Newspaper Page Text
BIX TirE EVENT NO HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, U. M TITUItSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1914. The Evening Herald. I'llhllshcil by The Kvciuns Herald, Inc. Rilh M. Ilinrt'f ai.n, Mmiaitr. K I m n, K.Mi.r. Official lnir ..f tha tit jr of AttiliqiicriitlM. ruhllshril vtt 'tnrnnon roM tuntnv, nl IM ...ith H.cnud tur I, A llmiucr 'inc. N. M. Fntr-d aa ssrnnl -cliisa matter t Hi pnst..fll. b! All.unilsriiu, N. M., umli-r I lie Act of March 1. 1I7. On month hy ttis.II or tarrl.r. 6 fir- ' weca ! miner llo On year by mail or carrier In aJvaoio l 00 Tr-lsiihonrs 1(7 and 111. rMf Ml. llITI ttli. Tlii' tin iiMff in i..iirnh in over t i l.tisincr-s iiiiiIih'K in fiiHiPin slulcs In i lium nil il ti i n in nn inn r.-stmK llllllllii'l l till' riillaililllu Tclr Krilpll HR flllliiWS. " in i' H thnl I in i iif-i i in I riiinlii limn urv riit'lill.v Imi'iot Iiiii in tlna it m I i.thi-r Willed. I 'Ho Mi ni ( f iilcncc la found In a fruiu I'lUs l.lirsh I hill follow ins the lit ink nf orders fi.r 12i,iHMi tons nf steel III thul district some fiiimiii im n who Imvt? lift n iiiiriiii'i nl fnr MM IHI Wi l'kH Will lH I'IIKIIK'mI 111 eii'inly work hclurc th end uf the . resent week. "It In the confident Hi'illrthii uf r. Iliililo ol.scrvera I hut tin; ml vi'tit nf s.rliin will find liusliiess ii ml Inilusiriul c..n. litmus In ths I nil il Ktiiti'a weir established upon a. scale uni sccllcd Mim e bo fore the depression of 1(07. They ii r. already movlnf swiftly to ward that point. The new lurlft lnw la nn lonscr a- mystery to Imisiiichm nun, sources of credit know what to aiitici.nt under the iirovlHlona of the new cur rency law ntnl thn WiinhliiRH'il mlmlnlHtrntlon Iii'tii nnothi'r ara aimi of roiiKrrNi without any program nf ri'ononiic IikikIiiIIoii at whlrh hunmi'MH la llkily to tiika fright. "The nntlon'H only clanRrr of piinlc hna liren foiinil In th liilk of piuilr IikIiiIhi'iI In by tim id nml llmiiKlilU'iw prraona. That liilk hna iiiiMi'il. ThiTn are nn rlouila nn tin- bimlnraa hurlxon xi'i pt lhi fli'i'i mica of aaauroil :nniei Ity." IM .M'l TiO 11 i n.r, HniiB on apixllli; atniHPnirnla unit ir,ullir by ('IfMlitMt li-nt or evt-n i lll aulhoritlra iln not appi'Hr to at -(Dinplixh the di-xlred rcmilla. There ai'i'iim to be a nnliiriil nrirlly In liuinan Im-iiih tiiaki-a thorn ruKr to do thiiiKa llwi. are forhltlili-n, x ci pt w here nm h lliinuii are no palpa bly Inlurloua to aeclety that inlltiht- lied a If-lnt" ri nl JoIiin In the rruxnilv iiulnat them. Kiit where ainiiHe menta or prartUea are auperflrlully hiirintemi n. me any attra llie feature, the average pereon ' anili boinly riHiMia Mttempta of authority to mippreKa llii'in. Mm ii the niotivea of the aiiihoiitie are Impunni'd iim Mucauley alunilerrd the ruritana by auKKehling: tint they liuti-l bear-bult-liH mt ao mm h beriiiixe It Kiive pain t'i the hear, but birauav il ava plcaa ure to th apertatora. In apita of reaolutiona, aermona of ileniinrliillon and errlealanlicul pro ai i-iptiiiiia, the luiiy largely follows Hh twn aweet will aa to popular allium' menta, euys th Hu Iula tilobo 1 eiiiorrnt. Th!a fuel la Anally lin ireaalnK the moat thouiihtful churth inen and other inethoila of dialing with what all believe to be Injurloua to ual ioiulitioiia In the iliuriliea are ciriK conNlilered. (me of the lettdinR chimin of Amerlea, at t-ui li i i t n ii ia I ceneiai couft reni e, wreHtlea with the Iiiiikuhk of tta rnli a prot- ril'lng rertaln specific iiniuaeinunta. 11 la (enerally admit ted tiiHt the lnnuuftj waa unfurl u tiatel Bdnpii .1 Torty yaara ago, a n- euil romli'iniiitUon of rradinc aurh lii-riiire iiml engaging In euch dl eraioiia u l ould not b done to the Kl'ry of (Sod being far preferable tu a tutaloicue of forbidden thiiiKa, Hut the aprcifl; i-ataloaua can not be abandoned wlihoiit the wurid belni iiiiHled Into thlnklnx the rhunh haa revoked tta iliHpproal of the aliiuui metita under the ape trk- bun and ini- pll nlly piroed them. Ho the rule hna wlihioi.d all attacks upon Hand nni b cured by Hull's Catarrh will likely remain unalwrtd. Cure. ..... ,.. . ... V- J- CHKNKY & CO., Toledo, O. Hut Hie funllty of emphualxtng the Wf, utlll(.r.lgnf hftV, hnown pmhibition la appealing to the lead- p. j Cheney for the lust li yeara. and lng clergymen and edltora of the de-. Iiellev. bint perfectly honorabl In all nomination. A nw courMe la being , l""1"" transactions and financially . able to carry out any obligations mad geiterally pursued, one f construe-1 ( hi frrn t on. Instead of seeking to deprive NATIONAL BANK OP COM MFHCE, the young people of imam aiutiae-l Toledo, Onto, menta the new policy aeks to get! Hall's Catarrh Cur la taken Inter- tbem interested in benefp lal a. tiv--" ""-0 upon th. Mood and mucoiia surfaces of th arstein Th, theory is that "thou sli.. It Tr-,,ninh,taj sent free. I'riee 75 r.otB'1 accompliMh little. The bile ,pr bottle. Fold by oil I'rtig- belli is still the ilevlls Wnikslmp. glats. The profound p.v, h-logy of the Na-1 T-w family Hill, for cnnall. . . .l. Iat Ion. arene s atal-menl. As he thinketh III his heart, ao la he." la lelng more C.riierylly ilel.llMutrd for years, geiiernliy recognised. Ky (hanging sick headache, lacked ambition, the current or thought, uui n out and all run , .. .... .. .. . dock lllood Rulers made me a well new ai I nil I .us and xrmiMin new in- ., " Mrs Cbaa. I relii.y. Mooa lereeta, 11 Is hoped to fill th lives n nn I.f I III tilling Willi J.i)I.UH ta -t I V 1 1 ICS. Tin n Ihi y will almmlon Hiiiiiwincnl on which the i It rk fl.'hil. lint Imm'iiiiki nf fhi i.s ri.tiitis lint Im chiis.' the no Iniu'T li hkiii In llii'in tii..iits i.f htmiiin iintine will pliii mm h limn such h mri- strut live n unless ii link of wis t f rl In hIimwii Hi ili' iNitiij Die in w IIVlll.'S. Tlll-Sl- IMNv Itl.'S IIIIISl mvo a ih.inci. f..r the nrrrlne i.f tin- -mill iiiiililu-s nf h'mllhy vhiiih , . i iti.i: Th. Jaiimirv nniiiiier ..r " 'Id Sanlii Ki " t.jf Li n hi iini hin.i';i .i.i niMKa iin eihiiil by llnlpli llioeinon TwiIiIkII, k (ii'in the Piihk hip! a i opy him In i n r l' d b The i:en- I li u llei.ild It inaiiitaiiiH the lilKh HtMiiilard aln.ulv wl a Mliindard fully eimalliiiK If li"l imelllnK that of ' I.' .nliim Km la o ew Mi xi- nn llia loiy," fob. nil TililiiH'a inonunnnl -nl wik The J.tiiuarv number ' "n- I.IIIIP Mli' nil "Ni'W Ml Mil I'llder Mi l. an Adiiiliiltrailoii, I I k 41,'' I..V Itev. I.ii iiMin t, llalllelt Illooin: "The lle-Comiui nl of New Mexieo, I r, J KxtrmlH Krniii 'be Journal of leiiiriil I 'nil I'H'Ko tie Viiran .iputa l.' I'oni'e de Leon." "K I'abn'ln Ileal.' bv Paul A. K. Waller; n tne innilul nf l(e. Samuel (Ionium, and ho foiih. A map nl Santa f'r In 1711 In an inn nxi l IiiIi i i nI Iiik feature itnd there are nuoiernuH other bi'MUllfut plateH, on,. Hlmuliia: I he emit of a rum of He Vnrxiia. ili'HN of I'li'.arrl a In- rription "n "HI Mi.ic," the fumoiia roik In weoiern New- Mexiio, and other llliiKtmtinna IliHlork'Hlly, an haelniii. ally, eetie lib. i ally nml lib urahii'il ll , IIiIh Im one of the lill'Mt and lilnnt iiluade miiKaxliK'a plil'lii-lnd In America. liTXsIM l(h. There la hoiiu ibliiij patheti" In the apei-tai'le of Itoli l-'ltXHliiimonn, one of thti iiiohI fanioUM prlxi flithlera w h" ever entered a Hna". aeekin In the eoiirla th privilege, of re-enterlim the rin to drmonatralo. by Ocoriie, that ho Is aa good aa ha win a quarter of a rentury ago, and more than a inati'h, by hock, for any of the whip pcranappera who "tango" around the Hiiari'd rlri'lo nowadnya. KltxKiniiiiona la over fifty year a old. The courta allowed eminent diarretion In preventing Uob from colnir buck to pugiliMiii. Ilia ambition to return and ahow Vm" la a fair sample, of the fatuous belief of every puRlliat that he can "com back" at any alane of the Kiinie. Ills case ImpreHxea upon ua the fact that the renown of the italic celebrity la c vani-Mi'i iit mid Miet iliK and thai he acramiileh and IlKhtM his way up the ladder of fame only to take a quick tumble down the other aide. M'AM).IMF.'K We lire aurprincd. There la u man up in ltalnn who doenli'l cute for the t.uiKo (luniMel. the alil-akirt Kiuce box. the lii.liliU'-tiilie-puJ.iiiia-li'iriiii-aklntlte-akirt churmer, the turkey trotting; fairy, the rontortloiiiat cot ktuil-Venua. nor jet the Ambling Indy w ith the (iiMi-goo Km a. The stupid, oldf.iHbloiii'd, unrenaonable, liehinil-the-tiinea editor of the Ilatnn I llange prefers Juat common, ordi nary gtrlH that you could walk Into Sunday school with without scandal ising thM town. He aays: "Ue have Iwig auppreaaed the Cuundaloua thouKht, but are now compelled to confers the belief that many of the old glria on the Shelf would be better bamulna In umitrlmoiiy than most of the young airla now on such libciul (1 ip lay." AX Ariui:vi:Mi;vr. Th0 New Mexico sheep aanltary board may well feel proud of its rec ord In wiping out th plague of atablua from the count li a 1 b ka of New Mexico'a aheep. Fix years uin the sheepmen wer well nikih dis couraged by the heavy loanea among the million of sheep In New Mexico due to diKi'HMe. Tod iy, nccordln to reports re ceived by the bourd, leM than one half of one per cent of the sheep In the Mate are Infected. II la a algnul triumph for organised and ayatematlc work and on upon which the whole state, whose prosperity la Intimately bound up with that of the wool grow lng Industry, may b congratulated HOW THIS? W offer una Hundred Dollars He ward for any rase if Catarrh that JABS Nothing Oolng. I told our cook To gu and bmk I-or another plat e to work. My lone was hold, .My air wum i obi, r.n she had been a elm k. Hi r head she shook, iiae me a look th, she was sure aolnu InnKcr And then auld slief " V on un't lire ml, I m I'm a lireieMs cooker." (Jrlna and O roans. O t ' i.NTKNTM KNT Is often Iho re- suit of being asleep. Kult'lTN A'I'i; Is th nuitl Who dofsu't get all that in cimiiiK to him. TH I K I N'! .tivpr our own faults makes lis talk less about other H.'o plea. a S i: A It K now inf'.rmed thai drink Is the iiTmi. of IIumhiii. Hut surely the) wouldn't expect a ni; n to sluy III KusMia without drinking. THW PANAMA Im id. ntally, proved a prc'.t ' cllii lci;i trainiim mi Inn, for some of our well known clt'tena. O IN TlIK SPUING a Young Mull's oh, t'geuse, p lease It is rtully two iiiniiths oft yet. IT Al TKAKa that Womun's Hut tragi- Is gnlng to III k thu hand that kicks II. as the poet says. Mis. Ale dill M ( niinick sus the auflnme hh Mociation is not ugalnst thi l"-ii. it er, its Just tiecntise the I N umerals Kale It the atony stare and refused lo give II u committee. O "LKT Till-: I'eopl liiili.!" de iiuiihI.iI Mr. Itryan ycHlirila). Well, they ruled out Mr. Iiryaii u number of timi'M. -O VK AI.WAYM IhoiiKht those hon eymoon divorces worked a most ull Jllxl hardMblp on the donors of the wedding Kit's. NKXT, VK PCHI'tiKK. John L. MllUviin will be Irvine to get a match with Jack Johnson. a IN KHANCJS they have more nerve than here dancing masters are bringing; suit against milliliters for roasting the tango and other modern polite wrestling matches. O WHY I'll NOT WOMK.V go to church? iiska an WiinilMtttv e ex change. Why, Just Because. IK YT THINK It s eld here Just read u chapter out of Lmicv's Far thest North. - O A FT Kit ALL. revert, iik to the case nf the JapitucMc weather man who harakarl.'d hilllsell lb,. Vol siio erupieil. it h.isii t weather any how. A ST. I.iil'I.S man snulbiwe.l pearls by tuistake for pills. There l one onMolallun. this practice w ill hardly become aa general as swal lowing bichloride of mercury by mistake for headache tablets. KeacliliiaT the ltturp "llnw did yuu reach riiitfiirtn. the lecture pi. it form "Me? I was a irlieflghler." "And you'.'" 'I Jumped off a bridge." "And you. air?" "I presume I huva leas claim to fame than any of you. gentlemen." anld the third man addressed. "I was once vice president." Humdrum Time. Romance la ended, I opine. And Imsinemi rules today. For now they have u trolley line Along the Appian Way. -Urine and droans. Til K Y HAY LaFollette Is the man who took the I'n out of Wisconsin. TKMITH Fugit n the way; Then be up und Making 'hay; Lest pcnhiince when You awake Ther i lay be no Hay 'c mske. WIIATBVKH may ! said nbout Wooilrow Wilson, there is something about those 4 (Hit) word message which makes the telesraph editor hla admiring friend O IT IM ALLKIIKM also that there would be some landslide in the New York police force if Unci rials should lake iharge. A KANflAH City physician recom mend the skin of the rggMhell for kin giuftlng. About the only way you ran gel the cuticle of the Costly egKMhell iiowudavx is by a skin gam or graft. Nt.W. HF.F. the dear fluhscrlbrr hoke upon that seasoned mellow Joke; he know a that It a Joke must be. because, ho-ho' because he he! being put In this here cnlcmn how could It be or ad or solemn? Po let Ii in linish In happy glee at our bright wlttlclsery Who la the sci.rfer dark and rrool Who sas that laugh Is ridicule? Store Closed All Lay Friday to mark down poodi and pre pare for oar rreat February Cash Sale. Golden Rule Dry Goodi Company. Then I. fled Kara, III W. Copper for firat-elass harks and rgrrlafeg. W. U Trimble Co, Near-Editorials o nMi. tiy the Ibxiid of ten sorxlnp. T II K ( MM It'l Hi: ue ol the lanst Intercut lng and attractive of the laiiuu o I lie south west is that clever little creature known as the centipede Tbo centi pede has u uiiiiiU" peiMiiiality. Iln (icilves his lioiiieiK-iuturc troiu the alleged tact that he has oil hundred . onsei til i e legs, Mlthongn cuur.tiug thc legs of the coiiii;.clc has as yet not betntnr a popular p.iSlinie. Dun of the n nun kable Ii.iiIm of the uiii imil is ihu military prei Islun with which he keeps m. , with himseir In spile of his largv number of pedal vir. initii s It F.dwnrd I'ayson Weston were injiilpp. l nh Hie a r iiinbiilutoiy apparatiiM j.f the centl p.ile. from the Atluntlc to the I'uillb; would be for him Im; an after ntnner slroll The ceiitlp.-ile ranges In length I rum one millimeter to three leit or mine according to llio Imag lliatlun ol liivcntivv nonius of bis ol. server. The centipede's haunt is 11 point about hair the human leg. or limb as It limes lulled, the n attire n mild. Mf tlciitary ami iI.miI.' favorite way up Is some icing of tllrpnsl- Hon when treated with proper coii Milcral ion. coming readily when ailed ami eating out i.I the hand. If suddenly disturbed, however, while t ti ii evincing his liking for human coinpiiiii....shlp, he is npl to demon strate bis exntlon bv embracing the ncan st portion of tne .tnntomy In u neivuiiM manner with his entire as sortment of feet, c.tcli of which Im eiiilppi'd bv Mother Nature lit th" terminus uilh a small but excessive ly penetrating' hypodermic needle rest nil. ling the appendage nffected by the tiimllliir butulilc In a. I. In i..n to his peculiar pedal extremities the centipede la i liaise tirl.eil also by pair of small plumbers' pliers, affixed to his head, having hharp cutting edires which produce nn unusually llvily Impres sion when they suibb-nly Impinge up on the back of Die neck. The een liiiide is a remarkably mpid. albeit erratic traveler. ncfi.mpii.-htng bis priurcm by men mm nf a modified turkey-trot having iiIho points tit me to that popular Mid well known I'TpKl. Im man ani'ise .nent or cxciclse known s the buf-falu-wnllovv. The I. He, or more properly, tl." footprint of the centipede Is i-nld to he Invariably fatal. This fact It positively iittiMted by nuirierous per sons who have been experimented upon by the ii nl nml one Ingtunre is on record of an Arlx.-na man wh" lied instantly after being bitten, nn unusual feature of this himmt'ibl ' tsse being the act of a close friend of the dece. sed w Im attempt,,) In shoot the Insect off the b ceased w ith a six-shooter, and v. ho wn much chagrined to lenm that h luid mlysed the centipede by u.t Huh of more. The centipede ens renuMtim upmi the deceaH.(ri vreast I. one nt the lime this mortltviug display of Inferior markMmani.bip occurred. At first glance the i-entlped' is not engaging in his personal appear i.ticc and might be described by care less ubserver as hnmclv. iillhuiiib he poMMi Sses an Individuality dls t Im i lv his own which tievr fulN lo impress one on .loser iic.iiiiitilain e lie Is temper. niii'titiit to a denre" and should be tr.-nted lit all times with tact and kindness. proving ri-MputiMive to sm-h an atti tude. When imt nut makitiK ihIIk the centipede mav often be found rommonlng v. ills himself under u li.rge ruck or old turns lo ai; i-r !n retlreiiieiit In the cracks of Hi" 'ilns tering. When the centipede Is found In the act of negotiating one's person he should not be rudely repelled or thrust aside. Allow him to cmnplete his tour of and take his departure in a leisurely manner. When sleeping at a friend's house. If you find a centipede In the bed It Is regarded os simple courtesy M allow the Inlellimiit little fellow th" liberty of oiir couch undisturbed, the while you spend the night iim uul'tly m mav be on the floor in a distant corner or in a recumbent po sition upon the ,n .nl The centipede Mhould not be con founded with the veliH'Ipeile. al though his v .I'.iity In much the Hume. It Is pleasanter to sit on ,i viloclpede than mi a r.nltpede Wo may apiirlaiely close with the words of th- poet: "Lives of (cntlp.ihg remind us Wc may make our mem'ry sweet And departing bine behind us Prints of etl'.KM In our feet." santaI masonic lodge dates back to may eighth, 1851 Santa Fe, N ,vl , Jan. 29.--The Ma sonic bul iic in ihs city has had a permanent exist, u e here suite May 8, 1151, w hen, under the Juradii lion uf the grand l".le of Missouri, Muii-t.-nuiiiii Lodge No. ll't, A. K and A. M , was given I'm charter. Tills old barter was ' 1 1 1 mi-entiy leiuin.Ml tu the local Itul - fruui the grand lodge, having been n. imred by them from th grand halve ,,( Missouri some two yea is ago, and 1. now forms one uf th tnost revcr.v) relics on the walls of the Mi.ntesuiu.i lodge hall. Tills fuel was brought out in con nmlloii with the fact that lien. nil John ('. McFiir.ui. In whose im-nini) In widow- le!t i in- First Fresl.tteilaii church of eiintn Fe a legacy o( M.iuui, suppuned to have been I connected with lit local Uasnnlc bulge. Inv-i.tiualiun falls 10 lieyelup any reference to I.ini iw the records of the earlv Lulu,, of this eiiv ' It la further stated t lint Moiilexuma I No. lull was the llrsl Masonic lodne permanently .'Minblished west i.r tin Misix.url river, alihoiigh f"l a .el m.l of two or line,, jenrs, duilng IHI t", a tenipornrv orsanlsation known as Hal V Hardin Lodse No. ? was miiliitulaeil by the tilllcers In the srmy stationed here at Fort Mini but It Waa purely a mililurv order, and when the ottluers c-iiiipuslng it were transferred ita lorte moved. alsv. it t L-ciiuvru lbu( Oracial Alv'-j 11017 WQL1EN AVOID OPEOATIOIIS By Taking Lydia E. Pink ham't Vegetable Compound. Clrvelaml. llhio-,rMy left aid finH m so for several year that I 1 1 1 H i i eMctetl to have to undergo an opera tion, but the first bottle I took of l.yilia E. I'iiJvham'g Vegetable Com pobinl relieved meof the pain In my aide and I contimnil its use until I becam r.pulsr and free from pain. I had asked severni doc tors If there was snythinR I ciuild take to help me and tiiey said there was nothing, that they knew of. I am thankful for such a pood rmilicin" and ! will always piv-e It the luntiest praise." j Mrs. C. II. (Jkikuih, 7J05 Wnlison j Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. j Hanover, Pa. -"I suffered from fe male trouble and the pnina were so bad nt times that I could not sil dow n. Hie doctor advised a severe operation Imt my husband got me Lydia K. I'ltikhani's Vegetable Compound and 1 experienced (Treat relief ill a short time. Now 1 feel I like a new Hrson anil ran do a hard I dry's work and not m'nd It What joy 1 und hapi'iiicM it is to lie well once more. I am nlwny ant) willing to pp. ak a good word fur the Compound. "Mrs. Ai'A Wu.t, VM Slock St, Hanover, I'a. If there are gnr complications yn do not utiderstsml write to I vdla r. i'iiikhnm .Medicine Co. triinliilcnllsli l.rnn.MasH. Your letter will ho opened, itjiI mill gnsncreil hy woman and held la airlct roulldcuce I'Vrvan, who is said to b.ivc been a Ii. ul 11. ml wbiU, at .it luned here, hi" Iuiik. il In lb. tiar.iin lo.Uu. tur MoT seems to tie e idi n -e lo pruvu that he war. d Tnu Mi ni. .uina I.odur .N'u. Itf'l coiititiiled limb Ibe Mt.-4i.uuri Juris di' tiun until AiikusI '. I 7 7 . v. Io n the vmis ihatiK.d to Mnntc suniii l.mUc No. 1. due to the fin I that on thai date the grand Pubic of New .M. xi' o was formed, and the Monti Kiiina No Id '.' chaiiKeil 1.. t lu lu vv jtil isd ction. be. oliiina .Moiite Stlllnt No 1, which title II still nillis DEMING OFFERS PRIZE OF $10 FOR SILO f ham's r of t 'oimiieri e l..ii I'rnc. Ileal MciIhmI of l.iicoiiriiKliiii u-l-b'tilliire nml Inlr)lii8 In Mimhrex Bllc. I'. niim:, N. M , J in. 3. At a full nit'clum of ib,' board of directors ol Ihu I'.niuivr ihanili'-r of conuneiie. it I M . M Ull;illltluiit- voted lllul t be i batiiber of cuiiuui i-. e l.iivf u dilect l aud 111 the rnlv an-.'incut of :iurl"ul t.ire and d nijilif A lesoltiiiun vv is tidui't.-il itivmir lo i-.uli f.iiiner sn ib.ili mill. n silo in cutitui n.ltv with Han aiii'i.d uuii Oy Hie . oiiiiiilttce, of wliuli In I'. K 'oiiii.ivv ,i v , one of the laru-i f.-rtn.-rh. ii.iirinan. $." cash. .ruv IiIiiik the former uari .-s to plain a i m i t..r n?tluKe ni.'.rii tmil i'h, ill lill Hie silu. and the com mute mis further empowered to co operate Willi H". Miiii'itea Valley r'artnor' uH.-n- l itiuii in proi tiriiiR cows fur dairy purposes and stork tur tec Imn purposes. This la lons.ib-red by l.nlh f.aiiucis ami busliu'sH men i.f tins vlciimy In he a prourcslve step. As farru.-ts at'n now , .. ii 1 1 ii ii from the nuithern statei In latKe iiuinixis ii will tend t con vince th. in that the community inter. cis of the valley are nil working to ward the auc psa of those who lake a live Intercut In the development of this country. At u rcEillar inii tmn of the Alunio tnido ("ninin. rcinl club, a resolution was adopted tnW!it H nstor '. .1 liiiuhicn Mul .Secretary Willard K. Holt to i:ive the meinlieis of the AI iinoaurdo Coinnu club n talk on how fiuiiiilig lies made u aucrrss In the biiililluu -r a mud. ill city, and th" ' of a ureal valley by WISHED SHE COULD DIE And Be Fre From ihr Troutlti, tut rmdi Better Way. Columbia. Tenn. "Many a tinif." ir.ys Mrs. Jessie Shurp, ol (hit plaxe. "I wished f would die and be relieved Ol my sutfi'ilnp. from wnmnnly troubles. I Could not fjcl up, without pulline at aoinrihiii! to helpiiie, and stayed in bed most ot tlifl time, 1 could not do my housework. The least amount of work tired me Out. Sy head would swim, and I would tremble lor ait hour or more. I inally. I took Caidui, lite woman'- tonic, and I am not bothered with paun any more, and I don't hve to ,o to bed. In l.irt, 1 am sound and well ot all my troubles." . Cardul pot-f to all the weak apoti and Mis ta make thrm strong. It aci w.tlt niiliire not against her. It is for the bird, nervous, irritable wmnrn, who K I ti il evi'f)tlnns were wton. and Per J K!)mr:hmK to quiet their nervel aud ttreni.tlu.-n tue worn-out syslein. H you are a woman, anllt rln? from any ol the 'nunifiom svinpiotin rl woisuniy trntible, l. sv C::d.U. It will help you. A 4u J. at; -i-'. Wiu t Ctn'tiiwit Mediclna Ca . Lad.s dfi.y Llsgl . A ti. -os. Iv.n, tur t. .! ,. tfrm er. fCMir cv IM 14 lv. boon ''hi' tismiiisis hn IsMii ' a ina iU pumping for Irrigation. Henntor laiihren and sWrrtitrv Holt have de. i id. .1 to iii ' i i'i l ;i.. In . il ,i l Inn and will no 1. 1 AlamuKordo on Tuesday i v ctiInu, Febniai y I ;. COUNTY TEACHERS TO MEET ON SATURDAY Th. film m-M'iK i.f !.. firri'il.llt 'i IIIMV T" iH IH I IS ' I'.'llisl l.iKt (l-trl-rr ( - :itl-tl lt -'UM liiTftnl ict Mutilnyd fur Siiluiln it I ! ti. in at il- iVn' n tmnl. An t-i r.tiMH I in l' i.lti lt.i lit t'ti u i l f u ' I iiit'l :i : Iim iiti f tiiikt t ti t hii m i i ii 1 " h il ' t n';t! It.' ti. in-. .hi in a tit tl ii nd w i i: i . m tt ( tsti". Ik, "1 humifit ii MifiiinMiu K-ftrnfii.l-1," tl'li it r In hv iim (I tl) ih i m hn. Thritt's.i iln c i r ' 1 1 'ii nf 1 h i'iihimv i"r'Hii.-i'!)-vvm Mr. Mt.nii.x i h:i n'-N ( m t tuuiK ') il t hrm ih- rt T or a 11 t hi j rtchltH. j :iurr"rr u'.'.i.j ua- -'vJ. SAFETY Safety is r matter of the first importance when selecting; a bank. This bank has capital, surplus And profits of over $414,000.00. which is a guar antee of safety for all funds entrusted to its care. As an additional safeguard, this institution is a National Bank and h under the rigid inspection of the federal government. Wc invite you ta make use of our complete bank ing facilities. fy 4 f" .r javaa---t-risv77y'vs-.;jta) i .j .ninsrsow wtaaasnvvsr-swH-, " 1 ' 1 Figure with us I Mouldings and MILL Superior Lumber 4 w. h. vm co. !' to l st In t urt ut All KtlMlil. pnoNE ti. .'nr strictly lWh itrailw California Hp I Wmiil Shlneli-. Tia Flnorm', i 6-ni. h Niiiv White I'lno i"! ins. 't-ln h t'lmir Whits l'lna t-'fiiinc. KubcrolU Hoi. Mug suvi iiui'niiiis Taper, try CITIZENS LUMBER CO. M .inc BT.I. I l l HU M I I .riii; VOt lt M V I I'll I,. 4011 K. tint. Baldridge Lumber Company Lumber, Sash, Doors, Faints, Oils, Building Paper, Roofing, Cement, Brushes, Etc. 23 HOt TU I1HMT. Fee's Candy OUR TEMPORARY SALESROOM ! Is Now at 325 S. First St. Ow-'ing to our present limited quarters we were compelled to warehouse the bulk of our fur. niture tnd in order to reduce our stock, Removal Sale Prices Still Prevail. ALBERT Furniture, Carpets, Draperies and Stoves, Dr.'T. FELIX GOURAUO'S ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAOTIFIER ' f 1 A I'"- HrfMM. f 9 T ' h'rl,a f I M 4 V y on 1st. nl.. nn tlr M C .1 th t.iM.n II 1 Ti If ttMil mh) Hit- trl 'it fA wmv arid t -n Cm mil sj we ln'ie tl to Ix iirf If in nsrt1y niM'tr Ar vt ii n 1 1 iHitfii-rtrit of imii:ii n m r. Tr. t A fiarrt Mi In 1mI ol lh lmtntim 1 1 i' Mi ); " ' tii I. itti' ill llr t tirtli I te (AiitMiriiil Cm mi t C'tt i ihr ii't hrtti(il tJ ll Uir ik'ti in i.n.tJii ' At UlUHgtU M l i-firlnnril 4 frl T Htmi 4 ioa, rrvpt 3 Sna Jtmt St ,17.6. Trimble's I'hnne I. livery. Ill W. Copper. on Sash Doors, Everything in WORK & Mill Company tsa CE1IRIM.OM M'MP UAI.1,1'1' U'MP tlAI-l.l l' K'll) ANTHR Af'ITK. ALL. W.fc.- KINm.l.ViJ AND MILL, W IJ ItniCK AND IM-ASTKHI. I.I.ME a nt a ra imicK PDIMi 0fl. FABER' Store