) r 7 I (numjNix'.fiTi.KN. VoL 21 No. 80. 5 INCREASE Democratic Candidate Has Plurality Over Roosevelt in1 Illinois, Kansas, California' and Iowa. MINNESOTA PLACED IN PROGRESSIVE COLUMN Brief Dispatch From St. Paul Declares Bull Moose Leader; His Plurality of About Fi'V teen Thousand. San KiuiicIhci, Nm i I till'lin from Hie cntinii del h'i re. count of l.i'H .HKiien city mill ' county it Uh III prcclnelH oulNliIe of III,., oltv HllHltltf. Hlioil Itoofit- vi-HV plur.i I It v tu la- I'.i.'R::. j TIiIn In r. kiiIii lor ItonHcvelt nl :'.'.'im mill -Iim It'ii, ii vc li a pint- : Hilly III llle Mtaie of .".IT tutu. lly l.rsartl Wlfr la Kvrnln Herald) I'rincctoli, Nov. 7 ---"I think ipv llKllt Oiium- JiinI now .h to hear eiel. hod) anil thai I nli-nild not make air "liilcmi-iiti." Thin wan the atiMWer niaile bj. I'ich-lilenl-el ifi Woodroii U'llauii loil.iy In a nerlen of lequeflM for xtatiiiiii'iiln of hU uttlttiile on nulloiial anil Interna tlonal iiiH'MlnuiH. In Hue with hi eauipiilKii uik" lill'lll thai llle ii i Hliloiiey hIiouIiI Ur eullducteil "UiioiikIi (he coilillion iiiunnel of tht uouiiln.' he will now, HO fill UH pOMHlhll'. IIHNUIIH' a ri.'i'i'pllvo iiltllilde, rather than mm of proDiiunc llIC lllllini'lf on iHHIleH liefore ho tnlti'H Offll'tl. I WILKON JM.l.llM.ITV IN ILLINOIS NKVION TIIOISA.M) CtiH'iiKO, Nov. 7. HeportM lo na lloiutl Dcillorriilie lieaihilarterM, in Lurdlni; to JoNoph Davii-M. are thin U'IIhou Iuih a Hii)iiaiitlsil plur:llty In IlllllOlH with lhlrl-IWo ollllllesillllHK IllR. Tllit llllHhini; iniiMtleM aie III KoUtlll'I'l) Illllliilc. whli'll h.ive lieeii eollHlNlellllv Ijeinoeratle. NVIIftun. iiu'iiiiUmk lo i it in iih u eelved up lo L' o'ltoi'k, him nvel iiiliie lluiiH('eU lend in 1 1 1 1 lit I t-t and with ll!3 prueliictH (o hear I nun Iuih a plur ality or 1 1. tins. HeturiiH up lo p in. fi out all i' eepl .171 preeltii'tH In the Htate K'Ve WIlKou a pliirnlil of 7.1st; ovei lloimevell. ItooHi'Velt H pluralli) out Mldi' or I'ook vouiil Ih H.'i.IIII The IIiIkhIhk prei'lnetM are ho mi iillet'eil HlUl IIO eKllltiale ean lie llllille oil lill'lll. Wilson i.i:ais lit 1,1. .tlOOSK I'AHTY IN KANSAS Tiipekn, Kan.. No 7 - W'llh re turiiH from lit') vountleH eoinpleie and Iho oilier five ehlllliated, until Detn ocrullr and Uepuhlleati Hlale ehair nu'ii umite that WIIhoii will have from I. . ,000 to IS. mm plimillU over ItooHe volt mill that ThonipHon, Di'iiuk rut. lor ttetmlor will have a plunillly of If.. 000 over StllliliH. Itepillilleau. La ler I'L'luriiH tmlii frotu Kiiiih.im luiTcuHi'd Woodrow IIhoii'm pliirallU ovor Thuodiiii ItuiiHieVlt and that or Wllllnin II. TliuinKiii, Democrat, for fulled SlaleH nenulor, over Oovernoi HluliliH, Kitpnlilleau. j Thu fUht for KoM'rnor heiween Ar-I Ihitr L'appitr. UepulilU-iiii, anil fieoi'Ko II. HodK'iH. Oeinoeral, hud tuirroweil down to u few hundred voten. Nliiuty- HlX CUUIItluH ntlt of I III) KUVe tllUHO pliirnlltleM. WIlHon, I Thoiuiuiiiii, J.loii: i'ippel', Mill. WAKItl'.N ItiriAINS si:at IN I NITKD KI'ATKS HIINATIJ Clli'yilllle. Wo.. Nov. 7. Tile fllit In Wyoming hetwieu OiMiioituIh and. ItejiuUlli'iuiH for I " ulteil Siuti'K Menu lor Ih clone, t iiof llt lul retltruri HiIh tnornltiK from I'lntu county will he tlif HnpulillruiiH hx uiajiirltv on Joint liallot, nml Hciuilcir W'arieiiN rc-elui -ilon In umiiiri'd , OKMCIAh .Hr.NT .MAl 111: IlKgUlltKI) IN OALiroit.NIA Hun rranelMco, Nov, 7. Ituturim from 3.872 prerlllilH out or 4,372 III Lho ntuto (five Wllxon .'UT.r.Ol: Ifooxe volt . 38n,33i. WIlMOtt'N plurality, Thciu flKurcM Inoliidf ret in iih from ll 4 prr7lnt'ta In the city and county of IsDh AnKi'U'N out of 7--' . unofficial. HQOpuvull'M plurality In Ijiu AnKuli. wn,Rlvon un I7.5r.ii Uy thai vomit. Acuurate riKuren on the rotutlt In' tin MtA,t wjll not hit oIUbIuuIjIu until lho ro uoilit of the volet In Iain AnKclcn county, now in proBreux, Ih completed latb todiiy. Ttt'O B'WS l" VUiVM'M IS MM AMJr.LICN COUNTY tton AtlSi'leH, Nov, 7. Willi two nets of flaure which differ In round ntim- bern 4,000 volm ' or t-nough powlbly to 'ptlior tiiu rcvuii uh ueiwuen n BOltinttd Itoonovelt tn f tit utate both th PronreailveH und Doinocrutu do- iruthdei)- a third or referee count vt thBILos AngeeU city vote touuy from county Clerk Marry iiunue. i I" IOVA C1IUHVH KAHT ,vm Moinen, lowu,. Nov. 7, woou rotvi Wlkion'a ulilralltv In Iowa, with Hltf.mttVaYl couHtlrH tubulated, I lS.8(Jfi,' J?pr governor, Parke, Jiepub JjfMjafaJffiiltns Dui)n, Usmocrat, Uy ni ih i iiura win ou ueuuu I1 Hat 'I'M; iMtjutor Henyon re kVrWaiuuiurton. TawAi eanmnm LATE RETURN WILSON LEAD EI tilth! (Tilts. Iti-publlcim nllil I ni ce Ocmo- ItOOSKVKl.T STIJ.1. IV hack in Min n ikot. Hloux Full, B, U. N.. 7 -Willi President Tn It eliminated In .South Dukotn und only liulf the Male hcuiil tnun, lioum-volt In U'udliiK Wiixiin by ubout S.OUO vote. MIXNKSOTA KAI'KLV in hooskvklt ton un Hi Paul. Minn.. Not 7. - Mimic coin Will Kit for ItnoM't-Mt In n plul -fillly of nlroul t .UUU. Iti:i'l HI.U AN CIIOM'.X tiovicitNoii or wist o.vsin Milwaukee. Nov. T - ItcluriiM from ii7 mil of 71 I'ouutliH in WIxciiiimIii. UH leCl'IVl-ll tl Itcpllhllcah Hllltl- I'tiiilnnnn Ucuikh Scott. Klvi Mi ilovom, Itcpuhllcmi. fur Kiixi't-nor n lead of nliout 3,oi0 witcH. Mr. Si-ott huii tilt rt-nuilniiiK cnutitlcH mIIII to bo ln'iinl from un- 1 1 1-1. n l leu n Hiroim IioIiIh unci lit' pIiu-cm Mcilou m h finu' plurality at upproxlni ! . IIKAVY SOCIALIST VOTK CsT IN OHIO I'llllimlJllH. IV, Nm '. -SnClUllKt Mldle hcildiUiil let todui claimed the HoriallM vole In "Iimi ran i-liinc li luu.uuu. In both I'li.viilinKa mill Lu- ellM COUIitlfM till' SoelllllMlM I'lllltll IH'IlN revelled a laiKer mtc tlliill Tall in in, K AN ;ovi:K.suit i:li:ti:i in 'n:Nr.si;i Nunliiille. Tollll.. Xm ; Kiiium- tmlay ucHiire lluicriinr llo-ipet, Iti publican, a 1 1.1 Iti 1 1 1 .mi" I'M r Mi. lllln. Dcim.eiiU. i:tua msion or ro;v(;iti:ss i-non aiu.i: WiiHiiiimimi. ,o ; Diiiiui iuih here cnliHldcr It tcl'.i llkcli Hint Hot ei'iior WIIhoii will lull a hi lal hch- hlull of tile Hew eniiKi'OH Mn.ll attet IllK llllltlKiralloil IIH pleliteit III .Mareh. DLAIOCILVI'IC sr.NATi: now si:iiM, sst itr.D WiihliluKlon, Nm. 7 To laxt IllKht'H letlirilH, Willi ll Kae tllO 1 It-Ill- ocratH 17 HeitatorH, wltliln iw of the I'.i neccHHtiry to control. w,ih added In iliii the Hewn thai the liiriillt.x ol ThompKiill, nellliteral, ol altmiH had been lllcrcilHed over that Itepillilleau. and xeeliod I' election. ol Stulilis, aHHiire IiIh I'KOUURSSIYICS td.Mi: OIT ON TOI I IN I'VNA.MA i'oIoii, I'auama. Noi. 7 -The I'ro KrexHlxex cunic mil well on tup of thu poll for the prealilinMliI eliM'tlou In the I'aliul Zone The lie 4 were. ItooHcvcIt, l.ll'JU; WIlH'Ul. 7.'. UiIih. 110; Tult, IHO. t huf In, 71 NHW IIAMI'SIIIUi: Tt (!(MSK ItKI't'ltLICAN m:atou Concord. N. II.. Nov. 7 The lit publlcmiH will huie a majority or I'i In the IcylMuliire on John ballot, uf cordlUH lo reluniM today. The IckIh lutliro will ho called iipun to elect a Kovci'iior und t'tilleil Htaien mmiitor. Tho volei-n railed lo cliooxc 11 clilcr executive, no eaiiillilatc reieUliiK a inujorii.i . WILSON may tiirr VOTK Ol WYOMINO Cheenne, Wyo., Nnv. 7. Huviin couiiIIch unhcaril from lor ptcxldiiit leave WyoinliiK In doubi iih to wheth er WIIhoii or 'I'lifi will kcI the elec toral vole I'lk'lil'cH are coming III very xlowl and no cmiutlcH have been i:olipleled oil the head of the llcliel NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS READ IN DYNAMITE TRIAL Indl.iiiiiiKiiiH. I ml . 'o 1. -New'fi-piipei I'llppmCH .ib'i 111 ,'XploMloiiH were lead al llle ilwiumile 1 oiiHplraey (rlul I'llla; iih hallux lieen Held In JllHll ,1. McNllllKIIU l "ffli l.llH ol llle I III el- lliitiolial Ahmih liitlou "t llrhlKe mid Structural Iron WorkeiH FILIPINOS GALL ON 10 E Election of Wilson Revives Hope That American People Will Redeem Pierce to Grant Independence to Is lands. lit Lrmrd Vlr l KvrulitK Hral4 I'rinci inn. ,n .1, .-vo'.. tic ruin OHitieliii. Hpealo'i "I the Philippine an- Hcinbly tniliij mot IIiIh cabb'Kimn lo the prcHlib lit - i t. 'The I'hlllppluc iiHd inlilj' Iuih lill- unliiimiHli .mil heurtlly, adopted u rinolutlt.ii i niii' 1 Iuk you km coiinrntu- lUtlUIlN IIH Well ilH tllOHl! (if till) I'lllllp- liliii! people, opoi your nucccmm In tho election for Hie nlflcc or prvHldcut of thu United HtutcH und exprolh In hope and lonllikiiut! that your odmln- iKtriition win rciiecin tnu pioiiKo 01 tho Amerlciin peuplu to recorfnUe I'hlllppluc Independence In accord- unce with the nituraiuil pelltloilH nl tnu Philippine ftwu'mhly." I'ouro iiicANK wi:m (iiticin iNtm to wiLsD.v. 1'rlncuton, N J., Nov. 7. -aovcrnor WIIhoii luolicil earner ly today toward a big bUHlirt or Inull filled to over sowing. It' appeared hit would con tinue. IiIh cimtom of opnnlnv all mull hlniHcir. He liken to do It. "You linow that 1 cun retiosnlze tHo typuwrltcrn of hohic of my poraonal trlendii," In- inUMed. "I don't know Jut how I do II, J KUoiiM I'll neud u tonlo to go through thut pllo though." He begun Mlowly to opun uomo of thu luttcrn uh ho talked. William Morrliney, necretury of thfl Denver lodgtt or the Urothurhood ',01 llullwuy Trulnmcn, wired that tho railroad men of Colorado would glv the new preHiuohi "it neurt nup uort" , A cubtegrum from Ban J unit, lprtO tuco reau - uy neuny coiiffraiuiu tloim to Mlundard hearer of demo- orutlo prlbuiplee In America., Union party fully confident iuetlcn at hgnde of party that ulwsye eto'ot for theiP rlnMn In pinicrma. ' f DEMOCRACY IK 600D WOMEN VUTEI FAIL TO KILL SALOON IN COLORADO Incomplete Reports Indicaie Defeat of Prohibition Am endment and Triumph of Wilson and Marshall. democraticTenators practically assured Selection of Shafroth and Tho mas to Be Practically Cer tain; Members of Congress All Democrats. flly l.niaril WIrr to llvrnliitc llrrnlil) Dciiii i. No. Ui toriih r lunl lli lo I HI tliilnv frnin Mi'J piecllicl.l III the Mali, out ,,f Ml'.'. llieludiUK Mi'iiver and hI outride eoitlitleH com plete, for prcxltlciu, Klve. WIIhoii, i'i'.i, iii'.7; Tart. :II,IMI7; liuoxev ell, I I, nil I . Sown hundred ami im t. roue prc-elli.-lH, IncliidluK Deliver ami Hlx out Fide coUllllfK complele, for KoViM'll r, ule. AninioiiH. Ileiuori.it. i!.'l,.s;a; i'oh ilKun, l'roKrc.-Hle, :t x . :t M u -. I'.nk, e publican. :ii,i;!i Tile complete Mile III Hie pre lltlltM III )ell e, Kir prexldelll In. WIIhoii, J'i.l.i;!. T.ifl. s.lli!; UoohcvoII. 2I.1U3 l'or ymellliii' AiiiuuiUh, )elll ocrat, .'l,;l, CoHiiKuti, I'roKiehnliD J.iiiii, I'.irkN, Hi pui. 'I. .in, ,r,v.'. in Hill IH m llle uoli-ide coltlllleH llle collllt Iiiim proceeded siiimU (lint It Ih proli able .It'll 1 1 1 1 1' IlKUI'ex rt'iilll llleHe (IIm II'IcIh Will IH'l lie .u all.itde liefole III" olllclal c.i m iicn Tile IlKUI'CH .1 II 1 1 ,. Imlli'.lte that W 1 1 h I n h pluralU.x will iippro.vltiiiile .I'i.o rite iiiiiic xiiiti Democratic. ticket iiliiloubl"ill. Iuih been elected loKcliier Willi Kcatlni; ami T.iylni. coiiKreHHUieti ..I liii'Kc. aid Kludcl and Selllotill lde. colim'eHNmcll frotu the llrnt ami hci mid dlHlrlctH. That the DemocralH huVc elei led a fUlllolcni ntim.icr of Mule HcuatorH mid reprcHellllltlVeM to lllHllle tile Heteclloil of Shalroth and TIiouiiih iih I'nlled Stllli'H Hcllatoi'H .ippuarH eel lam Mcui -id on the incuKor rcturtiH available. Tho I'ouut on the t,tim-iwo lui tlntcd nml referred Mil nml cuu.-u-tiMloual alucndmeiilH Im proceuillliK Hloulv Deiner Iuih Kltoil a I ill,' lllll Jurlty lo the Jiiiiich lunik tuiiliul bill. lint whether thlH will be Hiiillclent to (ivi.i'cijini' tlie oppoHltlHti 111 Souiberii and HouilmiHtei'ii i'i,ni,iilo Im iiuinr tQIII, .Slatewble prolllliltbiii pcliably iui been dereiKud. I'OI.OItADO l.lsOlsLATI III: SAI'KLY DIJMOCIt X'l'IC I lent 1 1 1 '"U , Ni 7 Itl'lni IIH ri'iin tiii-iwo I'liuiii'i K. lie luiiiiin i-lt ami c K ol' Drin.'i. with Mm- cnlllllii'H complete, I111II1 llle . thai - DcmueriilH and III Itep'tbllciillH hale been ilei'led to I III" ('olol'lllln lloilHi- of reprcentiitlicH. ami lluit nine Detu ocratH and four ItepiibllciiiiH liuic been eli" leil In llu Htule Heliale, IIIOHl of whom are pIcdKed lo vole for the people'H ' ()' li'i I'lilteil Stali'H Hi'M lltlTH For OliKlcHHinall al lllIKe llle li" elcrl'lon o IMward Ta,lor. Dellio- in I. Ih iiNMiri'il iiIko IMward eiitlliK. Deniocrai (leorui .1. Kiliili'l ami II. II. Sel llomrlilKe. DeiuoclalH, have been elected in coiiKi chh In the flinl and HCCOUll lIlHll'lltH. 4-M-KV'C"-X'.m; Buster and the Gypsies ate Coming, Boys and Girls-and It's Going to Be The Herald's Treat. BUSTER AND THE GYPSIES ARE COMING SATURDAY! Every boy ajid every girl in the city, under 15 years, wants to see the wonder ful adventures of Buster with the Gypsies, the swimming and the life saving stunts in the ocean and the "Magic Wand," a thrilling fairy story, all in moving pictures at the Crystal Theater next Saturday. Manager Sherman of the Crystal has got all these wonderful pictures for tho boyB and girls of Albuquerque and the Herald is going to give them nil tiokots; for it's the HERALD MATINEE all for the boys and girls and all free. The HERALD gives you the tickets and gives you the good time. tJ NOW BOYS AND GIRLS, LISTEN If you want a jolly good time Saturday afternoon and want to hcu some FINE MOVING PICTURES the kind they make specially to please the youngsters COME TO THE HERALD OFTICE SATURDAY MORNING OR RIGHT AFTER LUNCH and we'll give you all tickets, AT THREE O'CLOCK, you take your" ticket and go down to the Crystal tin ater and Mr. Sherman and his men will let you in and show you to a good seat. After all the boys and girls are in. their seats just at half past threethe show will begin and the fun will get started. NOW REMEMBER come to tho Herald office Saturday morning and gat your tiokets. COME EARLY and you'll get your ticket quicker, Whatever you do, DON'T COME LATER THAN TWO O'CLOCK. If you do you will be too late to got a ticket and you all want to get one. Just oome in and ask the man fowjutfoTiet to tlto HERALD MATINEE and you wui gci li in a jixiy ana ALBUQUERQUE) 'fF MEXICO, THURSDAY NOVEMBERS, 1018 h inn 6050 FOR PEERLESS LEADER ' William J. Bryan May Havo Any Office in Git of Presi dent-Elect Wilson Is Report. from Chicago. ,v SLATED FOR SECRETARY OF STATE IS 31UM0R Taft Hendquarters at 'Chicago Closed While Democracy Leaves Small Offlice for Checking' Organiatiion. lly l.raaed WIrr li Kvrnli llrrnlil 1 I'lilriiKO, Xm, There appiiiii'l tlltle dllllht III WeHli'lll O'llllii Utile In .nlilUiirtiil'H I iii t Wllllatu .1. Hi win won lil In? Icliilrii il luaclli ally 11 elm.i or miv office within the ;l(t 01 in,, im Hlilcnt, anil muni prnfeiiicil in Ileie that lie pii.xlllleli Would be it n l.iri of xtate. .liiHcph Dill U H. WchIcI'II nialiiiKcr, lill Imlliy for New .li'IH(N, when In will lepoi't lo Ml'. WII.hiiii he i-iix ill Hie wcHtcrii ciiliipalKii. Dimiuh r.illc In ,i'JiUill tol'.i will be cloHell tumor l'iu, hiivo II Hlliall 11I flee fui" clu i'UlliK up Hie orKiiulxatlon n iiiik wiih at Hi-- Tal'l In uiliiuiii li is liuluy, CHAFIN RUNS WELL IN ONE CALIFORNIA TOWN llr l.fHHnl WIrr to tftrnlns llrraldl Wlillllec. I Not 1 ThlH cllV 1 , 1 h 1 Iiiiiii In li uiui; polled tho luripiHt pinpiu iniiiate into lii lho con 11I ry for I'IiiiIiii. lho I'riililliltliiii rmiillduto for primblelit. )nri,i clvcd IDS voli'H, or 3'.' morr Ihini wan itlwti, TaK, ' Unlui ami WiIhiiIi 1 nuiblned. Huuiiul nil ru 1 em 'I h."i t'rul-ei'- lo Tiil.1- Itefuui'i'M. Mit II 11, .N'H 7. The lll'ltMl eriilHi lH li'.iiil llnpi ami I lal 1 1 id 11 111 lell here tcHii ribii Inr 'I'i rlilhh poilH In cm Ii.iiU ivl'iiM' en. I'niir lialtleHhlpH ol Hie MriHMi .Medllel I'll licit 11 iiUaill'nii pnv-.il! ion lllln innridiii; mi tln-li w.i to tin Leliilil. A II11IIII.1 of lorpi'ilo hunt (IihIiiij il'H im iiiiiIiiu; here und all llle l"l I li-l - lime lie, 11 nlilileil lo llle l.i '11 III. Will lie 4'millollH Sun Kim,-. Vn 011. 1. Nni. 7. KIliMT NIcIioIiih "I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 K 1 " iIIhi UCHi'll till' llileiil Inns ol 111. I!. 11(1111 allb'H Willi II 'I'll' Hpunili ul "I llu.' Vienna T 'i;i lil.il' "While tb Miilkan iiailoiiH will hiiti' llllll , ill, III lot' lllf IIIHclVCH," lie Ml ll I "tli' ii vii'i-iicH have nut lliade llu ho il. 11I111,' .'. o loruet to in 111111 111 J lilt.' I In il n iHllCH iniiii'ii 111 I'.uropc.' to Ihe Ki'lieial mi oe an reaayjor tne lun, EDUCATORS INVADE ALBUQUERQUE; RECORDS BKN FORAHENDANCE Consnrvntively Es t i m a t c d There Are Thousand Teach eix in City From Outaidi Voints for N. M. E. A. Mect fiugs. TtVIANir ORCHESTRAS AND GLEE CLUBS ARE HERE Opening General Session in the Elks' Theatre Tltis Morning Oratorical Contest Tonight: Business Teaohcrs Banquet This Evening. ! AlliuiUerille Ih alive toilili with eillicalnlH, nicmhci'H ol' Mice clllli.- ali i ui't lii'MiiiH, rmiu ciery part or the xlale, her,' lor Hie ptirpoHc ol' atiomt IliK Hie lwent. -Hcvenlh actum I nieel IliK or tho New Mexico IMllculioli.il AhhocIuIIoii. foiipofViUltV CHtlluut.'S place Ihc nuinber M vIhIUiik IcacherH ul oim thoUHiiuil. exeliiMlve or the ItM'I H of Hie 111 IllUH iiiuhIcuI UK KiemitliiiiH. tut mi I count three hundred ami iiiteen portioiiN nrrlved III the cllv IiihI olulil 011 Mn ti 1 1. I,',. iniiiiH 111 aueiui inn iiHiiocimioil lliecl- IIIMH. More I llllll Hlx hundred VIhIUiik uieniiier.t or 1110 iiHHotilatlou lind re poried in lii'iiiliiimriet'H by noon todiiy mil It wan eHliniateil that nt leant tniir liiiiulieil adillilomil would roport lielore nlKhl. The I wunty-Hovuntli ineetlnu ol the X. M. JO. A. In the inoHt micccHHi'iil in iho lilntory of the iii'K'iinl.iilloii In point of uUoudaiico. 'I lie uttendmice Ih lully uU pur cunt Klentec lllln yejir ihan IuhI your, 'Ihe vIhIUiik eilucaiorH urn In Al- buiiieriuc for net luiiHly I'otiHldcrluic i Hi' liiauv nroii ciiih nffurml lo Hie in. Miiclutlon lor Holutloii. Thuy urn iiIno mixloiiH ror a hrluf roHplio frnin lho "Hi 1 1- Kriiid or tcaiibliiK which the iih Hociuilon miHtlliiKM offer ami ufrordu. "iioitiK AiiiiKineniiic." Ih 11 papular p.iMlme with the leachiil-H when not cliKUKcd In iittillllllliK IHL'illlliKH. Thu varinim piaccx o,T Intercut lit and about thn cllv urn boJliK rultlitully vlMjlod nun 1 in Mippiy 01 iiiiiii cariiH ih raiiin ly dluiliiliihniu The "HOluiui miirniH' are lor ihe moit purl yoiinif and nrcl l. Attired In Hid lutcM crnalloiH in lull miMh and nobby millinery mid cjirnluK petnianlH und nuliool cnlurn. llle Miiiuc, lailleit alll'lict cullHliluritblu iiitintliiii on Hie iillceiH, their happy laiikhli r und luil Ion ncrluilH clliilti'f lii'lllH pleilHlllK lilllllllH oT lllelr lll- Mlli III 1 1 I'i 1 1 1 1 -1 1 11 1 ll !- III. mil Ihe lolVII. Dr. Inn III Ml, il l- .liiriliiu'H uildri'Hf, "The I'luhl Aiinllmt W'ur." In lho ICIIih' Ibealer IiihI 'leulliit, wIih II111 priliiile lii Ihe I ..I III I npeliliii; nT lho lui lill HiiVi'Ulli milium lliecl 11114 ol' Iliii aHHiiclalloii In tho opel'it houst' n 'J n'elncli I hi lay. The tlieuler w., croivd- ed In capacity when Itul. II. I' W II- II11IIIH spnloi thn wol'lln lit p i m ill loll. AililliHHiii or wclcnine were ililli ' I ml III .Mill in 1 1. . II. Hiillnni, A Mull jli'iu, Huperluleliilellt of Id 1 11.1IIII11 , iinilill Hi'liiinlii ami .liiliu Millie, Mlip- 1 1 inlellilclil or lho A I lllln IH'KI lie elly hi IiihiIh. The niiiyor In Ilea nv wol'dll iiiriieil ihe Iiei or the oily oiir t, , n il. r-i und pi'iiinlHiid in m. in Iho that 1 I km titul mi onjoynblo Hutu during) in ii may ucrc. , It. Larklh of Lou Venn, rn. Htmiidcil with u olever snoech In which! he dccliirnd that tho Vbjltlwr toachora w-re Hlnccroly and Kotiuliicly Rrattull 1 iho reception tendered them thunl ' 'i' 111 Ainufiuorquo; und praised I nKuii 1110 wiiru 01 thu vuriiuiH com- t'l'H on locul urrmiRuincnti, l niiowluK it noli'ctlon mi mi n- " b (ho U. N, M. Oluu club, led I i MIhm Mury McKIc Or David U.I I "id plenldcul ol the L'lllVilHlly of Mexico delivered mi iiddiem on, l'iu ext MoHt Important ritop In I l 'tin .iitonal I'ruKri'fu In New Mexico in iniibi r HiMtlltitluiiH," Dr. Huyd du iiii'il priit'tlcut t'llui'atloii; eiiipluuil.- ' it tiiKher editcutloii mid IiihIiIuiI thai ' inulier IliHllllltltiliM Hliould culinec; I up Hie boyH1 KCIicral cducatlnii with He iuih Ileal ul rullM oT icr day life It limit reviewed at IciihHi the IiIkIi 1 i ilui 'illoiial liroblcuiH In the ntale 'ilnl Pli'iiiled for a (dearer lilun 1,1 iiiimi'H. h okliiK toward a hip 'iiot Hiiiiitiun nf lho problem. Dr. Ibod' ' mlilii.ti uiih vull recehed ami In, ml I with luxe 11 1 It'll t loll by the edurili.iN I'oiiowliiK ir. lloyd, Alvan x. Wind.: Mipiiiiiiimii.nt or public hint 1 uitli. n in Hie Ht.it .-. ilellvcrcil un iiiltlicHi, on. ihe ,.i Mt Miiporluiit Hlep In 'diiiutl it 1'roHrnnM III New eU .' la liutai ScIiiihIh" Hrlurb Hummed! up Mr While iiccluriul tho uexi mailt iiiip.iitniii ii, lucluilcM the lirliiKliiKl .1I11.111 ..1 . Hiiporvlflon ol' riirnl. m hiinl-. Un s.'eorlUK of 11 lilKhcr hIiiii- i iiiiiii .1 i"i il iiin i IntctidentH nml tin piiviiu ui 1,1 hlKber HiilarlcH fur leach 1 r.i Mr WIiIIc'h iiddrcHH wiih a very liiuiiii.il nne and wum of cMpcclal 111 h u m 1,1 in,. leachcrN frnin tho conn- S&yhVr. w"V'o:K!0nly Five Small DijtrioU'iM- i-:;;o.;,',M;',,;!;!:s,,H;Vd::;!!:,,;!Th:,1 -m of once wwespm i .linn 1 in 1 111 r, 11 ii 1 mim 111 1.11 ca- 1 iii'iuil rrouiCHH III New Alevli'ii l'iu ,"'i Iiim'Im." 1 1 Im reiiturlH Indlcaleil a tti"i"UKii uiiilorHtiiiiillMK of the prcN- ill iiiiiI I lit 11 r- liecdH of city ncIiooIn to llu- htule, I'nllnw IllK a Hcli'cllon I v llli' Slllltll l''e hluh hcI I 111,.,, ,'lnl. iuih 11 wiih tiiueii I'lijovi 11, the iihsii ilit"ii went Into IiiihIuchh hchhIhii. 'Clio pi Im Ipul IiuhIiichh iraiiHactcil wiih tho "ppi'iiiliuent or 11 t-t 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 n re- ii'tnu or tho coiiHlltiitlon and b- l.nt" 1 I IiIh iiftci'liiinll Ihe iiKNocliilliin ill- 1 1 nun xcciiont.. a number or Ki'D- 1 iili'etlllUH belUK held. Tim uhl an iit.iiv tuihool M'cibui. wiih t'hurti'ii Sehreck. or I'lirrlxoxo. oh .'halrman. nut .m iih .Myrtle I'latil, of Myrilo I'lntu, or Alhuiim-r- tu. i Hierelur.v. heuril (ho reading imii in uiiereniinK pnporH. i ilii.il'ed liv iiiliteiilni'M In viirlmiu PIIIIH nl mi Millie euin.f Inllc nnn. ci i iini iii cii'inohtury work. I ,tIu il 'leti army tutlonod In th l lie Indian hcIiooI ncotlon, with W. boon wlthtlntwn, but no ean r M. IvierHnn, of Albuiiuoriiuo um ohRlr-''1""1'""" "f thin .yet huu boon r,t!l iiiiiii, diHciiMHcd iniitterH or Interest tn i!'ved. Which direction thn relreat liulliin Hchonl toiifherH. Mien lTlorti )' U'"V Ih, nuppowed lo liuvo titkon V. Went of thu klndorgarton depart- JVn i"".1 "Uoniid In Iho report tut ineni or ihn local govi'i'nmont Indian ',r 11 ' Iruo that tho .Turku hiivo whah' Hehooi read a pupcr. "1'rlmury CJIiinh ', ",m'u ,m" H' ,hMy nu,t eoonof or In lieailiiiK." I'mdcrluk Hnydbr. uh- ",ur C( Into, contact with on ,tf HiHimii Hiiperinienik'nt of tho Hiiiitu "" "rnjIcM liivimtlng tho fortrew Ke Indian hcbool nail uu tuttiroMtlug whlnt)Ver Wiiy th;y (ujto. wJ7 4 Pupei mi 'MnthoilH or KiitiotimglnK ' MuiiuHtlr, UIo, Micro Kelhl ,1&c4ia ihe Hpeaiiing or KimllHli Among In- '"d 11 lurgo TurklHh nrmy. Ih bM lo dlmiH, In Hehooi mid dut." Jmvo buen oecuplud by thu ullled lUt. ' The New Mtixlco Htutu .Mniiuih or ,h"" UvPlTt . ' Am!!rl,,,!l! !,,:',V"' J'w"'" "'')."'. Tb'Tvinhil IhlmlgaVu,, r,nv nn iii ni a ni l oik uiih iiiKirnuoii, wiih llliimi llmllev, or MiihIIIu Park, iih pti'Hiiieut, ami John II. ViiiiKlin, or Hie Hlule AKili'iilliirnl t'olU'Kc, UK tici) reiarj. I'reHlilenl Ifadley mini a pa per on The Worlc or Ihe New Mexico lll'iilich or the I'eiieo l.ciiKuu mill How to AeionipllHli II." ITcHhli'llt i. It. Hold, ol the UnlierHlly or Now Mex ico, Alum N. While, Htipurluliilidciil ol pui. lie liiHlriictlou lit lho Htutu, and I'mr. John II. VmiKlutii wore umotm olheiH who read paper ul tho iiimd lin; nl Hie peace leiiKiio IIiIh ufliir Miinn ( OMMIIItl I AL Tl.'ACIIlCHH iiavi; ini i:hi:htin(j ,Mi:irriMi I'll liion 11 lal li'ilcllcril of tlie ilatn ueie 1 in- kiiikIm ,,r locul IiuhIiichh liacherii thin 11II1 iiuioii lit a hchhIoii behl In tin Alliuiiieriiio UiihIiicmh olli'Ke. Mr .1 M (liuidell, uf llle A 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1. 1 1 1 - HiihIikhm I'uIIcho Wl'l iioincd (he iliiiiim leachcrH tu Alhu- lUeriUC. liillnuluK l llll ll 11 IIM'I'tlllK HIIH Ciilltlllil.il liuder llle clllllllllllll ulllp of .1 1 1. I lenilel'Hiili. ol' Tiiciiiii- ciirl.. A iiumliir nf luti'i'i'Htliiu 1111- ptl'M Wen nail. I'lluleil hy I'rnf. .1. I'!. (Inoilell, .Hie li in llel'N mire III Ltl on 11 Jii 1 1 1 t fo the American Lumber .Ml I In, Ihn Mini, mill box luclol'V llllll nitih nml door lurlnrii H lii luit ohHorv ed In iipeniilou. Much ilNllor ivioi pri'Hiiuleil nl Ihe lillnbel mill ullll ll pielly hi uieiilr ol ll cciiHlon, At 11 o'clock lllls eieuliiK Ihe eoiuinel'l'llll leiiehi in n ip,. e,i, 'iM ul Mr. I I'll al a haiuiuct al Ihe Aliulailo hotel. Oiulni'M In CootiX, The IlilelHchoboille oi'ulorlcul eon- in I- villi im held in tho MlliH tlii'iiler toumlll, 1 1 1: 1 M 11 1 1 1 1; ill H n'eliiclt. 'I'lin 1 riitiUH iilM he dliblml Iplo two 1 IllH'CH. HiiiM' lepleHculllIK lho IllKtlcf IllHtlllilltiUM ol the Hlille mid HliiHe rep liHi nllliK Hie hlKh hiIiooIh. The Lan Vi'Kut lllee chili will t'cnilnr appro pi I11I1 miiHle ilin liiM InleriulHHloliH HllH v li I UK Witness in Murder Trial Tcsti fies That pvninin xiTun explosive Was, Seoreted By Mill Owners. lly l.rmtril Wlro tu Uvealnrc Itarald Hulum, .MiiMM., Nov. 7. Dyniinilti "plaiilliiK" In Lawmucit durlnu tho laxtlln Nirlko wiih tlio subject or tcH llmouy today In thn trial or J'uNepIv Kltoi- cliuiHod villi tho murder of Anna ixjplxso, Urbuuo 1)1 JMiito, u shoemuker, ar rented when dynmulto vyue found In IiIh Mtiop, ifHtlilud thero whs a hollof unions 1110 HtriKorH tnat aynomlto hud boon plu r. tod In Lnwronoe.ftt tho In tH Ullllon nf tho milt ov.-ni'iru In Juillco tho cause nf tho Strikers. pro No tcsllmpny wua admitted rolfttlntf to tho Indictment of milt cBlcials, In blud tut wmium Sh WtfodjVosWnt ot tlio Amerlcwt Wool- company, charge with ponsplrlng to piV nvmnill. Uv W.i,t hu AIa.m u.m- ntuiaaiivr ni iktiiia UiNAmllt rLAnllNb; VOL. . MOMfr 11 1 im mm ' Conquering Army Promises Make Anoient Walls of 9t. Sophia Resound With.' $1 Denm Next Sunday. 1 TURKEY BEREFT OF ' r POWER IN EUHOPJB Empire; Invaders Marching on Stamboul. nr Lnird wire tu Hvealtur OtawMi London, .Nov. 7. -"Wo wlU slog a to Douin or t hint kiglvln li) !tt nuNij,,., or Ml. Sophia next BaA&tr boiiHti'il Ir-utJci'M of tho conquefttfie !iri!,!i'.. "r, , '"""'Tin lodujr before.' thn ItiMt TiirlilHh battlu lino betwtiea tbefu mm llu. city of ConauinUnonl. I Or til,, m..i r.'. .1- . .... . i . """I'vuii vnipiro con ! .V .'.M,i Ui Uu' Ho"inm0fta lnrdef " 'o niimll dlatrlCtO. Evon hkKn only flyo khuUI dlatrlcta. Even' fhkn r-.l-"l",'"ii"ilo. Adrianoplo. ttalon- hVeale, ."V'"',lr nnd BCUUtt ..lit 'if.r'W"! .thl i'i0 rott "t'onlf. iioiii III MllllilllUI him tinnn J 1 oiiHtaui imp nortr Btund otiiir ri Tchululli. r. m. l i!. . .?Ji A'lf . nuH (iiirff reil it tirrlen of cruidilng bVimiiVv'",1 mt '.W" Uui rmi"rd7l t It bcllovi'd 11 mllltnry tlrolttt. liWpa. ,, llWut, "",lk1,,, "UMrilnrd dofonin iiKaliiM a WgoroiiH aw-iitult. Wotno vll- ,,K:;",1" vlt,""y ftf i l'Bt 11 1. 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 L 1? 1 'A .WV" reudy in tho imii 1 Ih 01 t 11, lluigarluiiH. Iho Turkluh fortrreit of cutarl. car ho Montenegrin frontlet d th 1 of Adrlumipl,., in 11,0 costcrn 1 Pi er., nr opr-atioim, ar Ht making a Hiubborn riMletuiico. Mllltnry " crUle? h ho know tho country well titter thi !!' ! ."K.,,,"t 10 '" fiirly falfoC" tiuhpirlmiH. . P'oimmiii ny win opt inlHllo tin. . . . . 1 no crincH point (hut tho luvadTfi ; vo 1101 e 1 .ached t he nne ot iiiim uroiiiul thut oily. o. o cii'iiuurH or Hctitnrl loo "Miti,i,j- inill NllCCCHHfUlly iiM9urt4 on 01 uiih vo iiini lutvo muiiuRud- "it J.. . "i""1 "iiicii tiioyt -u,iny juruiiomih, mo nllior Tltrkl ...1.1. on uu iiikii Huuiari with Pro- m nun nun mumtiii on. Tin. imiiW. oniHin or Iho MulUmirl rlbeiiinoirtof lho Moiilmicisrintt rt hii Id to Uutfit t'lit'i-kcd croi. ) I'riiicu Duniio'H urmV, wiih- 1 Iuih uiuiIii muviiiuI ultiicks oh) raral((iMh .. 'llriiiuti,t or thn ui-uiipitlloii of hu TurlilNh town or Almudo nifd'thn "11 '!( "'"vmiiil L 'Mmliui In tint A drill He Hen. Iuih lui'ii reculveil, 1'rcparailnn iin Ih-Iiik intnlu Mr tho piotcclluti of tho iiiiiuuciid popuhitloii or CoiiNliintlnoph!. At lho rtiqueet oC mo foroiitn itmbiniHadiim, iintronch'. iiifniM ,av0 been thrown up ut San Hlcfmio mid ut li'tiitkatio. ho Unit If tho rout thru occur rod aftnr previous bat Ich Nhotild im n-panted, lho mob 11C Ibe Iuk HoldlP cun bo t-li'inkod. Hlioiihi inallurx uueomo mora tiireateiiliiK. il,,, n,.lM r tln OWorJl limy laud a forc.o In tho IXirdiinetles, In iihlidi i-umo tliein would b Ul tltoiiHmid 1111111 itvullublu ror landlnff, with piiHHlliln rtilufurcenu-nlB from lh liiiHHlun Hunt In thu Hltiok mou. Tho pmvoru luivo miido 110 furUiett llllll'ii low Urdu mndlutlon. 'I'liov tlrnh hut n to iiRri'o whether they ahull onj. lully npprlHe tho llulltan mitlonw of lurkey'h rcipicut mid nu nil or thtuj urn ihixIouh lo avoid ImIiIiik any ao- lii lli'il muy hitvo lho appenr.iuco ofl 1. brcucli or neutrality, limy aro trcod' liifr wmlly. Tho Hulklli uIIIom. as Ir well known. IncUut on Turkey Joullug dlruct -wlUd tliein and It Im IhouvlU in diplomat! ulrcleM they would ilko to b them oneti formldnblrt foo, whloli onytlj! Mi'ukd tmevrtid ut tholr ulUmiltitaJ qonio to them on Iter knoon. A rather Horlutm view la tnken TteW of lho Hervluna' icclart-d intentlow ofl InvadltiK Albania und arousing rlienea . ' ua ,,".n or AtiKlrlfL'a wnrnlntr. ThoK Ib-u tendency to brlnir dlplomatlo !!- iiuoiii-n in ocur tn imii counecuoM,, ,)u Tho American hluii school for eirlW ut Hculurl, on tlio Aala-Mlnor tiSa tho iioMphoruN, hua eontlts echola?' MulKurltin nationality on board orb? Iho crubiora flow nt QonstaAttoaaMk iiwinir to fonra for their roty, nTOfS liiit to 11 nowa umixM desnutAb -niv tno Turkluh capital, , mI? i'nrm, noy, 7. ruruey haa to trlve the imwert coranlot Him action In iitt-Murlriv- cpadwottO tllinm n rAilullu-r. Itt'a llaMt.ftutV. ptacti. act; TU1UCI rW HWtt h hH WllMmflrft-fti lontkl r 4WW)W,Pm llllll llllll IWti nil 1 kiiiiiiairH uuLunmniRf xmr a nnuc nciip i uun 1 mini nr nni u lit hlK f 111 1 mil 1 wa 1m iiihil WV I i IB IMI ll 111(1 IUIIIHUU umr . '-in ;s -1 ijl4ft)filo will b combo! of "BAHCKLO, Prelijjr moited, ror next Monday 4 a, winm ri iiaisaiTiifiniraii