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THRU TRIPLE ATTEMPT TO All This Year's Styles Ladies' Ready-to-Wear mm i , i TIPS EVENING HERALD, ALBUUUERQUE, K. 11., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1914. WRECK Til 0(1 Vt BRANCH .1 Aj IJl 1 -fc . - - . . The advisability of placing your Jewelry and Important Papers in a safe deposit box in the vaults of this bank is clear ly apparent because you are always conscious that your valuables cannot be lost or stolen. We rent safe deposit boxes in which may be placed invest ment securities, contracts, in surance policies, heirlooms, etc., for $2.50 per year. FIRST SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. Albuquerque, New Mexico Open Saturday Evenings and Railroad Pay Days Until 8 PM. tint cash. rn SI HI Hump l.inliiii'iii :KK' wihhii . , fin;. union Scm j i.v llorw Tonic SI oil KiiH'k ( iiiiiiitioiirr ;to- KuUIr 'h-ii ,ir Mil II M Itian mill Short SI .Ml I urn Im.. iaro II t5 Our air it 'it Ih ktI. l. i:. W. UK. llinry lniul Phone ::. Mr. IVnii.n J. Snlilinn ha aevercil all ntivi ronnei-tiin with the Sunlit l-v Tr.ill Mag name, niul the iiftalr iT the 'iini.iin arc imw In charge H Mr T. J. Illy. ml. arrtctary and buluc inn it., ic-r. ? V t r v Y v : t y y y V t y y y y y y y y y v ? ? v v f ? ? V ? V v t ? ? ? y V t V ? V y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y Sales Ladies Wanted t y y y y v y y y y y y y y V t y y y At Rosenwald's y y y y y y y y y y y y y A : : : : z : : 11 n n rnn r rinii HllillllllHIHUt HI1IVI SENDS BIG ORDER TO MEXICO Grunsfield Brothers Ship $15- 000 worth of Dry Goods tor Mercantile House in Chihua hua on Hurry Call. iiic of i ho l.irn"! miiuli. ot ili , ir kooiH. .in.l proiiaPIv 111.- lamit , (r. r hi nl out of Aloii.U-r..n julilppoil Sal ii i ilny iiikIiI l.y : i n tifr lI il'.r.iihiiH in J. I.i-i) ami liroihiin of I i 'lit hu:i linn. Mi xi ' Thi onlfr. whn hl , in. In. Ii . I a is ii. 'iil Bi'li rtum of tlry I , Is ni.nk. t.ii.illc.l mini- Hunt fir..- "Mil. ami In Ullili'lWwoll lo UiilD ln' 11 1 ia ir.niullon. J. of ihcj ii h . It i . Ii .i i . . t.imi- to r I . : t pi in.niilly I.i inllki- Hi.' plllrtiaiK'. !wln. h is ii nih or.l. r Th,. U Hi in' I im mi lo I'ii haul lirotlu-m. j 1 ii'M.i h of Ih. "Tliii'i lii'i'n" nt..r j I 111 lilhiiiiliiia. hP h wa I.m IiiI anil I pi. Mil. I. IK lli'M lo I'.l ilniinu iIh- PiIo i lllhlm in it V ami nlianilonril I by ih.. ompi I for a thin-. Tlvn- I"' nil nioriiiotiH n. maiiH tor mp:i' mj u.mmIh in riiihiiahiia ami northi-rn M. xlro :iii. I ir n lniif th. iluiy ha . In', n nliivly ri-iiioi 'l In or.h r thnt Dm il. niiinil nisiy I..- mipplH'il The onli-r furninhi il li liniimfjlil :ruh- rrn In i ho Hrht Ihiki- nnli-r to ito In. 1 mih t hi' J'.ity wan laki'ti kit. TO THE KIDNEYS Take a TnllMMMiiriil uf HuH It Itnck 1 1 art m iir IllKthlor llotlM-rn, Wo nr a tnitltin of nn-nt eatern and our hlnoil Ih tilled with urn- m id. utyi a well-known tiuthorily. who warn tin In li eonHlantly on guard itiiiit kidney tn.ul.lo. , The kidney dn Ihelr turnout to tree the Idooil of I hi lirltatinu a. Id. hut i.eroiiio weak from oerork; they M-t fliiutimli : til'" elltillnatue tl ui'n vloic Mi.d Hum the wIh U ro lamed in Urn blood t" polwui the en tire miitim. When your kidney rhe nnd feel like lump of lend, and you have Rtinilllitf pain In the hark or the urine I clutidy, full of ..'.llmeiit. or the hliidder In In tin !). iihllninu you to elk relief during the nifchl; when oil li l'.e M-ti'lv lieailarhe, liervnUli and dlry P11. Hleepl.Biilie". Orld or rheiimallKin In had went her, ! fro'n "Ui phuriiiitri"! iili. ml ,ur oiini't of .I.i I Salt; Iiim' MEAT INJURIOUS l.ilili'Hpoot.lul In n ilia of waiei.4i In f., re hi e Hkf.irt r o ll inoriilnir unit In a i-v day your kidney will m-t tine. Thl famo'l l' 1 mile from tin It, III of nr.. I" " mid e Jiil.'c. roinlillied with lltlila, and h.l heen mu d for Ki nrralioi. o Illicit ;nd tim Ulate tloitaed kUlllt'JK, to llelil I lllf ihe m id in urini' ho It I no limner Hotirt'e of Irriiatioli. tltua endllij llll liary nnd bladder diordei Jad ."all In Inexpi'iiHitu und taliliol Injure; make a delightful eft t rvrweiit llthla-w aler drink, mid noluulv ran liink.i h h.latake by lnkillu a llllle o. . mlonally tu keen Ilia h'dury clean and m'live. Itlldo rtillfi'retl.v lu r4. Walilngton, Keo. 2. A aertea id l-d,i llihle vonferelieea in the lead ing til U-a of the country w.i begun in tin thy today. Secretary In. an. Ilev. S. t'. tiirkey. head of the Wlmnia i olifelem , and other pi uiitilienl t huicliiiieh W ill take pari. M ill I KI.I llIK. I II'K TUslT.ll 1.1 K Piano Moving and Houwhold 9 (loud given apet'ial attention. l..t at or It e tinuae In city, lillita and aitleg atubla sia i roppwr Avis Scrap Iron Piled on Track in j One Place, Steel Rails at An-, other and Switch at Arroyo, Hondo Broken. j SPECIAL OFFICERS START j ON A HOT TRAIL' A triple aitciiipt tcrday .in. tii. ..'ti IK made In t r yea- ! j W I k Smitu Fa train N... Hi.' ii. I.i ii ii h ii.r smiii l-v. ..&.'i t'i i nunc. I w ith 111 I'll til" 1.11111)' j tlita itt l.i.niy at the X.i. I train ! on ih. in a i "HP cr F. A Mill ami n n. mi- . .11 I 111' Hull lll'M 111. . I II I li K ami II ih liilii'M-il Hint Hi.' guilty par di'M may In- n pprchcitdcil vi-ry noon. Tim 1 1. mi. In burg uf " . u . lui t r Jerry Cjiiiiin. KtiKitucr Thoiiui Col lier and lir a Kent. i n Hum-, nnd rnrrv I li K thirty puHHiniser, a majority uf tlnm totirtH'H. wan howling along on ltn May I.i I .ii in when, inar Alt")" Hondo, Ih' enitinccr hiiw a huge pile of gimp lion on i he u.i.k. lit- tnaili' a, .puck atop ami 111'' Iron wan re move! At Air. .v.. Il.iiiilo the I nil n nun nil but derailed, a ml would have been, an It panned over tin aw lti h, Imt lor thi fait th.ii Ihi' 1'Hiiiiii'i'P wa 'running very almvly. The aw itch had been tampered with. t- hlfnt ly hy Hoini'oiif .i oi'il with h key, ami wan throw n that tin. reiiini tnun tu uiitu F,. ccriainly oiil.l have I lii'i'n w recked. At the Aiiovo II. .nilo aw it. h atop Kimim-or i 'oilier hi- il in m Imlinu III a rlilllip ot a. .oill a null.ll'in yniilH iroiii tin- iiiiik, Inn ihf man I mailt, hii i.K'-upi'. Th. trip In l..ui.y i iiiiuli. Willi fnrih..r nr. i.i. in Tin- piisKi'imcrB J P liuilly fl 'w'liH li.'.l. fisililiK a lioltl jup. I. ip f inta !' i.HI. i.iIm lull- in a ' Ht.iti'tiii'iil kim n .oil thiH niormiiK ' ItnlniU' thH all. i.ipin not to .111 rftoit Int a hokl-ii. Inn to p. .pi., with u I m li-x.iin u. Tin- aiii-mpl 1.1 ii'i k a j train Ih 11 Ii.hiu.iik i.nVim.. in Nf 1 Mi.'.t. 'm litn . in m.u l.i lliil rnlv n p.m,.ii..i jSftGE TEA PUTS LIFE AND COLOR IN HAIR loh't Sluy I. my! Il Iturki'iiH s N. limlly Tlil NiiImhI) I nil Tell. You ran turn nrn. ' "I. .1 hair li. ia lifnlly iliik an.) Iiistr.'.n a iio.M mir tiiRlit If mi ll K" I a nl ''"i" Wyelh'K Sauu anil Sulphur Hair lli-iiuily" Ht any ilrni! xtoii. Million i f horli'M of ihi ..'.I. I .moiin .-'ai!!' Ti-.i lt'i Ipa are o.l anini'i'ly. nayn a I i 1 1 - k ii. . ri ilriiniiisi hen Ih'iuui' it . n.itur.illi ami i tell Ii ha In i n il.nkiiiM Dip h.ur mi eM-nly that no oiu . at api'hi'il. Thofo thi.U' hair i Pi'. i.iiuiiK fail. il. liy thin havn n mirprii-i' I u i ii i ii it criv, k laKiCly niiO a Halting tlu-m. lii'i aiiKi' nflcr one or ' applu at'oii" lite jiray hair vaiiiHlii !" anil our ioi kM heroine luxuriantly ilark ami beauti ful nil tlamlrufr nun, m-nlp lti hm ami faMlnir hair nlopii. Thl In tin' iiki- of yniiih. liray halred. un.tttrartlve folk aren't imt- i nrniiii.l. mi get hity with Wyelh' Sane ami Sulphur t..nKlit an. I you'll h ileliuhteit with your dark, han.l noinn hair anil your oiilhful apprar. anrti within u few il.iya C0LU1IANS WILL CELEBRATE THIS Brilliant Banquet in Masonic Temple to Be Followed by Dance; Two Hundred Ex pected to Attend. Thn liamtuel hall und hull room uf Ma.olilc temple lnie l.i i n ,l lllLinl ly det'oiitted for th t el. I.i al Ion lomnlit .1 the twelfth unnlvtinaty of tho luumllntf of Allju.)uer.iir ii.iiiuil No. knight of Coltnnl.u. .Mori" I hull two hundrtd nti iiih. r t.f the rouiit'll and nueiif from til her t'oun i II In New Mealt u are cxpetted to he pit-tent nnd the Htfalr kIM' pro- mine of lielng one of the no. hi I tu Ii I Mit'litl event on terord III Al buquerque. Tho colnmlltee nn Mr- i lillljf. Ilietn upellt Him. 1. IV III fllllnh- ing the de. or.ill. im uf the hall whlrh are Ig thu ii.loi of the i.r.l. r ami In- I ludo flt.wt'r. it I. en und u huge i plrturn of ('olilniljiiM, the property of i I'aeiiHr Oraiide. The grand inarth begin promptly at S i dork und nl II mi liiteriiil- ilon In d.ill.'llig will he ttilled, whii the gtu'Mia will proceed to the ban- I lUet hall. HUNDREDS OF WOMEN a atlaa uiu entering the profe- ii.lli or bliHlueaa world aud go lo work day after day III bad health, af llicicil with gome female ailment, dragging one loot wearily "after Hie liter, working wilb an eye on Ihe clock, und wtHhllig lor cloning time lo route. Women In Una condition aliuuld taka I.V.I i.i K. I'iiikham'a Vi'iit'tahle fompuund, made from rooia anil herba. It ha brought health and happlneaa lo mora women In America than any other remedy, uive II trial. Sweaters A particularly attractive line of Women's Sweater Coats. All this week at ONE-HALF PRICE. All This Week BUSINESS II PLENTY . BUT fJO GASR Ifl POLICE COURT Benches Filled This Morning With Plain and Fancy Vagrants and a Scattering of Other Things. Hoi ll'olll.l.. I'M-r hii. Ii a ihpi-m of ho lltllr money HiKhf'l M.Miilni t i.i nun ii - anil I'lll.f I.I illlf. a.l tlfflrer I'alilo I. ii. in roli'iiiiily . ollilu. ti ll Ian k to lllr, I' ll ami Ittrll ly tla HenU'iireH u viineil nHorlini'iit of (limn ami s.iKrantH, plain .ml 'iii,i...i ii. .1 ill unk ,ui. I unlot iu naten. The polli-c inurt ln'ii.'h'.'H l.neil J a. lift, (.'rain full Hiul I untitiiK ovrr an t Hie i oiii I'm iinuiiI hour wan ixi.niled iih ii rrmilt. John Salin.i w.i t here t harm il with haviuii niailo an ansaiill upon TNt a liioini. in front ot a North H'tim xlrett mil. ...n. Salvi'i.i sal. I he luol borrowed u dollar In. in til. mil, who una In 1 1 1. . I. Hut. Imviiik itrhlfveil the dollar. frivndHliiji eetiMfil, it ml w h. n i.ioiui wttnit-il hiit money hit. k aivin.i l.t'i.tine ilii-'ikri-ra1.!! .iliout il. Il..weer h.. pal. I .... k the dollar. Ho il. he told Hi .oiirt, liu i '....I. lied lilonil oil llle Itph. "Willi your li-i ' nuked the rourt. "No, Willi my 11 Ml." luilil laKina "VS.. Will llnu .n I'll dollar." anl the rouil. 'It IH mil plopel to Ko .ll.oal ton. hllin p. . pie oil I lie lip w ii h 1 he ha ml." II. U. Mi-Wharton, u ehan lookniK i., mil who iuih In i..r. the lotiri la-i week on a viii, ram v hurne, ..n.l who wa r'leaed on ins uajitiranee to do In tier, rei i'hed twenty d.HB in Jail thiH nioi niiii; whin he howed up lor I he him olid 1 inn 111 lol'ltler em ape . r Buy, inaile Al' the n tw lit uHl geltllit; alo mt w M h iippuri nlly helllK polire were ruli k ple.i of extenuat Iroiii Jail, the nftli VS harioii "foi k ." . or had ilifll. uliv hini. the lne whether he r th inn the town. II ing liriiiiiiHiaiires ihi nuirnliik: failed to move the court. Vlrenle l.uceio wag lined tell dol lar for tieing iliiink, tig wa J.'b'U. HenavlilvH and .1. 1 Kultoii. Holiell Wag. II. II. Win and t'. Hiirtlii were Siven ten .lay inch for vugraio y Phone lined hud no fund und look Hit altertittl i e. I'at lliinnliiK, wuh nn Impediment In hi Hpeci It iiml it lume foot, told ihe rourt that lie wag en mule from I a-mlng- to Detm r. He aulil he got a lilt I rum Helen to Altiuiin r.pie on a freUht train. "I" ym Work for u liUim'.'" uaked Ihe I'oiirt. "Y-y-y--, your h-h-hom.r." wild Manning, "w-w-wiieii J g-g-gel a I'-i'-rhunee." "When wa our lut thutue?" .IHked Judge II. Ilk " Aa i-i-i.n y-y-yein ago, K-iuiir," h.i Id Maim ag. "Voll'lr eXi ll. l. ' .lld lite rourt. W. :t. I'uho vi ho la running the irpheuni iIiim'i r and who wtt ttr leHleil l.lMt Uri'k I i failing I i pay Ho li. i ne. w.i In . ' ,n thl In. .i n. nn lo 'plead not guilt v I I. ill. .11. He had I,, an luteulioniil v io Ii. .id III In i line ' tirtlav and told it., lourl that he w.ih j under I he unpi Ihe theater had , time. 11 , I t-ualM und tl leti 1 being Ntiapended i A few l.ui.i , W III. It Mt I. .IHI I w a In e idem . li'ine of the m i .on ihe owm in oi I 'lid U bef that uiiaaed with tin .liar fine, the hm lllh.lKle. no i.i, in udl) hla.ked eve matla up tin' bal g a htiHineio.. llltiH la The t'ollin. n.l : i . hearing ot lllltll I II ft i lu orp. k : t'l'itig court . , . 1 1 Hutu, wa in tluy. ut I he 1 1 1 1 in-y igil i l not ank the . nun uiu in JU.I.:. 11 a t It. tl ge ol lo tinned lor o 1 atuti. e of I ut t o i tliHlitit altorni v III Ml a tll'lil.lle Hill. ..I Will link I III I'll, ' I ..'It I under -w It ti i ii I .i but II Ih .i a henrlng a day or two Another lotnlit :iin-i. Jum. I'll I a "iivi. l em pi" ye. I "i the alale road w I made In gel a ' hear San Man from the lamp ording to liifoi ma i nlay by the polue (eulcnte (or one .Hint from Hoiorro i.itive of Mexico and SHturday n ik. Ii i . lion received V"-i I'.traa w.ia uml. r year lor eniio'-l county. He I i I waa aeilt lo the pilnon oil Dcreinbel 1. INlH'lll lli-urliig IihImiiiimI. ltvcauae uf tin- drain of Mr. II. H. Whiting, Ihe pi rlntilntiry hearing ol l.orenao Iniielli. ''eld on a ib.uue ol Helling ll.iuor tu an Indian which wua lo hti been Ixld before L'niud SluU Entire Stock of Coats, Suits and all this week at . ONE-HALF PRICE I'miinilml'iiii r Whltltm at 2 ro k thu afternoon, haw lii'.-n pout potii-il until u o'rlorK Wi'ilnrHil.iy niornltiK MRS. HARRY R. WHITINO IS CALLED BY DEATH Wife of I lllU'il Mali- t oininl'loiii'r Cum wllv ill Ilium In Old l-liniii'riiii- at Aur of 71. .Mrs Maria K. H. WhltlliR. w rre t I'niieil Mlalea t'l.mmlioil.iii. r Harry It WIiii nig. tiled tit ln r home In uld A lhtiiiieriiie i.i b o'rloi k Hiiml.ty ntornliiK at Ihe nite of Hevelily-oiie year. Mr. Whiting had been In filling health for Home I line and Iter ileal II w it not llllexp.'l t' d. The filll- ial Herxlec will take plai e TtieHilav morning al ' i.Vlnik lr..i.. the I'liiireh ol Sun I'elipe tie Nerl In uld A 1 1 . i n 1 1 1-1 ipie I'll, ii, I-. of the family are Invited to lie pienent. Inter ment will he lii II. ill. ara ii lu ll, ry. I'ulltiio I n Srn Vlarlii IC. T. S. WIiIHiik. I..i Seiiora Maria II. T K Whit ing, cHpoHii tlel M.i..,r II I:. Wliliini.'. I, .He. i.i a In r. de la imiiiana el Ijo- lllllia... 1 ro de I'el.ler... ell IU rei-l- il. ih'I.i en t lid A 1 1 . ii 1 1 ' r . 1 1 1 . it la edad de Tl alio d. -pile- de llilga ellfel -iiieilud. Kl fuller. il Hera tenldu nm- iiitna MarieH. a Iiih ti de l.t mamina de Ii IkIchIu ie Sail Kellpe de Nell t-l oiiiiriTo Hera en el p.tnteoit tie Santa liarlutlii. l.o auilgo de la lamllla iiieil.,n renpel uoHiimelit.' irulla.l.. de anl-tlir al tiintl'al. II l: WIIITIM! e IHJoh. Mr, mniidn llrmlli'v. Mr Amamla Itnulley. aged i:. died Siind.iv at lur home. K.iil N'olth Third Hlleet. of . ..inpli. i.lloll" result mi; from adianerd age. She IK Hiirviv.'d by two hoiim. h'raiik M Bradlev. who liven here and a Hon ill Tulsa i il ln., lu r former home. Mil'. Ih expelled to rea. h AIIM.iitl - liie tonltMil The remain are lo he taken to Monument, folo, f..r Inter ment. l-ntiet,i aiinoiineeiiieiit Ii.ih not been made. LAXATIVE FOR OLD PEOPLE-"CASCARETS" Hull, ( uloiltel ami IM1U i t on I Her ml IK.mi'I- I Ike IViMr Acl In NiMrll' liiingi-r. ilet n lu-rent box now MiihI old people 111 11 Ml give to Hi bowel ome regular help. elo the Hiiffer from conHtipatlon. The ri.ndi Hon la perfectly natural. It I Junt it nalural a it la for old people to walk alowly. For nge I nev.r au a. live youth. The nitiaelea are Iohh ebiHtic. And I lie bowel ale ihuh. le S.l nil old pie need t "a, a II I tine mlKht a well reft:., to aid weak eve Willi gl.IHge IIR to liel'le. thill gentle mil lo weak In. we!. Tin- bowr el IIIUHt be kept a. live ThiH IH Im Portant m all au . but . niueli a tit II f' y . Age I not a time for harah ptivnl. V.iiilh limy o , ani.nally whip th. howel inlo iirtivity. Hut a I.i', ean't be ui it every ilav. What I In bowels of the old need Ih a geiilit in. I ton!.. line that r.m I" i i.ii it ii n 1 1 y iiNed wilhoni harm. Th i. Iilv ll. Il l.ilili I I W.a l el, iiml Il.e) i i. Hi olilv In ' . Illi I el box al .no ill Hi HI.. re. Tlley W.'lk while ..ll Hleep II. oi I oiir Holler.' It llll been -t . I ill nl. .tu. o h 1 h hl boiler Iim I. o.l Kllie .1 Till lllH Itiolllll I lie tile your 1...H. r t -ion.... h i in it... tug lirdel of I It H.l w. lit lb tiit hlitinl a full I. .ad and Ii" hii pltl; 1 be ti. . .It .1 en. t y I 'i 1. .In t i .' ill on 1 1 ,i v i an I ..i k .1 I H w i .llile III ..ill ell ii.,.ii.: .. rl i. ii w ll II your Hi, l' Il 1 Ii. IU TlhletM Will do veil t I hi reiiKi ben niul im ut .late the Tie toll and enable it In .t. IK w. in. illy. M.,ny veiy'l ..' Hlolllttill tlolible line I. .-in I by Hu m. Kor Hile l.y ., I illiu ik ii. t The HERALD wnnt Ad get the tst result. I YOUR POLL TAX IS DUE j oil t..x for Ihe illy of Ali'U Lie all. I p.i- ltll I .He ul.le al the I'III.iIim' 1'auk, Il ia il Hltei'l and t'eiitrnl aiciiue. E. W. TENNENT t let k M'ImmiI lloanl. Ladies' Dresses RARRISOri CASE OfJ COUNTRY RAS FAITH BEFORE JUDGE IN THE UN - RAHLBSM ADIHIIllSTRATil Son Brines Suit Aeainst Father for Alleged False Ac counting of Mother's Estate Asking $147,000 Settlement. LONG LEGAL BATTLE LIKELY TO RESULT riaintiff Alleges He Was In duced to Sign Release for $10,000 Under False Repre sentation at Time He Canvj of Age. The Henna t ion a I Hint of liiov.r Will ie ni rli.m. auaiiiHt hi father, IM . Hi i.i ik W. Il ii i inm. w ho ii ha been pending priteilrally hIio'c young Hat i ihoii n a. bed hi in. i p i i'.v m I'.oik, litially came to trial thin iiioiuIiik bi ..le J uilie H.n in. !iU in lleriuilillo couiily diHiil'l court. The raw h.i ,1 1 1 1 U led Wide a 1 1 elil l..;i I.e.. IIIH.' ol lllU cll-;l t iolllll .lat'ltl'H made l.y young H.ii i im .li ii.uiisi ho. I. nbei a lo. in. in. iiiciil of the mm her t-Htuic, l, he. .ills.- ol the de I . II. 1. 1 lit H long lllell 'i. Ill Allin..lel ille whcl'i lie hi been pi "llllli.ul ill pillilie allallH The coinphiiii:, which with II a' - OltlpaliyillK CXlllllltH. .iil.l- Home three hillldled l pell I itlen i il(i"l, nl-l.-gea that wlnii tiiov.r II 'lion H oi ,,. in r.oiii i.i i. lib r in- I billl to H.Llll a leleitHe of all ob- lik'.iti'.n ii itiiut ill. i n. and a Heiil.iii.aii I hi llilerent 111 III III" Ihi I a estate. t..r ll'I.Uila. Wlli'tl-IIH. II I .llleltelt, lite Hi. lie lell by the mother, an totaled ii the eompiiiini, now am. .nut to .tne 1117. nun. Tim tei lie Hit Hie fattier I ept .. tiled illlm'eir to hi hi. n it lii hard i ll i HiiiHi i ii. i and lite Hrlllcnil lit orieri il H U f ill' Hetlle- ment lor I'o. portion of Ihe eHlat'' lue hint. Young liarri.m, the com- !:t I nil t nt at. ilea, ininieillatelv became MiHpi. b.ti ii In mt the Hcupmciu aim went to a lawyer A long InicHtlKti- tmn followed In which the Hernallllo utility probate record were near- bed, and the proent m tloii. charging falae . Ill II 1 1 Tl K. waa til" ri'HHIl. A. I'oril i. ...i- itiK to Die complaint the father aa KUiirdian failed to account for the major p.-rtioh of the entitle left by the mother who wuh one of the heir of the Ihen ti.'h I'ereu cHtaie and the widow of Joe laandro l'eteii when T'r. Il irtlHon married her. The original complaint hi' . k an uc otinuiiK f..r bin i. nn p. .in. .ii mo I thai of a MHler who die. I In inf ill' y, but ihi latter Hi rt aln-olv ha in, ken mi!, .i ili.,t ll.uriHon'H a. lual ii. I cliilin nb. nit baif i ne lit;. 't il originally ailed for. iji urge II lb .well ..f II it-It. .1.1. '..nil., l ultoii ali-l '..lli'ii S .tit. i V, and Joint ll.ii..n Ituii: ot VII, II, '.' bile r a V blP 111.' I I lie . w eek A CI-., II. ii.,el' f-.r llle pl.i I If. H i , - i I'l " !.' M . t.ti . ii'l ."- in i - I ' 1 1 i. i iff , I l.v III' ' ...111 1 1 P V .1 It. I. ..I . it Will i'ii' ,i, mi i f .- lb Ih' I'l oIhiIi' ( olll'l. ..f i'l' It till. . . 'Ill .Imltfe iiji I ,:t i II. I Il' .. I I . V II 1 1 t III II . I I ,.t ,, 1 1, M..IH, e L.' ' I it'll.. Ii I.. I : I'I'I'. I .1 I. I. .hi I I "ia o I I In Hi- m. ' li r , lll 'll M r. ' HI" .' I." I I" . ad nun it t ! . I H ' .1 ' t ,x t ! I -I it. I lc n II ' .1 I. II. II,.' it oil ' II, 1 1 ii . ' 1 . pot I li i lure I'ciii.i.ii l.i'lt. ' II Ml-. 'I'll, Lite i .no ..1 .i i:l. ii ii j -,,ii-i Hi. i -i .. I A Vulcan w . alio net f..t 1 ii, 1 1 y I hi Ii. , tl- Ill llle William Matter ciLH. t . I. p.. I I of V I' Mel. ,l If a oil 1 truer w.ih approv. d uml Hie a.lii.'ii iHii.Hor iIim hat .'d The i. ... -1 ..icr the will af IMe Pile II. lge Jill'llH Sl.l.ili. W.-IH ii.lll lllil.d lin- l.l I'i bra. iry l.'tli I he will no et ii .i i ii P. im .lion m .. nil n i; Marriage .iiiim l.iuiil.-il f'oiintv t'lctk Walker today iiaue.l tti,irrl.iiii, lieeiiHi e M il ..i k of lug spiiikh, Th o, and John I. 1.) li. nil of A!bi iii'i.Ue. The HERALD want AD gets the best result!. Corsets Some good numbers in Amer ican Lady Corsets, worth $2.50 $3.00 and $4.00 All this week at ONE-HALF PRICE. This Week Albuquerque Feeling in Lawyer Finda East One of Strong Confidence in Presi dent's Policies. "A atronir telling of confidence In I'lehl.lellt ill. , .Hill III iidlllllliHtl'il Hon i Hi.' iiiohi pininltieiit thing I fi nn. I in i xproMKloitH of aenilment log. itiling pul. lie aft.ui while In tl . iii," H..I.I .Ml. .Ill. l A. II. Mi'Mltlrll who returned lat niKbt tnun WhhIi iiiKti'ti where be wciil lo appear he lore Hie l si. He Htipreme court in Hie. Alameda land grant cane. "I gave no Hpecial attention to (.un cial lnmliii'Ki oiiiIiiIoiih, iiut every I ll'-ald act Hied to be olio of expectation ol m ilerially Improved 1 1 mini. .iih. There I a very definite . n i.r ctilllldrnm in 1'reaidunt WiIh.ui uml the wih.Ioiii of hi ailniln- iHiiuiion uiiioiig t plo of all pi. In Pal laith. whn It 1 Ibink I ateadlly in iii'iihIiiv. HiiHiniH 1 1. mill Ion gener ally Met III to have aetllcll d .Wli; tiler ( in u bu htilu of iiueiiHinraa and a l.ellelal outlook lor III 1 1 ie I II llllH for llle till llle Will. Il Ih ii hU r I llg." ANNUAL MEETING 0Y SANTA BARBARA CO. The .until il meeting of the Santa. I;. uli. nn Tie am I Pole company wa held ihi moiii'ii in the olllcea of the . . 1 1 1 1 ... ti y In the ' 'i.inmerciiil cl'll lanliliiig. Th" lollonitig olll. era nnd ie. tor were elcf teil: A. II. M.-iiaftey. plCHlilelit and gen- manager. W. K. Hodge, vice preldenl. i:. I., e.retary and treag urer K. K. Itaker, uitunt aecrctury. !;. II HuniH II .audilor. Iiincioi; A. li Jl.-Uaffey. W. K. HoilKe. W. K. Hailey, It. K. Twllchell '. K linker. The aainii oHi.i l and direct .ra Wero elected for ihe Kio tirutidu ll.iom company, an ulliliatt'd coiiipany which operate the logging from the Sunlit una company' wood lu north - ern New Mcxl' o, down the Hlo Hrande. Mcth.HlLt Minister lti-.iHtiiiticniU t ImiulH'rlnlii' t'niiuli Itcnnili. . H. V. Jam A I.ewl. Mll.iea. M mil.. JwiIich: "I 'ha mbei la lit'a Cough Item I rdv ha been u net .led und wi b ome j linen in our home f..r a number of 1 highly re. on, mend it to my lib'W lit t.t'itlg It lliedli'llie worih ol Ui il in i .ifi of c.i.Ih. coiigb and li-iuiip" liu. t'haml"'rlalira t'oiiifh ; Ucmt-ilv a trial and n ate conii.b hi I ..11 .111! 1,11.1 M'l V ell I I ami I '. li I ilole f"l I t. ne il a ... .'.mi. hi ic-imre to .'..111.', a- in inv oilier Kor k.,le liv all ill UKKial. .1. I ooli ileralc i ici-nii Mil t. i ii.-' I !.i , -'eb. J The i ,,,l! ot 111.- I '. II ledet lit.. i .tu met h. i.. p. da-, i.i . ..Haider H I-. ! lillitllit liioltev to ri.eel I P.' I I" I " I ' i "I f .r I'o l.:.-.. I .' wi' in- til iti 'ird-'t- to ae.'nie f I :i"i toward liu. con iln'iiinii lit to t he w r. ', ' e.p i ., i . 'Dim S ill V 'i ' il. n wi re .iMived I,. i.'ii'i i v. ho nl'- i. i t ,n ,,n I v .UK , . 1 1 . T - - r t i g iniliien 'e: aid in mtr v.c -Pning I 0 .1. V TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. h and M. K. There't comfort good! cheer re fresh ment titf action in every cup of ll.i.SI' ic.l'l limilllg- a-e wal I I. i,n. tu . r I' -1 ut it I-. It. I U Id- i ; u r.'ii iid.