Newspaper Page Text
SIX TIIE EVENING HERALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 19 14. II SPORTS II How College Football Training Makes You Succeed in Politics Many Gridiron Stars Climb, Ladder of Fame: Intercol legiate Boxinir League la Planned. lilt WjhMiiU'iI I'll..) - I..II-4 II. ..I mill f' llJI. I ..I ri i hi. 1 1 ik. . ih nllc(.'0 .l.iin;. iliiMtv .ii the IV III- i .it ...r ill I lu r . ..i n ,i,ii.ii m It IH p I .11 ,,! I ."i: f.r la'rr ii it II' ' rnj-ful I Ir.l .1 iii. by u Ik w i.lil'l appi .it i h. ni.iiit'i r ll:l. iliilt.'ta'a i- In- I i in. tin "Mi. 1.1 ' I mi- i.'ti of ( ..i , ilr at. .1 I ' 1 . i -. i l n I I p. .1 .. Illll.rli in I ill fl ii ii t i i i ii Tin i. hiii'i.rt.'ii. i M ill Mil .ii i. III Wl'" l I. ut I'll v;it...l I-1 af "III 'It .ii.i' ! il inn' ii. .11" I p'.-lli IM l.t tin' . i pant III., rli.ln i. Ii '.."I. I ' - i.i Tim.-., r iti are nab" run i t.'.l i H It ipp llll'll I.. 'ill imiiiii.-r i.i ..Mt..iii. iinil alumni wiilimil em i pt mti din- lui mi' ihe (IuIiik "I their iitn.iK In mi pallnf.iottrt mini net The len'tii Ic mm "T liln ii an Pulled Statcp M'lmliir fn.iii M iiyhatnl l.calin In uilinl tin. 1 K Ibt nf f'.nni i piay.-ra wh.n hnvc Wi n public rwn iiiHoii of mmilur nature. L'e. vt.m h f.ntmua "forward" ot I'nnreinn In tin. Ht'M-iitli'M. playing th- p" Hiiii.n of -!- t -to-i ml" now known ne tackle, fnllowral I Ik- fan.lptepa nf Hi.iny other I'rimetnn, llnrvnril mill Vale playrra. Hubert Huron, late miaiMiliir to Franco, wan mi nld llurmr.l captain mill half hark; Jumea H. Italian nl ln. Init.-d StaW-a liiterptnte rnmmorce i iiiiitniHHiiiti 1m an nlri I'rina-elian for ward, lace M 'In nit, late treuaurer of the rniiiil Slatep, u fairmop rnplnln mid hatf-bark at Yale: William II. I ... recently uanlnlunt attorney geii i nil of tho I'luli il Sialea. n n) II ir m mI renter; H. H. Tornpnon, tne prop i nl Ural uPalptar.t attorney general ol Him Fulled Htiilrp. ami Will Him W. Uiip'T, ilia prenenr auni-tiar of the port if I'hlludolpl.ia. Lui Ii Princeton iihIk; ex-i'nngri annum I.ih'Iiip N'. Mi lliner, it Inn piiiiiii f"r llii' I'niiiH'in: : i n rl N. I'iiii hiil, I'i li ihl f fnrHtiT, i.iiii- n Miruiiy mini Ht Y.ili'. nnrt Mp inn cHHiir, tin- pri.i nt InrumlM-nt al WiiKlnniiiiin. Phlif F-ir-lir llnrnmn S litavcp, n furmiT Inn k fur llm I tltic. TIip Inn- liiivi'i'imr William K. l;n-i-l of MnHrhiiM'liH n a linlf I'.n k at llarxaiil: ti"Viinnr f!ri.rm- It '.iiur .r 1 1 .t w .ill. nine a Kllaril ill Villi-; l-.M-K-tl J. ,ii kit. lii Ki.-al liar .Hil h.ilf-lmrk. lloiniiimit xi.winnr of I'niiiM"! lii ui. iinj t'li' t .. f n . ti f W. II I'm Mil. . i rt 1 1 i i ui m 1 1 kni.nn u "I'a.' rvW"m I aaa mmri iwmmimmmw iaBiaaaw.aawMa aa im ,a ani,,eawHaatawrTaM,a.i.i,aii a. aiiia ' EXTRA SPECIAL! SIX DAYS ONLY SUITS i!D OVERCOATS AD MEASURE This phenomenal sale beg"an today, nnd last through out the week. Our -Mills have advised us to use thi niethod as our advertisement to convince the public of the t rue worth of their line of Woolens. Our financial loss is nothing as compared with the prestige we will gam. EVERYONE will be thorough ly satisfied and will become one of our regular custo mers. A GRAND OPPORTUNITY CAN YOU REALIZE IT? A swell line of blacks, blues, browns, grays and nov elties from which to make your selections, and wc make them any style you want. SPECIAL NOTICE We also have a few uncalled for suits made up and regularly sold for $18.00, as long as they last at the great sacrifice sale $10.00. NATIONAL WOOLEN MILLS Makers of the Clothes We Sell. 120 W. Central Avenue T. 0. Winfrey, Mgr. n m a I ..I r ..;. y Uii. i I't itii. .1. '.!, . ll.l'K 1 "I" lui 1 1 - I'll k I- ,1 I'lM tn in i . -I. ill' llf I II II W i N II I.I . 111 (III' "..III,.-. I. l I'l ink s. CiiMi tnii'iH fu'l i n i k . .f 1 11.' II 111 I II l.t -A tf ut H. n il r.'i rtniy !t i. f Ii ii. iv .In- iiti.l , Yali-P I.i Vfnt nun. mi Mitt. I mi. i hi ' II' i..n rupimii ,111 .' I.f I llf I.. nil ! I'. l f I'm. i nun i.i (In- Bill'll'lll I ' v "f al.ilP, : ri l fnrw.iril. ;i I ! - .I in y i Ii.-1 i l.t. in .1 r ' i. in l i .."I 'i n ml in tin- ' 1 1 . . I M . i v Ml. ', I In I In ..(If f In Ni .1. t i. W ili :ii:iii in-r ..I.I I'lili I 'I tin- I . .1 III l h "i Ii i.tii.itii r I'riii. i lifi.tiii. W Jtl-lu. i.i Itli- I II.I ilni-f .nil S .I'l.tiir tf i ; utiiiuori', . 1 1 -i :i 1 ii : In I ill.t t i. i l hi. n. it. i. .In. Ik.- J. M. t'".tilriirT, nn i-i- ii, I. .1 Si.iIik In ml I ri'li-l.tllli-'l nil. nil at .t" . tii"ii. at a ru.ii'li In i-iit nr "f t hr i, nar. ir. In Inn k uliil a h.,"t " "III t. t ,IH' l' I. . .ill. I Si III II ill I'l tiii' y I . .i i. I.i li t l..i. k ki. k. i. ' i.f "llii r f.."tV.H i nl ii fiirm r i .-1 tiin-iiM-ii A n--f Halt mliiHK tKiin Van; - Mil'iiiiiiliV, Hip nlil Ynlf It r-l(ii' k A I""' aimistaiit mllri i miimiKNli in r in Nrw Y"ik fi-rt'ii. ili.- nlil Villi' Buiinl. iitnl tlti-ro l- ' lUit Kill" Hi 1.. an "I'l Triii'-i-- tiin r-a pill III. Ill la- Nrw Vlirk fat la-a-t i la'anlng "nittiit Miniirr. pup In rharui iif n ilipat tnii'til ut rnrk, V. .1 I'llarlrp i ll.ilv. thf Allliv'P Mi i i-nvfill i nai li I mi full. 1 1 ti at rM-i-ntly ll'ft 111- llllli-a- l'f Ilia- aiillillllpalliillir "f lliiplim lii n )"ln I he Ainu nlnt Iha lift m.Kh In- i mil liiii-.l llnitily. A Iditlnir l auiii'. The I'nivi r.nv i.f I'a mi hv) v.i ii it liliXllllC tl-Ilttl I'la-lti'll "Miiir. I.i mi ttt-a-k In fm tn til a ti iil.aiia ami t.ik.- ,', i;,,n i, wiiril ilia furiniitiiin of mi Inii'ra''il loRlatn l .x i li K li atiui'. Tlif .t , ,J." ti J "riritnlxatiiin la thi r-nll nf llw yoara' i ffnrt by I'l tinayli.itil.i Imxinn I'tiihnp Inpla to Interi'nt nthi-r iinlvcrNitli'p In the eHlulillHlitnint nf pinli a 1 -.i u u . line nliptarln p (ha pi. pillar belirf thai iiimlnit In dangeroup ami an lnrentive tn nam Win. It la hflleved, however, ' that thn preaent efTiirt will iia al. that lif'Jilid will he takan lip .ik nn liitin iillt-glate pport. ! If a Ii ikiio la fin meal the Atnaieiir Atlilitla' iiHaiclatloii novice rulip wll! I ntiii iiili-J to anrva aa the Iiiikhu code. Tim projected reuulntinnp call fair a tt filiation riiptnine ami elulit . ounre Klaivt'P. Othir rtilcp will pni vialai for three roumla In all comprtl tli'iia, tin intennl nf mil' in 1 till I a. lir- 1 twi'i-n r c a it 1 1 il h : earh rinnprilii-r to he i Jt - j. i . I lay i, ne pa-ai'iial, wll nll.ill lie mi umli.-i arailiiala In kihhI ptarialirig; Hat'llilllC llltlltlll till' pt'l-k'ta HP laf a I "III. n Mill. Ill milia r a lL'llla ali yeara "f aae Will he iiMnWi-al tai I'liliipl'U. E TO YOUR 1 1 SPORT NOTES v.-w V.. ik. l '.lair " Llt'iiki- t.ji, ..winr i-f I M.i Hk. 'lit- Inn Mill i'i I n-ti 'in..-, iriK'inIs tlll"IIUll PI'll'till CX paHnaa, At pH Pill In put liln li.'t- II, UK .ii' rl Hit li.'li Mu-k In ut Juirin ami hi- inti-inli t.i Pri'iik Snl Viiiin'p ri'i'uril. Tin- Imrm- H'r.inu In t.i I imp liini huiiiiiii' t In ii In- t'tuka I1"- ki x -f ii rlniiu n- "nl. iitnl"il I ulliir Elnry i-nily in .la i, i.i i . a hi-ll In r . -! to atiiitlii-r ii-ionl tm mt (in liiim-4 hi tin.- J in 1 1 inn k. Tm I I'li;.- wan I.HJ .1 - h n ml I he H ' t rm r J liiii.lnil fnflly. rinirlln lnmln In mill try mil In llmii'p mil Jii.i -hy pii ninny i.f l.rn pliyi-m Jump linn thin Near. (In Imi iilv,i-a liii'il In tri-iit 111 'in iip if liny i r.. In. r.iiiilH. Iiniiin lia haJ in .mill I Imp tlii-atiiral iiarn n-im-iii I tin- papt few ri-kp of Hit' Ri-npult in i.nli-r In K'-t tiuny hIkiiIiik hip pliiy-1 .I.. 1 Hun .li.liiipun IiIi'iiIp that hi will mil i'Viii link wl'li a playiT nlm Ipnnr., j I ln rimitr- rulf mill llirip wlih thaj , "in In v k Th.- rzar "f ihr Aim rli nn li amip fmui-iH lluwi- ilayp in ii he la al ih" rani nn 'it an n liii'il liawliall anil I I.. Il allt f'T. I ll H C .Ipltlll.lll'.ll. W.ixiiiK I. it ninl praippiriiaa thaiipna ail"-', pailllt lit leVt . Tli.a rti aifal iif tiiinliont Hlnllh Blunt a hi' lina taken purl In ttti'iit; -a'lKht lint-j l i t iliinnic (he Paul two yeara uml i h.m lut-ii ilefi-att-d hut nlire. The one that liiinhiiiit him la t-ri'illteil tn Jim Hla ttpM, Imi no line in Ili'teP It. "The Villi" llnllv Nenjp' Iuip heen peekiiiK i xpra-pplmip finni th i iiptultip nl t.iiii.tip final bull on the iinp i.iiii nf reiunvlnc the head rom-h frnm Ilia- Imea. Nineteen are in favor nf It, while live aro praaniiuiy of tm- ',,v.,t inailillewelahl i hamiilon. meet Hunt- mliial. althmiKh (hey pie th"'l, t,.(, of i'i,aiiltihlu In Ihe PM-opaaity nf ri'tulnltig him to Wlltl'll a a,.i'!r the eamdidon of (he playi mi, I maka- pulipiitudnnp. r .Il i. anfi' tai hilleve nnly a limit hall 111.- ' Itl-lil.' Infill lliallnn" that allpa nut i.f I he I'l iii i .il li'.iKUe lii-ait'iuartiTM in Clipafiaa. mill ..ilall pale tn dialie lievo uii. ml the p.inu.' prnportlon nf what thi- in p-ania-il fnri'rp havr to pay fur thcin-ti-lvra. And In all (he enpe nf tin- l.iiti r a, ne rouhl go even further ami make it twn-thirdn withaiut aa hiiiiiIiik ant- grat e rlak of doing wrong Itulae MaiMiiard will remain In viuineville until March and will elope hla aa' on the Paeiile coaal. He, nlil net Int. i Iraliilng in a little than 1 1 hi. did hint year, however. Jimmy Hlan k, fairmer rati her of the While Sox, w ho hup been running n i nfe ami anlainn ain the pntith niile of Milwaukee for Ihe lam year, haa an-miumi-d hip w lllitiKin-HP t.i return to the game If a aultatile offer la made fair hip pervlrea by imy of the mm tiatep. He played pome peinl-poor hall 'an pi-a Mm and v-lalni to ha in good londitloii. i " oat ynii neras Bnatin. IVIIIUIIP .-aa-a- ai'ti pay a nn win emer (no ruiy nine more nnd tarkle Young Togo In Kvanaville, lnal , on Wa.ihlngtnn'a liiilli.l.ij. ALL-VALLEY TRACK AND FIELD MEET PLANNED IN PECOS VALLEY Itai-mli. I'nrNliHil. Ardfla, Iiko. mihmI. I'iiIIuIi-p ami f IU r Touna n I nter IVaiira In Allilalh' I. trill ItaisttiM, N. M Jan. 31. l'repnia li"iia hatn already been made 'nr in all valley (rurc uml Held meet :n like I me here H'lllietlinn abuUt Ihe uiiiliik' lit tllll t a a II I ti k April. Tina la annii'lliiiig new In (ho n(h-1'-.ic 1 1 nu an far na thla tajclicn la con ci nn d. Trin k rneeta In th i Aun t -it.n uulveriltlea are hell in regaral luxt to he "ulg game" .football. Nu a, ( la i leiii.i-r and mora helplnl to tin- pni'tli-anta than that on (hu track. Tli. a ailillllon to the utlilatti'' aii Mi tt ill he wntt'hed wlih jitat .1 tvltl by every one in the v.i'l'-y. Tho Arteala hmli pa hunl already Iiiuj (he lnvidtiun nut fur an all valley tr.nk and Held day (it Arlialu, April X. Ua.ih the lai. al high a' h""l and the N. M M, I. have algnilled their iiiii'iilmii of filtering thla. Ila.idea tlaeaa, twu tenma. t'arlahad, IaWa- Ar thur. I'nrtulea and mhera lire expel led to peiid teama. Man prize have I ii nfTered and a aui eeaaf nl meet la already aaaureal. ' I'liai h (tailemarher nf (he lnatitule and ('"in 11 K'ltimn r uf the high at haiaal have iiemly tuiu pleled arrunge nionla fut an all New Mi-xP u amJ weat Ti-xat , liailai meet to be held hi ro nn April . 2 Mb. The plan la m have all high ai I i. i.i (euina In the valley and In weal- i i ii Texaa enter, making it paiaallile fur 'over a hundred athlete retire tenting Vatri'iiia hltili a' haaaaia In be here on (he itl.iy nf the meet. The object nf thla la to give traik athiftna an Impel'i ami tiling the variou aa hoaila In die aaauthtt eat in i-laapi-r toui'h wnh eaih "tlii-r. Plan (at ert-ate Intereat In pi liana an (hat mine men will ndend. laf mile arrangi-im-tila lair thia meel hive l.wl r been aumpleted but it ia ul leaaly uapurod. Work la In atart al once on Ihe truck wlin II ia In be nn (lie lllalltllte gin uiida. Hi, ill the military and the hluh ai haiul tote are In mgaiiiua track Ii Htns at I'lii-e and apiing training I taa Hurt immediately. . Ila.pidi p theae a beilnled ineelp there Kill be alilal nn lit liawaell 111 high p hunl and the inatltute. Artepla will iilao imi'i Iniih of ihepo teama In meet. I'aartalea, l.akiaunt and C.irlithad may wlttu be hiaaiiKht here (o mi-e( (he hiah achainl. Tile aliiinlil of the hiph Mi are alim In uraiiiipe Iih. k team who plinuld fiiruiah atid i "iii,i lur hnih (he tiddler ami the nigh arhou. buy. The 1'rM C'Migli Maslla in-. "I laile una it I'll. ill. Iiei laii. t CoUtih Pt'inedy eter mrii-e I hate been keep ing hiaiina'," aiaya I.. ('. Ilamep, nf Mar bury, Ala. "I naiia-lilcr it one of the beat remedies I ever u-te.l. My rhild lili bate all taken it a lid II work like a dim in. For and whooping iuugh 11 la excellent." For aale by ail drugjiiata. FEDERAL LEAGUE IS ON TRAIL OF Albuquerque Boy Invited to Join Pill Phillips' Indianap olis Club in the New aggre gation. Hi-y finnan of A I imki n- rnuo and (he Flip, ii tl'lim if the I'arlllc I 'on at IfiiM'ii'. thlp m.nnliiK ri'ii'lv vl it i'l i trutii fi'niii ltili I'tiillitiH. nipiiiittfr if thi' Imllaliaimllp l..nn nf I hi' K'-'leia) ' I'.imi"-, nrkina It in I., n iiiir hip irtmi Inr a ii.nlriii't with II"' liulliinnnnllp (fain, t'lirhan, vt h" hap liei'H api-n l Ini thn wltili hi re .'I IiIp ram h inirlh uf lh' I'lly, .inlil t Ii In miirmnu that a hili' ihlp wiip thi Ili-Kt iird ho UTilvpil fnnn th" K'-iliral rrmtil. h' rllpiii'il n ll-li'ti In a Tit"i"-iltlnii Iti. in I'hlllipp oii'l li.ul v iri'il hint to thai ifTi-rl. Thi' San KraiiiiP'u rlnli la very hihIhiip t,, have I'nihnn ra'ttirn to that an in a lui the AHiilili'l'aUe lii-y , haa hail a rnntimt in hip lunula fair Pa. una ninr, but n.i mn bp yet ili'ier tnilli-'l to 11 ( a ' lip let till. I IkIiI I.IiI YullliKi' n. lnK. whiah hiia In ohli Mfioil. rihlo. I'kti 3. Box hea'ti lempnrnrily un til r the lain In thla i-lty owln to the nt (he Iirlaney-llrnrk rmph, ttlll he retlved hire tnnighl when u Inrne tiunilier nf (ana will niine hy fpii'lal train from ('la vrlatiil to ace lea,ra' ( hip. nf Netv ( actio, retni;- ring. The llrenar wap tranied by , t In- mayor ujion ar.'inlpo t'f gan.d he. rallVlaar. llplalt Willi h VIII lll'prnil fu- Inri' rlty. eniniinterp In (ho ring In V' I Well known Turfman Dying. I New Vaark. Feb. 2 - William l-nke-land, well known on Ihe rare (racks 'nf Amerli-n aa "Hilly" Ijikeland. N Id'paarleal living ((aiay In St. Mary'p 'hoPiiilnl in llrooklyn. Ho la SI year, nld Mr. I.nki-l.'iinl made u ilnrlune tip a trainer and owner ' a I. .... . i. I. ...a. of GRIPPING SCENE IN CLIMAX OF PLAY "WITHIN THE LAW" line nf the gt Piling act nee in "Wl.hin the Law." Ilayard eiller'a eporh-maklnx new play of preaenl duy lire, in (ho at liar mla- nf w tilth Maraaret lllington will he aa-t-n here at Klka" thi-aler Mm. h n. pia.viala i. the api-i tin !e uf a praalei f.ain, I i-riinmal riuileeaing lllo ftunM fa.i a laiiiidtr vol Ullt.alily nnd going I" Ii in ixeriiinni liet-autte n( hia dtiMitt' ti who hi'tria-iiiled lilm n Tin. play haa In a li.irin ler nn a ,pa alim: i nut ia la al nl a 1 1 una' nl iniinia-nl. wlin, upon hi r to a tVaalliatl an hniir "( I lira al'll'r.ll ullllat ttaalll.tll W Ilia il Hi"- ia I'lllUPe llaalll prlP'.ii, ip fi.iia-al ant" warfare it i'l tile i. . imitcbing her wita ami i a .ii rait i auainat pnlii e lirtilality and ailiiiilit atnuliiig Ilia- cliinln-H uf th,. law, all alio preya up. .n mi liety ii( will. She alao uvetigea her pelf utinn the 1111111 w h-i bad her aen( to priann when ahe wua liinneenl, al 1111.111 liri.ik.HK li'a liiaK Ihtmiiili bin ami nnd h'-ii, whom h luna into marriage. Miaa lllitiKlain la pnrr,.iin.leil by u c ara liillv aeli'i led und uriiforiiily ex rellent aupmitiiig i-aat, will. Il lll 1 Indep tm II tavoiite and talen(ei) pluyria aa linward (liiulal, Itoberi Ki liajll, Frank K. Camp, Neil Mnmn. Jiiaoph Slnyt'i. Julep Fenar, llilil.l Keeliali, Kauua Juaper, Wyiutto, and othera. Ita pailt of TIIK t o-ori It TIF. KI H IHNt; I4 -.H4K I AIIOX uf AlbUiUe-' 11, ut I'loae uf buailierf, Ilea e iu . or Slat. 1 K 1 3. ANHI-llk Truat liw-da fuJ.IS3."l Mock I 4,a.'" Furniture ami Kixturea ... I!J3 Hi Huu 11 n Kim k 2.i liuu on iiun.-t 2,1H.U HUU Call I'll III Ulttl i.'.4" line 1111 linei it'.ii 1'iiah nn ha ml I lee. 31, l 'JU G.:'8J 2U l 19.T4.ho IjaMlliU-a. Slock Arcount t S3 71 HO I'a 1. 1 In Ailvati'e. Ililla I'ay able . .. L ndlvldcd l'taihip l'USO .aniliiii . 33.1124.25 tll.T'J.x. Ki-ax-ipia. t. . . Rtoik I ntiirtat .... I'remluin . . . Flnea Fi'tiiiiue Fi--Trail. fa r Fe. Loan I'ai'l . . l'uh on biiiiil Wilt I'.ay.ii l.. .11 I2.n. -.null 4 I dlt Hi mi 6..r.u H.7 i 2l."i.l HI.XHl.St . Sun. vu Her. II, ltU f,144 3i Ht-hiil-MVUitlila. lnterett I iii lii.' M.adu LxpOlltea aaaa.aa I0.0i( ill all 32, 13. MO , htill. UU ' Wtibilrawalt IMiJ.34 Furniture and Fixture!.. .. "-' ,t Ililla Fayal.le i.nilil.liu Hue Itorruwer fraiirt 11!.. "u Cah uu hand. Her. II. 11I i,2.2il t.H4 Ij Hei-reliTy. II III. AT- -Hal. J. y. KI.PK11, llenpea Ifull , tulunlded, I. GORHAH IC1HIIT. I'lrtlilent. We, ihe uinleiaigned Audillng I'l.iii mltti e of the I'aa-i Ipcrallve Iluililllil and Umn Atamiatlon nf AlbUiuerue, Nt tv Mexico, hereby ci-nlly ll t we hate examined the bonka and ac count of the aalil MteairUllam and ti rials the above atutt'liient to bo cur et'U f I F.i 1 F H II : ii fl R I' N 8 F F. LH. J. M. ImmiLITTI.I-:, V ILL Mi Mil. LAX. t Auditing I'uiuinlilie. JOINT MEETING BIG LEAGUE Magnates of National and Americans to Hold Confer ence for First Time; Federal League Chief Topic. Itjr leaped Wlrit tn f venlne norald.) New Vnrk. Keh. 2. When ihe chili ntt ni-rp nf Ihe Nnliaannl lenaue itn'i't In ihla rlty next week fair die annual aa heilule niea-i Iiik. innitnittep nf the Ann l Iran leaiiiie ttill he In laitvn uml It 1. pi.'laal.l thai it Joint nieetlim "f tha dira-i-tliiK faireia nf the two a.rminlriilli.ti" will In' hi-l.l If pnch n mi-etlna la helal It will he the flr.t time nn ra.a nnl that tun nntep nf the twn I'ln Ii-huuop have met In Joint raanfaretite. The nrdtliy or Ihe new Federal laiiyue la pal. I In he (ho ptihjort lli- lierilinpl III (he inlllila nf (ho l-lnl) ntvtiera of the hlf league and n Jailnl toiifereni'e wtip piigKi-ated for (he piirpa,!i nf iIIpi'Iiphiiir a plan nf a'nm pnlan ntrnlnat the pn-rnllt'il oitdnvy nrniinlxiidnn KMSIH.I.A TI IINS rM.V tiik M irni. i.KrrK rtlaiomlngton. III. I'eh 5. Kln aelln. faarmerly pKrher with (ho St laiilp Cnrallnnla Hnd Iiip( penPnn wl(h Venlco, Cul . In (he ruelflr PonPt la-naiie, taailay pinned a rnnlrnrt fair 18M wlih Pep Mnlnep In (he WePtern league, refusing n fluid ring offer fnnn Ihe Federal league. OLD MARVEL BUCK WEAVER IS DEAD ft larpawd VFTf tn l toning narrali 1 I'hllnil' Iphla. Ka li. 2 - Samuel II (Hurkl Wa'aia-r. a fiimmia t'liMitnill plti her thirty yeura ami. died pud detily here Inilay. He ttiia US vearp old. Winter lagan hip lia.ihull n reer in 172 and terrlfla' apeed wiip hla great awl. COURT REFUSES TO GRANT REHEARING IN DENVER TAX CASE Hi Inaril Wlria 1., Ftfnlns lli-rnlil 1 ia-iiif. Fib. 2. 'Ihe Plato an preino inuri today denied a rehear ing ill the tax in-e intuiting Hie right nf .the plate lax mmiiilpalulier to aillllat t.lX iiaaeaPHH-nla between riiiiiitiiK. I'mb r ihe recent ilcr'ata.ri (he aupreine court the pi.ttcr hi lh' atate lax iuiiiiiiw.'.I.iii ill lax mattart wap a ..nlirim'.l. The effort of the llallllg ttllP taa llppfalto 11 II illiroilPO III Ihe ttiaaetaaiiuiii taar Hetiter and aev ernl ail In r a "llllt la . Thia a lula the tax ila.n iinle.a iniiaritet f'.r Clair J I'lti-her. ..I lienter. ahaaiild nptioal In the I'ltltoal Hlalep pupreme riaiiii. il.ililiTI anal Hill ilis.inteil III the art. nil nf (he Court in denying it rehearing. AlthmiKh tho npllila.n will not lie riampleied until later Inilny the rourl anti.iiilii oil Hp derlalnn In (ho Kline, talllr InVePement rompiiny rune up holding tho power of the aliile tax roiiimlfplun In matterp of propertv vnlllationp. J IIMt la-at-N Oabhert and HHI di.aenled. The doilplon In the rtlmelnlll. rn.o fiallnwed the Unea of (ho rniirt n majority oplninn In the Fllrher rape Since that ntilnlnn win hiindoal dawn. (ho a(tt(e auprome court nf Idaho haa ruled In a plmlbir raao , that tho pta(e tax rommlaaion hap nnlv advlpiiry power and (hnl (he paawer (at ohrtngo aanoppmenlP renin polely with tho county eaaoapnrP. The f'aalaaradn rourt today took rngrilxance nf that rullliK nnd explained that the ronai il ndonp of (ho twai pin(eg are not the putno on tux matterp. HUNDREDS OF MOORS FALL IN STUBBORN FIGHT WITH SPANIARDS (It? lira nail 'Aire, to Fti-iilng Herald.) Tel u. i n.'a-a, Feb. Z- Hund dreda of Mnaarlnh iribuamcil fell In u al uliboi'iily ciinleHti-il buttle w ith the Hpunlnh (raiaipn on I'rialay at llenl ptilem, aniith nf thla limn. The anlnh repurled (heir own lnae lu day aa faaiir nffirera and 22 men kill ed and four nffirera and 111 men wntinded. Tho bailie li.gun al an early hour Th u rail ay ami laeled all day. The Mature finally were furred to retreat. Having a large portion uf their num ber dead nr wounded nn the field. gl.IHHI.OIHI Inr T-taa tilUlllJ ItlMtlla. llaiiintt.n. T.i.. Feb 2 The Una I paymenla on bnnrta tn the amount of I 1,1100,11110, reeiritly Mill hnrlltral lit I na tulan iif Harrla rmiiity for mad building, were made today. They hear Intereat at 4 1-1 per cent. The r..ia,lo laaaaul IriaVI-rnoat Will be telei'll'd by (ha achool iruaieea for flra( a((en- t)on. Freezes Under Automobile in Creek fl OE GLOWING E TO LATE SENATOR Governor Dunn and Senator Sherman Pay Tribute to: Rugged Integrity of Dead Statesman. ll'.y I .rated Vlr- to Fvonlngr Ilorabl Ppringlleld. Ill, Feo. 2. "he tiouy nf Shelby .'at Cullaam, faarmer t'liiieal Htalea petiatnr, wna Inwereal Inlo lit Kr.ato In ihe family lot nt Hiikriio . in . la r t . al piiltatiittn tan. nighi. Fuiieiul pert Irep were held In ihe hull uf --pri aenlatlt ep in the plate Inaaiae, wnere thi' 111' tllaalin I pi tmiiii wap preached by (he Hoc. Human I?. .Macl.aaaal a ml elililgieP Ware delivered by i.aateitiiir Hurine. St-natnr la tt rem-e V. Sh'i uii. ti nnd I'lintun L. liiiiklin, from the a. mie roatrum friaiu whi h Mr. Cullaam live tlmep aalalreaned (bo legtalailuru whbih flea-teal him 'o the tipper hnuae at WathiiiHtaaii. With ilaiveriiaar llUIIII,' aim Hilt t Ii 0 npiaker and former (lovernnrp Klfer, YiiSep uml Honeeri preHenl, (ho niidl eiico Im luded all the guvernnrn now living who followed Mr. r'tlllom Into tha giibernnt'irlal chair. The piedoinlnnnt ptraln of the etllO Klrp wan tho utiiinniimlng hottonty anil tieadfanlnenp of the decedent. The collln. In a gra-at man of flow er iiptid iituler the ropiiiim nnd be tween lb.- tammia palntlni'i a.f Lin coln ami Hoiiglap which hang on either tlale a.f the hall. The 2.2u poutp Ware ipilckly lllleal nn poi.n at the iliinra were iiprtud uml hundre.lP ware turiia'il .itviy. In the hall were frienila ami hi a,iiaiiiiin. a n. political and am nil. "f many yearn, but the pen illy of tin- atatiiita. 'a V, year" of life wiip. Pli-n 111 the llli-ai'll it clone relillit ep. Uf blP ntt II llllaaaal tlll'IP were priaent only two nleiep. Mm. Ii. H. Sahimpff aid VaaP. U.'a.rge liatlp nnd their chilalren. "f ronrin. An nsed Pinter. Mrp. I.inn.i liipir. aiirviten. but i a nn int.illil .Ml th' othera hail prea'caleal him to the grave At (he Interim-ill were Mm I'harlen Iddgeloy. tthaane port. W. Il Itlalu.'let, laarnior cntnplrnllor nf the currency, married one nf Senator Ciillnni'P ilaaiig'item, and Vlctnna Flnher. pin (or of (he peiiiitor p (w.i wiviP nther niambain of the ItKlgdev family were ammiR the maaurnerp. Part of the road to the cemetery fa.llnweal l.v the I'""'"'""1 it that M-r which Ihe body "f M.. . h uu Lincoln ruilom t '"l triend ami prnepta.r. Wat Imrne near ly half a century nun. me it run ml lav ileep In tima. - a . ,t, irv Mm' I d reaal die in in o rti.e at the grave he gax-d Into ihe .. ...I i a hr lihiw of (he rteriining pun. no.. ... f,,reKt"t'iiil fared the great o... which markp the ppot where Lincoln Ilea. Thua," paid Sniat'.r hhetiiian. lb" aalal .afaaa latlnll nl inr i " "lilil.ilcl in death, liatt.rnor punfio ild a high Irih- . a .a . .r I -111. me a . a ,.,i'a pa.liilcil career, whi-h ext.-nde. . . . .1... ... , ,l ll all ..a-iaa'"a - aater a half leiiluiy ne pam (he aemilor'p life wnul-l no an ." unlive to the public nun of lhl and a.ther rinvp. and upaerled the pem.lor left (rletidp and nlallteP a neriii.p.- greal.r lhan earthly dieniip heritage nf an hmiePt name and a rec ord of duly well dame." Senator Sherman anlil: "Thla day. mnrlalllyp l.iat tlihule (o (ho dead la paid. T" few of i .la.i. Ha.n-alor rilllom'a length of yearg and full meanure nf honor ' , . . .it ki- w. n and UiM-fullieiai. .-Nearly n.. lemporartea- have joined Ihe pilent ma- Jorlty-" . . 11.. aav-a.n laf tttB (VPO UU aat.a... nl at en und purreaafully govern natli;na. Neither the agilatur nor tno o.-..-- toiind in him a reppnnno. "Hi inlcmiato enmmera-o law wna a pioneer and It purvivea. It wap n.. mere aerld. nt thai kept him In public life for more than fifty yeara. Hla apancliil.-P were pome uf Ihe mntl remarkable men of our country. He kept pare with them In peace and war and met hla dutl.-a iili ability, dlgnliy and power.' NO BID MORE THAN SIX MILLION FOR ORIENT RAILROAD i (y la-a-il Win. to I'-vmlng: Herald 1 1 i?,....... i iiv. Feb. S.-Any em.iunt iibove (.HLOOO wa.uld be un ex' "- nlto bid fair (ho iiaM'tP nf tno ivan-nn fliy. Mexican and i .rlent raur-au, acci.r.lli. to a ten gram d"m a r. repetilatlve nf llii.tncierg intereat. d In the prawpeclive nnle of (he mud. read a( u hearing In f. ire Judge John -. I'olbi.k In (he I'deittl rniirt here today. Judge rnllork heran a hearing Salurd.iv tt adjtial ibilma again" ihe railroad preparatory to miking ii d. croe fair Ihe pule of (he aaa- la if Ihe firient which hud heen In the handa of renin ra time March. I 1 2. At Ha! urdu y poanla.n of (ho healing It wua guggenled thill IH. iniii nun ahould he the nilnlmutu prlre lo be atked hy Ihe road. Aged Groom Dies 3 Hours After Wedding UES CULLOM lljr lacMM-tl Wire to I'.viiilng Ili-ralJ.I New Vnrk, Feb, 2. i liaiira Waidwell Srhnfiold. on.-e a pr.amiaenl ruilmual hulbler, a yeara nld, wua married in n t. .day tu Mite Jean W. Fin- alminuiia, uged i. a trained nuree. Wiiluii three hmira h wua dead nt pneumonia. He ro- alUcd thut death waa upon him and aaked lllitl the cerrinniii be 4 pcrforn.ed- r EVENING NEWSPAPERS 0UTNUMBR MORNING THREE TO ONE rhiliialilphla, Feb. 2 'Mki rauty nlxih annual cetiHup of ihe pubP a tlaatia nT the I " ,tl t -al Slat. a ami fan iiaiu, pill. Ii.-. In .1 In the Aim-i ll an i-wa-paier Annual nnd luroctory, ahowa that an average of lite new ptibllaa tiona were ituiud eta-ry wairking day iliiritig I ) I :i, The euppeiipiaaita nnd cnnauliilntlnna make Ihe net gain only l Ii ! a week. The tail at I number a,f pulilli atmtip ia 24. .'';'.. There are 2,t.4u I'uili.-a the evening edltl'inp iiiiintimb'iiug the in. .in, UK In almlit three to aane. There are oim sunalav pap.-rn. It reipilret faarty diffrrent liiugiiaKcp lo rnrry Ihe newp to the people of '.hla rmintry. l.lilte I ml a .lie devoted In (he apea inl piibliriilinnp. ngrlruiciral, religinua, etc., but every ehi.ta. every cull, ov-ry trade, every pruf. 'anion. every fad, every "lam." hap lln irlmed pankop man In (he II) Hate Into w hlah i hey ore UlllallV laled. nnly four UidiiNirli'p nnwr exceed In a r. . 1 1 :t I I'lt eaieal ami value nf prodiicta die bualitcna i'f piilillaliliig and print ing. In ten yenrn (ho oinptit In-rreapa-il M per cent, and it ia eatl m ii I i'al that ut prenenl tho earn I nun nl newnpapern nnd perlmlirnlp uver aato nearly a milimti ami n half tlnl-lat-p per iitli-ndar day. Two-lhtrda of thia umiiiitit perhaipa repra'Pa'nta thn Un aame Iraaiti uilveitlping. In Ihe na lure "f the i i'pe tin one indlt liliiiil can be f.ainlliar with B large part uf thn pnlilinliiiig imluatry, whb h la aiarrii-.l "ti In limn, (ban 11. nun dliTeteiit taiwna; each nf th.ia' in hunted and deaiiil'iil with all nf tho piihllriitiiuia. In the big bunk which prepartita lint lalep! report nf imr publlnhing wairld. Try HERALD want d, they brine resulti. IV .-' . .." v.; Utryamin- IVonhingfon Tango Tuxcd' JUSI IIKC being up-to-date in fashionable should every man Be up-to-the minute in his dollies. To get the stylish cloth- 4 1 9 nig ana tur I nishings at extreme low prices, go to r.l. r.landell T1TE LIVE CLOTHIEU K I I '."la " I i V . Vh - 3