Newspaper Page Text
isn't Mr. Mur- TOHWH yf.WH TOIY Yon gel J 'S ' ll In I lip IIMIW.Il. Ilflr Wtla month tt 1.1 cinn a wti'W delivered al lour !"; Ilfljr tftii lijr mull. p h y tough about it. BS Tiunr mchtize . Vol. 1. Ko. 6. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1914. OI 1. .NO. ta. WELL REBELS TAKE HUERTA WARNS CHIEFS IS IE CAREFUL, ii Provisional President Urges Extreme Diligence in Giving All Possible Protection U Non-Combatants. I LIFTING EMBARGO IMMENSE STIMULUS Million Cartridges and 3,000 Rifles Confiscated by Uncle Sam Now Going Back to Rebel Owners. It? l-eward! Wire to 11 veiling Hernlil.l Mcxbo Feb 5 A circular of nattm tlnr, w.i leaned today bv 'toii.mnnl preaident Hmriii " the hli fa of all m my rilvMnna and gov rimr of atutea. II rrcltea )i u I the civi-mmrni him begun n more i'ih nmpaign against I hi" rebela unit urge hat extr. me diligence lie observed 111 nlng nil poaalble protection I nun. ombntniii. ferritin a well bathe. .-moving them when neccsaary .mm he xmica of opcrat nnia. ir. Iii.n io Al w i r, ai llna minlmcr I iln- Interior, In commenting on the tiaing of tin ,-rnliii I ici. I'll .trim, by up l stnica mini It w.i" proof ( ie almcrity of Prcaldciil Wllanti, in , fur ii lung time nobody ha tt tiorint of the U'l thai th.te hud i'ii iindlaguiaed i.i-riitii i- In t lie m il. r "f introducing anna ami aiiiniuiti nli iii'i..N tl', iMinli'r. He aunl it oiilil nut iilil the rcioliiiloiii.ta but i the other hand. IK. Mexican gov i linn nt would tiriitlt ly It "since it ih a hniy oppnrtunity n make iimn the power which II really n.- - MIH." Ir Alcncer aaid he linneil In the ur future Mexico would hiive nml .ile reluiioita tilth ihe I'nited xtuti , m iimv ilRht ami Jn-lite cie bound prevail HUM, or I MUMK.O im .iu:i A4TIVITV full nun. SitmtiiH, Mexico. Feb !. in- 1 1 f ' i ri h "f ihi- embargo on the ex .ii. in, .ii i.f iiiMii, tii'itl the Fulled .Mix caused great Hrtlvlty iiiiiium iimI It ill ii 1 1 t military rhii fa. tlen- ,1 rnrr.inxn'a h,inliiiiiru,i here ile lliiiHleil toilnV with leleKrmtl" mil ui mi imiiiuftii tiirera In miiny it i.f Hip xtorlil. The ,rnpuBlt tmi" iinil pIii.wimI Ihe Hitlun of eBiilent Wilaon hurt allied the rredlt ihe revuliitiiiiiarv party. If. ii eieiteil,. lh rnlteil r-M.ite llwi the iit'ina nnd ammunition nnnateil uliina the Imrrter alnre the HlniiltiK the iiinalltiitlonHllat rev- it tun. the Inatiraenti wntiltl hve Hie ineiila nei eaanry to tn ln at once rtie lampuiKii. I ealimHten .... .. H., it .itiiiut "tie million runin'uri. urly 3, mill ritlea have ne.-n eoniia- IimI by the I'nlted Stalea luitnoriitea ring the laat year. ll Vllltl lis Of TIIOfHWIW or IIOIMIS DKI.IVI III l WaahlnKlnn, Keb. &. Hmnlreu in uiiaaliila of round" of rifle and ma. iiiY gun ammunition under aeixur .ii a Ihe Mexlrnn iiurder r iM'InH Iriied over to th rontlUiiln:ini faal aa they prn ownerahlp. HurlnK the laal two yaura nuenta ni .! purtment of Juatlcn have ur- I -ltd humlieila of men in tne ai liannl'iirliiia arma nrroaa the bor- iind have, aelaed rarlunda of ant iunion. In many ra me - inltlon an aelaed waa turned oer It hml been uaed aa nldenee. l-lui h arma aa may Im neeiled aa evi- Inre aiiHIIiat oeraona allll under In mem. will not ba releaaed for tne aint. It "i1 ". however ih deiinrtment f JiiMli-e proii- 't n..i ultemni In nrowcuie nn ! Him tfXHIIiat arma immimi-ii- HI IMTI) riAIXMi I llOltlll'H I'U'IMH I.ViiahinBlon. Keb. r,. rreaiueo. I i..... no reaaon why any lerlian troopa on Ihe border ahouia withdrawn, even thnugn me e...- n on arma baa been llfleil. n Indicated at the While Mmia .i ithie tn a iiimeni m . i -bl lie a lered. tor tne .iea-. r., uoiihl be mi rediictlun III th I rol iirther atepa In the adnilnottrn , w... ..... I... ..II il a WeXtciin pone, nmr iiked out lut It a inituaieii in... of liiinortant nature waa ending. ua IIVVII I.I. III A i'itii: or mmimiiim .ownaville. Tex . Feb. a. A wexi bra a. b.inil marched Ihrougli tne 4.l here loil IV lellillllK B i'.ii-"- l. lxbl.el. wagona loaUeil wun am liloii, lh Drat regular importation ihe conaiMulion.illata of north Mexico alnce the lifting f the a.... l ., .nran in I'reameni a nam. n.r. no. huh orunda In the wagona y eroaaeii tne inn iiranoe n. . . . ... . . . . ... .i ... rua. heHd'tiuirtera of Ihe conan unillata. HUERTfl MAZATLAN, IMPORTANT SEAPORT; C 0 AST T Q W N POIIIT Capture of Sinaloa Fort by Carranza'a Men Adds Consid. erable Advantags to Consti tutionalists. ARTILLERY USED WITH GOOD EFFECT Transfer of Bulk of Federal Garrison to Guaymas Give Revoltosos Needed Oppor tunity, liy Irajard W lip i.vcnliie Hi-ralil.) Noiculca. Artx.. Feb. h. M mat l.i'i, an liiipoitiinl at a i o isI port In tin -tale of Himiloii, roll Int., the h.miJ" ul I'm rinx.i a rel.el f'Hiea tnilay. i.i -i-oiiling in InforimMlon rei-eUed In .Noaelea, honora. froin rebel ai.linea. The reliila hae been lnvrlliiK the iltv for nome tine. hiivliiK aiitnriJ Culhiiail, the atute riiital. aeerJl weka iiko. ti.'ullaimi in north if M i aiUn and it uaed by the r 'eta ai a Mippiy .i.ine or then uttai a upon the federal troopa In Mnxatlan. The federala bud taken the biraer I'onlon of their troopa out of Maaat Ian ii nil a'lit them to th delenae of iiiiayniHH. wbiih Ibev eidiantly tlimig In ibe rebela would tlmi try to ineal Thta weakened the g irriNon to aui h an extent that I le rebel In Veatittiri w.ia i ojnplctel e.t. al Ihouiili tiiu -h hot liahtinii la aaid to Iihv x uii in n 11 KmI the lull of the port. Tile rebela uaed artillery in Ihe .it- iMek and their ahelia anatlert'd many of tbt) biilidina In the town. Thi letiela had (be aiUanlttt- of pinterting bllla In the ittn k and the feib'tul Kim tire wn not atloua. M.ii.ill.ili la the home of many I I' ll tipaiitaida ai.d Mexbatia The fill ul Ihe to aij will juli in pl.n'iiilt many ople with money in a pomtion while the, mn be f.ined to lontrlb ii tn to the i ..n-l ll ul limn lixt n raiiap. M.iuitliin a mrt from whb'h murb nblpptna la ilotie. It la nlau the home ol iiliiiv tlabermeii ami Ha i arum x t i opt My to .Mexli an but to I'ullfol llU Imrla. The capture of placea the Plat aeaport in Ihe fniaeeaainn of the lebelK. l'or tnoiitba the Curtaliza laataa hnir battled for Ihe poaaeaulo ) of iluatmaa. Honora'a moat Important acapoit, without avail INl yi OK I.A l.M (ilds H K TO Ills .loll I'urla. Feb. I. Adolfo d la l.nina. who in January rraixned hla point mil aa Mexican milliliter of llnance, aa n pruteat agalnat I'rov rreaideiit Muerta a decree auapendlng the pa inenl of Inlereat on the Mexican na tional debt, decided today to return to Mexico to aerve again aa mlnlater of llnance. Pruvlaional Preal lout lluerta, aft.-r de la linr.a'a rreiHiiulioii, ai nt bini ll long friendly cablegram expreaaing hla luiiltilriii and rcllame. on fenor da la Ijimu and urging him to con tinue ua nilniatcr of finance. Senora d la Ijinia. with her five Bonn, will remain af Ijiuannne Hwllxrlund. where two of the are at achool. Th Inlereat due In April on the Mexican deu la aaid to be already In hand. II nmnunta to I'.'.n.O'Mi. K nor de In I.i ma haa alao begun negotia tion to raiae t .". . On il .not to meet the July Inlereat v" menta. ri itorr noix mit IMlKltTtMl, NlVS y.CO I Pa I la. Fej 1 Juan Punrhex Ai rami, aei retaiy ol atate under Vcnua liano CiirraiiKU, and the envoy of Ihe conatitntlonullat :iub r. arrived here today fiom Ami'riia. "Kurope doe mil acem to under aland the extent and character of the Mexican revolution," he aaid, "und ll la tti purpoae to Inform Hie people here Jual wbal Hie reMilulinniala me trying to do. It la not ni otiject to repluce the repreaenlallvea of t'ar raiiaa III London or I'aria. I am go ing to lltiiiu later on." WOULD-BE PRESIDENT OF HAYTI CAN'T FIND A PLACE TO LIGHT It lawtl Wire t livening Herald Wuaiimgtoii, Feb. h Molipl.uxlr, on of the aeveral riindidutea for the preldet of Haiti, haa arrived ut Cape llalllen on the Herman atenmer Saiora, but haa not been allowed lo land, according to navy ilepal tment deapuichea today from Commander lloaiwuk of I ha S'aaliMlle Moli Piuiatr llleit to dineinbuia at poit all I'rincu several daa ago but wax re fuaed permiaalon. Slate deparlmenl dupHtchea ronllrm Ibe newa that liavllinar Theodore haa na lalined hlmaelf president and appointed a cabinet. Iieaormea la repolled ut I bilaain.e marching on Cape llalllen. T T C NOT TO HURT feA- Wilson to Justly Celebrated Shillelah of Andrew Jackson . Presented to President by Senator Thompson. m$ la-aat-rf U'trn i.i Ktriilnc Herald. 1 Waahinuton, Feb. ri.--Andrew Jlli knoll a famoua hickory atlck wiia pri'Benled to I'realilent Wll- aim today by Senator Thompaull In behalf of l-evl l.udlaii'.. of Wiihtiii. Kun. who ant It from a a friend of the former prcaidi nl. It la mild to lie the aame all. k ) with which "Did Ilickill'V" liaat- eil the ('lilted Hialea tri-aauly on I'ennaylx iinln nveniie. There waa ii diapute ua to when. It xhmild be "Fill It here." Jin kaon la credited with having aalil. aa he plunged the end ol the hb kor atlck into the ground where the building now alanda. THE CONSTITUTION MODE EASILY Cummins and Others Urge Amendment Eliminating Need of Initiative Action by Congress. fBj lfaaett Hlrr to Kvemng rrrrald.J Waahiiixlon, Fell. onli nil Ing that Hie roll! It ul Ion ought to be the direct delineation of till people r.itbi r '.'.nn the decla ration of all executive body, Senator I'uuimlna ami other itn-mbera of the Judiciary com mittee aubmUled a minority re port today urging adoption of I tie ao-callcd gateway alll'til inent to make the roiiat it in nm amend. tide wittiout Inttlaliie ai- lion by cutigreaa. It had upon,-, I adversely by the be, n Judi- clary majoritiea. Sena tola Waiah, Itorah. aon. iiverman and i 'billon Nel- II I HO favored the I'limmlna reaolut ion. SECRETARY BRYAN SIGNS PEACE TREATY WITH DENMARK ( Hjr Ia-aaitl Wire to rvt'ulng flfralil. 1 WaaliiiiHtnn, Feb. i. Secretin ' Ilrynn today lgned a peace treaty with Ilenmark pruviillng for the aub mlH'lon of any iiueationa in diapuie to a fominUalon which a allowed it per iod of one year for examination ami report. Cnntantln Ilrun. the Daniah mln later, aimied the treaty (or hia own Kov eminent. Ho far elKhl rui .1 con untloiia have been algned but none hiiie yet been to the ach ate. Heeretarv Hryan tale today received Word that a almiUr treaty with Por tugal had been algned in l.lahon. Por tugal make the tenth country with which inch peace treallea have been algned. Three otheia are about ready to algn. i i i, kd ih mum ii:w t: tiiM iurxri' Washington. Feb. S. The I'niled Htatea, It became known at the White limine today, hna laaued a cull fot the hold.lig of the third peace confer ence nt The Hague next year. Till government took thia action, it la tin o. into. ul, at the I en, neat of Queen Wil- helmlnu of Holland. RUBBERNECK WAGON HIT BY TRAIN; FOUR SEVERELY INJURED t.eaarn' Wire .". lerali! Jackaoiiv ille, Fla., Feb. 5. Four pcraoiia weir aeriouly Injured and 1 more were leaa aevrrely hurt there tt. ily when a rallwjy train tirmk a Igbtaeeltig autoloolille. All the hurl urv Florida folk. All a Mlatake Ata.ot Peru. New Vork, Fill. 5. Kduardo 1Mb ginaon, Peruvtan conaul general lure today received the following cable gram from Lima, algned by F.igucru. iindi'r ae.relury of foreign aflaira ai the P. -Milled iagutul: "Public opinion and the p.ltluUm of Ihe army upheld Hie respect rtti" to the tonatltiitlon oT the atute. Preaidenl Pillinghurat reagned. There are no dial iirbancea. but iiiiunlinoiia rejoicing. Thi rectiriea errnneou linpreaatong." WOULD AMENDABLE FOREIGNERS Until Death Do Us Part At Least Tammany Chief Thinks So; Declares He Will Be Leader Just as Long a He Lives. I liy 1.4-aat'il W ire In l.totilnj lfcrnlil.1 New York. Keb. 5. ' tnii ml to hIhv here aa long ua 1 aaid Charley F Murphy liy "here' he meant the loil.iy. bid rrahli of Tammany hall. Ilia at. item.. nt waa oclieit I'orib by an i n-i u t regnr,ling the ri'tioll that he Inteinbd anon to retire and real an leadert-hlp to a committee ' three of hla frlciida. "That l he of la not true," aabl Murphy. Th aa F. Foley. the ex- aherifl named In theae riimora na one of the three on whom the chief Intended to drop hia malille, aabl: "All thiN talk la atarted by oulatdera who maiV ,jilhtrca of theini-lea In Ihelr own little tonra and i nine here to ai irt aoiuethlnji The only way tbev can be iiotlcid la by trytnu to alurt aometbiiiK nsiiluat T.uii tllittiv ball " SEEJING Great Patriotic Outpouring to Urge Upon Gustave Need of National Defense. Iltv 4-aarl Wire to I'.triiing Ifcrald 1 Stockholm, Feb. i. Thirty iboii- aand iiMlrtoltc Swedea uaibered In the OUtakirta of the Swedlah tapoiil to d.ii. 'I'bey will wall there nil tumor row. when they will man b in pro. 1'eaalon before iSuatni and pro' sent a ti.tiilon aaking fur the rein forceiiieiil of the national ib fen "n. The petition demanda an linieiiae of in maim-iiiM without m lay. Thr iiiovemeiil la rcgarilcd in many qtiar- tela oh iinltialiie of the feura ol nuinv Hwedca of poaaible l:iiNlan ng greaaion The pllklimaft haa been in prog- reaa for day und Ihe capital haa pre fm red great leativitlea aa a welcome to the demoiiatraloia. The great pro- eeaalon Will truverae the illi to the place where the king will r-elve It 111 cry p.irtb ipant la to U,. pieaeiilcd with a iioitrait of hla majilv. The Soiiallata have .maimed lotinier dcmonairailon on Sunday in fa i or of id" ii'iiHril in 1 1 m i v cxpendl t urea. POLITICIAN PINCHED ON CHARGE OF HAVING ATTACKED A WOMAN (liy j-a'il Wire io I '.veiling Herald. 1 rhlcago, Feb. t, Mellon ough. a Fifth ward politician who. .cording to Mlaa M.iv one of ihe women election clerka who aerved at Tueaduy' eleetion, iiii.uked and beat her Inat night while r-he wiia I'linvaaainir the ward, am -rendered lo the nollce today, lie Waa booked on it chui ge of naaatill nnd I mi 'cry am releaaed oil bnfllta. M, Imimitgh denied that he atrm U the woman ill I'lmn i lerk. Kei'iiuae no warrant bad been la lied the aaaault and batten ihlllffcB againat M I lotmukh wvr. ii miaaed laier In Ihe day. The it. lion off! elaia declared that the ca-e --mid la taken hi'lorc the couiiu i . i i rt on formal charge by Mlaa '!. who saol ahe waa airuck bv M I oiimigh while performing her duties a clerk of election. Itlg IU'U,iati Nm.ii. London. Feb. i. - The I.. 1. ernment lo-lai a nuoiiic i .1 uiiiounting to I jii.imiii.ihii, a cent It la to b. at be redeemable wit bin :'! ii.' in gov i loan ..r nnd lo BODYJDF MURDERED TIMEKEEPER FOUND UNDER CITY HALL Illy I'-a-a d Wiry Iti l APiiinp Herald 1 I'leielalld. , F Mia. Jennie II Merer bit home ill Plllelilllgll too the bodv of Iter bllaliatal ll .Menei-. n,i,l i ami victim, W hoae laid) ll-' burled under the new here yealerilay. Lieutenant Matowit a I'leveiand deletiiie l.u loil.iv with a warrant man Stanley. 2. und. r Wheeling, W. Vu . ill. ti Mel, et a murder A " under xurv ellla nee In n connection with the Mercer waa a tunekiepe new city hull a Ark und f "i her . with Kobe It i iiliery liilllid ni hall of Ihe . lefl r Nor mat at .1 with . i n waa . ,i.iy in minder, mi the Sl.inley a night watchman 30.000 SWEDES BAN t'PM00 ior!h oj Kadium rails to Save New Jsrsey Congressman and Editor Dies of Deadly Cancer in Spite of Determined Fight Against Disease. (liy i-eaaPd W Ire to Fenlng llcraid.l linlnm Md . Feb. ;, itoi.cri liitiu Pn'iiiner. mcmlii-r of cuimr!-- from the Hevcnlh New Jeraey lllxlll I nnd eillioi ol the Paaanlc Ibnlv ll'i- ahl, died tod. iv of cam or at a local aanllarlum where he had been un derlining t-iidium tieatiiieni ain lant De, ember. lie had hci-n alinel illg from the dlacaae lor four vr. Mr. Ilrcmner waa .11 yeara old. Mr. I'.iemio r came I" a aanlt iri'im to try Hie radliim tieatmeiil niti-i. phVNii-tnna in IhlH couutt- and l-'.u- rope had vainly tried to cure nun. n waa found that the dia.-aae had made am h luroiidi. oh btm lift la lid be done tu help him. and that the fight agaiiiHt death would hi- made with nil lh. oil, la agaiiiHt him. 1'ubeh ontainlllg IHIu.iiiim woitli of ladium were applleil to Ibe growth. For ll tlnm the patient acemial to Improve nnd membira of Ihm tiimili Ireipii'mly expl'eaacd I he belief thai he would recover. A few ago the alck limn waa aeixed with a aink- ing apelt. From that lime on he grew ateiidlly weaker. In hla hint dava of Buffering Mr. Ilreinhcr liifiat- I that he would get well. He de lated that he wanted to go back to congreaa to light for a bill to have a Kni ei ninent owned nullum Inainute that till., mineral could be at the liepoHiil or the rli 'i and poor alike Mr. Prcniner'a election to congreaa w an n.'i oinpllrhi tf W illie lie a ill hen ill. He did nm make a i ill. The lection ih K.iid to have been u tribute to bin pluck. i in ibe night before the eleetion Prcanlent WIIkoii. ll n governor ol New J eme l. tailed P.iaaalc mid made a i ll lor lli'i iiiuer. OWEN BILL Enforced Incorporation Would Destroy America's Primary Market Place in Opinion of Stock Exchange Governor. (It Ix-aaeil Wire tu rvtening ftfrald l W.iMhlngton. Feb. a W. t". Van Antwerp, a governor of Ihe New York atot'k exchange, today told the aenate banking committee that the iiweti bill for the government regu liitlon of atock exchanges would do more harm than good und that the enmrceii incorporation wotirit de al my America'a primary murkei place The diaciplinary power of the New Vork exchange over IH member baaed on "Juat nnd eiiiita ble iirlm Iplea of trade." he aaid. mil a atronuer reatrulnt than could be provided by nny law. If Ihe ex- chnnge w-eie to ailopt the regulation of Ihe Owen bill, he il.tlared. 'ihlr lecn billion of aiiuka and thirteen billion of bond would Immediately be withdrawn Irmn liata and the ex change would ceaae to be h market of Importance He aitiled, ttowover. that 1 1 hi i nu. oruanlxntloii'in lion and flotation of accurlliea waa a matter for gnveri.inenf refruliitfon. "It la duty that clearly bebnma to the government," aaid he, "and the toek exchange will rejoice when the government iiiiih'rtaks that reapon albllity." The atock exchr.nge rule iigainat manltiiilatioii. he aabl. nm titore an 'i ping and waa aitmlnlatered in 1 far more e! feet lie manlier Hum any. Hung that could be done bv the poat in a at ir general Mr. Van Ant werp ib i lan d that Ihe iiwen bill Wou'd onli paralyze vihartge in th" I 'ii it .-il State and leave thoae In I .iii.i.l.i and in Fuiopt' free to lany oil blli-lheaa. "It U a mialake tn anpposi that we of the atock exchange.' be ald. "Ille here in oppoaitlou I.i anitbig Hint ou in. ii do to help ua or lo help llie public with which we dnl n ! ure not in oppoaitmn. we are here to aaaiat in ntiv amh good work and i-apeciall.v u c Hani to put uti eiul. aa ou ilo. lo all forma of ma itipul.itiiiit on the atock (vhangc" TODAY IN CONGRESS M A Tr'.. Met at noon. Ileallllga on bill to regulate atock iXih.iugea lolitlliU'd oelot'.' the hanking comiuittee. not .-i:. Mel at II a in. Iteautiied ib bale on Alaak.i railwai bill S.-itetary I'.rian ilia uaai d lin ker Aai.ltlc ex. lualoll bill befoie ttiimigr.iiioii ( ommilte,.. iH-legat'on ot r.-aull inen banta urged lliteralate tlaile ollil.Ja aloll Hlld plllilii Ity of lug tmallleaa aftaila bcfoi imloer.t' oiiiiuia- aton. 1 Hit of reaplM'l to Hie lllelllor.V of lhr III'." Id pi eaelllllll e llrem lur, agreed not to take up new buainesa today. WOULD M ORE HARM AN HOLD OFFOfl RAKERlLULL HAS FALLEN BILL TO PLEASE State Department Fears Press ing Immigration Measure at This Time Will Further Alienate Japanese. HOPES TO SETTLE ASIATIC QUESTION Waahlngton. Feb. - With n a provision Inn ring llliteiaiea. aabl to In- the moat iliaall, leglala- Hon of Ha kind for maul veaia. the It'll ll.-tt illlllilgl allon lull waa before flu hi unit' today, while th" llnal u u-atloll on the literal teal will I"' Uncalled ..nt. It paaaed the bullae yoelerdil.v. Many expect the aenate to pa Ihe bill aa It alalnla. bill I'real dent llaon'a aliunde la the ! atitib'i t f inn. b a illation. a Some Hill the prcaldclit la op- W pnaed lo the literacy teat. (liy laett Wire to Errutog tleralit.l Waahlngton Feb. a -Secret a ry Prv.,11 urged the bona.- Iiumltrrat lull committee today to take no action of the Laker lull for the ex. luauia of A ilatlc ImmUratit a. I nplomat :c negotlaliona between the I nlled Siaiea Hltd Japan oi cr the I'aliforuta antl alien land 'ana and Ihe whole III. at loll of the Aalallc excluatuti waa dlscuaaed at length behind t'loaed buna. The aecrelary bound licpub- llcana and ) mm ratu alike to ae- i M'l'j . It waa generally understood that the w tahea of the atate department Would be respected ami that Iio ef fort would be mad to prc the bill before the committee at thia time. Secretary Itryan told the commit- c that ulllca aom. umatuhcea aroae he untoward t-lr- Imped for mi .imiciible adiualmeiit ..I the Jitpaneac cue-.tion. An ugllalion In congreaa at thia time, he declared, would ba tuoal unfortunate. Ilepreaenliilii ea Laker and llaie of 'a I Ifortila. were the only meinbr of the comiiiltlee inclined to oppol ) the wiahea of the eciTeiarv that ao lion lii Ihe matter b" Indef Initelv poaiponed i libera n-Hdily agreed ihnt iioibinu ahoiild ba done which would In any way enitiarraaa the ad l,,ti DID WRECKERS GET TEN TRAIN? SECRETARY B RYAN NUB I Ark., which ahnt down a week ago j w hen 1 oo miner airuck, re-opanaj , lodav with a full force of men. Santa Fe Passenger Goes into M -baric, i.. Keith, preaident or the Ditch West of Gallup This' ZZlr A MoinilltriNO One Injured ;'trlkera and eompany had agreed Broken Rail Cause. (Ity la-aat'd Wire lo KkimiIhi llcrnld 1 'In. .mo, Fell .'i, --Atchiaoii Topekn .- Santa Fe train Nn. HI. due heVe Saturi.av niornliig. Waa derailed bv train wrecker Hi i.ulliip. N M... uccorduig to re ports which reached lieaibpiui tera of the road here t,,,ai No one waa Injured, oftlciala aaid Newa lenched hefe thia afternoon of Ihe derailment ot S uit l Fe eaat I... I iu,,.i.',i ll. nn No )a thia morning at I ' ', lock al eat Yard. Hie lit i In fi. So far aa I be i auae w aa engine. Icuih I , at it loll ll eat of lllld lie ie. lined a broken rail I I.I 1 1 i ill, I w o ll I lat her. Th. ii eaa ear, dav co.o h ami chair ai aiiil one loiiii-i Pullman went into lb. ilifh. no on,. In mi; iiijuied beM.nil a aen re lliikmu up ll Ho incident waa I he work "I nam wieck.ia no intoiiiia- tloll to that effect baa Ibe train waa annulled lea. lied here and nam No 1' was i noon ,,t l-polli :. :t". il to atilie thia after- t.i'iar. Ill IbMlinali.u. tial'i at. Loillliantll. I'eti Liu Phenomenal gelaeta throwing l ol'tllg water illid Mleillll. Ileal ll) up llll- pregliatcl Willi Mill bale altracieil I llllibera ot geuloglala lo Ille oil fi.-ld. in I'M. peai. d Tirgu. in the pre. ime of I'la'loVll. Ttle water laauea I l oin borillga made fli Ille ae.,1. h for oil Ii I" thrown In a gli al In igh! ami la accompanied a li-riitlc hiaaina to..r that ran In he beard five or alx lit i le" away. Around eiu h boring a In avy . rnt of anil bi I i d, -posited for u raillua of iuO ard. Noioiiiallona by Prc-bbtit. Wishiugioii. Feb .S - Preaident Wilaon made theae humiliation tn .lai Judge of the Flitted State court at Shanghai. China, Charlea iitlim r l.ol.iligier. of iinaha. Major general i-oiiiiiiaiidant of the marine tnrpa. Colonel (icortfe Harnett. IN STRIKE ZONE OF SOUTHERN COLORADO Union Leaders and Mine Op eratois Busy Gathering Evi dence for Congressional In vestigation. ( 0PERAT0RSSAY STRIKE IS BROKEN More Coal Is Being Mined Than Marketed, Alleged: House Committee to Start Inquiry at Once. Hv laNtaed Wire to i:vnlnt Herald. Trinidad. Coin.. Feb. 5. A lull haa fallen over the atrlke dlalrlct of southern Colorado, and In preiarn Hon for the forthcoming congres sional Inieatlgailon, union leader anil mine operator are alike engag ed In collect ing evidence in aupport ot their reaeetlve clutma. Counael for the operator and Ihe union laith, declare that Ihe fulleat Invealigiition poyaljile ia dealrible. The opcratora contend that the atrlke I broken, that more coul la now being inlio'd than can h mark eted and declare that the enngrea alonal pmbe will only prolong the (ontroverav. At union heudtuarer.i and In the alriker colonlea through cut the dlatrlct, the ulmoat tonfi dence exiata that II. e union a claim for recognition will follow the Inves tigation. OV.ltFSlOAL IIUilll.lUI . I.KWF. WASIIINfiTtIN TONUillT Wuahlnglon. Feb. i. Member af the hotiae mining rnmmtttea, who will Investigate atrlke condition In Michigan and Colorado wilt leave Washington tonight The . Mlchlgau aub-rotiimltiee. headed by Lepra- aentulive Taylor, will go to Hancock. Mich., and begin the Inve ittgattnn there Monday morning. Kepraarnt. alive Foaier and the Colorado sub eoniinlUee will prooeatf to Denver and map out tta program after teaching there. Mt(IM) DKATII IX MILITIA l TWIlXTY-ItH M norRR Trlnldud. Colo., Feb. 5 The aec oiid death within twenty-Tour hottra among the i.lale troopa In the gtrfka dlatrlct. occurred thia morning. Pri vate Juniea McDonald, 27. of Com pany A. Flrat Infantry, died of acute iaryngitia thia morning t Camp Run ttafael. after a week' lllneag. Mcliouabl enliated recently In Inn er and formerly wna a mutnfcer of tile Seventh regiment, I'. S, regit I ura ltkVsS t Ol, MIM'H HI'.OPKX FI LL BI.ABT Kanaaa City. Fell. 8. Mtnea of the Central Coal nnd Coke company at Huntingdon, Hartford und Honanxa. .... I... I. .. .1. ..t . .y.n. iiilllee appuiiited by the I'nlted Mine Work era of America to mreaflgnfa the I'unt roverav-. The men atiuck on the grnund that the operator" had refuaed to teapeci a d"i ialon of the dlatrlct ar bniator iipboblinx the clillma of four miner, for coinpcnaaton for a period of enr,,rced nlleneaa. IMII sTltm. "WUHKFItS" matfnc 1 1 nut i.m: M.iryav Ille. fill . Feb S. Itlchard l H'ii. k ! i I'ord und II IV Huhr. aitid to be I io I uai tin I Wnrkera c.f the Wm Id. coniii'lej of Hie murder of luatrbl Atiorney Manwell. of Yuba ioiiuIv duiiiig a Hot of hop picker. Aiiguat :t 1 nere ai-uti'iiced to life ltn- pi laoiiiueiii today In Superior Judge M.l'aniela A deputy aherlff nnd two hop vard employea alao weraj l.ltllil in Hie riot sTIllklM. MIM It IFSTIHI M IN KFI.ltFHVII.i l'. Till l. Hoiigblmi, Mull, Feb. S. John St limit-, a atriktng copper miner, tea- tin.'ii ituring the entire morning aea- ion of the Scebcrvillc murdet tital tmlai. He waa one ot I Ilo two men lb tU-putiee on trial went lo a mill- era hoarding house to arreat. Ihe v lain r.alllllllg In Ihe ebiab In which two at I ik. I a Were killed The wltnesa teatiried that he did not a. Hie actual ahoottng tint lie an w one tb-ail und lbre wounded men lying in Ihe liiiiii, after Ihe deputiee liaul left. Ilu denied that either h or John Kollun had made any thrtula lo ' tlx Humphrey Quick, a, Al.:. h iTian, when ihe latter hud Wurneti th'tii off a mining company prop erty Htf declared that lha watch man hud threatened to kilt them Willi a club If they ieriattd in ulng lha path acioea the I'otupuny prnperl). in croaa-exaiinnattoii ti'Uiiael for the defenae imiiiired at great length intu the nun einelila of Sltiliav! and K i il la i, prior to ihelr claal. with Quick Smnac aaid they hud gone to South Lange to draw their airika benefna. He did not know exactly bow nnch they hud had to lnk but