Newspaper Page Text
It a Democratic P 1 a t f o rm Be. tween Friendil TOHW'H NKttH TODW Vou get T ll In tli IIKHAMt. lift, renta month or It crnla a week ilctlverpil at your dmar; fifty n-nta lijr mall. TTllnCJtR-CITIZEJI. Vol. . No. . ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1914. ll. . M gM. CLOSE STRIKE PROBE III e urat vvoi tecum Runs Amuck in Puis Another 1 VJ r lt i ji roi r ' 11 f i v. n i a A INQUISITORS Mil g r if inn nu ii a ii Mr! I 11 Lll UU UIIIIU ran OOIIFILS OF POST IE1G OF HE TO E01. E CUI1S in Field COLORADO 5 Shy and Retiring Denver Newspaper Man Attacked by Village Bad Man With Real Six-Shooter. BODYGUARD GETS FINGER OVER TRIGGER ! 1eaard W tra to frrenlnt llecild.l Denver. Feb. . A warrant charg ing Thomas J. I i'lunfnll, prominent Iiemocruttc politician ' of Colorado, with eaauult upon F. (1. I Ion run with IntPtit to hill, leiicd fr.m the her Iff a office today alter an information ugutnt Mr. O' limine 11 hud been Issued by Ih district attorney upon the f-r;iulnt nf Mr. Ilontllii. Mr. Untitll I one of tho owner of the Iienver Iol. The alleged assault occurred today at the county court house where both .ncn were going to attend the Honf Injunction suit nunlriot the Denver I'nh.n Water rnmiiuny. In which Mr. lionfila hud petitioned thut the com inny he enjoined from using money for political purpose. Mr. Don nil I Vic president of n voter' or gunlxutlon which I fighting Mr. lion fila' oition III the wtii r raw. According to witnesses, Mr. Ilon fll with hi partner, II. II Tnmmcit. appt cached the court him' and met Mr. (lonnell on the iep The newspaper men were accompanied by M A. Dclaney their hoily guard Mr. Ilonfll poke to Mr. O'Dniiiicll. sny witnesses, to the cfTcd that he (llniiftl) wa not Hfrnid of Ihri" of violence which Mr. O'Dniiiicll wna accused of having made imuliist Mr. Ilonlll. "I'M not iitruid of you, either." re torted Mr. I o ti lie 1 1. Whereupon more word were bundled and De Ihik'Y proceeded mid entered th court hone. thinking, n he mild, "II waa only a Jawing mutch " The next action, winieaaca saw wn a blow which Mr. Ilonfll atruck i iMiiinrll n the Jaw. O'Dnnncll then drew a revolver from lit cowl pocket and attempted to fire ll at liorillls. who succeeded In cutchlnr. hold or hi nntugnnlst'a com slcevi and prevented the discharge nf the revolver. Iielaney, looking back, anw the aa aatllt and haatened In hi employer' assistance. 11 Jiimmed a tinner be tween the trigger of the revolver and Ita chic Id, precluding (he possibility of the gun' discharge. lie finally wrenched the weapon from o is.nnell and returned ll 'Biilon o'Donnrll. a on. The pari) then divided. An hour later Ilonfll swore to a complaint churning O'lion nell with aauli with Intent to kill f i Donncll declare he drew hi re volver in self defense, nnd thut he had t.een warned thut Ilonfll "went armed." The elnah grew out of the hitter campaign Involving the wutcr aupply of Denver which will end with a !' 01 a I election Kehruary 17. O'lwitinell and lionfila oppoae each other in Ihl campaign. NolUllly Hvm Italluay U.tew. Iienver. Keb. . Lord and iJidy Decles. acromimnled by Mr. and Mr. . H. Huntaman. left Ienver shorlly after midnight over the Iienver and Km Grande railroad for Halt Ijike I'lty and Hon Frnctco. Ijidy rerle, aeeond daughter nf (leorge J. Mould end her huaband, who apent several day la Denver are making a tour of the tlotild railway line. BURKE OF CANAL ZONE FIRED WILL SEEK TO PROVE INNOCENCE in le1 Wlre lo Ktln nerald 1 lanHina. Feh. . i'i.I. Uco. W. (loethala. rhalrman of the Tanania canal rommlxalon. In- day eiipeniled John llurke, manager of the romntiaaHry de- purtmrnt. I'olonel Gnethiita' action came at Ihe roncluloti of the hear- Ing which gave llurke a i-hance to clear hlmaelf of Vie enamel thai hp had accepted gratuities and had been guilty of Irregv r btislnuaa Iranaaction. i'olonel 4 Ooetluila nlan auieniled W. K. Hhlpley. chief clerk of Ihe ul- slatenee deinrtinent, the reaa.n given being "ln ompelence." i'olonel floethal had clor- day received Ihe report made hy Mr. Nye. Ihe special agent ap- pointed to InveR'IgKt Ihe charge agnlnxt Rurke. He then Informed llurke thai lie had given him a chance In explain and produce evidence of the In- nncence of hi Iraraactiona. and of how he came to lie poeaemed of o much real ea'ale In the 1'nlted Htatea and I'anada. and .of large deposit In Indianapolis and I olon hanks. riurke de- A .luwil 1,1a l.iniwne Captain Prank '. V'iiltldk. I'nlled HI leu cavalry, haa leen appointed . succeed Tlurke. u her change In the cominli- sury department Bfrectlng mill- or employes are to he made lm- mediately. tlurke Balls this wrek for the United Hi a tea In gather docu- mema and affidavit In support of his affli of Innocence. Kansas City Half Starved Beast Shot After Biting Two Persons and Starting Reign of Terror in Residence District. f lljr leaned Wire In Even In f llrrgld ! Kanni t'lly, Felt. . A huge half atared gray wolf, after biting two peraon. frightening a acore nr otneta ana apreauing votialernntlon throunh a muld and faahlotiMOle aouth aide renldetiie diKirlct, waa hot and killed on l.inwnod lloulevard here todny. The wolf r prang upon Mine Anna Harrlnon aa he waited '- a alreel car. The wolf re.ii down the boulevard, pumtit-ij by a rnila man whu hurled bottle aa he ran. Two block from the cene of the flrl attat k the wolf napped at a negro domeulic, rnuKing a painful wound In the arm. A number of grocery boy. bulnea men and aervant from boulevard home Joined the chime. A riot cull wn wnt In to police hediunrter and an nu Inmublle with half down pntr"l im n hurried to the aceiie. The wolf hud run .i block and allacked another pedcat rlan, Hamucl J. Iliirilln, a deputy coun'y collei'tor, before T. V. Wright, a policeman, ended the rhaae by ("ending a bullet Into the anlninl' head. Thi? police pronounced the "kill" a tine apei . linen of the gfav uolf hill were at a loa to know how it loiiml It way into the heart of (lie city. WIGGLES AROUND PARTY PLEDGE Lame Explanation of Cheerful Repudiation of Plank Adopt ed at Baltimore Convention Made by Executive. TWEEDLE-DUM AND ALSO TWEEDLE-DEEi (tljr lacd Wire lo Kvi-nUig Herald. Wiikhlnglun. Keb. . l'reldent Wllmm let It lie known today that r-iim the first he regarded a an un- wie policy the Itiaertluu In the tH-m- ocrallu national platform of Ih-t plank favoring Ihe exemption of American coaalwise ship from the payment of I'unama i-aiial tolls. The president feels I hat a plulform declaration on auch a subject Is in elation tu clrcumMtances thut arise all over the world as well as In Ihe I'nlled Stales and that only the ele ment which the United Mtalen ran control In the situation ought to be binding. He fee la that a change of clrrumelanceg ha arisen In Ihe in ternational BKpect nf the situation which neceaanrlly would change the ittltude of the American government nd the altitude of the country on the subject. Mr. Wilson told culler today that the whole situation and the point of view of foreign govern ment was to some sene involved In the settlement of the cotit rovery lie Intimated that platform declarations should be limited to question of do mestic policy and hoiild not em brace relation wHh foreign govern ment. NO ALIENS GET BETTER JOBS ON THE PANAMA CANAL (fly IjraMtt Wire tit KveMnc Herald.) WaKhinglon, Keli. . only nalive of I'atiama and American hereafter will he employed in the higher grade of crvict on Ihe Panama canal. The rule will apply lo all employe leretvliig more than f T& a month, or mote than I" cents an hour. Alien may lie employed in those gradua If Kiev have occupied similar poaitlun during the construction of the I'. in sula c iiimI fur two year or more They may also be employed tempor arily In emergencies. The eight hour law will be applied to all per dletn and hourly employes above the grades Of laborers. All oltlcer and enipoyes on the canal, except clerks, bookkeepers, phrrs, typewriters, surgeon, phyaictans, nurses and draughltnen, and clerical poaiilon paying 7S and less per month, will lie exempted from civil service examination. Km ploye of Ihe I'anama railroad ,my be traiiBlerred to the canal stall without (lamination. f.ihe slainUvllle pica, Hartford. Conn.. Feb. Olle Manileville. a well known contractor and an uncle or rVhuyler Colfax, vice premdent of the I'nlled Htatea during t'reaident U rant's first term, died here Bged . PLATFORM Secretary of Interior Suggests Conference of Western Ex ecutives at Denver on Rec lamation Questions. STATEMENT SENT OUT BY GOV. AMMONSl (lly I eased Wire fo Herald.) , (fly ltiwil Wire to Kt-'iilog Herald. 1 lencr, Keli. . Hovernor Am- llancoik, Mich.. Feb. !-- letter tnona hn received a rommunU ntloii trvm (Vernor W. N. I'. rrlH, declln froin Hicreiiiry of the laterlor l,iin. . , ,, , , , ., UM.teatlnx thai a meeting of gov ernor of Wentern tate be held In I be inline, Hate future to iIIxuh In the Uetlon of IrrlgHtloti mid reclamation nf arid land of the w-t. Hecretnry l.nne aiiKReated llmt the meeting be held Kiniullaneoiialy with the Htatrrn 'governor' conference which I to convene in Iienver. prob ably In April. The governor ha replied to Hecre tnry Lane ai.gKciitlng that the con ference b held in Iienver at the ll ie of the aentirn governor' conference. ,, , .. " ,. ., ..I - euaaeeil. IMI Hie llirr.,,,, the firm or mil week In April lo iiccoiiimiiiliiie Governor J. M. I'urev of Wyoming, who tmvv la In Kuropo. In iici orilaiice with the e retal a rommutilciition. Hovernor Ainmona today eenl out a lnlement to eal ern governoi the text of which lot low "The general conference of gov- jiirr.iw of 1'hlcago. had a conffienen rrnor of the county w ill be held thl (vilh p t another lime rcpre !fr at Madlaon, Wis. In June. The ,,f i,P nrKauixailon In executive committee ha agreed to 'thr (H,,, ,,f Michigan called on me. lake up ome ncatern quetion at ' , Hn,,ther time a dehgatlon of five Ihia liieeilna Bud It I therefore ', r ,( min,.r waited on tne. At an thought heat to have the western i,,ther time Mitchell Mahon of lietrolt governor conference in advance of ani fiarence Harrow wilted on me. the general ti.ectlng that the con- AI lini,ther time Jam" MacNaugh feretice iiggeted by Secretary Unf i,,,, maiuiKer of the Calumet and could verv proierly hold at Ihe l'mel,M.n walled on me. The clergy i f Ihe ncatern governor' conference 'mn ther repreaenlutlve have from and Ita re-null. If found ncceiary, jnme to time rome the office to le brought lo the attention of bc trl mi n(lW to Pttle the strike. general conleiflice. "The subjects to he dlscuaacd would be of vital Importance to this tnte and the entire wet. There ha never been anything so vital lo the agricultural growth of li e llocky ! result of all my lnvellgatlona ahow Mountain country UB file .mulling of ithul there la one hone of contention, waler riglita and the development namely. Ihe Vetcrn Federation of of Irrigation system. If this pro- Miner. Kllinlnale that factor nn.1 noed meeting could bring about not, Ihe dlxpute would have ended long; only a greuier cooperation between long ago. the federal and state governments. , , . , . ... . "There I auppoved lo be anion but hold out some practical system ' . , , . ... i , . ... . , " . , . . . my document a ilninlcate of the ln- for throwing safeguard, uhoiil irrt- , . , ' . , , . ., ... . . Vent gallon made , Ihe labor de- gullon securities, the very greatcm ........ . , , ,, . . purlmenl nl aihuiKton. T nl-1 poaulble benefit would come to the ' . .,, ...., . have complete Men. .graphic report ...I , , .. . . , of the Mitchell. Million and Harrow It I. urged that - great man In- ,nr,.rtm , ,,, n,HO Poml.,a tereated partle could come to lien-. . ver. vt iuen l ine cciner oi low jioi ay Mountain. ditrlct who could not sit- . . . ford to go to WuHhington. There- lore u Very much larger attendance could he had nt Denver and ll I therefore suggested that Iienver should he rhoKcti Inatead of an east ern city." Governor Amnion wn elated ol the Interest In extern land which Hecrelary Ijinc evidenced by hla re questing a conference with wctern governors and declared I hat he be lieved a niovt amicable arrangement for the reclamation of desert land would he reached between Mtate and federal government. STEEL CARS SAKE One Killed and 14 Injured When Twin City Limited Hits Broken Hail at Minne sota Town. flit I .cased Wire lo Kvcnliig Herald. Pinux City. J-'eti. V. A luokeii tall iv reck d Chicago, St. !. ill, Minne mioll and iituahit train number 2 at illgcliiw. Hum, tud.iy. one person Wa killed slid 14 Injured. None of Hie Injured are believed to be fatally hurt. All Ihe cars except one, and the engine, left the track The all steel qiij i.lncnl lilulouliteill , sav ed many live. I'ltOKDX II ll. I'AI SK Ol' UI'.B K, IS TIIMHIY PI. Paul. Minn., Keb. 11. Tile wreck of the "Omaha. Twin City limited" puaacliger train 011 the Chicago, St. Pa nl. Minneapolis, and Omaha road near lligelow today wa caused hy a broken rail, according to a atatsment given out at the ottic of Ihe rnud'a general superintendent. The all ateel train with the excep tion of the liM'omoiive, turned over on Us side. Sleeping passengers had no chance to prepare for the shock, lies, cue parties w -re at once formed by the train crew and uninjured passen ger. They succeeded In dragging many from the overturned train. Ilesrenne Cutler In llc-itie. Portland. Me.. Feb. . The rev enue cutter Androscoggin, with I"" Ion of coal in her bunker prepared lo sail tonight for titty of Island. X. K. tu assist Ihe Ice-hound naval tug I'olumac. (I ES . F I Governor of Michigan Doesn't Intend to Inconvenience Himself Any Moie Over Strike Situation. HAS ALREADY MADE THOROUGH INQUIRY Kreonlonal Inveatlgnllon of the cop per airlke wn made public by I'hnlr man Tuylor nt the opening aeaaion. The letter follow: "Kxccutlve rhnmbcr, I.hiikiiib, Mich, I'ebrimry 4. "My Near Hlr: "Vour letter of February S la be fore me. ! have never made a comprehensive report of the,trik situation. TmmedluteH afler the Jmrike n called, '. K. Muhonev i nil Angu Kerr came to the execu ii, ..m... Viihup liitit,,.ilt:itelv ore- reding their call or Immediately af- .,.,..- In ter that i oflered my aervice the mlmr and mine i-rator by ' sav of medial I,. n. TIiIf a declin ed by the mine nnera?m. "I'roni time to time oilier dele rntion came to the ruecullve office. Ijiler on Mr. Mover of the Western federation of Miner and I'larence "In January I vllted the copper country and made invealigntlom with reference to specific points. During Ihe tmt three: months the i . in, .....p.. t gallon In the cupper country I ...... .. . , . i regret thai I cannot nnn In my rile ' . , ... .... the typewritten report of JiiiIkc Mur phy. who a my repreenltlve npent two week In the cupper country curly In Ihe strike, trying to serve a mediator "A I view the xii nation, I cannot afford to go to the copper country ainiln, nor can I afford to Bend Ihe attorney general unless the f'nlled rltulea govt rnment d iniinilx tt. Anv Iniormation it t my i ffh-e la nt your dispoHiil. I prefer, however, thai your committee wan upon me nt thU office. You will go to the copper country first, get whatever Informa tion you cn. then come prepared to see me at 11 time which will he iigreeuble to both part lea and uncer tain what I have In lnre for vott." CONt.ltlM .TltW III H VD: Hi:ltlM IS DI.I.M l Hancock, Mich. Keb. . The irnin heal ing llcprcscntat :v'o, Joseph Mow ell of I'tnh. the member neceaaary t make a quorum Hie congrenvional invest Igiiting n !". una reported Htorm bound on it" lower peniii-ulu ihia morning an. I proupcitH for i meell.ig dwindled the day ad vuliced. Chairman Taylor declared that it wna unlikciv thut Iivuiiumk would begin ictoii tomorrow. esOs Today's Program I at the Auto Show i still 4 I p. m c.i.l ml opening of Ihe first annual a .11 .niiolille show nt state urmorv . A H uiuerniie. Music bv the Huiii'arlos or- chi-stra. steteoplli on pu turea of good rouds work in Niw Mexico. llrand prom 1 1 .1 e. Tiicsalav lloail-lir Day. " p. 111.- I'll losraph of every auiotnoblle in l''Uiuerue, ' W. II. Walton lie in the picture w Ith your on- 1 p. 111 M im' liy Don Carina anheslra. Hliow on in fi ll blast. Orund enbililt of Ituick. lluyne. Chalnui -Det roll, oak- land. Ovetlnnd. II iipmnhlle, Kord and Stanley steamer roadsters. X p. in. .Mum. by Don Carlos orchestra. siercoptn on pi. turea o good w roads work in .Niw Mexico ilrund proiiiciiaile. THAI U. S. Only Enough Powder to De fend Pacific Coast 30 Min utes; Ammunition Shortage Really Criminal, Declared. FORTIFICATIONS BILL VIGOROUSLY DEBATED (tr l-aeii Wire lo i-.rctiliig llcralil. Wanlllllglon, h'ell. H. Tin- senate todny punned the fortitimtloii appro priation for iiililli iv and ammunition. I' s r the I'mteil .latin for war Was delialvd ill the M-liatc during cotislderat ion of the fortllt.a tiiuiH loll, to whl. li the M'liule com mittee has iiiltb d m arly I over the house iipi.t'oiuiat loit lor tiuld artillery and uiiiiiiiiiiliion. rienutor Itrvan .-iid the Increase wer nuuli to meet nurlv a .os slble the estimate lor un army of half a million men. "Jf there are only TH.iKin men In the army now, why sh-mld we have an army of Iralf a million men?" nxked Heluilor Shep.ard. "So n lo lie ptepured for war." re plied Mcnator liryan. "While we had only n. anil men operating mound Santiago In the KpiinlMh-Aniei lean war, we hud some iiuurtcr of a million lueit eiiliHIed. With this allowance i.t guns America would tit i 1 1 have c guns per man than any llmi-cliiM power. We would havt about the name proHirtlon as MiilKarui and Her- It. We should remember ll takes in to make these gun." "Think of the great 1'iciflc const without powder t,o Inst thirty minute under attack!" exclaimed fenalor Warteii. Senator Smoot said the Isrk of alll- munition was almost criminal. "Kvcn Mexico poHKesses more mobile gun than we do," he said Mcnnlor Ahiirst attacked the ap propriation us extravagant. "We are now spending- cenlii out f every dollar raised by Ihe federal government for wars, past or vhlch we think or pretend to think are in the future." Ci-iiiiiiir Sutherland challenged hi figure. Mcnator Ahiirsf retorted there were putrlots for profit only" in Ihe conn irv who "tilled Ihe country wun alarms of war" because they had ar mit plate or powder lo sell. Senator Chatiiiierlaln, chairman of the military commitiee, pleaded for n most efficient iirmy as I he lust ineih oil of keeping .eai e. "I don't think I am 1,111 of place In .:nr Unit Ihe situation now con fronting tins country is a delicate one. he nilileu. "I hope we never will have trouble but we liliulll lo lie prepared for tlo'i- lile if il ever comes" S7G00.C0Q. CLAIM President of Tennessee Institu tion Charged With Embez zlement cf Tremendous Sum of Money. Hy ts'awd Wire in '.veiling- Herald. 1 Memphis, Teuii, Feb. !.(. n. Kmiie, iiiesldent of the Mercantile bank, one of (be leading m Kiltutlotis of the H, was ciiurued with cinl.czlcn.eiil 111 a vv.iirant sworn out today bv . N Kstcs. uiimy .itlorney. The uc oiitils of Hie bank Which IS 11 stale Inst ll UI1011, aie a h-ged to be short between tT.',".""!' and I I ,lHi. lino Tell dlrrclol s of Hie Merc.-iulile bank, one ol the 111..-1 im pol lallt 111st 11 ill ions in tlic city, today tile. I a petition In chancery courl, cluilglllK tlllt Ibe tin IIS was III kolvellt US Ibe tcslll'. ol tie al'i-neil n.i-a pi'roirlai ion ol tuore than $..", (lull by C. 1 1 1 1 1 1 . I- It.nlle, pics. .lent t.f Ihe institution, who. li 1-. I1..1 k.-.I, tuul elitailU'd ' bv a svstcni of hiili.llllig H'c lank property and exchange it. su. h a way 11 to iiec. iv, the iliie.-tois and to corn eal Ins in.iii ipul I' 1010V' lb total amount of which it whs al . se I. he lost III speculation. i. C. H ilton, slate suiurinlcnilent of banking, arrived liere toiluv from Nashville, and Was appoint, d .i rot- tlic lm 11k. In accordance with a bill filed by atloinevs rep resentiiig (lie hunk's director. In vestigation of the condition of tl.e bank s resources Was started iminc diatelv. There was little excitement evident in financial cud. J. C. ottlnger. preaident og the Memphis Clearing House association. Issued a statement declaring none of the Memphis asso ciation was sfTts ted hy the (allure-of the Mercantile bank. The warrant wa served on Mr. ttauie. nl bis hoii.H. lie was taken I. dole Criminal Judge I'almer. where lie pieaded guilt). Despite hla protest that he did not want unv bond live. I. I'.. liner placed Ibe amount at I J.'.li 111111. but Mr. ICaine declared he would make no effort lo gel the se curity and accompanied a deputy Bhsrifl tu the county Jul I. BANKER CLEANED UP Secretary of Labor Wilson Joins Ranks of Democratic Official Chautauqua Bat talion. fliy I cased W ire lo I veiling llcralil W,o.ii!iutou. r'eii. :i. s . ii'- llllV Wllsoll of the ill-ll It III' nt nf lalior is the lecture pl.nloi in s latest ai uuisit ion fiom Hi., ranks ol government nlllclalH With HitTord Cm. hot he will wo over the 'Vprinit 1 in nil ' through I'cnnsv Iv a 111a I'lin hot will up hold the principle nt Hie I'ro-grt-. ivi 1 ... I . of vv hit h be Is u catelulal,. for the sctinte; Sec niaiv Wilson will I lie la-ise ol lirnioiraci whosp senn toi ial nominal Ion )tprescnt -it Iv e A. .Mitchell Calmer Is s.. -king. I.xi.ile the I. nt thai the lec tin. of I. ..ill will 1 1 1 1 1 11 to III'' .i .1 II i.-a I phases of the I'cnnsv I vanui camp aigu. Ihey will be piild affair 3USII1E55 MED OF BIG IM Great Gathering Including Representatives of Billions of Capital Wants Supreme Fleet. t ALL POLITICAL CREEDS INCLUDED I Of !,ra0 Wree to reralnv Her aid. 1 1. on. Ion, Keb. . I'ununlilled and unanimous endorsement uf the policy 01 maintaining "11 supreme navy" wu Voiced today by a great miisa meeting ol representative business men of the Hy of London, The meeting was lo Id 111 tile liullil hall under the pres idency ot Hi., lord mayor. The call for the meeting had been signed by about l.niiu of the leading bankers, mi reliant and ship owner ol all political creeds. The purpnue wa to assure the government that the culm us of Iiiulon would cordially support II In any meao ite necessary lo Insure (be supremacy of the navy Jiud the seciiiily of Itniisli commerce. Thos. present at the meeting repre Hi (lied s.-vi ..llllolls of capital. sole summon of TRAGEDY IN THE TOILS Charles I. Manning, Whose Wife Was Shot by Para mour, Charged With Being an Accessory to Murder. Hly I .cased Win Fvenliig lief old. New.. 1 k, V J . ! Ii. The tale ot rii.iiini l. .Manning, for the lov of kIioiii H i. I II. 1. 110 . 11 shot and kille.l Ii.- wile .,i. I II.. 11 I ii. Is. If. II' I. 10 I'l l.. I oil tile 1 out. HIS ol .lie lell 'I V 111 Ii Mlo wrote lo Malllli'U be' 'l lie took poison oil Sal unlay . Will!.' pUI'llsll.ll 1-Vlla.lH 1. 1 be gills Oil. I. Wllllll M .1 II II I II I tllli.e.l over to the poll. e. ill llo w .1 V llliplt cales blln. the pllcc III llit.t't .1 loilay '.llal ll iott..:ntit c.-tlalll Iclil.lni'l warranted tin in in holding Into as a posMMc a. crssoi y both Pr ime and after the fact. New at k, N. J. I'll'. . -"Charles I. M.i. cilia. ".. survivor of I'm ov ii.i'eil , in v. III. Ii Miss ll.mcl Mcl.l .ii.iii. mother nl his I S-iiionl hs'-old sou. herselt wttii"ii tttur slie bad coiit"sse.l to shooting uli.l .Ni.iiiiiiitg s w II". was held toduy as ii, a. . i s..ry to Ibe killing of Mis. Maiming. Mrs Manning was shot by Miss II. i. In. .hi Ki l.'.o. The girl died ll. a liosiutal the following alt. From Ins cell. Manning today made arrsiiKcmcnts for the iiineral of hi wife, while Artnur J llerdman, the I'onii'tcn lunipUe Inn keeper. laimed the liuily of hi daughter and arranged for iih burial A charge of murder against Man ning wa decided early tuday Miss llerdman In her dying atate ment, ativmi'leil lo exonerate Man ning, iiul Chief l.oiig .i that evl ilrm.i had lain obtained, tending lu How that he w is accessory and that he took Mish llerdman In his aulo lii, bll to Newark before the murder. Manuals' "i.idu Ho effort to escape. LOflDOfi MASS MEETING ASK Presidents of Big Corporations and Horny Handed Sons of Toil Gather in State Capitol for Hearing. NEXT SESSION TO BE HELD IN TRINIDAD l Ily I .cased Wire to rrveiilng HeraJd Denver, Feb. . 4'ol'irinlo a l il'or struggle today was l kiia'erred from Ibe coal mine, m.ll'i.i barrack and striker' lint colonic to '.ho senuio chamber lit tlla Bl.H" capltol where the uh-commlilee of Ihe house com mittee on mine and mining upend the congressional Investigation uf Ihe coal strike. I'rcsidetits of big cor poration lined up on one side of the chamber while on the other ant labor bailers whoe names have becoin-. nationally known in connection with Ihe Colorado mine conlrovrisy. HI ate ofricers. atti.'nevi, stenograph er and spectators Made up the ret ot those in attendance when Martin D. Foster, chairman, called the ses sion to order, read the huuae reso lution under which the Investigation was authorixed and summoned I'rof. Kusaell D. fleorge, state geologist. In the witness stand to give the com mittee a preliminary outline of the mining industry In Colorado. The state geologist, with the aid of charts, pointed out the varioun i on I fields of the state and explained the character of the coal and meth od of mining In each. He waa given i lose attention by the committeemen who Interrupted with frequent ques tions. The congressional committee In vestigating the Colorado coal strike appointed A. W. Hucker. former represents'lve from Colorado, aa la gal udvlaor to the committee. AI Ihe opening of the hearing at 10:10 o'clock It wn not known how Inn; the committee would remain tn Den ver. Member of the. commitiee slated thut they would try to com plete the preliminary Inquiry today, departing for Trinidad late tonight. It waa ronaMrred more prohuhle, however, that the Denver hearing; would continue through tomorrow. It. fore opening the hearing the com mitiee called upon Governor El. M. Amnions. The governor haa agreed to appear n a witness If his testi mony la wanted. At the ,-penlng of the session Martin D. Foster, chair man, read the resolution by which the Investigation wa authorised. Ho then asked the parlies to the ron iroveisy lo select attorney lu repre sent them nt the hearing. John C. Osgood announced hat tho operators would hi relTeenled hy Fred C. Ilerringtot. Frank K. Clove, J. V. Hiekland and J. CI. Northrutt. It wa announced thut the miner would be represented by Horace II. I law k In. James Clark. F. W. Clark mid Jam. II. HrewBler. Oener! John Chase obtained permission to have Ihe National guard nf Colorado represented i.y Major F.dward. Houghton and Captain Vf. C. Dank a. Ihe Consolidated Colli and Coke company was represented by . I. I l.t ii i , I'm m is Iv Ilotu k appeared i"..e the attorney general of Colorado. During a pans" at Ihe conclusion of I'rof. leorge testimony, the oak Creek Coul com puny and the Houth Canon Coal company secured per mission to huve the name of Oeorge C. Mauley entered on the records a their attorney. There was some de lav while utlendants searched Ihe slate house for other official wit nesses and the chairman observed that the cm puny would be forced to Issue subpoenas mid compel the iilleii'.liince of wilneiMe unless they coui.l be produced more promptly. Finally. James Dalrvmple. chief slate Inspector of coal mines, made his appearance and proceeded lo answer question by the cumirlttce t g ilding the duties of his office and the conditions under which coal Is mined in Colorado. He explained thai the new mining livv was a decided Improvement over the old. which he declared, "hud nothing behind it " "Then under the old law. Ihe state laid down regulations and the operators could observe them If they like If" asked Chairman Foster. I "Vet." replied the witness. Mr Da!rymple thin entered upon u detailed descri prion t.f the Colo lailn mining law und the safety reg ulations now In foree. He said. "I don l believe any mill In the stale complies with the new law III Us el.llletv." lie explained (Hat some of the mining companies had Hot been able to secure the require!) safety appli ance, but thai some had shown n opposition o 1. 1. serve the law. "What are you doing about those companies" ' he wa asked. ".Nothing. 1 haven't hud lime," waa lb reply. I The witness added that th law II .lowed him five depullea but that ha ' hud been given only three and there ' lore hut! nut been able to make the I thorough Inspection, required hy the 1 stal ule. In response to questions Fie Bald that 111 men hud been killed In mine accidents In Ihe lust year. J Itepresentatlve Austin aked: I "Mr. Dulrympte, wtiv didn't you