Newspaper Page Text
TOOW'H XKUH TtlV Von get It In U IINr ivnta a month or 15 cenu nVlivrred I "our ihwtri flfcjr tenia ljr mnll. r -- i " n ij - u - i.nj - TiuncxB-rmiEX, Vol. M. No. . Half-Hundred Lives Snuffed Out Almost Instantaneously Yhen Big Coastwise Liners Crash Off Norfolk BARELY TIE SHRIEK OF BEFORE SEA CLOSES Old Dominion Steamer "Monroe" Freighted With Sleeping Passengers Rammed and Cut in Two Amidships by Ter rific Impact of Merchants and Miners' Liner "Nan tucket" Off Coast of Virginia, Sinks Without Slightest Warning; Eighty-Six Persons Struggling in Icy Water and Shrouded by Tog S.ived by Rescuers, Who Are Guid ed Only by Shrieks of Drowning Twenty-Three Passengers and Crew of Twenty-five Go from Slumber Into Eternity in Twinkling of Eye f fly Irard Wirt, In r.voulng Herald. Norfolk, Vs., Jan. 30. Fnrtycighi p. raona went down 10 il'-nih todiiy wlrn th Merchatita utiil Minim' liner Nantucket N1111W (hit I Hit Dominion liner Monro. Wlrcleaa Imia forwarded ly Captain Johnaon of Ihe Mm roe, returning with the a..rvlvora on the Xitntuckct, allow I.oat PuaaehKcra. JJ; crew, 11: total, 4 . 8nvad -Paaaengcr. SO; crew, M; total, . Th Monroe waa rammed amld-thipa, practically rut In two, and punk within tn minute, twenty mtlea eniuheaat of 1 1 ; laland. by the Mer 1 hanta nnd MmerK' liner Nantucket. The hint had worecly 11 chance to rralixe thut death wa on them before I hey were atrugg'ltig In the ai The doomed pitaacng.r of the Monroe, faat ualcep in their I'ulona when the lo venaelji came together, went iluwn to death. Willi only time for a ahrlek of tleapair. nly thoac ltept awake ly the am.nlng alrena thnl walled their . iiarleaa wuriunKH through th fog knew when th veaaela xtrin k. The ret, thrown from their bertha by the force of the rollialon, hctivy with lee. hml bnrely lime to atruggle to the ilei k of the alnkiiiK m wil l before they were plunged Int,, the water. Not ten nilnuiea Inter vened liet wei ii th time the h"w of thn Nantucket rraahed lia way into the alii,, of th iHiinlnlon liner and the time the luller wild uniler the Wftvca.. The St rearneil were lifted nut of the ley water after their vea ael hail gone down. !! h Venecia hail ipiletcil down for th niitht houra before th mill alon. Captain Hrrr, on th hridKe or the Niiatucket, and th lookout, hud the derk to thcmaclvea ua the vcaa alowly aklmmed through the fun and iniat. Cupluln Johnaon kept the bridge of th Monro. Aa th Nunturkrt atnggered hue k after the Nhm k, Captain I'.erry awutig tun hia acurchllghf and dimly tho hulk of th aettllng Monroe loomed up through the fog. I'ni'ertain na t th fate of hia own vraael. he ordered nut th lifel.-oiiia. I.oat from view in the fog, they begun the work of re tie (iiilded only hy the ahricka of th drowning, the hoata pli Wed u the anriiora. When th ai ar. hliKht a fuint kIoa hrmiaht to view no inor atrusaliiiK f.itiiroa. and when th ehoii'a of th lifehont crewa hroimht no unawerinii ahouta from th aii, th tuak waa iilven ul. With her aalon irimlnl with diem hid um! auflerliiK lio n and wom en, th NuntiKket turned her rw iinhiiril Hoon ahe fell in with lh' lioliiinion liner llnniilton, nnawerlnit the fry of dlntreaa. Ci-nvmiil l,y the Hamilton, the Nantuikei waa making her vay alnwly to Norfolk. r'he w ill he met l the ri ellile eutter liinidii Kit ami i kieetd III port l.l today. Th Monro la the hiat aieiiiio-r i,t ,y thv (ij I luniiiiluii line during th half ceiit(irv it him hren in operation. Th ali-amei waa tulued ill ap proximately I., (io ihiij her i ario nt aa nituh more, iiiuMng th tola! I mm, pxi'Iiimw of liM'a. iiho'tt II.eaa.'OHl. htllVIVOUS Ti ll, KTOItV r si 1 'i i .id p ami ii th Norfolk. Va., Jan. SO - Uiutlnn ' ri.M 'Mim of th I Md liominion liner Monroe, and the death atoly of forty inn more, the Merrhutila and Mln era teamahii Nun tin ket. cum Int pint hri l,it today. Th ughiy fiv aiirvlxora brought a atory of iifferiiiK utld a:idden death from llu' M'M. With a heavy ranvua coenii her rrumplrd Iki and with a purti ally ahlftrd iirn', tunainii a Hat to alarlMuird. tho Nantucket ilixkeil while aeveral thollaand lieraolia wait ed for the aurvlvora. Many of Ihn readied atixid n the deck wtapped In lilankela. Two died on hoard af ter being rrartird. They wr Mra. Thnnwl HarrliiKton, dauahter of J. Kelly of Norwalk, Conn., and l.leut. I.i'llrnnil II. furtla, f the fb-ruml roaat arllllrry. Mra. Ifurrlna-ton'a l.ody had been pluird In a tempor ary eoftln and wna ntrn from tho N'uliturkel. Her hiialmnd refuaeil tit lav unl'l th Imny hud len lirought aahor. Thomaa lliirrluit Ion of Hrlda'-port. ('nun., th wom an' htiabaitd. told a Ihrlllmtf alorv ff th wreik. llarrttiKlon and lila wl( were Ion In th water and tha roan ltnniln with h whn they wer liirked tip. Mr. Iliirrlnir Ion died from rxhuuatlon. Itpreaenlatlva of th ra wr all barred from tha Nanluiket when ah lar.jed. It waa exilitlni'd by K t Ijiw, general aieht of th Mer ihaii'a and Miner' Tiaimportullon rompniiy, Ihil thla waa by order of u - xr"Ln It. K Tapley, a loral atiniiilinat In fcpivtor. Hy aonie of th raeud ieaiilitK over the ib' k rail of the V.mtUi ket, It waa told to th newa I'.imt men on th wharf that th Nantueket rurlu'd and rammed tha Monro in a dene fog at 2 a. 111. to day and that the Monro careened ami tiiiiu-d turtle within ten or twelve ininnlea after the impact. An th Monro turned on her aid aonie of th pneener nml rrw crawled over on th upper aide of Hi -ael and walked on thla but were w. lulled off aa the ateamer went (o the bottom. Hut (or th fact that there had been time t Hiljuat III prcaerer. many more Uvea would hn been ot. Aa It una thna rcactied rf mulned In th water from half to lhre-(itortrra of an hour hrfor they wer rc-ud. , K. I'. I.yona, whoa name did not appear aiming Ihow aavl waa among th firat of tha paaaengera to rniim off th Nantucket. Clad only In tinjuma and a bath rub he a a graphlti demTlpllor of th rolllalon and th evenia that followed: "It waa about 1.10 oMock." aald I.yona. "and very foggy. I had un ilreaned hut had not gun lit bed Th fog horn waa blowing every iiilnut. Kudiletily It blew twice and repeated th rioubl blaat. Then jlmoal Ilk putting nn the brakra the Monro nlopped and I kne wither waa aotn Ihlng wrong. Itulitng tin di- k. I auw aoiiieliudy getting ready l put FOR WILD DESPAIR Tl a lifeboat over, I naked him If titer waa any danger; he replied tha! lie illiln'l know but wanted to rt ready. "Almoat lofor th wordu were rpoken th Nantui kei atrui k na mur the bow on th port aide. I ran tln nl, lira and tried lo illena but the Hhlp wna llxtlng an I hurried back op There wer very few piiaa-n-K'ra on ileek atol on hunt waa oxer board. Aa It puahed away, 1'aptaln Juhnriin told tn to Jump aa there 11 ua ronm fur one mote. I obeyed and left Captain Johnaon ataiulluK on the deck of the ahlp. The bout went back and he gut hi. The Mon ro went iluwn ennlly mid waa below the water within twelve mlnutca af ter the lolllhlolt. "The crew behaved apletidldly na far na I could aee.' continued I.yona. "there were not very many uoiion n the ahlp but thev were nllowid to Ket iulo the boata firat. There a no effort on the part of the men to irowd them. While we wer in the lifeboat we picked up a man ami a woman. lie waa holding 11. r by the hair and w.m iilmunt exhatiated when we pulled him In. The woman dieil. "There were niany puasenaern win. muHt have I n 111 na lit In their rtate looiio. The cuIIikIoii occurred an atidilelily and the bun I-. ink ao 1111I1 li ly it Ik a wonder thut many morn wer not drowned. The bating of the ateumer tmide it tmpoHMhte to lower the lifebuata on one aide of 1 lie nhip and that milled to the dif ficulty in raving Uvea. "The Nantucket atuod by ua and I bun nf ua who could climbed her rope ladder. Thoae who were not able tu follow ua were lifted with rupea placed under their arm. We then proceeded to Norfolk and dll not ae the Hamilton until uhoul tl o'clock thla morning. "only two or three bonta were v er launched from the Monroe. fine paaaenger auld that only onu bout waa nucceaal ully launched." Kvery avuitahl lifebout from th? Nantucket Waa aent to the re1 ue. . C. Ituaen of Milwaukee, report ed among the drowned, waa among th aurvlvur brought In on th Nan tucket. Mumu boa I were nt rmwded that Bum aeklng lu ! taken III were overlooked, Mra. T. J. Wooda of Nor folk, who waa hurriug to New Vi.rk lu lie with her hualiaml wliu ilieil al inual almultaneiiualy with the ainkitig of tha Monroe Una morning waa miu of the Injured taken I mm thu -Null-tucket. W. Allien Snyder of Kant im.iiik"', N. J., waa among Ihe injured t-uioo fi ner who were aelit iu huapitula. It waa aald h'nyder waa atiffi ring from exioaure. W. C ("la linen of Milwaukee, came aahor wrapped In a blanket with one loot aliglitly hurt. C'laiiwi aald be burely had time to aave hliliHelf. Ciptuln Johnaon of the Mull waa much depreaaed. Ha aald he felt ill liu condition to lalk and would defer any alMlcment until he makca an of- liciul ren rt lit nttlcera of hia com pany. ' I huve been up for two day ini'l A night, aald Captain Juhnaun. "and you can well umlcrnt.imj him I liunl l feel like tulnlng rmhl mm." it. U. Ktlierlilxe. Junior wireleaa operator, walked from tha ganKplank into thr arum of h1 wife. Halph Klannagan, lirooklyu. a.iid h waa In tha water for three iuurler ol an hour before being readied. JullU i II I'linnell, vice presblellt of III Allieriiau Kedeiatiuii of lailiur. waa In hia liajaniaa and batlirolie when h ram alior. "It did not take inor than nbmil ten nilnuiea for th Monro to aink after all waa atruca," he aald. "There waa sery Utile If any confinoon. Th crew and paancnacia behaved well. lb men allowing the few women and ihllilltrll to get into t lie life Ural." C.OVi:itMCT Wil l. llTli;TK WKM'K W'aahlnginti, Jan. in. A thorouah Inveattgation of Ih 1 iium 1 and cir- ruiuatancea reaulting III the ciilliHlull, with Ha death liat of furlv-nine, waa ordered by the department of com merce. LOSES SUIT TO GET BULK OF $2,000,000 BAKER ESTATE (By lcaaed Wire 10 Xveulag IJeiaoLI Chicago, Jan. Jtt - -4'harle II. linker loat hia attll tn obtain h ma jor Hrtion ol Ih I2.00u.uti0 ealata of hia father, William T. Tinker, ,t former preaident of th l.uuril nf Itada, hy u declaiun of Judge Mi Kill ley in the auperlor court here today. Itakcr (lied th ofher helra of liU lather, aaaertlng that he wna entitled In Ihe major portion nf Ih eatala been ua of hia aaalalance lo hia fath er III promoting th Rnoiiuiilnila Full Wafer I "utter compuny which fiirniaheg power and lii'.bl to Heat tle, Tacoina ttnd other cllle In I ho date of Waahington. Ilun on Itank tintliim-a. New York. Jan. HI. The inexplica ble run on th Hunk for Suvlnga, Ihe oldeat eatabllahed and one of Hi trongeat aavinga Inatltutioiia In Ih alatp, continued indav, notwilhalnnd Ing naeuriince from the atale bankinii department thai It aoundneaa Wan ttbuv tieatlun. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1514. ( Victims of the Latest Tragedy of the Deep The following ia a Hat nt p:i-cnei Who pi Halted un the Monroe: Ttollon, Mill, W. 1... N'cwaik. N J. CblUHeit, W. 'urtm. Firin euiiKi art illei v 11.. Milwa.tki 1 . Wla. l.lelltenMllt I.. Hecond Watetvltct Araciial, N. V. Iiiivla, K. f , ltruuklyn. Kilwanla. J. l ulled navy, liurnian. Kd., I'hlladolohi "ilimun. Mra. I, New York. Hiixkcll. J, t'uitlnnd, V V. I 1 In ml. Mikm. Mii.uiIm Tin ilrl-ul ( ompani . Inarain Jelbrf, coinpany. Lew ia. company. W. Mi. II Sumter. S t Mai aria Tbeatrliut M. 11 aria Tlieatricnl New Yolk. Mai aria Thculriial ., ,1a iane.e, and wife, tlray, A'11 Mr., I.yona. K IV M r , M arln. company. ikakiimalo. I'liule. 11 W liny. J. I', nml wife. New York Se ill.', cum in ny. SiiMb-r, Vermin, M tne. M.n urlu Tin .ill ! il Mica. M 1 , New York. M.n arlu Theatrical com pu ti v. WnKin r, iluu. Williamaon, tl Mra. Thomaa C H. nu tine curpa .. New Ymk It. Hiirruiaion died after rewue. Caitiiin Juhnaun of ihe aunken Monroe, and all hia officer but one, were among the aaved. KILLED FROM Enraged Citizens Led bv Sher iffs Seek Perpetrators of Brutal Murder Near Pueblo Ity la-awtl Wire tit Inciting Herald rui-blo, t 'ulif., Jan. .la -Accumpan- ei by a puas uf em aherllfH me tmliiv n touitlrv abuiit V'itiel.iioi :i-d cliutena. riliiiiM th" lur tin- nuir 1 well tu ilu iluw n Iruin lu thla city ahurtly bo on the Kama i- St. Churl. Iderera of Kloyd Hi oil. tuncher who :la slo-i ambiiih while diiniK w lib a load of pruiliu fure nuun. The murder ncctirreil Fe train brldg over 1I1 rier, ncroaa whbh !! ' Ins He waa I'll ink l. id waa iliiv . .1 Steel J.i -ti cted bullet from 11 fired from behind. In hia heart. The tu thia city nnd hurriedly formed ti ll 1 Mil power rifle the Millet luiUlllg bmlv wna brouchr 1 M'iiii'hliiu part pur-iie Ihe atay- era. The foul print . t wo neur men H.i wer found In aofl .1 I'll bridge. That rubbery was 11 fur Ihe 11 line ia Iml finding uf I2(. in e.i-li ' Ihe motive tied by the n Iteed'a per- I knuwn. nun. No ottier 1111,1 1 YACHT 4'WARRI0R" STILL H0LDINO OUT AGAINST HEA"Y SEAS l'HM-il Wire l 1 toning llcrnlil. inn. Jan aa - Kr. .I. lick W. Vaii- deriiill'a achi W.m m i from which Ih owmr and a inu 'ier of diatin K u lib eil nui'Hta were ia net! arlv Una week when ahe tu i i aHhure oft' the Columbian count. I -I'll hulding out UiitaiiiHt the untimil tiattcrinir of heuw aiiin. aiaiiiilint i i wlrelena dia li.itehea tuda. l our Men HImM In valmiii llrawl. hilvertuii. Culu . .Ian. Jo.-- Kotir men were ahot. iw Ing aerbnialv wounded, laat niihi ulun a patty o MuuieueurliiB ftiiarrele.l In a aaloon here. William liugan nnd I'kovlch ure In u hoap lal. Their con dition i acrlou. Daniels and Hall on Interstate Commission f Ity Uninl an in rveaina; Herald 1 WanliliiKlon, Jan Sii. Win Ihrop Mure fi mi. I ton, N. J , ch in ie 1 1 Jeraey public mill' nf prince uf Hie N.-w i a ciiinmla- aion, ami Henry li) Hall of Colorado Fpi'inuK I'tealib lit of Iho Colorado liar mmoi latluli, probably will be naimd aa iiiein bera of the Inleivl He roiiimen e roii;inlalun tomuiiuif by I'real detit Wllaon. The nenatuta from New' Jerxey and Colorado wer cotiatilied nboiit llu ir appoint liieuta lite IimI.iv. WEALTHY FICEfl VILLA SUEDE DFGQVERNOR III New Mexico Executive Holds Interview With Commander of Mexican Constitutional ist Army. THINKS HeITaS NO PERSONAL AMBITION Movement of Rebel Army Toward Torreon Begins To day on Large Scale from All Directions. VILLA WILL LEAD GRAND FINAL ATTACK Approximately 20,000 Soldier? Expected to Entrag-e in Bat tle Royal for Possession of Government. ( ty l.4a'i Wire) lit I.U'iiliic Herald.) Juurcx, Alex.. Jan. 3n. fimcr- nor W illiam C. M. I lotiul.l. of New Mexico, had n bum lalk with lieneral Villa, comui.mder nr the rchel army, lo- day Villa imi-'lleil Hie be waa IIkIUIIIII Hie pee" revi.hl- Hull t.i liberate 111 I pie It 'lll the llllllla leeime ami thai iif h nl nu fof lllKll olliee." 1..I1I fiiiverriur Mc- I ... n il, I. W .IH illl I'l l .-', I w II h Villa a tiin i nlv ami force. He waa emphatic in aayinii there '.Vua nu prop"ct of peace Ho lolia u llueri.i iem. nm il In power, lie all.. I KUIll there Would be Illl i oinpromlHe w nh lliurtn m any uf Ihe f o'low ! K ul Ihe old l. IX order, out tint the country would be tiwcltl i bvir of ihoi-ie up puhed In 0011 II it i"ii 1 1 r. mm- in. nl " MacIiHIIIH of the rebel tuWlild Turreuti In nan un a I.iikc a.'.ile today. The htilit of tlutr in am nr:ny had en 'amt.eil at r'..a!oii. mure than half way uiiihwuri Iruin Chihu.ibiia aluna the M x u an V itluiial railroad hihI n ore iro.aiM wa-ie loimruf them from the mute ef I mra iiu'u ami Coaliulla At llu mhiic lime Ihe rebela wile re ported drawing In from tin. caeiwurd ilh a view uf attai kiiiK .-..lull. . nml tluia culling uff feib r il comiiiunlcu -Hon with Moniertv lienor. il Kium ia -ii Villi, aa mil itary comtmimlcr n chief, dir. i led th,. dlxpoaition ol Die Irooim will! the ii.leiilluii of hiinielt' Jienin ami per- ii. ill.- cumm.imliiiu tne Mink un licit. Illl Ue f i: U' I V-'la ".'un federal liarils.ui. It im likeh that un altack on Saltillu will pr ib' on Tor- leun ulul Itlal Ihe fcincril naaMe. II. clll at T'llieun will L.ilurt ,.iii alter wevcrul ilavN uf t loroii iiiiMhin. Al e'l eielila Villa plopoecrt lu :l prai ii alii Ilia entile iirmv uaaiiiHi the f.ileiula. Til" federal ;.irii.oii i intimaleil ariuuly at from It. "ml to'll while the rebel alreliulll ex cel .In that niimhet. I',. i a a . i k train loaiU of auiinunl tloll ami IHuMKIolia for the teliel ra III paian have been going eolith from Cliilinahua ami have been dialrlbuied ut , eh'. nt puita aluim the r ulruiul i i . i l .i I Villa at hia h.uil rleia in Juarea loil. ,v aald he did hot ex pect to go auitth fur acveral day. Then be will atop eetul dim longer at ''blluialiuu. iiri.n vi: Mi i!ics II I. MIT in hllOT San Hieao. Cai... Jan. It" - KiU'lul" uf IV W Haiwood and M -nimer Mil ler, A Illei ii llllH. repulteil lu IlillC belli Heioil b Mexuaii aoliln ra near T.a JllullU, ,.nU-r 4 'llllforillH. do II. it be. Ilee illllcr of I Ill-Ill haa been aitul r'raiii'1-ii o It. Itai'luii. Mexican i uiiniiI in Man iMi'iiu. rnlii'iibil loil. i the re port that the Americana hid hevii alven n chance to ccape and then killed He rain liny proliuWy hue been Mlaited tor Km-cnu.l.i, the cail lal of the northern iIimIiui of the ter riloiy. where they will be fukfll be foii. u Mcxit'iin I'u'iii. The iiuture of the ih.iiii'K hi; 1 1 list llu. two nun i not ex.oilv known They were alart ed fur l-'iiiu'tunia Weilneailay and wi-ie due lo urrive there luday. Ilarwuud la an Oakland. Cil, iicaiuper man j vrMi: oi i k i i h i.i. t iisii i iiii:Mv WaaliitiKlon, Jan :ia - 'Ihe com liiauder of tile J.iiam-nv ci outer Id J0TEN PAGES TODAY xLs aE3 w 1L3 jjjs il 11 vJ 1 1 r.timu nnd the Japrim-Me tiilnlati r In Mi xn u I'liv paid their reni-ccia tu American Chat it Nelaoti 1 1 liaughn i'sm i-aieriay. Their imiI waa Ihua dcai Ijhed In a Matement f4-neil today by the atale Ie; art uienl : itumamler Morvnmii of the Jap . sc i rltiser IiIkiiiuu. accuiniiamcd bv Jaimiieae minl-ler In Mexico and aeveral ofliciia in full uniform paid a. f. ii mal tail to the American em h:ifv in Mi-xli'u nti JaniiHty ?9 tind iluliui; the cuiit'Me of the Call ex il eKed to Charite t I'Shaiiahneaav hia appreciation of the cnurtcey ahown by the admiral nml oftlcera of Ih Ariuii.'un navy un th Pacific euaat. istit T I.iiim:i, t llll (IX Ills W Y l.oiolon, Jan. .in. Thomaa H Huh ier, flint ae-retary of Hie Hritlah h g.i I'on In Mexieit, who la to net ua charge d urT.ilrea when Sir Lionel l 'allien leuvca for Knulaml. haa decided to fail on board the l.ualtlana for New Vol k from Liverpool tomorrow and Iium there will pi oi ceil direct to Mi xh o Clly. II tti.i ;miip mvkmi:ts Alti: MIT SHiMIKWNT .W'aahlngtun. Jan. 30. The battle nhlia VI ml n la, lihuile Inland, Ne btaaka and ileorgbi have moved from Vein Crux to Tamplcn and th hnltl lii.a Cunnectlciit and KaiiMia have moved to Vera Crna. Hear Admiral Fletcher, uinnianiliuK the miuailron, mule no comment today, reporting ihe clntrKca to the navy department, and o Ml' lal any they were without niKHlll' iilu'e. SHOW CHIEF OF POLICE Demands Proof of Claim That Myst erious Blackmailers Have Spokane Millionaire in Their Possession. (Il l4-ai'4l Wire o enlng Herald. I l.oa Aiiki'I m, Jan. ;ln --A deuiaml lor pruor I r-i u the tillered kldnap-P-rs ol l''rtuieiH Li-win ITark, that lie- t 1 r 1 1 lllev haw. the Hpokulle lllll- lioiiult'e In their custody, waa maib' i. .ilny by Collie Chief riebiutlitn. In l"pl lo llu- letter recilved by hlni Wi iliie-l.i v from pci'aona who algn i d tliemtelvca "The I llackma Ib ra" slntiiiK they were holding Clark fur lia.lliul lansuui. CI. irk n.-iappenred tnyiterluii"l Iri'in Sini.i Kuibura. Jantiurv 17. af ter miIhk IiIk wife on a ri I u hi train. l-'ollow ing Itimi i net loiia given In llle bluckmailinu bitct. Chief Heb.'iM tian ciiiiMi'd Ihe follow inu notice lu be pllhllnhed loilav: "S'tol .mo Ntat'iiienf front Mr. Clark wbiili wili extabliah to hia lebiiUeH that he Ih alive. A deacrlp Hon of bta watch, or of mono Inti mate event 111 hia Clil'eer Will proba bly be hillfli lent. The deimllld fur laiiKum can nut be regarded too aer louxiv until you (Improve th auapl i ion that the letter la a hoax " SECRETARY DANIELS WANTS GOVERNMENT TO HAVE AN OIL PLANT lv lnaiil Wire ! livening II'raM 1 Waeliinntoii. Jan an A-cretary ItamelH tubl lb liouiie navril cuniiiiit tee the government ahuiiht ile veluii itx own oil attppiiea tor hnttle niiii.a He favuied a ir.iiit. ii.iit aiiro iniaiion for l.icatlug nnd developing an oil plant The Kei r clary How ia In v ext mat um a inupomil to have the government take over Oklahoma oil lamia und I'lilhl It pipe line, tu Ihe fill ru.iKl fl "lu l ikialloinu flelda. Champ Clark Has No White House Ambition fit) I ca-a-d Wlm to Evening Herald. 1 W'.ia'.nik'toii. Jan. an Speaker iVnrk ilecl.ired tuilav thai noih- lii! Ill bla Italtinu re apeech I ial ii, jlii i. mid be 'unable red na In- .lit it 1 1 1 1 if Ibul he hi'd lluined on being a camlldat In Cilil or uiii' tune in the future. "Th ilv llmm I aald about the pi. hi. I. ii. y," aald Iho alu-aker, "Waa tn reply to it lolig. Ilowery Inlloillli lion of Hie I'lahtnotHter. I aald 1 1 1 I if all that the loaat- ma-'tr a. nl waa true. I ought lo be pttHi.h u! toil av und would be if the proponed primary h.'d been in force in lul 2. I pr.iiHcd Proa- I.I' m Wii'oii H hamlllug of tha Mexican Kitiiallon: I iiIhii ptaiac'l 4 Tall Hid Preniileut Wllaon loo, I r k i niii na oiil of war Willi Mexico" MUST Clark don't want no presidency. CI 3 ol.. g. NO. MO. IS Led Drunken Revel With Bot tle of Booze in Hand, Sensa tional Charge of Delegate at Indianapolis. LIE AND 3LANDER DECLARES GOMPERS Disgraceful Spectacle in Con vention of United Mine Workers Throws Gathering Into Violent Uproar. LABOR FEDERATION CHIEF INDIGNANT Vigorously Denies Charges of Alcoholism, Truckling to Democracy, and Scheming to Hold on to Office. f Hy l.eaw Wire lo Kvrulnc Herald. 1 linlluniipolia, Jun. IU. That Hnmuel ilumpera. preaident uf Ihe American Federation of I- bur wna "glnrbtualy drunk" at ihe Peuttln convention nf Inn f" wo the tharge maiba by luiiican Mclionobl of llllnoia at Hie convention of Ih I'nlted Mine Workers of America today. I luring the prolonged cheer a, "liar" ami "alanderer" were hurled nt Mcltonnbl by I lumper, who aat un Ihe platform. "I am gla. I Mr. ijompcra la here ao I can aay what I want to," auld Mc donald, in beginning hia reply to the Npeeih made eatcrday by Mr. Uoin pera. "I aald there were hooxe fight era In charge uf the American Fed eration uf l-ilcr and I'll prove it. At th,. Seattle convention I hitd a room with my wife at it hotel next to Iho room renerved by the reaoluliona committee. The Hint Xatur.luy night We. could not elccp for the nolae made by a bunch of Uruuka In the next ruom. "I appealed tu the clerk of Ihe ho tel und Ihe nuiae grew louder. Then I weul down to the hotel tiftlcn und the nlalit mummer called Jim Iniu can on the phone ami told him they would have to get out of the room; that they were diaturbitig all on I bo Hour. "The nolae grew fierce and I finally knocked on Ihe door of Ihe room ami Waa nuked to tome In and have a drink. When tha dour waa opened there aat Sam Uompera at the head of the table, glorlutialy drunk, With u buttle of booxe In hia hand." The atatement threw the conven tion into an uproar and It waa aoma time Im for order waa reatored. W hile the conftialun waa at Ha height lioiupcra culled Mclona!d a liar und a alanderer. Mr. Uompera followed Miltonitht und denied ubaolntely th ihurge of driinkenneKa. He declared the atnte menl "llbelotia. untruthful, vlcioua, alanderoua und without any form of honor." Mr. i lumpen left tu take a trait before Charlia II. Moyrr, preaident of the Weatern Federation of Mitieia, mi lil apeak. "!eaplte the atutemenla of Mr, liompeia ' aaaetted Moyer. "I firmly believe the aaaeaameiit for Ihe Michi gan atrikera ahould have been levied and that he failed In five, a aalinfai -tmy explanation why It wta nut do mi. I reiterate that ir Ih atrlk ahoubl fuil It will be due to the failure of Ihe executive council of the American Federation of Labor to levy an ua aeaament." M lionald charged (lompera with maintaining a machine tn perpetuate hiiiiKvlf ua the head of the fedetatloit and naeiating Ihe t'emocrallc parly even uKuinet ciinillilatea of other par tita who are inemtiera of labor un lona He ridiculed the Idea, that Hi iiiioiia could not pay a Iwo-ccnt aa aeitement. ' If it union would not meet the aa aeaaineni." ileilund M.'liomtld. "why I Wool. I rat luT they WOUbl get o'Jt - aide tile federation. If a two-cent naaeaemtnl cull break up Ihe Ameri can Federutioit of I .a bur. then It Ut a tniabty fllmay inat itutlon." Mi lionald charged Oompere with licum a member of a 1 1, amber tf commerce at Wuahingioit nnd thai he paid hia duea out of th funda of Iho federation. (Joinpera replied that III the chamber ot commerce inioima liuu of luiportaio-,. to the labor move ment waa Imparled, and that be Wag GOMPERS M. UIO