OCR Interpretation

Albuquerque evening herald. [volume] (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 1911-1914, December 11, 1912, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of New Mexico

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92070581/1912-12-11/ed-1/seq-3/

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The Herald's Early
Owppins Week league
Out of consideration for their employe and In order tlrat their
natron may bo, uanm) the brut psdblo sendee, w merchant
whomi name are given Mas nil announce through the Herald sie
'U1 failltJea for .holiday nltopprm ditHnjr nil of thin wortt "Erly
Shopping; Week."
It will par Rift buyers to tratch closely the Herald's advertising
columns for special announcements bjr llrese enteru1'' business
Henjamln Dron. & Co,
Dennett Indian Trading Co.
I. II. iloatrlght
Clark Music Co. '
John Lee Clarke-, Inc.
William Holdo
The. KconomliU
Arthur Kverltt ;
Albert Fnbcr
I.. II. Pet
Tln Ixu (V)mpnny.
(olden Ilulo I)i y Goods Company
XV. (. HurrU
HlKlilaml l'liarnincy
Hub Clothing Company
Ktipptc IHiinlturo 'Company
William Kleke
Klstlcr, CVlllhUT & Co.
The. U-nder
Machinery of Justice at Santa
Fe Organized and at Work;
List of CasOSettfor Hear
ing. Iprrlnl Carrrapomlrnee to tfcr llrratitl
S.i ittti IV.. N. Al.. Dee. II.--Tin
I'lilli'd States district coin I Im now on
session here. Judge W. II. Pope pre
siding. Tin- petit jury puni't was r
liiml.i'il iih follows:
Wlllliun Frank. I .a Vegan; Pablo
Maniacs'., Silver City; Jose Durlo At
.nolo. Mineral Hill; K. C. Hlgglns.
Arteda: Pedro Pacheeo. F.spunnla; J.
It. Ollllsple, Coltnor: Felipe Alderete.
Prngrcsn; Jose Torres, Tome; Jose
do Cruz Herrcru, Tulpu; I'miik Mini
toyu Jr., AlbuitierUe; Franclsio Vi
gil, HuHchum; Perreeto Chaves. Pnm
Aim; (I. W. JoluiHoii, Clovla; Cipriani'
i'Iiiivch, Santa Fe; Frutoso Alurld, Hs
liaiiola; llovcro Martin, Cum .Suluzar;
lli'iilto Ortiz, Hantii I'c; (V II. Ilainll
tun, Tuctimcarl; TlmtiitiH Tipton, Wat
iciih; Atir.'llo Ilial, Ctilllll; Aliran
I'urili-niiH, Italon; Diicldcrlcp fiarcln.
Iti'liMi; AKiipllo Martliicx, Tiuih; Cip
liaini Hula.ar, Tlrrra Ainnrllla. .
Tli- followln, Hi'itliiKH uuro or
dcri'd: No. r.3 (rrlmlnal). Unlli-il Htnu-a of
America vh. Italph I'. Ilnti-hiiixoii,
Jan, y, 1U12. 5 r
No. 110 (civil). Utah ('oiiHtriiclliPii
company, a corporation, vs. Hi. 1oiiIh
Count met Ion and Kulpimnt com
pany, HI. Loiiln, Itockj' Mountain ft
I'aclilc Hallway company, the Hell
Tflfphoni' company and Metropolitan
Trust company of New York city an
trustee. The time of takliiR testimony
extended until April 20. Kdllh Wile
man of Itaton In appointed npcclal ex
aminer to lake the testimony or wit
nesses. V. ('. Hlmpson of Montoy.i, N. M .
lit appointed Walled .States colnmls
aloner, vice Mra. A. HawUlns, re
slKlied. No. r,G (civil). Hulled Htates of
America vh. J. V. Vaiiwlukle, wt for
Deo. H.
No. H (civil), irnltcd fltatca of
America vh. P. J. l'crlclnson, Dec. H.
No. 107 (civil). United States or
America vh. Jerome Troy, Dee, 11.
No. 109 (civil). United HtatcH or
America vh, I'lllherto Jeantet, Hcc. 17.
No. Ill (civil). I'ultcd Ktates or
America vs. Apolonlo fl. Martinez,
John W. HarrlHim and (Irofs-Ktdly
company, Dec. HI.
No. 112 (civil). United HtatcH or
America vh. Andrea l'olli.-il(, Dec. 20.
No. 1C7 (civil). United .States or
America vh. Colorado & Houthcrn
Hallway company and No. 18!) (civil),
United HtatcH or America vh. Colorado
At Southern Hallway company, de
murrer will he heard Deccmher 10.
No. 101 (civil). United Htatca or
America vs. Prank Khaw ct al., De
ccmher H.
No. 102 (civil). United RtatCH of
America vh. Atchison, Topclta & Han
tii l'e Hallway company, net for trial
at Alhuiucriue on Jan. 28.
Admitted to i'racUc,
The United Ktatea court admitted
tile followliiK lawycrn to practice;
l'liul A. F Walter, for yearn a renl
dent or Kanta !, and now In I. oh An
Kelen, Kdwln C. Cranipton, William
D. Mcllride, Cliark-H O. Umlscock, II.
Serviceable. Safe.
THE nioat reliable lantern for farm use
is the RAYO. It is made bf the best ma
tcrials, sothat it is strong and durable
without being heivy and awkvard.
Ii gives a clear, strong light. I caay to liht and rewlck.
It won't blow out, won't leakand won't smoke. It Is
an.irepert-mads lantern. Mads ba various atylea and
8 lie. Thera.ta a RAYO ter wtry requlremant.
j At lUahrt Snrymktte
MMiiiiwiMiiiinwiiiiiiyiiiiMiiiiiwtfiiiiiiiWMii, mq '. . null m.
Ixnrnnrd-I.lndeniann Company
,M. Mnudell
V.. Malinram
O. A. Matson & Co.
O. May
Nntloiml Woolen .Mill
Newcomer Art Khop
O'lllclly Dnijc Company
Powell Ding Company
Itoscitvtnlil Unix.
Geo. V. Kclieer I'unilturr Co.
Simon Htern
KiroiiK llrw.
Strong's Hook Store
s. Vuiiii & Kn
1'. I. Washburn Company
WrlKht'H Trading 1'oht
II. Yiinow
M. DaiiKhteriy and Arthur T. llun
nett. Jami'h Chavea wan apiolnted Inter
pretir. It. W. Wltmer crier. Cebo
rtlz. I'edro Alarld and l'rank Ho
liH'l'ii liallirfs.
Sprelnl lllitpntrlt to I'vrnlnx llrrnld
Santa IV, N. M , Dec. 11. At Im
leeciil meitltm' here (Inventor Mc
Donald wan authorized by the stale
Imaiil or education to Invite the hii
perlntondentH 'of the nlatcH of the
union to hold their next annual nieet
IliK in Santa l'e. 'Ill's meeting x to
lie held Home time In Ocloher, the
date to lie fixed liy a commlltee or
three, composed of Stiperinteudeut
Wlilte of New Mexico, and Superin
tendents Nelson of Utah ami Alder
man of (ircxon. In fact, thcuc tim e
determine also the place or In li I in H
the nett eonvetitlon, and ir Mr. While
can K'et one or the other to vote for
Santa IV tills city will have It.
Superintendent While loilav an
liottnccd that tile following teachers
liae heen granted life certlllcates:
It. A. Dean, I'ortales; I.ola Mnlle
Harmon, Maxwell; Margaret Kelelier.
Alhtiitlerrpie: Sister Kdwina, llerna
llllo, and N. H. Ilrasher, ItoHWell.
Tim hoaid will meet analii In Jan
nary to take up Institute ariiume
meiits anil discuss a coursu of study
and an Institute manual.
With one or two amcndmeniH the
hoard approved the standard course
of Htudy for the New Mexico lilKh
hcIiooIm an adopted recently at a meet
Irn; of hlith school representatives at
AI!iuiOcriUc. Mr. White announced
that 01 per crnt or the pupils In the
Hlalo who took the examination for
IiIrIi school, upon completion of the
eighth Rraile, have passed.
Aslt iiliollt tho !H Toilet Set to ho
Klvcn awcy. I'owell DritK Co.
ltreakfaul. I'uiililon
If you are trotilild with cnronlc
consllpalloii, the mild and KCntle ef
fect of Chainherlalu'H Tahleta inalteH
them especially milted to your cano.
Kor ;alo liy all driiKKlslH. Adv.
We can rurnlsh yon the hest ChrlHt-
mas stockings on the market. Our
Hlack Cat hrand of hosiery looks
nicer, llts better nnd wears loiiRer
than any other make and In therefore
the most economical to buy. All sizes
tor men, women and children. Prices
run from 12 He to 1.2r a pair. C.
May's Khoe Htore, Jill West Central'
A Fashion I.unch for holiday shop
persserved at noon. Kashlou Cafo.
Chariot Itacer at the SkatltiK Hlnlc
tomorrow ulxht.
Trlmhlft' Ltvorv: 118 N. Second 8t
Chariot Kacer at tho HkatliiK IHnk
tomorrow nlnht.
What you are or
what you have been
cute no fiaure. money
is the paaa word that "
admits you to . the
city 400,
The Cltjr" 'tL, XKi.
m vtm
ssrssmrsssssssssssssm i
Best Piece of Highway in the
Southwest 130 Miles From
Socorro to State Line De
dare Local Men.
"Thl llllMllllil lin.l IhlfK mlt.a
or road from Socorro to the AH-
scona Hue I the Uncut piece of
road In the miuihui-M. If wo
bridge the Knp between here .mil
Hocorro It Is atiHO'.mely certain
that wo can et the otllrlal ocean
to ocean hlKliway. !. D. K. II
That the Htale of New Mexico ami
county of Socorro without tmtklnx
any IiIk noise about It have built New
Mexico's ilncst piece of ronil from
Soioilo lo I'i). Arizona Hue, a distance
ol sIlKhtly over Kill miles, I- the ell
thltslaxtle statement of Mayor 1 1. K. II.
Selleis and I'resldent H. r. Ilntler of.
III,. Ai:uiUcrUC (iood Itoads associa
tion who teturned this werk from a
trli In Mr. Ilutler'x car as (at; as the
houiidary of Arizona, on the return
II lp the lt-ll,i'll Sllour.lll, eilNlly p,IHH
able with all auto while illy bcK'l to
melt when t ie party reached MiihiIii
lena and It wan "necessary t( eue
the car, lor which Mesers Sellers and
Duller will leluiu to MiiKdalelia l'll
duy and cuine homo In tile niallllle.
A hlK rally or the n""d ioiiIh boost
ers or MaKilalciia, with smokel- and
lunch, was held to hear speeches from
tile Albtiiiiet'iUe men who Injected
considerably more Klngcr into the lo
cal Nltuatlon there. An a result the
mcellllK outlined u pliui to net 10
Hetlier repi esclKutlMs ol nil the cotin
Ues of the state uIoiik the Hue of the
t'.imluo Ileal to wait upon the hlKh
way comiulsslon at Santa l'e and uixe
the Immediate completion of thi ('am
ino Ileal from Alhlt(tleriUe to Socorro,
thiin makliiK available (he splendid
Socorro county road as a main lliilo
in the ocean to ocean hlKhwu). The
road to Socorro Ih even now fairly
passable save thj.Htrotch from Sain
to Curt banc, where IiIkIi centera and
deep ruts block the way east ward.
"There Ih no question," declared
Mayor Sellers, "thai the lo. d from
Hocoiro to the statu line I equal to
anything In tho west. It Is perfect;
tho grades are splendid, the roadbed
solid, the surfacing Ideal, and you can
whU along at tblrtj-llve miles an hour
anywlieie, acrosH plains a ml moun
tains. Tho mountain road work Ih
every wliero nqual to thut of the Ia
llajada hilt between here and Santa
,Fc. It Ih astonlsJilng. If the ocean-to-ocean
tourlntn Kciierally were aware
or this road they would ral.-e hcivun
and earth to get to It.
"The. scenery Ih inagnlllccnt. If we
lx the toad to .Socorro from here it
gives iih a tremendous advantage in
going alter the olllciat liauscoutliient
al route.
"Fifty lillleH between here and Soc
orro Ih ipiod toad. We ought to got
i drag on the lost of It at once and
fix it temporarily until the ('amino
Heal construction lieRltiH.
"(ItiH Uceker or Kprlngcrvllle, Ariz.,
has a force or men at work on tho
road up the grade to Kurt Apache ami
tho road down the mountain on tuu
other sldu to rilobii Ih good. That
makes the Ideal winter route."
Colonel Hellers says the 14 -Inch
snow In tliti Datlls was the heaviest
in live yearn. It waa euy for the car
to traverse until It became slush.
it Ih suggested that In cane It ever
does become Impassable, It Ih eiihy for
the tourist rcuchlng Albuquerque to
detour via lloswell, III I'uso and the
Horderland route. The three trann
continental parilcH now HtoppliiK "Vei
hero will he routed that way.
W. R. Forbea Is Claimed By
Death After Long Illness;
Body to be Sent to Old Home
for Burial,
After Buffering for sevci-Al month
from a complication of dlivimri, W. ft.
l''orbc, for alxleen yara a resident of
Alliuquorquo nnd other Nuw Mexico
cltlea .parsed away last ovonlng at the
Korhen homo on Went Central avenue.
Mr. Forhen' wife and mother were
prcsoiit when tho end camo. Ftcd li.
Forbf, a on, who In u aenlor at I.o
land Stanford university, In Califor
nia, wan notlllud of his father's pit us
InK and Is expected to arrive here to
morrow evonlnr.
Mr. Forben woi born ol PorliiRC,
Win., and won forly-novep ycar old
at tho tlmo of death. Ho pent nht
early manhood In Portage, golns later
to Chicago. In 1806 )te came to New
Mexico, realding In Madrid, Clallup
otid. Alamojordo. Appointed a United
Htaten deputy marshal ilx yearn ago,
Mr. Porbea moved to Albuquerque and
mado tttla city hl liomn since that
tlnic, Mr. Forbes wan a member of
Port Winnebago Lodge, A. P. ft A. Mr,
Port Winnebago. Chqiftor No, li, and
l'ort Winnebago Corrtmandery No, 4,
In Porttfft and a mmbr of Ballut
Abyad Temple, A. A.jO. N. M. 8., In
Albliquetqu. i
'. he body will, be tent (o Porla-gf
later. Surlne hU nktleWtib In Alba
QUerque Mr. Forbes made, numtrout
iaitlnr friends, all of Whom will ninC
cerely regret to learn of hla patilnr
and wilt extend everyvaVmpathy to
thone who are left to mfoW hla'denth.
liy Leaned Wlro to Kvenlng Herald
New York, Dec. 11. -Today's stock
market during the flrat trading- pre
seated u decided contrast to that of
the last ten days of activity and fall
ing prices. Tho urgent MlquldittloVi
movement seemed to hove exhausted
Itself and quotations were generally
higher, but bullish traderaliad not re.
covered their confidence and hesitated
to take a dotlnlte position. Money
rates continued to soften, loans be
ing made an tow iih per cent. Hear
operators encountered morn formid
able opposition when they attacked
prices. The market began to lose
ground again shortly before noon,
with moderate Belling on the decline.
Honda were Irregular.
Hxtenslve selling of Union I'aelilo
broke the price wldo open after mid
day, when It fell to 167, compared
with 162 Vj. the highest of the fore
noon, and lGl- at yesterday s luse.
1'rlren or other Htockn also melted
nway rapidly. Heading broke to
lfit'-K, compared with 168 H earlier,
and Amalgamated touched 74 steel
showed relatively better resistance
than most of the other leader, but
even that Issue went down to
Semi panic condlttona prevailed In
the stock market In the afternoon,
and the whole list crumbled under an
avalanche or selling orders. Liquida
tion was on an enormous scale, and
there were aggressive bear uttacks on
Important Issues, which demoralized
the market. The break In I'ltbui Pa
clllc reached 8 points; Heading, l;
Ainerlran Tobacco, It; Canadian Pa
cini'. !, Lehigh Valley, 3?4. Amnl
Kiiinated Copper. 3 Vi and (heel, l!.
Organized support wan given when
the market seemed entirely mil of
hand. Speculation grew quieter and
pibes rallied 1 to 2 points.
The market closed steady. A re
newed assault on Union Pacdic de
pressed It to I S3'-; and entised an
other downwind dip In the market,
hut in only a few isolated Instances
did prices go lower than prevloU"l .
St-ppoit was again extended and lit qe
were quick inllleH ol Hi to 3'j,
with geneial Hpecul.ulon showing c li
slderahle reverishn ;..', Closing pnceir
Amalgamated, Dec, 7t74.
Sugar, ILP,.
Atchison, 'or, U.
(treat Northern, 133.
New York Central, HIRSi.
Northern Pacific, IIS',4.
Heading, UH",.
Southern Pacllle, .in.lU.
Union Pacllle, ir.r
Sleel, fi5.
Steel preferred, 0?.
Chicago Hoard of Trade,
Chicago, Den. 11. r.lghiucsH of of
ferings brought about llrm feeling to
day In wheat. Pit trailers were ptyy
lug for a rally, hut not much new
buying power developed. J,mv tem
peratures northwest helped the hulls.
The opening was a shade to ;o high
er. May started ut SO "!, (ID 89 Vic, on
advance or a sixteenth to Hli '.iC
nnd rose to 8!l Vi ii '89 He. The close
was steady, with May t(fiv net
lower at 89 He
May com opened n nhado ofT to Ho
up at 4RV4 ftWip to 4HV4 and mount
ed to 4HViW48r'Hn. 7'ho close waa
llrm ut 4R'4!H8 for May, tho
inline iih last night.
May oals, which started unchanged
at 31! c, ascended to 33c.
Hlg supplies of hogs at the yard a
weakened provisions. First transac
tions varied from liU'-Sc lower to 21ie
advance, with May at $18.47 Vj fl
IK.no for pork. $9.97ViTtlO for lard
ami ?9.80 it it . M .1 for ribs. Closing:
Wheat--Dee H3Tf; May, 89V4n;
July, 8e. e
Corn Dec. T.(,c; May, 48',1T'
48c; July, tK-e.
Oat a Dec. 32 c; May, 32 ft1
3 2 'Tie; July. r.Z-y, 1i 'iMc.
MesH Pork, per Idil. Jan., $18.rr;
May, $18. an.
Lard, per Kill lbs. Deo. $10.r.r;
Jan., $10.1 II li I0.ir; May, $U.U5TD
9.97 VS.
Short Itlh.i, per 100 lbs. -Jan.,
$9.f.; May. 9.7r..
ChlciiKO, Dec 1 1. Cattle HecelptH
28,000; market slow to 10o lower;
beeveH, ffi.fiOfi 10. "r.; Tiixiih steers,
$4,004(.80; western steers, $n,40
Il.tr; slockers and feeders, $4.40
7.60; cows mid heifers, $2.707.8(1;
calves, $ a . r. o ii i o.r.n.
HoKHnecelpts 48,000; market dull,
10 to lf,c low er, light. $7. 1 0fi7. IT.;
mixed, $7.irii( l.r.fi, heavy, $7.iril(
7.r.r.; rough, 7.ir.c7.30; jilgs, $Hi7;
hulk or sales, $7,401) 7 . r. r. .
Sheep - Itecelpts 35,000; market
strong to 10c higher; native, $4fi a;
western, $4.20 U; yenrllnga, $r..40(fp
6.7n; lambs, native, $;
western, $A.30Hi 8. Ifi.
HaiiMiH City Live HtiKk.
KansiiH f'lly, Dec. II. Cattle He
celptH 6,000, Including 400 southerns.
Market steady and weak. Native
steers, $0.r,or I0.7r; southern steers.
$M'7.40; southern cowh and heirers,
$3.7rfi 6.30: native cowh and heifers,
$3.7r9: sioi Iters and feeders, $&
7 . r. 0 ; hulls, I.TjO 1 O.r.O; calves, $0
10; western steers, r.rrnfji tt.no; west
ern cows. $4 i 6.r(l.
Hogs- HecelptH jn.000; market 0
(i ltie lower; bulk or Males, $7.3rf
7.66; heavy, $7.50 W 7.60; packers and
lititcherH, $7.4$ffc7.60; light, $7.30f
T.r0; pigs, $6.2CQ7.
Hheep HecelptH 10,000; market
teady; mutlons, $4WG.2w; lambs,
6.2rif8; range wethers and yeur
lings, $4.50W7; range ewes, $3.26
t.'otton in fialvcston,
Oalveiton, Dec. 11. Cotton higher,
nt 1 2 fie
loney Market.
New York, Dec. 11. Money on call
strong', HPS per cent; ruling rato(
nor cent: closing, bid 4i per
cent, offered at li per cent.
Tlmo loans weaker; sixty days, til
6H par rent: ninety days, 6 par centi
six months, &ti per rent Cloini
Prime mercantile paper, 9 Pf ceptj
The Markets
&lnl niTaVrhg. with Actual
bdslneas In bankers' bill at $4.80S0 for
rlxtyTt)ay blllf and at $4.no tor dn
Comlnrclal bills, $4.80 VS.
liar silver, 64 c.
Mexican dollars, 49 He
Government bonds steady.
Railroad bonds steady.
M, Louis Wool,
fit. Louis, Dec. 11, Wool Market
steady: territories and western me
dlums, 21C25e; fino mediums, lBftP
20ej nne, 13917c.
fit. lionU HiK-lter.
St. Louis, Dec. 11. Lead Weak,
$4.17 HtT 4.20; spelter, dull nt $7.20.
Tho Metals.
New York, Deo. 11. Copper Mar
ket steady; standard spot, $17 bid:
Dec, $17frl7.37: Jan. nnd Feb.,
$16.87rl7.l2; electrolytic, $17.26
17.87; lake, $17.02017.87; castings,
Tin quiet: spot. $49.2Bif?4S.7r.;
Dec, Jan. nnd Feb.. $4.2&W4f.62.
Spelter steady, $7.20T7.40; Antimony
Millet, Cooksnn's $10.fi0. Iron - Mar
ket unlet and unchanged.
(Quotation furntmea vy Logan
Hryan, 3 Hoard of Trade, Chlcaso.)
Uoston, Mass., nee. II. Santa Fe
Popper opened today at 27fc4f2i:
25 Hharea were sold. Tha market
closed at 2i li 2'.
Cotton t'lom'H Steady.
New Yolk, Dec. 11. Cotton closed
Kteady for spot; middling uplands,
$13.01): middling gulf, $13.25; no
sales. Cotton futures closed steady.
Farmlngion, N. M., Dec 1 1 Tho
II rM or Ihe new vnr in Hliiiilln Mer.
cantlle companj will move about two-
u.iriis or ineii' present stock of goods
to Cuba. H.indolval county, this state,
and open a new store there In the
building formerly occupied by K. A.
Mlera'H store. Fur the purpose of
packing: mid rearranging, the store
here vvifMie closed from CluistmtiH to
New deal's. A stock of school and
(tltlce supplies, books, stationery, le
gal blanks, Jewelry, toilet articles,
fancy dishes, etc, will he retained at
tile Parniluglon store and an cutlrclv
new but small line or dr goods ami
notions added
Miss N. M. t) nt lut in vv " be the
manager of the I'arnilngt'on store
Mr J. TV Yoiimr will lie tin, miiiii.
ager ot tin- new Htore at Cuba.
.Mr. . . liirlsinau and nine of
two other substantial business men
have become stockholders u the com
pany, the organization or wiileii rn.
mains the same for the present with
Ihe principal place or business and of-
nee or tiie company at Farinlngton.
London. Dec li. p. j. linker, for
mer president of the Cambridge A. C.
In an article published today, came
strongly to the defense or hie Ameri
can contemlciH In last summer'!
Olympic games at Stockholm and
scathingly denounced Ihe llrltlslil
sporting writers, who have been crit
icizing American training methods.
"For months." lie said, "our papers
havo been roll or HlaiiiH thai Ihe.
Allieilean IlllinerH were milliy or
every foul In the calendar. For
iiionthH they havo been urging that
thlH imhlo nation of sportsmen must,
retire from a competition which they
cannot grant without straining tlm
pure, unsullied virginity of their
amateurism. The meinberM of tint
team have not been Haying these
things hfCUUMi tlley know they are
iiiiirue and unjust. Hut against their
will and their conviction, they an
dammed as poor loners by these rtilinl
nations. "The argument Ih this: No learn can
win the Olympic .game without train
ing similar In that Indulged In hy
the Americans; such Jralnlng Ih pro
regional in uattiie and In spirit. It
riduecH the games to tho level of
eoniineri lul enterprise; we cannot tin
ilci lake It without degrading what has
always been, for us, a splendidly,
rough and leady sport into a business
thai, la Inconsistent ui, out high;
ideals of amateurism.
"Tho Aineilcan athlete spcclallxcM
on one or two events; belore an.v lace
of importance lie devnlen most id Ills
onergles and time In his tialulng. llo
has n coach who Ih a iiroresslun.il. Im
Iiiih behind him an organization man
aged by paid oiKanlxers. That Is the
'Anieiican method,' every single fea
ture of which can be found In an ad
vanced xing,, of perfection In the or
ganization of Kngllnh rowing, or IJng
llsh i rb ket, or Kngllsb roolhall. Who
speciiilixes mote than the Hngllsli
oarsman '' Fugland will win tint
Olympic games when she Is prepr.red
to applv Aineilcan methods."
Patlie Weekly--Crystal Tonight.
Ambition Ut liy Cost ,V)0,
Chicago, Dec. II. "He promised to
make me siicii an expert aviator dial
I would be able to liy lo Florida with
hut one slop," was a pot Hon of the
testimony of J. .1, Hchiillc, a laborer,
III Judge John J. Itouney'H eoilli
Scliulte who won bin suit for Man in
vested In Arthur ICantman's alleged
school of aviation, testified that sev
eral or his friends who had beconu
enthusiastic over aviation also had
lokl money. He sued lo recover his
money and the Jury awarded a Judg
ment against Kaslinun, who, accord
lug to HchulUe, has left Chicago,
"1 paid In I .''00 to learn how to liy
and later KuHtmau (old me If I would
give him 1 1. 000 he would got me a
Job nt (100 a weak to lay out ap avi
ation Held. I had never seen such a.
field, but he said I could do the work
all right. Several of my frlenda want
ed to learn how to fly and one paid
In 11130 nnd another fSGO. When wo
went Inter to llnd Kostmun hla officii
was closed and we were told he hnd
left hClcugo,"
?for plctuvrav OrplMtun tonight,
ill,, I...
At! gooiJo raduced and priced tha
same to all. Cfra Curio utor.
-TKrwN ! aaMgATKA-r
,,,,,). tit II
1llll JU
.ii n-)
Twenty-Two Numbers, Sever
al New Songs Having .Been
Added to Score; at Elks' on
December 17th.
The Ii.iiiiiiIiij straltiH of "K'r:
Little MoVellKIII' wh.cli Ioiiiih Ihe
musical tin li I "Mailiiliii' Sheii v'
Will SIIOU be in.. ii led In all lllell deep
and hidden slmiiili .nice to Hie piav
goers or this n. for 'Madame Mici -ry"
Ih nnnouuiid ns an earh vhiioi
at the Kills' III. il.-r December I Till.
Though ilicn .,11 t. utv t.Wii muslcil
Illltllbet'H In "Mid. utie Shorn." all
charming and alluring, the motif song
"ihe confession;
Well Filled House Witnesses
Drama Builded About the
Sacrament of Pcnnncc of
the Roman Catholic Churoh.
i tut of tho otillnarv, teaching ,t
powerful religious leHHoli and bl'ealll
liig inlth ami trust In (lod throughoul
Is (lie draiitii, "The Confession," pre
sented to a good-sized house III the
lOIkH theater last evening. The play
is a story written about the eouleii
flonal of the Itomau Catliolle church,
With a priest iih the hero. Itleiliil'd .1.
.Sterling, In the role of the Itcv. ,1. .1.
Harden, the palish priest, Intcrpleted
his IIiich splendidly. I'owerliill.v built.
with a strong, musical voice, Mr. Ster
ling gave a dignity lo the pall which:
was most Important for the success
lul tin Hcntalloii of the drama, (leorge
j .Manning iih Joseph Diimoiii, tlm
French Canadian unit murdeier,
played IiIh pun In a realistic manner,
clcwitlui; a lompaiilvo'y unimportant
role to a oiirtaln call position. Uu
iiiont's iiciliig In the tlnal scene, whllu
he was atipaieiulv dying and ellileav
oilug lo ('unless the llllll'der, beciiuto
ho realistic that some ipie In Ihe audi
ence snug out III a tense video an lll
strtliliou IIH to what In do to I'eviVO
i Hie man. The Htoriil III the second
j.el was, limvcii'i', llo ioomi iciIInc
fiallllc of the colli.- ii,i, plnVillg H I'
llllis llu lliuM MleiiHlol IiiiIIiiI loll of
wind, rain, ibniidei and llglillillig nl
tl'lllpll'll mi .'i I. . ,i I -.lagi in ,i long
Tbaddetis Shine, laklug the pan of
Michael Unman, a se.Mon, and Frank
I. Omyne, as Palsy .Moriin, a hniuii
back boy, sprinkled a few laughs
tliroughotil the play. (Irogan was
especially clever with giving a cor
rect Initiation of AnuaiiliiH In lolling
or the prowess or his irlalt iiiicch
lorn, wlille Patsy handled tho Howery
clung perfectly.
I iiin story or "The Confession"
opens with a ipiurrcl between Tom
II, illicit, brollier of din priest, anil hh
sweeihenii, over Tifm's drinking, iiiu
next scene depicts Josef Duuiont, a
l icniii I'liniidlan coufeshlug to the
n lest id having killed the young
woman's brother. DiiiuouI'h work In
l III" scene was excellent. Ills make
up wiih good ami the dialect of tho
I'l'eiu h-Caiiudlau or bis type seemed
perfed. The piieHl'H brother, tho
story continues to relate, hud quar
reled with IiIh sweetheart's hrothnr,
und was seen lighting with him Jttsl
j before Ihe murder. Tom Ih arrested,
. charged with the rrlme, and Is sen
tenced lo be hung after a number of
trials. Tha French Canadian, haunt
ed by visions of his dead mother, Is
Unit impelled to confess, and then, In
fear of tho rope, holds back. Tho
priest Is silenced by hla vows and la
forced arjln und again diirlnir tho ao
dotation, trial and appeal for pardon
for hbrbrnlherv to aavo him, Hut ho
remains) true to hla vows ind urcraa
his mother tnd brothor'u betrothed to
"'huvo faith and trust In the Clod of
MUntCAl. SNeiAl'l6hk
has become epidemic and for many
months it low been played, bummed,
whistled and sung wherever music Is
know u. Seveiai new songH havo been
added in the already delightful score.
In brier, the plot or "Madame
Shorn Is us follows: lldotinrd Sherry,
a New York voting nian-ahout-tovvn,
wishing lo conceal from a studious
unulu, ThcopliilliiH Sherry, the fact
that he has i tin through IiIh allow
iincfri in fast living, palms off on tho
old gelilleuiau, vvilo pays him Itn Un
expected visit, a bogus vvHe, in the
person of bin housekeeper. Catherine,
and two liiuin.M chlhlien, In the per
sons of bin orM while sweetheart, Lulu,
and her dam mg pupil, Leonard (It
mi' Young Mr. Sherry's. ooiihIii,
Yvonne Sheiiy, also viHltlng; with the
uncle, fulls love with Filouurd and.
on I.uIu'h ' letiess, Kdollitnl re
tinas her all..!1 uis. However he is,
io ihe uncle, n married man, though
at HiiieH ihe latter gentleman In sore
l puzzled at what he seen. Kdouard,
i' taking advantage or tho ombar
lasHiiiettl of tlte older Sherry, on IiIb
being round. spooning with a dancer,
hreikH the news to the old gentleman
thai tlte wire and two children are
his only in Imagination, and every
one resuming him proper ciiuraclur.
all are happy.
all." In the iluiil moment, nfter the
goveriior bun ret used the Inst appeal
for a c'oiiimutatliiu and tho death sen
tence Is about lo he carried out, tha
French Canadian, dying, confesses the
iiinider and the brother Ih pardoned.
"It Im the voice of Hod," exclaims
tile priest, iih the curtain descends.
"The Confession" vvaH formerly
Hilled "To Serve tho Cross" and was
written by Juiiich llalleck Held.
C. J, Blanchard, Statistician
the Reclamation Service, to
Deliver New Mexico Lecture
in Europe.
The moving pictures of the groat
Kloplinut Hullo Irrigation project
smith or Albiiiiieriiic, taken last
spring by tho Hcllg Polyscope company
at Ihe roitii'Hl or tho bureau of Im
iiilgiailon, and recently shown here,
are lo he shown In ft number of cap
ita Is id Hum pit, accordlnir to Infor
mation received ny the Immigration
bitieiiii Ibis morning, For some tlmo
Hie biiieau has liuen seeking a copy
or ihn III in from the HfHjr people for
the ii f c. j niatiehni'il, statistician
d the Fnited sinten reclamation ser
vice, who Ih soimi to go ahronil ror an
exieiided lecturing tour In European
capitals on irrigation by the Kovorn
meiii ,n the United States.
The Ncllg company him kindly made,
a opy of I lio Mini which n ban donat
ed in Mr. Hliiiichard.
Hinkwheat fakca. Fashion Cafe,
There vv 1,1 he an Important meeting
or Alhtiitieriiio Division No, i3, Order
or Hallway Kntployes, In the Klki
lodge ronuiH tomorrow night, at vvhleh
olllceiM ror luia will be elticlod. The
AlhuiiiciiU" division now has a
membershiii or 7H0. It Is desired that
iih many n miters iih ponnllile littend
I Hie meeting .inoriolw light In .order
(inn repn sciiiniive iiiemiiers or the
division may be elected as officers.
At the moiling tomorrow nlKht pluns
will be iiuallv decided upon as to ar
rangements tor tho annual dance,
which will bo given In Colombo hall
on Dec. ix, at which the lloonter Or
chcHtrn will rurnlsh tho music.
('harlot Hacer at the Hkatlnu Pink
tomorrow night,
In the cities where
nobility seek matri
mony he ashs the
girl her financial
J J w i-
wfi4Ua, IfJuij mgto1)

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