Newspaper Page Text
ef ip w vxmxm iwtur tosj-at-i i ; Btxfy ct a swntli ec if eearii S I ; n week detlTered nt yosr Aewrj ' HXtjr eeflto by tsall, WW 8SS juiett.WM u ,1 net res- 4 ALBUQUERQUE, NKW MEXICO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1913, TnTnUNK-CITIZEN. Vol. 20, No. SO. IF 1 FATAL VOLLEY REBELS' REPLY TO TEARS OF MOTHER Blood Nor Family Ties Avail lo Save Captives from Ven geance of Infuriated Con tttitutionalists. STATE AND FEDERAL OFFICIALS EXECUTED Pillage, Arson and Murder Means Used by Rcvoltosos to Celebrate Fall of Tamauli pas Capital. lty Leased Wins to lUcnlnc Herald. Mexico City. Nov. 88 niood and family ties did not avail to halt tho vengeenee of tho eonHtltutlonnllsla wIiih federal nffleehnldsra foil Into their bends at the capture of the tHtr r Victoria Capital of the elate of THiiiaHllpua. Skate aa well as red cm! officials were exeeuted without quarter. Among those killed wan a young olvlltaii, cousin of Hnrltpie Calmltbro, who Is tho leader of tho rebels at Vlo toriu, and one of tho chief lleiitununta of Ynuet..ino CurrMiun. Tho young civilian wan aondomned to dlo be oiniHfi ho had helped tho fodoml troupa defend thn ally. Tfio young man's inothor, who Ib on nunt of tho rebel officer, wont on lior Knees and bugged that tho life of her Hon ho saved. Cnlmlloro's reply wan to havo hla aoualn broUKht from the prison and stood In front of a fir ing aquad of revolutionists, who shot him down hroro hla inolhor'a oyos. Details of tho oopturo or Victoria. WhleU- iHWirral a wook hko, roauhui) M'&xtDo CMty tla. OohhtoI Antn nlo ItolOK. the fi-doral Miinmandr of Vjtorla. on vaouatliiK tho ell? prooHlod with Ui tronpH to tn mutfrt In th oxpeotatlon of mak IdK 8 roHiiaclloti with the fihral cUnitn ooimnandrtil by nonoral Itublo Xt varr'tf. who waa trying to no tl tit niwUttHiioo of thw narrlwm ot Vlt tta Till imU. luiwever. iwnt out u ftffliitF wiuadron ! moot aonral Na VRriil'a uo4p and i-heckl their ptttSftMN. The fate of both Ottieml Mfbratv's ciiminand and that of CldlinNl ItalwHn l "till unknown h. Th ooiiBtllutlonaltata troop ufUrdtl Victoria durlitK tho afturnoon of vonibor 1. hnmwllately after tlfa fjderul troOw had evacuated the of Wiloh th" had.dbfndal stout ly, far thre daya. The robola. II la i onitf atarted plllali. aottltiR fuj Ut houawa and inurdvrltiK ' lMlvftlu raldnncaa aa wall aa sturoa nfl flfvrnmiit offlcaa wen- aaokwl HHtl ft number of atnlah realdeuta WOro lHHwI. Including. It l ald. tho Uinh comml. K farther inovomenl of rebol troojw the (IWtriPl ol -ICllrla anraiu 'Ifiinfrteo i irttt In maaangea re eSvatl through ratlroad nt. The tfbg&ph wire were cHt today at Olllifl. about 0 mllea narthwmt qR 'Itoutileo Train aervlee between Thitpco anil Vlotoila baa Iwen " Strrrl'an cotton In limited qiwntl- tm tu Ih admitted Into Maxmn frtta f duty unleaa railroad eominun tflltlMi with the Torrenn cotton dla trtat lie rvatored within a wek. ae Mnil)K to a iitatament made today m Un mlulaler of foment-. I.eopolilo tWtoWlar The olijeet of thla meaaure U tn tiaimulllae the textile workarm Who aee datltutlon staring them In tl dire owing tn the threatened cum lilk f 'he mllla hecauae of the laok oTnt eottoM Only aueh iihhhUIIm fC? Alnertean eolton aa are HAiMMry ts'rifhvlJle for the temporary iiend OF tB Indualry are to he permiMad to, INlter free. AHHAX'.A Willi. NOT TltAVKItSU ItXITHU STATUS llertiioallln. Mexico. Nov. 27. (Via Sfogftlai. lUmorno, Nov. 28.) Clanoral (3irrtaa aabl late today that hla pro Wt&l trip Into triithuahtia atat" WQIim not lie made through the Unit ed gfiatea even If permlHHtnn were MMlifd by the Waahlngton govorn lWn(, lie aald he expected to make tllp luird eroaa-country inarch betwaan A$M l'rtaia and Juarez with a eul limn of trnoHi and not with a hiiihII otVart a when ho made hla trip from nHliIIa to ftounra. 4 Witen he expeete.1 lo tuxke the iHliraW (he iHiiiHtltutlonHllat'M com- lillliltH" lf'llne(r lo amy, hut It waa bfltlftWd that no move would he made llllill lite expected rapture or the C'lil IniallBB atate oapltal. InHtn-genl fmvia will .eptlnue the luveatmant ofi MlwlUn. aaaport In Slnnloa. and Oliftifttna. the gulf port of Bonora wliiau are the only Important polnta held W tho lluerta troops in tho norlhwaet. Ilaiiorta of two fraah vlotorloa to (ha fliith arrived laat night at Car rmnaa'a headiiuarlerK from Itoaarlo, Hlnohui It waa reported that Col Itafael Hultni donated a atrong 1 "1 u inn of federal nt Bantla on Novem ber 20. .The low on both side wan Klvon 200 kll'od. Tho InsurgohtM iUUo that thoy had onpturod two ma chine Ktma. 100 rlflea and much um munition. Tho lnaurKont lender. IanU ro Ibano, ro)ortod that hla forflca had routed u fvdoral force which dlf omborked at Ban lllaa to mitrah to tho relief of the Korrlnon ut Teplc City. The battle occurred Novemhor 23 ut Cuetu In Teplo territory. TIIUHK nAfmBBIIIl'K GO TO MIUCICAX 14AST COAST Washington. Nov. 28v-Soori)tnry Daniel today ordered Hear Admiral ItadKur. oommunder-lnuhiof or mo Atlnnlc Ami, to send the battleships Conticotloul, Kansas nnd Ohio, of tho fourth division, rrem Mediterranean porta to tho east aaast of Mexlao, or reliefs for tho Louisiana, Michigan and Now Hampshire of tho soeond di vision. The feiffth division will for Moxioo on December i and prob ably will renflh Vera Omit about De cember 20 to SI. At the navy deparlmont It wan mid tnrirtv that tho Lmilstann. Mtahtgan nnd NllHinpohtro would lonve for home porta linmoalfltMy on the arri val of the vessels from tin Medltar- rnitoan. Tho Imttloshlp Now Hampshire Ik dlio In Veni Crux today from Tux imtn. Hrllfali ?nilrr Arrltm Vera Crux, Nov. is.- The Ilrltteh crulner Suffolk, fliiKuhlp of the Woat Indian iHjuadron. arrived here today. TWHXTII4TII I N I-'A XT 1 1 V MCAViNc I'oit tiiic nonnnu Bait Lnko City, Nov. 28. Kort Puglaa wiib tho aoone if buay prepar ation today for the departure of tho Twentieth l'ultad Ktatoa Infantry to III I'hko. ordora to rocoed to tho border ware rwolvod late yeaterday and It In aald the troops will depart tomnrrnw. thla belnjr eonllnKant upon the tranapnrtatlon faetlltlea. bids for whlrh were made today. The regi ment niimltera 775 onllated men and SO officer. Only about a doiton men will be (eft here In eharge of the post. ltKIUir Alt.MV TO 1.I5AVH KATtJUDAY TOR ROITH HI Paso, Tox Nov. 28. Panoho Villa declared thla morning tlmt hla robol army with the exception of thoumind men, who would remain to guard Juarez, would leave Hattirdny morning Hiiro for the aouth, to nt- took the fedurnla defeated uutaldo of Juaros thla week. lie heara from un ofllolal acouta that the fedenil traiua went "dead" at Villa Ahumuda on the retreat and that the federala are uuinnlug at that point. olKhty-three mllea aouth of Juurex. Villa aaya he hua plenty ot umtnunltlon for-u Clidd fight or a hickc of the alnfc enpttnl. He dorlaroH he enptured 1122 rali non ahella In the rocent fighting, be aidPK 1300 rlflea and 23,ooo rlfb cartrldgea. Villa aaya the rebel lont In dead waa not over eighty. BOOKS OF WESTERN FUEL COMPANY SECURED Mandatory Subpoena Required to Force Defendant Corpor ation to Accede to Grand . Jury's Demand. Iy t,otii,c(t Wire to KvmHur lior.ild.l San Kranclsco. Nov. 3. The Hooka of the Weatero Puel company ware laid before the federal grand Jury to day In iom pita me with a mandatnry aubnuuna. The UnlttMl Htutaa uttor nay haa bean trying aince earl aunt mer to gel aeoeaa to thoae booka. rbe coal corporation through Its secretary, David Nororoaa, refused to obey a grand jury subpoena to pro aeni all Ita booka, and Xorcroaa wm urraatad. chargwl with contempt. II waa found guilty by JuMhM Hooting In the United Ktataa district court and on appeal to the United Htatea circuit court, the lower tribunal who sustained, and any further auhpnanaa of the grand Jury were made man datory. The company elalmed that the gov eminent atlornty wanted the booka to line III the proaoelillnn of the com imny'a otllcerH, who are under Indlet ment for allegad weighing fraud BURGLARS HEED NOTICE AND USE NO DYNAMITE lty U-ascd Wlro to Kvfning Herald. Puoblo. Colo., Nov. 28. Hurglara who broke Into the store of (irnyhonl & CIIiih here early this morning re moved from tho safe valuable papers, but secured no cash. Tho safe was not blown because tho following notice was printed on tho door: 'Please don't blow this safe. It Ih unlocked." STOLE THANKSGIVING DINNER; IS ARRESTED lty LonHcil Wire to Kveulne Ilornld. . Han Kranclseo, Nov. 28. Hungry on Thanksgiving day and nut of work, Thomas Ktark, &2 years old, stole ft loaf ot bread from a Chinaman. Ha waa arrested. An hour afterward Stark waa eat" Itvg turkey and cranberries and mlnsa Pie with other InuiHtaa at the olty prison. The loaf of bread la held as evidence. ATLANTA IKES A IRONS FIGHT FOR RESERVE BAN K Georgia Senators Gomplioatb Situation iBy Insistence That They -Wont Do Busi ness With New Orleans, NUMBER MAY BE INCREASED TO TEN (By Leaned wiro to Ilvcnlnt; llorUltl, WMiniiKtan. Nov. 28. Location of llls regtontU reeervs latuke to be xtiibiriho(l by the new eurraricv Ulll Seattle a matter of praaalng import-' ance when the uamncrauc confer- euc reaumed work todity. The In- etetence of Henator Hole Pmlih and Kanator imcon of cienrcla tiiat the tefrtlory tributary to Atlanta would It. Wallace, Wty comptroller, sue not do buatueaa with a regional oaitfc ceedd to the mayor's chatr, ut New Orleana may force the son- Mhank teiiUflred hla retagrmtUm ference to nt least Informally outline after he had isjnf erred with a nufn- dlHtrlcta and locations fur the banka, while the admlnlHtrntton will nro- poiio olght regional lMinkH, the con- feronco may .finally Increase them to ton. The bill that paeasd the homo lirovldad twelve HepublcHn senators probably will not toko up tho currency bill na a imrty menanre. Leaders said today that they had no plans for a Itapub- lleon conference nnd declared their offorta to amend the bill will be taken up on thp floor without regard o any agreement t Democrats may rHh to unaulmoualy sHiHirt the Owan bill. Work dragged somewhat in the eonforence today and the leaders aald If tho bill wn not comploted by tomorrow night the aeuntora probably Martin J. UylftMi and President Wli would work Rujjday. Slam II. Davis of the beard of public a gunrumon or deposits propose" by Senator Williams wns raferrod to the DoniocrnlH of tho banking com- mlttee. Homu form of KUnmnlae la expeoted to roauH. Tho nttijiber of aald ho did not wish the patrolmen members of the fodoml reserve board to ride on wagons (drlveu by non wna left to be taken up later. union teamsters If ft atrlke ocrurred. Heuntor Thomaa of Colorado un- nounced he would propose an amend, ment to mak(. the now currency pay able In "gold, silver or lawful moil- oy." ED SEWE TO COST PITTSBURG Army of Workmen with Steam Shovels at Work Tearing Up Mains Blown Up By Ex plosion. flly Leased Wlro to ltvnnlocr Herald.1 out. i. .i. v.. n c, , tfimvaia were today employed hi tearing up the remnant of the nine foot sewer. wrecked for a mils In the Uwrence- vllle district hy en axploalon of sewer gas last Wsdnaday. Debris has elogge.1 the channel nd scwae and water Imoklng up had undsnnlntd the walls of a orewory o tlmt 1 -a in danger of falling In. twol nun- drwl pmployaa werv hurriedly nrlvon Into tho atreat terlt' Inapwtrift.. Director of rulllc Work Jalia Herron announced today (hat Uie city would replace the wreckatl sar.-ar with an adeiuats tunnel at a cost or 11,000,000. INJUNCTION RESTRAINS COURT FROM DECLARING OREGON CITY ,DRY" (Hy lAnse.l IVIrf n llventng llernld ' Ralem. lire., Nov. 2 - A perma- nam Injunction restraining the conn- ty court from declaring this rlly ory in HCCTirimuvi- w,,,i .--..i of election. November I last, waa granted tndftf by the circuit curt. Tlie county court will appeal The circuit court ruling holds that the election was mil a general elec tion, as provided by the looal option ad It was a siieetal alaaUan oalls.1 tar the purpose of sunuilUliig refar- end u m measiirfiB to the volant and Ha- Ism njid other cltes filed laeal op tion petitions. TRANK W. CARPENTER GOVERNOR OF M0R0 , fltr funnel Wire IniIiiv iters'.l. Man n. xov. ax. frana w. mr- peuter, executive secretary of the Philippines waa today appointed gov - ernor of the nwln uf Msr.. Hs Biiecceua urisaoier unini ... Porshlng and is the first civilian gov ernor of tha province. Ilnaohnll Veteran Dloa. Ilea Maine. la.. Nov. at William Hwyer. onoe inanaaer of tlie Has .Muluas Weatarn Isagua team and Ha lender whan It gained the Isagua ahamPlonshlp In lfli. dlatl at Walar- ; bury, Conn , early today. aeeordtitK n a message received hsre this af- . teruoon. Tuberculosis was the cause I of death. WRECK MILLION noose m FORCED OUT . IND I G NflHT ENS Samuel lewis Shank, Who Re fused toilet Police Ride on Cars Duiaug Strike Resigns His Office. BUSINESSMEN WERE A$0UT TO IMPEA0H Hy Umacil Wlro to Itvoulne Ilornld. iiiuuiinnifc ia.. .Nov, .--un- uei Uewit jUutfe reHjnU aa mayor of Indlanapslffli title afternoon. Tha real k nation if til roauU of Ifttior troHHim tn tna ou anrl a t Ureal or impeachmanl priK'eedlnga by a com mlttee of bnhlnewt men unleiat fur- mer oieoruer were aveneu. iiarry er of uiitan BNtot ofActal reKarUIng an imiiendtng gtrtk of teatnH'.ers, who told hint there waa little hope of averting thn strike. Mayor Bhuttk announced Selnesdny that ho won; resign if tho threatened strike could not be stopped. Shank was wultud on by a committee of bualnoaa men Tuesday night and waa informed that Impeachment prwcdla against Hint were seiita; prejmrtu ami wmitu be filed today If the Impending tenm- stent' strlk coald not be averted. Mayor ifliank's attitude dorlnv th recant atraat car strike, whan lie let It be known that he did nut wish no- Itcomen tu ride on the ears manned by strike-breaker, cauped the realK- nutjlon of Superintendent of Police aaieiy. At the firs I pollee roll ci after tho police ehtfs reaignatton Mayor Hhank made n apeech In whleh he TIiIb alatament. It to aald, resulted In the beginning of preimratlons to file Impeachment pmeeedluga agulnst th. itinr. OF III ET1ERS MORALS OF Counsel for Raoy Hindu Writ er Declares Twelve Good Men and True Will Be Im proved By Reading. Chicago. Nov. in -ototnan Vmv Adusht Itanlah thla after- O 11, i on wee f"UIIll guilty of asud- hut an objectiaiiable liook by ax- e proas In violation of the Intar- UUe commerce law. The verdict a-aa read to Judue Carnwiter. ag .Iuga Maek the trial Judge, waa obliged to lo Now "iork t to. tay. Sonleiuc will be fixed by Jud 'Tl. t y ",Y" . " ".7" Ig the maximum penalty tor Uie ? OffeiUM- Hv Inacd Wlro Tlvenlns: Herald 1 Chicago, Nov. M. -Tlie case of (itntnan Xnr Adusht Hanlah. charged with transmitlliig abject tollable mat- . .... .. l . . .... ,tl. i 1 1 f V today. Comwel for the defendant d B,ivoeates -xeratoe and living In the sun and declared that the Jurors would be better men for having lis totted to the reading of It. - - AMERICAN GULF COAST WILL BE PROTECTED AGAINST YELLOW FEVER Ily IoaMil Wlro lo livening Herald. Wushlngion. Nov. 2t -Surgeon Cieneral Blue of the public health tar vtea took nctlva atapa today to pre 'tret the American gulf coaat agalaat yellow fcv r reporte.1 by unofficial sources at Puerto, Mexico, the north -'ru terminal of the 'Pehaonienec rail- S., Z. , Z.rX 7Z suiMctd of havliiK an due ta fa. var. The same ad vines stale tne Drlllsh consul at Puerto. Mexico, has ihwh insiruru-o iu oaii-remraie " ' llrltlsh subjects In that vlelnlty. 1 NATI0N WANTS SCALP OF COLD STORAGE TRUST flly lieesei! Wiro to llvoiilue Ilornld. Washington. Nov. 8.--The 4 nation's interest in Attorney Qeneral MeRsynnld's laveatlua 4 Uon of the aliened cold storage 4 truat was Uidtaated today whan hundreds of 1 attain of rotnmen 4 datlnn from all pari of the counirv came to the department of puttlce 4 CTIZ r BOOK JURORS CRACK SPHR OF ROULETIE WHEEL IS UNTIMELY S Mystery Envelops Death of Bietur&$4ttc Oliioago Gam bler Found Dead By Bullet Wound. SKULL FRACTURED IN THREE PLAGES lly Irtsod Wro to fUvonltig jrot-ald.j Chicago, Nov. 28. Allampla were made by tho polloo totlHy .ttr wdve ttie nijiiiterj aOrrainidfnflr the awth r ati8ir c. nwm a mpier, wnoso body waa found yeslofflny an a fur in wot of the olty. Mrs. Ituwa, who had not Doon liv ing; with her ltuslwnd, Identified the body late laat night There waa a bullet wound In the bond and the skull waa fractured In three pktoos. Mrs. Howe aald she had not aeu her husband since last Hunday. hut that there had boon no iuarrel. Whothor murder or suioldo. the death of I (owe brought Into public view thn lights and shadows of a "sport" onrcer. Howa waa profl clent at spinning a wheel or dealing. lie wmi one of the beet known and prosperous Mamblera Ih the olty. With tbf closing of the race tntelw here more than a decade ago Howe's fortune changel. lis had lost h,le money and hla friends knew It, but with the old pride of a once success ful gambler, he never would admit ft. William McCann, caretaker at the ojd Hawthorne race track, taallflsd nt the tnaunat that a revolver found near the body was Ills property, but said Howe had access to It. The cor oner then ordered a continuance of the proceedings. WHEELS ON 1,090 S.0F- ARE STILL All Activities on Southern Raihvav Susnended While Remains of Late Chief Arc Laid to Rest. Ily I eased Wlro to Xroului; Herald. 1 Washington, Nov. Funeral services for William Wllcoa Plnhy. late preafdant of tha Hauuisru Rail way syetem. were half here thta morn tug In m. John's ItDlscypal oliurcli attended hy many governmeni offlaallfv and his former aaeoctotes m Uie commercial aim tranvporiauuu world. s the lnHly waa carried Into the church Just hefor,. 11 a'olock all ac tivities over the kkiutheen Railway s 000 miles of road ceased far fivs minutes. Kihployes overywiiere Jam down their work, tralne everywhere Btaiiilatill SIMl III sllODH inaehluery soasetl to tuvh. The boi' was borne Dy six neitrn porters, veterans In tha . ailipiny of the oomaatry. The hailomry pall- Iwarera Includetl aaorga I". Hakar. Jamea J. Hill. Bt II. Clary and Fran cis Lynde tttt'tson. COLORADO CLOSED M&sa County National of. Grand Junotion Fails Bt onuse of Impairment of St ouiities. flly I-osed Wrro lo irveiilnu HomliL Oraad Juiwtlon, Colo., Nov. II. TV Mesa Couaty Nattioaal Hank, Hie Oldest finunclul InstHutloR In the county and capitalised at 1 100,000, was closed toda My order or tne ftimptrutler or the currency. Impair- Hisut of securities sml rerueiu or om sM aid wus given as the cause tif- rieees announced that the hank woum be reorsjantaed hi a few days and de- pnaitora paid In full National Hank RxAHtJnar Walter W. Kmlth of tW. Louis' w .In nt In cbarae Deboalis uniouni d iipproxtmalelv to 151,0011 It was iiit the i losing of the hank wi iii I'o t" local con ditions but to the nature uf Irriga tion securities held b the lustllntlon. The liank was twenty-five ears ago and has bean a National bai'k i en years, urson Adams Is pr. ntdeiit. The Klrst Nutioaal bonk of "'.rtni. t'olo. , wtilih thi m.ii 'h' Mvmi K'oun y cleared Netlonal hwi.k is .-tosci eiiiM,riuiU but i was unmiuncett. wo g lit re-pen short- wlili. .hi r oriniT'lsjilUin. No other lusttiutii'ViH m r,- atfevttNl. FIN! MILE On 00.000 BANK BIG GUNS TO SEE WEST POIHTERS TACKLE MEN UF President and Secretary of Navy With Distinguished Party Will Watch Football Game, .'FLAYERS READY FOR HARD-FOUGHT CONTEST IjlJy LcascA Wlro to Jivonlti Herald. Washington, m. is. PraMt WIlsoH and party left hero ai 12.30 o'olook for Jfew York ovflr tit I'snn aylvanla rallrMd to attend the army navy fwetlmil ginis. Aueoipfwnylng him ware avacrciary Daniels ot the navyj garmry umttU Dr- Cary T. tirayaon, li. fi. N.; MT iSleanor Wit nan and Mr. and Mm. Fnuiobi Ilowea fioyi'e. The prasldont nnd membera of hi family will ho the gueela ot Colonel atMl Mrs. Ifi. M. Houe, In, Ne York. Mr. and Mrs. Huyro will t dl early to morrow for liuropo. Tho preshJont will leave New York for Washington at midnight tomorrow. W'HST POINT ITjAYHHR in i'i.vk or coxnmox Wast Point, N. Y., Nov. 28 Tho forty wan In the army football squad aocompanlad by the coaches. Trainer Harry Tttthlll, a surgeon and several attendants, left here thja morning for New York. Svary man nf the eleven la In the plHk of condition and ready to make a stiff fight agalnnt the navy tomorrow. The army Je counting on Coach Daileyn strategy to he a big; factor. Captain tloge would not pre dict a victory, but ho did say tho navy men would have to fight every Inch of tha way. There wna no demonstration when the miuad left, for tho nttdota woro at roclUitlone. The battalion will leave l for Now York tomorrow morning at 1 1 1 a'afoek m a special train. Minima iiavk ijinatj . . Maw' YWk. Nbv. iforty Wct .iHliit-Wil'H4he crmy fubthali ravnd nrempanld by Coach Driley. arrived In York today, iireparntory to tha annual gridiron atrugglo tomorrow with the navy. Tho Imltnlloit of au tlets will come down In a body to morrow. The navy squad oame to town last night. The mid (Ilea had final ecorot prac tice tlfls forenoon at the grounds. Tho soldiers lutd their last wor.Vottt this n The vanguard of army and navy folk has already raachsd tho olty for the game. UNIONIST PARTY CARRIES WAR TO oup Andrew Bonar Law, Sir Ed ward Carson and Others to Make Speeches; Suffragettes on Warpath. Illy leased Wn to fSvcntnc. vtrrald.l Dublin. Nny. 8.--The Unionist part carried the war Into tho endmy'e terrltori' today when Andrew Uunar Law, leader of the opposition In tha houae f commons, Sir Bhlward Cor- sou, leader of tha Irish unionists, and other prominent man arrived to de liver speeches on home rule in the Irish capital, in reply to the depu tutrt.n whlili wefcoined him. Dunar Ijiw reiterated tltat the unionists op posed coaatetenlly the whole idea of senaratlaH of th United Kingdom and Insisted that tha government must seek the sanction of the people before attempting Ut make the ehanga. In the afternoon before the Union ists aaaaelattan. Mr. Law said Pre-nl-r Aaquit1tfs sMch af the preced ing day at Leads seemed to him a camnletc aewptam-e of the orders ot 3 Aha Redmond. leader of the Irish nationalist' for "full steam ahead. ' and ir that waa so. the difficulties of the unionist party were gone. Suffragettes fallci to r.-it.-h Mr I .as as ha was driving t the resi dence of Lord Iveagh. but they bom barded Mm with pamphlets. Mrs. MceRlHUUiH and Mrs. Counery, rub lla lenders ef tin- suffranaUea. were arretted and eliarged with obstruct- leg the police. The suffnurlsts wanted to protest age I net the .-sclualon r women from Mr. Law' meetings and hla rafnsal to ri i Ive ii ileputntlon of the women They unto Intended i oak him to say wbeth.r Hi. unionist party was for or agalnat gtvtag wuihuh the vote. Hatp SUBiiunslon Ordered. Waahlngton, Kov. 2s. A n- atnn aa ..rrtfflwl to.lflv hv the Inter- i iminerce commission tmtll March s nest of it tariff t the hi Lout Him Ki.iiii iK. o ratlrwd pruMialng tn withdraw milling tmn - -j, arUllcgen on giain and d now enjoyed by shippers. NAVY. COAL IN MAT BRIN6 STRIKE BREAKERS Attempts nt CoKtHlititikm It tile, Govern!' jUnRn Al- lows , Opemiwsf U Imprtj Non-UTailn Wmxt. KILITAST LAW HOW supbxmi AmMrm General Clm if dym 'Prn ceeds to "XafrM tlie Lvwfl anr Military Court 3ti Or ganizsd. Hy Leas.! Wre to rel HsraW.l. Trinidad, Cela.. Koy. 22.WHtt intruetlons from Oaveroof K. M Ammons permitting men to seek ttw ploymcnt In the coal fields of soutM rn Colorado, provldlft they ara vised ot tha strike candltlowi exists Ing aa required by the atatutea werai presented to Qeneral John Citax thW morning by Deputy AttBraey General Francis B. Uouok. This letter w drafted last nlht anil turnoal over ta Mr. JJeuak w aavernr Ammons n deliver uarsettaHy. "SUUi autheritn eoupled with verbm Isetmatlent? oshi- veyed by Mr. JioUeY nnd tetee advices from OoverHor Asnmuna M Qeneral Qham to s,MeuHce that al would M onco proceed to "en few, tho law," immediately follewinc tha eanfetM once with tho deputy attorney general Qonornl Cliiuo announced that a miU tary court would convene- tomorrow! morning. The followlniic tmtiitn Ht4 nppolnted ah tnemhteraf t lha wHU mry commission; dolonol C. II. Carry!.' mhver; q4- onftt Hilward,- -Ver4hWitr 0nVr! Colonel aeorgo V. Ltrwrwifeltor. Den-t vor: MAJof A. H. WUHanw, Denver Mitjor A, P. neeves, Mentjrtwe. 0U-f titln A, V). Marshall, nenfonlawteiw nnt W. A Spongier. Denvpn Judsa Advoeate Major . 3. Hough- ton tit Denver wilt cont,ct; the In quiry with Major O. r?. Towasemf oli m . . . jk. . s me nl i a ureeiey nnu uapiaiu jsawnra n Smith ot Denting awdfttlncr. The cam- jnleslon will sit Ih full military uni form and strict; martial rexalauerae will be be observed. The failure ef the Denver aonfer enoe, the rejaailon of (ha sukbcsUohu ot Qovernor Ammona by the untott leaders and tho announcement that men from outside dtstrtets wou,S hat fllven military protection it they sire employment In the seutlvwrt fields have. It la declared, cauiwdt many desertions amimg , the, atrlkajra. All of tho largo coal tKimpamea re port that many are returning te th mlnet Tho announcement tttat; 0ataldai minora nro to be permitted' to goi te work in the strike tcdne wits, reeeived without commort at the liwail .tinron hcudriunrtera tttts morning, Ualea loadora declare that few V imf strik ers Imvo desortfid. $ fiTltlKHUHHAKHHS ALLOYtKP TO HNTElt STKKK JsOXH Denver, Kov. 38. Governor '5. M. Ammons early tody had rMv no reply from cither the Coler(ijE "coal operators or their striking; emieyiMi to thn proposition, for arbitration ot, tha strike submitted lust nlxnt by ttiA governor nnd searstary of labor. Wil liam U. Wilson. I!e nnnounoetl that, without waiting further, he "Weuld ut into effect a reign of enferced wwt und order In the strike sone. When the governor first sent the state troofHi to the ooal fleld. he refused to per mit the operator' to import strike breakers, tearing that atMh action! would inftame the heaUHMtw atttt make settlement at the stdke Imftaa tdble. Thla pdlley new. haa hmn ehangatl. StriKaVraakers Will he per mitted to enter the ooal ftelde J eardanoe with the stale law which, providea that Wiey shall net be ni ported without having been thlh that they are hired to take the piece strikers. "I have sent word ta All" jut ant General dhaae to ettfaree nil the laws, whether they are right ar wrong, and to maintain order hi th strike aone by every tneans In hla power." The gomnur aald thht morning: "I lMivt dene evnrylhltttt within my power to bring about a. settlement. Aa yat I Have heardl nothtnir from elfhfr clda yc-gardlng; th seheme at arliiSratlnn proposed hyi SeeretaVy Vllfltt ,d ntyself, hut 1 tmall watt tin lahger. Jfrsam now an I shall do tny duty and s)fore Khei lawg. of oatr, U the parUna -eesH arhHramH, er It any othef ckanae of 8etttUett ftrlses, l shall W aHly top itlatt t ih advantanti af It." Vntnk 3. flajSaV, lnternatimi viet wteahjent of the Hnud Wine Werk ra af Amerf(at peaimatl view or th aittMtW for an early nattkiinant at tha ail-ike. OussUimumI ,i u, th taUtara' aKkude tawanl tlMr ; pmpoeal far ariitekatmn tmhtrilttetj hy , acrtar ot Laher W the Hi, he ttMl that tke eonterewr conimUtea 'wtuttdl decide Uwn Ua a(.ei(aiua wt rej ?1