Newspaper Page Text
nr. nr. THE EVENING nERALD. ALBUQUERQUE. N. 1.1. , THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1914. PONT FAIL TO SEE i i . t -n ir 7 -,; Wrights iradingrost l 1 rt 1 '1 f .1 Jl . - 1 i - - , a, .jih Rnu uoiu yZZSffT of thr city. V i4f UINE Indiln Crv,"v iiRifH in wivhuu NOW IS THE TIME r ) II c 1 ' ' 1 ' r mi ik v w "I i.i I ' 1 1 . ' I.. . ii fon.. in. Miv we ,i n ,. m ,,. I,,,,, t ii i n r . . t i : on t" Vmln loan.! 5g Gray lilUHMI 1 Ml-iiiiif r.iir. I c I nlinl 1p. I'lnuir :,-J. MRS BOOKBINDERS RULINO, SPECIAL FORMS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON TRINTERS. BINDERS, STATIONERS. 20S-210 West Gold Avenue Phone 440 Lemp's Fahtaff and Draught Beers are the choicest products of the brewer's art A trial will convince you. Consolidated SZZ yy --VA mm Hi!'! I l t - . I 1 lit I BIG DISCOUNT ON CLOCKS THIS WEK ONLY Your Oppoit unity to Buy a Goo.l Clod; Ch?ap RELIABLE r 117 W rf NTRAL AVE J BUKE CITY CIEANBUS it'll. i l'i, turn mill BK-ll'a i l"t lii, ruK. I'lirUtliiH, ill n.i rl'i . -! . t'.'H r..ia. I'liiiiir . , Promplnesi Our Motto F. Crollott FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. in wt iiii-, Ami sit nlk-lil. FAMILY LIQUOR HOUSE . A. MH . IT.... s..i- m M'lit fur Sun Tixlro I Inn' ami linri mil. i I lut-i'f-lnv n inir iinniilly tllli'il. I iiriil-ln il I:im.iii li k or iniiiilli mi ri'r lllH'. l' 702. 305 X. IlltO l AY. EXPERT HAIR WORK ( ouililmc Mitilr Into KHlK-tira, 1 rnf'irtiiuiiii, l.u Hlkttl'lMIM llaJ. Mr. f. Tuli ii. IIIK. Iih m. -M AUI NELL 0 Sn.OPj J rii. mi. r,tt. COLD? a aii-am-lirutril riHim HI ' UlK (.inviiiiMini, son, f I imi, f. iMi a HiH'k 4 tSTD ISS3 . !tliHts Lead tie HERALD Every Day Ave, une oi me mow piacei Largest Collection of GEN- Mexican Handicraft. nnno mmminino nuudfuujuumua v .r Hi it our t'iili'i offer their nr p-u !.. Tin. rui-h la mir t al ,,r iiiipnuiii w hi. h mnn ;i ..cut i..n In your mil'T, Studios I.I Hilts. Villi In IV SI1 'an PtllllM' 1 U J.I w ri:i :i cim.mtiN i 1 n.l i.f Hiinil rir.Mil iiml tiki. 'I'M I .- 'iy i.urn in.- m wilh tin- ' ..ii n i-1 Inn Hi.. "..,Hi,.1K" Iii i I 1 1 1 1 1 tii.,, km.VMIlK h:,t 'h m I ihhI In.. i hi... in,, hi. I li..l.vMiii.-. V. l. iv.- ,i I., ik.. Kiilr In. in tir .- it lt i li -in. !! In i'.him. ,iur-i iv rt'Kiit ill it : m 111. up. ili I l .ik.n f..r I ..,il,i ih In II I :p.V,. 1,, ,,, 1,1,. (In,- 4 a 1 1 r I ill will iinilii.staii.l li.uv hi. khIii tii w ruff'i.nii'in. PIONEER BAKERY !HT HiiuUi lllnl SI. Special Announcement Tin. new WKS'I'M IXKTKIt Hi TKI nu n' r Kirn! u ml T' J' iiiH. him !m -n Miiin ly cum l'l K'il nii'l r, ii t ii iiiM i n l-U .illl-ll. it., nil .Ikii. ru'llllH, li"i iiml in 1. 1 wuiir in uviry r. .i.rn Scvrril rhor, ni'nrt ini i.ih f..r hirlit Iiiium ki pimm. M'.MI !..;,. n.ii.iu i.iIpm in tuwn. iiiom: hhh. .. . ii.iIn ut 4 " 4 N'nrth Sup. nil Kiri-,1, f..r Unlit hiiim. I... ii'nu tu iii'.iiniiKiil.itu nny i.p f.uiiily. mii ii r hi ( in, i'ip. ONE MINUTE Certified Clinical THERMOMETERS Only 50c VVilLIAMSDRUG CO. 307 West Central Thone 7S9 t t n v hitoi: iti cAiitivij to. X X 11. A. Kaiiiin-1, l'n. i Cooi unil iimi iiimio and X r -.iir.-d on nhort iiolli-r, Wa'v t Hot th marlilnt-ry and liuve Ilia t kp.riencr. Qal. k arrtl.-a and i nly lliu hi Ml grado of lrullirr I U A. .d half (olra 7io la I II tin. SmlfiiMiun iiunranirrd. j V liiir. m il nnd rii lutme new I nnd in. I hand hllnea I'liona 42. CALL 47 Knr I'm re- and I!ni-KKr rirllvrry. r'uiiil.iv ti. I umlit tall. limn, tit I AHtitllertiir luprl iHHllcrjf. A. U. ivain. k 1 11 I 1 Crystal Last hoving of the Albuquerque Film Mfg. Co.'i Three Reel Production. "The First Law of Nature" t TI I AT :.10 Three Times at Night I:40. H..1.V tl.1 Come Early Pastime - Today "A SENTIMENTAL SISTER" ( Itlngraph) "THE MASKED DANCER" llngrnpli Two-lt.-cl SM' Mil I 'rutin-.'. Mirllo t.miiilr mill llralrlir Ik.iiiIii gur. smm, "FATTY'S FLIRTATION" kr4tirtit' t'ouiolt with MhcUIvii Arhucklc. NOTICE Wr leg ,i nnnouner hating nlilil lu SLCI ItlTV Aitrr. lionm. on WVl Marquotte Atr mio to unr Mmiin fiirillUe and riiiH'ti'iiiljr Kiii it trun t nil kind. SPRINGER TRANSFER COMPANY The Weather Knti:i'AT .Vi'W Moxl'n- Tii iiikIU liiir, Hl.uliily mlilir in H"iMh. I-. ml mill iii.iiiiiMNt I'll il.iv lair. AI.IU'Wt'KltiJfK vi-i,triT Inr Jl ll'illlK ilnlllin ,,l S I ll If. MKIIIllIlK W'.irm.'Ki. ."s il,.Hr..-R. i lllll. Ml. 2. III. 111!.', .11.. At 1, 2 1 . Nullhwinl viiiiiIh. imrlly i Ininly. liilnitK INiltm Tonlulit. I'rnlui th. r.' Ik hoiiii'I lutiK Imt iim at Hum ihv Ii.iI'ikI. iiI linni'i'lii . p lilr.Hl if Mr run think nf it. Swin. TllltKi: airl" (...lay In f ixli nn ll.'l-l, 1 1 1 1 1 )l I tin diiMn thi mri'i'i nlir.iiMi. li. niinil .hi.', ut th.y HiruKKlp ilnrp il thr i.l.l mi k rut' ,11 u rounty fmr. A mi. iik Hip thitiKN 1 runHlili-r rurn Ih n man I.pIiiihI ii linrli'r rhair Who H.iitM fur thr putrun to tlr- rlurr That hi 'nntn tonic m hi hulr. Hi nl.iniin Krnnklin, ho Ihry nny. Saw liuliltilnii llimh one miiiiliirr .1 v; S.iiil II. nliiniin, "I il.i i..inr, 'I lint r. lt.ilnl in nn I'll-rUlr in." 'I'liltu'M ili.ii iimpiI to weir. ThlllKM I Inn UM'll In ,l. ThuiiKh ,, thr h iKtit uf (inhl'in Arr now rollHtilrrril tlllioo. I'liMiimi ha rhiiiiKr-l our tminti.Ts. i'iikIoiii hi.K i Ii iiiK' il our ntyl.-. I'nt thr man who 1m ulwaya In (.Ihllll.ll I I hi- man ho wi ar hiiiIIp ABOUT PEOPLE j YOU KNOW j j to sruseniHKiis If you fall to grt your venlnf pa pur, call POSTAL TKLKORAPH COilP NY, HI'JNK SI. W. II I'r.inklin of I'.htaiic iKllur in AH'U.iirrniir lnlay. II. K. Adam of IJiBuna. I an Al liiiiiir.ii.' today. Sam Musliinan. attornry or Hallup it In the , ty today lo.ikinK utter ft- k.ll I'llMlll hh. V I'. I l.irriiiuton nnd wlfr of Su wni , V M, are Inltor in Allot- ii. .lle tnll;i. John A Vniinir. I' 8 .omniiMi-ion-et in n 1 1 ii . l.-ft IiimI mghl for hit In. nn- aft. r i. ahorl v lil hrrr. A It. la.krn of Ihr Huh ciottit'iu hlnre ha Hone to I'hliiiK" mi tu lll. m trip. MIh K.iilicrlnr llil!, of thr r.o.en w.ild llr... otore. ha coin- I" San I tiiiiciM-ii fi.r a khort lclt. t'liilcd Slate .Marxhal A II IIii.Ih pnh of Santa I'r. wa In thr !! lam nlKht tor ii ah. rt I lino on th u,i til i:i I'iimi nnd hi homo lit Lin coln John Mt ("lllllv ray of l.uda. onr of Ihr tila Hlurp owner of ealern New Mexico, la In thr ,liy today on l.ul ti. T 1. Winfrry, manager f thr Al l.iiiiii nine ati.rr of thr N'utloiial Woolen Mill company, ha relurnrd from u liliBinet, trli To r,oHW"li. 1)1.1 you know yu roiild .l I'.rll Anlhraeitp coal thr hrt Anthrit i llr al It .in thr ton. Ak thr "Stove Man." Ilahn foal Co. I'honr l. I II. liapp, thr well known Santa IV iinhlleit w.i In thr '.ly In at nlaht on hi wav to '. '.una on a liiininr trip. Ha will return Iminr lonlirhl. t'ol. n. K. R Seller hni old Ihr ll 1 I. , O P. hall liuiUllnir, for Kennrih and Alma I In I1 1 til In Th.una V. i lalilr of I law Hon. Thr pl lcr I kiild to hair hrcn in thr iirlslihorhood of til r. KiiKniH Kmifirnlch, county rum iiiikkluiirr of Valencia county, ra- Today I Inr mil In Inn hi. mo nt l.o I.iiiuih thl iiii.iiiiiiH afirr a fhort may h.-rr Mr. ; l' liiipnli li rain.' to AllniiiiPliii.' to I liiiM't dm ' IT'H' M. I 1. illlilil (o ilmrUfm lllillj Work llllKllM'H. I I Hugh II VIIIIhiii ha announced I hi iiim-if ,m a Inr rr-1'l.. to thr ' mat,' . nrporatliin cointnlfilnn i.t thr o'tiiiim l.i II i-lri-iioii. ..n i In- H" I pulilli nn iiik.i. .Mr. Will in inn In pi 'ilr,- lih thin yi-ar, hi liavtnK ' 'ran tin- sM.ot Irrin when thr .urn- iiiIhm.iiii ,. u.ilil.t-il l.illi.n ttn lhi- In. Hl.itn rl, . in. ii. W. II. A ii .1 r.-w m rrturn.'.l I. ml IllKlil from I'arlMlia.l ulirrr hr li.m for m-viral w.-rkx iui.tIiiipiuIiiik lr;ithiK of thr 1 1 1 mi will uf i he r,iri l..'l .Ml .mil ll. in .-.'iiiiinnv .l which h- in pr-ulili iil ami In nhi.-h 1 A. Mapphrr-ini an. I other Alliti.ii.'r.iir turn arr Iniprrmnl. Thr .lull Iuim i now r.-.c li.-H a . otiNlili-r.i hie il.-pth 'unit I rxpp. Ir.l to l- down l,d" ff'-t 'within thirty ila. Amado Itnca. a i lilnlt at III" l.x mm of Mr. and li.ica. will r.'tuin popular yotuiK ma ul Pallia Fr aiiopK. Mr. J.o-e IkiiuiIo to Alhii.tirr.iir iii- iiiRht with hla I'li.le. who wa Ml N'rKlora Api' Thr cotiplr were I man led al San Alitor", the home of ill'.' hrldc 1'nlay. After n rhort Ih I It wllh Mr lla.M'a parent, they will k li Han I'rant Imco nn their honey moon. Silr nf Mat for Ihr lixir (Juin tetlr. which appear In lk Die. Her Saturday nluhl titi.lrr Ihr au)i(r of the Woman' cluli, and a mir of thr M-rir of I : cil pa til Lyceum hureiiu entertaliuu. nt. opened today nt Maton'i wllh n larue drmund for rat Thr IHxIr Qulntritr Ik onr of the t.i-Ht in ur-1 1 it 1 feature now on the Ametlcan ftajir nnd I Ih-Ihb urrrtrd with largr uuill.-ncci wherryrr It ". Manln rallaxhun. auprrmr it.puty of ihr lird.r of Cailwav Kmptoye. .ii aiieat of hom.r at a lin.-llliu of thr Alliii.urriiie dlylNli.n No. 43 lat uiiiht lluah II. William of thr male corporation commli-alon nlso ii.iilre-oieil ihr in." I mil W V. Staf ford of Sun rrnnciMco. manager of 'the (i. It, K. Miiil.'iK!:!'-. who had In i n 'exp.-iinl to all-ml Ihr ineellliK, wa I .. l.i v t .1 liy a I. itr train ami did not j re o h Alhiiqiirr'tur until after thr in. 'Unit, llr I apeiulliiK today cnll t IllK "tl nirllllirl of the ord.-r. ; A. tfliei inati. aal. manager fur t Ihr S'.uional Show- Printing company, 1 of Clip ago. one of Ihr l.iraeil llth ! oki . I ll hoUHcH in the i-oiintrv, wa 1)1 the iity hint night for n hort llnm mi the way from San l-"ranc!eo to i"ii' ii:. . llr wa Joined here l.y hi il.icclit.-r, Ml" i!.-"igla Sherman, who ha I., ,-n the guritt of Mr nnd Mr. .1. A lliihh for acvrrl w.ek. Our Ir.g h. r ty ln-rr Ml- .-herinan ha made .. hour o f i i.-n.U in Atliii..iin- in,- p.ii-I ha Klvm t'lcaiure to hun-i!i.-.U with her licaiiiifnl M.l-r which he In given g.-ln-roiiMly In rhur.h .i in I i .incrrt. J une G. M' Xarv. tier ireldent r tin Klrt NatiotiHl hank; I'. S. Slew all. prflll'llt of Ihr "It V Na tional hull It. and ach la.mur t'ohh, nit - coll.-rtol. of i:i I 'a an. wrrr 111 .!l ii.iirriir lai nlkht, rrlurnlng hum. iiom Ih-im-r. wlu-ir thry went a a I'linnM Icr of the Kl I'iiki clear ing Iip ihw uo. to appear hr- f..i. t..n he.. I, ill I her: . l!,r men ..pui: iiiM"- UI..I..I i . rrtarle Mi Ail.... and lloii the regional lunik Mention i! Thr .cretarle will toi la') for a HUpplemenlary k mi their return fr..m thr I'a .piHt. None of thr LI l'an .-re prepared to rxpi.- an i IiihI night a to prol'iil'le i, .in of New Mexico f..r re- l.allk fiurpoaea Store Closed All Day Friday to mark down goodi and pre pare for our preat February Cash Sale. Golden Rule Dry Goods Company. c. ir. c-oxwi ic. m. ii. r. o. timvnpaifilo Sprliinat. I trral all curahta diaraara. Offlra Mtt rr UKlg. I'honeg til aod 111 SWASTIKA SAWKIX liaiM-e Hall In CimiiMk (inn. IW WliH-ia. lJUm and (ara v Trral Vow Wrll N IllwarnVrljr Conduct Xorih Sccontf Mrvrt Tar Takra V"" to tlK" Door ('r Utli fit. imI l-'at Indian KcIumiI It.Mtd tluin tot t I.I AMMi AMI I'KLSSlXi ef LAU1LH' and tlKNTLKM tX'8 CLOTH KH. felwr Pro., Prop. 113 R. KthmmI M. Plioni 4JN0. Wa Clean 'Ern Clean." Oooil called for and Dallvarcd. BILL'S SHOP CHADBOURNE CASE AGAIN GOES OVER I rank lnil. hy I'HII'IIK'tll Mill I lllllill' Mnr In hum. I nil nil In Ap. I'rank lMirl. mr'-il -r conduct. .r. who w.ib Injiiml Tii.k.Iio li i h l I whin hi head nl nn k thr pin rincat oil I'rntrul airntir, hn hr f. II or va l-imlird fl ulli a Tract Inn -oniiiny car. wa ntlll iiiiahl.- In appear In " lii i nun t h In ou'I iiiinf ncilnm ,. n. I 'hail t'.tii r hr, linilii. k' I of thr ptlrr-. car line, whom hr cluug'-n Willi u nH till and Willi tin 1 11 K piixhril lilm from ill'- car. anil ih- car whn uumn pout ponril mil 11 tomorrow mornt.i4. lnul r.-iniiln wrnk and I aullrr li'K wllh Ihr pain In hi head rnimrd l.y thr fall, II I Kiild. Andrew Miinr.-Mtra.i. a carptiiT rmployrrt hv Ihr Hunt Fr. irn finrd IT, ililn morning for li.-l.ix iiml -r t ! i lie. rind Inform n Mr. i I lei. rue. I t.iahl Inmi Topenu wh'-rr hr hid lien In ihr railroad hoHplial. Il" inn f.-llow tar-p.-nirr-. nn hi" nrriynl and told the couit that the roinpnnloiiHlilp im rd a trifle i on. h hit fur lilm I. A llrld wa locked lip for ten da on a drunk and .liaord.-rly (li.ilge lirld loiidlv aarrftt1 tliat he would never remain In Jail, when Ihr cliiif nai f.,rrnil to ciiiluct him m. m.-w hal forcilily from thr ,-nurt r""in to thr lockup. Hut n iopnlar drink .Iihh-iisih yrnilrman who la now 'T lim thirty ilnya for u-iinliliin and w ho h if'pene.l to hr ir the re. m:irk. whlsprred thronah thr .loot; "Thai what I Ihonitht. Ion yon r I'm hrrr." MIIXIMW I.(IH-:n rTM AMI TWI'XTV-IMH.I.XIl Mill: Thr fhinrKP chef at the Man-Ion t'nie in thr S.yoy hold. l-'lrl ami Klhrr. Iiml ntaht reroried to III. poller ihut aoinr hiaril.-s thief had entered hi ulrrplnir rontn. w f p.-d .In olcreont. IiIh rt.iit aliil hi patll'., ill.. nu wllh a I? n I. It! innrair1 In the piK-kr-t of thr panin. The thlrf h. M..1 -rt h. ell InPrtted. H.nry ha ll :l:i. BRANDON LEAVES FOR HOME IN INDIANAPOLIS Man Who Had Narrow I -a na- fioin liculli In lti- lilorldr Poi-iiiilim Xhlc to Travel. Henry ll Itr.imiiin. lor thr p.iM live urrllK a 111 SI. Ji'H'I'll 1 l j; ll.m w hor liairow cmap from death a ihc r.ault of hi-chlo-ru'e of ui. ri ii ry polwiilng. i uuwil a en. Ii. m hrrr ami In In.llaiiMlioll. Ill homr, ha reencercil null Iclrnt ly ta travel and will lenvr for Indian ap.ilU lomorrow rvrnlng ticcoiiitiati-ii-d l.y hi mother, who ha hrcn with lilm ilnrliiK hi al a v In Hn hoRHltal. Iliamlon. who I a promlnrnt ut li.ltiev In In.liniiupi'li. took an eitor mini d"r of hi of mercury tahlria while-on thr ra-rthoiind Pan ta l-'r llmltrd trnln. two hour out of Alhu.iirriir, m Prrrmher ISth Hr wa ne.'iimpnnlrd nt thr tlmr l.y hi wife and n frl.-nd. r"rrilrrlck n Jo of tn.lianapoll. and wra rrturn Inu homr from California whrrr hr had hrrn for hi hrnlth Ii I hr lleyrd that hr wn nut of hi mind at thr tlmr. having hern in n highly lirrvon condliloli for onir limr Primdnn hoycrrd hetween llfr and death for omr ilmr nn opcrntlon on thr kidney finally oavlng hi llfr Lot - C.-rtlflcatr of, amount I'.mi. Iurd hy f'lrat Na il., mil Tank of Santa Pr In favor of Mr. I!. II. Salver. Thr puhllc i no nfleil not to rwi-h name a ativ In il..r:mctit 1 n forgrry. Signed: MI:H I! II N M Urnry'a mrawnzrr. Phnnr J9. 1 wa tia.lly ruptured while lift In trunk eyrml rar ago Ti.Mtor ald my only hopr of curr wa an operation. True did no good. Finally I got hold "' aninc tiling that iuli kly and completely currd inr. Vrar havr parard nnd thr rupture ha jn-vr returu.), altliotigh I am il.niig hard work a a carpenter. There wa no operation, no Iomi time, nn troiihle. I havr nothing lo aell. hut will give 'nil Information h'.w you may Iiml a cunplclr cure without c P. -ration. 11 you write to me. Lugi-nr M. Puilrn. Carpenter, 1011 Manilla Avenue, .Man,iiiian, N J. Hitter cut out tin linine and how it ! any cihcr who arr reptured you may kavr a llfr or a leant tp tha mlaery of rupturr and worry and danger of an operation. C. T. FRENCH TMvltAlj in:i:TtH. KMMAI.M Lit. fjiily Ami a nl. fifth and trntml. Phone I'ajr and Mgl.l, BM. CLEANERiS 1 HATTERS DYERS Phono 419 403 Wrt Central UOYAL DYK WOILKH n FOR SALE (norland o l.uir 40-11. I'. Touring far. A hargaln If Ukiii qiikk. Aply llr. J. X. Cidla rt, Slli W. rulraL CURED HIS RUPTURE REAL BARGAINS We have some big bargains left in Suits and Overcoats $20.00 Over coats, at . ! $20.00 Suits at Now is the time MOcl STERe!, Inc. Tomorrow ! : . Tl'. i'l.i "f iii unil' '. lilied a -'.l.-lig llll H'v it l-'l '! I lilt I-' . . 1 1 . H ;.t -ollerfe Iii.v will alteini'l fill iliLiiiiy. I'iiiii: n.i'. I'l I i!v HII. . ee .1. 'I'll l.iiHin.-' i to 0 J.rf L p.l Will be the result of your purchase if the shoes come from us. When you buy here besides style and fit you get shoe service. You are sure of this for if the shoes are not right our guarantee of satis faction is, it outiasts every pair of shoes we sell. Ser rife and quality is the full pledge of our policy and it is our highest aim to have every customer say "I am satisfied." WILLIAM THE SATISFYING SHOE STORE 121 West Central Avenue. I WILSON BRITS. FINE SHIRTS 80c Stein-Bloch and Kuppenheimersuits At a Saving of Twenty-Five Cents on every Dollar 8 C Notice Sale! Closes Saturday Night E. 21. inasljlutnt (En. - C . OlUiU 14,75 to save money E5SSS 8 lirinatd Shaw hn'.i- hen de- lnv v onu-il III I he I lk -i loimirro.v i.m'iI. t" a'l r Willi 1 1 1: l.i -oineili.i thev vtlli I.W 1 i ll a ' . -l I ir.-mctlt. ll urge ; ..u in afti-cl. CHAPLIN affiQUC: