Newspaper Page Text
11 10 p III SFLIT the blame between miners and operators and you'll have it. TtHiAVH MKWH TOIV1Y Vim fi-t It In Im III.HAI.I). Iirijr rrau fttonth or IS rent week drllveerd t yonr Unr; fifty inU by mall. TtunrxK-crnzEJi. Vol. Iff. No. . ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1914. EVK-MXO ITRRJUA OL. t. Ml. ! mm hi I I f 1! i UNITED Iff WORKERS PI DEIECTI SAYS 1 1 1 Direct Charge Made by Witness in Denver Strike Hearing That Secret Servics Operative Killed in Trinidad Novem ber 20 Was Victim of Miners' Organization, as Proven by Alleged Confession of Zancanelli; Organizer A. B. Mc Gary Charged With Instigating Crime; Felts Reviews Gun-History of Strike-Belt. WilEESS GECLAP.ES death specul WITHHE10 FIBE UNIIL GREETED BY COLLETS FROM STRIKING COAL MINERS IB j I .eased War to Evening Herald.) Denver. Fob. 12. A direct ( hunt, thai George V. Helchcr was murdered In Trinidad I ii 1 1 fil Mine Workers uf Anicr- l'ii. tit the Instigation if un or- gamier nf the union was made loiliiy h' A. I'. Felt, supcrin- tcmlent of the llnldwin-Fclts de- tec live agency. The killing of Helchcr. a Italdw in-Felt de- loctive, occurred November 2", Fell a. Ill llrm witness of the day before 111 house committee investigating Ihr Colorado coul nun,- strike, said Ihiil Uium '.un- caticlli had confessed the murder, In thy presence of Judge Advo- rate Major Houghton and Adju- lunt General Chase. "How do you know that the killing wa Instigated by an or limi (tier ol th l'nitd Mine VVorkera?" demanded Reprenenl- atlve Kvan. "Zancanelll said In hla n- fcseior.." "W ho aim the organiser?" "A. II. McGury" When today' ))yi). opi ned, at 30 Chairman r'otrr tailed A. C. Kelt, of Ih lluld win-Felt detective agency, to Ih at and. In response ti oucstlons hv Renre- sentatlve llyrncs h aald hla company ' hud been engaged by mine owner In the Went Virginia and Colyrado roul I strikes. Asked nhnut the company's' employment in Ih aotilhern Colorado I'ohI field the willies wild: "When Ih atrlka waa railed, the first thing w did to get guard for the mine at th rcepu-st of the operators. Th... guard were not our I on-,, ihii uiu not worn urioer our or ders. They wer simply hired by u for Ih operators and I presume they worked tinder the order of th mine superintendent." "Did you have authority In hir the men und tell thpin they would be paid ?" "Yea, mertly as an agent of the company." "Mow inuny Mien did you hire?" "Kimn forty to seventy-five, se cording lo my best recollection." The witness sparr-.l with Repre sentative liyrnea about the record ol Die number of men employed. lie tlnally sunt th puy roll had been sent to the agency' main office In Weal Virginia and he could not pro duce them. "Ild your men kill unybody In southern Colorado?" a a tieHtlon suddenly flushed by Representative liyrnea. "Ys." replied (ha witness. "He for the strike was culled t'.eruld l.l. plait attacked Walter llelk. one ol our men, and Ueorge W. Helcher allot and killed I.ipplall In defense uf him self and llelk." "Ild you do any shooting?" "Yes." "Who did you hit?" "I don't know, probubly nobody." The witness then explained that on October 2 a crowd of strikers tired Into th Her w ind camp and killed a aleputy sheriff, and continued: "The morning of October 27 I went by train lo lierwind. Ncur Ludlow we were fired upon by strikers at rtie Instigation of union leaders. I'roba bly from &no to ,tol shots were fired at u at a dtHtnnce of three-quarters of a mil. Several uf our men a ere wounded. V returned the shota hut I ha no knowledge thai we hit any one. "After Ih shooting we backed the train to For be Junction and walked over Ih mountain, through the anow, to Itrrwind." Kepresentative Ilyrne asked the witness of alorlea that several hun dred ilultl In-Felts "ten wera em ployed In th southern t'olnrndo Meld. "Yea." aald Kelts. "I huve heard those rrports, too. Every man em ployed by the mine owners was railed a ttaldwln-Fflts deled lv by th un ion men, whthr h had ever been on of our employe or not." Kelts solved ih mystery of th railed "deuth epeolul" when h testi fied that he sent an automobile from Iienver for ih us of th mln guurd and had It covered with Iron plates. Th witness was then led Into a discussion of the Forbes buttle of IH--tober 17. W wer appealed to for protec tion of the Forbes mines. h re counted, "nd some of our boys went up with th armored car. A large number of deputies from Trinidad alo went lo Ihs Forbes district. I'ur men BELCHER. arrived drat and wer fired upon from I he strikers' lent colony. Tney re turned th fire, using a machine gun fron the armored car. The deputies from Tilnldnd, who arrived later, also used their guns. Arn-r the Michl we learned thai on man in Ih camp hud been killed. No woiifn or i hlld dren were endangered, a the striker before I he buttle removed them from the colony und put them in a stone house." Chairman Poster put the willies throiiKh s searching examltiat ion re garding the employment of Walter llelk, whom the chairman character ised as "a sort of a traveling deputy sherilT." There were several minutes of vigorous spurring between the chairman and the witness. "Isn't llelk the man you have taken from place to plac whenever there I a labor dlHturh-mcr ?" de manded Mr. Foster. Kelt denied that this was th ruse. "Where did you get the machine gun ou used In Ih armored ear?' asked Foster. "It waa sent to m from West Vlr Kinla." The witness added that It was una uf th weson :hut figured In the rohKreiuilonal Invest isuf Ion of the West Virginia strike. "IHd anyone reimburse you for the express you paid on the, machine ,un, Yes." 1 'Who?" "Mr. Ilnbcock, vice president and trcuHurer of the Itocky Mountain Fuel rom pany." "Who owns these machine guns?" "Some of them have been owned by the Colorado operators" 'Have these operators all been act h-r7' "They all have ben pursuing the same course." "Did they buy those guns?" "one of them w.. paid for by Mr bibcock. I don't know who paid for the other." "You brought In some ammunition -IHI?" "Ye." "Who puld for 11 ?" "Mr. Hancock paid for part of II I don't know who utid for the rest.' "Do you know how much smmunt- lion hb been brought Into Colorado during this coal strike? "No. I can't say." "A I understand It." aaid Mr. Kos ter, "you ..ever had any conference with the operators about bringing In guns, but they gave you authority to luke what measures you thought best for proectlon?" "Well, I usstimed such authority." The witness admitted lhal one ma chin gun which had Inhumed to his agency had been sold In southern Colorado. This particular gnu, he aid. now I in lioiilitcr county. "Did your have control of the operation i f these g jn In Colorado?" asked lleprcsentatn e Fvuns. "Ye, our men had charge of the gun at t-cgiindo. Koprm. lierwind and on the armored car." "Then the gun ure the property of the operator? "Ye " "And ynu are operating these guns for the operator??" "Ye." "In all Instances these guns were placrd m Ihe properly of the oper ators ?" "Ye. In the mining camps." Representative Kvnn questioned the witness about the machine gun which wa carried on the urmored car. Felt admitted that although a resi dent of Denver, he holds deputy sher Iff s commiMsiona In Huerfano and lata Animas counties. "Did you dispose of ih three or four machine guns you shipped In be for they were used?" nsked Kvana. "Hit far a I know, only one of these gun ever was operated, and that, I think. Waa th property of the mine owners. "Do ynu understand that the guns now used by the mlllila are th one ynu shipped In and Hold lo Ih oper atorT" "I don't know, hut I understand that those guns wer turned over to the militia." I'nder vigorous questioning, the witness declured that the machine guns wer Imported only for th pur pose nf "aiding In enforcement of law and to protect mine and workmen and property." "There waa a very aerlotia condi tion there, gentlemen." he added. "There'a no doubt of that, and It exists yet." raid Mr. Kvan. "When w get hack home' we'll see, what we rsn do to stop It." Mr. Kvani: "Who wer you acting for when you shipped In the guns?'' Mr. Kelts: "I wss acting In the In terest of the operator und on my own authority." Mr. Austin: "la there a good open Ing In till state for an arm and am munition factory'"' Mr. Felts: "There has been, some limes. Il-nushtci ) Kepresentatlv Sutherland naked. "IHd yoll men ver saslKt In keeping, men confined in Dip coal camps when they wanted to leave?" "No," replied the wltne. who add. ed that hn did not believe the tonl op erator had kept any man III th mine against hi will, except In "e where men wer charged with crime The committee at 12:Jil took liuu h. eon reces until 2 o'clock. It developed before III close of thn morning session that Fell appeared l.y order of the congressional com mittee and ass not produced by eliher parly to the controversy. During the noon recess the mem bers of the committee attended a luncheon to Republican editor. Tin afternoon Felts resumed the stand and was iiiiestlotied by I. I. Costlgiin, attorney for the I'tilted Mine Workers of America. Asked concerning his method of se curing mine guards he slated that men constantly we e making appli- csllon lo the Ieiiv-.r office for work, t'ostlgan tried to inrtuie the witness lo admit the number of men he sent to southern Colorado was far In ex cess or 7!. but Felt stood by his statement of the mcrning that was the maximum. "Iln It ever been n pari of your functions lo guard strikebreaker brought Into the state'" "If the men In the mines which we were guarding were strikebreakers I should nay. yes." The witness denied that his nuenoy had guarded strikebreakers on rail road trains. Felts ihen gave a description of the armored automobile used In southern t'nlorndo and the machine gun mount ed In It. He then told nf the use of another machine gun at lierwind on October 21. ARSQNETTES BURN L Carnegie Institution Near Bir mingham Completely Des troyed by Suffs. With All Its Books. (By Irwsed Vice m rrveulrui Herald.) Ilirminhnm, F.nglnnd, Feb. 12. The Carnegie library at Noiihlleld. Wor cestershire, six mile south of Itir mlnghnm. w.i today destroyed by lire set by an arson squad of sulTrageites. All the hooks were burned and only the Bhel of the building waa left. A tube charged with hiuh explos ives and covered with a qouniity of suffragette literature was found today on the window sill of Moor tSreen hall, Highbury, near here, the resi dence of Arthur I 'hamberlaln. broth er of the Right Hon. Josi ph cham berlain. A fuse attached lo the bomb was connected with a photographer's lamp In which a randle had been burning The flame, however, wa extinguished by the wind before It reached the fuse. A postcard addressed to Reginald McKenna, home secretary, was found nearby. It mole the words, "Mili tancy I not dead, but If you ure not already you aoon will be." ADDITIONAL ITEMS IN RIVER AND HARBOR BILLS REACH BIG SUM (It lrd Wire to Evening Herald.) Washington. I'cb. 12. In addi tional Items In the new river and harbor bill, as formally announced today, Ihe following are among th appropriations: Texaa-lialvostnn hnrbor, II. 16V- ootl; tlalvestoti channel. 1 1 0(1. olio; Port Aransas. xil0,n00; Ha bine la net fort Arthur canal. ir.r.n.iino: Houston ship channel, $2011.001); West tlalveston bay channel ami adjacent H reams $25.0011; Colorado river. l;V(ioa. Inland waterway on Ihe coast of Texas West Oalvcston and Itraxo i anal. $15,000; channel lei ween lira sos river and Mulagordo bay, 125.- I'Uil; channel from Aransas pass lo I'ass Cavallos. 130 nno: lluudalupe river to Victoria, I IS. 000; total tJsVOOO. Hrazoa river nt the booth. IJS.noo. from Vi'liiscn In Old Washington, I2.ri,000 and from old Wahington to Waco. 1200. Hoi); Trinity river, $205- 000; Red river between Fulton, Ark., and Washita river, Tex., $25,000. PRESIDENT WILSON HAS ANOTHER COLD I ll IeaseO Wtrw m I": renin Herald 1 Washington, Feb. 12. I'res- Ident Wilson's engagements for today were cancelled according to an announcement at the ex- ecutlve because the president waa ordered by hla physician to stay In hla room to 4) recover from a cold. II was aald at Ihe White house that Ihe 0 president' cold has made hin hoars and caused a slight rough and hla physician was keeping him to hla room as a precaution against more cold. Official staid they expected the president would be out again tomorrow. Child Whisked Off by Veiled Lady Five Year Old Florida Girl Mysteriously Abducted by Strange Woman n Automobile. flty l-ca-s'd Wire l".nlng Herald ) Orlando, Flu., Fell. I.' Catb- erlne McCain. Ill .' -year-old daughter r Mrs ,w(mii C. Fas- set of Spokane, Wash,, w is taken from the home of her aunt lo-re today by a veiled woman, who whisked the child olT In an auto mobile und has not tar' ii loiaied by the police. Tlie M'-Ciie girl's fuller. F.d ward McCallie of Ch.iM moogn. was dii on. d from h.r mother at Reno, two years no. The III- tie girl wits giien by the court lo the father and a son given lo Ihe mother. Mia Md'allic a later married Newton ('. Fass- ett, a son if former Congress man Faaeetl of New York and moved lo Spokane. Children with whom the Mc- cullie girl was Ida; Int.-. declare the vii u woman sold "Calh- erlne. this Is your nuaber." as she gathered the Rirl up In tier arms. KILLIUG SAYS COPPER ii Worked to Death Without Getting Pa?d for It, Testi mony of Witness In Hearing- at Hancock. i OPPOSED COUNSEL SHOW ILL FEELING (By Ix-ascd Wire in renting Tlcrald.) Hancock, Mtch., Feb. 12. "We Were worked to death and did iiol get the money for II." declared I'at Diili- lugan, copper miner, today to the con gressional Investigators. His testi mony related not only in mine work ing conditions, hut also to ulleged ads of Imported "gunmen" alter the sulk,. the Village of Abllleek, Willie lie was murHhal. "What do you nun want?" Chair man Taylor asked. "Let the companies giv,, us a min imum pay of $:i a da, an eight-hour day and recognize our union and they will make more money than they ever have mude," he replied. Trammers who formerly filled ten cars a day had been driven lo IHI as many us llfty-.wc. in later yeara. he said. Ah to the miiieis. he declared 'the one-man machine wax killing ull of UH." The ill feeling beu'iuh the veneer of politeness opposing counsel have shown toward each oilier thus far in the congressional in esi igation into the copiH-r miiieis' sinke became ap parent today when ' V Hilton, for the striking mine woisers, read into the record a number i.l' Pay hIios lor tho avowed purpose of proving a system III once unfair and oppressive " It appeared from die slips the min ing companies were accustomed to take out of the cMU.i'iyc's pay the amount lie owed the storekeeper, sometimes Paving in. thing A. F. Itees, for the operators, said that the inference that the companies ran the stores was untrue. 1 1 1 1 is replied that he had no such puipoNe but merely wanted lo etunv tin- svstem. Al l 14.1 l DY MI I I KM I H i Asi:n Chicago, Feb. I.' - Three of Ihe la bor leaders who were granted a new trial in the dvnamiie imsplrucy caw by the federal court hern tt I -rl an answer today dcnving lhat the gov ernment had any n-:li to ask for u reversal of the giain of (heir appeal. The men are olaf Tvitmoe of San Francisco, Richard II Houlihan of Chicugo and Xvilhatn Hcrnhardt of Cincinnati. Thev dec I. ire that the right to apply for a rehearmu in criminal cases is reserved lo dclcnd ants. mm. oirii vmit-. ai i. I Willi VltlUTItlTlOV Philadelphia. Feb. 12. Ihe coal operator-) of Illinois. Indiana. Ohio and western IVnioo Ivatilu, In conter enip her wlih the miners from those stales to arrange a new wage scab" today, proposed lhal arbitration be resorted to in fill negotiations where no settlements had been reached prior t. the expiration of existing agree ments. The proposition w i debated" for two hour by representative of each side and the question wa again taken up at the afternoon session. I Tew. Agent lluay. Richmond. Va . Fed. 12. Kvelyn N'cablt Thaw was arrested here yes terday. Mayor Ainsll ttt Ihe re inesl of the Mlno-ierlal union, had forbidden her to appe ar tit a theater. She waa drlulned for hearing. QflHl F.UJE mm Wll TELLS UGLY TILE OF C LI fit Plaintiff in $50,000 Damage Suit Relates Story of Al leged Assault Upon Her by U. S. Senator. ALLEGES STRUGGLE IN ROOM OF HOTEL Glasses Broken When Okh- homan Attempted to Make Love to Her, Declares Wit ness on Stand Today. l;y Issaw'd Wlrr in i:tmlng Ilernlil.) Oklahoma city, okI.i., Feb. 12. Mrs .M. Iloinl who Is suing l ulled Suites Senator T'.iomas P. (lore lor $.',0,oiia damage, growing out of an alleged assault committed in a V. '-'-ingloti hotel, took the witness stand loilin and told her version of her meeting with Senator Jore In Wash ington. The conn room was crowded, the audience including many women. In spile the ruling of Judge ''lurk yesterday that evidence as to incidents in the past life of cither of the liti uanis was Irrelevant. Attorney Hol dings, representing Mrs. Iloinl, offer ed to let all tile evidence hh to Mrs. liond s char. out go before hc Jury without oliict ion, provlih I the de fense would not objee t to e idence offered against tile charcter of Sen ator I lore. Counsel for the defense did not reply to the proposition. In telling her story r the alleged assault, Mrs. Rotid was composed throughout. She first met the sena tor in r.t"'l. sue said, and again a short time Inter at a reception In Ok lahoma City. At this latter met-tlng she discussed the appointment t her husband, Julian Hon I. to the position of internal revenue collector. At that time, she said, the senator talked fa vorably of the nppointment. The wiinesa then related how she went to Washington in Mann l'l 1 ;i. At a reception tendered by M und Ml, tiore to their Oklahoma visitors t lx. aualn broached the subject of I lie appointment und the senator ukcd her to come to Ins utile e, according tu the testimony. Re. ii lung the ti:ne of the alleged as sault, the witness satd, she had tele phoned Senator 1 1 ore to Come to her hotel. When the senator arrived she weni with him to a room o c-upiecl by lames Jacobs of Oklahoma. In then taiK, she said, the scnaieer asked many personal eIOHlioris an. I tiled to take her hand. "I told him I was a diner cm kind of a woman from (hose he had been associanng with," to-ailii-d Mrs. pond. She alleged that the senator took hold of he r and Iriicl to pull her lee wards him ami I her glasses were broken In the struggle. When he pushed her over on ibe bed ibe eii'il covering was slained with blond III sec-ral places. At this Juncture. Ihe witness said, T K. Robertson of Oklahoma, ot ter ed the room together with Jac obs anil Klrby Fil.pal i ii k and she vm nt to the toilet to vv.o-h til,. Moo, I stains from her hands ami fa.-c. She declared the senator followed her and told tier lo tell the iiie-n present lhat there Was nothing wrong. Mrs. Itofiel was expected to rinniln on the wilnesH eland tliioiigboul t lu ll. lya session. S0THERN DENIES STORY OF FALLING OUT WITH WIFE, JULIA MARLOWE ll laa-s-d Wire to Kvriilng llcruld Portland. lc . I'cb. I - H. II Sot hern l"ii el a e.i .i t i i nt here to day, lamenting the pollination of re ports that Du re had i en a leieacii between him and his wife, Julia .Mi.rlcme. who i now hi New Yolk. 'I'licie was not the slightest, founda tion lor mi ll rumors, he said. Mrs Seel bein having ubaiiileuied their lour together and reiurncel to New York solely because of ill health In jusiiie to his reeiupunv ami the. it, r lociia -is Mr. Solbern explained, hi Vitrt Cotlclllelileg hir- Me-ae-ceu alolic. FRIEDMAN SUSPENDED. PENDING INQUIRY (Hr Is-ascd Wire to I. veiling Hcral.M I Wiihliitigi on. Fob. IJ Moses Friedman, superintendent ol the In dian sc hool ut Carlisle. 1'a . was su- pcllcled today by Com III I sloller Sells of the Indian olflce us Ihe r.nill ol a recent Investigation by a congres sional comtulllee. Supervisor II. I, l.lpps has been placed In charg pending Friedman's formal trial on charge which have not yet lie.-u made public. The time of hearings will be set later. TOOTHBRUSH MUSTACHE TABOOED BY KAISER Idly lehM-rl Wire to I v-nlng Herald 1 I perlin. Feb. 12. --The wear- ! lug of the "tooih brush lliunslal lie" wa forbidden lo 4 ihe goldiera of I'.inporor Wll- Hams' body guard regiment by tin order Issued today The reason given was lhal II was 4 men i e rui i n 4 LF OF CONGRESS PAYS TRIBUTE Memoiial Addresses Delivered by Representatives: Senate Allows Day to Pass Unrecog nized. GROUND BROKEN FOR $2,000,000 MONUMENT (Rr Ix tm.iI Wire m men'.ng fl.Tald.) Washington, Feb. 12. one half of congress balteel Its grind of business tod iy to pay homage lo the inemoiy of Aiu.iIi.iiii Linc oln. In the house the chapllit referred lo the martyred president in his opening prayer, and time was set aside for the memorial addresses by Repre sentative Russell of Misseiurl and Kepresentative Fess of Ohio. In ill" senate Ihe great emancipa tor birthday passed by unrecog liliccd. X TIO l. CAPITAL JOINS IV LINCOLN KLKItlt ATION Washington, Feb. 12. The nation al capital today Joined In the celebra tion cef ibe 1'i.eth anniversary of th birth of Abraham laiicoln. The cele bration here was marked by Ihe breakine of ground In West Potomac paik for tlie const ruction of a mar ble monument to Ihe former presl lient. which w hen completed is to cost $2.,'l0. Ill Wilt HONORS TIIK MI.MOHV OF LINCOLN' Denver. Feb. 12. The observance of Lincoln day In Iienver was B-a lured by several celebration. SINFUL IS Chinese Woman, Charged with Trunk Murder Complicity, Taken Into Cuicody After Door Is Broken. Ily la n-4-ii VVIi'c lo livening Herald., I eh. 12 -Mrs. iiy Sin, a Cliluc-.M,.. v. as arrested here today lb i e. nin e t urn with the murder of a clout whose dismembered body leitiiid in a trunk a year ago in Seattle. W.oll The llllllk W IIS ship pe ll fleelll I ' C 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 0 11 , C Ire. Mis. Sins husband was arrested lii !' ncllc (..ii, but tho woman had disappeared Detectives today broke do a n a ihioiuuv in a Chinese room ing house unci found Mrs. Slu with oilier Oi Ic-dials. one or whom e-sciip, d down a fire escape. Dctec lhcs of Portland, ore., where Pin Is b"bl. traced the woman lo this city EXTRADITION PAPERS FOR "HANDSOME JACK" ALLEGED MURDERER lily leaned Wire to livening Herald.) Chicago, l"i b. 1 2 rivtriiditloil pa per., leer ihe return of "Handsome J.i. k" Kneiier held In San Frunclsco in connect ben with the murder of Mi. l-'.mma Kraft. November H !' 1 2. villi be taken on; tomorrow by John J llulplll, chief of detectives dipt. Hatpin said that Koetiers wan iinlke. . tight extradition. According ice llulpiii. Ko.-iter wa let oullll-.cel ley It. V. Tolllsen. evu'e-hmati, vv ho wrote from 331 Oc- laoa s. reel. San Franc-Is, ,,. "Can oii send me particular John Keei in rs or Cutler, wauled ei Ihe murder of Mrs. Kralt I hiv pott, d a party here answering full iicsc t ipi ion, who has bought an In lei est 111 a hotel with a widow and nied tec get tier to sign over her lif infill. tin lo him." I MM! 11)11 RI.IOUIM. WIONt. WOM V ritllAD Citi. innail. Feb. I 2 The arrest lust iii-lii in Sin Fran-lsco of John U Koc iici fur Ihu murder In a Chicago hotel cef Mis Kiulila Kraft of tlliscit) ecu November It, 191.', was a mum lor rejoicing today among Mrs Ktaft s friend here. Mi. Kraft wa a widow ' J ear old wlteii she Wa killed. She bad ' oioeide r i olc propert) and It I claim e- el. f i e e i a c -1 1 1 1 y bianeil money to Koct lets. Filially In ruiiest lor a loan led lo u eiiiairel and he went lo Chi e alio. After a few days he sent ftu Mis. Krafl. She left at once to meet hi in A week after her death relstlvas ol Clin luiiati weni to Chicago und olc mille d her body at Ihe count) lllolgne. Koc Ite rs was well knoAn her. 'l it --m - Hank Sum kluddcrs. (Iruiicl Juiniion. Colo., h'l-b. 12- n oicbr wies received here today li ivy a one hundred per cent assess nent on the si n kloddcra of the Me a Count v Valional ".ank of which rson Aelains fiermerly wo prea.-m The bank f illed last fall and Adams cce'iiily wits arrewted on a charge of iiis,ii,propriotiiK tho fun. Is of the In slit lit loll. TO ABRAHAM US ARRESTED AHMED BAND OF T T Daring Bunch of Mexican Fed erals, Foiled in Attempt to Take Horses Across Line, Eludes U. S. Troops. RECRUITS VANISH INTO THIN AIR Rumored in Juarez That 29 Were Killed; Believed Fugi tives Planned Attack on Juarez. (ny d W ire to Evriulnff 1Url4.1 F.I Pao, Tex., Feb. 12. Thr were 21H armed men In Ihe band of alleged federal recruit who vacaped across th river at Ysleta last night with American troopers on their heels, according to J. Todd McClam), the rebel cattle agent here. McClamy told reporters that ha re ceived th lirst Information Hire day ag'i that th croaalnga wer lo be iiiuilo at Yaleto. at tha Kl Fasa smelter and at a point In New Mexico, He succeeded In locating; the Yaleta contlngetil, which he said waa re cruited and led by .Sylvester and Rod- rlgo yuevedos, two federal offtvera) formerly at the head of the troop at Casas llrande. Mcr'lnmy said that h notified Gen eral Villa of the plot and confirmed Villa's statement made last night that he had troop down th river waltinf lo receive tho Inlrudera. It wa current rumor la Juare to day lhat 2 of Ihem wera killed, but this could not be confirmed. Gen eral Villa, having been up moat of Ihe night, waa si I II In bed at noon. and could not be disturbed. The American troops at Tsleta heard no shooting from the Mexican side, although this does not prove that there was none, aa It might hav taken place two miles away. The American ainl the forenoon lien ting up the at ub by growth of th vast flats which flank Ih river, seek ing the trail of the M ecu leans, but at iioou (iencral Scott! flail received HO important news of their quest. Thn horses which the Mexican failed tu run off are aald to be pri vately owned. Trooper of the 1'nlled Stale at dawn today resumed seanrii for tba Mexicans who last night headed across the Rio (Irande from tho Amer ican side, carrying arms and supplies in violation of the neutrality law, to Join the federal force at some point unknown, or to harass Ihs rebel gar rison at Juarr-x, across the river from Fl Paso. Sei far us the American cavalry of ficers could learn In Ih course uf tho night, the plot was to rapture a cor ral of horse und aaddlea at Ysleta, thirten miles east of here, and about a mile from the river bank, and rush them acres. In some way this part of the plan miscarried. The alarm reached General Hugh I Scott, m command at Fort lilies, about 1 '- o'cha-k lasl night. Ranch ers and others whose bonus are scat tered along the road near Yaleta tele. Phoned Into the city to find oil' th a use uf the unusual number of auto niobih s seen. The only soldier so far known to have seen any of the alleged Iluvrta recruits was Corporal KaufTman of Troop A, Fifteenth cavalry. When the alarm sounded he wo dispulchcd to Ysleta to luld other troops being rushed to that point. He arrived alieud of the reinforcement and lay in a ditch from which, ha says, he saw detachment uf about 11 men euch make a rush toward the river. When the other soldier ar rived they had disappeared. General Francisco Villa, command ing the rebel forces, and now at Juu rex, received an intimation of th atl uatloii at Ysleta early In the evening and sent small detachments of hi men east along the Mexican bank of ihu river to capture the Invader. HOIUIKHX AN II Ml KM-UF11M MIOT HV I KDKH.1L CHIKF Tamplco, Mexico, Feb. 12. A lieu tenant ami a sergeant of the Mexican federal army Were summarily shot here today by order of General Ig uucio Morrlos Zaragosa, th federal 'ominiinder. They had been convict ed by court martial of waylaying, rob .Ing and murdering Fred Martin, a negro who waa formerly a aoldier In the I'nitcct state army. Martin wa on hi any to Altamlra from Tam plco, where be had Just drawn hi pension un January it, when Ibe . rune wa committed MAY BE IMPOSSIBLE TO RELEASE POTOMAC FROM PERILOUS PLIGHT (H Leased W ire l. F.nlng nerald Wivshiugloii, Feb. 11 Secretary I mil hi today telegraphed boatswain Wilkinson commanding the naval lug Potomac. Icebound In the Gulf of St laiwrere ! excreta Ms discretion in extricating the boat and br ere Mr from her perilous position. Expert believe It will be Impossible to move ihe potomuc al present, but Her r lury Nauiria wanted her commander to have a free hand. Meanwhile th revenue cutter Androscoggin, which started to rescue the Potomac, 1 Heating either Halifax or Sydney. Nova Scotia, tu aw ail further older a. i . M