Newspaper Page Text
1 TOtY'H WFWH TOiiAV Ymi get II In tlifl HKIIAIJ). tlfty vnla Month or It penla tawk lt lire! I or dxrt t.ljr ccnu bjr nail, Fankhunt has quit suf fing -by re qnett. rimmx B-crrun, Vol. m. No. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY C, 1914. TEN TAGES TODAY bcvkmxo nfcnirrx vn. 3. NO. aitO. Hull B RAILROAD T PIER! FUR1CE OF Ifill Great Bore Through Continental Divide in Ruins, Mexican Northwestern Passenger Equipment Charred Wreck anJ Seven American Railroad Men Are Reported Prisoners in Clutches of Vengeful Outlaw Gang Headed by Max imo Castillo, in Retaliation For Capture and Execution of Twenty-two Members of Robber Band Last Tuesday. FRANCISCO VILLA, EtifUGEC AT KEVS INSTRUCTS SUBORDINATES TO SHOOT POSSIBLE PEBFETRATOHS ON SIGHT I SO . Ily 11 Wlro lo Kveiilne; Herald.' Jimr.ii, Moxlco, Feb. (. even American rsllfoad men are believed Ik he prisoners; tlx- great i'iiiiiIti' railroad tunnel through the n 1 1 ti 1 1 1 it I l ivlil In In ruin, ami lb Mexican Ni.i ihwrstcm passenger train which icfl hire Wednesday mnining la a rhutred riTk at I he nmulh of I hi- tun nel as the result of the depredation of members of Die Maximo Castillo gang of bandits. Thin Information. amMrv lug reports received Inst night from Chihua hua, was received here today ut the headquarters of the railroad. Il corrects I ii at night's statement that It waa the Hrake tunnel, a amaller bur iMiuth of t 'timbre, that. waa destroyed. The Cumbra tunnel la Hip largest n the road. 2,74i ppI Ion, and rpUlrpd eighteen montha lo con struct. Thp ntmra of the rlaonpra reported hcre are: M. J. Ullmailln, eiiH-rlntendeiit of the roud., II. Hcbnfleld, superintendent of terminals at Juarcx. Lee Williams, assistant manager of the railroad commissary. K. J. MoCutcheon. englncpr of the uagacngrr train. J. IS. Webster, conductor. II. V. Murders, rxpresa agent. A fusveullv American believed lo have been on thm train, and Amer. Ii-ana also were employed on the freight train which waa useJ to (Ire the tunnel. ilcnetal ""ram two Villa, commander of tin- rebel forces, nw at Chihuahua. wa. enraged Ht the news and In a telegram whli h iMiaaed through here loduy Instructed tlcticral Kelle Mucias, operating In the Casus Grande district, to ahoot every man who could not antisfac torily account "r hla presence there. The bandits are tielleved to be operating; In two forces of about thirty men euch. a Cuinbre ta a hard day 'a ride from HI Vulle. near Casa llrntidea, where twenty -two of robbers were raptured nnd ahot last Turailuy. 1 Thp other dclui lucent, believed to be under Castillo himself, did the wrecking probably In revvngu for the fate of lua men at K.I Valle. Ho captured a train of atock rare Wedneaday and ran It Into the tunnel w heie II wna ael on Dip. The tunr.el was a blading nun that pvenl'ig when Ihe pawnger train Irom Juurea waa captured and aent headlonB Into Ihp roaring rumuco whi h waa beUhlng llaiiiu and smoke Irom Its mouth. t'uatlllo then burned two neighboring hrlduea. one of I hem i unalruit ed of steel, and ran two locumulivrs over thp enibAnkiiicnt Into tho deep canyon below. . Ill Kit TV T I'lhll CVUII'AMiK .VilT UKIlKIh Madrid. Kelt. I'ruvlalonnl I'ren Idenl lluerl today telegraphed to Ihe Ppanlah-'Aitierlcun union here, re plying to Its reouent that he bring about an ariniHtlce In Mrxtuu In order lo arrange a coinpromlM- with the revolulloiiisia by lha austeinent that he la Inurnaaing the federal army with the object of puohing forward hia campulKji agalnat the rebel. tleneral Huertit at Ihe same time Invited th newHpflHra of Madrid to j aend t'orreaiondenta to Mexico to u serve Ihe eitoailon. The 8unleh prexa commented free ly on the Mexican situation today rteveral of the leading new ppnpera of the capital :ictuaed Ihe l ulled Platee goxerniiient of "fomenting anarchy." Kl lilarlo rnlversal. the organ of I'unl Hoiiianonea, a former premier, uf Ml ins that II Ihe ret oltitlonlata In Mexico are supplied with anna from the t'nlled Htalea, the government at WaahUiMton Is bound to impose re spei't for the Uvea and propel t of foreigners In Mexico. IMMLiuvrc iski.i.m; oiiii:iti:n OP M.l.K MlMTHS Washington, Kill. Immedlats releare of all munitions of War un der selaure In Texas. New Mrxieo and Arlson. ex.-ppt ttioae needed aa evldema against violators of the neutrality laws, was orderrd today by Ihe department of justice. The arms will be delivered to ronstltu tlonallata for transportation lo Mex ico as a remit of the lifting 'of 111 embargo by 'resident Wilson. l.iriK hTKAMMHP TO iti viovi: .niM M iwi tTs llerlln, Teh. . The German min ister to Mexico today reniilfltioneil the (lerman steamship Yplranga for Ihe removal of ilrrmati gubjects from Tsmplco. h:vi: TiioiKWo iiition i, in ni ii TiUMf m:iv Iwiuglas. Arts, I'eh. i. --Keven thousand additional troops. armed with rifles snd smmunitlon now Coming In from Ihe frilled Pistes will be lendy lo lake the field In onors and Chihuahua Kebroury ID. scror.lliig tit statements today bv Klisg C'sllet, commander of the con- UTS PLUiJGE TUfUEL Mltiillonallst border military roiw.A majority of these troops will be Va unt Indians now being recruited In. the region of the Yaqut snd Mayo rivers. I'ulle also confirmed Ihe reports from Itermoaillo and I'uliacan that Carrunsa had arrangi-d to purchase armored ypmcIs for operation asanst the roast cities si III held by the federals C'Hlles said two cruisers would he Commissioned In Pacific waters. SECRETARY M'ADQO FINALLY GETS THE BABY CHRISTENED (Itf leaned Wlra in Evrainf Herald ) iA.n Angeles. Keb. . Kortlfled with Information aa to the dvslrcc of 1'aelfle ciaist territory regarding lbs establishment of a regional reserve bank as provided for In Ihe r.&w cit reiiiy Bi t. Hecn-tary of Ihe Treasury McAdoo and Hecretary o Agricul ture lloiiMton will leave for Kl I'aso over the Houthern 1'iiclfic at 3 o'clock this aftcrnoo. Hut a few hours were necensary to get the view of the bankers In southern t'alirornla. who were unanimously In fi.or of the main Institution being located In Han Krsnclsco with a branch In this ell v. Hi-crelary McAdoo last night wit nessed the christening of hia onlv kier.d-daughter. Nona McAdoo Mar tin, three months old. at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Mlllatnk In 'his city. Ijt.l Tribute In Ktlltor. Worn nty. Iowa. Keb With prai lb ally every place nf business In the city closed for ail hour sa a leaf tribute. (Jeorge It. I'erkins, late edi tor snd publisher of the Journal will le burled this afternoon with simple ceremonies. tames Kvblbit at Fanania. Washington. Keb. r'resldent Wilson favors an exhibit by I'nlted Plates government at Ihe pxpoeltlnn 10 be held by Ihe lleptibllc of 1'itna ma this year, celebrating the op-n-irg of the canal This wsa snnoune ed hy Hecretary Bryan aTler today' cabinet meet Inf. W ihon Roasted for Boosting Civil War Sanctioning and Supporting Strife in Neighboring State Really Declaration of War Says London Daily. (My lanPd Wire to Keening Herald Liondon, Keb. While "re- spec! for his high character and a fins ideals" moves the Olooe to V wuh President Wilson well out of bis truubles In connection with Mexico, Peru and Haiti whose "bloodstained admitilNlrationa challenge Hie president's polity of "mm rcKognitloii," It ce;.ul- era his position Impracticable Tho newspaper continues: "The expedient of sanctioning and supporting civil war In at neighboring state is a dtclara- lion of war In a form which can hardly be reconciled with the comity of nations. The danger of the sll nation from the point of 4 view of the I'nlted Slates la that there la no retreat with honor from the uncompromising. If Impracticable, position President Wilson has taken up." 4 Mil SWEDES N AT I Q HAL DEFENSE Small Farmers and Land Own ers March 700 and 800 Miles for Great Patriotic Demon stration. WARMLY WELCOMED ' BY THEIR MONARCH t fly leased Wire lo Koning Herald. Htockholm. Sweden. Feb. 6. Htrlklng success. both sM-ctaeular and material attended the monster demonstration today In favor of the Increase of Hwedish armaments. Th'J 30, nun participants were told by King O until v that Ihe proiilem of Hwedlxh defense must be settled without loss tf time. The army of patriotic pi-lltlonrra which had waited on the outskirts of Ihe Hwedlfh capital since yesterday was greeted with enthusiasm by the entire population of Htockholin as It marched through the streets In the palace where King Oustav wna waiting to recelvo it. Tho proces sion was a very plclures.ue one. pom posed of small owners and farm ers from every pari of Ihe kingdom. All of them were dressed In heavy attire and wore emblems represent ative of ihe districts from which Ihey rsnie. Some of them had traveled 700 or ion miles In order to take pan In the demonstration. The pensants were warmly welcomed by the kliiK. who stood on the portico nf the palace" The petition stated that they were ready to make all the necessary sacrifices to delend their country and assure Its Indepen dence and demanded that Ihe sub ject be taken In hand forthwith. The king replied that he was In heerty accord with the desire of Ihe pilgrims and shared their opinion that the problem was one which must lie solved without loss of time "On thai point." he declared. "I am determined not to yield The fleet of Sweden must also be strengthened." Kach of the men who marched In the procession waa presented with fmatl portrait of his malexly and as tha demons! ratora left Ihe precincts of the palace Ihey were again loud ly cheered hy the populace. SAID TO HAVE SLAIN GIRL WHO STABBED HIM WITH HATPIN Ity I -cased WU to Ktrenlnc Herald.) Hunrise, Wyo , Keb. t. Anjelo tCvangclo. wanted by Ihe New York authorities for hia alleged slaying of Mary 1. ml wig. 17, after she had slabbed him with a natpln, was ar rested here today. II was charged that Rvati'Kelu aesaoltpd tha girl. who repelled him with Her unusual weapon. Kvangelo, it waa smIiI, pressed a willingness to return l New York without extradition form si II les. II0TJ3E DISCUSSING TWENTY-FIVE MILLION FOR GOOD ROADS fBy Is aeed Wlra l rvewlnf Herald. I Washington. Keb. I'mli-r special rule the house will work today on Ihe Hhackelford aoud roada hill lo appropriate IS! 000.000 for federal aid to Ihe slates for Improvement of highways used by rural mat! farriers. bUSTAV mm 42 DEGREES BELOW ZERO If! ROCKY Ml lilUUl Extreme Cold Wave Causes Widespread. Suffering in Colorado and Adjoining Ter ritory. MONTANA TOWN HAS RECORD FRIGIDITY Ity 1-SMfti v:r0 to Kvonhn Her a hi.) iM-nver. Keb. I. With u minimum temperature of It degrees below gc lo at 6 o'clock this morning and tern M-rat lire or zero or below fore cast for Ihe next 24 hours, Ianvcr and adjacent terrlt"!) suffered un der Ihe first acverw void wave of tha reason. The lowest temperature was reported from lnver with l-advlllo imo nil. II degrees below xero. Am- arlllo, Tex., reported gcro. At Cheyenne, Wyo.. the thermom eter registered 22 b" low car My today. with slowly rising temperature fore cast, other Wyoming points. Hhcr- idan. I .ii ramie and the Yellow stona I'ark district, reported temperatures ranxlug from 24 to 21 degrees below ceroa Miles City. .Mont., surferd with 32 tlegreeg below and the offi cial minimum registration for Havre, Mont.. Tor Ihe lust 12 hours, was ii below xero. l.ilile snow and wind accompanied Ihe severe cold and cultla did nut suffer in uti ly. The cold wave was said to be pass ing' this territory to the area due past of I a, nver. Including Nebraska. Kansas, Kouth Ihikota and Missouri, which polnlg It waa forecast to reach today and tonight by the local weather bureau. James Hyers. aged JJ. was found parly today under a car In the rati road ynrils unconscious and pearly rroten. Applications to charltahlc orgaiiixaliona on account of the cold weather ale numerous. Itallroud Irufllc was delayed. Local tint Hit y companies r eported So Inter ference with service. TMIHTY-K.IIJIIT Hia.HK.KH IIKIiOW Zt.ttO UM OUUKIi Ore'ley, Colo., Kcti. t. lieports from Kurt l.upton that the thermom eter reached 3H degrees below aero, Indicate a atate record for this year's winter. The minimum lem twrature for this county was report ed to be 16 below sero, and Hie av erage ratiKe between 1 and 22 be low Uangc cattle were, said lo be -offering. ohthwi:kt in Mill r iutti.ii oi.i WK.vrtir.ii Kpokatio, W'anh.. Vb. g. Kaslern Washington, ea.iiern ircgoii. north ern Idaho and all of Montana, are III the grip of the first severe weath er of the winter. Tempera I ores In Washington east of the Cascades were reported last nlghl from i to 10 degrees la-low si-ro with Ihe pros peel of u further drop while from northern und casn-m Montana towns came reports at midnight of temper atures 4a degrees below gero. Havre anil Hilver Lake eich reported 4 0 be low. The freexe wag felt by Ihe tullroails In Montana, transcontinen tal trains running from three to four hours bile. Northern Idaho experienced tiro weather for the first time this win ter, tlenesep repotting 1 below ae ro last night. In Hpokenc the tnercury dropped to 4 below at miilnighl. the lowest of the winter Tralna from the east were reported 1 1 "in seven to eight hours late In eastern n gon, Itaker report ed 10 hIhivp luM ii aht with prospects of gero before morning. Ijiilrandu reports heavy snw and mid. In Portland the oct temperal lire up to I a. in. was 31 alatvp xero. Cattlemen expect little piss be cause Ihe suibbu freexe was preced ed by only a light allow fall. rorit nvn or ixtkn'm-: ( OLD AUK Pit I '.IlKTl'.lt Chicago. Ieli ! -Kour days of In tense cold with snow were predicted by the V. H weather forecaster here today lo follow a snowstorm which broke here e.iilv today. The storm way was moving east anil soiiitiessl. according to ilo' forecaster, w' said lhat Ihe lcmp nil urea in tht julh ern lake region w.nild hover I- the vicinity of sero Western I'nion and I'oatal tclcgr.Hih officiate report,! bad wire coin!'! long west and north west of Chliuso. TODAY IN CONGRESS Scnate, Met at noun. Hearings on trust ollls before Interstate commerce committee. Itepreseiil.ilivea of Ihe New York stock cvhange were beard before the burning committee on Ihe Owen bill. Psss,-d s hill It extend the law making giaw of confederate soldiers In mot herd states. House. Met at nnon. luscuKsed private bills. Commerce ummtt!ce heard merchenls on Ilia adminisirstlon irust bills, i fl PHOPAGANDA FOR PAH-SUVICISM III! Ill Member of Russian Duma Credited With Startling Statement Regarding Men ace of Northern Bear. COUNT BOBRINSKY GETS IN VERY BAD ( Ity lcsscd Wlra Ui rveumg lleratd. I lluil.i n-t . Keb. tt "Ituaila will not demobilise her army until tho lius alan flag flouts over the Curpulhlun mountains." This was ouo or the startling state ments attributed to Count Yllmlr Ilo. brlnsky, president ,,r the lluaslan con stitutional conservatlvo party and leader of Ihe Pan-Slavic movement In Kusaiu when the trial waa resumed today ut Marmoros-Shiget of ninety four ItulhenlsiiH charged with Inciting rebellion against ihe Austro-llungar-lan government. Ihillskovii h, a detective, ' w ho was culled In give evidence of Pan-Slavic act I It lis In Hungary, quoit ihe sen sational phrase from Count Ilolirm sky. lmliNkovlch hud been specially cummisMioned to liivcHtixule the al leged Ireasonalile proceediiiKa of the itui hentans. "l got into touch with Count Ho brlnsky," he said, "nnd the Count en trusted me With the task of pnllstliiK the services of educated Kuthenlans who were to Join the Russian ortho dox church and alter being trained were to return In Hungary lo push Ihe I 'an -Slavic propaganda amnr.g their compatriots. Count llobrinsky gave me f 1,0110 to Induce ti deputy of the lower bouse of tho Hungarian parliament lo Interpellate the govern ment on Ihe petitions of Ihe Kuthen lans. "While I was in Ku-...a I was under the protection of Count llobrinsky. I traveled freo and was exempted from too passport regulations. Count lln brlnsky had plenty of fund ar bis disposal lor tlio Pan -Hu vie propti -ganda." Count llohrinxky. who la a mem ber of the ItUHsian ilnina. was Imme diately culled to the witness stand, w here hp emplial lea My denied lhal he ever made the Inc rlminullng stale, ineni iittrlliited to him. He udmltted aciiuuintuiic with !tiliskovi h. but suitl his confidential niients had warn ed him ug.ilnsl the detective. The court gave Count Hobrlnsky permis sion to return to Uussiit when he hud completed his i-vlilcnce. The trial h is been In progress since Heccmber '.'. The principal ileleiul ant Is Km tor Alexius of Mount A thus. lircal political Interest nun been aroiined ibloiighotit Kurope b the proceed I tuts, as it l:i iilbged thai tha neilitious movemrnl among I In Kuthenlans was promplcd and II nancpd by K:i.:sia and lhal It was curried out under the gulac of propa ganda to convert the peasantry to the orthodox church, but with the ultimata object of enticing them from their allegiance to Aunt na il injury. PRIEST-MURDERER FACES DEATH . GLADLY Hans Schmidt Found Guilty of Killing Anna Aumullci Declines to Let Counsel Make Appeal. (Ity Itrascd Wrro to rivalling; Herald. 1 New York. I i ll - Han. Hi hoilili. who was loiiud giiiliv of murder In ih' fUM for killing Anna Au nitiMci, is seeiniiiKl content wltli the vcrdlc! and declines to permit his counsel to nppcrtl. Next Wednesil.i . S will be Kilt, in oil to Hie III the electric i h.i 1 1 The verillit uK'HhSt Hehmldl wai remlered late ycHienlay. a Utile more than two hours after tile jitrv tool retired. It seemed u great relief l,i Ihe former oho a.(i tf ioumt the twelve ituvs of lee trial :is It In u d.ise and was a a IU at ihe "Mir room wall v hi; i'i b nt figure suddenly tf.un:!' -lo 'I. a bu'it came into his eyes sc. I he mill ed Ki-hit Id, iwnwl In liuve pre p.ired fo the verdict. Hln e It's .li test on Keilember 14. he bus ref iim d to be slpived or have his loilr cut. IUliee Pii-tmsiter Named. Washington, Keb. President Wilson today nomlmttej K It. Italic), Itlshce. Arts., for postmaster. Iiu-orporallon Hill e Inirislmeil. Waslungtoii. K-b. Hillator Nel son's bill for federal Incorporation of sll conieinii In Interstate com merce was re-Introduced tort tic It waa una. led on In the slfTv-flral congress. HUNGARY Extra! Extra! Sylvia is Canned Daughter of Militant Suffra gette Leader Proves Toj Militant for Even Her Stren uous Sisters in the Cause. I II) Is'aeod Wire to P.eplng Herald. 1 London. Keb. t-Miss Hylwa. Pankliiirst. diiugbler of the mill- In nt aiilfruKclK) lender, today 11 lltlouncd her secession ftolll til,. V'Olluin'S fl.ll In I und Point- cal I'nloii, the militant women s oi siinixallon. I he rift among the mllttunt 4 Miinriiu.i i .. ! Mi.i i.u a,,. . .. av Mian f.a Pankhiirst's ultta- V revolutionary uspirnt Ions, which the leaders of the Women's o- i In I and Political t'nioii are bp- ginning to believe are damaging 4 their eiiuN.. 4 FEAR NEW TRUST BILL WILL SQUEEZE THEM0UT Ask Provision for Price Regu lation in Measures to Be Drafted Along Lines Wilson Favors. LITTLE DRUGGISTS HAVE BIG GRIEVANCE Jlty I .cased Wlra lo Fenln Herald.) Washington, Keb. 6. mull maim fai Hirers and dealers who compete with great corporations want some prut ision for price regulation In the new Irust bills lo prevent their being sipierscd when they cannot inuel prli i s mi large iUanl Itles. tlefrtre t he--wennre Interstnte pom men v comniitten today a delegation spok(. iigalnat Ihe i la tine which pro vides that riot III ii. In llm bill should "prevent illw rlmination in price be tween purchasers of comminlllles on iiccoitiit of differences ill grade, iual Ity or ipiuntity sold, or that makes only due allowance for diflerctico In tho cost of transportation." C. 11. Nixon of Ihe National Asso ciation of Itelllll llrtlgKIHts, told the hoiiNo commerce ciniimltlep that cut ting prices on patent medicines was Ihe club used by u combination of drug stop's to drive small Individual retailers out of bus:nass. "We believe a monopi'iy Is being started with the object of controlling the retiul ill ox trade of the entire t'nlled states," said he. ' The ilruaxlftts proposed that Ihe new interstate trade commission I a -in powered to enforce publication of tlxed p rices, wholesale and retail, on all articles covered by patent, copy right or trade mark. Samuel I imr:;ivi i told the house judicial) coiuiiill let, lhal the i in r-loi-king ilii eci s lull would he l.ickiiiat unless it also prohibited inter locking slock ownership. 1 ho bill as it stands no-rely would substitute ilnr.iny directors for the real direct- ois. tic sanl. II,. advocaird burring directors and stockholders o' rallr uid supply con- erus from r.iilroud directorates. He k'oiild see no b,itd and fast reason why tile susie directors could not serve In hanks mid luilioads. UKSI Mi: AIU.I MIAT M IM' (IHIS llll. I, W.'ixhlimlon. Keb. g. New York slo, k exchanue otiiciuls and bankcrg ippeiiiltiK bcfoie the nefiitte coitinitl- fi-- oil banlsiiiu ai:d currency, today resumed their arguments against the iweii bill proiormu gov 'l iimciit t I i l ji i Ii , ii of stock i-xchaiiges. J. H M o l-i,l,. preslibiit of i rxchHnra. invl.-il the cominltiep lo New York to . lis npi rations. Henry tl o- t'lc. a rii-mber of the cxcttallg", lie- teniled i-p.-i iilut ivi transact ions on tb- d.iy's f luct mil totiH in anv secur- itv hlu.rt selling, he said, cn-aiert i iiosiitis market lor slot I s. I'to- h'lillloliri ,i,f l lo p.-llcllliu bill ks to b n -1 1 1 if securities by brokers vi'f aIciii lhi-v rt pledgi d by i-iihIoiiii s v il.l r.vtrl,- Mlie tree lr Hie f tiv .t 1 1 Invc ton.." In, gild THIRTEEN MEMBERS OF CHICKEN TRUST GO TO THE COOP It la-aaed Wlro lo r:enlng; Hers Id 1 New York. Kch. ( Thirteen mem in rs ol the "chicken trust." otlieiwiM- the New York Live poultry I Hu liis uwk bit phi, convicted of re straining Hade III New York city uiUKt in lo Their ntipeul was denied in a il"i noon handed down to day by the appellate division and Hielr sentences of three months In prison and lines ut tliOti i. It were sunt ained Ihe nigber court found the de fendants weie in a pool whi. lt con in, lied Du per cent of the poultry shipped o New Yolk and destroyed compel it ion. 'I'h,, cam asainst them was proas , nice! under tha state snti-inou.'poljr l.i w , s 1 TERHflZAS John D. Rockefeller of Mexico, $40,000,000 Fortune Tied Up by War, Now Seeking a Job. MAGNATE WILL BE SMALL FARMER 'I Don't Mind Going to Work" Smiling Declaration as He Starts to Earn Bread and Butter. Ity lraaed Wire to treiln lreald.) Kl Pnxo, Tex.. Fell. . Hia Immense Ineome lied up by thret years ut rev olutions, Alberto Tcrrasas of the fam ily whose name In Mexico ta a syno ny in for great wealth, hnu been com pelled lo auck a means of livelihood. This Infoi inatlon. astounding; In Mexico and along ih Itlo Grande bor tier aa similar news afTectlng a Ks k- efeller or a Vandcrbllt would be la the I'nlted males, became known to day with hia departure for Pasadena, California, lie waa accompanied ! hia family, but not Ihe usual retinue of servants. Near Pasadena, Ter rasas expects to buy or lease a small farm where h run make a modest living. He la one uf I hose who sees no Immediate prospect of peace In hi native land and until tranquility la restored, Ihe Income of the vast Ter I ii ma family fortune, estimated at 3j.00A.000 to 140,0011,000 !n Ameri can gold will be tied up. Even In the event of pchce It may be lost, for Ibt rebels have declared It confiscated. "I do not mind going to work; It may he a good thing," he said to hi friends before his departure, and then smiled al hla own remarks, for hla pmdtirallty- -wlft! money Ikm -been a story, chapters of which have been written on two continents. Now. according- lo himself, he Is to labor for bread and butter. He learn id much of farming and the breeding of horses snd cuttle on hla own ranches and hla friends say he will be able lo hold Ms own In wresting an Income from the soli. The Tcrruxua fortune was founded by Dim Luis Turruxaa, now an ocln kenarian refugee In Ibis city, in land grants from President Junrex and President lla a. These holdings. Im mense aa they were, have been aug mented c, instantly until now. As train schedules are In Mexico It would Inks a passenger train, making the usual stops, three days lo travel Ihe boun daries of this domain. It atrctcheg from Juurex 3 75 miles south to Jim-Itit-x and west lo Casus tlraiides. on It are whole towns, many hamlets, mines ami fertile farms. All this was Hie property of the Mentor Tcrraxa and his three sons Juan, now in tha City of Mexico; Luis, held at Chihua hua ss a hostage by the rebels, up 4 Alberto until the reliels declared Uia whole estate confiscated. WILL REPUDIATE PLANK Administration Leaders Pre pare to Go Back on Pledges and Support Wilson in Fight on Canal Toll Exemption. (Ily laeaar-3 Wtrw to Eenlu fterald W iMhiiigtoii, Keb. Kepeal of loo loll exemption provision of the fan aunt canal law waa before congreivs to day as an administration measure backed by President Wilson. Al though repeal of the section which would give tree passage to American coastwise ships through the great wa terway Involves a practical repudia tion of one of Ihe planks of the Hem ocrutic platform adopted by tho Itul uiuoro i on v eittiuii 'which nominate! I'lemdeiit Wlltton, administration lead- is were sure of prompt action in the house and began lining up their , ries In Ihn senate where the hardest tight will come. Some lemocral theip are avowedly In opposition to the president's wish and have an nounced their Intention of tlx hi In Hue proposal. A message to congress protiU'ly de livered in person by Ihe president ta expected aa soon aa conferc n a da irlop the administration course of ac tum. Kepeal of the free passage sec lion will dipsosa of Ureal Untune prole) that It la In violation of lha Ks) -Pauncefota treaty. lln-iiiiH-r I'anoral MiHidai. Passaic. N. J , Keb. . The body of llepreseniativa Hubert tl. Hreni ner. who died at Jtultlmore of cancer alter the 1 allium treatment had fail ed, was brought to his home here to day. The funeral wiil lie held at 3 clock li'Xt Monday sf rnoon. DEMOCRATS