Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENINO HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M.. THURSDAY, JANUARY 29. 1914. TRKX3 Get MUSTEROLE Today for Lumbago! It's ii n amaglngly quick relief. Anil il'n ao rimy l uc. You Juki riili MI'S. TKIC'l.i: lii brlskl.i, hihI presto, t h paui la gone u dell'lotis, iniothlng c in f o r t cornea In take tin pli Ml ST K It O I. K Is cll'illl, while I'llll- iiii HI. made nilll nil nf mustard. I'so It Instead lit tnualurd plaster. Will IHI IdlHi'r. Iioctora anil mirecs line MI'STI-Ml. ol.K it 1 1 (I recommend ji in their pa tients. They will gladly Idl nu what re- lief It gives from Pore Throat. 1lrn i hills. Croup. HtllT Neck. Aal limit, Neuralgia, C"lm'tl"ll, Pleurisy, I : )' ii iiim 1 1 " in . t.iimhngo. Pains mi I Ai In s of I hf Hack i.r Joints, Sprains. Hum Muscles, Itruisca, Chilblains, Frosted Keet, CohN iif the Cheat (II prevent Pneumonia I. At yniir druggist . In S.e and enc nil a MM'i'liil lirf Iim ntrr for J.1t. Accept no auhati t tit-. Ii your druggist iimiiot u I I I y oii send 2"c nr aOo In Hi,. M f HT K HIM. K . in ln li y . Clin IhihI, .1. ... ..... n i .in., lino wni m" ymi a Jar, imihIhmi prepaid. , & lr. J. J. (Ionian, a well-known De troit Physician any. "Muaterolc In In valuable In my practice unit my home." L00KINO UP WITNESSES IN CASE A0AIN3T GENERAL SALAZAR 1 niK'il Km i in iiinii intn- l Itu-ilv I iiunut-il III Huiiling Mi'ii ho Apiicarcil In Cornier I uw AkiiIiihI Mexican. The Initio Sluic hIIui to ' oflhc In Tf busily iim.ik'cI in localltiir 11 CollMilclalilc llUllitil'l- ol W II liCHCH who appeared in the former cue' umtumt i '.fin nil Jose Vires S.i lnr.1''. now under hi ii nl In Texan i li.iruni with vtnlHllon of thi' ni'titrulity law, und who Ih HIM under liiilli imi in In I In- limed Stales i mill for tint dis trict or Sew Mi xli o lor 11 similar of fi liM'. Sulurur. who it In n lit . -il gnve llio order which ifMiiiiftl in ilm cuc-i-tition of young Captain Kouniain Under lh HO-t'tllllll "lUg'tlVt" lnw, by which I Iif prisoner In ) rmitti'd to run while htm Mi. ml nl him. WlIN ('Blight In thu ten-tit I'XodllH ol fi iii iulH (nun Mexico. II,. could not liu nivli lion I imil mi order lor III removal to i lir Nrw Mi'XIiu tlihirli l In t'XiiiTtnl within n hort Unie. II" will h tiikrii to r-iiul:i Ki', to In- lul'l for ii . ii nun i- roiiMy lit the April tiiiii of t niipil .-limn court. iowi'l i Hurt I hrrury Till. JiiilK I'oiH'. who has lurti III Kt I.ouIh hoiiliiiK loin! fur M.M'1'iil wi-1-kn. Ih rxioiioil to ii-tui'ii lo Nrw Mi'Xli o in ili0 iiivi it w lion mill will ih ii it Irrm ol I ruii'il St. ii I'niirt b' liohWt'll Moinluy, Kil'iii.i: nth. A ('oiiHlili-rnliU' m. Iu nil' i.f I ninil riiilin Iiiikiihxm. rhh'Ky 01 iulimilnit in 111' I'l i im tiilh'y, in ki I for Iiohi Iiiu 'I'll'' i. nit will u" from Itoxwi II to ln t'l iii i'ii in nil iIh if l or tin- ft i in t I line ontviiliiilion of iniiiviri'li nii(iirs Suliinl.iv nlKht. Thu I'liluri'H on the liluy IiIIIh of Ihi'Kn uiliiHlri In arc I'lloHKh lO IIMMIII' lin y Oil' Kooil IIIIIH. hill II Ih hikIiII I' mil Ihul nil tin1 Hrn t'oiiiiiii iil Ih iiiohI tut onilih' mill In Iik I 1'iu hiiHlunt ii'. Thi Woiiiiiii'm IiiIi hiia It' n -x i'illoiinlly fm I nimii' In ru( iirlnu thin f irt-'liiH l!".lnulh i nm luiri'iiii ii u in. t ton anil the I Ii. nl i'i kiii-ih of thlH riiv ore iioliiK to hi' ili'i'ply ll'ili to thi' luillin for ii v'ry imrry mul nJonii n-tiiliik. ADVANCE SEAT SALE TO DIXIE QUINTETTE ASSURES BIO HOUSL Thi' riiilillly with uhiih lh- nc-nta will i h 1m ii h tii I iik iiIii'H thp Milvnnru opiiH'il for Tli.i flxli- guin li lH ' i It'll t'l' ih.i uinl Unit thi) n-o-I'll' of A I Ii iti) hoi )U' love a kooil. hiiih nr. up' inli-riitlnliiii inliiHtril hlmn it ml thilt the Klkit' thi-ntir Ih K"lnK to he fllW'ii whin UiIh Iuiiioiik INDIGESTION, OAS OR - SICK SOUR STOMACH Tilth' It! nN' lhiii'iln" nuil'i- oiir iiM't. hl xH til miiiiiik Ii tii'l IIih In live iiIiiiii. "Ili'iilly il.'i'H'' put Imil hioiiiii' Iik In ol'ihT "ri tilly iIoi'H" o iti'iump Inill gi'Hllon. iltHpi pKia, K'Ot. hi'uri Inn ii mul aoiiriii'Ha In live minute I hut Jiint I hut - nuiki a I'upi'a lilnpipHln ihf liirneMt Fi'lllim atonifu h rt-Kiili'iur III the Wollil. If whiil you it fer ini'tiiH Into Hluhhorn liiinpa. you bi li h Kiih mul i Turtiito Hour, iimllm Mifil fooil uli'l nrl hinil Ih illr.xy unil ai Inn. tin in h tun I . toiiKUd ro.iti'il: your IriHlih-a lllli.l with hlle ami I nil I -ireHilhle wiiaii', rrmi'iiiiii'i' Ihc mo inent ''I'iiim-'h I itnpi'phin" i'oiiii'h In loiiuiit with the Htoniiirh all mn-h iliHtriHH iiiiiHhi'H. It n truly iiHton ihIHiik -alnioHl iloita, anil the Jo Ih It m hariiili'HHni'HM, A lark,. 'Hly-i'i'tit . fiiHP of 1'iipe'f I liupipHln will xiw you n hutnlriil I'lllitiN' worth of Hut infin tlnn or tour ilruKKlHt h.iniln you your moni y tmi k. It b worih Ha wi-licht In Kohl In nun mul woini'ii who ran t Ret thtir Htoin iuIih reKiihiteil It heloiiKH In your holm- ahouhl nlwaH he ki'pl hanily ill i iiHe of a Hit k. noiir, upHel moriiai h liuiinw the ihty or ut nlkht. M m the Hiiii ki'l, toireHt Hiid Itioxt hul lnli HH stoiniirh ilortor In the 'worhl. Kitrnii-rH, nieihiinlt-a. railriiailera. liihoreta. rely un Or. Tlioiiuia Krlec-tli- I'll I'lni' for ruts, bunm. hrulN r. Hhoiilit hp kept III rvery home. :.o ami fivo. Montezuma Grocery & Liquor Company General Agents for the Celebrated SCHLITZ BOTTLED BEER. Importers of the Pure Lucca Olive Oil and Chianti Wine, Gradi and Doraenici Brand. Phone 102? f Y ? V T r f r ? t v v y v v ? ? t v. V V ? T r Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y r Y SERVICE AND SOLIDITY The Banking 'Requisites THE satisfactory bnk-the only bank which can be of real benefit to the business pub. lie is that which, while assuring: absolute se. curity, is prepared to give expert and courteous service not only to depositors but to the publio generally. The success of the STATE NATIONAL BANK has been built upon this winning combination of Service and Solidity. Your account is solicited. State National Bank OF ALBUQUERQUE, IT. II. m Y ? Y ? Y ? Y Y Y Y ? ? ? ? Y Y ? Y Y ? ? ? Y Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y Y Y ? Y Y Y Y Y o SPECIAL Till FOR PHIUIJTHROPIC DAY STATE RELIGION THE FLOOD BOUND PASSENGERS Santa Fe Provides Limited Equipment for Those Held by Washouts in California; Schedule Again Working. SPECIAL TRAIN FOR MOTION PICTURE TROUPE Raymond-Whitcomb Excur sion Will Spend Four Hours in Albuquerque Tomorrow; Limited People Like Sunshine. AT VIMS CLUB TOMORROW All Who Attend Asked to Bring Gifts of Clothing or Provisions for Donation Basket. tllj l-amit Wlru lu ferritins iKwaftl 1 l,OH AllKl-ll'H. fill, J.lll. ii!. Tw himilreil and forty-utie mil- t mh Kt n i-r t w ho I1.1M' hi en 9 iiiai'tioiit'd in Hun I.uIk nhiHpo hIiiib Hntiiriliiy, ottitm to wuhIi- outa rt'HiilliiiM (ruin tin' Moial atoriii or enra. arrived The Woninn'H riiih in UoIhk all in Ha power to aIM the "pliriilul work lii ink ilonn for Ihe tie ilv hy the Id illeg or Hie non-Pei Inrhin Itenevn hilt orlelv, Mrn. K. K 'ooh, Jirea hlenl, ann In line with ihla iiruln worthy Idea a donntlon iuiHket will he Ihe main feature at the Thlhin Ihroplr lny" proxraii) of the regu lar tnei'lltiK t.imorrow hCteitmon. All uiemlieiH unil non-tiii'inliei a will he hiiiaeil i'.'i rt'iiiH uilinlHulon. the i','. re nl a to ii" lo the Mine iharltuhle I " "niie iiit'ri .iiiiik me imki'ii jlo hrlne kIMh of I'lutliiiiir or piol jHlotia f..r the relief or the needy. Mr. I'lionH will Kive ii Mhorl talk lollliik jl'irth Ihe iireMiliitf mi-il of Huh ehar- jltnhle w ork w hleh him In i n iiiiinln today oil Mennier Huntu lnlefi'il o etflilenlly hy the Uiliev- lara. The Hteaiiier liaVeH In- , oli-lil Hoilety n iit for H.i nl. i l'n i Iu i.i to take uooard llavelera who have oeen tnaroiined at tliut jiolnt. The aerloua irnok lr.ulile niiifud hy thu relent II'mhIh In Bolilhi rn Cul iloriilu la oer ami the eanthouti'1 itihediile iractlially wna notiual for toilay'a trulliM. Thin muriilliK'a No. 10 train waa on lime and wuh follow 'd ut t.2i hy h i'iiiil Hiitluii. rar riitiK llmlteil' eiilpiiieiit and nomo "txty piiwiiKira who were delayed hy the WHHhoitiH. The Hpertnl waa iniiile up at liarntou and earrii'd Ulll ItiH" hulfet and oliHi'rvat ion riirx. KmiImI Motion I'lctiirc 1 in in. Tomorrow a I'alif.n nl.i luniti'd will iirrtve here In lour HiitloiiH, the flra' I'I'Ihk a xpi i al Iran i airv UK the t'ar olliii .Mm Inn I'h lure . ompany of tome fluid) people. The fpeiiul la Hi lu'iliiUd to atop here for un hour. The nil "inl Hi'i lloii will Lu a i:a mond-Whlti'omh i xi iiihIoii. the i hedule of whli h iiiIIh for a atop ot lour hotira In AHiuiiieriiie. Today h California limited carried III 111 two HiilM'liB Home lATi people, ulioiit (he iiveriuti' load for many Heekn pant. AtrordliiK t" t'np'. II M. Nplwy, apei'lal uKenl for Ihe crand fanyon line, the llnilted pah H'limr haie lemneil t-j look for the kiiuahlne. anil rxeri iae ol the half hour on the Alhiniiteriiue pltitforni I'liox-iitti'ia I a ik for HuiihIiIih'. "The klrtii'Ht rertaiii Kiiiiahlne of Alhuiiieriue Ih lieeuiuiiiR well known to paaMeniiera on the limited train" riili J'uptiiln Htiliej thin tnnrnlnv., ''and the Mre lenriifiiK to imtli-lpat Ihe half hour atop here v lih pleas ire. Thla niornlna train for In ftaiii'e. eiirounleri-il i-old wenthef nd mini at nil polntH weal of Podire City, lull here we have the timal I'lue ky iiiiu warm Miiih!ne and ev ery piiaaenuer goe awn." talklne aliout It. It ahoulil lie an easy mut ter to ailvertlae the A)lnii;tier'iie ann hlne. for It reriulnly ha demon Hirated hi dependal'llily diirimr the present winter." I Children' I'rotiaiii. Happy Farmer; tl) Holdler'a sliinh Srhumann Vli'Ktnht Mi'Lamlreaa. A lHlli i!li leHHoii ( p"IKu t . , . I.iuicll' l.oulff fl.irk. Maypole liunee Uilgbev Kulh Froxt. Minuet I'uderewaki Kehu Conner, Th HIitiii Fiend HlKli Sihonl rilee t 'lull. (.1) I in me of the Kh'; (Ii) Walla t.'arrlo Horner. Souk, "My l.lttle IriHh (Jirl" Vlriilnla illiiimaon, (a) Wuli hman'a Koiik. iId Allium Lenf lirli'B Francea l n u n. lluiiinri'dke Dvorak Hum I IlankiiiK.. Sextette, from "I.uela ill Lamnier moor (for the left hand alone ) Iiniil.i ill l.eirhltwiny Taiiline lloriaihiile. Wain fuprne Hyhuld (Irate Sioitx. , Shadow I lan'-e M :il'.H II l.erlnlr i avail. umti. A MoonlUht rtoiit Itlde Utah School (ilee fit:. AdmlHHlon 25 cent, for ih'.nly. PIT WTHOUT OIL CATTLEMEN FROM OKLAHOMA COMING TO NEW MEXICO I'lomJiU'iit .eowT of t 'oliV ItltifT at SiMirri Willi Idea of lliiniitim Three TIiiiiihiiiI I h ad Into the I oiiniy. Remarkable Discovery That Cuts Down the Cost of Paint Seventy-Five . PerCent. (peelal f riapaOre lk nrraldf Sororro, N. AI.. J m. -1. ' 'Klahomn nulemen are eiin nm lately a lflng Intereel in the pio-sil'illtles of New .Mexico. f II. Helnhart or Cuilja HlulT. I ik la Ii" in a hax lieen lure for aome daya lii..kinn over Socorro county with a v. .i of InliiKlnit In three thoiiVand head of cattle. He I "lie of the haillm! itroweia of ukla huiua and hhvh lli.n iiumeroviH olhei ia:tletinn n hi- stale are vtxiiiiiK other iiurts of New VexP'o with tin plan of hrttmina in ..ille. Mr. Ueln halt la much pleased with the outlook for proHperlty In Una Mute an com pared with ollor Hialea and li.-liev It in a amid place f"r ealllemuii or any other kind of a man l locale. A Fr) Trial I'ackaae Ih Malhil to i:rT)iM' lliu WiIIik. A. I.. Illce. a prominent manufac turer o( AilmnH. N. t., liac iIIhcov ered a procena of making a new kind of paint without the nxc of oil. lie ciilla It I'owderpiilnt. It cornea in the form of a dry powder and all that Ii raiiulrcil Is rold water to make n paint wealhor proof, fire proof and ia durahle im oil paint. It adheren to any aurface. wood, atone or hrlck. xpreadH and look like oil palm and coHta ahout oiie-foiirth ua much. Write to Mr. A. I,. It lie. Mam f r , tll9 North St.. Adams. N. Y., and h will end ynu a tree trial package alan color card and full InforniaUod flu. w Inn you how yon run Have n good many dollara. Write today. FIRST LAW OF NATURE DRAWS LARGE AUDIENCE (ryxtiil Cmwihil to Hit- l'lr-1 lri- dut'lloii of Mhiiiiii'riiii' I llul t ompani To Hr lii'S'nted. The t'ryatul theater crowded ho-t nlaht in rplte of the Inclement ither. the atiraiilon helna ih find uppeiirnnce hire f th flral work of the All'ii'im nine Film com pany, "The I'lrnt Law of Naluro." Ihe picture la ii paid one. well do Hlgned and well carried out. It In dicates that the Alhutiiiermie colli' puny will take n prominent poHltlo'i In Ihe film world The picture will !e fhow n for the luat time here to night. CANAVAN HAS CHANCE TO BEAT SENTENCE BY A FEW DAYS Matt' feiipreiiwi Court litilicalco Tliat It Will lla-lcn HiM-Uioii I'nllimliiif IIiihI AramiM'iit Yi'Hti'nln) In t on tempt fUHf. Attorney Purkhart and foora re turned laat night from Snnta Fe. where they appeared hefore the atnt aupreme court In the final argument In the Sleven I 'una van conlempt cane Mr. foora made the filial nmuiiiin' In f anai ana hehnlf and the court Indicated that It would uw every ef fort to huHlen Ita dcciaioii. fanavan'a aentence ixplrea on March 14th. and In lha event of an Immediate and fa voralne decialon hy the conn he may bra' the aenlence ly a few cVya. Hlliin;- I'eel heavy after din nor hitler tfiHte? Complexion aal low? I.lver pcrhupa nerd wiiklua up 1'ioiin'a Ilrgiiieta for hllloiia lucks. ?fc at all drug atorea. Store Closed All Day Friday to mark down goods and pre pare for our great February Cash Sale. Golden Rule Dry Goods Company, Tha Joy Of CAMaff 19 tlef!MAf A Wonderful Rimed f That f a Natural Aid and Relieve th Tenaiom l I I. L' -I . . 1. : 1 . , ... .1 II. M ul.r.ll MM Pli'ilin un u. n ........ . ..... eilr, la (lie only one kuowtt that la allu to rraca an lue uiaiT'Ti earia mvuireu. it FOR CHI IS ORDERED Yuan Shi Kai Has Measure Passed Prescribing Worship of Heaven and Confucius; Missionaries Strenuously Op pose. (Ilv Imm iI Wire to I veiling ffeiald I'ekin, Jan. !! A hill prcucrlhinK the vdralili of Heaven and of fon fiiclu oy ihe prealdent of the Chl iiim rt'pulillc wua puMied lu.ia) hy Ihe ailminlntrallve council which took Ihe plai i .of Ihe Chlneee p.irll i inunt, recently dlaaotved hy I'renl dent yuan Shi Knl. The tm-unir? ax siihiiill ted to the council to Yuan Kill Kai hlrncclf It Ih umlcrHtood that the preal dctir'a I (lt-ii la to act an example to the Chili' mc nation, which he lhllik needa the moral tiphulliltiiK Influ ence of rellitlon. The prenldent will worahlp at the temple of ConfucitiH ond lit Ihe temple of Ifetiven niitiii ally in the name way as the Mun chit emperorH did, hut without wear HiK the dindem. The dlndem was proponed hut'Wna not adopted, nw ItiK t" the rrltlctam that It would he taken a m another IndicHllon of Yuan Shi Kal'a monarchlcnl dealKtiH. 'i'he iiui'Htlon of the Introdiictlnn of a atate rellnlon ha crenten enn 'Iderahle coiitroveiy In China, the Chrlatlnu nilaalonarlea of all aerta oppoHluir audi a atc). The conatlttl tlon adopted hy the Chlneae pnrlla mcnt rniiile no provlHlon for any atnt! lellxlon. hut for miiiiu montha a Con, fucliin rc.iv,.l movement haa hen In Idencv and a lean in- w ua formed hy repreHentatlvea In China not only of fhrlMi Innlty hut of .Mohummedl- mlam. Taolam and IluddalHiii to op- poae the iidoption of a alate rellKlon. a wua contemplated when Yuan Shi Kill dlHHi'lVi'd parliament the ad- mlnlHirullve council formed In Ha place and conHiatlnit of two ri pre i ntatlvea from each province four ahlnet mlnlHtera, n repreHentntlve from 'each minlmry and elKht mem- licra of the priKitlentlal aecrelarli'l. adopta all the nieaHuri'a tuopoHed hy 'rei'ldent Yuan Hhl Kai. who e,Xr iHea plait I. ally entire control. MMMI It 1)1 IS s( k M Itt UN WIIOI.i: H Y Shankhal. Jan. '.'H. A force ol .null bandlta today Hacked and 1)11111 il virtually the entire city of i, latin how. In the province of Nituii-llwct. W. K. Knlwieili'. of the China inland o.iuulltn u-llt, t.iu uir.. uti.l ..l,ll.:.'..n auci ceded III eacuplim to Uuehow-Fu. Ihe Catholic inlKtiunarii'H are atnt In Ihe looted city hut It la believed they have not heeii Injured. The hrlxanila appnreiitly ure con- necteel with the I.iiihIb comnuimled hy White Wolf,'' who have for con ilderahte time hecn ravaainH lite eiial ;iu putt of the province of llo-Nan SEEK TO DISSOLVE WABASH RECEIVERSHIP la a penetrating appi" atit'B after tin' for. Biala "f a Duo it luiunr OiH'tnr, ana nic'i csii' even uiintclv. i" rve, Imue ut taitii aVnied. It gH' ilir-'ily to the airaiurd and ii.'iiily l"t aarely rvlifa all ti'udai r to aori'ie'i ir airaio. Hy ha dally ne tin-re til b an nala. rw diu.., nu lun-u. ii .Uugr of l'-iu..a or ollor ai'i'lik iii. ml tUe perlud will be uue of iiprt'Uia iiiuitort na Jy tut amici.iin. Tu all yinina "iu-n Woiher'a r'r'.'Bd la ua af I lie minn'M nl all beitdul lultiii'Ui'ea, fi.r It roha i lillikarih ' all Ita aii'iuli-a aad Aauaer. ill-l-1 all Hi" doubt ami ilrrail. all r iw of fer. ami '" ennltlea the ni'uil and body lo await I)"- greatest evi-nt la a initi hie wliti iiimauiKielrd il.lni-- Miriber'a Prlcnd l a ai..l rlierlalieil .aiilir ia llaniaaiii!. "f li"ii". anil la el 'iib peculiar iu' ill mid value aa to make it vnilally use tu va rei'uuiiucuui-a or "i-a. Y mi will And It u Mle el all drug aiur-a at 1 K a Inn If. ur tin- drufai.l will itullr g-t it r'-r run it V"i iiiim n'B it i"iu era IVI.nd la prrin. only l t. Iliad Held K.-euiator i'j. I IT l.auiar 11 la.. Ai lioili, (ia . wba will aend e bn Built, araitti a 'r luairiirilva cvi t Oiaalaal (IIt Ijpaael Wire to Frcnlnj llerahl.) St. l.uiiiH. Jan. S'J. Applicuiion lur ihe ol the re. elv ernlilp of he WhIi. ish unil for u aVcrce ol lnrccloHtile, wan made to Klmcr it Adanm. I". S. circuit .'udne hero lo ony liy iittoinoM n preH.-nt nig me iK'iiilholdcrH. I lie Ki ii II n I. Ii TriiHi I'ln im lit . ttUHtce ami Ihe receiictH. Judge Adama took the HiiIicii' Ion nder ndvlHcmcnt. The fol u loaure, If It taken place, la to. he tinder :i mortltaiie of Itl.HiU.OOft to aecure la nieH of refiiiidiim and ililllpmeut liondH JiulKe Adiiina Inl mated that he would unnoulice m final forecloa- ure docree within ten iluya. PROMINENT INSURANCE MAN SURPRISED AT THE GROWTH OF THIS CITY V 1.. 'ocIhiiiI. of ortlii'crn Mil tual. l lrat VUlU'il the Tlty III IHHI W lK'it Ihinlif I'niiililiiiiiN rrt'tallitl "I am aiirprlned to find a modern city hire In id. ice of the frontier village I vlalted thirty years ago," -aid A I., fopeland, general nai'iic.' manaaer of the Northwestern Mutu al Life Insurance ennipnnv. nf Mil waukee. this morning Mr. Cope land arrived on the California limit i'd. m i innp.inled hy hla w ife and daughter. who are accompanylnt him on a ahort trip to California He "topped here ' -r a vllt with N. F I.eSeur. the Xew Mexico agent for the Northwestern, who will acrom pane him aa far aa Gallup. "Mv flrnt visit to Alhuriuerque waa in Him.' said Mr. Copelmid, "and I can assure you thut St tha' lime vour city was Ihe real thing In the way of ii frontier town. It waa live ly enough even then, hut I can ace thai you have grown Into a modern and moat uttrncttte city." " liffy yt'nn 110, ivtn-n Co,m HruiJing Whiskey nun ysiotr. " 'TMIKUF.'S stmie rclatuinsliip Intwcfn "coast inj;" mul wliiskty. Ynu'vc j;otto li;nt- tlic prade in cither in 1 rder to derive genuine satisfac titn. You never fail to get the grade when you order choice, old Distilled according to a special formula HI unuft 1 ijtvt mv vt iniicm icuituiuua iiiiu i. ... ripened by the sunshine. There's a mellowness and a mildness about Golden Wedding besides a particu larly rare, rich flavor that makes evcry Ixxfy like it. You get none of the dis tregsino; after-effects that you do from many other whiskiet. It's fine for the health, because it it "AW Dijerenty." (i fcavtrw wa '.! 'O- BW Full Quart ELABORATE PLANS FOR CELEBRATION BY THE COLUMBIANS The following communication haa heen sent to all members of AlliiiiUer iUe council: Dear Sir and llrother: Alluiiieriue Conn. II No. Ml, la to celehrale the twelfth annivcisary ol Ita Institution on Kehriinrv I'd, and th cili lirat Ion promlsea to he otic of the moat HUcceaafnl aince the iiniin II h or ganlxatlon. All of the committees nr.. working together with that ohject In view and give aHHiirance of a rcitlUa lion of their error) a. on Sunday, Fehtuary 1st, the coun cil and viHitlng nights will receive Holy Communion In a body at the " o'clock mass, at Immaculate Concep tion church; Joat previous to that hour-lit ;t."i a. in., the Knlahta will ussi'inlile in the library t St, Mary's aoliwvk nJ tlonce march In a body l.i the cnur. h, where aeats will hu re served for them. tin Monday rveiiltg at ! o'clock Ihe gueata of the evening will he wel comed at tile MaaoDlc temple tSeVentli street entrance), hy the reception committee, consisting of the paet k'rand iiluhts of A 1 1 in. i n ' r. 1 1 1 n.nv rcsitling In Alhii'iueniue: O N Marron. I', h". McCunui, M. H. Tler ney. Ur. .1 A. Helrty, I". K., T. I'. Keh her. Jr.. and J. V. 1'reatel.' The following a.e the coiiimltices, all of whom are Working diliuently lor the sll.'i'i'ts of this grand occasion: lieueral A rialiKe inuiit J. J Cttti n i ii k ho 111. W. A. Tulip and 11. J. Ker- ley. Knlcrtalnment Iicpuly titainl KhIkIii lieiiiiis fhavex ami 11 Charles Hoc hi. Dunce -l'o Iv Murphy. It. J. Kile- GALLUP LIGHT CASE AGAIN POSTPONED Hearing of Ihe rase of the (lallup I'.lntrlc Light und l'iter roiupatiy . ihe Peoples' l.ighl and I'owcr 'iimpuny of (lallup. avt for heating unlay, wua again deferred until r'eli niary 7th. The ruse Involves a pe tition for an Injunction to restrain the defendant coiopniiy from op' r- .'Una In (lallup under a franchise of the town council. ii J I iu r. i ml today filed auit against Karl I'. Ilaughman, un a note .I $ rial Kale of lUildildge l'rorrtJ Ap proved. In a hrlef aeaalon of proliate rourt ihia nnnltia Judge Mure approve! the report of Special llunrdlan W. H. sirhkler. for Alma llnldrhlge. con firming Ihe sale of the lluldrldae property on Hoiilh Second si reel, known as the old A. n. 17. W. hall, to TUowag V. Uublu. hi r. Hon Ciiaadoa and A. F. Mnlette. linitiet Thoniua l. Pelahnyde. Hy action ol' itw council, the privl. lege of alien.::- ia exli'iiilvd to mnm-a) hera' anna und ddURhtera under 21 eura of uge, and to members of oilier inn ncila. With sincere and kind wishes be speaking n continuance "f your loyal support, 1 remain, Youra fraternally, J. II. TtoiKN. Onind Knight. Attcat: l. J. Dfcr'.tlA.V, Recorder. QUARTETTE OF NEW ELKS ARE BRANDED A MUiirtette of new Klka were suc cessfully initiated Into the herd by Alhutiicriue lodge No. 41 nt Its regular meeting luat night, the In illation ceremony being followed l.jr a very enjoyable luncheon and smoker. The new Flka are Attorney 11. C. Miller." V.iirnoM A.' Imvls nf th I'ullmttn company, rrahk II. Iw ami Whurton A. Moore, all of Albu- llerijli'. Flavor, fragrance, packing-, variety, prices cverythine ia in favor of -smoke prevention Did you know that smoke from Factoriea and Residences in the city of Chicago cost the Citizens of that Town $15,000, 000 every year? A Coke fie does not smoke. Help preser J the clean pure liir of New Mex ico by burning the only smoke less fuel available. Besides helping' others you help yourself. Coke is cheaper per ton and costs mucll less for actual heat delivered than any Other kind of fuel. Be sure to specify genuine Gas Coke when ordering as other kinds of coke do not start as readily. $6.50 PER TON DELIVERED IN YOUR BIN Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light & Power Co. Phone 98 . t- 11 rt u lllll Ill i .11 IW i ' s