OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque evening herald. [volume] (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1911-1914, October 26, 1911, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070581/1911-10-26/ed-1/seq-5/

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i rrm i j r
Made from pure, grape cream of tartar
Makes home baking easy. Nothing
can equal it for making, quickly and
perfectly, delicate hot biscuit, hot
breads, muffins, cake and pastry.
Protects the food from alum.
Cut off and Lines Connecting1
With Const Lines nl Belen.
Placed in First Glass Condi
tion for Fast Trains.
lri'lnt f 'nrrtnmtnurnce to itr Herald)
v M . in t. - After sev-
i . in i th nf hard work, ilnrlne
ii iln. .i larae farce of mn has
m t inint rda thv Mania "V out of.
).- ii ik ii" .iixHit ready tar paaaeli- ,
i' n n nit Knmo limp ago iiii.ri'l
I ln.'pv.'ll tit UHMl lill.fl.ll t put
'. Ha A .,n tiiv fMil-nlT Mini mit llll'ii
' i -l in tin hetil of contlll Ion inr iM
- ii." I ten We. Nln! .! i ri'ult Hi,.
it ins wt-re r itl III. i .mot Xini
r,i. h " in inurii n. it. r (Imp IUhii
' . i. i iwn, hihI m read for at- '
- HIM M iratnY. j
i" t , a intewr raport thnt ,
. . ., hi. firm oi Vivrmr th fan-'
i I "ill put op iMtnt- p.miM iiii i
ii ii w-r th,. tin arf, and run them
i)ii.mikii to ib ua. man thi
... . followed ..lit,, tti trntltc or
ll of ill. HitHtll tc Will he
, 1 1 u nit i ' .i in the r inn'
Ml i full in'., continue, the'
i. fiu.iiuay in licit w It bvcoiHtng
iii.m. .mil moil i- ,vt tUe Mm-
th.'le n
. HFl uti.il
i.irie.i lo .
nimMr o fainl
i.. nn4 howwa, i
'ii friMn oa t
' r. . i ..iin wIki n.i thejy .-n
' llll. I I
J'i.i.. .iiiIiiioii ii.-iiik iiUeviatixl to
-1 f nient, un ih re Hr.. a twaMMr j
. Iii.uki'h ,,oh in iimrip of eietittoli,
NNIih l. .hell votMplrleil will W rented j
Ii, ikIiI, m, in to ihek. thare ure n nmn .
'. t n. n lions Mhlh are pBlilR I
ii t.,i i he ne of the uii tie W8 are j
i. ulilmg Uiein. Some of Ihelll Will '
' r ii ( rn hau.ee. ami will br n
i i. ilii I.. Die town. I
III ii.'nnn Ihiiuh-h, loelher ivtlh 111
. i....n of tile lii H Ii., pliiqt U tUe
Ihu'i-iio i N inujwin the city ft
. rN .ro tMiu Hlr Juxt lit the prewnttj
i .ii.
. th. iiilrt NAiiiilii upproiii-heii,
...imIiiiuc in nlMioni , ir ll.ie In taking
,ii mlilitl nrilvttj. The t'nllnmil lnm-iio-nu
in hi. Millly on tne no reae, na to
.l-o . Nirv line or men .mill.' huallltwu.
Ti, in w toro or Hot del ami riilim In
lo.iv tniittuiitlly oniii'lt1 a tut remljr
,ir oieiiininey Thia atnre l a very
I ,ii . .intl mill (-iiimtiterittiiy to
,. iiiHiintim n of the town Thia l
ii , sih, nil iii rt iirv aoo'lt itnd tlt pnrt-
In lit or.' Nllnh tlllt. I", .(.It'll III He.
The liiBliMt jioiut of wontnn'n !inp
ilnexH ii rttirliLtl only tliroui;h innUt
uliootl, in the clnspliiK of iter irlillil
within Iter nrin. Yet .lte nifitlier-to.
he is ofti-u d'lufiij o." iHtttirf'H oitlcal
mill slirlnkH from the rmfkritii: iuci
itottt to tlx consummation, lint (or
ttature'ft 111m. ami tliHtomfortH nature
iirovltlcs reiunlieH, and in .Mothcr'n
l'ricm. i to lie fottmt n medicine of
Krcnt vnl tie to evet y cxtctnnt tunthcr.
It in nn oily ctntilxion for cxtemnl
npplirntJon, composed of Ingredients
which act with Ix'iicficin! nnd wxitli
inj; vffect on those portions of the
pystem Involve. It Is intended tn
prepare the Hystcm for the crisis, nnd
tints relieve, in great part, tliemiflcr
ingtliroiittli which thcinolhcrttHtutlly
passes. The regular use of Mother's
j'ricntl will repay nny mother In the
comfort it nffordn lufore, and the hcliw
fill rcstorntion to health nnd strength
it hrings about lifter Imhy couiea.
Hotlier s rrlcml
is for sale nt
drug stores .
Write for our
free ImioU for
t xiicct.int moth-
era which cotitnlim nnicli valuable
information, nud ninny miggeHtionu
tif it helpful nature,
1 1 m mi a
li ii iliulnu th" pant fmir month.
Alilili k.iUa well Mr llii- prosperity
..r Hi.. ioiiMir In ihiH afcllnn of tin'
t:i . Hi null, will.-v
init ha ihm'ii iiimithi in tin. district
"Utit Ht HaenrTo lo ijiil.t the title tit
Inrae Bet Hon of l(. llelaii KTHIIt
'.mil to tile Hunt ll of I!en, Mild lylMR
ii the enei kIiI.. of the lllw (Irwide
rin:r I'or emit, time there llfl. keen
".me dirm-uin in Ho. title tn till land,
und th j.i n i iiili In hrouflit l"
imlirHloii nil tni'cr out. About nim
iniiHtred ami flii ixtMM. nrv unmetl
i defendant), in hi. hill of complaint.
The l4ir A 01 noctety nf the Metll
(.Hst cftnreh mn nt the home ut Mr.
Undur an Wednesday ufterneon.
thr. helnt a -. i noirtl attendance.
Th imllati i,r wofklfiR tiunl In prcri.
Hratlciu far ttirtr iinmntl hHMiir willed
will ! trtvon !' thorn. In conned Ion
M'Mli All o.vntpr Hiippitr, nn thi' even
ing of Depemlier evntli.
The iipproll f UII(iwin Ik pre.
Blln om Intcreat In llHlrn, (intl the
iHilitni . ' the taithernn chureh havo
.iiiiiii.il .hi .ipalur snppl'1- nnd unci
wlili- hi tlu (Itnlitff mom or the Hotol
Unlen on Unit evening. A very Rnml
lT" ll inn I i oo.l Km., hi all
tll'lplltl ll
sixteen Tour law
causes a giant
Hundred nnd Five Cars, Four
Engines nnd Caboose, Come
Into Gallup in One String;
Fire in Weaver Mine.
(Spciliil ( 'oniiniiieii( to HrrnM.)
tlnllup, N M on. :fi. The oltliohn
nf Rallup m re truateil with n novel
Nllillt lllie tint lam week, when a train
oi ton ran.. rm enslneh anil four
enUiotoii came in from itio oant The
hi train which hail iKien mac up
ol' throe, ttos the lemilt or lielng tlcl
illicit account or tho ir. hour law
Tin? now more iiullillng which In lie
hm arccliil next ilaor to the McKln
loy eniinl) iianU. will ho occupied lu
ll. 14. Yotti n a jewelry lore-
J A HrtHkft, Kepiililleau nomlneo
for HOlinol miiMttlnienilrnt or MoKlnlfy
coiuily, Heni Hfveral ilays lam wcpU
In AllnwiiniKini' on IiiinIiichh.
Win. Dtntaii iinlveil In (inllup. Mon
day. lnini Minelcs, lo visit with
hi patent
Tfif" viilmiiei i fite laililles were call
ed out M ninla n- a'lertioon nllout four
u'cloeli. to cxtliiKiilwti n blnxit In an
out house of the fnletlonlnn store. The
i!amaK0 wa Miiiall n tho fire lunl only
Kturted when the alarm was turned in.
Another cmp of iion-oliservanco of
l?!t-p I'rpvenilon ila
A larKO force of men linvo lieen very
IniHy the iirki week IIkIiIIiiu fire In
Hio Wonver mine TltU mine has hpeu
on fire for n Ioiik Mine and htoKo out
once iKifoti cauiiiiiK the death of two
men who were t auht hy the riih.
Do You
Want Stable
upon 1 1., In 11 lime or Midi innler
lal well iMlnif, ImiIIi collect It ely
tvt 11 nation anil Inditlditnlly an
cllircnt, lo (Jam, caelum HI on 11
account, that ho proreM Hie
ipiullllfH or pritilriMt.. neir lunii-
Ictlue nml n' lf roinilnt. In our
Roiernment, up need iiIkivp (ill
iloro lloow-iell,
Qlmid rtn.nntiA 111 lU'n intfllllftll
tooltiaclip or pain or hum or ocald In
nvo nuuiitea; nnnrneneiia, ono nour;
muiiclnnelie. tun hours: nmn throat
Iwelvo hoiiM.nr. Thomn' Kleetiie
Oil, monarch ovpr ntdn.
A TrnalP l'roVHtoi.
"I ace you play Hemic!." remarked
hr nn- Ire
I do " ndmltid Voriek llnmm,
"lta n Irnttedy, but'l If"
"'.Nearly alwHyf.'
In the Koort old iIr.vh or the Deinorrullr pliiinlt-1 liuml jitlil
'' ' iiilnilnltilrullnn, when the mime old Hani; nl l)rtujjriittc
e r.ow in the pnrty middle rati Newiiem..,, with a fnWjhaiirt
in itil or a Kimil itmil. '
In leiai than ruur yenrn the lrtiii.riiti HiluilnlKtratloft ha ' . deficit
' i IIJ7.0DB nml ait empty trend u r. N'n inotiey for roitli
Hut under llepulilleiiu rnKliue tnrteMil ol n ileiirlt t)i9n 11 mi Krp
t miiir l, I9ti, more thnn jaoo.nao in the rtanur und no Ueflolt,
mi, I i vr deiHirtment of the aovernmiuit runnlnii within Ita In, nine. And
in miillttou over $ 1ST, una whs ettpendcil on pond road In Now Mexico
for iinlliliiiR them ko that they would taut for entH to come.
Winn von wanted to ro anywhere In the aooii old ilnyn of the taut
Denioi'iiuii ntlmltilMtrtitloii In New Mexico, you Innk tho neutnt irall"
mid lollowtnl It iik fur an you could. Then Mtrirlnu by ton UeAreiit
iiioun loin or jiuiid hill jou cnntlmted your Journey over lillin and nr
rnyo until fltfally you got where yon wanted to nn If you were in limit.
It im tlmn all mar New Mexico, as It In today on tile ureal cattle
riinehe f the forelitn eattle iKirnnu, manaKitl tiy V O, McDonald.
Omul r id, you know, in inn that cooner t later the linmentwnier will
entiie aiotiir. ilmt iMioner or later he will lake up tjie land, that nooner
or lain he will, be haulfnB prodttee to market, that 5nrr or later
the loiiiehorn nnd the wiltle tmron will have t(i rnovei Jliat '.ounrr or
later th, . ..untry will he Hcitlttl up w ith happy home, rich o rc new
The rtmnoaratle )mea and the foreian wttle haron know ih.it they
are n.t mnklin: nny pminltimt on i;ood road
Urn nmler the ltepnhlieiiii realme in thu intltory, alnce the )enm
eititti ht Heeu out if pWer, there have lieen eunatruqlftl ulmilt 10"
inline of amid rriadi rtiailo timt will he nndurliitt jiioiiUmcnta to the lle
nulJllcan piirty in New Mexico, mid that ulll be thn paihwm for thu
wilier and homttHeinler Into the land.
f'own in the nemocratli county of tlntnt the flrnt v.-NorK w.m Htnrlcd,
for the louUn were linlll where ueotlid and polltlen did not llmirc In their
hiilttntiR The i-ihuI fioni Hllvor t:ity to .Miittnllon speakn for Itneir It l
font lentitnnniMl to the Itepuhllaan party In New Mejleo. Auk the
fnilnhtier, the miner, the mall sarrler, the travelerwhoever he may he.
Alfk thn eltlna of Silver nty nnd of Mottnllnn nnd lli.'i mining earnpn
away hack from the rallroadn.
fli-ailrn were em down, dralnane njKtrinn Imttalletl and culvefls
idaeed where the moutitnln torrcnte nee rut tint Hull with nrroyon and
Nllti ti inlteii if.ro.iti ncroiw the pin ln--from Itoiwell to t'artlznro
a piece of wmk that hn meant thoumimln of ilollara to both or thane
tnwna, win Inkuti up nnd ompleted under the supervliilon or the trrrt
tmlhl enKlimer nml the toad eommlnHlnn, t-ompoicil of the nuw mor, the
leirltoilal enalneet nnd ihe eommliHloncr or puhllo landir,
Ohce there wan n haphaznn) trull out of Uenllnir-1 Jind elx or lu-vcn
miles to the moth li inn noroaf iiltitoal liut4iKihiit sariVla, Today, tin
ler (ll ItepiihlU'.iii Rood umiU prol.iaaiulii them In a apeedwny where
the old Hall lined to run. when it was not burled under the ahlltlnt; wiml.1
an it often wan u lew ear baak.
Auk the man) fanners dtiim there netveotnera, most of them, by
the waj ahat the think of nuod r"adn' Aek lli.i huan,VH men or
Df-mnx who ln,w aatned ihureln '
ll uwd to take nnywhere frniu thr la to n week for a irnxcler Hi
reach Alnuuueniue from Santa Ke aeeerdlnjf to the condition of the
road Automobile,, now make the trip In u few hourn, Vli 1
lleeauae, under the pienent n-Klme. the ritual piece or road euttl
ueerlng work In the nouihwcat was dtme on that utrHtch or iU mile,
eiilliiiK the araile. Hhorlnnlim the nilleuKc and muklni; one of the fluent
Pli"i.n of thnroiiRhfare In New Mexico
Th work ei.M hut ft,ona. It him been reported that It cfnt aeverut
lino that, lhaf the I'nlted Jiliitei! Kovirnment hullt the Sroml; that It
rmlreil yearn to finally complete It, etc.. etc.
The rood was built In lenn thuli year; it wum built ho cheaply that
xpert who Imve examined ll could not at rirnt heneve that It had
biHMi dime for uch a nmall mini. It was built under the Itepublican
party and under a road comtulwilon conxlntlni; or ii Itcpubllcnn Kiivernor
and Htpiilillenn territorial offlclnln. It 'uh hullt t,y tin cnBlneer who knew
how to hultd a roud.
II went over l.a Ilujudii hill- a name that tilli Hn own story.
The srurte wan cut trom the iJuiitlt rmiK one of 36 pereent to 7 K per
cut Autoiuotillen ko up Ui Itujiid" hill on lulrrniollute npeed now
where Shey could not rt up at nil before without imnlntuuce.
Thlrtfive inllen cant of Carlo bail there lined to be u atielth of
mind that wnn Impunmible. Today frelubtcrn pi twenty nillen out of their
wuy lo i-roiia thoec kiiihIh becnune the terrltutlal iihkIh commlnxlnn built u
road over thOM- nutidn that Ik the pride of that Ncctlon of New Mexico,
The riMd opeun up the trail to the eantvrn pIuIiih country for TO milt
Travel ovei It Incnuneit loo per cent in two monthH.
The Iji VeRiin-Mnrii load bun Junt been rompU'tcd. Ak thn people
alotisi that route what It mean Hi them. It in II mile hunt und cont
II ..'tan. It In u monument of economy, honenty and einclency.
fuireh the rueordn or the hint Deiuoerutlc admlnintrnllnn, when the
Dim. ..rail.- ho, looted New Mexico, look for nny report In Thorn
ton n nlatiHiieutn to WakhliiMlon ulmilt Itnod runiN. you won't find any.
II. 'lini ukiiiiil Ihtt li.nlth nml welfare or the Indians ami the climate f New
Mixi.-o. neither or wbl-h the Dcmoemtlc iwrti Iiiih Improved to hid
nollinhl exleiit.
Aak Dona Ana county about ller
pleaatHp with that route that nhe In
PtlnR the moniv in more roadn rlke
Then there In tile neenlc hlchway,
Irenmed of In New Mexico. The herilint work -ti. on , ., . u
(v.. .....lit
IV ncrona the rouithmt kind of tnouuta nn in ioionl. i, ,.ni
Xtmil Irtuil one Hue of the new stale
he model for the entire went.
Her In Quay county, troni r-iovln
lupioorilo to ( Iniiilctori. Demins
iind a doncn other routei., declared ty
will ie built nn flint nn the work eun
i-t iii.h i.i..(ini..i i.uu ami I'll i. fiiKCi: NON-l'iiMTlCALLY.
Till: I.AU UAH HNAiTI'D IN t!n HV A l.i:ni8I,ATfItl. DnNOI.'NC
Mil ViTi:it, Dtl Vtil" WANT
ItoADll THAT AIIH noilp AND ItHll.T KfONOMICAI.t.Y nil DO Ylf
Till Itl'l flll.irVS HAJITV STANDS I IN ITS UHrnltH
Ida St. Leon nnd Star Cast
Play To Standing Room
Only in Elks; a Show That
Everybody Should See.
Polly of the rtrcUH." prenenleit In
Hie Klkn lam nlKht. has come and
Rime. And Ida St. Leon, beyond it
doubt the mom natural and utiaiiMim
Ins1, ami one nf thn oleverent and
mnnt (uvomplUhed urtreien that ever
appeared on 11 local Murc. ban nun"
too. ror tike ihe real clreun. "Polly
ban to keep ROlpir on, nn nuittor what
A capacity limine greeted "Polly nf
the Clreun." The Htandlnir room nlnn
went up early. The play was K'"d all
the way. When the ourtulii dropped
In the last act rr the lust time it!i
iv cleverly constructed mechanical
equipment pulllnic a load nf circus
paraphernalia up 11 nleep hill to tho
railroad nlatlnn, with Polly und the
"parnon" on tho decried nhow lot, de.
clarlnn their tputual love, the audi
ence remained sealed, nomclhlniir Miry
unnntial In n theater, vhcre the end
of the play Is usually nutKUcnc, by
everybody. Hut thn audience that
raw "Polly" !ast,tiBht did not eein lo
have cUoukIi of the clever drama.
Thn only disappointment was t:iat tho
pli.y was over Heldom it Is that a
play, no matter how Rood, pleanes
u thousand people. Hut It I sato to
e Thorn-
"h never
roftil nut nf Lan frueen. un.. i
talklnn of bnudlns for 13.10.000 ami
that one.
the areateM road bulldlns ,.ve
lo the other, ii road thai will be
lo I'ortaloM fwnrk ,.rtn i Li,,ri,
nouth road. Santa K S.lll Jlllin ronH.
competent mirvov t 1 ho iniun.i.'
be efllclenlly done
(J' KID IUIADH- Dm vhll umvt
say thai no one that iv "Polly" was
illnnppoinled. And it i- eipmlly wife
to jaiy that If the pi wero produced
nKnln lonlaht, more im.iii .luilf of the
people Hint mnde op Hie audience hint
nlKht would be lu Hi. theater to wit
lie the aeeond pen ""nance.
It was a clreun. a dnima full of
pathos, uud it antisfyins IiIkIi elna play
all lu orie. The hi. j.(.m family fur
nlnhrd the elruiie, a-nliaed' ,y an ex
cellent iiKKrcKation ierformern
The entire play of ursn centered
"bout Ma Ht. l.e-m "Polly" and
Joreph llarrln, th.- ounij "parson."
Ida Ht. Ijiu Is cei HiiiiK that J. Ham
Huston nald nhe wan ami more luo.
Prominent an i main theme
throUKhout the pi.iv were the nix.
lounth and part or Hie seventeenth
versea of the pmt chapter e.f Huth.
Itend ))i many peotil- lu tho auillsnee.
the full ftiitnlllcumt- of th-su verses wan
never brought home perhaps, untlf
thny cnt rend, and recited, by the
parson and b-ter i th.- qlrcu rider,
In two of th,. act ,.r the pUy hint
"l-'ntrenl no. nM tn liavn time ne In
return from following utter iltoe. Pot
wniiner limit r'cm. i win go uud
. where .thou loditcM, 1 w ill lodae. Thy
people shall be my peoplo and thy
I nod my Ood. winr. inou jilest win
II ill- and there will I t burlod."
' Theso lines, taken from the, biblical
ttori of 1 1 in It ana V.ioml. lidded In
the production b rff sacredness
mat was a nig reutur.- in ino anccess
fill presentation of in. tln'nl yevelop
, .Vltogethcr "Polly of tho Clrctis" wart
a pleasing, mtwyinu i'ay. It was a.
t circus, ti ploy, n dr.ima. a sermon nnd
a lesion. It is nil that Its critics
claim for It.
"Polly of the fin u ' and Ida Bt,
Leon can draw a -rowjjyil housn In
Albuquerque uny eM time, even f
we hnve in lioi-t u the nrleo nf n.
nnd efnlly reared, woin' it i-in find Ht
nil the icneons of theli lte as meld
ens, wives nnd mothem thai the one
simple, wholi'somo laxative remedy,
which ncls Rcntly and ploowinily nnd
nnlutnlly nnd whieh may be taken nt
nny lime, when thu system needs n
Irtiiillvo, with perfect safety and real
ly beneficial offeats, I Syrup of Pigs
and 131 1 Ir of Scnnu.
It has that trtio delicacy of flavor
which Is tin refreshing to thn taste,
tliut warming and nrntciul toning lo
the stomach which responds so favor
ably lo Its action uud the laxntlvp of
fect which in so beneficial to the sys
tem when, ocenslonall. its gentlo
cleansing In required
The genuine, ntn-ays bearing tho
name of the ('allfotnla Pig Hyrup Co
may be purchased fimn all leading
druggists lu orleln.it packuites of onn
tire only, price fifty 1 , nts per bottle
Early Morning: Riser May
Observe Body of Exception
al Brilliancy Wooing the
the Morning; Star.
Iltooks comet a makluK his appear.
nnce in the enstern skv those morn
ing and his proximity to Venus would
Mingest u heavenlv fllitutlon. In fact
Venus seems to be hlhl Impres.
slnnablo and to welcome the atten
tions of the newcomer with a show of
nlinoM dntitllm: btllllauci. Prof, llei
bert A Howe of the Chamberlain oh-
M-n-ntory has xlven directions as lo
wJiern nnd when the cornel mnv best
bo seen. His directions follow.
"Comet lltookn is at the helahth of
Its gloty: Its head Is of the second
muKtilttide. that Is, It Is nearly ns
briirltt us ihe brlKhtest of the fixed
stars. It disappeared irom the evening
sky a week nno, the latest ovenltiR
measure or Its position, being made
nt the Cliambsrlalu observatory on
Monday. Oct. Hi. It Is now cousplcloiia
In the monilnff sky. On Monday mom
Ing Oct. Td, It was n fine object, n lit
tle north of cast, low- down in the
sky, with h. fine tall stretching ii
ward and a little to the leu lo u dis
tiinc of 2.1 or 30 desTees from lis
head. The tall is qulto Inlnt, except
near the head.and cannot be well seen
where are lights Intel fere The IiIkIi
gtoiinil In the eastern part of town Is
tho.tiest part of the city to obscrv
"On Monday morning the lull up
peaied to the observer nt l'nlersll.v
Park to branch finely und to curve ,i
llitht to the north. The comet now
tines nt about I a- m and the bent
time to see It Is between I nil ami i
the earllast tinrt of the half hour be
ltn the morn fnvnmble. heeatlKe nf the I
mornlnc twilight which asserts Itnellj
low down lu the sky before the can
ual obnener perceives that It Is
spreading ovnr the heavens
"At tho close of the week It will
still Hm- nt about I a tn. nnd mav
then be best seen at a a. m.. lis lulimt
nitflH beltiK not perceptibly lca than
at present
"Throughout the followlnu weei. I'
will contluuo to rise nt nbont I oclorit
nud will he host seen at 5 u. m Durlni;
the week beginning Nov a the tmii
will then be In the mornlnu sk. and
will complotpiv blot out the lain ex
tension)) of the comet's mil Af-e:
that tho conditions for viewing the
comet lu the northern henusniierr
Krow siendliy worse, as It no's -altiter
and filially loses Itself In tho tnomlnc
twlllaht. Anv one who wlshea o -.ei t
should therefore look this wc- O'
next lu the early tnornln :
'The comet is neuron! 'n "u -.un
In Mie middle of this wcel. li.-lnn then
4.'.000.nm miles from It .itnl 7 1 noo.otirt
from us After thai it bcln-i to tcccde
from the sun nnd continue to draw
nwny from thu earth At Hie close or
next we-.. .'Haiti: la vu II it will
be lO.bOO.IlOO miles from ihe nun and
IIS.OOO.POO fiom the oat-ili
'The plniiel Venus tt-aenei! ,t i
srenlcHl hrilllanev last Suiida moin
ItiK nnd will rtmialn at piaciicall-. Un
same brightness this weel, and nex-
It should not be mistaken to, me
eontet after Hie twilight ban ioW.i-.I
the latter nf Its tall. Venus U far and
away the brlKhtest object in Hip
mornliiK sky and Is south of 'he east
point of Ihe horlxon. the comet helm;
below and at Hip left of It During Uils
week and Ihe following Venus lit
very readily visible lo the naked eye
nt ft n. m . whon It mnv he seen di
rectly In the south, a little over Till
deipeos nbove the hoi lion This nutliPH
It mote thnn halfway up to the xeulth.
In n smnll telescope lis uvseent form
In oasllv perceived
Is He the Only One?
4 In MclKiilalil l ho only mint the 0
Ih-mocinlle party wnuln to elect
lo ortlee. n lnoeu't lieartl
4 lliey nay a word iilmut ?liiilll,
4 hIhiiiI rci5iv(iii in any of Hie
reot or Hie nlate. Is .Melloimlil
the only one'.1
U you haven't tho time to exerclce
a'giilnrly, Donn's Heguletn will pre
vent constipation. They induce u mild,
easy, boulthful notion of th- bowel
without griping. Ask om diu?Ist
for them. 25 cents.
"You're Rnin' In murr-- niutcr ln '
youT" her little brother Hmiiir '
Thn younir ma blushed.
"I I don't know,'' he rpliiL
"That's funny." said thn ttrlli
Infant. "Pa" has looked, you un in the
rate hnnks, ma has found out alt
about your grandfathers ,.nd sister
has begun her shnpplmr fiimme a
nickel, won't you?" Cleveland Plain
You can save money as well as your
good health by drinking
in preference to any other. None more
pure and wholesome. Just try it.
Phone 57 or 58, and one of our cour
teous drivers will have it at your door
Southwestern Br'ewery
(D Ice Company
Wc do nil kinds ol mill work nnd sell everything re
quired in your building from the cement to the varniah
Send All Your DUD9 to Our SUDtf
f Builders' and Finishers' Supplies
Lumber, Saih, Doors, Pslnu, Oils,
Itooflng, Cement, Brushes, etc.
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tjfti tltA4AAtA4AlliiitAM A AAAAi A it a. a. a a a a a a a. k a a a a llll a.
Finnigan - Brown Company
Hides, Plt9 nnd Goat Skins
Alljaqserquo Urancli 42-41 North First Htrcri Tclcpliono t Umg TA
tanoe cminectlon Wrllo for Iateat Quolattona,
City Scavenger Company
Cleans Your Vaults and Cess Pools. Hauls Your Trash.
First National Bank I
Albuquerque, N. M.
United States Depository
I Blankets and 1
We are showing a complete assortment of Blankets, I
Z Comforters nnd Pillows,
1 1 all wool in wliite, grey, tan and plaids. Comforters
! i filled with cotton, lnmb's wool nnd down. Our prices
are the lowest.
30S-310 Want C.ntr.l
P, A II. Uultdlnf Ftptr, Malthold
... i
Blankets in cotton, half and

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