Newspaper Page Text
THEY'VE FOUND a skele ton in California 3 feet high. There are also some small men nowadays. TI.V'M SKI TOUAY Yott get It In llm HKIIAIJ. lirif rnU Kxmili itr II cents wra drllrrrnd I your donri arty cents by null. TnmnN it-cm EE. Vol. la. No. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1914, VOI . .NO. 2. i 1JIIE IBi KEEP HIS SECRETS ohn R. Lawson, Who Tela Story of Alleged Colorado Peonage Not Forced to Giu Away Hand to Operators. IEC0GNITI0N OF I UNION AN ESSENTIAL nly Possible Basis for Settle ment Between Workman and Employer, Declares Un ion Official to Probers. LAIMS AFFIDAVITS TO PROVE PEONAGE iolation of Postal Laws Al leged in Withholding of Let ters Addressed io Mother Jones. lrated Wll'o lo Kvcvlng Herald.) lcnvi-r. Colo.. Feb. II. Johu II. imn, Colorado member of I ho In maternal rxru'.lvt board of Uhe nlted Mine Workers of America, to iy nuked I ho house investigation -mmittee lu egcuee him from reveal g all Ihu details of the district con- ution m( which the Colorado coal rlke was called. j"You gentlemen must remember," Mid. "that thiH strike la not war it. and we do not tare to reveal any thut miaht live away our hand M me oteraiore. 1 1 1 u inuvr n auri H hiiw".u "v e such Information regarding the Invention aa he saw fit. and waa nut (Med rr union eecrels. Ha aald that the convention waa .Id Ueplembe 44. lilt.. and tatatlai ' of alioul i'lui delegates elected by ' members of the total unions, and ut the vole to strike waa unanimous. Asked by Chairman Foster for hia isotis for insisting apnn recugni- n. the labor leader an Id. "Without Ion recognition, there la no basiai Ir settlement between workman and iplover. The union prevents strikes (I without it a few men ma sinks jihoiil Jueltln ation. Then, unorgan d workers isnno' obtain redrea for uses or change of working coiidl ns. If they make complaint, they dim burned " 'laiwsun then told of the alleged 'tin- nation or Hlrlke breakera. He de red that there had been less dla- .hancc In the noil hern than In the ithcrn Ci lorudo fields, although te troops hid nt been at-hl to the nea In the north. I'he wllneas was questioned regard- i ; the district convention t which ( airike was called. 'The oieratora have been consider in puxxb-d how the delegates from j the cainpe got lo that convention." f a the reply. "Hlnc . 1 u:. w hen ut .'it'i of tiur men were dm irged In aouthern Colorado for be ging to the union, we have lwum itlous. We kept our membership ret and the operators never have ind out how the delegates were ecled." lo you object lu telling us, now it these men are all on strike?" Only thai this strike Is not over and e do not care lo give away hand." The witness aaid. however, that lo. unlona had been organised secret and thu all the members were ol id lu vol fur delegulca. He aald I the cunvetitmn was composed of ut StMl delegates 'ind that the ke vote Was unanlmuua. he wllneas then told of the efforts cure a conference between uper re and miners. He aald thut the raiora had refused to enter a room h any oltlcers of the I'nited Mine I kera of America. In thut caae," aaked llrpresenta- Kvaiis. "don't you Ihiuk some d may come of this investigation. a we have got you all In the same in?" Well. It will do no harm," replied wltneaa. .swoon then told of the efforts of lelbert Slew art of the depart uient I labor and bcrrelary Wilson to ael- Ihe strike. 'hen the witness described the ne latlons for peace at which com- tees from miners and operators i In adjoining rooms aim Uovernor limine aa mediator. This confer e fulled to settle the strike, l-uw-tld of the aubmlasion of two piMiitioiis by Secretary Wilson and .ernr Amnions, one of which r was withdrawn, the other re- rd by the men. -awnon det lared the men rejected peaca proposal becauea It did not 'vide for Increased wsgea or recog on of the union. The operators, he I. accepted the proposition, which declared waa identical with the na the employers themselvea had milled lu the governor several ; ks before. he wltneaa laid of the meeting or urs of Colorado paiera at which resolutions were ador d regard the settlement of (he airike. tcpreeenintlva Austin asked Ijiw- son how many men had been killed In the strike, lie mentioned that Her ald Mpplut was killed In August pre ceding the strike and enumerated the atrlkeia who, he aaid. hud been killed In the fighta during the strike. Prompted by Judge Northcutt he told of the killing of a nuinlier of guards Ituverting to the meeting of edi tors. I-awaon auld lie had an Invita tion to attend but was stopped st Ihe door and not permitted to enter. The cross-examination waa.hegun by Fred Harrington of counsel for the mine operators. The witness was iuctloned regarding union activity In various parts of the Male. He was then naked about conditions In Ihe Fremont mine In Fremont county. "The Inrge companies never entered Into a contract with the union In Fre mont county, did they?" "Not to my know ledge." "1ii you believe Ihe union oraanlxa lion In Fremont county exiated with or without the knowledge of Ihe com pany officers'.'" "I presume they knew something alHiut It." "IN you know Ihe superintendents of any of tl Fremont county mines'.'" "I know some of them " "lii you know of . rtup'-rlntemlent tave tlrifriiha ever sending anybody "down Ihe tanyon" because they be longed to the union?" "I can't give any specific Inatance of this action." "Inn l It a fuel that the superin tendents of those mines have lived In harmony with Ihe men until this airike?" "Yes. for the most part." In his direct examination lamin hnd testified thut the men In Ihe Fremont mine hud been dissuaded from striking by the officers of the l ulled Mine Workela, gild thst on that occasion the controversy waa over a system of screening put Into effect by the cos I company. Mr. Ilerrlngton tried to get the wltnesa to admit that payment on the mine run baais waa unfair lo the .tvto efficient workmen. Law on. how ever. Insisted that the relative amount of lump and sack coal brought out by any individual mlnei was dependent rather on the mine management and the character of ihe workings than upon the effi ciency of the miner. At 11:16 the committee took lun cheon recesa until 1 o'clock. It was announced thut a night session would be held. It wss not considered probable that the investigators would go lo Trinidad before tomorrow night. LAWbOX TOM AHOtT AKIUV.Mj til' MILITIA Denver. Colo.. Feb. II. At the 'Opening' thht tnnmtng session l tne strike Investigation It waa an Pounced that F.dward 1'. Coatigan hnd been added to the list of attorneys for the miners John It. Ijiw son al railed to tile aland lo resume his tea- t.rtiuny. The Colorado member of the executive board of the I'nited Mine Workers of America told of Ihe ar rival of the militia In the strike sone. "Almost Immediately after Ihe ar rival of the troops st Trliiidntl, de tachments were stationed at -.rlous' points In Animaa and HiierUtm toiintles." he said. "When the troopt arrived, the leaders of our or,-""1'-linn Informed the men on strike that they were satisfied thsl Ihe militia waa going lo enforce the law a. not take part In the labor controversy." The witness then told of hsving In formed Adjutant rSeneral John Chase that the Ilaldwln-Felta detectives em ployed by Ihe operators were Import tng arms. Ho said the general order ed a captain to rapture the guna. The guns were taken from an express of flee by the troopt. "lailcr." he resumed, "(leneral Chase admitted that thia particular shipment of arms. Isken from the ex press office. was distributed to gusrds." "Hefore we go any further." said Itepresenlatlve Hyrnes. "tell us. Mr. t,a ton. whether or not you have any proof that peonage haa exiated In the strike cone." "We have the affidavits of four Mei- Icsns who were brought from F.I I'aaft. The guards look their shoes away to keep them from walking out of the camp. When the mine ottlciala found that the men were determined to leave they ante the shoes beik to them." "We have other cases of peonage, but I think It will he heller for us lo present the witness before you rather than for me to simply tell of them. The witness then told of alleged Im portation of strikebreakers In viola lion, he aald, of Governor Amnions' original order. The labor leader then told nf al leged occurrences In which the I'nited Htslea mall was violated. He pro duced two letters addread to "Mother" Mary Jnnea, which he said. were not delivered to her during her present imprisonment in Trinidad The letters Were registered and en dorsed: "The addressee Is a military pris oner and delivery cannot be effected.' The letters were sdmltted at evi- Idrnce. Representative Hyrnes said thai when the Inquiry It held at Trin idad the committee would ask Ihe posimaater why the letters were nut delivered. Lawaoa then wue asked regsrdlng Illegal Imprisonment. "I think the uiost flagrant ease Is that of "Mother" Jones, a woman i years old, who hat devoted her life to Improving conditions of Ihe labor ing men. Governor Amnions states to me that they will permit her lo leave the hospital It the will leave that pari of the rounlry." I . Lram It hv tha la Willi " aaked Hepreseiitstlve Byrnes. "No charge hat been preferred agalnat her." "Is she held because they consider her sn agitator?" "Tea. that's what they claim." "Have you tny evidence of Illegal Undertows Aid Caught Burying Own Victim Slayer of Pecos Sheriff Nabbed While Digging Grave; Third Mexican Murder Nearly Causes Lynching in Texas Town. (fly f eased Wlr u r:teotiig flpreJil 1 rcrns. Teg. Feb. II.- Arrest- ed while he whs digging the 4 grave for City , I urn tin I T. Y. More Imid. whom he Is supposed lo have killed. Fernando Tru- Jlllo w us vesterday rushed to JmII lo prevent a threntened 4 lynchln-t. Mori-land nud sev- eral deputy nhi-rifu were culled to Huntu llosa, the Mexican set- tlinient, lute Holiday night lo l lit-1 1 h illHturlianee. Two Mix- Irnni ripened fire on i:ie officer ss they uppioiicheil. nnil More- land fell dead Instantly. 4 The Mexicans fled. The offl- eers failed to ciii-'.uic them, but 4 found clues which led them to suspect Trujillo. who is employ. ed by a local undertaker. He 4 reported for w-ork Moiidny. and while digging Mori-land's gr.ive yigterduv was arrested This la Ihe third murder here by Mexican in thirty days and feeling rims hlnh. FIVE DROWN AS PACKET BURNS- Few Victims of Disaster to Mississippi River Steamboat Escape by Swimming to Shore. By beaned Mile to Kvcnlng Herald.) New nrlcuns. Feb. It. Five per sons were arowneo wnen ino bus slsslppl packet llctii was destroyed hy fire near here lust n'sht. It w.-n learned today. The dead Include: K. J. CoMKAl'X. ill yearn old. eon f Captain XX. J. Comcaux und clerk of the boat. W. E. HAUItK. river pilot. The three others drowned were n negro woman passenger anil two n gro members of Ihe crew. None of the bodies hits been recovered Those who succeeded In swimmll'i: sshore from Ihe burning vessel wtre hrought lo this city todiiy. Captain Cnmeuux was badly burned, lie taken to hia home where he Is In a terious condition. To InvrMlgaln I1e l.lrw I'lan, Waahlngtnn, "ib. 1 1. Se retury l-ane lodlttf auggealerl lo Ihe Semite 4. stpropriatlon of li.mni for Inv -s-ilgation Into the practicability f a government oil pipe line fro:n 111' Mid -Continent Acid of iklnlinm:i to Ihe Ouir of Mexico 10 supply fuel till for the navy. combination?" Itmt Instances In which we believe coal compsnles actually huvi lien closed down on that account." Judge Northrutt Interrupted to siig gett that representatlvea of the com panics could testify In person and Ihe subject was dropped. C'.U IIF, Of' HK. II ItlWI ll llll 11 NFAK TUIMIIAII Trinidad. Colo., Feb. II A deist' of cavalry In command of Major A. II. WlUla ns this morning located lai'ha of fire arms In an urrnyo at Kl Mum. Ave miles eaat nf this city. Twenty-eight high power rules were found under brush snd trash at 'he l-nttoin of the fifteen foot srrovn. The rifles were new and apparently tin used. They were seised and confls caled. Itcsponding to s telegraphic Invitu lion of A. I. Branson, president of ihe local chamber of commerce, M. D Foster, chairman' of ihe congressional lommitlee Investigating ihe coal strike In Denver, this morning ad vised the former that the committee would use Ihe chamber of (oinmene for Ihe committee session that will legln here tomorrow. c.mmitii-:i: to I'imitF. ITAUW IIAI.I. lHMTi:il llsncock. MUh.. Feb. 11 The i ongresslonal tub-committee which la here liuiuiring Into emiditlons in the copper country decided today In hold hearings at Calumet to lines tigale the Italian hall tragedy there on Chrlatmaa eve. In which 11 per sons lost their Uvea. An Investigation by the congres sional auh-commillee of Ihe Italian hall dlaasler al Calumet on Christ Hiss eve. was asked today by n. N llllion. of cuunxel for the Western Federation of Miners. Mr. Hilton explained that as the next subject of Inquiry Involved the deportation of Charles II. Mover president of Ihe federation, and II. Tanner, he thought II neceastry to rehesrse Ihe events lesdlng u? to the Mil) rr Incident. Chairman Taylor announced that the committee would announce lit declxion after the noon rerets. 'flj SHIP Nantucket's Chief Charged With Negligence at Time otj Prtll i Bt aw Tt7 1 inU Canlr Tin' vviiioivu v? iittu wa net itii and Sacrificed 41 Lives. DEFENDANT ENTERS NOT GUILTY PLEA (lly Ls-asrd Wire to Kerning Herald.) rhltiidclphii. Feb. II. The trial or b-myn Merry, captain of Ihe .Mir hanf und Miners sleumsliip Nan tucket, charged w ith negllgeni in the collision with Ihe old iMuninloii liner Monroe on January 31. be- ian Imluy before the I'lilieii Siatu' J liH-iil liuipcctort of ati'um vcasi-m. i Forty -one Mrsous lout tneir lives In Ihe collision, which occurred off Ihe coant of Virginia. The la ; i-itiir held l.elnre l:.-ilfitril A Kar- I grut. liiHpector of hulls, and I lavld II. Howard, Inspector of bollois. 1"!' ; the I'lillailelphiii dlHtlict. CupiHlii llerry was reprelented by John F. la w In. a I'hlladi-lptiiu ml- uilialty lawyer. Alla-rt Thurinaii ni-rretury of Ihe department of com merce of WuhIiIukIoIi, waa also pres- ut. In opening the case the local Imiiril I inspectors nnnounei-d Ihnt "every pliam- or the coiiihioii wouiii oe in Mhtigated, not only to estubllnll re- sponHibillty. but also w ith the view of lilalninu the i nai tnii-nt o. coiigrel- slonul leglnbitlon t guitrd aguiiiHt a recurrence of u similar uccldent.Tho onst ruction of the vesHois, rondtici if crews und passengers, safety ap pliances and the rulea of the sen are among the things thai will be In iuir d Into. Captain Iterrv was culled and ne pleaded nol guilty lo the chiirgeg ' agaitiNt him. Among the chsiges are that ne did nor reuuee specu . during the fog and did nol take time- Iy action lo avoid the collision: tha? ( WHICH flfiui.O 1L1E 0(1 TRIAL he did not aac-rtuln whether thefU)e (enlral pncilli; form a natural wireless operator or the Nimnicset waa on duty und that he whs careless in nol giving orders to the wireless operutor to uncertain the proximity of other vessels. The i-hnrgen staled tnat he did not shut down his en gine until one minute In-fore Ihe col lision. 1 CAITUN l MoMtOK hm ii:ii:Tl k nitir.iKS I'iilladi-lliliia. Fell. 1 1 Captain Kd- ward Johnson, commander of the old Dominion liner Monroe, wbiih was sunk off Ihe Virginia coant hy the Merchants' ami Miners' steamship Nanluckel testified today ill the trial f Captain i ismyn llerry of the Nan tucket that on Ihe night or the ms- aster he was iiiiviBiitltig his vessel with a steering coinpnxs that wat nol true. There was standard iiunpass aboard the Monroe, he uiliiutti-d, bill an hi II was the custom of vessel mas ters In Ihe coastwise liude to navigate hips with a steering compile. Captain Johnson told the story of the rollinion and of notlfiing the liiartermaster lo get all tin- passen gers on neeg. EARTHQUAKE EXCITES PEOPLE OF HAVANA By I-cihI Wlro lo F.voulng Herald 1 Havana, M-n. I l A si rung earm- ipiake fell al '.' u clock Ibis morning at Santiago created great eki iiemeiu among the population. No ii porta'of damage werr received. Real Sensation in Bond Vs. Gore Blind Oklahoma Senator Has G Attorneys to Defend Him self Against $50,000 Dam age Action of Woman. 'lly tirawrf Wire to Fvriltig Herald. 1 liklahomu t'ity. ukla , H. li. It. Testimony of a seiiMit imial ha- lure Is espected In the healing of Ihe I Ml. Dull damage sun against I'nited Slates Senator r Thomas 1'. tlore. led In Mrs. Minnie Bond, which opined In the district court lure ! !'. Senator (lore was surrounded by a i nips of sis alioruoa. Mrs. Itoiid'a charges ale baaed on un alleged attack mi ht-r by the senator lu a WashliiKlnii hu- lei, some months ago. M (lore denies all Ihe ullcgutlnit" and f t limits thai the t harm s have been created by his pulilii iil ne- mles. Nlne Jurors, subject to pcn-mplory challenge, have been selected al the trial of Manalor Thomas I' (lure In the l.'til.Oiii) slander sun riled against him hy Mrs. Minnie Bond, which opened here today In the district court. GUIMEUT SUIT WOULD DIVORCE TWO PACIFIC L Attorney General Brings Ac tion to Wrest Control of Central from Hands of the Southern. ASKS CANCELLATION OF 09 YEAR LEASE .lly ln-e-sd Wire lo livening Herald. W..II I..U.. I'l.t.i I.'.. I. 11 Vllitr- lli y lletielal M lit V nobN llli-d a Slit-1 -man law suit hi re Imlas to uri ak I he lit.rtt I it i -I f It ' u cutilriil o er I 111- 'central I'aellb- railway and Its subsi- Ulinry I'm Ill": coanl slate ll'HS. j Cancellation of the Hmilhcrn l'a - llli-'s ""-year letiao and u perpetual In junction were nski-il. In addition lo the r-illroailH otln-i defeiidalits mi nnil are Ihe t'liioh Trut company of New York ttrilHtce for the Southern I'ai-lllr under a mort- Bg mid holder of Ihe stock of the William Hproule, fi ntlal 1'acllli l ' Julius Krultsuhliltl, Koliert iiieti:l, '.Cornelius N. IIIIhs. Walter I. Bliss. Ili-lil y W. Deforext. J. Horiice llill'd ; Ing. Chiirlea W. Il.irkness, Henry K. 1 ii lit 1 n Kl 'n. .lames .' Jurvls. I igdi-n I men. Mini I.. F. t.nrce. i The petitinii. wlu'h bears Ihe names ' of Attorney Hi-m-ral M' llc nclds and , .1. W. rr. kh-i ImI In the ,i line, alleges thut the ronds are op ' i rated under the same maiiaai-mi-nt. 1 that there It discrimination l.y them 'III favor of each other, imuiiiHt other a lid eonilietltlve mails, and that thi-KO conditions tire In restraint of trade. .It charges also that aliened combina tion exists In vlolulion of he so-railed I'acltlc road laws, which were de signed by congress to secure a con I Iiiuuuh. connected line from the Mis souri river to the I'uciilc coust with uxl roMIB. udvantagea to all other rail It was declared further thai ,nt tnuitlii-i u I'acltlc nnd the Central p.ifl0 are competitive lines. lt l(,inted out thai the lines of through connei-tlon ut tigden for the Cnlon I'aillli- nnil that a rest oral Ion of compellve conditions would give Ihe I'nion I'lii-itb- u throiiah route for traiiscunlliii nnil t rattle mid for trntlle to the orient by slelllllHhlp connec tions al Hun Francisco. The decree j sought, the petition livers, would re store competition to jiortloiis or all- tin m i, Ariftotiii, New Mexico. Texas and !ulMlana. I "Throuali its conlrn of the Central ' I'm-lllc railway company." rays the petition, "the Southern I'aillli- com pany prevents Joint trallic or prorat ing arrangements between the former and the I'liii-u t'ai itw. The Southern Paelllc so adjusts its fremlit rates and passenger fares (ln Irallic nrtKiiial ing In the Cential I'iu-IIIc territory, north of San Francisco so ns to diH'-rutii-rwite in transportation eastward over the Joint I raiiHcoiit iiii-iilal route of the Central and Cnlon I'm-lllc railroads and other euslern connections thereby preventing competition and denying e'liial advantages and facilities ut to rales, lime mill Iranspoilullon." The petition further declares Ihnl In operation Ihe management favors Its "Sunset route." Its Joint rail and water service between the eastern M-ahoard and the I'acitli coast, alb-wing as lilt l business as poHsllib-li- go through the I'S'l'ii gatenjy and over the Central I'ucinc. 't'K coVMhi iu:i ItHt r.KVFI(l. MtTII Washington, Feb II. Tin- gmirn-tiii-nt s case against the Southern l'a illc had bet-it under coiisidi t ut ion li iiiiiiitlis. Attorney lien l Mi Konolils is umlclstood to have I rought the suit, not only to break up a i oinlilualloii which he conn lids is in restraint of trade, hut also in Cut hope lis Slid cesf III pI'oHiM 111 mn will l-li followed b aeiUlslllon of the Cen tral I'ucllii. mail ny the I'nion I'aeiilc. giving the latter a Ihrnaah line ot its own frnm the Missouri river lo San Fralc-isi it. Mr Yoakum. who was fiii'itu'i ihailiiian of the iMiurd ut director of Ihe Frisco, ill Ills 1 1 1 1 -1 1 - II man the feiteral district court is w' J i r -lailiciion and that Ihe f.icls mi forth lire iiiHiifllcieiit as a Iihh: ui Hi imtl ( it her reusotiH are also given. The petition lelales that he comes j"ly protestalion. not i onft-.Hsiutf acknowledging all or any of the mat ters or IIiIiikh lu Hie bill of i i.inpl.i ml to lie true in sin h niannt-r und fot in aa the same alt- therein sit lorih.' ten present or former directors "I Die Fi Iti'n were named in the re-civ ers' suit, tiled January -J, as lialiic 10 the railroad for a loss ol 114. ion, 011 a sustained aa Ihe result of the pur chased of the SI. I. mils. Brow nsv ille Mexico railroad from h syndicate ol which Frisco dlrei-tors had been pro moters. YOtkl M AH iMI.SAI. OF I'KIM O HF4 i:lYK.II si M IT St. 1.0111, Feb. 11 Tile dismissal Of the suit of Ihe re. elvers of the HI. Louis and Sun Francisco lo recover 114. mm. uoti from former ottneis and directors of the road was assed by B. F. Yoakum of New- Yolk. Insofar ss Ihe suit apptws to him. In a peti- till. I lu Hie federal district court hele Ind. iy. Two hiiiirs Liter, J.itnes CunipbelL II West and A. S. tlrelg. all of SI. I ."ii is. and ili-rcii'liilite. tiled sim ilar moiii.ns. Onialut Allorncy Imlli led. I.lll- olll, Nell. Feb. I 1. -Til.. Ill IK II Matters, a . r 1 1 in i li l . I attorney ol inn. ih i, Nib., w.ih tndav linlh ted bv tho special feiletal gland Jury in two Indictments, comprising in till !1 counts, for his relations with the First National bank of Hutton, Neb., recent ly closed. The first Indictment charged that Mallels al.b', president l.nel.l.ln of Ihe bank, who has been Indicted, In Issuing and putting forth cert llleutes nf deposit of Ihe bank, without hav ing paid any money and without tin riiilhoriiv of the directors. The second indict ment charges I tin t Mallets devised a scheiun io defraud Hi., bank. Approximately $xu,""U s Inv olved. Pigmy Skeleton 3 Feet High Found on Coast Remains of Gentleman 200,030 Years Old First Antedilu vian Specimen Found on American Continent. By la-nscil Wire to Kvi-nlnc Herald. 1 l.os Angeles. Feb. II. The skele ton of what appears to have been u prehistoric pisiny. less than three feel In height, is un its loilny from the asphalt licils n' l4illlea to the Smithsonian Insiiiiillon In Washing ton. If th(. genuineness i f this find Is veiiiied there. Ihu lillrci skele ton will ltke place in the history of iinthropology aa the first renin ins of antediluvian man found on Ihe North Amerhun continent. Indications me that I lie skeleton belongs lo Ihe f'l. iHlnrrne period, roughly placed at Jimi.imuI .veins ago. First was found Ihe skull last Frfdav and since Ihi-n the remainder of the bones, s.i id to be in an excellent slnie of preservation, have been scruped from their casing of asphalt with the most liiililit,. and palnsluklng care. Nearby was Ihe trunk, atlll erect, of a trie, the summit of which was overiaid by twenty feet of asphalt. Close to Ihe tree trunk were the boneg of g mammoth bear, of a apn- cles nli-cndy classified as belonging IU Ihe I'h-istocf tic period. Silenlists of the I'lilverslly of Call forma have contended that North America und Asia wire at one lime Joined and that, geographically speak ing, the backbone of the continent Is the Aleutian Islands. Across thia neck of land, they believe, came Ihe eohlp pus. Ille iit I Iwo-toed progenitor of Ihe domestic In. inc. The find ut 1m-IIi-iii, if it proves what it seems, will strengthen their contention that there was niit-f an interchange of life be Iween Ihe two continents. DEATH Mil OF 10WIIIS HAS New Deal for American Busi ness Started by National Chamber of Commerce Says Speaker at Meeting. (By Iti-amsl lre io Fveiunc Herald.) v iishiiik-ion, reii. tl --.M.iio than .-."I deli nates. represent ing every stat,. in the union, wele gathered al the npenl.ig of the ci.tiv i-ni ion of ih i h.tinia-r of i 'oioioerci- ,,t Hi,. niti-d Stati-M I. slay, when I'resnlent jtari A. Wheeler of t',. iii his address putiireil ih,. vast ..iin..u mn on win. h the oi mn s liased The cliam tier now ciimpi'iM's r.u p,-r cent of the IiiihIiickn i.ia.inialioiis of the cuinlry be suld, tuiilt on a iiu-iiiliership ol over a iiiurt. r ol a The volet of American business had found ex pressum thut could not l.e denied Mr. Wheeler lie. lured, and the denth km II oi h.iiiiving in Washington had been sounded. V hi ii American li'isiness w ishes to speak." he said, "it can go to con grin or to ihe executive und en This Is the opiuinn of American husi loss on Hi: p.. 1 1 1. sulijeit ' !' li Is is ii n.-w ilav wlu n our itiethnds arc being i-coru.iiiised and the organised funi s nt I H... i mid of agriculture anil of loiiinince meet hele lu Washing ton. n"t tor war, tint for peace; that Ihe opinion ,.f each may hu-. e Us plac,. in Ir. lining tin- law i,n w hi. h all shall live." I't'esldelll W heeler pointed out that one of six referendum voles taken by the Chamber of I'ommt-rce had found Its way lo the statute hooka In purt. at least, in lb,, new currency law. INDIAN SCHOOL HEAD ORDERED SUSPENDED l By I -cased Wire to F.vetilng Herald.) Sslllu I'e. ,V. .VI , r'el. II rol'ow ing Investigation l.y Inspector O. II Tucker of the Interior department tupl II F. Coggfshall or Ihe Sallt.i Fe I'. 8 Indian s li.n.l, has been or dered sutpended, on a charge of In ubordiiiatloii. A full investigation is to be made. CASTILLO ID FOLLOWERS E Fierce Bandit and Six of His Mtn Captured and Put lo Death, Report Received by General Villa. REBEL CHIEFTAIN HOPES IT'S TRUE (By Iard Wire- to Keening Itrald. -:i I'aso. Teg., Feb. II. Maxlmii CuHlllo and alx of hit followers were captured and executed Monday near Chocolate pass, about 45 miles north east of I'earson, Chihuahua, aciiord- Ing lo telegram received Wudnegda morning by (leneral Villa. In J iiurcx. The inrssaacs were sent from Ca sus Oriindes, he suld, by conatllutlonr allst officials. A detachment, of re bel cavalry under Major Juan Rama niego surrounded Castillo a band near the pasa, It la reported, and captured seven of them. Including" Castillo. Three outlaws escaped and are In biding In the vicinity of lh pass. Villa aa 111 today that na Imped the report waa true, but woul-l .....k. mi official statement until he had heard from Major Hamlepogii directly. There l no chance for i.asmm.i band to escape, even If thia meeisgw Is not confirmed. he sain. i whole western pari of Chihuahua la being -dragged' for him and he to bound to be captured. The penalty for his crimes Is death, im i " if i, i. n.,1 dead already, he will ht executed aa soon ut captured." MIMSTF.K OF MN'AM'rV III'. I.A I, A MA lir.ntlevei 1't.rls. Feb. II Adolfo de la' La- ma. Mexican mlnlgter or finance. o...i ....i,... rrnm Cherbourr tv" Ntiiru -- v...... Vn,u on l.ruird the KroBprlniK- sin Cecllle. Before leaving lie said: -I am returning to Mexloor to oa-..i- mvseir to I'rovsrstonai rregldent lluerta'a administration. I have plan lo meet nil the Mexican pllllba al obllgiitlons and I nm convinced that the plan will accomplish It" i.urpose. I probably will -return to Mexico City by way or i.una nn Vera Crux " . ; e , ' I HEARST IN FIGHT WITH ASSOCIATED FRES3 I By IsHised Wlrn to burning Uerald.) New York. Feb. II. On applica tion of William It. Hearst. Justice U-onard A. Olegerlch of the New York stale supreme court, hat Issued an Injunction restraining the Asso ciated I'ress from suspending oervica of its report to Ihe Han Francisco K aminer or In uny way disciplining r punishing Mr. Hearst because of hit refusal to comply with the defendant's decision to chaiiga the tltln of a cer tain edition of the F.xamlner. The writ la returnable on February IS for argument. Mr. Hearst tome time tince begin ihe Issuance of an edition of Ihe Kg aminer designed for circulation In the adjacent city of Oakland, and the title of this tpecial edition wat to ar ranged as to make It appear It WSS the Makland Kxamlner. The worde "Edition of Kan Francltco." which were interposed between "Oakland" and "Kxamtner" In the title Hue be ing In small type. The member of The Associated presa representing the Oakland Tri bune complained that this wat a vio lation of the by laws of the aasoila llnn under which the right of Mr Hearst wat limited lo the puldlcai i.n nf AssiM-laled I'resa newt In tha Ha.l Francisco Kxunilner. Mr. IU-arft at tention was called lo the m iller with a r.-uii'-si that the misleading he-idli't tie discontinued. At this request wt not complied with. Mr. Hearst ii cited by the hoard of direciort In le rem her last t' aiake answer to a charge of violating the bv luwt of tha sssnt citti.n. The ma'ter was eon tinued until the meeting of the board of directors today, and prior !u tKe im-cttng of the bourd this Ir-Junctlon waa issued. NEBRASKA M00SES ' REFUSE TO CONSIDER BURYING HATCHET (By lcacl w Ire to r.ventng Herald.) 1. inc. .in. eti. 1 1.--Amalgamation, with the Kcpuldiien parly la not lit I.,, considered ba Xrliraskj Progres sives, w ho iik I here today, lt w at de eided. alter brief talka by Medlll Mc I'nrmi. k. national l'r..gri ssiv s loiu mltteemiin from Illinois, former gen ator Heverlilg- and W. K. I'admue of Illinois, nuitonul organiser fur ilia piiity. I'lans for complete state organisa tion were outlined by F. I'. t urr k, chaiiniiin or Hie Nebraska stste ith Hal committee, who declared that party leaders in every county and pre. i iikI would be appointed god FrlgailUsr (seneral IHia. Washington, Feb. 1 1 Brlgsdla ileneral Wilt I 'avis. I'nited At a lee army, retired, died here today after a thre years' Illness. He wat H ye If oil. TO