i Waeveeel ,Vim get Till? hasn't much on Colorado, at that. TOlrWM SKHH TODW- h In ' 1IKAI4. Ilfty ccnta mi Kith or IS rrnUt week OHIvrral I jrtmr dtMir; llftjr utile bjr mall. TiunrxKucinzK.Xi Vol. It. No. . ALBUQUERQUE, KEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1014. . TEN PAGES TODAY mrvixo iiihaijh !.. . Ml, HN. STRIKING COLORADO COAL MINERS RIDDLE SANTA FE SPECIAL TRAIN WITH BULLETS .IB MEXCO AHMED MOB FIRES! OH-IIOH Strike-Breakers en Route to Work in Florence District Throw Themselves on Floor of Car and Escape Death. BY A MIRACLENQ ONE IS EVEN INJURED Headlight of Engine Shattered and Cab Perforated But Engineer Succeds in Back ing Out of Danger. TWO HUNDRED MEN ENGAGED IN OUTRAGE State Troops to Be Stationed Indefinitely in District as Result of Outbreak of Hos tilities. tltf lraed Wlfu lu .rnlii Herald.' Pueblo, Colo., Jun. 31. A special Hun l Kb train mirying a carload uf non-union iiuncia destined for the lludiiinl mine of the Victor-Amerl-tan Fuel company In the Florence nlstrlit. a hilfl up nml rldtllcd with bull, la by a nmh uf XUO alleuni atrlKliiK niinvra loilay. ' The IMtn hallnl at William- bur. )iil nml tif I'liiM-nrc. Tiic hrailllRht of I ho mikIho m "hot In I'lri-ra. I lit- t-nglne cab Hrluralvl It h bullft bolt-l Mini rtcry altulow In Ihi- cur o.cuiili-U by tho atrlke br.'Hkcm i ahiiit.'rrd. Ho far m known no one wan Injured. Thr train coniili'trd of a locouint l p ii nil h ninnh' ohi h containing 3 -non-union miner who witp brouabt hrf from iolnlM pu.-t of the IibIb k!iiI river When Itip ciiKlnirr oImvpiI tho or rtira of lh" mob that urroiinb'd Ihp cnglnp at WHIiHinnbiirir. tu hall, tbp Kirlkcra II I allci-d. ruHhi-d forward lirlliK a rn.lill u they could loud their rlflpa. ThP nrciianta "f thP tar threw thi'inaclvpa Hat n tho floor of lh or n nd tin' cm; I net I hahitly rcvcred the train. Imikln toward Ihl city. The atrlkera. It la Mild, followed Ihp I rain fh.M.itiiB aa IoIik an It r inalto d In alht. I p In noon today Dip train had not leached In I p. but wan xieitid ear ly thl allernoon. The Victor-Am-cri.an ctmuiMiiy haa not et an nounced whelhpr II will tt' in I'l to i nd the non-union men back tu thc riorrticp district. Shoiily hclore '.' o'clock thl after noon Ihu Pi.eclul llatn I tadeil with non-union miner, whlih waa hol up Ihl inoinlua h alrlk.r near Wll ItaiiiNlitii . pulled out of the union de pot tierp villi IhP allikebleaker u hoard uml ita Umtumlion ahroudvd In myaiprjr. i M II. oil of Ihp pitnta Fp railroad, which la ha ml Iin Ilia train, declliipd In reveal I he train' olijccllt'p. It t thoiiHlil. however thai the train may hp ilcloiii.il in Im Junta, ttula in meet a ilciai bmcnt of troop lo bp a. in nut by lleneral I'haap from Trin idad and which will convoy the non union men to thp lladlant mine. An other irpoit la that the atrlkclireak pra are in lie taken lo u not her iiiIiip than IhP Kudlant. It win learnpd Ihl afternoon that the hiiiiic mob of airtkera which tired on lh.. Kanta Ko apcilal alo ahot up a fiptaht train on the Itciivcr Km lirande road when a load of tiiiii) vara wa on thp wruy In Ihp Radiant properly. iip of thr trlkcra, with a rlllt; levcllcil. ordered lunula ('mull Int. fltPtnun on Ihp frpiaht train, to atop. Hp replied that Iip i unld not and re e Iv I'd a bullet thrnuah bl bat. Th pnglneer then reVeiwd and TP lurned lu thla city for lunher In alrucilon. Tha airik-rpkpr who wpra Itreil on Hit morning aia all lieuroi and were brouKht to Ihl city by a apeclal aapiil aclina for the Victor-American KupI lonipunj. It la aald. MII.ITI A fiHIFUFI T filVK Tlll I'ltOTI'.JTION Iienver. t'oln., Jan. II. A train carrying furty-onp atrlkebreukera from I'im bio lo lha Vlclor-Amerlcan Fuel rompany' mine at lUtUutit, wag fired upon by. a crowd of strik ing com I miiipra thl morning at Villauiburg. according In report received here by Ihe governor' of fice, and Ihe official of the Vlclor Ameruan company. The train wa alopped and backed Into I'ueblo, af ter being hit by many builet. Ite iiorts recelvpd hpre fla hot Indicate that eny one wa Injured. I.lemnnnt flnvernor Fitrgerald. ctlns In tha absenr ot Clever nor men Instructed A 1 J i ( it t t Ocner lo use the tit II it kt t give ufo conduct to Ita dentin- hi- train Ht Ion, JllKii: AOVIHWTI: ANSWI IIS Ot SI I, toll MINI 1(4 Trlnliliiil. t'ulii.. Jnn. 31. Th en tlrp morning spsIoii In district court today wa devoted lo a detailed re I I y tit Major K. I Houghton, judge nUviHiilr to the rrturtii. nml nrgti inrnl presented yesterday by II. N Hawkins, counsel fur Ihe I'nlled Mini- Workers of America urging the release by habeas corpus prm-i ednlg i four prisoners bi'lil tin- mili tary u in hoi liltn, Major Houghton answered Hi length mh of thr twen-Iv.-seven reasons advanced by lh pe tition Hml contended lhat I tip ir.--cnt Issue In un exact parallel of lhe Moycr case. The court rmn wa packed with striker nnl sympiilhli cr when court convened. Mnjnr Itoitiihlnn will conclude his argument thin afternoon and Allor i,iv Hawkins will then bo heard In ri'bultnl. Judge A. W. Mi Hi n.lrl.' Mill ri) l.ly announce IiIh decision thin evening. ri:c r.i i i. rinns i I Ol'I'Ht IMSTHKT Houghton. Mich., Jan. HI. I'pacclul condition today continued Ihrnuiihout the dlatrtct altciled by the copper miner' mtlkp. Therp have been nu ilevpoifenta In thp all tuitlon thl week. Hip mine ocralor hIiowIhn no UlKpoilllon to treat with I hp tinker and the atrlkcr appear InK content lo play a wait in game. Next week will wit lien the begin ning of the trial of the f.'rl of Ihn l.-nportunt atrlke cue when aix d ptil lea urn nrralgned on Moni'oiv lor the kllllnic of three atrlkor at Seehervllle, on Align! 14, nt. Th. i ungreaalonal aub-commlttee I px pecled lo arrive aln tu begin 11 ln Hiilr. Inlu condition In the copper country. STATK TIUMH Ttl IlI'M 1 I'ltKMOVr nilATV Trinidad. I'olo.. Jan. 31 Stale truop will be tatloned Indefinitely in Fremont county, nocordlnir In (Selieral John t'haae, who ha re ceived a report of Hie attack upon a train load of atrlkebreakrr nl Wll PnmburK Ihl niorning. According to the rheriff of Fremont count there are I.MiO girikera In thai dla trlct moal of whom are armed. HU SJI'IAT OF Tlllllll Til MH s i.V .IVII I H Trinidad, t'obi.. Jan. 31. Frank T Miner, prealdent ol . Ihe Trinidad Trade Aaaeinlily, la In the city jail a military priHoner. Hp wan nrre' m! yeMerilay nl Starkvllle on the charge of interfering with the work of the mililia ut that place who were con ducting a acan h for arm unit ammu nilloii and alao with making ver'.al allaik upon Ihu xuarilHiii a. Miner I a larpenler hut recently ha heeti hmhoi iaied with leader of the mill' r' union In the conduct of the oul atrikp. HEW IFJTER STATE President Wilson Sends to Sen ate Names of Daniels and Hall as Members of Com merce Board. Ity la-M'l Wli o to I Riming flcraiii. I W aahiiiKton, Jun. 31. ri eatdcnt Wllnon today nominated these niter late coiuincice coliimlKaiuliei : Winthrop More Mantel, of I'rin.-p ton. N. J : flay Hall, ot t oloiado fprtng. i'olo. Collector of cuatoma for the climrli t of lu, btitian A. .Niemeyer, of reaton, Iowa. IIM.I. I.MiAt.l l IN I'icuthi-: or iwv I'uloraibi spring. Colo , Jan. 31. Henry Clay Hull of thla city, whoee nomination a Inleralalv commerce commiaaioner wag announced at Wuxhliigtoii today, came here triHii New Voi illy for hi health In 1 H J Hp haa bpen engaged In the practice of law wlille hup. He waa mayor of Colorado Spring in I wn wn piPMIdent of the t.lorado Hlule Hur aaaucial Ion In If 11-12. Mr. Hall waa born In New York city on January f., 10. He lilted f college at Ihe Hartford, Conn., high school. He waa graduated from Am her! college In the da of 13 and admitted to Ihe bar at New York cliy thai year. lu 1S he recelvpd the appointment aa Batlant lo the l int ed ."Intra coimul at I'arls. While In this pneitlon he apeclallced In Inter national law and became rounecl lu the International legation at l'arl In Ul he negotiated an extradition treaty between the I'nited Mae gild Franc. 500 QUARTS OF NITRO GOES OFF fllr Iamm-4 Wire, lo F.ietilng Ili-rald 1 MkIcivIiIp, W. Va . Jan. II. The plant of the Young Tor;edo company r.aa wrecked when lightning od "tliloded five hundred quart of nltro glycerin In one uf Ihe rouipiny titaRailnea. Ammon. ul Chase NOMINATED GHIGAGQ IS BURIED UflDER 1HNCH MANTLE OF Toledo From Great Practically Cut Communication Lakes Country Off and Has One of Year. Hardest Storms of IV lwiil Wlre to Kventiis rml.l.J ( hh imo, Jan. 31. im ago wa hur led under a twelve tu h mantle or ar.ow- when bueinen attempieii to tart up Ihl morning and enow ''.) wa falling unabated at noon. The body ol a well dreiuied man, who aupponedly died from heart dl- te In the norm wan loiitui in a downtown drift today. Aum latpd I're dcapad he from lointa in voitthetn Mo in. in ami northern hio and Indiana carried new that the heav anowful' wa gen eral over IhHt territory. In place high wind and lict preceded Ihe now Mnd worked much naruHntp on train, telegraph and telephone wr- h p. The latter condition .v niot -er in and around loteuu, unm. The city wa cut off from tebgra phlc communication with point eat and routh and paenger train henutc were il. in. .tainted. Telephone and i l- graph pole were blown clown and Intcrui bun trallle itactlrally ul a tandHtlll. The gale carrying alept cached 4 mile un hour erly III the day. I at l oil depat he dcaeribed the atnrm the moat wverp of thp win ter In aoulhprn Michigan with train tailed at many point and highway" badly drifted. Similar wire and traT lie condition to lhne elsewhere in the tornt belt prevailed. A layer of now more than twelve tin he deep apreau over the outhern peninula. Hnuth llend. Jnd.. reported great drifts over tho northern half ol tne vtate with trafllc condition alinoi-t paralyxed. A tory from !ndtanpidl aalti that Joaeph M Valh, a railrom; en gineer and an unident Hied man loal their live from ciiuw due directly In Ine viirm aleet and no itorm of the winter. Inlerurhali and other atirface line werp llerl up. Many were Injured In flevelalid, Ohio, on allppery aldewalk due lo Ihe tierce aleet ami now torm. At t'oliimhu. Ohio, Ihe Hurra I reached the dimension of a ullxxard, j laying out all kind of Iralllc and fcll-j Ing telephone pole. At Marietta. ihlo. the nuNengpr steamer Kalnhow with alxty pcraoii on t'oard wa tow ed about helplesaly In Ihe uhlo river) lor more than hour. Tho boat , hmilW Indued agaliiHt he bank of the liver und.itnai-'pd. , Fort Wayne. Ind.. wa aliiio! off. from communication witn tne ouihkic world bccaUHP of ihe n!cl and heavy snow fall. In Chicago Ihe nnw ceased and the Weather hriuhti ncd gluartly alter noon. MRS. REUTTER ACQUITTED OF COMPLICITY IN HUSBAND S MURDER ll lrar! Wlr to Eretitog Heralel. Ilaiileaville, Okla.. Jan. it. .vir I jiu la M. lieulcr wa found not guilty of complicliy In 'he murder m ner huabuml. Charle T. Iteiiter, by a Jury- in Hie district court here today. Thl was M.'a. Ilculer's second trial, the til at one last autumn having resulted In a conviction carring a senleme ( lite imprlsonnient. Mia. Ileuter, who formel'y wa-i n eotlety woman In Tulsa, was cnurgeu with i onf piling with Ouy l. Mac t piip, a wealthy Tulsa contractor: tlrover llalh w . Mai kenxie'a chauf feur, and Joseph llaker. a friend of llallew. lo murder her hutand. an sttorney. Ileuter was snoi ana kiucu In hi home In Tul on Ihu nignt of May. ll-' A week later Mackenxis. Hallew and llaker and Mr. Ileuter Were ar rested charged with plotting to mur der Ileuter. Ilullew, In a signed con- fi MMIon. said that Ma kenxlo had paid Kuker to "pul Ileuter out of the way," and that he, llallew. drove the "murder cur" in which llaker rod lo tha Hauler home lo shoot the at torney. Muckenxiu und linker were convicted and are now In the venl tentlary. llallew1 wua shown leniency became of the evidence he guVo Ihe atale. lor BODY OF CULLOM LYING IN STATE IB I .rased Wire in Ktrenlng ITeral.l.l .riprlngrield. III.. Jan. II Snow lay deep In Ihe atreet through which Ihe cortege bearing Ihe body of For mer Hctiator Hhell.y M. Cullom made II way to the rapllnl today, where ihe body will lie In state until tomor row when the funera. will be held. Hurt In Alton Wreck. Juliet. 111. Jan. 31. Fifteen per tnn wpre inurPd when Chicago ami Alton passenger train No. T bound from Chicago to PI. I amis was wrecked between here and Ixukport early today, iinnoseilly by a broken rati. SN1 MO-IT $1 mm i VAl j Tale of Soul-Stirring Courage That of Sur7'tor of Doomea Liner Who Fought Angry Waters to Ss-vc His Wife; Swam on Back With Wife' Hair in Teeth 1 cause Arm Was Broken in Lurch of Ship; Cursed Indifferent Rescuers. MASS OF EVIDENCE ON CAUSE OF DISASTER ly laiiol 'Aire l Fienlng llcrnlil.J New York. Jan. II. Mix survivor of Ihe disaster lo H e hleanislili Mon roe rem hod hi re today Irotn Nor folk Anmug lh in was Thoma II irritiKton of llrb.gepori, Conn., uc coiiiiinving the bo iy of hi wile, who died after being taken aboard Ihe ship Nunttickct. Harrington was lh passenger who wam In Ihe cold water, supporting his wife by holdii'g her hair In his teeth. Hi father uml hi brother met him here. "Tell Ihcm what happened. Tom," mid Ihe falher. "We all want to know and it will " off our mind. " Then In a dull montonc, the young man told hi story. Harrington and hi wife hud state room on the sole where the Monroe Waa rammed. "When the shock cume." het. id. "We got up nml drensed and wuaieil time that might have saved the poor girl's life." Hy , the. limn ihey.jicni tv .1 the main saloon 'the bin had keel, . I 10 that the snip j wall fell to the lloor. j "There waa a lurch." continued HaiTltiuton, ''and Muraan i wus thrown twenty f.-.t Hnd IoiIkciI under the bench built along the to. ten or the cabin. I slid and eciaiuhleil after j her. When I took hold or her she I . realiied and ',,. lite. I lo lo r poor right arm. It waa broken iin.l bang ing limp 'lion'l loin h me," she i named; 'for Hod's sake lei tne die.' "1 told her Hhe would have en tome und she would l el better aln.ut It later. ih, lioil, hIio was i mill and I ilulu'l I'. lew it Hut I got her loose. "Then Ihe hliip KitKiicd bio k and there was a lash of water that washed us out t. Ihe deck. I no. ti nned lo gel ell ...ir outer clothes. Then we let go and the ship went away Itotn und. r i.h." Harrinuton told how he tried In swim holding hi" wife hy Ihe broken arm, but this pained her so thai II nally he twisted lor long hair into a rope i lose to her head and. taking it in his teeth, II. .at. . I on Ina lan k, keep ing tin woman's lo ad on his i lieM. line lifeboat ,... d wit tun en '.fit, he said, und lnuor.-d Ihetr calls for help. After ne.uly two hour an ther boat eatoe. "I held Marsaiet up In Ihcm, loti'tnued I iarriiiuton. und a sailor su'.t. la-t her go, she ii dead.' " fhn h not il und you take her id.' I said lo him. aboard If ..u don't il wall inui.l.r on ' In and she opened d al me. t .n,.. aboard Hie want In go to ic your soul ' So they took h. her eves und sinil When tiny n. bii they aul lo i ill olio elalcrnolii uml bit her and put ine in snolh t. I believe Dial it a doctor had been with her rlKht away with atimnlant she ill ih III he al.vu now. Hut lloN were all mixed and when I found where she was IMng all ulonu shu wua dead " M lli:'K. IM'H ATF.K N AN I I t hi T W A TO Itl.WIF Norfolk, V.i.. ,lan. II. Testimony of urtueis ..f I. "Hi ships, some of it taken while Ihe N.itilut ket wa bring ing III the soi v ivors. Is being kepi secret today. It i still In the form of aienographct s notes nnd will make fifty or aixly I' f written pages. ,n ofln la I ai.iiemen. could bu ob tained loilav l.nl It la said that wil neasea testified I'll plain Johnson slopped the M.. lime's engines when he heard the N ail ucket'a answering siren signul and the lost ship wus practically standing ait 1 1 1 when the Nantucket lamu.ed her amulships and broke her in tu. other wit neaap testified, it la aalJ, thai the Nantucket continued o at earn toward Ihe Mon-oe alter the latter had blown two whistles three times. It 1 aald that the testimony Shows thai Cup lain Merry, the second otllcr and Ihe U.iurlcl master ol the Naiilui kel were all tu the pilot house of their ship when the two vo-cla came together and that the look. nit on Ihe Monroe saw the lih' on the mast of the Nantucket ab"iil two minutes before the crash. The Monroe loet light fogi. inter mittently after pasaiug out of Ihe c.ea slid had stopped frequently while thrv surrounded the ship. The Monme waa eiiu.pned with an auto matic lime whisii and lhat was I?iSEIIITOII REMOVED nnn nu fill FLOOR BY PRESIDING Lane of Oregon Forced to Insinuation "Doctored"' Apologize for That Newlands Report on Resolution. (II IsbikhI Wlrn lo ICrenlng Herald.) a hinutoii, Jan. 31. - Feti.il..r I.ahe of I "recoil, was removed Irom the Hour of tin- senate today, in it ... 1 1 in me lit i. ry senne. by Vice 1'lmi l .lent Marshall during hi speech on llu Interhlale commcri'e coinnitt'ce s ii-lion on bis reBolntlon in Invetitl M.iti wheiher Ihe I'nlti il Ktates pH- I .'orporatlon had received illegal to la. te from railroads. The vice president ruled that Mr. laine'g re ii ark were, a reflection on the com mittee, Kcnutor New lands, chairman of the committee and Henalor lloko Smith and Lodge were on their feet ut once demanding apolnglc. I.puu in., I Ion of Senator Jamea the ure eoii senator vvn ullnwed lu procend .iiul he withdrew hi charge Ilia' tip' ri port bad been "doctored." on demand by hioiiator New land". Just oefore ills ntai k nn ine com mittee Senator Lane hud defended I in v Id Lamar a" a person w how "wolilng" wa not to be compared with .1. I'. Morgan Af Co. 'a manipulation of New Haven uffairs. "Yet. Mr. Morgan said his deareal hope," continued Senator Iaille. "was tor 111 Sou to go on preaching the washing away of sin by the blood ut the lledei nicr. Then he pulled out of hi hip pocket a retl bandana and "klp ed out for glory. "I don't like to have the scnata dragged around as the tool of a black mailer," said Senator Hoot, without rising or addressing the chair, but speaking to Senator Cummins. Senator Itrlitnw sprang to In feed. "The senator from New York Homctblng.'' said be. "I don'i know whether he meant II tu gu Into the record." Senator liristow then repeated Sen ator Itooi'a words. "Some poison seem mighty tender when It come to dlKciisstiig the gteel trust," added Sen ator Hrttow. "A trust whose stock lias gone up ten per cent and has ;.-,iiii.iiiot,ntia of water" Senator Knot, rising to a (itcslli.n of personal privilege, expressed 111 rig ret lhat the sen., tor from Kanaa had "ecu lit to have m ule a matter of public record, remarks he had cas ually made In Senator Cummins. Sen ator Stone , i ut - r ii p'iiig at lhat point deolarcd: "Th senator from Kaosa la In the liulilt of doing those Hung. Person ally I am tired of it " At lhat Jutict'.rc Senator William", declaring lhat the vciintois appeared lo be lu "bad humor" demanded Ihe regular order. Senator Newiaiula said If Mr. (fine's hargo hud not been withdraw n he would propoac a committee invcatiu-i-tion. "i ill. I've w ithdrawn II," said Sen ator Ijine. and coital. I. ration of the whole aubje. t went over until Mend iv. POPE UNABLE TO HANDLE THE FRENCH (It Is-asm Wtre to f.n Atng Itrrabl I Home. Jan. 3 1. -The pope loduy iavp a long iiinlieie two Aineriian priests, the IteV. 'I'llolllaa 1 1. lleaM'll, hc-hop of e'i.i :o"ticl.l, Masa. mid liie Lev. A. A. C.vl':l, Vct.sler, Mass His Holiness t.le.l tor II tll..e In cot:veise In French but was com pelled to .evert In Latin. Ill which be expressed his reiuct at In lack of ! linguistic ability. The bishop allerwar.l said thai the pope was in excellent spirits and icn- lally alert, but lhat he did not at I III able In end. ire inn. Ii physical m l tlon. asassss.a'sasaeasse.' a blown al Intervals of one mm. Ha When the fleuvy log wiappcl tho nml near Winter vuarler linliiship the I'. nine. It la said, Slopiic'l and after blowing her fog belli ev.iy liiuiiile, gave two blast. The Nuu I'likei ploughed It way into the Moii roe'a atarboaid Just above amidships al un unglo of about 4 degrees 'I'll" Nantucket then backed away. The Monroe lu-gan lo list and in leu poll ute bad sunk. .NO IIOIHIX ltFCO I IIFII AT Sal UN I'! OP SHIPM Itl.f'K Norfolk. Va . Ja. 31. Investiga tion of the Kinklrg of the Hid I'o mlnioii liner Monroe by Ihe sieamer Xatiln. kel, with a loss of forty-one lives, waa complete,! today by the fluted Stales steamboat Inspector They will not make public Irtoir llinl l it g a before Wednesday or Thursday of next week. An officially revised death list allows tislay lhat oll -otic rirlo .1 Nitiiein of these were paasciigcis ami twcnl-two were of the crew. There were aboutd Ihe Monro., 149 persons ireies report Iloin ti wrecaui4 steamer on Ihe scene of Ihe disa.-lei say no bodice have be n reooiprevl. I OFFICER ROCK ISM IISIQICTM to nrnnnipinr TO TENTATIVELY II Abolition of Two Holding Com. panies Planned to Conform With Wishes of Administra tion at Washington. (Hy la-MM-il Wlro lo livening Herald New Yolk, Jan. 31. Complete re oi ga niz.it Ion of Ihe system of rail roiula orientally known a the elite go, Lock Island and t'uclfic lines, In cluding Ihe abolition oi Its two holding coiiipanlc known a the Hock Island company of New Jer sey, and Ihe Chicago. Hock Island and 1'aciflc Itailroad company nf Iowa, Is likely in be announced III Ihe near future. Lawyer represent ing the syslem arc ut work on the details, which will probably be sub mitted for rallricatloti in the Inter Mule commerce commission. Hock Island stocks were weuk on the ex change today. When these plan Hre carried out they will leave only one company where three now enlst. and the man agement and operation of tho sys tem will be under control of Ihe Chicago, Kock Island und Puclflc Kailvviiy company, an Illinois corpor ation. It has been known for some time lhat Ihe leading Int. rest In these lines contemplated the aboli tion of the holding companies in conformity with the wishes of the administration at Washington. In abolishing them II will be necessary to .roil.le for other lsue of eccur itip in place or four per cent collat ernl bond of Ihe Iowa corporation and the stock Issued by Ihe New Jersey corporation. It was consl.li-i'cd possible In fi nancial circles ihst the move might necessitate formal application for receivership. In which evenl the re- .eeivirs or irusiees wouiu luse cuarue HLUnbHIildL ANNOUNCED Sttd.nf ), riitla.ie i'iiiiiliiit.1''. Mlnek for the collateral bondholder. CENTS A POUND fi Influx of Foreign Product Causes Consumer to Look Pleasant at Prospect of Fu ture Living Cost Cut. (It) laasid Wire- lo 1 veiling llerabl 1 New Yoik Jut ill An mil -ix ot folelgll butter from all part of til" World, due lo the rediMtloli of Ihe l.m'T fi. lu ., I., .''j cents a pound has caused a decline in the New Yolk Wholesale pllcil of lell eelll a pomp1 Slice the hist of Ihe eiir. Kuttcr has been coming to this country from as tar off a Australia by way of San Fraiu ;s. Three hull, tiled lh. .us. ml pound from that conn try has been laid it, ah tote within illio last two or three w.-el llutter baa also been slopped from the Ar- Kclil'lle. t'el. III. ilk ai , Siberia I The shl,llo lll. butler .b'.ilels ad j rrtltt.'d to. lav', h.iv.' ir.iileil lualked i.neasittess In the wlioiesilc maik.'t Will Ihe tfstlil (hat tilele hart he. II an k iloadiug of various slot k. To day ic beat grade butler waa aellinK at '.'I cent In U . cent a pound wholes le. 1'lie Atiicri.ati demand lot for i t ri I. utter has caused u rise of two t. throe cents a pound it. some of the foreign in..! s. I It is . to rally dtllltted help that the plleu of but ler lu tin loitntty will h kept in the finite at a lower uviiaKc level II. all before. TODAY IN CONGRESS SF.N I F Mi't ul tiooti. Senator liristow aaked il II. una nun appropriation for iiivca'i galin II llg.it loll b lesetvlt lit Ihe noddle West Post ui.ian r ij. iur.il liurleaou'a report on gnvetnmcnt ownetahip ol Wire waa sabmtlled. 111)1 kK. Kesatiie.l ilebutu on .he Imitil- graiioii bill. Kept ea. -I. tat iv e Kalm Intro duced a l.lll to appropuatp lit mi. i for m mnriiit liosphui ill Sun Flancia. ii. Kcpreaclltalivp !" llltroduvl'd a bill In e.ii;re tha alio) lu make its s..ldlcrv and bunts ul a ila l terinastel a depot ill Jell. r konville, in. I liepres.'iitaliv e la-ly of vg York appealed al Hie truat hear ing before the Judiciary coiiunlt-ten. TT SITS UiUILII SISTEH'S SE One Proud Little Woman Dies . of Starvation in Los Angeles and Another Is Hopelessly Insane, DEATH BETTER THAN CONFESSING POVERTY lily Ig-aaod Wire to .enlbg Herald. Lo Angelea, Jan. 31. Mlsa Nan ette Wurreii und .Ml Mary Warren, two prim little women from lh cast, bcleved It more filtliig for "a lady' lo Nlarve than to dim-us her sffali. Sn Miss Mary died, and Mlsa Nunelt watchell by her sltlo until luduy com pusstonute nurses at the detention hospital are caring for her na hope less ly Insane. Mis Murya body wa taken to the morgue laat nigh: but Mlsa Nanette doe not know thla. Tin, nurse any ahn doea nol even remember the dreadful week eh'i passed anting by her alster a body. or Ihe earlier ilaya w ncn uoin were m pitifully distressed ami so pitifully determined tint to tell any one about It The sister came from Toledo, tihlu. SI nioiiihe ago. They wcru rbout Ml year old. Their fundi might have provided their few necea altics, hut opportunity Xn enlarge them, a they thought, doubling In surance against want, enticed I hem and they Invested. When the speculation failed, about Christina time, they began r)inu,ln- Ing in their nparlment. Mlvs Nanette presently refused to see any one. Bhe even broke ap pointment with genua Intaiicea. Ten day ago her landlady. Mra. I.. Wood, went to the door In deliver a telephone message and aw Mis Mary lying iitlelly nn Ihe bed. Ml N'unclle uld her sister wa nol well, but required nothing. The police say he had died day before. Last night, with the assistance ot the police. Mr. Woods entered lh loom. Police surgeon forcibly fed Miss Naiietio Warren at the deten tion hospital Later In Ihn day, however. she eonnenied tn eai. 1 booth hpr mental condition pre cluded any effort lo obtain a state ment concerning the death of her sister. Mary', end her three week vigil beside Ihe body In their apart ment. 1 Is thought by authorities thill she will recover auf f Icleiillv l.i be questioned by the coroner tonight. REFUSES TO LIVE WHEN HUSBAND DIES (n lsan(t Wire) lo frnlng Irerald.1 Springfield, si,,., Jan. II lleduc cd lu poverty Ihrough hoMlticaa re verses, Jesse M. Kelly, hi year obi, once one of Ihe wealthiest men In Sprinefli Id. died III a hovel ijji tha outskirts of the. city today. Ill wile who waa l year old, died an hour later. When she learned several livs ago that her husband wa sink ing gradually she refused till Hour ishmcni nnd prayed thai llu y might die together. Fine Vanderhilt Yacht Believed to Have Been Destroyed (Hy l.rasiil Wire to F.vetilnc llerabl.) New Yoik. Jan. ill - rredir- I. k W. 'imlei but a magnif n put yacht Winner, airanded "IT ihe coast of i '..I. .ml la. luohahlv ha been (lest loved. Thl Waa Him Inl, . i itiut i. .ii received by the 4 t tilled Fruit roMpauy today In u cabin mceu4e rriiln II lepie- O sentiilive at Colon. The com- p.uiv a I, net Almlratitn took the Vaiulcrbili putty of the aliunde,) f vacht un.l later returned to s.ivp Ihe cr. w. T.d.'iv's niruaage aald "tiehevid VNuirior total p." 4 The undercut .art I on the 4 lmirunte. 'lib III Hi-JMlM Ih'llic l. Colon, Jan. 3 1 Frederick W. Van. derbilt yacht Warrior, which went aslmre off lbs coawt of Colombia Mon day, waa anil faat uground today, ac ending in a wtrelee dispatch re ceived here. The crew, who remained on board when Sir. Vitnderbllt and hi gunal escaped, are In nn danger. A wrecking tug unit the steamer Aln.irante are standing by tniiay but the sea was still loo rou.h for an at tempt I" reacu Ihe crew I he dispatch sava II would le pus slid,, for the sailor lo land on lh beach in Ihe Warrior boat if the liutesaily should alb.