Newspaper Page Text
THERE WAS ONLY ONE THI MUTT CONCbvroilS-rP 'V6 tbOfriD Tut CMTfJT INVGHTtON CDCMT, Jvc ftCCN tOtlON LIST OF VICTIMS OF THE AIR INCREASED BY TWO IN FRANCE (Mf la'aaed Wire to Evening ftrrald.l hniirit , hnn r. K l. 2 ('iiplHlli lliiHtnn Nl'"' or tlin Klri rtiikr. unit l.icuti-iiHiil Jrmi ImiiiIn iM'lvorl, if th Tvviniy-firHl urtlllrry, Inilh nt- tnt'lifil ti'iniiirui'Hy lu th" hrriK h nvliilor rorpn vx-r.- klllcl i...lny. Th.y f.ll with licit '4t 1. 1 .1 nc whilp flylnn ovr the tiilhi.jrv iKTinlriiim hir. RAILROADS MUST CUT COAL TON RATE SAYS DENVER COURT (IW Ijhm.iI Wlrr In 7viilng I iN'tm r. I i'li. z. r itinliiK miu ir .1. r nl I hi- httiti' rail run it t-. t n m liwioii In hiit m.i- liii.inn in I hi miimiii Tn IiiiKhi' .nXH III vthlih the Ciiln rnilii mill H'Milh'rii. Ilp i'hlfi. : ill hii'.-t.'tl find Qlllliry mill thr I'n- l..n I'ui llir rMllriunl- wi-ri i.-iliii'. lliflr lun rn'i in nml fr.iin tin nnnlirrn Culiiriiilu iiilii. .rp ! il In the .llnllll't ce.lll tl.llllV I v JtnlKi' I i try. Th rl! In i ul h--ri.xltiiiiti'ly 3n 'ir ct'iil iiihI tin- .nit - i.nii r Ih r. irm th... Thin III ii.'1'..i.iiiii. th ri'f nnilltiK or niirnx lin.ii' lv I4IMI oiiii liy thr riillriimlii tu .hi..Tf. thr urtitiiirit r-ir.iM'ntlnir ihii'm. ihiiric within lh. l. ymn ptin. th.' riillrnml 'niinlH'liin'K in lilnl ..riliT. Juilm- J'crrv mini iij. ihe iiiiilioiliy i.f thi r.iiiimi-nlnii ti fl NEW EXPRESS RATES EFFECTIVE TODAY l l4-n-(l Wir- ii, Kvrt.lag llcraHl.) Ni'W tr.irk. I'Vh 2. The nr xyi li 111 nf Int. rftnl.' .ir.'u riitm. nn J. iiiU- nf ixt.n it .-.'ill mvfiT tttmi tin- (.irnnrly ir'vnllltiM. lii'.'aim i fl. itlM- toilay undi r nrdrra I-mkmI h ihi' iiilcrBtMlv l omni.-r. x onininia ioii Th mw Inti-rKtat.. ratt-a are I 1. . d am a Mora nv ntr ni. ra l iii.l for I oiuJi'iiiiii--i Mi'ii. Iii-iii.t. IVh. 'J - iiHciir iiok. 1111-l.-r uriit.tiii' of il. 11 III fur Ih" klllliu of I'litroliiiiin WHImni Mltilti'twti i.nii A. J I.lnyd In lunvr nun ixriinli'il 11 nrw 1 r In I l.y tin- Mini. an r.'in i-iiurl toiliil. rtmk'a utlor nr coiii-n.l.'l that lii viua li'lnl Jointly with Kdwiirii I,. H.-vial. I. a who roiifcw.. il and Iha iiinf ..fa. Inn .i liroiiaht Into Ihi trial Ttn'V i onl. inlrit t Vtnf Conk flHiuld hnn- hen Klvi'ii 11 aiuinil Tin cotiM ni.rov.'.l ITifa ron-t'-n Inn raiutilti Ili-iln.i'H KiI-iim llat.n. iittawa, (int. Ki'h. J. The li a. hrdiili' of I'liirv-xa ralaa iraniulRatd In Hit railway Willi h ! 1 am. oii nil ivt. today, iiruvldca aa fol Inn a: Wncre the ratia p..f H10 pminda ari- HO ..'nt. tin- ri'ilm tlnna In tilt pr.-ai-nt iiilnlniiiiii iliarara urr 2-hiuihI mr U. j .tut a. . 1 'uiunila, 15 irnta. laiiimla. i'n i.'iitu: 1 iii.unda. U inta; and T iM.uiida. 2S rrlila. Thr li-.lui tloiia on thi loimi-r haul ar- iiK In 1 li an, PROGRESSIVES TO STAY IN THE GAME DECLARES CHAIRMAN Simla Ki. N. M.. K.I.S That lli rmwri-aalvn iarty will rontlnuw an loil n.liiil nollllial orKanltalloil In New Mfiii'o l dirlard In tiwinl fi atn iMiii-d hy Mlanrl A. nro. (tat . ha r.nan. It la di. lar-il that a ii-w w...r..ii .11KH nlnation will he forin.'il In Hi'riiiillllii rminty. nntwitli I a 10! 1 11 u tin- coiifolidallon nf lh lia nulillonn a 11.I rrir aaivi fun Pa in that balllvrlrk. Ar Id Ki'kman ha llli'd ault lirc BiiUnal Hit Cnnl 1 r railmad fir lir,.fiini diiinuilt'a on IIm tromul Ihal iihilntirr waa J'i'trd from a train firar Hrlrii. Watrr rcauurii nf Nw M-li'o, ArlK. n.i and Tmaa ara In he dlaouaiwd tit a mratini of mriiihrra nf th t" iilnali-ai aurv' and hydrnraihli at enulnei'l-a In he ln-ld hens IniiinrniW A bnume Inhlel I., Ihe nieni'.rv f Ihe hit,. K0I0111011 I.iiiiu la In he .iii i'd In Ihe new riiiirihniie at l.unna anorjlng In nrwa retelyed le. FKRSOUALii. I'ullnn It. rhealhani. nf Niiahvllle, Ti nn , a ann nf Ihe lute (lenenil II. K. fheathiiiii. will arrive In Allm iiieriUe tomorrow In ejand antii'' , 1 ' m. 1 1 Wv -"' THE NG THE MATTER WITH JEFF'S INVENTION. f-c it i mfcT JATCM. You KAiew 001CTii i1:. now ami. Klvl, FMTTK, IIKMALh, WHAT I JOHN M. &00RE EEALTY CO. 'ilalllhed JSKIt. lit. JUAN N. VIGIL GETS RECEIVER'S JOB I III Iratted Wlra u Evening llrrulil ? WiisliliiK'i'ii. I-Vli. S 1 "r-il - .-ni liiilny made lh' iifitiilnnttoni.: I'onmil Bcniml nl Uu.ii.'nMl'i flly. Hlimrt K. I.ut"fi if Tin- in i.m', no' cotiHul tit KiirtrM. l;ci-rlr f pulilU- iiinn'Vi nt Hiilitu Vf. N. M , J mm N. ltcil. t.f TmIIm. N. M IWWWVWWWAfWWi .In mi nit thr iii -t .if A l l:ut.i rlM'.n. I III Smith KiMth Rtrrvl Mr IkiiiIiuiii In till li Ih mv In 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii vi-it hi limtlx r. .MnJ 11 I'. 1'lm.i'- luim. I'. H A. At .1 ni.'i'tiiiK nf 1 hi" I iiiviTKlly ulu- ilrnt hoily 1 Inn ninrnuiK J. J. Km iiiiuiM. fur flvi- ihik a Ktuit.-nl. rli'i It'll '.I .Mlilrnt . Ill' hnn twn lil'otll i'ri who iifi' Kraili.iitri.. Mary .'.niii'r nf Itii-wi ll wan rhii-cn vh-.- ir'nli'nl and ''tii'Kt llul' iM.irrlary. DIRECTOR GENERAL OF MOOSE TO BE IN TH CITY TOMORROW Hnn. J 11 hub J ImIb. miiri'iiie !! rrttor RtiKfal nf the l.mal order ni lll 1 .ana throiiuh Ihe illy to morrow on Santa Ke train Nn. 3. the I'alitornlii llinlletl. rn mute to rah- fnrnlu The i oinniilli r in 1 harae nf eei'iiriiiK the Monxe Miiiiitorliini for thla it 11 ri.l 11 lain, del.-aation of tile loinl lodai' will he nt the train l meet the imtor. PRESIDES OVER THE BUSIEST COURT IN THE UNITED STATES .lu.lue Ira '. lUiiliat'rlM'r i.f Ix-mrr nil nl) Omrt lluil nirr H..MMI New aiHa In I I :i . Jmlae Ira f. Uoihari in r. Jmlae nf the Ivnver inunty iniirt. hiia the ilia . in lion rt rei.dinu o r w hut la un- ilonlit.'illy the l.nni.'Kl t'.iiirt In lha I'mit'd .-JiaiiB. handled hy a ainalv Indue .Indue llothaerher ariived in lliiiiuentu hiat nlaht for a ehm-l latl to Mra. r.otliiiei her'a purelita. Mr. and Mra. Allred ilrnnafeld. Ill hi rniirt. whlih ini ludea the -mi'iala Unaiiieaa nf lieni'er i-lty and .'nunt there were filed laal ear l.iUU tn'W civil actiiute and nmr than J.fiDO pm- '1.1 tu ruaea. SUNDAY SCHOOLS SHOW VERY HEALTHY GAIN The vnrloua Hunrtay arhonl nf the rlty ahnw a healthy rnnditliin. and are iiiakinu a steady Main, hollow lint i the report nf atlendntue yeaterday: (Vnlriil avenue Mrthiulmt. imi; Cold and Hri.adway 1'hun-h nf 'hnl. 130; Kt. Tiiula Lutheran. l: Kirat MMthodtal, 3. Kirat 'reai. tenan, I '.l; .'iiiiareatlonal. 151. Tolul 1 3. MrTKK Ol IHsm il.VTION OK I'MtTMHsllll'. Nnilie la heiehy liven that the rurtnrrahlp herelnfnri ematinK he Iween Aleaanoro and Amadou Ml I.iiutI rtoln biialnei In the City nf AltuiUerUn at Ihe rornir of Hevrnth at reel and TIJeraa road under the firm name and atyle nf fhamiilon lrorery Co., haa Ihla day hern iltaaol.'eil by mutual onnaent, the aald Aleaandro Matteuirl aiii'i't-eillng to the owner ahlp nf Ihe a.ild piirtlii -rahlp and Ihe auig Aleanndro Matteucel la authnrlaed lu collei't all uutalanillni aiHoiinta due and owing lo Ihe aid partnerahlp and Ihe wild Aleaandro Matteucel l lluiile for the payment and ahull pay all outiitanilliig at'i-nunia due anil owing hy the aatil partnerthip In per- anna, flrma, t'orporatluni and Indl- vlduala. Iiaiud lha 2nd day nf Krhruiiry. 1114. AM AKKC' MATTr:! PC!. ALKSSAXIilto MATTKi rn. y.oliia ! hereby given thai a meet lug of Ihe direi'tora i.f the Sort hw eel ern t'nlniiliuiilon A Inii.mvetiioiit Ciiliipiiny nf 'lllhil.ihiia will lie held on Ihe tenth day nf February. 114 at eleven n't-Im k a in. at 1"2 liar Held biilhliiit. the ofri. of I hit roni- panv. In of Ohio. Ihe city of Clivi'lnnd O. M. STAFFoltD. Prealdent. II4 .limitary ;;, EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1014. Th. t I-OW8 INVKSTMKNTS Incorpornlvcl 1901. 114 t Ave. RANGE CAN BE Possible Without Closing It, Department of Agriculture Declares in Recent Bulletin. 1 hat u aerloiia ihi line In the rarry- Ing eapaeity of Ml at areaa nf weatern KiarltiK land, due largely to the fail that atoikinin full to give Ihe ranm' I'laiila a 1 halo e in keep arowiiiK. 11111 lie reliit'tlied witllolll rloMlng Ihene an an l. 1 all le ulii' eheei, ia the atuH -inent liiaile liy the Uepurtment nf 11 u t It nl 1 ui e In 11 liulletlu reoently la an... I on rutiui. Ininrt.v enieiit . Kxree- RESTORED iim ffri.Hi.iv 1.1 llie ki.rltiv lhnl'ftd later ln foraae mp la mature, and mi ll griiii Ini intililiued year alter year, auya the department, are the mum i-uiiaea nf ranm- deterioration. On the national furcate, the uepurt- iient point out, where thu govern- I inent ia Uolliji away with theae evlla 'and Ktni k la handled under gnvern I ni.-nt regulation, the raiiKf lamia have iinproved to a point where il ia UKalll lioKaible lo market large numhera of li.ef and mutton uulmala dlrti'ily 1 1..111 the range. In the "free for all" period of early la.vH, the department gnea nn lo any. the 11 1 out pulaluble forum plants were an finitely iinpned that tney were nn- ai.le to develop lha nereaaary plant foil, anil an literally atnrved. In ud dltinn, l!ie ronta were fre.iuenlly In jured b) trampling or killed by ex poanr.. Aa ! reaiill the heat kintla nf vegetation grew weaker from aan tu aeaaon, und where Ihe prarti' e nf early and elim,. grnr.itiK 'ai contin ued Ihe ramie ut laat In "unit) prui t a ally denuded. The vegetiitlon Whltll fiunialiea the grating imp haa mmh the aanio ginwth rvipjireiu.nta 11 a u (arm irop Nn farmer who hoa to realise the beat returna lr'in u permanent hay meiidnw. II la atated. would think nf hiirvtating the crop aa aiion aa It I lull ennugh lu cut. regurdleaa nl whether or not It la mature. Nor would he graze a permanent p.'iature aely Irom the tune Hie growth be- mm. until It naaea, for he knowa that thia will nault llnally m killing It out And ainie 1 liinate und anil 1 ondit miw over inui 11 nf I. ! weatern graiina 11 tie are leaa f i ora!ilo to plant growth than tlio,.,. nn the average farm even at iter 1 are muat lie ex.r- i-i.l hi iitiluing li e range 1 lop than ia niieaauiy with Unit on the farm The remedy augiteatvd for range deterioration la a eyMiem nf deferred gruxlng I'nd.T U' h n 1 Inn an over graxed port Ion nf ihe runae. aifli- lelilly Inrge lo enpply the forage from Ilia lime of ' il inn f vi 1 it until the end of Ihe giuxinx arumm, ia (.10 teeted Irom atot k until the heed crop haa matured. I'pmi maturity nf the aeed crop the forage la granted dur ing thr Ural aeuaon, but nut to the extent of Injuring aeed plain Ihe mnie area la protect, il In the aame way during ihe aecond and. If necea tary, aubaviiut'tit aeuauna, or until the new hlanta have been aecurely eatab liahed When the area haa lain thor oughly rraeeded II can hr nguiu graxed early in Ihe aeuaon, and a. aei -0111I area, large enough lo aci oiliiiui Ouif Ihe Block from the lime of aeed ripening to the end nf the aeuaon, ia prole, led utuil thu furaga la mature. Hy thla met boil of alternating late ginning from one area to another, weakened wgelallnn ran reenter ila vitality without the need of having the land cloned to gn.xing the entire year. SrMiHal aHliat'klMildera' al.mlng. Notice la hereby given that a ape clul meeting nf the alnckholdera of the Sorlh weatern Colonixaiion lm proveinenl Company nf Chihuahua will he held on the lemh day of Frb rtlary, 1i4. at leu o'clock a. ill, ut i2 Cat fir lil building, Ihe oftl. e of thr coinpnny, In Ihe city of Cleveland, alnle of Ohio, for th pllrpoae nf electing director of auld company 11111I audi other bualneaa aa may proti- I erly come before auch company at atntelauch meeting I thereof. or nny adjournment t. H: 11 . hTAFFOItH, I 'real. lent. Jiinunr)' x-2l .5 'LJ Vwwl oe Eveiming Herald W ant Ads VSaW-Si ilaV-N Three Lines : Three i The Markelsl ' 1 Wall Street New York. Keb. 2. A l.imk re covery followed the rurly tici-lino in prlcea today and by noon moat nf thn atn.ka were on a level with the pre viuiia ( luae or alightly ubnve. The break In the ltock lulu ml acciirltiea una the pilncipal lactor In the down wurtl movement, lleporta that illvl demla wntilil be enaprnded on f'lil tiigo, Hock laland und I'aclfic atmkl which la Htrurlty lor the llnek lal and collnti lul lionda,' ri ompnnleil Ihe alump In all of tlie old untl new ltock laland iBMica. l't 'i-fiire waa deneil that the com pany wna anrrn nc from fin incal cmhurniaanieiit. ltock laliind atucki made up part nf their luaaea and Ihe general lint advanced. The dmp In American Telephone and avmpaihetic waukneaa of Weat rrn I'nlnn were aaati' lat.'il with Ihe lecommendatluiia of the puatinaater Ken. nil fur government aciuialtlon of the wire com pa tile lionda were Irregular. Ceaaatlun of foreign aelllng which amounted to S.'i.OOO aharea. rnahleil the market to rlae further, but the improvement hud hailed when Amer ican Teli phone began tn break again. American Telephone lout four polnta. t'anadian Paclllc alao became heavy Standard atocka relapaed tu Ibeir low cat flgnrea under the enmbined In fluence nf unfavorable railroad earn inga. liquidation 'f Invealment ahiirea and renewed aelllng of the r.ocg Island group. Too I'acirk' group wag eapeclally weak. The market ilneed weak I'nder mlned by extenalve ahort covering the liat fell off readily in the laat hour when profeaaional preanure waa ap plied more Igorotialy if feringa of long Mi k Increnaed among the pop ular ahiirea and there w.ia an abrupt halt to the clique nperationa n the ipecliillle. (Muaing price on the mure Import ant atocka were: Amalgamated. l' ,-V Sugar. I OH. Atchiaon. 7-K. Keading. 161 1-4 Soutliern Pacific. 94 1-4. I nlon raciflc. i62 3-. Steel. i7-S. Steel, preferred, ex div., 110 3-4. The MtMM-y Market. New York, Feb. 2 -Call money Driiiel. 24r3 1-4 per cent. Time loiina weak: d iya. 2 S-4 per rent: SO daya. 3 t:i- per cent. Mercantile paper. 3:i-4im per cent. Itar allver. M 3-4 '. Mexican dollara. 4'1-lc. 4 lilcago Ibiar.l ol I rauV. Chicago. Feb. 2 Wheat ahowed flrmne luday beiauw of a reduc tion of the ratlmaled Mirplua rmp In Auatralla and a a reMill of pma pecta fur a mid wave. Moreover. aign pnlnteil 10 a Lining on to .tie Culled Stale vlaiblc npply and tht. trader lclleved that r.illy wa du 1 after a three daya bt.-ak. Prlcea atarted the me aa Saturday nlgnt , to l-e up and at ured .4 numeral ) guln all around. The cloae waa firm. - t ' nev higher. Corn advanced raiT'-r aharplv on account of the outlook for wintry weather Coiiiiiry ' fl'-rlnga wer light. The opening which waa un changed to l-lfil-4c higher, n follow i d by a general iiptilt n. The ilnae a ateailv. unchanged In l-kc up ioinoai.,1 with Saturday night. In nala. Ihe tendeio v wa In har den wllh nlher grain. Ilutnea. Ihnngh. did lint have much Volume Hic.iilUir inure ihan atrength 1 haractcriyed prov laioi-a. Kupporl wna only fair, deapiie an atlvame at thn yard. Flrt aal -a varied from ! I I louer to an ciii 'l gain, wllh Inter price inclined to keep within Ihnl range. Wheat May. 3',. Corn May, l l-i, Oata May, 3 7 - Pork May. '!l Mi Lard May, $11 ui. July, kx I. He. .1 ill v. 1i,c. Julv. Iv,r. Jul), 11.J. I "V won- i i FOR IIKNT. modern houaa. frame frame frame room room room room .$22 00 .$14.00 .111 00 .110.00 .1 1.00 room frame J. II. J'KA K. til Weat Central. I'hone 198. PERSONAL NiAHKT If you are lonely. The Ha liable Confidential tiucccaaful club haa large nutnberg of wealthy, eligi ble mrmhera, both aoxeg. wishing early marrlagea. , riearrlptlona free. Mra. Wruhol, Ilox ill. Oakland, Oil Mention Albuquerque evening Her ald when writing FOP CAItPKT !,.Bnihg, and atuva repairing. W. phone 614 furniture A. Ooff HELP WANTUD W ANTKI Wuinan for general hniiaew nrk. Muat be competent. No waahlng or ironing; good wages. .10S North Twelfth atreet. LOST. I.O.ST LudltV amu l gold build ring I'lnder pleaae return to thla office. I.o ST Hetwren r'orraler and Silver live., lady'a gold watch, hunting niae. Hetiirn Tl VV. Silver llewar.l. WANTED. WANTKIJ 'lenant fur atoreroom In I the heart of liualneaa ihalriit. espe cially udapt.'tl for grocery buaiiieHa. A rlini with n n nlrrudv eatubliahed biialnt aa preferred. Living ronton above und amiill warehotia on track within two block included in lea at If deaired. F.xcellent npportunity fur right parller Atldreaa I'ualuftl'e Itox I4. V A NT Kli- nine or room 17. ' City. -A good looking cupper, led pruapect. Addreaa I Wull atreet. New Yurk Itiba- May. 1 1 1.12 ; July. 1 1 1.67 'i. kaiiaaa 4 II v l.iiHirk. KutiHiia City, Fen. S lloga ; celpla. k.OUO. .Market, Itic higher. Lulk. IH.SSff tt; heavy. fs.4t.V k BO: packera and butcher. IvSai-i R jr.; light. $l"iH8t; piga. ;7 00t 7.1.1. Ciitlb - Itecclpta. H OIMir V rkel. ateady. Prime fed ateera, $ 01 I IS; drcared beer ateera. t7 21ti Soil, weatern. I 7 l H.r.0; aoiilberu at.ira. l8 2rlU2i: row. 4 2 r, i T . helfera l "Hi 7!.: atockera and feeder. 6 So i X 2 ti ; bull. I j 10 7 7D: ml.ea. It filllTll 0 Sheep liecelpta 12.00.. Market, ateatly l.iimba. 7 2 T, 4 ! K0; year). Inga. ti 2S i "0; w, Ult ra I.V2". 1 ewea, I ' 00 (1 5 SO. 4 lilt aeo l.lvegiiH k. Chlciign. Feb 2 -- Hog value mac tuiliiy, recelita lie lug am. ill lllood rrade m-re airmig Siippllea I of aherp and liuiiba proved i xce- lv e. lloga -Leceipla, 3. 000 Market. fic to 10c above Saliirdav a average ln,k HMMlo: light. !?.'. 2', ; rough. X 50tl 31; pig. x 3:, I Cattle liecelpta. J:' 000 Market aieady. Heevee. 0 SO; Texa aieira Id (IIMi 00 ; weatern teer It 401( 7 7a; iocker and feeder. $.". 41 Oil: cow and heifer. 10 i, 10; calvea $7 f0 4l 10 .10 Sheefi - Itecelpt, StlMiO Market, weak il 10c tu K.c lower Native. 14 70 i 1 (.': weatern yrarllnga II 7M HO; III "Ml 7. S; weatern. 14 SOti l.ttl; I it It 1 lie native lc xi) fi 7 CI ail. St l.oul. 14 o?, i 4 "1 I ami KM'lter. Feb. Lend apelier aienrtv. I" quiet ?o ! TIM MiImI Murk.t. New Yolk. Feb 2 Copper viamliird apnl to April nftc firm: ed at 114 7.1 Tin firm, apot and February. Itn'.o 1 4. 4 7 ! Iron gteiidy; No. 1 northern. Il.'. ou I 4)1110; Va I northern. $14 7141 llSVS; No. 1 nii!hrrn. I 4 7 1 i 1 .1 2 ' : I 'In 1 aoiillicrn anfl. 1 1 4 7 1 4i I . ! 1. ' la Udon ftiarkvl lloacj gg follow: Chi.4 Ijy 6t,i. Q. Times : Three Dimes ! - DUNBAR BARGAINS rn uoiiii avk 4 -room inotlern houaa, 41 80. 4th St , 120. .', -room modern bouao, &1 New York avenue, 122 Mi. 4-roum homo', modern, 401 Ko. Krniidwny, 1 1 K On. t l'lHl-: lsl llMIC AXU T l-rnom furiualu'd houao, tnod I ern, 112 --- e -- TYPEWRITERS. ALU KINDS, both new and aecond . h. nd, bought, gold, rentrd and re Albuqucriiiia Typewriter Kx change. I'hone 14 4. 221 W. Uold. Foil BA1.K Oliver typewriter, good 11 a new, 12.00. 221 Weal Hold. I'hone 141. Furniture Repairing, KKl'AIKINO Kurnllure, atovea and range repaired. All work guar anteed p. w. K'-heer, 2JI Ruat Cen tral. I'hone 10(1. MONEY TO LO AN; M UN K Y To IJiAN Money advanced to rullwgy und other employee on lalarlea or huuxhold giioda. without removal. I'nloo Loan Co., over Flra' Hank. FOR RENT Roorni. Fon IlKXT-Tiin, beuutiftil, annoy front room for light houaekeep. lug Apply SOfi'.i Weat Central ave. FOR SALE Real Estate. rou ai,'. improvetl ranch near town, a bin gain for raah; will con alder trade fur cuy properly. Addreaa owner, Herald office. WANTED -TO BUJ We buy old gold and all ver Jewelry Ilennotf lit s. 2nd. WANTF.D TO PUT Second-hand furniture, atovea and rangee. F. W fkbeei. 211 Laat Central. I'hone 10SI. WANTKD Clean lluruld office. rugo. Evening Copper, eiiay; aput Lit aa: future 68 lu. Tin weak; apot. fix.', 5. fill urea, (1H 10a Iron Cleveland wu runt, file d. TAKES FRENCH LEAVE FROM CARRIZ0Z0 JAIL Cuirluao. N. M . Jan. 31. on Tut aila. a veiling ubout I o'clock Samuel IMwurda. a priaoner in the Ii" 11 1 jail. nurrept.tloiiKlv left 11 ml hua Hot been aeen ailicv. Jull how Ihe pI'lHi'tlcr I'Ht aped ha not been tuaih public but 11 la known that he vlrlu ttlly look French leave through the door w lii'ti mi opportunity aroae. An ull night march wu made fur him hut up In the preaenl iiulbing haa been aeen or heard of hliu. wu (.barrel wlih ateul Ing a adile Irom the CurrUon. liv ery am hie l.c longing tu Mr Cook 0 Three Liver a bout two month ago He waa In Jail awaiting the action if Ihe grand Jurv. Shi rilT 1'orflrln Chin cx va nut or town CARS BADLY JMGED IN AUTO COLLISION Arlealu, N M . Tavlor tar full wa going to u night laat week. Feb. 2 - While the of young people, iluni'f at Hope one II met the cur of II. .li llui-aell coming home and III Ihe alnuahllp both nil were aoinewhal ballereil up, Ihe ;um-.-II uiacliine be ing put mil nf cumin ialon altogeth er The driver nf the Tuvh.r ma 1 hlnc waa apt t iling up I t top a hill win-n Liiaat II caiiie on hliu without llc.lll llolll reall.'if Ihe tliliKer ol a rollialoii ami lurn.'il out of the mud. but the trouble wa that both I.I The turned Ibe aaitie way, and the lor car cugbl i;iic,ra auin )iiia and nearly demollahrd ii. Tavb.r nun hlne had one light .r ken and a fender ballcred up. but w a uthrrwlae iinliur' None nf the uc- 11 1 b til a of the catg wrtu bun. 8EVEX. BY "BUD" FISHER For SrJe Miscellaneous I' OH HAI.K Cafe doing nice bual neaa; cheap rent; good locution in live town. Adtlrcnj J. ts.. Herald of fice. Foil HA I. K Some lliaiillful Thnr uugbbred plgeuna; cheap If taken nt oncu. 50c pair. 101 Kaat Iead. FOR RENT-nouses. foil KKNT 4 -room uiu.lern brick, S12 Marquette avc . 122 10; 2-rooni flat, cloae In. 112. (A; water paid Apply at C. C. Iluilaon. Fourth and Copper aventio. FOIl UK NT Two-room furnlahed npartment, with alecplng pori'h. light, heal, hot und cold water. Ill Kaat Central. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Physicians V7. M. SHERIDAN, M. D. I'raetlce Limited to g 1 m ro- r 1 : 1 u y in si And iiim:si:s f thr pkiv. Tim Waaaerman anil Noguchl TeaU. rialvumnn "eog" Admlniaterad. Cilixena' Hank llullillng. Alliuquerque . - tlvw Mexico a. ti. hiioini.i:. m. p. Practice Lliiilti'd lu Tubrrculoala. lifllce Hour 2 lo 4 p. m. Phono 1171. 224 V Weat Central. Albuquerque Sunllurimn Phone 143. DRS. TULL & BAKES SiMTloJIMa !:, Far. Noe. Tlimat, ktate National Hank Illdg. Phone . MII.IIMIIN K. IH ItTON. M. U. Ill) aii-la n and Surgeon. Itealilen-e, I0 South Walter Street. I'hone 124 0-W. Office. Harnett Ul.lg . Phone (IT. Dentists Kit. J. KHAI'F, Ih'iital Surgorj. Itooin 3 and 3. Harnett flldr Over o'Hli'lly'g Drug Store. (Appointment mnile by mall.) Plume T44. 4 I' M l. It. MtMIIIK 4 4 CniiMiilng Mining I'ligine'. 4 4 i:amlnntlnn ami lleMirt. 4 4 ItiHim 11-H, 4 nnuwcll Hlta k. 4 tvi LV AHIOH t'rlllM4l, l.lite.1 and lU'tuawi. If you have a acrlpt about which you are doubtful, end It to ma with It and get a detailed rrlticlam. with Kiiggeatlun for Ila Improvement. Script put In proper form and mar keted at rate I). II. I.AM.. Tlie KiTnarlo Man. Hog 211. Albuquerque. N M SANTA FE TIME TABLE KfTectlv Heeember V i-atlaiuml 7. 1111 No. 3 1 7 I II 10 2 4 i Claaa. Cat. Limited . . Cul. Fxprea ., Cal Fxrea . . Cal. Faat Mall. . (Thuiaduy only: Arrive, lnoartr .11:20a Ulna . 7 00p . 10 lOp .11 OOp 1 :30p iruip II 41a I He Luxe K"l ImiihuI Overlund Kxpreaa. I'.'ualrrn F.xprraa. . Chl'i.go Limited . K. c Chl. Fx. . tWednrailuy only: Pe Luxe K.iiiiIiImiUii.1 7:10a I 00, 3ba ISp 4 op Up 20 to 111 111 III 111 111 I lOp t 0p II to I 10, l.lOp 1 Fl Paao A Meg Kv Fl Paao Paaaene.-r Pecna Valley Kx . N'urt lilHionii From Mrx A El P T From KI Paao f From Pecoa Val ley and Cut-ofT I top 4P P. J. JOUBSON, Agent. or,, 4 up 0'ip 41p