OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque evening herald. [volume] (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1911-1914, November 18, 1912, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070581/1912-11-18/ed-1/seq-6/

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Oklahoma Highway Commission Plans
1,200 Mile System of Roads
1ft y Oo ex 4 1 m 1 f f j yt e, e al Hi
listen Sheep nre ?fepPJE
mm mmtmmu
HUudX IRUinu JUJul
ft 2a.
Fall Clothes
With a Snap
to Them
Our Suits! and Overcoats
never look at all like the
kind the other fellow
wears. Each garment
has the appearance of
having been made just
for the man who wears it.
And the prices arc right
Bros, & Co.
218 W. Central
Faywood f
not opnngs
riuxif iiomic mrrrrcn
ihush JIO.MK MJI.K
Arid 11ICSU)I3S with tlm
"u 2KT WlJtdi there.
JSffoctlvo July 1, 1312:
Arrives. Depart.
No. 1, Cal Kx 7.20 p
8:10 p
No. S, Cul Mm
10:611 u
10:10 ii
11:50 i
S-.CC p
D:35 p
3;&5 p
8:00 a.
31:05 p
12:4b a
4:10 p
0:06 p
No. 7, Mux & Cul Kx
No. V, Oil Fust Mull
No. 2, Tour Kx..,.
No. 4, Llin
No. 8. Kusl Kx. ...
No. 10. Overland Kg
III I'aso Tra Inn
No. S09. Uox Kx...
No. 117, Kl Pnao Kx
No, 810, K C tt Chi
No, 818, K C & Clil
JtoKWoll, Clovli and
No. 811, Peco Kx..
8:00 a
6:20 p
No. 813, Alhuij Kx..
P. J. JOHNSON, Agent.
(OsrrttW V, & Mfl.)
teavee Itoswell 10:10 a. m.
Arrive Vaughn S:J5 p. m.
ZAVM Vaughn dally?..., 8:46 u. ra
Arrives itoiwall :00 p. m,
(Auto waJta unUl lOiOO . .n. for
arrival of 13. P. & B. W. train Tfo. 1.)
Far OBway. 110, Hound trip. 118.
100 Iba. tieggage carried free? axcc
tiaggajre. W.SO per 100 lbs. Baggat
up to 1,600 1M. arrjed.
CBBctoai road at'Vgugttn with
II 13. IV ft 6, W. and Santa F train.
Xloetvej) An to Co., RoewtH, owners
OerH(Mm Broa rMi, $fU.
A TitoOry.
"nrhtf I therti no, itreat AmoHran
irawatUtt" atttod tho art peimlmlfl,
'viWXiue," rsjuiuu wie jwroonia
msnesor, "when an American la pap.
Able of thinking- up a flret.cla prac-
Ucai Woi-gnd drewln If Hp'lnfjgood
ipeeche h&' doesn't bother bouf hi
theater, 4fo gos ofp poJIUw.
JlMto'aiob. I
State Assumes Lead in Road
Betterment Work in South
west; Missouri Highway
Association Formed at Big
Meeting in Jefferson City;
What New Mexico's Neigh
bors Arc Doing.
i'li. 'il.'ih, Okln., Nov. K. -ik lu
te. ...i, lender In many of Die r-r,riri
ii ..v. im-iiiK nf Dm 'Uuy, u well as nn
i.i UK guard for grout undertakings
.r ".nvcnlenro nhd betterment of
m. i . i (f In general, Ih Jum now
hi rt.jiin a Ii'ihIIIoii niimiiK the en-ih,i.iMi-
olios In Diet ir oimI roads
in.. . m-nt of thu hind. With tho
"ci.iiioii.il highways deportment, nt
! 'i,. i i ,.r which Ih Col. Hlilnoy
i .1." ih- sliito of Oklahoma In mov
j I,, i. iw.iril u h ruplilly und effertivuly,
, i ii.-i; in the good rinds work a
1 .i . oi ilii fttiiti'H of Did ureal houDi
I mm People ill least lire llWuklng
i'Ii. kiiul lninirlMii''e of the work !
( i v pr-iinntoi) Mini urged by Dm hmu
i Ii.. ii.is department.
'I Ii." went side nf Did statu hu rniiiln
tie. re iinmrexd In mini liullillnit than
Mm Die Mint Hlile. I m only i( rui-iilit
iit'M Hint the eiiMt Hide Iiiin take II
Hiiocliil liitiirint lit thin Mtntn-Hlilu
inoveiiient. lln. firm ntlniiipt at icooil
ruidlH IiuII'IIiik on Die iiint nlilo tiniler
tin direction, of the Oklnhutnii hlKh
ui,,h 'iiniiiilhnliiti uiih Dint of a mllu
mill u hn If nr iimil limlliit; went from
ti i nil of Centry meiiun out of i.'lnj-
'llo ilkUhomn hlKhwiiyH fiiiiiiiil
ion Ii.ih iiluruieil In nil iiliiuii 1200
iiii ! roud leiiilliiK throiiKh thu
Mute .ii nu ll a wny iih to hcncHt nil
H'.iiii' nt this amount uhout one-
h.il: Ii.ih lieen definitely lorulcil. till)
inn - 'iommiiik, tlm Mtniit from north
to ho. Hi .Hn! from enMl to went, imu
ion', "in the cunt nidi-, that iiiinsIih;
Ditoiii'h Vlnitii, Mimkoxee, I'heeotah
iiihI Aioli.i, Ihim hud couitlderiilile work
inn ,.111 iinin It throtiKh hjful orK'in
IiiUomh it Ih Dili filnn, however, of
Die IiIkIii:ih (liIllllilHIllllll to H'lllld
IniKe hiiiiim In nlil of thin Kenerul
lin.w nn ill flnni tho Htllte und teilerul
Riivi riiiiii iiIn
The lll.eH Of IhO WMl Hllle "f Dill
Mute h.iti. hud conHlilerulili- in en
nn "; ihein In the woik of rond
dilllillnu. -Miei"hDly Ilium: Din rniiln
of the ,ioiiihi'iI Krout niitlniuil IiIkIi-
uu from WlnnlppK lo the Diilf
kniiuii ii h the Meridian road. Thin
mint hiuhwuv In miiiieii in run
tlitviiiKli Oklahoma hy tun iliverKitiK
iuiiIih, i.im hy vny of the old I'IiIh
linlin trull, hr.-'ilchliiK olf fr'Uii the
Mi ridliui roud iu Welllimtnii, Nun.,
unit iiiimnIiii; throiiKh Kulil, KIiikIIkIiit,
I'll Helm, (.'hlckioihu, Hiiinntr and
Wmirlkii. nnd NwltrhhiK Into the muln
lllie lit Knit irlh. Tex. The nlher,
III"' .Mellilliill rouil priilier, rullH
thtoiiMh I'eriy. 1 u I In If. .Niiiiiiiin
(lliluliiiiim (Mtv. I'hiiIh Vulley and
Arilinnie, nn in Kurt Win Hi
AIiiiik thu I 'IiImIhiImi Hull mule
miii Ii of Die rninl him lieen ImiIH -ir a
fuUlllhllinli mini), for Die Kle.ll li.Kh-
way. Keveiul of the cltliH anil nine
I Iih llirmiMh whleh DiIh lililhuii) inim
have put out work llirniiuli vnhniteer
liilmr, iniieh nf the mud In (iruiit.
(liirlleld, KltiKlhdier, Caiiudlun und
flriulv liuvliiK liieti Kriiilid throiiKh
siluntiiry ,tiiniln out or Die farmerH
and KivInK their work, the i-oiiut'eii
puilliiK In Dm hrlilciK und culver!.'!,
pteeedlnir or iih Die uorii iirnurinsi d.
oittiAMZi: . ss():i.Tio.
J(iffirnon City. Mu , Xm. ij. Tho
MlHHOtirl IllKllWliy .iHteirllitlnn, em-
hrarlnir In 11m memliemhlp kooiI i-oiuIh
enthlinlinitH from ev. rv neetlnu of the
Mute, Wild nrKUIili d line IiihI week
nnd morn Ihiiu K'nnu ntm puld lliti
Ur IreiiMir.v to deimv the preliminary
expenseH of Die pnipuii.iiiilii for go id
roil lis leKlHlutlnii UiIm uinl.f.
Hoy R llrlltnii ,,; I.iiiiIm u.ir.
fleeted pleMilmi. JikIki- It. A. Klll-t
Of lllirtllll, llll) roilllU, re peH!-
dent: Jemnie n iiricKh ir .lupiiu,
Herrelury. und Audilnr .1 , ) i n I'. ilnr-
don, tieiiHiirer. The otllreiH and the
rillloWllIK enliHtililte thu eXei'lltlM'
COIIIUllltee JtulKe IMkIi UllllOlt of
Kn iimiih ("II j , W N". Durliy of Cam-
eroll, ami Itudde M. ltnliluxou of Jop
llll. A IcKlMutlv. cniillMltloe, thu
dot j nr which will h fn draft thu
IiIIIn and cullHtltiitloniil iitnendinulltB
in In- Miiiinltlcd to Dm li'KlbluturiN
U;ih uppolllted.
'Id I'.nllKt Many AuoiicIpm.
Tlm coiiMiltutlnii und hy-luwi pro-
vide for Dm nluctlon of a hoard of
ilrnutorH ninipiiBed of twotily nr-
rotia. Tlienti wrro mil elected, it
htdnic flmt nuceimury to net In cum
munlcatlon with mmin of the iin'ii
tulltutlvely reliotl'il. Ilciidilliil Iitk of
Din uhndclutlon will he maintained In
Jt'ffcmoii I'lty und aunuiil iiiectliiKu
aro provided for mi the Hemnil Mon
day In Drcniiilier of each year.
Thin orKarilwitiiiii Ih tho muni com
jirihi'tmlve In Hh ncnpo which Iioh
ever tuckled the prnpiiHllloii of inn
(iidiunlxliiK Dm inuildy roadu of MIm
until I. Muck of It arc u lurKu nttmhur
of mini with money, thu inomuur of
Urn tmtomuhllu iiHuoclutloua of th
idute. Dm Htuto highway unglimor, tho
IndiiHtrlul depurtiiHntM of tho rail
roadM and u number of corimrutlon.
It tiroiioHci to cnllit tho aid of tho
wuiniin. thu nchool tuuehum. tho
nruuehem. unit thulr cotiKresaUoiu,
Hid nuwspapori und muguliii, tho
inuinhurM of coiiKruM, atato officer.
nminlioM nf thu leulnluturo and pa
trlollo tiMoclatlon.
Probably eviintyflva mn. rciiro
MinUnir ovt-ry nuarlor of MUsourl,
turned out for the ounventlon. tNuir
sreMmoh W. P. norland of Kuiikiih
City notud an clialrinan, Jeromo II.
Orlgtf of Joollh or,Ved a icrelnry.
Jntapcrk'fii-ccl tabor Cotfi Ktato 13,.
r Annually,
Xhe teftlU)tiva commlttiu I likely
to rendrt two moniurcA (1) a con-
ttutf)Bfll amendmcni pruvldlm oith
cr J6r..ihe Itniianco of bund for per
mancni wuiut cuiiBiruL-nun or lor iovy
Ing an annual tax for the benefit of
the 'foafyu (?) a mwuure creating- a
ptate MshWny commliulon, hoie
gttjyOt UV.be to crterA"y euiwrvlte
lnetwwdjueUon of prnnt road
jlS'MiiwOun gnd tlie wtpsniSltur of
Mate rond fund. Thla menxuro cop.
template the appointment of a high
wny commlMloner and u highway on
Klnttr. thi'HO to bo eatarlod olllcer.
dcxotlng their cntlro tlmo to their
A rnrimuro RUggeted by Juromo H.
OrlKK" contoinplalc the dlvliloti of
Dm Mate Into four dimrlcti and the
npjiointtnent of nn engineer In each;
uIku the uppointmcnt by tho county
court of n I'lunty engineer to nuper
vlfio county work (Jrlffg1 plan pro-riii-ii
to eliminate the tremendous
oat of tin 1 11 k nn army of Inexjier-letiri-ii
nn n to overHe! (he working of
rnmlH He eMIttlilted (hut thn um-
pi.ni"Mt nf iii.-ttiertenci'd men to
piii.li up tlii r-.ixlM com annually
j , 2 '1 . 0 i ...
Burlington Is Compelled to
Abandon Building of Im
portant Branoh; Rock
land Also Suspends
K ii n .i m i ' ,j ,
)lliilliil"".ri i.ulr
No. IS. The
lux ti inpnnii lly
llli.i mlnfied Wolk
Of ItH eXtetlMnil
hi the r oilMrui't on
finm Thermoiiolln,
" t"i nilo .Imu tloli. Wvo.. Iiimiiiim
of Din lll.ililllly In hire Illliliri'lH. Hut
I'lKlil mll.H nr the in., ol llilK lirumli,
known a the I'nwdi-r Hlver bra in h,
rein. lln lllieniiipleleil. ThlH Hue Ih to
he the i oiineetn,K mk i,t the Mill line
from 1'iiKcl Hnuml to Dm (ililf nf M. x-
110. The DllniiK.'i Nil. IM to ( OIIHlNt of
Dm flicm N'oriloi ii, Northern I'liclHe,
Hpokune, I'niil.wd fii .euttle and Dm
llurlliiKioii iii Hn- NnriliivcM, wiii'li
Will he lililii i'leil Ia Die I'OU'tli l tler
hiaiieh i'!i ill.- i '"iioiutln gf .Sniiiiii ru,
Kurt Wot III iV lieiivel' City and Hie
Trinity A Iu.uoh V.illey.
The Hni IIiikIoIi'4 trmilile Ih i nuiiunn
In llilllh .ill lln- UeHli'lll IrilllHinlitl-
111. 'iilul Hit' m l-'nr fmir iimiitliH iih-
'!ilcii;ii, ,Miltauli, e St. I'aul llul
been till nil l .iiiet In ItH llollhln IriK'k
nlk iii'Iiim Inw.i, nliU'li tho eniiipun
.uil.H In iiinIi tint I II limy !n In pli.VHl
i ;il i imilllloli n liiimlti" Dm I'.iiiiimu
I'.nllle inilllr III I '.Ii:.. MllllnllH huve
In. ell uppmpl inleil for thu necnud
llll" k Ulllll. I'lllile elHlull, lllllllllla-
linn of ciiiw'h .ind iiiPlun anil culvert
woik. Tlii an m.iiiy men an Dm
eniopuny lint him - nt III lie eliiplnyed,
Hn nllli I..Ih nf Hie. i nllipliny IIHitert.
The Itoek IMiiuil ultlilii lbt.p:iHL
linen h i.i.h h.il hei'li ' 1 1 1 1 J -1 1 1 t I to
.iiiiimlnn i oiiKiili rnlilo work In Kiiiihuh,
hern heuler Hteel Ih liillllt 1 1 1 1 I anil
llli" ll'liekH leliiillllMted. .Muliy of the
muilH lite Hudim it hunt in xmiim
Hiillleleiit truck luhnr rnr in.'llnteuuiirv.
Thlt MIkhiiiiiI I'arllle, hleh Ih Ho
lm; coilHldeluhlit llllilnt'Uielll work
on ull IIH Kiiiikih llm-H, iiIho Ih Imndl
I'apped hy a 11111111' Mi urclty. In Kim
wih City, the h'uUHUM city Hnutoeru Iiiih
hveu nueilliiK more luhnr tliiui II eoiihl
Kel for the I'lilllpletlnn nf till) Norlll
.spin t nriii tn.i Ik.
Tho exixliiH nf (irii kn to tlm I In I kn 11
twir Ih ivmioMmIIiIi . In 11 III rKK uxtelit,
fur the pieHent cniniitiou, (IruokH 11 r
iiiiiniiK the iiiuhI di""iralil typoji of fo: -elKii
Inlior, und their leavltiK tho coun
try In lalKe iiumlierH llUN loft Dm
lallroudH Mini 1 -handed. It Ih ulmoHt
luipiiiiMlile 111 k American labor.
Sin liiisHilt Iii tho Went.
An era or k 1 r, t proHpurlty lor the
hI Wiih pi. ill' ted hy 11 party of
I'heKupeilke ,V iihlo frclffht OlIlcllllM.
uliu eie Iii Kuiikiih City yuHterday.
on a .eiiii iiiiiiual mur 01 inHpucunii
f the fotelKII ollli'CH Of till" wyHtl'lll.
All of Dm party expressed DmniHidveH
iih holme nmniy imprcHMfii nn hub-
Iiii hh condllloiiH In thin Mvt'tlon. Th
party airlvml In Kiiiimih City yeMtvrday
mornlnit and npciit Dm day ouIIIiik "
1 (H'li I frclKht olllclalH and IhIIIiik tho
local iiIIIcch of the enmpaiiy In tho
Hoard of Trade bulhlliiK. They left
luMt nluht In 11 himineMH cir rur m.
Jonuih, Dmuhii and Hi 11 er. In tho
parly worn tho rnlloulnK.
V. M. Whllukcr, l.e prudldcnl
f'htvapeaku Si Ohio. Hl limond. Vit.i
Thuinlon I.eulH, m.iniiKir Kanawha
lilKputch, cinciuiiiiti: It. II. VaURhun,
Ketietul mil llll Kr Hint) IthlKU Illpplltcll.
Cliulnniitl, If. I'. Ilathiiwuy, ucnoru
uostcin iiKcnt Kunawliu Dlnpatch, Ht.
I Ik; S. II. Thompson, ngvllt Kano-
liu DiMiatch. llcmlermin, Ky.; J.
KiIiiiuihIh, Mccrolury to
Santn Vo Happening Alwny InU-nut
Our luTader.
After reading of bo many prnplo In
our town who have linen cured by
Doan'd Kidney Pill, Die- quoatlon
naturally arliei: "In thin tm-dlclitu
ertually lucremful In our neighboring
town?'' Tho Ki'iicnuiH etntement of
thl Ranta K rvMiletit leaven no room
for doubt on thin point.
Joihi Ortlxy Hunt, Alto HI., Hunta Fe,
N. Mox., HiiyH. "In iao7 I uetl Doan
Kidney I'liln for imlim In my back
which hud troiihlud tno for threo
ycure. They brought prompt relief
mid proved ho tu'illHfnctnry that I gave
a public Htatcmcnl In their pralee. Now
after two nnd a halt year havo
Iiuhhi'iI, I Kladly confirm every word of
Hint tiitlmonlul. I pan add that I
havo ilneo utcd Doan' Kldnoy Pills.
Blvlng them ft rrforo thorough trial
nnd haVo rocelved great bcnoflt. I
know that thin remedy la good for
backache and kidney complaint."
For oatei by all dealer. T'rleo SO
tiettt. Pder-M1lburn Co., Iluffalo,
New XrX fol 'agent for tho United
flute, ' '
nemttttber the name Dottn' and
(take no ofher.-'-A'dv. SI
All goods reduced and priced the
saw t? fU
Clarke'ii Curio Blare.
i ;
Princeton. N. J. All member of
the I'rlncut'Ui football team who pur
tlclputed In Soturduy'g game with
Yule, came through tho battlo with
out any Injuries except Captain Pen
dleton, whuo loft ehoulder wai dli
located. Cuptaln I'eiidelton In un Interview
dufonded Tuiiby" Wallor, tho Prlne'
toti halfhuik. who wnii dliiiuatirtod
for cllcKed ioiikIi pluyitiK In tackling
Vllnn, Dim Yule fullback.
cam.'irldK"-. Miihh. linriinrii var
ally footlmll Iimmi reMed H--nday. The
PlayiTH (nine thri.UKh the Kumc with
DurtiiKi'itli lttmui Injury and aro 111
good condition to Mart the week of
hard prude . they will he kIVch prior
to the itunu.il name with Yule riutur-
lU) .
Practice loiuorrow will he light,
hut In the iu MicceedhiK dnyn tint
coachi'H plmi to put thu men through
rt rlgorotii training, UrilMiliiR off with
llphtor unri. immiidlutuly pricedlliK
tho game.
Jlurvunr- llilMMi ugulnnt Yale Ih
expicli'il 1., ho tlm Hittni" un that
Mlildi Dial i 'I uKiilimt Dartmouth.
Chicago-- l ho WulverMty of Win
cotmlu fin. nil team Ih chuini.'iii of
the "big mil" '' thin year. J-'uturdio '
Kami" wiik Mi" crowning achievement
if un uiihr-.l .en lint of trlumptiH for
the f'lirdlnil "'olorH thin fall and all
middle wcol roothull crltlcn unite in
ileclarlng 1l1.1t thu V'lNcoiiklu team
Iiuh doner .-ii Hh houorH hy Hiiperlor
lly In even department of the kiiiiic.
I.eailliig 1 hi'H nay lm "now root-
hiill" Iiuh i er received more con
vincing iliiiiiiiiHtiutloiiH lhau haw
hoeu ftlven ly the WIhciiiihIu eleven.
hi' Ii Iiuh kii'in tlm uhllltv to devlne
tin Ii. h and 'Xeciitii fiiriiiiitioMM calcu
lated tn take tho ulmoHt advantage
llf tile npl li KUlllll.
St. Liitii- Ton JuuniiH, In li Ih
Ii 10 ueriipl.iiie, imide the ihlity-Mx
mlleH from St. (.'harleH to Ht. I.nul
Huiiiluy In tt ciiHy JumpH. llo now
Iiuh covered 771 mlleH of the illxlauco
rroin Omiih.i In New UrleuliH und IiIn
actual Hyliiri Hum Iiiih heeii rniirleeu
Tho iivluior left St. ChnrleH at 1
n'cloi It in Hie morning nnd Mew the
rniirleeu lull' K to Alton, III.. Ill MftetJH
lilluuteH. Al :i 4 0 o'clock III the art
eriioon he departed friim Alton and
In twenty lulnutcH hud made the
twelily-twn iiiIIch to Ml. I.hiiIh. Jan
nun will ri.nalu In St. I.oiiIh until
Thurnihii uhen he rcHiiinc IiIk
Join uey In Hie llulf id Mexico.
Ne llaen, Conn. -The Yale font
hull teum Hpctlt Hlllldlly (Ulell,V lit Dm
tlreetiMlch, Conn, Cnuiitry cluh and
lll letiirn here tmlay fur light prac
tice for Dm I Inn 11 rd game next Kat
iinlii Tlm men emerged rrom the
I'l minion game In gnnil phyHlcal cnn
illtlnn The hh nil- I inn that raced I'rltlce
tnn piMluihly will Hturt the lluruird
game, with the exception of Wheeler
nt iuiirterhnck. l.ortiiH, who pluyed
the In h t purt of the I'rli'jeton gnuii".
did ell und there Ih a pnHllill that
he may he HrM choice.
Soii.ii.i Mlni'H CtiMoin ore im imw
being roelvoil rrom Ihreu llirteiit
'lo.i Mil- und to lll"ire ate gi-llllig
remly to Hhlp to their pi. ml. Klin nie
Ih " nmiiiK from Dm louoM levoln r
Die mine. Thu nhiiM Ih pilng doun
1 1 1 1 and will noon lie lo llin "iiju
I'Mit e,.. The aci'UKc dally tniinuKo
im 11 tl I, 'l in Dm mill Ih Ii;,) ton.
Kl 11. m um Mining Co The output
fur tin. l.iMt cloven day of October
uiih J , .31 otincun Truy or gold und
HlU.-r liiillllou und U.OOO poundH of
high gi k( conccutruto; Dm total for
thu iim .mil wan 33.0SII ouiicch bullion
ami J..ijil piiundH coucentiato. Tile
legul.ir iiiiiiiDlly illvhleud or nlie per
'cent a.ih declared Nincinher I. Mine
do 1 lojiutentH contluuu In Hie mum-ox'-olh
ui grudu of 010.
In. i.i.. .id Mines Hefnie tiding the
no Miioiuutlu 1111 m pier lor tho ciih
torn '.in luulnobv, thu ciiulpmi'iil ih
undergoing 11 Hi-rlva of tcM In con-
JUIIlllon . llll Hie. Old HKtom of HUIII-
Plln.. io dutormlno Hh accuracy and,
after .1 lew further iidJuetmontH, all
i."h win ( hundlcd hy It. Thu mill
Ih lumiiiig Mcadlly, avcraglnK 330 luim
per im Ii
Tin- iiuk Company (Irmllug Ik
iiii.Ii 1 u.iy for tho purmauont wluift
on tin' juhimon mlim and plaiw por
fected tor extending the tuiful
Ihiough to end of line. At thu Pa
clhc, g.uiil oro In coming from thu
Mopu and tho nuvernl developniont
iieadliigN. Tho Conwolldatcd, being
wnikod under leuiio from Hocorro
tnlncH, Ih yluldlng un excellent grudu
of mill uru.
Trilie, urotip Work ha JuhI boon
Murti d un thla group und It la tho In
tonlhiii ti) ship oro to ono of tho cus
tom uiiilh. A gnuolln.i hoist may bu
Instiilled within 11 few wevk.
Mogoliott Gold & Copper Co. Homo
of Dm lust oro now milled In camp
a coming front tho Wttlo Clmrllo
mine Arrangements huve boon mado
with ono of tho local plant to fur
nish curretlt aiM au electric hoist will
bo liiktalled, 1
First Deaf Mute He wusn't so very
angry, wag he?
Second Deaf Mute Jfo wa o wild
that Hie words he used almoiit blister,
ed his Hivgor.;rP1MUUrg
U your huBnd cros? An Irrlta
bio fault tlnldW' disposition U often
"due to a mt& ptomach. A.
man with mnd dlxestlon lx nearly
iitwuys gooArpMAtcd. A. great many
atpmach trouW hy Uk pg Cham,
herloln fim for sale by all
dur8Uts. AdV.
IB mi m
- 1
Piano Lniduled in :Xms; In
ane $fan Given .Guardian
on Own Sequent; Hunting
Party Travels in Haok.
(pU)l Corrrodcf to Ik nnldl
;ioWs, W,-M., Nov. 16. .TbA-ftil-dencu
of Mr. JD. Ii. Lroughton, who
lives about eight iuIIch west of here,
burned to thu ground about & o'clock
this morning. Mr. Doughton had
built a tiro In the kitchen stovu arid
went out to nil Ik tho cow. Mrs.
Doughton was still aMeop and woke
up to llnd thu liitorlor of hur houuo
ublaxe. They were not able to savu
nn Dilng. Among things of value that
wore destroyed wure u vuluablu pluno
und seVerut handsome diamonds of
Mr. Doughton's.
Mr. und Mrs. Hoy Ktder of .St.
Vruin were In Clovls shopping Satur
day. Mr. Kldcr reports prospect of
11 good crop In the your 1!M3 on thu
strength of the DcmocruUe curth
iUaku that Iiuh Jum. liussod.
Mr. A. I.'. Uoml of the Hollvne sec
tion uan In i'IovIh Krlday and roportH
coiidltlon In his Hcctlou of tho coun
ty good. A groat deal of Mtlirf WHM
raised uhout llollouu thin yeur, he
Mill J.
C. C. Hakor, the elllilonl city clerk
of the city or i'IovIh, is absent from
the city und hfn duties on a few
ucrk.s' vacation to his old homu In
CroHKclt, Ark.
KvurigollMt Krncu Hoiihc, uhbIMciI
hy IiIh Mlnger, Mr. Haltd, and pluulMt,
Mrn. Ilulrd, airlved Sunday and begun
a rovla ul Dm chrlstluu church
Mondii) night.
While trjliig to Mart 11 lire In the
cook stove one duy thin ueok Mr.
Wcrnoli received 11 Hoore hum 011
her hand, canned rrom un cxplnMoii
or a gUMollne can, While thu hum
Ih oxcuedliiKly painful Mrs. Wuruott
Ih gutting along vuty nicely.
He'. Melton Heose, ptiHlor or , thi
IliiptlM church, spent the week end
In Alamogordo attending tho HuptlHl
Tho wHo of Mr. Sum Cnpeiund of
thu Illack tower community died InM
TlleHday night ul the Immu near
HluckloWer Mr. CVipchuul Is well
known, since he Ih one or thu old and
lellahle fiumerH or DiIh him linn o( the
JiiHcph W. UoilghtHH wiih declared
Iiikiiiio in Dm prohate court of Judge
William D. Mcllee hy a jury
or six iiidii. Mr. liouglusH in
of 11 good family and Iiiih a IiohI of
rrleuilH In DiIh county. Spells or In
sanity I'omo upon him only at ntur
viiIh, hut ho Ih left without IiIn mind
HiimetljiiiH ror wuokH. Mr. DouglusH
hlmseir asked for 11 guardian inter
giving IiIh tiMliiiiuiy liernre the iniirt,
which appeared us the talk nr a per
fectly wine muii.
'Itev. Jeremln'h 'Moore, ror twonty
yearH prcHldcnt or Washluginii and
TllHciilum college of TentlCHHee, ar
rived IiihI week and look charge oT
Die iiiiHliirate nf the I'reHhy lerlau
chuich ror tho i'iiiiiIiik year, Hev.
Mr. Mniru llllcd Dm pulpit at IiIm
chinch Sunday and everyone uiih fa
orahly luipreHHed with IiIh Hpletidhl
sermoiiH and pi'iHuiiiillly. Mr. Monro
Iiiih lieen xliltlnlled at T1111H rnr Ih"
paM three ears.
( Hunting In llin k.
Mr. and Mr. Juwoll Klmlierlln und
Mr. und Mth. .lefTerHnii returned home
Saturday arternoou after 11 week'H
hunting trip III thu mniintuliiH near
Tiictimcarl. They made tlm trip iver
land In a hack with a chuek-hux nn
behind In regular camping stylo.
Many iUiill and hiiiiiII gumc wore the
vhttniM id tin murkHiiion.
.1. Al. Ad-llngtun or ArUslu ui
serloiiHly liijuiod this week 'aIioii ho
Htartod in illuili nil the bus at the
depot and the Iihi-hos ran away. Mr.
Aihlliiglnii HtiHttalned a hrokun leg.
Ilacncr Notes.
A hroomcorn seodlug utitllt cauie
In TucHday and threshed and haled
ror W. II. KhIu'Iiiiiiii and l-'rauk Ma
Koo. They have an automatic lecdur
and It did good work,
The grading crew arrived Thorn
day evening and the triOO-rnnt Hiding
at Iluvoiior wilt hiioii he a reality.
(louige iJoughuriy Is delivering head
ed m.iixi' at si Vraln to "Mr. Shipley,
llo roportH a line nip.
Denver. Colo., Nov. 17. President
Hush ami Vice Pri'Hldont Hroun or
Dm Denver ft Itlo (Irandu. havo au
thorlicd th), Immi'dlutu construction
of the doublii-lrock dutour lino, over
Soldier summit, where tho railroad
cpishoh tho Wasatch motinlulnB In
Tho present linn between Tucker
and Soldier Summit Ih suven iiiIIch
lung and tho grade four per cent, or
211 foot to Dm mile. Thn nuw lino
between tho same point will bo fif
teen miles long with grade reduced to
two per cent, or 10fil& feet lo tlm
mllu. Thu reduction In tho grudu and
curvature will moro than off set the In
creased mileage,
The coM or Ihl work will be ap
proximately Ihreu million of dollars,
being tho most Important linprovu
merit yet authorized by tho Denver &
Itlo Orundo under thu new mannge
mont. Contracts wilt bo le within ten
or flrtoen day, und It I anticipated
that tho work wilt bo completed by
July of next year.
Thl large expenditure ha been
authorised by the board of director
because of tho rapidly Increasing
truftlo Inoldent to tho opening of tho
Wostern Pacific railway, n woll ai
to take euro or the enormous coal, and
coko output going from tho Utah,
mine to tho Salt Lake, Nevada and
Montana smcltvr and reduction
plant. Other factors lniluenclngthe
decision are tho anticipated jrotrth In
passenger traffic on account of the
Priami-rattllc exposition nt Ran
Fnutelsco and tho Increased freight
business sure to follow the opening,
pf the Panama canal.
tne 341 wool Kji
Hot only pure wool but the finest grade
of it goes into the cloths from which our
ylLL-WOOL garments are made.
This Is "why we can show unusual
shades and weaves In our suits and over
coats. 10 0 SIITS AX $15 SPECIAL.-
And then the way our clothing Is made
Is different. They are not sawed out and
slung together by carpenters of clothes,
but hand-scissored and hand-made by the
best tailors working under wholesome,
sanitary conditions.
Our prices are no more than our up
grade clothing Is worth.
Remarkable Results of Train
ing at New Mexico Military
Institute Shown By Actual
ItllMUoll, ,. M., Nov. in. Ill) Sop
telliher of this year, tile eiilletH nf III".
New Mexico Military luMltulo wore
'arefully weighed, mou.iureil and ex
nmlnuoS hy the post hiiikooii, Dr. in
galls. Jiint roity-llvii dayn latin, or
October :Ht, the cadetH weio again
carefully WelgHed. Tho lahuluteil
list of these weights rur Dm unit hun
dred ami fifty-threo cuilutH enrolled,
kIiowh a remarkable n.iln. It Ih a ta
ble nf fnctH and IlguroH which proves
more forcibly than anyihlng oIho
hlch Iiiih over 1 11 eHtahllHhod In
this country. Dm wonderful intuitu
ages of training III Hie ' oiCii air, of
system, or regular exercise and regu
lar hahlts. Out or the entire .ichnol
hut Direi, men show a Inns In eight.
Tun of the cadetH uliu IohI In uilght
will Mm' a rcmiii knlile phyMcul Im
provcmiiit ai hulh of thom young,
men cru eiitlre'ly tno large around
Dm girth rnr their height, the on
lorced uxerclno having a tendency Ui
reduce their glrfth and to bring them
injur normal. Tlm average gain ror
Dm cntlro m-IiooI uiih more than eight.
I'iiuihIh fur (he f ' 1 r t y -1 1 v . day period.
Thu hlghoHt guln wus twenty -to ami'
one-lllllf pnuuilM,
Allhiiiigh the iii tl ct m have this year
come flom iill partH nt tile I'llltod
.St. leu there has not been a slngln
ruse of slcktms.s rvportcd at tho Insti
tute hoKpltal other limn liUlnl mat
It ru, mieh an could ho corr .cled within
a few hours. It Iiiih long lieen main
talued thut open air training In DiIh
cllmato HUrpasses thu world and those
KtatlstlcH bear out this, statement in a.
lorclhlii miinnei. There has not boon
a Hi 11 lu day since the opening or the
-OHslon that the cadets have not spent
rrom two to 1. u hours In Die open.
From 3 lo 4:30 every afumoon they,
enjoy athletic sports and from 4:30
lo " : 3 f) they aro at regular military"
drill. Their hour ror sleep and
iiicuIh am r.s regular as the sunrise.
Also thulr hours for work and reeru
atlon are regulated hy thu rules.
When fuels of this kind aro brought
A cold will ttflhrillr aggravate the symptoms ohCatarrfr, junt oaltrnay In
crease the pains of Rhcutuattsta. But the coJ4 bin no more to do trlth the
real cause of the one than vrilh tho other. Dad blood 1a tlia utidrriwltifr
causa for Catarrh; tho circulation Is
thffcara, ncttralgla, lnllamcd eyeu, etc.
poBitea into 1110 iuucoub zncraurancs cansinrr lniiammation and
)l I 1... ..!.. -. .1 .l. J 1 ,
.uuuntu njr tAtuMnuocvuium vi mc ugau buu vuioM, roanncr BOUttuS
wuuiM wuaii mw ifBnni vunauiuiiuuailjr, lur 11 a OCyonU'UtQ-IaCJl Of lOCAA
treatment. The blood tnust be putifle! the pgune tt
.jtnr Vw. taoved before a cure ran be effected. S. fl. Kir-Hi t.
hiiEk j. arm r . , . .
' "-C, tar oy cicansiny
M M M lev anu c mo eamo
fine tonic effects.
blq by Bunplyintr
iiie-tjmag wood
f l - I Y i
i- -'. Miiiiai iiuifuriLirn. i
medical advice free to all who write art
at axttg e tores.
t, 4'.ik , ,i-xL. ! I im TiiuM r imMt dfrf-i AAiiiiBlirtl
io tin. attention or iho public, It wcem
almost beyond concuptlon thut parental
are Milling to liotiso thulr sons Hi
KMiiiiUHluuiM, and closed sclinol build
ings, throughoiii tho oiiHturn Mutosi
Uhen Mich grand oppnrtuultlcH are af
lorded In Dm I'eeoH vulley for physi
cal as well ;ih uiolital development.
It Iiiih boon predicted that before a
grout many yuan' Dm Nuw Mexico
Military ItiHlltuto will havu more stit
ili ntH bun uny other training school,
In Dm I'ultml StatcH. For phyHlcal
ilcvolopmoiit alone, It Is worth sending:
a hoy from thu central north and tho
rur eastern Htulea lo New Mexico. ,
Socorro County Town Gets
Ginger Germ and Prominent
Men Take Up Boosting Pro
gram. 1
San Mnrclal. N. M.. Nov. is Wmi.
noHilay (,vonlng a representative gath
erlng id the "liuslnoss men of Han Mnr
clal unit In tho K. of p. hall and or
ganized a cninmorrlal cluh. The or
ganixailnn will hu known uh Dm San
Mnrclal Commercial cluh, and tho fol.
IowIiik olllcerH will gllidi) Hh destinies
until the nrM regular meeting In Jan
uary: II. llniHiii. president; Frank
.lolmson, vice prcMdont; W. J. Joyce,
treasurer; (leorg,, W. King, secretary;
Tom Marron and Dr. V. Hackney,
dliectnrs. Tho board of director m
comiioHed or live members.
Tho meuihurshlp list him been left
open and every citlzun Is urged (o Join
the cluh, The object or which Is for
tint Improvement of San Marlcal and
tho surrounding country tributary to
The boy' nppclllo Is oflen tho
fotirco ci ntniiitomur... If you would
nave sucn nn apnullto take Chnmhnr
Iain's Tuhluts. They nut only crontu
a healthy appetite, hut strengthen D10
Htumnch nnd enable it to do Its wnrlt
nnturally. For salu hv all driitfulsts.
Adv. ' n"
.ltMOtnt4 l.i:.KI3
mjfjij i:ij:vator
Kansas City, Mo.. Nov. 18. Tho
Santa Ko olovutor In Kansas City,
Kas., has boon leased by iho Armour
Interests and will ho opunod Novetn
btir 15 nn tho Neolu eloyator under
the mnnagemeut or W. II, Lincoln ana
J. A. Thels. It will be handled a a
subsidiary Interest of thu Armour
drain company. Tho citpuclty or tho
elevator Is 1,000,000 bushel.
infected with Impurities which are de-
Belnjr aacereatcd blood froublci
.. . i . - . -
ine Diooa ox an impnrocfttw
oi mat
time building up the syst
In other words fl. 8. 8. fcnr
the macowJ incmbrnnen wi
Jiite4 pi
. a
v rJirveith Am
book onCaUnhattd tny
8. 8. 8. ii for sxla
m SWIFT smrnc ok Arim
10 V
is r

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