Newspaper Page Text
Infill Js. TOtY'M XfcWH Toil V Von got It In to lll;lll l. 1fir cent ntonili r IS mil m nrk ilcllvcrcd t your flonrj fifty etuis by mall. 5 W ; let the Mexican Fight it out. . , r k TIUnCXICCITIXEX. Vol. a. No. . ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1914. OCi. a. NO. 2g:, ENT WILSON DECIDES TO LIFT EMBARGO ON ARMS AND AMMUNITION TO MEX is i us run if. . iii i,t i ii it i U PRESD) ICO EXPECTS TO of im raw OF COISTITUTIIISTS Proclamation Will Be Issued from White House Restoring to Both Huerta and Carranza Factions Privilege of Im porting Machinery of War from United States; Presi dent Convinced Embargo Amounts Virtually to Discrim ination Against Rebels Who Cannot Get Stuff from For eign Countries. BY INABILITY TO GET FEDERALS (ll I .cased trn to YtmUig Herald.) Washington. Feb 3. President Wilson him decided In lift the em bargo cm exportation of i.itns lo Mexico. A lro' hiitin i ion under ihe authority (if I he congressional resolution of 1912, which, will restore ihi slums of the arm question lo where both 11 atria for i n uinl constitutionalists tuny Import arms from the Fulled Slates, inn will lip Issued frin the While House. N of Ihe action about lo be taken by President Wllaon became known today through source whhh have been cnniun(ly advised of the administrations policy In Mexico. It also hecam,. known that the subject IkiiI been dimiiiMil at Ihr cabinet meeting today. There were Intimation ihul an official nnnouncemem of the adminis tration purpoar weuld be coming from the While House Inter. Il la believed President Wllaon finally uecldcd to raise the embargo after being convinced that by restricting ahlnnenia of rm to Mexico the I'nlied Htatca wan not really showing neutrality, which wua Ihe purpose of the embargo, but wua In fact showing partiality aa the Huerta fori e were cnuhleal. to get large aullea from abroad while the constitutional taia, I mlleil almoet entirely In shipment from I ha I'nlied' Stale, could get arma -ami ammunition practically only by smuggling. -. . It hum bean frequently reported lo the administration during th prog reaa of Ihe Mexico nrgol.ulloiia, that If Ihe I'nlied .-nates would permit frt'e shipment of arma to tlenrral Carranx. the constitutionalists would undertake to restore pence In Mexico and at up a constitutional govern ment within a ahori lime. II was understood tn olflclnl circles that announcement of the presl ilem'a Uetrriulnallon to lift Ihe embargo had gone forward to Charge iMhuughiie ivy in Mexico City, probably with iiialrut'tlona to ndvlae Ihe Huerta government. t'onailtutlonHliat ageni In Washington learned of the development tinnfthbilly and declared Ihul the end of the war waa in aight. ifcuutnr of the fnrelgn reluliona commltlea have been urging Presl dent Wllaon lo permit free importnllon of arma lo Ihe battletclda In the hope that lha war might aoon be ended. Thoae close to Ihe president (aid that ha would tuke auch uction na only one of the last resorts in hla Mex ican policy, preferring to depend for a lime on Ihe "moral preaaure" and the "financial blockade," which hua ao far atopped Ihe Huerta government from obtaining credit abroad, haa only recently cauaed It to default In Ihe Interest eif the Mexican public debt anj hua in n the nrmira of the conatl lutlonallata aleudlly mardiing on from victory lo vlciiry. The only word that rame from thv While Houae waa that an Import ant communication would be made at 5 p. m. today. While limine ofll liula declined lo divulge lia nuiure. There la every re noon In believe that under the authority of the Joint reaolution of March It. 1912. I'reaidenl Wllaon will continue to exerolae clla" relluniiry power In lauinu permli for the exportation of iirmi, so that they may not fall into Ihe lunula of Irreaponaible peraona. Ho fur aa poaakbln only Ihe military hlefa on both aide of the Mex icun revolt will obtuin the muuillona of w-ur, thouith exactly how that will be done hua not yet been worked nut. . The preaident'a decmum waa reached after many month of careful aludy of Ihe arma problem, and while In the tlrat Instance Ihe belief of the administration waa that Ihe d' nlal of nrma wua humane ad. Ihe conviction haa grown on the Wuahlniiton government Ihul Ita policy hua not operated eiuuliy toward Ihe warring laellona. 1'nrtiahiy inaiead of neutrality wua Ihe reuli of ihe policy. In t'.e opinion of Ihe preaolenl and membeta of hia cabinet, who finally deter mined that Ihe real neutral courae Would be to put both fucttotia on an even fooling. The admlnlairalion ' bellevca lliat lo permit the aitua tlon lo drift ii lung would be contributing lo un Inceaaant airuggle. It haa been urged by many adiiiiniatratlon upportera that the removal of the embargo would In reality ahmicn lh conical und bring It lo u quick con i Inalon. fifflcliila here with intimate knowledge of Mexican campulgna ay the conalllullotialiat forcea have been grcntly handicapped becauae of Ihe au permr artillery of Ihe Huerta army. From ICuropeun countrle the Huert government la anld to have been Importing Mi-mllllmcter cannon for the defunaa of Ihe large cliiea, through oien porta on the Atlantic and I'aclfSe nil tinder their control. The rnnatltutlonullHla have been almoal enlllely wiihoul heavy artillery. They even have leen put to Ihe airuita nf manu facturing guiia out of oi her inuchlnciy. Thia auperlnr artillery haa en abled lha Huerta force lo hold the large cilie of the aouth, ugainat whi' K Villa with a rebel army eatlmaled at ll.auo ,m,n qow I preparing to move na Ihe Aral mif In a camu!in againal Mexico City. Kvery admin- lot rat Ion ofllilal who waa Informed of Ihe Impending alep emphaalxed that the Waahlnglon government wua not taUIng the embargo to aid Ihe Coii Bl.iullonnllata nor aa evidence or aympaihy with their cauae. but merely to rornTl an Inequality in the warfare which haa been brought about by Ihe eperalton of Ihe proclamation of !IZ. Meniitor norah of Idaho, who urged that tha embargo b lifted aa far back a last August, said today that many I'ther member of ihe foreign relation cnmmitle had com to that amo conclusion since thst time. "I believe thai to raise the em bargo 1 the only thing lo do. 1 be lieve lhal It will bring pear In Meg Ico much ooner than It could other wia be brought, said he. Kenator fluid, author of the con greaaiunul resolution, which empow iSTEfl END GUNS: ENABLES TO KOLO THE BIG CITIES ered President Tuft In lay the first embargo, alao ha been In favor of lilting II during ihe lat few month and I aald lo have comiuuiilated thut view In President Wilson at lb tecent While llouso conference. "There la ni question but wrvt th Mexican I'ualion changed consider ably when lb embargo wua put on," aid ha today. "I have been down In Mexico ami on lha border and know Ihe condi tions." aald Henutor Mark Hnillh Of Arlsonu, another member of the com uilltiin, "There I no q mint loll thai it 1 the wine comae In purxue.' t Al Hli KIOJOH IM4 AMtlXi TIIH Hl lll l J nana. Feb. I. The new from Wnahinglnn Ihul t'rraidcnt' Wllaon haa dot I. led to Hit the embargo gall i t the ImportiMlon of arma t Mexico cauaed keen Joy u lining tha rebel lender. Oeneral Villa aald hla army now would be no longer handicapped by the difficulty In obiainiiiK ammuul l Inn It la likely thai money in Ilia rebel tre iniry will Immediately lie ap propriated for the pun haw of utum and aminunlllon and large ordera will be pluod In the I'nlied Mntea. "iince more we have proof that tllu I'nl'eil Hliilen la ihe areiilcut friend Ihe Mexican people have." km id tli'iiciiil Villa. "Thia lnlet act of fMcnd.ihiti will d.i more III .in nnylhing ele to Innil the two iiuintriea logeih er. and 1 predict thai when ihe revo lution la (tilled, which II aoon will be now, Mexico and Ihe Culled Male Will l. more cloaely allied than liny ecr were before." ri Nn ON V AY TO i vki. iiMtt.i: r iM)i(ii it Omnha. Xeb., Feb. J. llrigadier Oeneral Frederick Funstoii, recenily liatiKlci ri'il fiom coiuiii.ind of Ihe troopa in Ihe Hawaiian ialanda to riunmaiid of Ibe F'lflli brigade, now patrolling Ihe Mexbun Imider, nub liciiil'liiiii lei hi Diniihu. arrived here laal nlgbt and left today fol Texa City to uBBiinie hia new rommand. M.MHt (.l AFIt l. lti Itl TMtNs ntOM ti:xs Phliugo, Feb. 3. Major Oeneral W. tl. I'urier. In rominand of Ihe I'cntial deparimeni of ihe I'nlied Stale urm, relumed here today fiom Texna. where he waa In chant" of Ihe mobillr.uiluii camp of Ihe fec und army diwalon. Ho la to leiuuin here until lb., end of the uionib, w'li-ii h- will aall for Honolulu In take command of Ihe H.iwuii.tu depari meni. NO KXim.MFAT 1M.T IN 1ITV OF MF.XICO Meklcu City. Feb. J The nea ibal Preildeiii Wllaon hud decided to ralae the em jar go on Ihe exportation of arm from the fulled ftniea lo Mex ico had been learned by few peoplo I hia afternoon. There wua no ex rliemenl In eornecilon with the uc tion. tiltKAT KATIsFrTI' tFHKSSFI ON lUtlini'.U Douglas. . Arl . Feb I I'reaidcnt Wllaon' decKion to lift the citiburto on hlpment of arma to Ihe revolu llonlHt of Mexico, elicited expreaalom of great aiifactliiii today from Meg ban and Americana. The newa apread rapidly nil along th border ' nnd conatltutinnallal nttlcem and avm liBiblra predicieil that the lining of tha embargo pteaaged the curly ter mination nf warfare In Mexico. Thousand of men In northern Mexico cannot Join the constitution allsta' army be:'nuae of no arma. The lifting of the embargo will en able relK-l commander to eiiuip large bodies of men to reinforce command now- operating against ihe Huerta government. VANISHED COLD MINER SOLDIER OF FORTUNE IS OFFICIALLY DEAD tH tc Wlr lo Feemlnr Uerwld.l New York. Feb. 3. John Kopr. gold miner and soldier of fortune, who disappeared from New York seven teen year ago and has not been heard froiii In sixteen years, has been de clared oflbially dead by Ueferce Michael Kuan. If the referee'a report la accepted by Hurrogute Cuhaleti, lll,:U held lor Kopp by Ihe city chamberlain will be divided among ihe miners' four lirothers and siaiera. The following year a letter was re ceived from him dated Orovllle. I'll It said an epidemic of sioallln.-l '.ad hit the town and he needed money to get away. A money order for 17 ' was sent by his mother. This was ciiahed and iia luinil la the last ir.l 'C Ihe family hail of Kopp. Mr. Kopp died in 1901 Intestate, leaving a aubaliinllal fortune. I nder the law one-fiiih was the pmpcrtv of the missing soil. Itadtum lrnvew I'iihv ailing. liultimore, Feb. t Alihoiiyli he passed a fairly romforiuble night. Koberl J. I Ire inner, the New Jersey connreasman who la urfeiing with malignant cancer nt a aiinilnrium here, was reported lo be weaker to day. The radium applications have keen diacoiu limed, us hope fur Ihe putlenl'a recovery bus been aban duned. Rockefeller Asked to Ccagh Up Taxes on $909,000,009 (XI j lawd Wire lo 1 vemlng Herald 1 I'levelaiid. O., Feb. I. John I. Fackler and iVIIIIam Agnew. deputy state taxation officers for Cuyahoga county, went lo Ihe home of John 1. Rockefeller on Forest Hill, Kuat Cleveland, to- day and filed a written d' maud on hlin that he pay tuxea on hla personal properly, estimated at i),0U0,liutl. Into the treasury of thia county. They claim that under lha Wurnea tax law Rockefeller, by redding In th county fi r the greater purl of the preceding 4 twelve months, has made him- self liable to taxation here. "GRAFT" YELLS SULZER; MR. MURPHY STANDS PAT T.R. Will Clean Up New York Says Bill (ly l-aa. dl U lr to I'.icnlng itcral.1l Albany, N. V, I'll. a. Former lliiveinor Hulxer n:.i bis "inuiili n speech" in Ibe nut.- cMo-mMy Imlay In support of a In t In li to liriug be lore the bonne ib. t-vhuap resolulion for a slate-wide uiafl llivestlgatlun. "The whole official atmosphere Is saluiiited with rr.i!'. ura't. r.r.nt.' aho.iicil Mr. Hulei "X.i mnu knows more of grail Ihiui I. ii"r has any; been a itrealer Vliliin. There la no politic In Kraft. All i rooks look ullkl lo the taxpayer. I have no hesltmcy In saying and 1 know -thut over $, of the taxpayers' money was stolen In high way cotiKtrticllon In 1912. Ho with the runals, mi with other stale de partments pillum ru.miiig Into mil lions, "We demand sl.itcvvlde probo. Let us separate Ihe sheep from Ihe gi.ntK. Kr ivv. wimi Inline, in:u men in highest posit luiia arc now strain ing evciv nerve to cover tip crime nnd protect men who ought to be In pt'lxoti. "I urn here ,un Independent. I owe no allegiance to anv party. :viv purpose before thl session is over b; lo loll some trullts lhal will el-am the people of this state so fur a William Hulxer Is concc-ni'd." .Mr. fulxi-r referred vaguely ll "someone" who Is said will tag onlrol of slate nffalrs on January . next, and conduct them n they should be conducted." Al Ihe conclusion of his remark. was asked lo whom he refer ird In connection with Ibe next gov ernorship. "Itoosevclt, of course." w th iniwrr. IG TO FIX GHEE FOR FfiE Interstate Commerce Board to Look into Question of $15, 000,000 Annual Gift by Railroads to Industries. (Uy Icancd W ire to r.venliig IliTald.) Washington, Fib. J. Another new development was thrown today into the freight rale use before Ibe Inter state commerce commission in which Ibe fifty-two cistern raliroaila arc set-king to udvame their i lnuii'-it live per cent, when t 'omniissioticr Harlan announced lhal ihH tominlsloii in tendad to hold supplemental y hear ings on the question of fixing reason able i hnrgf for free serv ice which railroad systems now pertorm lor larg Industrial plants. The r-cenl declMion In Ihu inditMirial railways case Indicated that auch free si rv li es ' so-culled irnu cost the liiilluad ay m nliimt 1 1 :.,0imi,iiu a year. ht l.KS TO Itlol'FN M:V II WIN INVFTIiTIN Wnshingioii. l ib. SHiiaii'r Nor ris today Hit r--il n ed a resolution for lb' r .mtnei-ie mnsslon to reopen lis New York. New Huveii lUrifoid inquiry. The res olulion would il.iiil apccinl inquirv oil ''what bi'iilno of New Haven .inula wTonglully Invested ul licltuoiis values ."' "Whether tin-,, uuilml tiling such investment ami those bemln nig liable lo puiii-1 inenl." "Whether s.i. Ii funds so Invested can 1 1.. r.iin i 1 1 .1 bv New lliVIl stockholders "Whnl snry to pn-viiit similar irsn-.o ti I'onsideration m. If any. Is nei es Ibe reiuiiene of lis." of tha resolution went over until tomorrow, Asuirr of ohif.nt mist IIIIIM. T l.t: ST gn.lMMI.IMMI Kansas I'm. K' b. I. Assets of Ibe Kalis. is I'llv. Mexico A ililcnt railroad are lo be sold wiihln slxiy days fr not b-sa Ib'in ...iHHi,liliil, tnnlcr Ihe lerma of an mil' r signed In lb" fed ml curt lute i nlay by Judgv John C. Pollock. Currying mil ihe order of sale means the dissolution of the receivership thai haa controlled thr I irlenl an tlsubsnliary compullles since March. IHU'. Judge Polioi k unnoiin cd lhal he would fix Ho- it. 'e of Kile and name special in isii r lo lake chain" of II aa soon us tin- silicltois fnr Ihe bond holder shall inform him of their rend I liens lor n ii uctlort, lliitte Cotton l lro In Texas. Houston. Tex., Feb. 1. Property damage estimated al nearly one mil lion dollars was done st Clinton, Tex., today when between fifteen and twen ty thousand hub of cotton were either consumed or badly damaged by fire. IF Tammany Chief Says He's Boss to Slay (Ht lawajcrl Wire In Tvi'itlne Herald 1 New, K li. .: --t ha rles I-'. Murphy today delicil Ills i nelnn HI Ihe national I n iim, ran.- clun w lm .m.i.iiI u resolution last iiiklii caillim lm bla lei in iiniit fn nil all pa 1 1 a ipa t.iirt In party nffairs. "I am tha leader of Ta intnii ny hall, be ile'-l iri-d. 'and I will riuiaiu t'te li-aib-r of T.i niin.ii.v b ill. That's ail the matter la closed." Ft H ilda nf Mut iiliv, wllosc retire ment aa leader nf Tammany bull I" demanded in a refutation ailoiie. last niitht bv the national I lemoerMt ic club, toil. iv announced ihe;r Intent inn of appealini; to tbi boafd of governors of the ( lull on Ibe niiiuiiil tli M the aye and nay vote was lib The full inetllbel-illlll nf t lie club l.-i "i:,. Only K'5 attended the ineei'tig list night. Ill M It TIC STXTFsMFX .WVAITIN'li M'.STI Nf I: New York, Feb. 3 Joseph Cassniy, ioriner In inocrallc leader of otici n county, and Louis T. Walter. Jr., hi lieutenant, w lm w ere found guilty bile lust mgl't nf cnnsir.ii y In m IliMR a neiiiinat ion m i'ie sinte supreme rutin In in ii to William Willeti, a lornn-r i.nui ehriinan. were "n Jail today await ing sentence. TlilH. ll was . xpei ted. will bo Imposed tomorrow. The max imum penalty in two year ill prison and a line of flt.iuia. Kx-t' Willeti who was cnnvli led ten days aim nf buying the nominal Ion. was arraigned "r sen tence today. TO VOTE II Seven Hundred of Gentler Sex Act as Judges and Clerks of Election for First Time in History of Illinois. IOWA WOMEN VOTE BETTER THAN MEN Chicago, Feb. 3. Chicago men demonstrated Imlay Hun approval of women sli inng m- I il Hi I lite. TIlotlHIOilS Visited the pnllinij places and revlstci i d. Ihereby qualify lug Iii v ole at tlic coming primal' es nnd at the t April election of aldermen. Kttrlv estimates thai the ntim- bet of women tn remoter would nearly equal ihe male i- Hon wen. more than borne nut In manv pieciiuls. where more women than men were recorded. Neailv To ami i.,. in. n had reg'e- tiled in the tl i --t live limns In- dav lit l-easr-a Wire u r.xeitinc Derald 1 I'lilcao, l''eli. Women inn.iy ri gisteii d for Ibe Iirst lime in I'ln '.un pri-paiatoi'v to cxechnk' tbiwr '.kIii nf fiaiuli.-e ut in spring ul del Ilia III.' l I ma I'lc .,. Cpw.nds of fiu.aii'l Woimn. in coining l iii i a i i e est ilea: ea. will bav,. lid olne otil' bv the l:iti- ill" I t i lose at Ii o i link imilghi. No' es lb, in .'.ii. lino nun who have i llallteil Ibell residence Wltilill the last year will have qualified, ic'iot'il I li if to estimates. Acting us Indues and ii-1 ks ol eleitlnn for tin- litst time in the his tory of Illinois, iipptnxlmusi Iv i mi women usK.aied in i emt-li i ing il.,- m w v liters loV Ulllll V Vol F 111 I I I It ill V Till Ml V tiiiiiiwa, l.i., Feb. :i. iban S.IIIMI Wnlnen Voted ht yenlirdiV's eleellon hero on a iUeiion of iiii.nic ipaily owned alt eel lights and in sides aiding to i any the pioieci by a vnt nf ne.iily t to I, showed mnre ubiliiy at voting lb in ill. I the men. ucinidiiu: to election ol lb nils I'ldav. . l.i 1 1 1 1 seven men vni. d i, ) every four women but nf the balloT more Wele spo.led and ilnielnie not iniiiulid in the i iiiinl. ihu latin til ing about three to In favor nf ihe women. In one ward compos-ed mainly of winking men and wnmoii. eighty hoti thus negatived tlieir own ballot while ouly sixteen women ii-flde a liKc error. NI W JI HSI V HOI m: I'lMl v AM FN lM r'N'T Ticnloli, N. J. Feb. 3. Tho ul inn nnn wmn T ASIATIC IH TDRREO TO rvnnminri BE SHOT, SAYS Humane Rebil Commander Ik- sues Warniup; That Castit ians May Expert Adob Wall and a Firing Squad. KNOWS THEY HELP FEDERAL FACTION Chief Declares Americans Art His Amigos and He in Turu Feels Deepest Affection Toward Us. (Ily Is-n-s-d Wire lo ITircnlng Herald. Jiiiiik. .Mexico, I'cb. ;i. A warn ing was Issued l.y Oeneral Francisco 111. i toilay that all fpanlaiiia cap lured in the Torreon cuinpulgn will be siimniuiily dealt with. V illa said be hud poKlllve proof that sMuni 'a i. Is in Torreon had luUcn un arma ugaliist the rebe, and Unit all tin c vvniilil be shut. littnns, h -aid, would be banished iroi.i tho cniiniry. "In cnnformlty with my concep tion of ju-llie I wish lo notify all fori Ihu tuovet nincnls that I have poa litve li. li. i iiiatli.n that the f punish rcsiucnts of Torrenn have sided with ihe federal forces lliere nnd Hint It is in y purpose to execute these paniaid if we capture thein." said Hen. ml Villa. "1 am making thi siniement now so Mint no aurprse will be expressed later and to give such Spaniards an opportunity in b-uve ihe country before they full In io my bitnd-i. 1 hope this police tn be Ciilted Stales and to fpaln will ,. v'-f!iiil"' frfMenfTIV' wnrnliig. "The l.isi time we took Torreon, I npture.l 71 fpanlardn. Kiicb of them pioinlsi d lo viT In take up arms lu.iinit no- iil-iiIii. thai all Spaniard armed. Therefore I'.nl now I find in Turreim are I suy lhal the villi be sin. I ana mat whmii plnof v. Ill l. cniinir... us t!) If captured. Those 1 have no positive banished from lha y were from I'blhua- hua. "In Hit cnniiecllon let me suy that Am-ric-.iiM iimv havii im fear. I iccard ihe bii;b dign'iv with whlcii A merlin us hav e cunductcd tlii iu-si-lies ilnrinu this revolution as n trlindly act inward our i ouse. 1 f"e I he ileepi Ht friendship inward ihe lulled flutes. vl American i.roperi v vi III be pi oi. cl. d " Oitn iu! Villa found It necessary lo del. iv bis iniciiileil departure fur Chi- bllalllla In.l.iv. I I III ltl. I'lttHip. ATIIMIT TO llfsllKiV IlltllX.i: I'ii'liiin. fun. bin, Feb. 3 Acting ill colicell with Hie Barilsi.ns of un: . mas an. I Maitatlan ro rrestro; . ..iihiIi in ioii.ilisis lln-s ,,f communl e.iiii.n and siirroinm li.n.tal Carruii 'a. federal lliu.I.M from T.ole file ill-mpte,! to ibimy n laio railroad bl blue tour Yarn, sonllt i.t li..r Thev were repiils.-d hinveur, accoid nig lo repiris. The sortie i.r ihe Ti pic r.irrison 'Invied similar attempt tn cut off '"in'raniM mule by n,,. Iu,.rta nar rlvon at and Muzailati. im the body nf u federal colonel coin-lilall-lillB. killed ll, a flgbt st wceK Mar Oua.v mis. an order from liner hi was found Instructing; him to cut Ibe lei. el l.iihvay com m 11 II lea t ions. The Insiiiij.Mts believe the Maallan Hid Tepic gnrrisoiig rinlveil almllui a ib-rs. MVIH HO MIVMI ll h ItllOTIII It M NT TO I'l Ml A M IKY Mixlco I'm. Feb. 3 - Jose Vera i:-taii..i ii hrother of J..rge Vera I' '"" mini. .i. r i.r public liiHtrui tliiu ill tin- late President Milileros cab- tit. as tmlav- Hint si nil In :h- luniln in iai y. The charge iiitalns: Mm was not made public Kaiunol had been observed writing a letter tn bis bmi her w ho on January li. w s .is.sted in I lee from the country by Vcl-oti i CfbaiiKhni ssc. American ' b. ti: iralf.nrea. The letter wat leije.l VANDERBILT YACHT PULLED OFF ROCKS file la sed Wire, tn rwilnf Tferabl New Voik. Feb. 3 - Frederick W. V indcrb Ill's yacht Warrior, which went u:;ionni tecciiilv off ibe coast of I i.lnmbia has been flouted und U In inn towed to Jamaica, m -cording; In received loday at Ibe Mar it In e i i haiige here. C'cun-vlvniila Hunting. Wil'iainsiiolt. a., Keli. 1 John I'lbel. a stiel mill foreman. Was ban, i d here f,.r the murder III I 12 nf ilrili'i. Sii.ltole. to.l. iv passi d ihe ri solution for u stale f nii il in iiiiimI k m ii i i il i it. ii I extending Hie rr. In nf still ran,. In w omen. The'oii new goes to lie senate. VL LAULUO U IK flEJECTEO Republicans and Democrats Join in Overwhelming De feat of Anti-Oriental Amendments. IMMIGRATION BILL DOESN'T DISCRIMINATE In Hot Debate, Republicans Appeal to Dominant Party; to Leave Delicate Question to Administration. ( liy Iacd Wire lo trenlug Herald.) W ashington, Feb. 3. All Aal- nitc ei liiKion amendment to the Iminlgiuiion bill were d- feated loday today In Ihe hou. Th0 Hayea-Lenroot amendment waa beaten. 102 to 54, after an overwhelming defeat of a almllar amendment by Representative t lluker. f All the Asiuiic exclusion amendments wer knocked out of ihe bill after a hot debate. In which Republicans and Demo- cruta Joined in urging their de- feat, and Ihe- Republican up- pealed to the lie m is rata to leav Ihe Asiatic problem free from legislative entunglemvnl while President Wllaon and fecretary x Hrjan werw treating It, diplomat- icilly. The bill as It now stand Is merely an Immigration meu- ui without rei rictluna aa to race or color. The la-niool-llayes amend- meni would huvo excluded Al- at n a except thoae already pro- vlded for in passport agreements or treaties, Ihu drawn to avoid reference lo Japanese or Chi- neae. Representative linker, leading the Pacific coast delcga- In.n cniilendlng for Asiatic ex- elusion. offered a substitute more drastic In terms. llolh were Inalon. The debate ut x times was hot nnd the bouse waa in confusion. Republican Leader Munn, In a speech which brought forth outburst of uppluitue, gravely pleaded with hi Republican colleagues to put aslda all considerations of party advanluga and vote against the amendment. "We owe un allegiance lo Ihe coun try." In. said, 'above our lutriy al legiance. Foreign uffuira should b ha ml led in a delicate wuy We ut it In California to protect her ugainat herself." Representative fherley of Kentucky mud,- a similar plea lo Ihe Democrat und despile the fact thut teat vote yesterday' showed a strong sentiment for Ihe umendmviila they were re- J-cleil The modified "llayea n.endmenl'' was before the house today when It resumed thr light on the Asiatic ex i liisioti feuiure of the immigration bill. As modified by Representative laniooH amendment, adopted laat night, It would bar Asiatic srd Afil- una, except I hose whoa entry to the Ciilted flutes has been provided for by treaties or passport arrangement wlili h now exist or may later be en tered inlo, fhulriiinn Rurnett of the Immigra tion committee und hi follower be gan woik early today, however. In attempt lo beat Ihe amendment en tmly and leave the Immigration bill free of Asiatic exclusion features. JFUISII PFOPI.F. PHOTKST AliAINfT IJTi:ilU TEST fprlngfield. .Muss, rt. i A com mittee appointed by the convention of ft us i ll ilill, representing 1,500, nnii Jcwk. will present lo Prc-atdent Wilson slid niembera of congress a resolution opposing the clause la th Immigration bill rclutrv to tti lit eracy ivsi. The resolution sk (or exemption from the literacy teat of "all alien seeking admission to avoid religious persecution, either through other act or by oppreaslv laws." VETERAN EDITOR OF SIOUX CITY DEAD III lset Wire vi keening flersUl.f fioux 1'ity. Iowa. Feb. I. Oeorga I. Perk in, aged 11. for forty-Ovs venr editor und publisher of tha Sioux City Journal, died at o'clock ibis morning In a hospital her, after several week' illness, of a complica tion of dioeuaea. Mr. Pel kins mil prominent In the council of Ihe Re fill luan party and hud served four li rios In con mess from the Kleventh low Ulatri. I.