteHtioii,
"Wliai work?" Whuieii.wn you urn in
formant tun l Mr. Mm k rm anvaral day
hua boon hji.vIiir on tho (tlaiita. Mack
U Hiu neiioral. Otliura are the pton
It Ih Hlmplv oiio uf Mark man way a
o nimlneeiliiit a buaobull pampalKii
Km mil ei ul dayH i Iihho .-clalTv Hp
pointed aploa, Ii Ih h'ihiiIoiI, liavo mw
lialllnii thti (Main i- Alao. Hmv will
m'ciiiiipuii) thu Now York I emu for the
Mint of thtt autumn. I'rolwbl.i faiia lll
t:n;i'li iIiiii cIhhi vSiIUm iii .''cuao,
inaylii' ClnrliinutluiiH will a&oluittite
itinioiaallon with thuui and an un imtll
thu HiiintH rotuin homo mid Hw in
ii.iiiu'iH huvo nimla ihan.aiv'H ac
ipia.iu.il with Hit Hie (liaiita' waiiK
How dooa It liouiillt iha AtlaloM'.'
Mm bo miii da nut uotlavo the .' lnor
..ii.iiiK nnvo m mmeriai enat'i in a.
wn.lii Horlea, but Mftrk iloav Hv
w..i: polui in tho (.limn tawt Mack
oa i:e "in in hnvo bofiiro hint 1lr tho
hi i b- ii.iuiih, ami In that way hv' will
bo p't'pmPil to iio mii aiiuok that will
il.o k il'e fun i wmk of tho HIi.niH on
the ni oh or courao. If Hie (Man-a Umo
mii mi mo Niiilmial. Much woi ' will
luve iivii im mil hliu; Kui Mh' k s
wllhnK " lake Hu- chiince r Hi- nice
In won by Now Vmt Cm ncllm- thinks
l ubn
III. Ill llllll. UH pIlllltK III the HOUthUI'Ht J
mul Hi. I.- Ih i .' rt-HHiill to believe
tlmt in iumiim Hint iUullt the i lie- j
I'lnv uf I.IiiIh will bo the fllnul in the
liixtii of Now Mexico land. Tho
mnii.i hundiHiiiie Hln or ouiih ami ir- '
phin liuiiat up for prim- iIIhpIh.ih me
priivlng Httrnctlve to ureederH.
All thoHo who have not ei enteled
their bird and whrt intend t. do ho
are leniieHlod b MuiieHntendellt KiieliiV
UZ ?' 'm'"' mmr "'.'"n" Account Democratic State
und rail Information win bo lnilh i
iitriitahed Im the .-upabio ami en. r- COUVCIUIOU
aollc Hiiporlnteiideiil, win. will iilw
cm., fur iilrilH unit nee thai tin v a.
Haf.'li relumed In tllelr m ihuihIiiiw
I'.-lnl If uwiiorn or ibrolnki in , .mil it
a. i'..iiiiiiii th- in
lin will la- jiihi that fa i ahead of
SVIihi iu ilittaif nplaa do ' l'be do mil
hIi in th Htanda and eiiilniHo over Hie
uiai. Tlu-i are luteraatiMt In I In khu.o
from a Hlratai- aland iKilui If Meikle
eoniiNi to the lm. and awing woakh .11
h low ball and iihmih n htah one
Hijumeh ihei Jot it itowii Tin next
tittle he colli- 10 iHlt lhe w'Ht. b -no
If hi' "llltOH HCHlfl CHI lOW OllCh U lie
do if h icooit point and Mm k wantH
to know about It. It nut) be a Rood
)Nlnt for HcHMlar, HlaMk 01 Cootnba
Thla Ih only mm Inatatie.
They atiwly ever iiIm.U'i'h Mtroiot
and woak uelnta and watch Hu
clianaea ui MrOtaw a attack Maine (
itliit Ktiitlun Ih glvoii tu piiehei
Thev learn tua what klad of LhIIh tba
boxnion uaf I8very little detail l jot-'
ted diwu. and thla, 100, la lopoiH'd to
A lack
ir Hih UlantH win mil, Mack will f vi
that ht' Ih wall adaitf'lMHtl to tacklo
tlieiii. kiiowiua, aa oj will, ihair weak
linne Hiealiug pramlitwa to M an un
nortant faotor iu tho ep te.i woiM'h
aarltM iMiwewt th (Httitta and tho Atfc.
kttloa Mack, in a lanaure. faara An'
Uhmta baau Httutkini. In thin raatHMt
Hi (liantH art- woll fort 1 11 wi
In Philadaluhla tin faiw iiolieve that
Mack will have to .to a lot ot mil,
euaohtiui with hU patcbetH and cat4i-!
tiH to hold th IH1I0 UrouiideiH un tJji
aackia Itaaotiall wrlttr lu tha Qutkar
ni hh 1 that Mack luta not a pilotiei
alio la mi adopt In holding a runnel
011 lti' Iiiiho Tin 1 .lid. hoMovei In 1
laai ohih woilil m.i ie I he a I mi mii '
thai Mack nan not Hio let Hiiow-I
It ,ati In ii 1U l In- All"'1 1'. f' JBaM'ifN
mul lor Hint rflftMMt K ill ltd" to
i. nib IiIh .liiNeri m into-1 ki ilnj(Hber
ttjum h nienab
That m the nvNlom tin- MhtHoi
i mod uaalnnl Hio Culm laa' vein mid u
(i)5, when Hh. piai d tho Olu i"- p
thn world's title. Ihh' rear It vn l
Malnat the Cuba, but I proved h in
ore HHMlHHt tM Oftinia AM tHa' h
one ri H-.m li Hark ttratwllt be i.n i
iM'iici Ki-i Millie tilt togMlKir an. I
Httiei i'ii Infurmatloit in taaa 'i
Hnlliiu win
m i..ik pt .'9-jHitieill.II.il-ti"i.in
.t nr. mini iitlMolted to Rmtni'
j ninprtiM No .'ii i.f thlH pity. Is tho In
J M inor ..! .imil but jtfroitl'
I m.a. iMnk Hial ha bet llv -t
u. "i-ifiii tei nmM trylHt ooahllii..iii
Th. ..piiHnnuit rmiHttA of bran, ii
i.ipe nsed to the ontttwrv flro ti. .
nntwie. to whtch are atta iid tin.,
l!.Vlhlr tilbon oiiipwi their olid
with rubber ma. ttoi.-ii. To the
.irmich pipe lM uttiielHxJ M lemith i.f
heavih wired aurdin hnae, th fur
ther .nd of which In allowed to trt.ll
behind on the Htreet un ih.- ttrtnni ii
nier a burnlait tmlMMHI. Aa tio
Hlroam nf water ruateea thmuffh tito
he. It minim In a current of air
titruuah the garAan hae. which " -i
la the atnall itfta to the none ule. ox
and I there Iterated ay . "anH"
eatom." Tho Inveiillon wuh tried ..ot In ..
, i.i'i bin i-ellm- tiro verv rei pnil nn.i
wi.rk.'.l Iik. a hHrtn llnlli.run, li,
lilIX lull' lll. it th. IllVl llll in x llllprm
inn ii
Mark Twain
One day Mark Twain was
asked, "Of all your books
which do you consider
the best?"
He promptly replied,
We invite you to be
come one of our deposit
ors and will give the same
careful attention to your
account, whether large or
Bank of Commerce
. . -a- - -
Cnpltnl mul
HurpiiiH 9 aao.ooo.oo
DepoMia mcr .... l,0l),U()O.t)0
I Special Rates
to Santa Fe
J. tT t 1 C O I T "
2. J)! J KOUnCi I HD
; Tickets on sale Sep- f
tember 30, October 1 ?
and 2.
Lhiiil Ocl. 9 1
for i.'MkiK i'nuk,r and lutr li
oaly hi M4ilt1d wllh Hioa Htm
pure. nutritiottH wad wnoUimw'
road nf thin ,-haraetvr ald by u an
be leltaMl upon aa atlNff Itwataj 1 r m
pure, fruah lagredleiHc tmd prop 1 ,
oook.-il and buked. . inaka u (.
iHlly nt Koud thtniN tor i haul luueu
S!0I K011H1 llrut Street.

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