Newspaper Page Text
IIGITC. THE EVENINO HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1914. NAVAJO UiilP' " NOW IS THE TIME ht luti t ihi .! 'ii of the year iliHt our studio offer their C l' I'" iiii I ..r miik.iii; u r pnitrsit. The tuali Is over " or hi i, m j,t lu iiuti - f"ijii..(.(in ntiv we .i mure time t our dipoal which niinni tin m i (!( ilium, mi to Y l lii' run m il Huiillun to your order. U)c Gray Studios i.iii'i'Mi -liiiiitcri-tic tin Wi-M i culral r. Iti'wr .. BO Oil BINDERS RULING, SPECIAL FORMS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON FRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. 2CS-210 West Gold Avenue Phone 440 temp's Falstaff and Draught Beers are the choicest products of the brewer's art. A trid will convince you. Consolidated ife?2KE Kill VVlV mw It! " BIG DISCOUNT ON CLOCKS THIS WET.K ONLY Your Oppoitunity to Buy a Gooi Clock Cheap cstd iea3 DUKE CITY CLEANERS 'n iM'ax l-alis iihu ami wv Mti' il't-oiiu, ru, curUilua, tlraiM-rliv, ne. tiv W e4 MiW ltiiiir 44 ProJaplnfsi Our Motto F. Crollott 1UNEBAL DIRECTOR AN1 EMBALMES. ll WIT I.KI FAMILY MOUOR HOUSE ('. A. . i:Mi:. I'r..i. i. aueiil IT San l'elr I. law anil Imri ikI. iiriliTx irnniilly lilliil l iiriil-lii'il Kimihm li uii k or iiiiiiiUi on car Hue, I'ltotu- T2. 8nj . ivltoi) V. ONE MINUTE Certified Clinical THERMOMETERS Only 50c WHLWMS -DRUG GO. 307 Wtst Central Thone 789 T.ffii the ITCTIALD Every Diy llKWATCMMAKf US & JCWCltM ! r tf7 W CFNTR A L A V ZA I DONT FAIL TO SEE Wright's Trading Post 3rd and Gold Ave, One of the show places of the city. Largest Collection of GEN UINE Indian and Mexican Handicraft. RUGS AI1D CURIOS i m mitts. anta f-'e tltt Mi Crani-i-ati. riioiio it-u ( ITV MIOK HIPAIItlM. co, i It. A. hamncl, l'nii. f 1'ootr, u ml ghrt iniiila and rcpulred un aliort nut Ice. Wa'va got tin- machinery and have the n I'l l ii nee. Qui' k etrvice und till) thu best grade of leather UK a Sewed half gnleg 75c to fl AO. Sutigraetiun guaranteed. We, l.u), hvII anil exrhunge rmw I niiil J ii t In, ii J shoca. I'huiie tS. SWASTIKA Stl.OON linnet- Hull In ( oiiik'i Hull. I'iin' Wliii'm Jiiir ami lKnra We Tieui iiii Well No IH'Mirilrrljr OlllllH'l Nt tli S' "ml Mrii-i ar Takea Y'iu In tlie IXMir l iir IJili K, nuil IjikI S. Iiiml Jtiniii I'll,. m e;i CALL 47 l-'ur I'ari-el ami IdiciriiKe T. Ilverj u n. I nlKht iuIIh. rimiiu ti Alliiiiiieriie I'ari-el IH-Ilvery. A. II. Iiaca. 36 Pairs Dr. Reed's cushion sole Fine Shoes While they last These are retailed every where for $3.50 and $5.00. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED E.L. Washburn Company 133 K Knromt. t W. Gold. CRYSTAL Today "llV 1111. TWO IH Pnllie. Titi:i;r III IIII WHIM, Ml V Two-llccl l.uhlo IValiire. wiii-a i.oti: is ni v,'' . tiiiil . tonicdi. Coming lfr W i-iliic-,1). Ii-la, nil 1'ini'ii nf -riii' iiiiiiiiin-ii or" Pictures Changed Every Day NOTICE Wc Iitr U announce) having ad.h-0 tlw KMTHITY Ware, hollar, on VYr-at Marquette Ate fine l our Mora go fai 11 It-lew anil rtv.Mitfiilr gidlclt alrgo "t all klniK , SPRINGER TRANSFER COMPANY The Weather KO It WAST New Mexico Tm Inxht iiikI TuchiIiiv full . Llillli i In .ii,l urilmi TueRiliiy. Al.ltrglKltgfK Weiitlur t..r 21 liiium eiiitlnii ut S thin mm nin: . YVnrmeM, 6u ilt'imn, dililiHt, 16. ItaiiKit, !4. At S. 21. tMHilhwi'Mt lnd. rleur, AIIU'gl'KltQrK U'i'.illi.r rtur Iiik J.iiiiiii . M i n n m ii x 1 III u III. 5.' i ; MK .iii tn in i hi ii iti. iim'HIi. 37. 2; iiiHXiniiini. 70 mi the '.'Klh:' IlliMilliuin. II mi the Sinn; KrentcPl ilnll rniiK". 43; n rerlHtntliii : is ili'iii iliiyk, in imrtly ili'iidy jml i clutidy. TIiIiiiih mlnu TuiiIkIiI. rteKiiUr ineellng of bimid ut i:dii('Hlion. lleitular meellna uf MUicrnl li.ilur, Knliihm I'Jlhun at 7 ; S tt. Iianee und liiiiniuit liy Kiilghta uf (.'ulumlius ut .M'ltunli' Temple. Our lllHinnllniieil Klury. The rou mill uk ilted hla noic out of the hide. "All thin Rah," hi auliluiiuiiied. "iihuut my lieutR wared of my owp xhHdiiw la outruxenm ,ifTle Any I'lrnon nho haa lived liny time In New Mexico knnwi thnt the nun Ik iiIikiik ahinmit and a ri oiuulhuii wouldn't Ret uaed to leiing hla Hi.hIuw iifivr reachina nuiui'e RruiindhuRliuuil would In my iri uii i . i ii n i ii In- ii nn-lieml. nut in iiieiillun ii molly cuddle und m mint." So the 1. II eapered meirlly nlnliK amid the cm lus, illnilaininii to cunt even u alum e ut tin ihitdnw nliich luumi'd tieHlile hlin in the nuiiKhine. lie il il nut even notice I' II wunn't hm uvn Hliadow. For it whr the nhndow of u l.ime. Iiunxiy coyote (The Knd ABOUT PEOPLE YOU KNOW TO til'HM 'tun KKS If ou fail to fet your evemnR paper, call roSTAL. TlXKdHAPII CoSirNT, I'HONE SI. 1 1. T Iiouulax of Hunla Ke la lx- it lug In Albuiiieriiie tuduy. !r und Mra. C. Kopklti" uf hi- i.iii.i arc gticata ut Ihe Alvurudo. Ir C. C. Chirk of Burorro la an Ail.u.iiii r.nie vmltor today. Mr. and Mra. C. II. Munn of Kliul Mich., ure gueala lit the Alvurudo, IC. liuriern, Jr., la In Hunta IV- on .i biiHinexa trip. Thumaa Pearaon of Itoewell la III Ihe city for u few daya. II. W'iPiMiiiH of lllm water, vvum 'i viaiior in JMbiiitieriiie fluiid.iy. II A. Iierrvinun of Han I'edro wua a hunilay vleltnr here. .ri,;,,. V K I nllerli.n left till" m i fur hi" rune hea at liatll, after aev erul .la N III Albtii'.ieriUe. Ilnrn- To Mr. und Mra J W. Me Ciuade. 34 North Waller afreet. Bun day. I'cl'i uury I, a daughter. Slate Kenator It. K I'linkey of Santa Ke arrived thl morning on the lim ited for a abort vtatt. Hun. iitiavUno A Ijitraxnlo of Vegaa. waa n Ilia illy to apiud Sunday allh frieuda. Col II. K. Twuhell of Vegaa. im In the city today looking after bua liiraa matter A. I'hiiI Kerguai n. the iiilltlnrr. left today for New York and Chicago to purchaae apring " oi k J. M I. una. county clerk of Va lencia col.nlv. waa a vlaltor here yea-l.-rda.'. He returned home tlua morning Hurry K cleik of the Culled Klalea euiiil arrived luat night from (I I AM)(i AMI I'ltl SHlNtJ of LA HI KM' and C.KN'TI.KM KNB ri.OTIIF.a) Kelaer llrng., I'rop. SIS 8. k-iHid Bt. I'liolie IIM). We Clean 'Kin Clean. " C.noil Called fur and lieiivered. BILL'S SHOP PASTIME Today "I.OH or TOMoltltOW" Tin: hiiiiim i: h mai t. Two-llil in-crH-an. thi: jmtih i mutation tali-am I onirily. S.i ii ( i I'c fur Mtiiy in AHui iucriile. I.o.iil council mi, Kiilrihta of ColiiiiiliuK. will hoi. I ii ri Kiiliir meeting In 'd. Kellowa' h.ill tomorrow nlxht, ut K o'clock. Km nk Itulph. the lilunterer. In In Kiint.i I'c on u control for Hoik In Uhe New .Mexico ..nlteiillury and I ul her Job. I I l-.llgcnc Kempenlch. of rcrulta. of the Viilcm in c utility i nun mini i t'lii m ihhIoii. uaa u Hunday laltor 111 Aliiiuiueriue. W CI NortlicoKK. who utieniptcd etiicldi- un Munla I'e trulli No. in Kiiturdiiy, la reported Improving jt HI. JuM'ph'n hunpltal and Ilia cum plitc recovery In expected. The trRtilir incctinR of the rlty tuuncll tonlttht will la adjourned until tomorrow n ht hecauw of the tihiietic, of aecenil member of tho rouncil. The reKulur i leetiiiR uf the board or cilii.ul.on will lie held tonight at S u'clork In the ufflce of the preaU dent. Al. K. Mickey. In the Ttarnett Illllllllllg There will be u leRulur review .f AIkiiio line No. t. o. T. M., I morruH Hflernouii it I Z:3il ut ''ill 1-VllowV hull. Itefrenhmenla. Minnie el' plot. I. record keeper. (Irmir Harrison, plulnllff In tli" nut of lliirrieon . Harrison, which cornea to trlul In the diMrit t eouit ludu, urrhed hunduy from hla houi'i n l.o Antielce. Mr. und Mn t harlea f. Calron of Hantu IV. arc Rtiema at the AIurado. Mr. Catron la one of the uttuincyj for lh" plaintiff in the cane of llur rltion e. Huirleon JihIrc M. C. .le.hcin and II. Ituriiiiii of Hiiculio. were In Albu- L(iueiiiu tur a nhori time Saturday eveniiiR. They n turned home yrl tercia) . A. U Vell. lii-neral munaRcr of the hanlu Ke coaal lluea, apent Bun ituy In Albmniermie. leaving luat night for Loa AliS'de. Mr. Well icioinimnied hia daughter to auulh- jorn New Mexico. lr. ileoriiu . Jlnrriaun. for many leuiH ,i fi-fldem of All'ti'iieriue. ar i lived thin morning Ironi loa Angi j lex. to appeitr in lourl In the cuku of ' Hurrlnun va. h.irrleun In which h la the defendant. 1 Capt. Crcd Koriioff of rAanta Ke. I j in Allituiueriiee toiluj' calling on i fru ii-Ik. I'or the iuhI tuur weeks 'Citl'tuln rurnoff haa been lit Ammo I km do In cmitii'Ction W illi Hi" Major l.iihe. c. ' I'luippUla. or Now Turk. jKenerul r of Ihe I'cilmal l.lKlit und Tmitl.iu c'UMii.iny. uw ti er n of the AlliuiUryue Light anil I'ouer coin puny, la In the city tuduy i ii lii.nincs.i The l.uil.iH Mlfeionury aociety of the ( uveliuc Methudiat church will meet Tur.-Mluy, Kcliiuaiy 3rd at 3 o'clock p. in ut Ihe church for their regular inout lily hualnesa meeting. A good uttc niliiiuo la tleaircd. T. K. Mil. hell, who iMal week pur t Imw'il ihe I'lTjiil lioii i, .ii rued I. ml nlKht from h arillu T-n. ol the hud I. Ihe rciiriutiK' k former hui.ic In Am- unit today liok ehiirae He will bem at once mint und Improvement of Ihg hotel. Mlea I: lit It lamghlln or Huntu Ke. wua a vialloi In AIIuiU rtie ) eater .lay. leaving l.ust night for New or Itn n i. where ahe will Join a party of archuenlugiaia. under direction of Kilvur I.. Il.'.ictt for an exploration Hip to Central America. i Slate KiiKHH-r J nine A. French waa In the ,ltv Ian niKhl reiurniOK home fiom an Inapeeiiuii ul atate : road i iiuatruct iuii In HiH-orro rountv 'and fr.iin Helen where lie attended lh,- ileiln Mti.'ii Huliday uf Ihe new Ilii unit biliUe acroaa thu Itlo lirande. Mam 1 1 Sicveiia, pruprieior of pilurgea' bun. I returmd In, me Hun- !day mm nine from l-ayw ood Hot (Mpringa. when be haa been for aev- erul weeka. Mr. rltevvna hua ol.tal ed relief lr.,ui . l heuinat lam with which he haa been Buffering for ume lima. The Clllxelia natd et Ihe pull tax which bank haa been deaig dace to pay Ihe 111 la now- due according to a alatemetit I V Ma. K. W. Ten- bant, ch tk ut 16a ilti' hool board who baa i h, ukc of the coliecdon of Ihe di Hal a head, will)nt payment of whlih no rmi.'li la eulllled to ole. j , Aitorm-y ai..iii( ft M.MIllen re turned I.. at night from Waxlilri-ton where lo- apt. eared before Ihe 1'nlt cd Klalea ku.r. ex.. t "".rt'j; ,f,T he Mppellama in the Alameog'' V. gruiil c.i... 'i!'VTar appeared for ihe appelle.-, r" . J a to New York lor a aiu-U la ex-eted home J-Vl.ruary 1 Ulll. n . k At the r. ul,. r meeting of Mineral t.oilae No I KuiKhla of I'vthiua I i be held tuiilxhl at 7:Sff. Ihe keeper nf record" will iliatrllitile lo mem- VANTED-EXPER. t V IENCED SALES. WOMEN AT T li t ECONOMIST. 9 l l 0 l V beta of the lodge, the aotivcntr ruing made in hnnor uf Hie golden Jublleo eelrliMitlon on l ebruary 1 Si h There a III be work In the nmk of Knlaht end other Impnrtiint bulticr. Vis- It lug' Knlghta are welcome. (lencrul Puperlnlendent r. 11 Itrlatol, who Kticceed.'d J a men Ktirn In the poNlllon lut week, hi riv ed thla flernonn In a aperlul In hla flinl Irlp over Ihe line In hi" new en pit- city. He la to make an lnt;iei tlun of lh" i.out hern New Mexico llnea. Mr. Itrlatol pMrticlpiitcd in the prcacnta- llun at la Junta Huliirdiiy of a huniNome gift to Mr. Kiirn from the uftl.-liile of the weKtrrn divlidon. Prol. If. II. KlinpKon, profeaau- of iinlnuil hilibandry In the Htale Aiirl- eulliiriil college for aeviTut yeura and well known throughout the alnte. wan in Albuitieritie ror an nmir tun morning noeompunled by hli wife and emi. Mr. Himpaon recently nr cepted ii iionllion with the govern ment rxtcnalnn work alntlon ul I.onKinoiil. Colo., where work la done In ronneetlon with the Colorado Hlnle college, and la now on Ihe way to hi new home. There will be pr hlnu tonight and eucli e-enliig Ihroiigliuut Ihe week, except Hutnrdiiy. at he lrl .Methudiat i bun h. There a,-M l.-e l-iglii at 7:45 p. lit. with ii fifteen in nut.' xplrlted mini a.-rv l e. The Itev. H AIuiiko llrlahl. 1 1. 1. auper Intendciil uf the .M.tliu.llxt wmk In New Mexico, will have i hurge of lh" aervleea. ir lllight la one uf 111" beat preacher" In the atate and I vvurth Ihe hearing nf the people. There will be no rollretloiia taken a. theae week night meetlngx. The general public la Invited. The ape. e!:il miiKic will be u aotig by Kulh llnght. MIe' LOST. Itrindle hull dug wi'h alnh tall; hraaa aplked collar; weigh about t0 pound: aiiHwera to the name of Jeff. I'.tttirn to lHI'i Houth Walter ft. THFUL T III KIIEE Night Station Officer Byrnes Also Injured in Disastrous Chase in North End of Yards Saturday Night. Kaymnnd Itidewell. la yeara old, w youthful knight of the road, la In Ht. Joieph'g hi right honpltul with a Millet knee, and a brulre on hi. left which he aay bulla woiae than . tha bullet wound: Mght Statlun t.'f- I fleer liyrneg ol the Bunia Ke 1 limp- I Ing around on a painfully brulaed knee, and Walter Punkic Itidewell'-: cnnipanlun In odventtire. la fcuaily at work in Ihe kitchen of the Mver-i I care, all aa a luault or uu etf..rt of Ihe two boyg to get on Irani No. x ; In the north yard Hutu May night, , wltbutit the foi in ility of buying ticket. ' ' The two buv a beat their way Into Albuuuertii.'e from lab-tn on train No. b But ui day evening. They were act u . getting u(f till' hctid-end by the of ficer who look them lo Ihe depot Tor examination. The were allowed lo (ii un their proinlac to keep off th' blind cara. The oHIo r, a a ia lit i ilatmn. went to Ihe nmtll end uf th-) i yard aa No X wu pulling uut, lla : mi the bova running alungalile the train und called to Uo-in I" Blop They , did not do no and the olflcer g vo chaae, hia gun. aa la the cua- loin when In action. Ilidewcll lot) over u luvv awitch aland, near tha 110 Id cum puny wurehotiae. gut up i.lid luat it fjaler than "ver f Thu officer fell over the game awitch und iia hia arm atruck the ground the gun waa tla.harg.-d. The bullet caught Ilidewcll in the right vner. The boy wua taken to Kit. Joaepha where hia Injury waa utteuded by City I'hyai chin I,. (. Ilice. Ii waa feared et flrt that amputation might tm ne-o-aaary. but today Itidewell la real- ' Ing caaily and nn aerloiia rcault I an ticipated The bio' mother, who Uvea In K annua City, hua been no tilled of the accident. I'unkl", w lin uu arreated auld he wanted to atay with hla pul und the poli.e f,.nnl him a Job 'n the Myer cafe kitchen ALBUQUERQUE BOY WRITES CLEVER STORY Harvey II. IVrgi'aMin Ti-IU of "Tlie Ougll of tin iM-Mi-ti'' In I eliriiary VuinlM-r of "ICetTealluil." YOU HOBO IS Harvey Keiguneon, ami ir Cniigreea- IxlMtemeiiU That May He Inxestigaleil. man Harvey It. Keiguaaun. I a con- J ICalllnoliy of lbllU-rijlle trlbutor to Ihe Kebi urv number of; llijcu. Catuir Whllney'a "llecreution" mug-j - aiiii-. wlih a very intereaMngly wrl -j When un Alloi.iier-Ue rltlaon come ten article on "The guull of ihe Ilea- t ,1m front, telling hia riicnd and erl," lllualialed by photugrapha. I H': .liliui .r hla experience, you cull There Is olie exceptlonully line pi' i r. ly un hi aim el It y. The latemenu lure ot Ihe iiieau eual or Albuiiuer-i'i" I f ,,o,,lc rcaiding lu far gaay place howlng Hie Bundlu mountain wlih'd . ,m,nnj )uUr" conlldence. very heatilirul cloud n.i. Thu ,,, dora-u-nt ia Hie kind that aiuiy ahona Mr. K. rguaaon a thorough backa Uoan a Kidney IMIa. Bin h loa- famillarli) Willi. the m a end hatini of Ihe deaert ipiatl. gal lured In In outdoor life in New Mexico. Tlie photograph of Ihe AltUiU,-riU meaa uaed by Mr. Ferguson la by W, ii, Walton . Walton Mvet New Panorama. It... V.' iltoli. whnae photugrapha of "I ! .vew Mexico i cilery at'.h..u urm m v,,,,a n..n.-'i.,. t..r I.... V. r ' ft : .uming Into demand, la giill 1 t tnaMiaM-ajrtl "' 'ud H"'4 uuh. ( wvado a picture from tne ' rooi ... ra-noiii. at Broadway and Central which he be- ,,y w,uU Kidney. Such poaltlve ben hevea will ... ;rr.; rto emenl ov er f nt w , hlllj ,),, , p, OVr, their worth anything he haa made a el. The beyond queillun." Photograph Ing nf A lhuoiit-run ha been Ihe depair Ihua fur of every photographer who hud tried II be lauae of Ihe locution of Ihe city. liou'l You llcllcve II. Borne aay thai chrunie conaiipailun j .annul ue cure,,. i.uut you ,-ne-.-r It. Chamoerlain'a Tablet have cuird ul ll.t. - k hv n.,l i-iij i:l- lti..,i u rial. They eoai only a ipiarter. Fur .1 gale by ull drugylaia. HATSPECIAL We have placed on tale 23 dczen choice Huts at (OfO ISO ALL SHAPES and colors in Fedoras, Telescopes and other' fancy shapes. Value $3.00 and $4.00. Now is your chance to save money. 8 ' ; 11 I ; aMVUWlM J II I (Incorporated) - LYRJC I'lKH.ItAM I'olt MoMtAV MTtlY 'FROM FATHER TO SON".. (Hex) Two I tec' iMniiiu. A III. mail luleeeat Story of I'ovcilv. t rim)-, lot,. oii((). Hub l-uiari. rlnya the l-Mil. "AT THE CROSSING" IVlalr Hraiiia. Willi lUulwra Ti nnaiit and O. A. '. I.uml IValiirlug. "LOVE-AND POLITICS" (Joker Comedy.) I AIL FI.1SI nttw ntnTiinpo'i nun I FROM TOOR OF Head of the Special Exposition Commission Will Spend Sev eral Hours Here on Way to El Paso. Kehr Murtinea of I I I'aao, head of I he apecial Suiiin Amcrii an i uinnua :mi. who landed ut New Yoik Ian w e-k ufu-r u very aucc awful tuur ol lh,- South American rcpiililua in the interi at or the i'aliaiiia-l'a. illc t p anion and to rurther irade relitmiia. will arrive In Allitniio tunc tnmght ut 7 u'cluck and will kpeud aev era I noma here, leaving for I'.l 1'llMo at mld tiighl. Mr Murtiriex nt yexterday u! hia follmr hmne In lata Vegua. w hi r,- he haa buaineaa luti-reata. J Kl lend" here hud hope. I to urrnngU a i aniiiei or rei i piion inr nr. .mn linen tunight hul lr" w.ieil thai It would be ne.-ei-aary fur him lo pro eed to Kl I'awi at once. Hla Iri. nda. liuHcver expect to give him a cordial w.l 'Hlie on hia arrival tonight. Th" tour uf South America waa notably no, eaaf.ll. Mr. Marlinex und hla ua-anciaif-a having been directly reapon Nlhle lur the iippiuprlulion of several million of Jullur-i hy the aeveiil re public ror rcprcHi utiitlun ul the Sun rruii' llvo expualtinn in lm;. WOIIIiS li::il iio.mi:. i,molly ,0ii indng. Jnvetligalluii ITiitii It true. Heloa la a at.Hi nient uf an A lliuUer.tle reaident. N'u tronger proof of merit ran be had. J. M. Vickrey, pluiuorr, loot N. Klevenlh treel, Albuiucru,ue, N. M . a: "I don't heaiiat lo recommend i I'oan'a Kidney fill. I am aute that lB,ho and kidney trouble. In my e ifa.y Lrouellt Immedlala relief from backache. I k.,f-r ut anctlier caae ' ., t.j.rp n'. Kidney Kill were ucl r,,r uln . tll tack that Waa cauaed For gala by at dealer. Trice 10 cell'. Fo(er-Milbtirn Co., llurTalo. Sew York, aula ugenta for Ihe Cnlled Stutea. tleinemhir Ilia nuiiie Doan'a and lake no other. Uenry'a n.eaaenitera I'hona l. ('. Ii. CON I It. H. II. 1). O. 0leithln Spea-unat. treat ail curable diaeaae. Offl.-e ikiierp Illilg. riinm-a lit ud III. MART EZ S BACK SOUT lERICft PITDRxl nuiunno o CONSULT AN OPTOMETRIST Never aelect glnaaea fur yoiirm If, und never purchaae glu.-aea frmn a apccluclo p.'iKller. The aim k nf ail' h a i tale aill. ia la a di f. l ine us their know le. use of I optica. The lenaea are tarelemly 1 ground, and f r..iiently not alike, and wearing iIipiii iiau.illy reaulta In puiu 111 the eye and injury to Ihe algal Then there I f reipieBtly I lie con dilion where the two i-ye are hot alike, requiring a ape. Lilly grotm-d lena fur eai h eye, . or different atrengih. Such glaaaiaare not found in the peddler ato. k. We, on Ihe other hand, have tha know Icilio, and tha appliance necea ar lo detect t any other delect, and grind leiiaea to ault. If In doiiol about your eye conaiill un. Hi free. C. fl. CARNES OITOMKTIUST. riM.ue Vt2. Ill Wei Central. wi l l, mn it riiiuiitKN ure fund uf good liri-ad and Cuke. That I why ourg are au popular with the youngater. Hut the oldatcra" Ilka tlii-m l knowing what ta good and toothsome and holcaume. We, have a large gale from our etablla n icnt be. our la regarded as th model bakery fur goud products In appeaae the appclile. Hive u g trial and you will understand how we gain new cupt.-mcr. PIONEER BAKERY to; iioutu rim st. C. T. FRENCH "I'xkuaij iiiti:tiu!t. KMllAI.MKIU fjidy AkA ant, flflli auii (rutral. Plions Day and Mgt t. 6Q. CLEANERS II ATTETxiS DYERtS Phone 41 0S Weai Cenirwl lior.iL DYIi IVOIiki