Newspaper Page Text
TOHtVCJ X l .W H TDItW-Ywi get It In lIKIt M. I If ir wit nrnnili or 13 cent nnk Nllrer,i at I our lr; lift renin lir mall. THE LADIES sort of gu president's distinguished go, today. i TIUIlUMCCmZRN. Vol. It. No. aft. SUFFflftGETTECITY PUTS IT OVER Oil POLITE WILSON 'Speak to the Party If You Can't Speak for It," Says Spokeswoman for Delega tion at White House. 300 WORKING WOMEN IN PARTY . Executive Re-Iterates Regret - Me. . . . . statement That He Can Recommend Onlv What vci,inuicna uniy wnai Democrats Want. T)P MAP V WATVn? Av. ilAAI WilLAIia APPVATJ! TTtf TTJrtTTCfPC ' Thev Won't Let Her In: Ladies Tell President Suf- t i iragc rre-x-icciion xaiK wa to Get Votes. III I-annl Wire ltnlo ticraltl. VV.mliiimi.iii, yt h I'ri-Kiilrnt W ilson k.ii mi i ih'i.uihki mi ni luday in a ili'li'K.iiion uf an. i tnikint: wo-iih-ii hu m.irrlu il ,,n Ihr Wliitr iiuiihb with a mill il. nm . olom ( unk IiIh (nii,nrt fur u i oiisiliutii n.,1 .iriii'iiiliiH iu i nli.uii hlPinn womi n Trni-llv nf I llf onnll vivlv Tv ti-ltvd i. Hie in'iili-nt and flie, In nl'nrl -)il.rl:tii. ,il 1 1 Ic'l ,uli-d In Hip maumi'iit. Tin- priKiilcnt rvlli-r.itrd I hat a a Irailt-r nf Jip f ifmui rain I'.illy In, w,ia limilrd niily In ri'.u.n iiipndiiiK lliiwn ihiiiK nn uhlih the pntiy had nmdr up ita mind. "We don i want you In hrrak with ymir li.irly but w would lik.. nm tu iniluiwu'c thi m." Mr. oirndn r Kium of HoHiun after llio iirmolint finmlii-ii aoriiaiim. . "It lun t rt .nimlon nf liri'akiiiR with t lie parly." rriiirnid tin- irpaldi-nt, "1 it a iiUi nlloli nf uppiikinii for II.'" , "Will. why not rnk to II re- Jolni'd Mi'i". r:um ue the women The iriUdnH niii'd Min Winn liiUKhed. "That h what e Mailt. Vuii wh" rloKo to him. ilr,, .f .1 Ijiiu an, h triiiii'niluu imner and all h'T oce to a emikeraallnlial Imie and "ik tu if it. U'x with il." ; The I HKlili liI ,l, not , niiiiinii. thi. diM UNi.ii, n nut i X,ii H'd a wmii tu 'h'' f-1' t that ahe had visited Mr. Wil meet the woiiivn who weie wailum '"it at Seuxiri when hv waa a liindl- uutHKle. Th wo. nen ax-i'iiiliinic fur the nuiaa meelliiic I.iiik hrfore nnon. Vinin airla from the mllla of New KiiKlaml and ol.lir Women fiom the aweal ahu,a of New Ymk were amoiiK the nuiiilier. one woman l..u New tmk Haul ahe wna Hie mother uf two hildriis and had been walkliiR 'ho i I els ,.r Wui k ahe wa.i unulile ,i ul- lain. Mm. lileiidnwer Kxana of Itiwton , ailed the n UlM order when the ili.wil of women otenlowed from the I'.ililie llln.irv aeia and down on I ho Rreen Into the aireet, him klnii tranV. t There weie nn ul aiteeihea mil the. wuikinv wonnn told in their own way lh,1 hal yuu lm(. aald niakea n iru whv thev waul women lo ote. i 'on ml iniireaiun on me. Iml I have I'mminly at M l'i o'i Im k. aie,.,n Already eXpUined my liinliatinna Cn. Iirlkly lo the hlarlni of a b a hraaa hand, the women 'n Kin their march on the While Hollar. Iiainpra llutler ItiR Oulalde thn rxn iilike olh, ea the iliimn hilled while the women aelei-ieil ,1 ronilnlttee to Interilew the ii-Hliletii "Hut they told ua we eould not all tump In." remarked Mr a. Kvaiia. "It iiiiipI he a mlaiinderatandinil," il.l Ih.. nl'leni and he aenl wurd out that he would like to have the ileleRntimi i oiiie In. They in me In, alnKle file, iiaanlnif In one dour and out another, foine of the women ile. liti ed lo ahnke handa with the .re,.lit, maiihlng Indlffeieiiily hy. lefualiiK to lake Ilia preferred hand. Mr. Walker Wear TriHtx-r. At Iheir el Ir. Mary Walker In male attire araued with the women that auntiiRe waa a atale ieaue. She waa not permitted tu cnier with the delegation. The pluaa of the working women were phiiiM'd elmiuently and with a lini.'h of (Ultima and emotion ua they ilen rllird the hardahipa of women wmkara. . "HMii,inir and iniiulinK." aald Miaa Maraaret lluu hey of the laundry! workera of Nev Yoik. "we ome In' plead Willi you. You are an aipiare j ami im (he level and ao 111 mil a real' llemorrai that I appeal to you to w ipe out .the. . Injiiatiia that -eniala. Wa j iniild help wary Uemorral If we had the vole I Mim Mary Hi hneldrrininin of Newln, nut York, repreaenliiiR the cap makera, ai'oke with emotion nf the hurdahlp" of women In mllla and mlfiea. "We auffrr aide hy aide with the ii'rn," ahe aald, "and In conatani fear i f loaina our Joh. Aa alie lold uf many iaea of auffer Iiik the prraldent'a fan' allowed hit aymPHthetie Intrreal "l( ta nm a ileiniierary when only hair have anmi'i lung In i." cumin ueil Mla ..Mellnila Hcolt. ,,f New Ji f aey. reprraetiiini the lapniakera' union. "i'e will be glad If you will mention nur canae In your next mea ar." The Ium aluaker waa Miaa Itnae Wiiialow of IVnliri l ulna, rrpre aeniing the leiillp workera. "Yon aie entirely Inn (ilr and hi AFIRE I n BATTLING OF HAITI Sharp Engagements Occur Be tween Followers cf Two Ri val Revolutionary Leaders in Island. (Mr lrgKt Wire lo t:rentng Herald.) I'ort nu I'rline. Feb. 2. Sharp i fir i n haa occurred ut Unnnlvea be tween I lir followers nf the Ikii rlMil , rev uliilluiiurf. hadeia. Senator liavll- miir Theodore uml ; en i-r.i I tircale 7m- j liinr, formerly government dcteiute , m "uinm. Mmgrr dnaiia were mi- i Ininiilil,. Indny concerning the battle, These wn, imm u. , ,,r iiii- ,i,n M"v"' v,"",u- "" ,mhr in ih,. r..iidetid ..- tiunaiv- !r" - '"" w,,,, h '" "'".n "mi started. Thrir urilrrrn Hwrrti'il thai ""''' rmlnr) uver n vast jurea, gping inisnn fr the belief tluil '" "' 'I'ltutlve hd been set mi Immediately Tor Ounalvca tu I ill rati . demand fur thn withdrawal from " iiaiuni capital ,.f the . rtiian ami American hliiejackrla) mill murine wh pr., ni.-i i.,uu u tin- members I nf ltn- furcign 1 1 il mi : I m ' enrpa ly I he ciiixcna' rummlttee nf public an f civ The co'iimltler, which wn fnrnicd Utflcr the flight "f the i n anient nf h, r . u 1 i i . points mil (hut perfect Iran- l in III has prctailed fur smr tlnu In the i'Hilt hihI thul therefore there In nn nereujdty fur Hie fiiillitr prm i n.-f i.f fnrriKn trnuim . Itil) 1'nunil In WaKT llnlo. "'..y M.ruiHH. I'ulu, -Vh. 2. Th luiiiy uf Hurler. K. liumli'll. fin yinrn Ul nml rll kimwn h'-rc, ,n fuiinil In Hnli-r hull- nn h,- lliu kwurlll run. h hcri- Into i mini i . Althiiimli thi rr la H thrnrv uf fmil luy the riipinir - Jury Imlny ri-luriuil a ver- dil l of ilv:h from ui i Idi ntal drown ln t'lligeni, ' ah aald. "not in know "ht ' Ruing on In Hu- world. In ninny with the w orklnnw omrn " '"hi-r the nutiiiurlum fur tuin-i. l"i" or lht lrii l I don't Ii.hp ink nlcrh In you. a we ar- ,"" loe." foiilinind her talk. Mm Kinna n ieired. In rlnmiiR. to fliitn fur IreHilellt and rlalliu-l ti have gotten aunie eiu'oiiiakeiiielit for he eauae of anffraRe. "Why, we wm ked Our liim.-r nulla to Ret you elected. " am, I Mr "Kvaiia. "1 thuufht from whit ou ""1 that ou were In fanr of our aiiHe. You Were gumiinR fur otea then." "I w'a mil. h freer to ixjireaa my opinion then thin I am now," ainlUil tile ,ri rlili lil. "There are S'MI wurkiiiK wmnen oulalde uwaiuiix our unawei." aald lira. Kvana. "I want In a.iy li-t thia." returned the prealdent "I need not tell oil nt parly, aa am h. haa I iken a pnnl llon nn a iiiieatiun. I nm iml lit ll eiiy to apeak for It. I am limited In expreaaitiR my oplnlnna. no matter what my Individual Ihoimhta may he I have nu douiu that your iiail will i. ...... i I I lie preai, 'ni niluaell nnaieneii in I hnndnhakinR ceremony thereiiy end ing the dia uiwiun. llloiiKh Mra. l-'.v- 'una remarked only ten mlnulea of Ih" alliilled fifteen hud hren iifl i up. The prcxlilcnl hegn ahaklmt j hamla. however, l otilmt off furthei j dlaeuaalon. Aa many of the women filed hy earning ban mra and with colored lunula deioruiiim their fur. they named their home alatca. t here I waa a liny child In line with her mother. "Hello, liiile lady," aald I he preel dent; "you wouldn't tie old enoiiiih to vole anyway, would you.'" and the huhy milled. The deli-nation left the White Hoiiae In I roil pa In an.m.'.tcd t onvcr aatlon, auiia pleuhcd, olhera pointHil ami aome oven aaying they were amri. Th band a departed without plating any inuru and the pri anli lit and Se, retai l Tumult cloaaed over lo III White Huuae quietly fur I.IIK heoll. The word waa laaued from 'I"" White Hoiiae thai the president would lukp a similar poaitlun on all drlega- jtlona for woiiian'a hiirtraKe hereafter j and that iinlii the Itvino. ralli' party had lukeo a aland nn the nilijc I he liy In force any opinion on It. SET FACTIONS WOMr X t l.l) IN lt:l(Y SIMI'li: IIIIKkM Waahlngton. Feb. S. IMad in frocka of aln'p'e creallon. rcprcaenlatiie of their tradea, 4m women workers from ten eastern atalea. Intent on ... 1 1 n g the aupporl uf the natlun'a chief ex evutlie fur the v.uea for wumen caiiae were icelved ind.iy by President Wil aun at I lie While Hoiiae. They were led by Miaa Mkrguerite llinehly, laundry worker uf New Yntk, and Miaa I! one Winalow, a IVnnuyk aula weaver, who la desig nated apeaker. upot-nUd to the prea Idenl lo aaalnt the movement for wo man auffriite, -y URGES EDUCATION liin mi a n - AS CITIZENSHIP REQUISITES Lecturer at Japan Imperial University Suggests Method of Treating All Races of Im migrants Aliks. WILSON SILENT ON THE LITERARY TEST Hy laliM .I Wlro lo Evening Herald. j W unhiiiKtoh, Keli, 1'. Wind, l'n Mi di lit W llaun reKurdn il aa limy el sally ami i d lhal thcr,. should lie some re atrirlioiia tu prevent what in know n aa "aaHlali d ImmisTnlimi." he haa led yet iiniiuumed his pusllinn on the llleraiy U-at feature uf pending lln- miKratlun lulls ami it Is iinderstoud loilay that he would nut do ao until i consulted by leu, I. is III The Semite (till i in it tee un ion haa iintioiiii, I'd lhal II will seek I lie presi dents inline in the mutter. The !v. Pldne.v U liiiln k. le. Hirer at the Imperial university ol Japan, ili, n-no,l Immigration today with t tic- j president. I'nder iirruii'icmcnla made by the federal i, inn, il of Ihr (hull Ilea of, Christ In America, win Hi lin liideai thirty I'rotcHi.tni il. iioiiiin.itions the' Kev. liullck haa In en visitinii lead-! inti elites auaKestiriK a new iniiiilKrii lion policy. He siiKuested In the presi- dent hin plans lo trciii all tiaiiona on i a basis of e'liii'lilv. "i enuuin - lit nil ' insiiliutis li'tfislaliun anil differi'iilial treatment." by allow Inn only a maxi mum annual InimlKralinn of nallonal iiteH b fixed percentaues of iiioh' ul nady In rn and naturnlixeil. His aiiKgeetion la that by u rale of j (tvp per ceni anil under (ier ui. i na could Of ailmilied. allliouirh only J7,;ix lame in l!.': 3:i.r,no' Kncllsh. whetcis only a.SiV cuiiie in! Italian Hum, giants would ( re-: duced from Km. 131, who came in! I'll,', lo a pokoilile maximum of 64.- j ii". The annie rale would ndiiiii only! "i'lH Japanese and 7 J CbiinBe immi-l grnnla. The lev. Mr. tiulick believea that l by ma k ink ihnl.olel alol edlliiitlotl the ii'iulifl, atlons ,.r , llli li.-h', and j by th prn'en'agi' rale, ihe iim-rcsta . of Ameriea und A.-l.i ami of I'alilor nla and Japan would be conserved and harmohiKcd w n h ilmnity. Hi'iretary of I at bur Wilson formed j ."i rotary of Labor ilsnn infoi ined i (onsreaa lod.iy thai be waa not op-j poaed tu the principle ul lite liieriti i lest He lei uiiimenib'il inakinit the. liititiiKration lull riorr ilraMie in sex - ernl particulSra. tspcilally in while, slavcli.'' and that skilled la borers ! imported undi r coiiilai t, as wi ll aa , unskilled laborers, lie liarreil; prnvl-j slnns tu bur aliens who have cuininit- ted a i mm! or luiNileiiieaiiui- Invulv - . Ittg moral lurpll ude. whether ton- v te,l or not. and to deport aliens ' i'ommil I nix crimes In ibis cutinti') a Is. i waa hi. ied i M I ,'i I r .' litunl arnnla who .a no- In ilorim. 1 f 1 J. one per cent wa-i Aialn . he n polled, itnd ' added that uf the total : per cent j would be li.iried by u litem y test. j House I icsjini rate will ium ii I ' morrow on the party policy toward j i ho linker bill for the inclusion r j Aalnllia. ASSASSINS GOT PUEBLO Believed Men Who Murdered Floyd Reed Were After Life of Former Deputy Sheriff Reilly. (Hy Ial Wire tit Vvenlng Tlerald 1 I'liebln. Feb. i1. Thai Joseph h llrllly, former deputy sheriff and now a well known biielheea man her. waa marked for assaaslnatlon Instead o. Floyd M Herd, who waa myaterl oiialy murdered on the 8t. Churlct bridge bclweeu ttere and Ylneiand Inst Friday la Ihe belief of the atl- thorltiea Inieallgntlhg Ihr crime. Itellly. It became know n luday, had un r rlday rollected a large sum of money In Vinil.ind and waa followed through the limn by Ivvu desperate looking men. It -in generally known that he expected to return to I'uiblo that afternoon over the Haul a Fa frail. Itellly drove a while ho ran hitched ! a buggy. Half an Itour before he darted for thia city. Iteed alao driving a white hnrae hitched tn buggy reached ihe tit churl, w bridge where two men had been aeen loitering Il la believed the men. bent nn robbery, ahot Heed, mistaking him for Itellly and lhal upon discovering their nilslnke ihey fled. IM Val Kinxt-Mla llamiMdla. Koine. Feb. J. i iinlinal Merry del ul. papal aecrelary of alute. waa aol. etiinly received by Ihe Chapter of ft Peler'a when he took possession today of but poal aa arch-prleat In auccea ion In Hie tale Cardinal Itampnlla. WONG IN AT ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1914. FRAME UP LAWS " am aa . .. TO AID WILSON TRUSTS Hearing Before House Commit tee Resumed on Ways and Means of Carrying Out Pro visions of Message. PRESIDENT MARVELS AT INDIFFERENCE lly la-aw-d Wire l f .vonlna; llernlil WiishhiKton. IVb.' 2. llearlnR on luwa to carry on' ihe Mian, si l,,ll i I'reiildciit Wilson's trust ini'saau'i were resumed today la fure Ihe hulise coiniiilltee. U. I.. 1 In Hie :in,l K. (V IToilor of Itealllliollt. Tex.. reple aentliiH un Independent oil company, belole the Jlldii liil'V I ollilnlilee. up linnil Ihe prohibition of lioldlnif rumpnnlea imlesa antne uilii-r nieaiia i mild be provided In M' l'oinpllsh thu lenliimate work of amh coin panics I'rnctor iMilnied out t hot thn reatrli linn imposed on fori Irii corpor ntiuna by vnrlutia atntea. mailn It Im poasllile f.,r a single, corporal Ion lo iiiol. l ta ke nil til.' Iil'ani In n of thu hll.-llina. Helnre Ihe iMitllllieren cnmoilt'ie. publliliy o' nil Ihe fail Kathcreil by an lnier.iate trade roni miMlon waa preaai'd na n cure nil uf cnrpnrailun ev lis by Waddtll I'ali h Iiiks of New York, president uf the Central l''oitndr- rompnny. I'Hi:mikt M Hriusi ri AT 1.AI K Ol iTi ni:sr Wnahlttgtnn. Kelt. 2. I'realdeni WIlHon enpreased anrpriae today at the lack nf reKpntiara frnin biiHinrwi nun to the Imitation fur siiKKcti'ih? nn pendiiiK Inn t legls-allon mid that so few hair nccepted Ihe Invitation to rippenr iii cmiRrraxiolial hearings. The president dor-a nut know whether the biiatneaa men nf Inn inufitry approve tho tentative mens una n a drawn, or whether they huvj r.o yet taken liolb e nf Ihe henrliiKH CHARGES OF KEBATING ! BY U. S. STEEL TO BE INVESTIGATED lly trf-axeil Wire to limning llernlil. W'asliinglnn, Fell. -.The sen.iie today reiiuesteil Ihe interstate cnlil merce cornfiilsMoii to lni est in n,' i bnrgca Ihut rcl. i'.s have bi eh re ceived from the rai'ruads by the t mi ni Mtalea Htcel i ,,t poral lun. The "ell 11. . to ll W IS taken oil i resolution by .-. ii iior Nnrris. oti. i id as a substi'iite t..r uup by Scualor Lane, which had leclplinti d I. liter dbaie. in whii II I mi Id lilnal' was nanud as Us autli. r Lamar named nn Ihe floor n a the "Wolf of Wall sli " wat, bed final disposition of the (. solution I rom the si n-ttn allct'v. fimnr'H ilciiiaiid aome time ugo that III it Interstate comniei'ci. coiiiniissi, . permit him lo name counsel In pi cndinga to lake the evidence of Willi. nil II. llrn-n n lo albaed . b d Ihe coinniif om, tn refuao a hearing. SEEKIN GT0 AVERT STEAMSHIP RATE WAR (Hy la aseil Wire lo i:llllig Herald. i licrlin. Feb. I'lspntchcs Iroinj 11.,, ..til,... a u.. ........ .. .I.ul ..l....,l tr illn-Allalitle etclnshlp lll.' S hate inude overtures lo the llaiuliurg Aiio il. an lines .-. -;m'sling thai the cuiiilillona exisium under the aurec liii'iil w hi. h expiti l on Jjiiiiai i .11 be maintained dm r.g Ihe intiiith ot February. in ihe reicipt ,f this news r-Ii 1 1 - I....U ul.... . ul... I. ..I n.. ...... 1. ..! ... ... been acrfollslt all. led hy the pros pectus rale war. i -so vigorously. IVk'inl ol I 'lag IN-. Monrovia. Cal.. hell. 2 II. M Hlythe, who si'int tears in Mexico and waa an iniim.,ic friend of former .'resident I'orliri.. Ulnz. offering him a home In Moiii.oi.t when he wa banished from his own country, died )csl'crda lifter all Illness uf ll.c months I la wio'e Mr. Illvthe thai some da) lua offer. perhaps he might accept Alimony Club Is Expensive in Gotham (Hy Iraae4 Who lo .renlr.f Herald., New York Inc. K. Hinrift Max K drill nl,. .-en. In u rrpoii to the Imiril ol esiliimle un the cost uf nu, i in i in . ng the l.iidluw street jad llo home uf the "alimony eluti dr, I area tt wuuld be cbeai.ei fur New Vmk eniinly lo pat Hie nliiu.,n whnh Ihe prison, is ion fined In Ihe Jail refuse to .pa.v. allow lllelll their liberty and the building. 4 than In coiiiinne Ihe present rale 4 of expendilm . s. The sliel lrt'a report almws thai II costs aliout It Hi a day I ' huuae and li ed each prisoner l.tidluw sue. I jal haa been given oler uliiiusl entirely In th lltcarceiwllun ol men il. llll.Uetit In thrir pavmcnl of ; hmonv. BUSTING LAST ATTEMPT Tfl'S A N FMNGISGOlMILITIl GUARD . ,11111-1 I III U Ul II I U PACIFY ULSTER TO BE IDE BY Britian Seeks to Pour Water on Rising Flames of Revolu tion in Menacing North ot Ireland. JOHN REDMOND HOLDS KEY TO POSITION (Ht l'a... Wire lo r-,,lnr tler!d - l.oil.iii. Kcb. . ,,,hii .-. Kedimiml. the. Irish iiiillnnaii leader, i. ml A.m tlslilie r.llli ll, chb-r se, lelity ur Ire. land, weir i loHetin with Pr- mlcr As ilUltll ut II in ..III, i,, rcsiiblie lit Downing- aLreei this aflrnionn and It wa iiinlerstnuil Un; kton riun, nt had dnlerniiiied tu make another tlTort In i on, lllate I bner before tin hi nted de bnlea In parliament fan inio i.,m,. the ndmiltedli ilangeruits sllnatlon In the northern prut life of Ireland Il la geneially thought that Mr. l:e.l.lloll,l holds Ihe key to Ih.' ...hI tion. and 1i Is p., lined mil In some lliarlera thai if he is illinii o gn ti the aatni! leiimliH its Premier A.iil'h and Ihe inenioeia of his cahlnri nra reudv ,i ml v all, .. In nriler to ,l, ue the north of Ireland, the Ihre.iia nf , nil war In th-it country can be nveited. t'nliiiilrta any thev wuiild not l. surprised In s. e I'n oiler A-oiith rid lilir tor a fail before lb,, lotme tub' bill is s-'.nh r. a. bed in case the Irish leader slmulil rclllse ,, lila''w Ihe ion. eesalofiH cuhsiilered mccsMiry by t in in ONE BOARD FOR ALASKA Senator Chamberlain Intro duces Measure for Commis sion j?orm of Administration in Great Territory. JHy Leased Wlfri- lo I Hrrnbl ) ahinuioii lib. j 'I'.. rvpeilii.. 1. 1 1 1 ti 1 1 , i: 1 1 ii 1 1, , n of Alur-kan ufliiii-i S na(..r i 'tiaiul ri.iin today Iniroilne id a bill for nn Aln-kan devclopmeni hour,! to .nn isil iet ion mid con I rol nur hn-onc-H ..r ihe teirltor,' linn dial ril. nte.l anions vailiiini ; -paitmc.-.tN in Wasliinioii. The board wonln ciniHist of tlireo tu be np,n!nied by tb president and tumid maintain It principal in Alas'ia 1 wuiild have jiit-odi. l ion nu r nil te st rved und nm. .. r . .1 pnbll, l.mii. fi.reHiM, waiei's. miio h and otbrr r.' suiirci s mi. I nil uoiti'is made sub ject lo national on lie! --hip rx-ept r.iilio.,,K und stcani'liip lima ARIZONA EXEMPTION j LAW NOT VALID IN i OTHER STATES. RULED Htr l.ivtsa d Wire lo Dteiilo. Herald. 1 Washnirfton. Feb. J -- The supreme It I, . 1,1 I ... I it ll.l.l 1..'... Iki.Utu itl lilt lit 1 1 1 toiliV I I III t pt'oV IsloUH Arizona law ixitnptiug prlt He for tunes uf siiti kbol. let's Imhii luibllily i for an Ari.oiut col poratluii a debts. were lint elf, i the In all stall K tt In -r- the corpol atiota do Im' .vs. j l lllb r the lb . isloll II .V,,. Yolk Icilcinl lotiils must proceed lo Hv 1 1 he sun i.f Frank X. Thumaa ol I'ai lloinia. against Conrad II. .Matlbles- tell of .n York for MaltbteHSt It's I Top. .r i loiia t share In Ihe debts of jtbe ciil w nri ti Mnlcl cuiupaiiy. ait I Ariona col puiaii-ni to .bii'1,1 a hold at I',, ami. -tin. The su I prcine court to, I. iv held the ease was controlled by a l 'nlUoriiin law w hi, li prut Idea that corporal ions i.r other stiiles can not do biisin, sa tn lhal gJ.itc on t. .tins other ban thai Im posed by Caiilorui.i on Its nun cor poral ions. Stockholder- ,,f Califor nia cm loiin me liable for th" debts uf ihe i n rpn. .it a.iis. SING SING SENTENCE FOR FORGERY OF REAL ESTATE DEEDS fly l-etiwil Wlr,. lo I truing- Hi'mld ) New York. I eb. i Itefore i i,rv J. Mercer of Angeles waa eon niiced ludny five In nine mid i half tears' Inipri-. iiiui. nl In Klmi ring fur fulging real'e d.eill with Intent to delraud. the n.iirt re celt t'd wurd that hr waa wanted In tliMt rite for alleged defalcation nn greuatiiig f till huh. Thia led Im 'in rl i ignore hi plea f. r a light aciitcnce. Mercer aul.l lie tv.ia a man of good repaint nm in ,ua Angeles a rill i niemb. r und church worker and col lege graduate. Ka'iialor Ollttr to Uctlic. 11.11:. (I. ill, l.i I. V.-..I. V '..,. .. U ' i'.".. . . ... . - . nu, ,i niiii.-n Ua.. . .... , : ... 'e . . . . i ir"""i i. ..iiver ni ii'Tinsti- jvuma. In an utilities In a i bur h here last nil. 1.1 i.l 1... , ........t . . .1... ... I , . - - .-. u . ,,u- CUM itf his present term In aurrender lua "iii" sou ivinill lo pril He life, ASPH GOVERNMENT OF TOF IN DISTRICT Coast Metropolis Strongly Presses Claim for Site ot Regional Reserve Bank on Pacific. 5,000.000 PEOPLE SERVED. IS ALLEGED Hy la l'.acd Win. In I'vcnlng lleralil.l Kin l-'ran.-ih' o, I'.-ii. 'inanclal atnl i ommcii'ial aui-rein. try, Reo-, al'iion mid the weight of poplll.ll loll Wile limed today oil Hec , rclnrv M, A, I,,,, ,.r Ihe treasury de- parimeiii ami x-eieiary lluiislon or (he ilepartnieul of ai,ri nilure as de cisive reasons why lnn Francisco si. mild In. the aile nf a rekiollal re serve b.ui' to be cslalil shed un Ihe I'm nu' cn.iMt under ihe new currency I law lin'i, it Newton Lynch, maunder of the y.m !''i..ii. is u chamber of cum mer, c, was Iii,. chief wilmss. His iioinoia i -b-s of t!t,. tertitnty tributary to Son Flan. I o lli -in.'liilli and com mercially would liiciinle Washlnumn. ireKon. Idaho. I'alirornia. Nevada an. I Arizona and parts of CUh nnd New Mimco, supporting n pupiiliitlon of nppi uxim, Kelt l.ti'in. San I'raii' I-, o waa classed hy the fire inform, c coiuini tiles, nearly nil of win It mi. I.- their I'aiilie cnasl hcaibi'iat't, r i,s one of three Inciru- pnliitin centers uf ihi fitly, L ni h siiil. The older iwii. he aald, were Nell Y. I k 1111,1 I Ill.'lUII. The frull and i eu. iab'i a cximrteil floni i ii ljf,,riil:i ivcr,. ea; innii.-d ul .IJ. .nil, nuii f,,r hU and t:ie lolnl ptolii t of the stale for the Maine year was mien as l.'i'i'i.iinn -nnn. F.fiy ja r ci nt nf nil liiisiii. H. done in Hi,, eight stiiles which .Mr. l.yc.i Ii ciiiinltd tril tibuy tn Hun Friin i is.'n waa handled, he estimated. thrnuih t his i it . IDA TO Believes no Controversy Should Attend Appointment; Like ly to Be Misunderstood Abroad. lly I cased Wire In llvenlns floral, I.) t a. liiiH-ion. F. le Ibnt.v M. I'imlell ,,1 l ecna. 111 . il ho lias re lelllll tloi,iu.,te, and , , .11 III lie i 11.1 a III I-a -..-.a c I to i;u.-.sla. lias lleelmed tile a!.oll Mont. CI ilillt l.i II letter, to th.. pre.-otit or mailt pu iio at ttic lute Hon...'it . Mi I'lleloil wruie I'lisi.blll Wilson that allhoiiii.i ih,.,. had ill.esil kalcil iieeus II lulls III el .11 111 t I loll Willi tils a . point lllelll , he fill, net crthclcss. Hi , I no i outrun isy ol any kind rh.mld sortoi.nd tht appoint nu nt of anv aml..i.-s iilor, as i! was liable to be mi -' , labo'sf o, i,l abroad. Tb, pi, sub iii in a b ti. r nf 1 1 ..let aii cpti-d Mr. I'm, I, II ' iii 'limit inn. With Hie KliHMan amhassadnlsblp ngaiii open. 1'iei,. was gossip 1:1 ,,111 t i II'. lea al. on; Ihe likellbi.,1 nf Charles ;t. t'raiie u' Chi, ago being limited. Mr Crane t, as i.ntn tiihm.1 in tile pl c:-i. til's mind cull last yi'tif lot' Ihe . bat In utob'l.'.to.'ll I" bate lie, :,ueil lc a',S" if bis btlsllu ss III ibis , ',.1111,11. Mr i 'rme look Inn. he n with the I. 1. '.-..lei. I a f, rt ll.IVS ago. but It cool, I II, .1 lcal'IO',1 W belli.-1 tile alllbl'St.U-,t..'-bii Was dis, ns-a d. RATE WAR TO BREAK ALL RECORDS All Attempts Fail to Heal Breach Between Hamburg American and North Ger man Lloyd Lines. Hv lavuM'tl ir. to 1. veiling llt'rsid .' Vol'-., l-'cli ; - All .illclnnls to be 1 1 1.4 niia h l.i Im .'li the North I ; I till' 11 I.I....I ,1!, the 1 1 , II, oil I I! - Aineiuan lima biting failed and im pel lo, I cover..! in their agreement bating i x i re d on ,-'., i m .1 , . , J.iuu.iiy 51. Hie i .tu war (,,r ti e si.-erage traltb' nn the Hans Atlatiti,' lines may be Sibl ,i , un. Tui' bis! mute III lite War eft. tile today Is tile litlne linn of aicfinge rules by Hie Ham burg A mil i a n line In t.'.'i Hat '"' ail I 111 . es uf it led II, tinu i.f lllult lb. tn four dollars u II. ii. t. This cut . iol. ablv will hu prnmiuly nicl l.v the oi lu-r lua . M-iiii-hil. mi n her.- think th.. war la houii'l l.i inrry all cbiss. - nf , , si nter fan s far hi low any pri-vimi ic.-ord. WANTS NEW MEXICO Pi DECLINES AMBASSADORSHIP RUSS M'U . NO. -int. WI-LOAO OF NEGRO HIERS Special Consignment of Strike Breakers Protected from At tack by Strikers in Colorado Coal Field. 20 TROOPERS AND MACHINE GUN USED Important Change in Adminis tration Decided on by United Mine Workers of Indianap olis. Hy laacil Wlro lo (.venlns llamitl.l I'lieblu. Colo., Feb. J. Uuurdua by a lletachllll nl uf inllltluinon. 14 special iraln bearing about alxty na gro airikel.r.iikera left the L'nlou depot here thia morning bound for thu Jtiidlant mine of the Victor-American Fuel company. The Iraln wan the same that waa held up and fired upon by a band of 00 atrtkera near Willi. iinniiurg. Huturday morn ing, the engineer being furred tu put back lo this city. Uenernl Chase de tailed a detachment of Infantry from Trinidad to guard the train on It second attempt to reach Itadlant. At Florence an extra detachment of twenty f-oopcrn ami a mactiln gun will be taken un board. 1 1 1 I N OF KriMKKimKAHt.ltS Hi: -I I I'M It II ANT K.;I.Y Trinidad, Coin, Feb. t. The anw t ial triiinlund uf strikebreaker! frit I'liebln reached Itadlant aafely Miortly after main, arrordlng to ad t iceg received Ht the local office of the Y Ictor-American Fuel runipany. tieneral Chase met the apertal at I-bireneo and accompanied thn par ly during the remainder of the Jour ney. Coinllllona are quiet In Fta uiont t-otinty, It la aald. HI CI-IOV l 1IAI1FAS ttiltl'IM I 'ASK WKDM-JsHW Tiinld.ul. Colo., Feb. t The da- of Judge A. W. Mcllendrle. In ihe habeas enrpua proreedlnga Inatl liil'd against Ihe military allthorltlra on behalf nf four military prisoners, will bi rendered Wednraday. The proceedings wire Innllluled by roun nl for Ihe I'nlled Mine Worker tu lest Ihe right uf the military author H i. tn iii resl and do lain citlxena lu , ..en, , i i.,n with strike disorder. i nni mini: woimFHH IM)MKSTHirrflI Ili'llanaptills, Feb. .. The third week nf the ennventlnn of the flitt ed Mine Wnrkera of America, opened here today with the prospect that final nd Inurnment would bo taken abniit Wednesday. The cnnatll utlon cuiiimillce has abniit completed It report nnd the only Important work remaining Is the arale commlttee--repuit After debate. rhararf rrhted hr prrsoiialltl's nrnl lusting two hours, ihe coin en: ..n of Ihe t'nitrd Mine Workers of Anfrlra today voted tn take ihe . inditing of fie atrlkn luiinis out of tha handa nf the In iei nui lutial miditiira and have the an lit made lo- (he traveling auditor of ihr district. The change In tjje uiihI il iiiiun wna supported by the In . i n officer and oppnaed by the Iniernat lonnl atidltora. It waa .nd li would mean a large aavlng to Hie oiL'.uiUation Anoihrr nmrndinent to the ron t-tn tttion. pretentlng persuiia leaving a strike mne fur a mmith or more Irom part I. Ipatlng In tTie airike ben- His h. .nlil (hey return, also wa ltd'.ptt d The ri pnrl of the ronatttutlon waa ninpl'ied thia aflerniain. MV l:i'I TV SHFRir-f K l At'K Miii niii vnm,y. Ho.igliion. Mich.. Feb 2 Six deputy sheriff,! are prepared to stand trial lu the Ifntighton county circuit iniirt un charges of murder in ihe sit degree. They are ae- urcil nl killing Iwu cupper mine strikers. Ab.lse. and Steve Tu trieh. near I'alnadale last August. '1 1 i.m and 1'iitrlch were the flrat men si,1.,! in ihe strike, which began Jnlc :i ur laat year. om: ii hi n muvts rii.s t MHiw ri llnugbt.,11. Mich.. Feb. J. When the .as., nf Ihe alg deputy aheriff. .long. '.I with second degree murder ol' two striking nipper ndneM a? Se. bcri llle. laat Augual. wa rallel In the circuit court thi afternoon. 1 hnitia J Italeiah. one uf the de fendants, failed to appear and h' bond u: J.'i.liuo waa declared forfeit ed, lubit A Mann nnd F. W. Ien ton of Houghton are the bnndumen Tint w her- ab.-ula nf rtalelgh, whu was an einplnye of the Waddrll-Ma-hon cnrpiiruilun uf New Tork are not kmiuii tn hi attorney. Vow H.Md if Marine (xrs. Wasbingluii, Feb. 1. C. tieorgn Itarncit. I'liiiiinniiiUnl nf tha marina baria.ka ut I'lilladelphbi. haa baelt selected in succeed Major General W illiam II Hi. bile ga rninamndant of the marine enrp. with rank uf major lit nil.