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fTr, 1L i ii i lit I ii in i n i. niii i 11 ifcuw i null 'w " s and Coats, Dresses Entire stock on sale at nearly One Half Price, some at Half Price and other garments at Less Than Half Price. Lot 1 Coats and Dresses in Junior and Women sizes. The coats in black, plain colors and fancy novelty weaves; the dresses in pood serges and corduroys, neatly trimmed, pood line of colors. Values to $11.00 On Sale now, choics 53.05 SPECIAL COATS AT $4.95 One small lot of Women and Junior Coats ui black and fancy novelty weaves. Values to $12.50. On Sale now, choice $4.05 Our Big Special Value GOATS, SUITS. DRESSES Values to $18.50 for $7.95. A real genuine value at less than the price to make. Ask to see this splendid line. Coats in Velonr De Elaine, plain and Brocaded Boncles, Chinchilla and Black Broadcloths Suits Jnnior and Women sizes in good line of Serges and Brocades, assorted colors and sizes. Dresses in Fine Silk Poplins, Fine Messalines and Char meuse. This entire line values to $18.50, on sale Saturday, January 31 at 9 a. m. d7 OC CHOICE .... . .- . tyi.&O Extra special ready-to- $1 O Rfl wear values at . . . P 1 1 Consisting of our Finest Garments Coats In Hole Plush, Sondes, Nate?asse , Chinchilla, Brocaded F-ponge, values to $23.50 Clearance Sale Price CiZiUU Suits In Wool Poplins. Bedford Cords. Serges. Matelasse.. ft Values to $29.50. clearance sale price !2i5u Dresses Mk Poplins. Charmeuse. French Serges. Wool. I ge, values to $27.50, cleaiance sale price . ...v2i5u Nearly All Styles and Sizes to he Found in the Above line ;MCH m mtiiL VALUES ON sale each day Red Seal Ginghams ON SALE SATtTBDAY JANUARY 31, 9 A. M. 200 pieces Extra Fine Dress Ginghami. The Red Seal qual ity; a value at 12c yard: select New Spring Patterns. On Sale Saturday, 9 a.m. . 9c Yard Select Princess Cheviots 100 pieces Select Princess Cheviots, in brown, blue and grey -patterns; a splendid quality. On Sale Saturday, 9 a. in. 9c Yard " Plain Blue Ginghams 50 pieces good quality plain dark bln Dress Ginghams; a - good value at 10c yard. On Sale Saturday, 9 a.m. 5e Yard ONLY 15 YARDS TO A CUSTOMER TWO GREAT GARMENT VALUES ON SALE SATURDAY. JANUARY 31, 9 A.M. Sweaters One Great lot Ladies' Sw eaters in tan, cardinal, white, oxfords and fancy stripes, all wool: odds and ends mussed and soiled. Values to Jl.tO. All on Sale at a Great Value Bargain. u . Choice $1,00 Waists for 39c Grand Clearance Sale of Ladies Waists. These waists, left from last season, must besold. They consist of Voiles, Linens, and Lingerie in white Effects; also Ginghams and "Fancy Madras. All sizes to be had. worth from $1.25 to 42.50. All on Sale Next SaturdayJanuary 31, at 9"a. m. Choice 39c For Monday, February 2nd, at 9 A. M. A Silh Sale at 35c Yard A Special Clearance Sale of all Odds and Ends of Silks, consisting of Brocade Poplins in nearly all shades; also Bor dered Seco Silks, white Taffeta and a few Figured Foulards. These Silks worth from 65c to $1.00 yard. Your choice of lot on Monday, 9 a. m. only 35c Yard SEE SILKS ON DISPLAY CENTER AISLE LEDGE For Tuesday, February 3rd, 9 A. M. We present a Splendid Silk Sale, offering Highest Grade Silks, desirable styles and pattern s at exceptionally ,Low Prices. These gocds are on display and can be seen at any tiirfe. Fine Silks at 79c 20 pieces yard wide Silks in Newest Poplins' ai I Changeable Chiffon Taffeta in all the best selling shades. Values to $11.50 yard. On Sale Tuesday, 9 A. XL 79c Yard Silks at 95c Yard THE BEST SILK VALUE EVER SHOWN HERE A combination Sale of yard wide New Pompadour Satin Messaline in large Dresden elfects, very select Yard wide figured and striped Chiffon Taffetas and assorted shades of yard wide Plain Satin Messalines. This assortment worth from $1.25 yard to $2.50 yard. All on Sale Tuesday, Febru- kary 3, 9 a m., for 95c Yard Reduced prices on all silks, dress goods, white goods, wash goods, table linens, napRins, towels, bed spreads, sheets, pillow cases, blankets and comforts Two Big special Values From Our SHOE SECTION Fomous Values from Our Ready-to-wear Section. A Clearance Sale .with Values PRICES MADE TO SELL Waists at 75c A special fine lot of Ladies Waists in Middy and Balkan Blouses in white Lingerie and Voiles; also Cotton Plaids and Flannelettes. Values to $2.00. s Choice now 75c Waists at 98c A splendid line at the price. Both Waists, Middy Blouses and Soiesette Shirts, in white, tan and black; also styles in white Net and Wash Silks. Values to $3.00. On Sale. ' Choice 98c New Spring Waists for $1.95 A Beautiful Sample Line of New Spring Waists in white and biack Tub Silks; also an assortment of white Nets, black Messalines, Taffetas and white Lingerie Values to $6.50. Special . Clearance price $1.95 Fancy Dress Waists One lot of Odds and Ends of Fine Dress Waists, in Lace Nets. Chiffons. Messaline and Taffeta : good variety of shades all sizes. Values to $7.50. On Sale for $2.95 Waists for Afternoon Wear A Very Select Line of High Class Waists in New Bro cades. Crepe De Chine. Chiffons and Charmeuse Satin, all shades to select from Values to $9.00. Your choice I Now $3.95 Women's Shoes for $1.50 Pair Special Clearance Sale of all kinds of Shoes, Odds and Ends; many kinds and styles; nearly all sizes to be found. Values to $3.50 pair. On Sale Saturday for $1.50 Pair ON SALE SATURDAY 300 Pr. Finest Queen Quality & Red Cross Shoes For Women at $2.85 a Pair Positively the greatest shoe value ever offered; the be3t shoe sale cf the season; a clearance sale of high grade shoes and in ALL SIZES (not odds and ends or old style), but a wonderful good sale of smart, up-to-date models in dependable Bed Cross and Queen Quality Shoes for women. You will find Patent Kid, Vici Kid. Dull Kid, Dull and Tan Calf leathers in Button and Lace. Values to $5.00. ON SALE FOR $2.85 Pair Great fiat special "MANY HATS FOB, MANY MEN-OUE GBEATEST HAT OFFEB Here is Assortment and Style. 2C0 dozen Men's Felt and Velour Hats in Fedor? and Derby styles, all -standard brand, such as Eoeloefs. No Name and Thoroughbred. Values to $4.00. Clearance Sale Price 1.95 ENTIRE STOCK OF Men's and Boys' Shoes and Furnishings All at Special Reducd Prices FAMOUS HIGH GRADE CM 1 fThC SUITS FOR MEN tDIwtP 150 Men's Suits and Overcoats Kirschbaum brand, guaranteed all wool and hand tailored. Newest styles, latest fabrics; also Blue Seiges and Fancy Worsteds. $20 values, reduced for this Sale to 11.95 SUIT fl pi M 5ZS 5 O pi p c3 M a pi o to 3 a