OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque evening herald. [volume] (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1911-1914, November 05, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

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v.. V. tfe , , t
jfei" i ..a
Rreadent Taft and Coveftor
Wilson BoCh aristae
,: V f . ' ' '
From Hopeless
Generally Fivrirabie Weather and Unprecedented Interest
fiin'lHuef Combine to Bring Every Voter .to the Polls;
OinBinntt iieiJortsTifty Per Cent, of , Vote Cast Before
Eleven 0!q1oo While Reoord Breaking Number 0? Bal
lots Are Cast in New York City and, State.
Despite High Feeling Eleotion Day Passes Off Without Dis
order and Few Cases of Arrests for Fraud Are Reported;
Santa Fe Reports Light V ote and Muph Scratching
Throughout New Mexico; Roosevelt Makes Good Show
' ing in El Paso Where Ta ft Is Expected to Run Third.
Br tossed V.lr fa Kvtalnjc Ueratd)
Boston, Nov. t. -Heturna (or
president In today's election from
tlvo' out of 1S voting precincts
jk Massachusetts give Hocsuvelt,
Progressive, an; Tort, liepubll-
pun; 0t3; WHspn, Democrat, 595.
The umt precinct in 100s gave
Dryun. -40 Taf..01)2.
Jteturns for president In to-
duy'a eloctlpn, frt?rri 10 out of
4102 voting precincts In Munsu- .
, chusuttu giva: Itodsovclt, K37;
awt. uWAVliftta. . ,
Tlie 'MH7ttfi)fri)Wut in 3 tiOH
gave B!rytV HW pw, i4U,
Returns-foe .igqy.ornd liv to-!
day's oluiilWo In: eight out of
no.' voting yrl'clhets in Manu
chusetta glvtu Ulrtf. Progressive.
ana; fos. Donioorat, 010: Walk-
cr. IlcpubllcaN, 1.004.
Tho sumo pYcqlncta In 1011
guvei Fobs, Dormicrut, 4 1 ;
Frothlnglwrn, llepubllean, 1,424.
Returns fur president and gov-
urnor from ten out of 221 voting
precinct In ptn In toduy'a
oloctlon give1!
For iirealdont! npouuvolt, CJ;
Toft; 7DT? yrWfon, 1,834.
For governoj; Mlrd, 1'rogrfMii-
lv), "41 Foiil.vpcmourat, 1,713;
Walker, Ui'lHlbJlehn, 764.
ituturns ,rr. iireMjdcut in tim
eviction I11 -JO-put jul 1102 voting
prcolhuct In MtiijuchUHutts wurc:
ltoonoYtli, l,Vnii Tuft, 2,800;
WIIMin, 1,4 J If
Hnmts vrmncU lit 1U0H git vol
Uryati, l.tli Tuft( 3,775.
IlOfiif.. Y.ifNoVr 5,--Clty of
Mo10 ci)milla ivun, for koV-
ntnorl -8u!f; .Dotpocnit 1,W;
4r litMlwi-M, " Hciilblltn,
Htraua, I'roHViisslvc, .1,051.
Hauler illilrlot Irf 1810 guvo:
tilx, Uompirot. A",nti HtlniBun,
Ileimbllcatil IJiiz; ; -t . 4
noortiJVlciyr.'j.N oeoimii.v
AtlanU', On.) Kbv. S.Cobplotu 4
returns fWht.- .th'ef '-flriit flirco
couittlua In, tHp tnte' henrd from
fflvo plurtl(yifor.' HoowveU To
countlen art) J'atildlnf, Uai'ulion
and ColquUti' 0
Tin tbrOijporjlVcd prd'tiontfil
who lottlt fc(iriCfsdontfid lntirft
tn tho outcortia. -dtfi. cinpalgn thsi
Hud bel WB0wt.'Wltlt drtUAual btttar
mm, M(daaffi9brts from every
uunrttr IndlAiWiCjJnatlon.wldi reo
ord brBkRTMM MdtllUon to ln
election orpWflW'flHi,' yico r)!
dnt mid ipii.j0nHre
lliroo totH WiWlfiUnje ibr goverhortt
and iMrl$'fi iffW&lur wttfch
Kill nil vacdhfl63t1 b1rtl Hlte
aetiurally favorably wnUvr con
dltlons prevalledi in certain, sections
Ioti today,
nuvfui 13 mi
of tlie nilddlti vvt, partlculurly In
Noutliorn Illinois, overcast skies und
threutuned rain uugucud not welt for
tho Collins of hemy votes, but clue
tori, notwithstundhiir, continued their
steady march to tho polls.
.cw York City Is casting by fur thn
heaviest Vote In its history, us also ar
nil (he other cities of that statu, Thq
tUral voto In Now York llkawlxo Is
heavy. In Cincinnati fifty per, cent of
flip touu vfllo had boon cast before 11
O'clock 'and the' vpto throUKbOUt Ohio,'
vvhllo sl6v liri account of thoslto oC
thU liKllor57f rmert'rKpUrtetf crntchv
Jag, uas progroaslng nlth an uupre
cedeiited earnestness.
In Ohlcago tfio oarjy ho urn saw
every polling plaou filled with long
lines of voters fruiting lo get Into tho
booths. Very (cw voters In Chicago
avullud themselves of tho opportunity
of using, tho voting machines, which
fuct was considered to Indicate that
there tvus much xcrntzhlhg of ballots
by niumbers of all pollllcul purtlcs.
In tho Puclflu coast status tho early
voting wus heavy, desplto Inclumont
wcuthcr in Keattle, I'ortlund and
northern California.
Ihu contest in Vermont was Inter
esting, dcstilto thn fact that tho Htato
election was liulii In Heptumbei', mid
tho votu wild oxtriimcly heavy. Tliw
also was trim or Maine, whero all
tfircn of tho leading parlies uro mak
ing 11 desperate flghl to gain Iho elec
toral representation.
Contrary to general expectations .In
vlun- of the fact that party linos havo
boon no closely drawn, practically no
disturbances worn reported from uny
section of tho country. Pew arrests
tor violations of the election laws wore
' f Ml of thn leaders of tho three par
ties adhered to thulr previous predic
tions of success tot their respective
candidates, ,
However, tlmro was nothing In tho
appuront attltudo of tho voters willed
wpuld Indlculo Mhut tho result would
1'rcsldoitt Tuft spent ljio morning
hours at tha lionui of" Uls brother
Charles. I. Taft, lit Ulticknoli; and
early in tho afternoon 'cost hja ballot,
Tl president was cOplldont that ho
would bo Teturncd to tho whlto houso,
aftvernor AVoodroW Wilson wa
tho ilret of tho threw candidates
to cast his vote. Governor Wilson)
dropiJqd hls ballot Into a polling boom
In an enln hliio in 1'rlncclon, N. J,.
and as )io chterged from th voting.
AiovXh BmHhlRly observed that ho hd
"vMert iheT stroHUt nemocratU
ticket." ao'rnor Wilson will ifea'
tho rfcturfts at his homo In company
with iiia rumiiv nnd 11 few friends.
Colonel noosovelt oust his ballot all
Progressive party nomlnod for prcl
deht will hair Iho returns at hi toro
Jo,n 4nmoror if ill
aovefhor Johnson, tho vies preil
F T ii 1,
JUyiBttfrtJted J.B i l.hit ttf
!:, 1 1. ' b. l.i?..l'
dojiltkt aom'lp' rh t,rorefvf
tlckfijL eftoja Vot HW'fft A tSalWor
to timo ik vwd m )to, tiH ml Gtif
onol noosoVoH's speaking (inxtrgbmoim
In, tho. e&vt pftr the colonel hud, teo
shot. Governor ohnort spent iho
rtay in tew Yorie qity nhd will ?ear
th0 returns at tho, Proaresilvo Ipartf
hoaCqvartor there.
(lovortior Atarshad, Uomocratlo
'eandldoto fo vice president, ctt his:
Vote In- IqdlnnapUlW, aie walked to
tho polls with v friend. ,
Estimates: differ as to tho hour when
tho mulis on tho prcstdenllat contest
may be known tdnlght. 'Political lead
ers figuring an landslides nay tho re
sult would bo known by 0 o'clock,
while others are Inclined to the belef
that It will be midnight.
fiaoramento, Cal Nov. S. Urovo
L. Johnson, father of tho Progressive
candidal for vice- president, Hiram
W. Johnson, did not cast his voto for
his son when ho went to the polls to
day. Johnson, here known us tho dean
or the California legislature In the
old days, voted for WHoon and Mar
shall. H its 'afeotod ut tho pri
maries foi tho Republican nomina
tion for assemblyman, When thu local
Tuft organisation .recently decided to
throw Its strength to Wilson, Johnson
went ,wlth If. .
"I havo only tile hlghrst regurd for
my son, hut 'ho Is on tho wrong side
of the political fence' said tho gov
ernor's father as ho walked away
from tho booth,
(Irand Junction, Colo,, Nov. 5, Tho
weather opened here this morning
cloudy, but within an hour tho sun
was shining; the voters got odt early
all over the city and It Is expected
fully 90 per cent of thu voters wilt
cast ther ballots beforn C o'clock this
Kort Collins, Colo., Nov. 5. With
fine, clear weather prevailing, tho
lenders of the political parties In this
county predict U10 heaviest voto ever
cast; Tho registration was 11,000.
Tho voting began eqrly and tho vutera
nil (Tver tho county nro turning out
GOOD ivkAXlllCIt UltlNtJH
Urot'ley, Colo., Nov. 0. The weath
er Is clear ahd Warm. It Is believed
tho vote In Oreeloy will bo U0 pur
cent. Tha polling begun early and
with it rush.
Uouldcr. Colo.. Nov. 5, Tho wealli-
vr hpfa.is Ideal and consaqueutly a
hedVy yolo Is looked for. Voting bo
gat)' early.
Crlutilo Crook. Colo.. Nov. 5. Tho
weather throughout Teller county IK
brigin ana clear ana lit mo two cuius,
Victor und Clippln Creek, voters woro
out oarly,'' Tho Democrats mid Pro
gressives huvJ every uvnllublo rig and
automoblto hired, whllo tho Itepubll-
cans liavo no hired erjulplTiont, Tel
ler codnty Is odpcededly Democratic,
HAf-jTOT. 8PI4TnN3
'1 11 'J llXJltK l WIH .HI"
Chicago, Nov, 5. Throushout Illi
nois flno weather und a heavy vote
formed IhO rule. Notwithstanding thu
aharpnoss of tho flgljt, no disorder
had bcpn roportcn anywnero in mo
state' up to noon.
pallet splitting developed 10 up ex-f-...iMlriari-'(tiFit
In Chlcuno. Ho
much warf'ihla thu case that at many
bolllpg places nlno-tcnths of tho vol-
Ar-I.VteiiVrf vnlltiir mnehlna und In-
sUtcfct tn 'pper ballots us being ousler
and safr to chango from atruieht
Uhvf iUVd'ft.' Kov. 5. Two Socialist
candidates for the legislature woro
nrresttnl lit llrlstut charged with vlo
latlflg tht. corrupt practices act, which
forbids dlslrllbution pt certain litem
Potisvllli), int., Kov. n.Ahtbony
It. Kdelberffor. 103 years old, today
cast Ml twentieth ballot? for presi
dent obtn pnltod 14lacii. -lie.vo.
jftkorf to 1Mb nolllr.r uluco in an auto-
;ti 'AM httlpca Into tha booth,,
rnrovlie voiuij i sirmgni venrocraiio
TAl-T tlVKti IMiU) Itf
Jjl paip,oV, JJ-Wllip tVpte In- Kl
attlo -county -ticket U
WW lln?e tin lack. 01
7Hture a)t Ut,yotff m
England, Franpt.'&nd Germany
Would Deiirif4 Turks of
Territory Nojvf Ocoupied By
Allied Forcf. 't
m of
Backed By Geriuy and Italy
Franz-JoseriWill Objeot to
Little PoWerfstfAcquiroment
of Seacoast.
Br leased Wire jtatag daralfl
London, Nov. 5.-rtfreat povoro of
Kurope are aligning themselves on
either aldu of a voryeharp lino re
garding the futu.ro ; bfc the Ualkan
states. Publlu oplon In Knsland,
Krunco und litis! la thut tho allies
should havo the lorjri'tbry which thoy
havo comiuered andJtUMla purlieu
lurly hus warned Tujltay that condi
tions could only boqomo wor should
further disaster occtf aV Tcliatalja.
On thu other alfla'arp Austria' Hun
gar. Uermuiiy und."ttuly.
Austria Hungary, -wriToh after all is
tho most directly inteolai, bolng tno
nearest neighbor to tho llulkan states,
will not. It Is bolloved sit by quietly
und see tho Balkan league ostabllsh
Itself across bcr right on tho Aogeaii
'sc-w, In which dlrootlon hor trado m
wimff.- fcWt'iUcA llrfem?
tho Hervlans xprrad to tho AQrlAUO
sea. Tho Austrian government points
out thut the Albanluus aro as much a
nation as any of iho ullles and that'
Albania should bo reserved for tho
Tho first sign of dissension among
tho Ualkan ulllea themselves cumo
from a dispatch from Delgrade, in
which It Is said thu Her via ns uro .be
ginning to declare thut Iho "autono
mous Albania" which waH ugreml up
on beforn tho war started Iiuh, now
faded uwuy. In thu iilspulch tho Mus
sulman AlbanlunM who fought ugulnst
Hervlun trooiiH uro blamed for tho
liniiHO In tlui Hcrvliiu ui;iltuiu.
Insteud of Iho tvvonty-flvo tnllo
Hlrutbh of the Adrlatm count liltlicrto
iilalmcd by Kerviu, nut ramo uispuion
ruya that Hervla now wants sixty
miles and that lit return Montenegro
Is to got moru than her allotment or
thu district of Novlpu.ar,
The correspondent adds,,. 'Signifi
cantly I . , .
"Tho V.unpuror ol itussiu., will no
tukon as urbllratur between flervia
and Uulgarla In regard to thuso con-
lUtHtH which wero not rorcsoon in wo
orlgluul agree it butwecn tho al
In thu meantime tho nuiguriuti
troops (11 thu vicinity of Tchorlu uro
preparing to resume inoir uuvunoo mi
Tchatalja. After four nights and four
days of coutlnuoiiH ngntins nrnuna
I.ulu Uurgus the I miganun "soldiers
wpro glvon two days rest, ' .This per
iod expired today und thV'irooim by
this tlruo probably ar ojVulil till tho
Tho liultturluit army nottr 'Tcnoriu
Is being reinforced with troops taken
frniti thu lin'entllilf forces UrOUIld Ad-
rlanoiilc. whoso pluecB in' -Turitey
havo been taken by riomarna'.
A second nuiguriuti ,arijy aom-
mnniimi hv riunurii KUttntchoff is
mlirohlrir alontf thu 00Afitfltif tho uea.
of Marmora to effect a, jutjjtlon with
thO Jiuigariati army pojnmawieH pr
To a-et on thu mova frulckly tho
pulgurian troupe must have worked
hard, an they nav ioano 01
wounded Turks and Bulgutlarm lo
caro for und havo Imd'ito, burn or
hnK 11 tarira number at' KHIad.
It Is officially stated ilijitu, dispatch
from nolgraaq tnut inct'iservians, nav
ine annlhllutod tho Turkish, army In
Macedonia, have bocn&ta&ttd to as
sist the Bulgarians, QretKiltpd Moi;
teneirrlns. 'i.il&k
A lsra-B fordo of ServJAtMi h&H ul-
rcudy pgased througryiJUij. pa tho
way to, AdrlanopjC, thW9Wbafdmnt
of which continues wHBflut fibatu
Nothing vs heunl .tofcrgriietwdlna
the position of llm TurMmtultalJa
bUt it Is beUtiVed tl
Hot tho
army hiuiiu u
liltlnna hftci. .1
rth'n Tina
9h: jiklttTn: sotdleM
vim -.ewnaniica
flrmntlon. h,
that jlty W
Ilulguriaf)V M
' Another ,M
likely anatAis
.?k from
Vienna td,
fttia,t "t Writ
iakfla ngalnst en-
am Has
lerlng. C
iiBle. Q rent Urll-
H'tnts't lu that city at
Wf iP'P(cveni niuttsiicrcfl,
Trrvftor supply of Coustaiitluu
plo;i)Xiwcut oft today by a largo lltil-
gariRn force which occupied DorkaH,
at tho end of tho lino of Tchutalju,
from '.which point tho Aqueduct .sup-
ly.lntfthu Turkish capital starts, nc-
curuhig to a nowN agency dlsputuh
iriira noiia.
1 iuih saiu rurKoy will prouuiiiy uhk
Jllo. powers each to send a warship
l)i)tcliCB from thu TiiikUh capi
tal ay tho Ottoman . press Is taking
.fho alttiallun calmly, with thu ukeop
tlon of thu lillallusman edited by thu
notorious Hhlek Bhawlsh, which prints
a violent urtblo uguliiHt the (lowers.
Tho newspapers uro being eagerly
bought by tho public. 1 ,v
Tho Hulgurlana havo occupied thn
territory between Tchorlu and Tjt;()ai'
talja, completely aurrnundlng , tho
xuraisn torcos in time district; , JU'
Another Bulgarian Column fpritifla'
of detachments from Drama dnjljojh
r captured towns Is marchlpg on' tha
Ncaport of Kavnla on thn Acgoan lfi.
An allied forco consisting of Bulga
rians from Kuruk und arockn from
Yonldjn-Vardur Is proceeding by fore
cd marches to Balontkl, , x
It was officially announced IrTCamf
Btnntlnupln today that fighting has
begun betweon the Bulgarians ,-nnd
Turks at tho TchntaIJa forts, accord
ing to a special dispatch from that
city. Thu result of thn fighting la not
Vienna, Nov, C, The attltudo of tho
Austro-ltuugurlun govornmont tn-fj'
gurd to tho proposed adjurtraest of
tho 'Ualkan situation Is dearly stated,
today In tho Nnu Frolo I'rcsso, ftmm
"Tho present military sltuatloiiHt.
tho Uulkuns cannot be doclntvo for
tha solution of tho whole eastern
question. Promler Polncaro Hives to
tho Balkan states more than they1
havo demanded., , ,. . S
"Tho prnpotalAvholt is 0, juost.ra.u!!!
icav expression or fun-niavist ton-
itardty-ftnd thMiTnnrovnr-f ftiiihti
powers and partlculurly of Austria
ltttngarla," ,
Tho anxiety of Austria-Hungary
that fiorvlu shall not occupy Albunla
and thus sec nro that outlet oh thu
Adriatic 80a which tho Hcrvlutls aro
so desirous of, probably will provldo
u great bono of contention. Horvlu,
hum itenu wurnuii already rront vjputia
(hut her armies huvn gono far nnounli
In thu west. This warning Ih repeat
ed today by thu Kuml-utfleliil From-
dunblatt. After prulHlng thu Hurvluu
soldlern for their httmuully, thu news
paper says;
"Tho Hurvlans having apprnauhml
thu fruiitlur of tho lorritory occupied
without exception by AlbunluiiH, It hi
hoped and expoctod now that Hervla
will umiIiI tho raining of thomi differ-
necH wlileh tho lilsturio cbaractor of
lie Allmnlunu malio Insurmountable."
I'rluei) aiilrka, tho president of thn
Mbanlati national com-ilsHlon, It Is
said, is to bo iiroalalmud king of Al
intriihii attituih: in
London, Nov. fi. Tho llrlllsli ulll-
tilde in thn Ualkan' situation wim ex
plained today la iho lioiiso of com
mons by Hlr lid ward Uiey, thu for
eign secretary, who wkm loudly cheer
ed when In reply to 11 questUm ho
"No one, In view of thu result of
tha war tin lo ilaln will bo dlsuuaud
to dfsptto iho rights of tho Ualkan
Stan's to formulaic tho terms mi
which thoy aro prepared lo concluMo
"Do not think that tho groat now
oth aro morn slow thanother poopIp
10 adjust ineir Known yiow to the
march of evcnt.' .Tho tmwprn uti ox
(thanglug vluwn III r'ogurdfpJlii& posi
tion 111 iiiu near ouiriiMnuifPe
a very dulleato matter for them to: In
terfere between tho bulllgurahwf un
less tlicy do ho al tho roliucst.of
Asked whether Great lllltuln cuUld
not follow the iircccdent of Wf.
Itooscvelt In thu ItiiKKo-JuDuiiu'lo' war.
Sir. iqdwurd did not reply.
lird&J'own lo Report
OMes, Majority
fr r.tssd Wlt BSirairtajf, Her-ldl
ltoMton. Nov. S'SiTJft: ffl.l i
Acushnet, the flrjiuijKni'rf? thd
mited mates nariTrM'4tiy.. .
4 The voto wast ,ft6fi-v
JUl mi, ttpii.m rabir-a
Vor irovernor. iWalKef .ri
lloan), carried AourtirietN
,Voi(Hi to 87 for Ulra- (ri
mwht rfd' an for vm ii
gy lira it
Only Handful of VoterCSnie
to Polls in Morning 'mist;
Workers Expect large-ySW
m Closing Hours,
Challeugora in City Estimnto
That Vote Is Eriuftlijtri.
cd Between Three Eviden
tial Candidates, '
r At n u'cioek this Afternoon thero
oro few men who will venture a pro
.dlotlbn us to thu result of tho ballot-
Ing. in llcrnallllii county, Up to this
hour, when tha shops and factories
aro closing, tho voto has boon light,
loss than one-half of tho city's totul
.yoto having been poflod. A heavy
voto Is expecled during tho next thrco
hours. Am nearly us tho ehatlongoro
nt tho iiulilng places can estimate,
tho city Is giving about an ovoh bre'
between Tart and .nffa anil Wle
'and Fergusjfon. Hhould tho ootutt
eh'ow nn even break in Aluqvertti
It will mean tho succosa of 'tke Re-,
publican ticket in tho coustyf
Tho result in tho o.utslde preofnet
Is equally in doubt. The
oi mo riw fvre goiiHf Hi
solidly for tlto ItopilbUcan t
Ttioso north of AtbuqUorquo ara
n It.iun .bet-eon the thrnh. tIA,
quo and Durnnes, -which havo votod
solidly for tho Bull Mooso ticket.
There- In no word from tho mountain
precincts but they also uro cxpoctod
to gtvo a lurgo majority ror tho Pro
gressives, At 3:30 thin urtornooh . 1,840 volefe,
or uliout CiO per cent of tho normal
hud been cusl In Albiiquurqitu, TJm
voto by prcclncta was us follows:
Product' IS, division No. 1.... . 21
Product 12, division No. 2 37-1
l'rcclnut 20, division Mo, t u&
Precinct 28, division No. 2 ., ?X
''AMII,!IUVJ wn'ir rii-irtm
At Alatttadu, whero tho voto .la
liadly mixed, it Is charged that soma-
ono has put oht PrugresHlvo and Ho-
publican tickets which had bcn proV
luiiNly jiastcd With FitrgusHon stlckcr.i,
In direct violation of oiiu provision uf
tho corrupt practices net. This In
being liivestlgiitod und If found cor
rect thu party will probably .bo pros
llocaiisii of Iho coinnaiallvcly light
voto It Ih .ox not! tod that full returns
from tho county, suvo for two pre
clude, KwttobOMU, and Chlllll, will bu
available boforu 11 O'clock tonight,
Tim bitllulliiH mi the local result
will be read at tho Tuft-Jaffa club
Rotten fegfatrotion J
Causes Serious Trouble
for Many of the Voters
!' '.i
s ques
Is Demanded;
Charges of deliberate tamporlruf
with the registration In ttm city of
Albuquerquo In tho election nf totjay
will jirobubly bo brought by u, (ttoup
of prominent buslnois rricn dprliw'
tlie next few ddya IK which U thW
oiikIi investigation Into the workt
tho registration bpUrds will be ,un
mundud, it Is asserted by a lari
nuinucr or voters, nepuoiicaw,
every case, that cither criminal,
leas&e-a ho occurred In maklaur
Registration or equally crlraJiiUt, i,
inwik wun tup rotis
twy aoorso or men wanv.t.
' who nva.iirea ,
-1 1 . mi assise
11 f-.iv Mlf1lVM
State Chairman, Clark Xo
coives Encouraging1 lport
from Every Ono of Twjity
Six Counties.
Heavy Sty.at; Y
Eastern CeiMtlei'My to.
Prove Costly WWlliii ftM
Fergussojiu ,
At n.ao this atternoon prellmlnarJt
reports from twenty of thti tweSlY
six vQuntle'ln' Now Mexrc? IndjoatC
tho sUcpcW of' tho Jepubltcai Uckif.
uy a ninjoniy wnicn tiii 4M-. swyt
Ich may
Northern,Nw Mexico, to jMttwj
aft nd';
Ainu, cnr
r ieawiM'
wplrtjt" ft
iioiNi that a!
nor l-M Uhloiii
itimt ajret etili
, Af WilCpJiaiie
irpm wit Ti
No reitort Mn cen4fW'i
ranrio countyf but U6omuMA'
.daleua report tht (k ntlerb votM
is eommg qui, I nq oniy- rtar or av
publican follu.ro In, BoQptya' cjuftt.
1ioj boon that tho vbtq. vrpufd not
oqmo out, and tho early roportff e.rrt
very, encouraging,
noporb from Oranl, J,utuv Dona
Ana and Sierra coUnUcti up to'iftV
o'clock sustain the preAlottong of tho
Republican campdlgri rhanagorn,
Tho Pecos valley report la partlou
Inrly oncouroglqr. rtoew'ell r9orbi
ftftar connootlon with all towns, front
Clovla to Carlsbad, that thi Vote is.
very light that there !. heavy
Atay-at-homu Doinocrutlo voto ant)
that tho Republican nhd. cspoclally
tho Jaffa voto In coming out In, rorojy
'wroupANit on iumm uy
1 AlKj UAI tTKtW 1 l3t0T
Hiiftl Blati'k to MyKtff McraMl
ISaav las Vegas, N, M., Nor, C
Chairman., Herbert Y Clark, who !
horv to voto, him been n oonsbint
tfiloplMdiP' tjotiiiuunlcalloh during tho
moriilBg with all partif wf tho stnte.
Mr. Clark at a o'clock ,wtprced the
belief: that Tart nnd Jaffa, will carry
thn state, by 1,000 ot ;bqttcr, Tim
northern Now Muxloo nnd Pecos vat"
ley reports uro especially ulicourag
lug. In ovory cao the tmeH'Koie3 &att
had beoa propped f irf th r.ellit Vet
-uiwurt .ynatmvjft ,ii
m congress, lwhe..Ws,1
v wipsssjssjsw-si;
mt, ...tma nam iaana m- j -HKjshsiiiiiiiim v-.. is
ra ,m ihwi-v L'ruHiiiiiiiHnFn.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiT o
ltrlNb W. Mil WJIMsMi! H ,
MM. '
' l ;
Mm i
which t
, -' i Li a i
are niiv;
i Ufi slof
l.4epublJC!in) M ,
l Jt a email town
syMaMrtf .
. to,
mm m roiiuwiit
K. fl .Wit f
1 today
t ttwt 0
tore atl
y ,,fi
' t 1 - 1
;i, ,,.
kt (M)d nrlri

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