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TWO. 1 THE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. N. M.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1914. NAVAJO INDIAN RUGS i-mixr noM tiiii im thikii to vor. thr i.Aiiorrr ASMHITMKNT AMI THK IoVTI:nT I'KKU llill 8TUKTLY IliGII , .iuiii i.vxjdh, THE BENNETT INDIAN TRADING COMPANY its Mii rii hM4M tvr. ruuNB m. Aztec Fuel Co. vr Gallyp Stove Coal Cleftneit Coal in the market. mora ul THOS. BLAKEMORE Funeral IHrM'inr mid Fmhalmr Commercial flub ftulldlng llpponlli I'l'lli'lfl'M. llY Afc"lvrT. PNvaifl AmlmUncti r Nlfclil. oiliu. I'hn IIS. Itnlilence I'hona 15T EfIG S T E FORGED TO SEE SUFFRAGETTES Militants Besiege Archbishop of Cantibury Until He Cap itulates and Is Interviewed on Forcible Feeding. DIVINE MAKES BEST OF A BAD JOB I lly tmA Wln to Krlii Ilorabl. j London, Jim. 2. A Imml of miii linil anlfriiKctica IimIiiv lirniwtt I lie Archhlih nf Canterbury, tin- Knit llHll primate. In Ijimbeth palace, nrul eventually forced him to capltulat. nnd rccclvi one nf their number In order to illariia the I'lieMtlon of for cible, feeding. Th" wnmrn were headed ly Mr. 1 'acre-Ftix. II took them upward, nf nn hntir to ciitnln admiMahin to thr nlil palace on the bankM of Ilia Thame. little hImiv WeMmlnater They declined to baton to any at tempt on the part of thna within to tempnrle. Ktnnlly t lio archblchop. win the futility of trylim to encape I loin hta obdurate hlockudcrri, allow- it Mm. IiarT-Fnx to enter. The head of ihe Church of Kn Inmt llMtened aympathetically to thn mif riiiHottiV nppeala hut ho refuaed in finitely to commit hlmaclf. MAJORS ACQUITTED OF POISOilG DAUGHTER Alamogordo Attorney Found Not Guilty of Charge After Sensational Trial Lasting Two Weeks. G L GOETHALS W ACCEPTS OFFER OF CANAL ZONE POSITOf! President Sends Nomination to Senate; Salary Raised to $5,000 as Long as Goethals Holds the Job. RE-ARRESTED ON SECOND TRUE BILL Illy la'tiartl W lr to livening Herald 1 . In ::; !'). N. M . Jan. -it-- II. II ' a inoin I ii. I ul- toriicv niul blah M.iooii. wa hi- iliiltted l.ixl ti ik IK bv Jury "f the i barn' of tnnliia ihiiwiI the I It l.v tiiilxiiiiina of hi muichier, KiiiIoih Major. 1 ha w irliil limK il over t o weak ! fendant Im mi 1 1 1 ihhI.t im indict mi ni ahnritltiK linn with admin- lal'-rlnir pniMcn to It im aecoud wife. Mr. lanlH-lle Moim. Major Him rnirreted on the 1 mil ln.llct-.r.i.lit um mi. ill UM iu'iiilit il. lint a;iv Imnil. U HNtiitiitton, Jnn. J'.i I'ri-Hl-ililit 1 1 i . n ri'iil tin- tiiiioiirii i'Oi of I'lilnm-I llmini' W. I I'm I III Ik to In- jfovrtnor of Ihf l'un:imii I 'mini .nn. nflir A I r i I to Ho armitn liiilny. ANNUAL IR SCARE FAKE, DECLARES TC SOLOfl Fortifications at Manila Bay Could Hold Out Six Months Alone; Not Looking for Im mediate War. W.iHhliiKton. Jim. 29 Sffl iiry ItHITllHin l ritlon lli'-il t ...l.i v 1! Colonel Occirite XV. iloi'thuln 'il l mi nlflril lila Intention of nfi i ii'n i iIip Koyrrnorahlp of thr I'linainn inim! ..nip to )r proffiTril him 'iy ihiii WilHim. Mr OnrrliMin linil Coliini l i iu.'tliiilft in I ' in ,. i Illl'lUllllfll'll. "I am not alili- to Kivc nut tho li'fii'a of i'oImii.-I lloi-i IijiIn' art'i'i(.ni i' 'if ih pr-npnt 1 1 tri , " finiil .'ff'.iiy iirrlHon. "Inn it wan wholp .iii.I i ..m lili-tp. When l'ri'iililiiit WIIkoo nili hi nam to tun famit, I hIihII iiinli ;i lily It. IIp to iiinki. an li.iin -i'ihu malrin.-nt." Aa rhulrman of the Ixihml ui i.nuil rommlKalon t'olon' UopiIiuIh now l puiil tl.'i.ioxi u -iir. Tin' I 'n miiii.i 'ii rial iii't Hkpb tho rmlury of I'm ko i i nor nl o,tiini. lt.-i'-.i"iii it iv lirliron of IIIiiii.I loiliiy loir -I i I n hill in nininil the Inw to nuik.- th" nullify for aovirnnr ll'ioioi 'omt UN I'llll.lll'l OortliiilM IkiMh tin- i. ul DILLS FOR RURAL CREDIT OFFERED CONGRESS RUN STARTED ON STRONG SAVINGS BANK II Iaavl Wlrtt t" Kvnlnr llrralil. 1 iw York. Jnn. 2 - A r un atartrd todiiy on th. 11. ink for Hiivlna. the olili-Ht niul one of I hi- utronmm anv Iiikii li'inka In tin- plalr. A lone I In" of l. inra. nioHtly if thr ioorif claH. -i'ii a nl thr iloora of thr Inatl tiitmi. inn It on'il. i-laniorlnir for tin II inniify. I'rrulil.-nt Wiillrr Trlm-ll- h.,ii hr wiia ut a low to rxplaln li.iu tin. run atnrtpil. All icpontora aho npiillrd were lirtnit pulil of. hr a.iiil. ami thr bunk w. ready to tro'i'l Ml di'inumla. TIim iiiniit a aurplua ami profita, a( rnrdmir to Ita lam atnti'niriit, amount 'l to li.H.''io and Ita ri'poaitN to t iil.2ii2.3tU. It wan founded In 1H1D. r.o. ". Thn nnnuiil mrutmit of atorkhiltlr- of th- ('n-ii.i'r.i(iv- lliiildlim ami n ii.H'i' iHtlon will he hrhl ihl. T'lUir diiv. i-M-miiK. Jaiiiniiy C wt h. IHH. ut it h i Im k. ut I'" W. r.nld uvrnui. J. K. KI.PKK. Hi'i niary. Store Closed All Day Friday to mark down poods and pre pare for our preat February Cash Sale. Golden Rule Dry Goods Company. Sold One of Our Real Bargains, Still Have Two More Left MIHKIUX 1IMMJ M'lTE. eonilxting of Ui-lnrh Exter.ainn Tille. China Cloaet, Tiata OUa Shelf uinl llirrur Laik Huffet, n-lth Ur French Mirror. I'lnlng Table, Terjr atjiuh. Six Filnln; rtialra. Ppanlah Lealner aliU prat. All for 1141 00. The aatne ruliti inUo!di-n Uuk Klllixll (or 11J.I Wa offer theae onrrnln tor 10."0 rtimn nnil $! ' pr will, Bt our a....w HllldtlWI. -fv . 1 I STRONG BROS. General House Furnishert." ptrorg Slk. 2ri and Coppei lly Irfnafl Wire to Kn-nlng Ilnralil W.ihliliiK'.n, Jan. lifpnwnta tlotia of th iinprrpHrrilni'U for ar ami "thr annual win aenre" ( aa ualli'd today by Itfpri-H.iilat h Slur by of entui ky when hi- iro-ntrd thr fortltl'-atlnn hill to tin- Iiuukc for -!!-rial debute. Mr. Hhelley referred part Irula rly to Hear Admiral 'r.-. ln ml a opinion. Klirn to the naval affairs eomiiiitirr y.heiilay, that the I'lnted Sliil a not hi n punllinn to il. I'i nil the Phil- IppilleH. "I run uaaiire thr huuxe that our fi mtl'-nt iiiiiM are In no urh lotulitloii of utipreiutrediiPKa an to rauxe alarm," auld Mr. Hheiiey. "Aa to tlx- I'hll Ippluen, tin. Inland of I '! reaulor, eommandiUK th' entrani-e to Mituita bay. baa been I 'liiiiilelely anil aliorifrly forlilleil uinl It la In a piHillm to wittiHfantl nl I. ii k tur xix muiilhM with out axHixtiiiii'e from I he outlde." Mr Sberliy referred to Held ar tillery ammunition lor whieh the war department hiia demanded lariter ap ITopriallauia. "If wr eoiitemplnted takliiR the field lu a war tl'at would rniulm an army of Im'. mill within the next year or two." ha id h.. ."then the appropria tion of I'.'ihi. ihiii for Held artillery ammunition in thla lull la not mi Hi ed lit. Jt uhuiild be aeveral nillliona. Hut It d'-n't expe.t a ur-u. ar lor n.r or ten eam, then the prewnt prolnioii Ik iiiuplt' uinl Ketl.'l UUK " SPEER CZAR. CORRUPT. COWARDLY. CONCEITED AND VAIN. IS ALLEGED lly l-poard Wire io Kvittlfig llrralil. Savannah. in.. Jan. 2--hen th' enmiieMUoniil iiopiiry .nlo the eon dint of federal Jiulue Kiimry i-ipeer wua renuiiK-d today, V. V. labornr, a So ann.ih iiiliiinev, una the tlrat I" teat if y. "J udar Kpeer la a ("iid lawyer," hr aid, "but he In a eaar an u Jii'lKe. He Im unfair and la puam.MeU i f n lol'in a i "in l it uhii lt in. i ken linn ciuvv Ihe npot iti 'it and If aono-une etae hui peiin I" H't inlo it. II liieiitly autiera Uliu. Him eouri In imp in hi h iheru In li ( t In JUBlire niul Una ia "lie leaxiui liliKiinla will travel thioUKh the illy of Mai oil. uheir he llea, to appear beliire Kederul Juilar Newman in At lanta. 1 r.-xard him aa a mi ni K tial and devmil of piiHi iuil loiitaue. lie haa uaed hia J ml k ! 1 1 to aalialy Ida c'liKelt by adminiHterniK puuimIi ment in 111 "Me wlioiAlll nut Iriokle to him. W hat A ln-rd in HiIh liiMlru t ia a JudMi'i not a uir. "Judae tpeer la. in my opinion, Judicially rol l n pi tl mukea mi dll fereiiea heiher you in your eaar or loaa It, Vou cannot nine out of Judge Hpeer a i i.uil leellug lhal It la a llu e of JuatUe." MASONIC FUNERAL FOR LATE WILLIAM C. BEALL The funeral of the late William C. Pea II. whoaa death oeeurred at hia home. In Albuiuero,ue. Tueday mornlriK. held thla afternoon at t o'l'loek from the Freneh i-haprf nd vii In charae of Temple loilno No. . A. V. tk A. M. ol hl. h de eraaed waa a member. Archdeacon W. K. Warren of Ht. Jolm'a church eaibducted the eervlre. Interment ui lu 1'alrUvw cciiivtery. Would Establish in Treasury Department Bureau of Farm Land Banks Under Direction of Commissioner. (fly I -lilted Wire t I'.tfiilni; Hit in' i WiiHhinKton, Jan. I'' AiliinniMtr.i tlini rural milt lillU wire mil" dnreil aitrititianeiMiNly in' the aetifit jund hoiinr unlay by Senator Fli t h r of Hurl. la nod ItwpreHPiit.itivc Momi 'of I ii 1 1 lu li ii . iiiemlieia of the ciiiiiihIm ; Minn I'ri'Midi-nt W'llMon a'iit alitMi.'l In mi summer to rtudy the-t'iriti ay.--t tin.. The I'IIIm loiliiy vo n1 lor Imm term farm loiina. IIIIIm for fbi.rl -rm jlnaiiM will be In'r.iilu i'.l later. Tin ! lui roiliii t Ion 'iii , M'iiiel In yexier da M confen me lit the White llmu.-. Today'M ineaHiir woiibl I'Miablisb In the tri'iiMiny departim in a I.ui. iui I of farm land bunk a under the direr itlon of ii rommiMMiotier. and unik' pl"V,liiii for tin- chihIiIihIi nl "I am h bankx under federal rharter Mini 1 federal liiMpertli'n. Anv urotip of larniM within a ntnt I til IK tl I orKlilllZr Co-npelat i e farm land bankM with power to Imhii IhiihI lo raixe funds from dixlant ni"ii'S nuirkelM for farm devebipment. ' Mi cro I tona of ihe i ml I l.l uu I liaiikx wmilil ! be coiillned within ataie line. thoiiKh I aupervlHlon will lie federal, ou lnit t" the- variety of atatr lawx hciirln on , bind tuba, taxation, fori"' neoirr nu: 'like MUbJerta. They would be xtrlitly prohibited from doinir "a cliy IhimI .ii'Ma.'' ; 'l.oana to farmera miuhl md i x'-n-d fifty per rent of Ibe Milne of linptoved farm bind nor extend nmte than i thirty-five yeura. Nu inxUlution cuild In Kill buxini'NK wilhont a founilailon capltitl and double liability provided f"t national bankM. Ope nlKht and day. Trimble'! liv ery. Hed Ilarn. Ill W. Copper. How You May Throw Away Your Glasses The Ml.ileliiint in minle that t tl ll Miinda Hear eyealaaMeM who do not need them. If you ale nlle .if ill' mi unfurl uniitci.. then lhex- Mb'Mhrn ma be rulnmir our eex iiixt.-ad of help in them. Tlinuenndn who wrai "uiudowa" inn j prove ftir I h'inx"l ex thai they ran dlxpenxe with ulaxnt-'r if they will net thr fdl Willi; pre-, ai riplioii iill-d ul on. e. i.o to any active 'Junk alnre and act u boiile o' 'pinna, till a two-oun r Uoltie Willi Mater and drop in one MiMoiiu lal'ht. With thia ha i in It-xii Iniuiil x diiiiou bathr thr eyea two or lour tlinex daily and ou are ikdy to be nxion ixbed at the rcxiilln lUhl J t i n I hi lurt. Many who have oe n told that Ihev have iimiIkiiiiiUi-iii. ee-airuin. l aliiract, wire i lidx. w en k i')i'. cuiijunrtlvuia and oilier rye dixnr dera. report wondeiful bi-in tlla f rom the u xe of thla tier prcaerlplloii. H.t thia prrnrripllon tilled and uxe il ; villi may ao at renal hen your eye. that Ulaxaea Will Hot nernarv. Tholl- Munda who ure blind or nearly ho. "i a he wear "'ld never have required Ihem If they had cured t"i their Vra In llinr. Havr our rex le (oru II la too lute Uo rioi I nir one of lhre vlrtinia of .lenlcct. live-KlakM-a are only like cruichen. nnd every frw yeura they iiiiimI br etianaed lu tit Ihe evrr-inereaMiiiK weak lo d ndtion; ao better ace If you imii. like many oihera, art clear, healthy. airoiK. inuani lie ie Ihimmh tip pirni Ipllon here alien. Nov On Sale Men's Suits and wcoats 01 and U Kda iJ KJJ Hundreds of pleas ed customers will tell you that this salehas saved them from $10 to $15 on the very newest and most desirable kind of men's cloth ing. The ouits and Overcoats we offer at$10actuallysold all this season up to $20. The $15 Specials are the kind for which you have always paid up to $30. NOW ON SALE AND GOING FAST io 15 THE GREATEST OF ALL OUR SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALES Doors Open at IO A. M. An opening feature: Ladies'' Coats, Suits and Dresses; worth from $ 1 5 to $50; on Sale Monday Only, at Ml Don't wait until Monday to prove to yourself that this is the most as tonishing Ready-to-wear offer ever made in Albuquerque. The gar ments are all on special display on our second floor, and you can inspect them at your leisure either tomor row or Saturday., hen-you-have-seen them, we know what you will do. You will be here Monday at 10 a. m. to make sure that nobody else gets the coat, suit or dress, you want for the ridiculously low price of $9,98. . Don't Forget Monday Only! Ladies' Coats, Suits and Dresses; worth from $15 to $50; on sale Monday only at $9.98. ROSENWALD'S T W - - rTT ,vrj.Mrw,,j? e -r i RELIEF GIVEN Seniitor Smllh but in the other foil 'iiwi Ihe vole vax .1 Io I, WEST IGlfil LEGISLATORS STATION OFFICER FINDS VALUABLE EARRING Men Convicted of Bribery Will Be Taken at Once to State Penitentiary ti Serve Their Terms. "pot Mauler I.. Sinclair, ihN mori.liiK found on the H.nil.i fc ptat jtorm the riinaitiM of a nilnable pi-ar! eurrlnx. Iohi lui! nlKlu bv .Mim. A. '. I Mull Of ItoMloll, Hho VVaM it piiH.ent' I' ' n the cuMhound limlied. Mia. Hall :-ol'led the Ihmm IiimI lilhl bi fore Ihe dep.irliire of t. train. , anh mum tiinde la-t i.ikI.I uiihoiii rcMiill but the ib phi niaster found ibe orn ament Hum morniiiK. It had lu i n I run o.f by a truck and nevinil nf ,the iieiirla criiMhed. were aiippoMcil In Mid ao lepiiited. have been made (lly l.i'utfl Win. Id r vrii;ne llcrabl.) 'Inn 'Icatou n. V. V.i.. Jan. The niate aupn nie court of appi'iili iodu refund! wrilM of error -in th -niMea of five meinbern nf llin Watt Vli'Kinlu leKlMlaiiire ii.inleled iiiimmir of bribery In connection Willi Ihe I'. S eena.ol i., election earlier In the year Th. men. who have lain cotiliitcil in I lie WcliMler eounly Jail Mim i' tie Ir ronv Ictloii, will be taken to ,he mi ale penllen- iary at Mounds III." at unci. They ule. with lie Ir . up 10 Hnitea Ken itor tit-n A. Umiili Tii, cnra: lnde K'l'eiv H lf. tl. I ' h oib m. lialph Imff and lr II A AMlmiy eai h alx Vena, and iNbuite I .avid lilll, five v ;iia. 'Ibe inim iiiiiuiiiiiriiiH III III r.-iuMal of tile writ lu lb ra. of VILLA PROMISES I K'oiiiliiuctl from I'uuo One.) Ini'-ntM of a l in m special Icvrilu : I'iri jvvoubl ba re.iilrd. The fulled Hlnlei him not iiMkcd for. Ian ao ernnient" to In, pone mil h reMlrleilona nn, tbT" I loll, haa ldi)eetell 11 the Mhlp- nit'iiH nl arma from Japun or from any oth-r xovrrnmnit. The Amer lean Kov crriiiient In com In. i d that Whatever MhlplllCllttl nf MIIIIK JIIMV have been made from Japan were minle In no vvav in iMintiecilori aliti ih JapaneMe Knv.Tiiiiieiit. Aiiibaa. Mad r iluthrle at ToKlo looked Im lhe matter at the lime the a I . : j -in.-nl n I ITS Oil Illl-I.VHIRI I Ml VIS IV I. TO IIIKKrOV t'hihuiihiin, Mi vlco, .Ian. 2'.'. flrn cral Taiifiloa at-ra. of th' rebel nrmv. l.ooil.d fr.nn Hie Hlaie of ''.. lateeiiM today that he hail cut oil federal remloti elilelltM mlv HIlclliK to Toll eon I rum tin- Mouth. Me audi Ic uoiil.l atlai k lb' i ltv of Z.i- .ll'.e.l.M With 11 Vievr ol II I 'I I " ll 1 1 1 u .1 r bi l bane Molllh of T on oil. Mean tlui; Ihe rebel advalii'e to Jim. ne half way from I hlh iinlnia in Tor r.'on, ban been completed. At Jl inel et Ibe r Im Im exiieet to be pilli , later by lieioial iia, who will dl 1. 11 the attack on the Tort. 'on fed eral K.iri l-lin. The r-hel Inlwill. c Molllh of Jimenex vvill be mI'Tvv be a 'lie of the iIomi riu t Ion of the rail road. t'hlhuahua haa now only a mini I ilnl watriM havliiK "ii.' n. ntoht Molll Ii. of ti-... ...Id'erM mi itirw i.;uo hil l l l IIY IT i l M.-J Win 'nil, Jan. 2. --The Am el. .ii coliMlll lit Talliplni report-. III. it l-i.mlr. Snnih. u luiir.i, vvhn wan Im in. i ly n aohlier In the In, lid Hi.r.ia ..liny, wua ahol and killed nn Januarv -'6 by two federal army oflieeiM mnti wiih on tlie way lu All.mnl.i from 'iumpi.i) wlnie he had diawn lit' lieiii'lon. The crime aa ei.eii''y ioiiiiiiim. iI fur the pin puce nf io o. : v. The oltwerM, a litiitenani ami n i. r Keant, have been plare.l under ur- i.'m, and li'-luiiil ..iraitOM.i, federal Tanipict. proiniHi.a til. a on coiiv l (ion. Ihe I'nited fit ut liatlli mIiiI'N K.iii hiim nn. I I 'oiin.-i lii ul ari ived lo re to. lav Ir.un Tiuipico while the I r ir ll riulMer l nml" il hi n ill fur un uii knowi ib Mlinallon.. iKnaiio Mot. i-omiiiander that tiny a. II loa nl be Tljcra is Only Ona "Cz- TIsst is 99 Ha-Jf tana) ar m m m aa ff -3 flatrr '3 T f "! t t ii ., m 7 m m Htia s Mwa. USCO THF VORLO OVCJt IO UUkV 4 COLO I One OAT. Always r'iiiiniM'r ilii fi.ll fctnio Ii.iL r 'or Uiia :jjii;iIU10 ia VMtJ li.. JUi . fe YJl f 0.