Newspaper Page Text
TODAY'S yVMH TODAY Yon get In lie IIKItM. FtUf cent y THE 13TH AND ninth or IS centa week rt.Hlvorrd your wtmri fifty ifnia by mall. WHO CARES? I 1 1 1 nrxK-cinzo. -v ) I I. No. . Q 'JtD 0 1 BMMMMHMMiMMHMMMMWMMBK.HMM . US ULOlii RENECESSARY TO i Drink Constantly But eldom Get Drunk Testifies hairman of Victor-Ameri-in Fuel Company. JOR MONOPOLY I DANGEROUS HE SAYS Competition Amongr Un ns Can Raise Standard, jiinion of Prominent Colo ido Operator. 3EAS CORPUS TO ELEASE MOTHER J0NE3 lication Charges Chase pith Establishing; Military dictatorship in the Coal ields. t .cased Vlr ut Evening HcraM.J over. Krli. IS. "Saloon seem u ncccesliy In mining ciunp,' red John '. is-gnod, chulrmun . houril nf illmliiri of Ihe Vlc mcrliun Fuel company In cross million today ty the house rom- j e Investigating the I'nlnradn miners atrlke. ine com opor wua itucHlloned by 10. I". I.'natl attorney for the strikers, re iik I h- (hurc In it recent report federal grand Jury at I'urblo, I the mining companlea run aa I on their properties. ,run nui M-uk for the other (.in i n, hut we regulate the i In our cainon." replied Mr. tw it "They wnn to un a ncccesliy (lining iMtniHi. In two nf our s, u un experiment, unnp- i'U Ihf auliHins Into chilis, with n roouiK and othpr convent We also prohibited treating;, otinil thnt at thoe camp, on an a, men spent alHut It per it less pitch fur itrtunr thnn at other mine. At lledstone f those two rump. I never uikcn ninn in five or l year. iiKh the men were drinking mn ly." f witness told nf an anarrhlst n which, ho mid. wa run hy ics of the mine owner In Agml .n.n. Hp tald thnt a red flag a bowlc knife on It floated aloon. 1'iiKiliiiin aakrd the wttnes ' political condition in southern ado. Mr. (cK)d denied any pledge f political activity hy the owner II" emphatically ais il any anion hy himself In In- ma politics in f. Osgood resumed hi t ,y. telling of the effort of his my to comply with the law. . witness told nf the Imports of strikebreakers helm deliiypd 1 1 he Kovcriior'e ordt-ra hkhIiihI n na In men. Hp natd that the !'iu.y had hired no men except on acta hlih ataled pliilnly thiil ! ike wii In effert. i e HHk.'d Onvernor Ammona." he I I. -to nine the nil nil eunilne le imported men and nmke ur i they und'-ratood the condition I'ud not deceived Thin ' done hy order of Oeneri,! rood then told of the vUlt of 1 Iwrt Htewurt c the. federal de cent of lahnr, ho dime to cr In un effort t't aetlle the r. Rteaart apent practically all me with the llor men while In tale." he declared. "Ve' met once In the covernor'a office, .fur.d to furnlnh hltn any In iiion axullHlile. Inn he vuid he i aunt imy Information that he iot an liiveailKHtor hut a nicill- cretnry Wilann. diirln hl vla re, did not k ii for any In ulon rcKiirdlnn I lie atrlke." aa-eiiimlniitlon mil lieitnn liV 'oHtiann. The wllnev admitted ih cmnpnnlea have dtarmiraiird ormnllon of union and aecrel He. He declured that ao fHr knew hla rompnny ' oheylnK uw reanrdlna the eliht-hour A to check Welshmen, he mi Id i. in puny mi ready to comply the Nliitute, hut t!.at the niln- iud not aeleclvil a check welh- iit any Victor-American mine. pNlloned ahnrply ahouf rondl under union rontracla, Mr. ti declared that K. C fteltla. an tor In Kremnnl cntinly. alwnej ntract with lha I'nlted Mine vera of America at the he:lnnln e prenenl (trlke. me lime later Ihere waa a at hla mine and he had to he all over again with non-union ra. It I my hellof that thll .d atrlke wo culled hy the l ull I lie Worker Iwvaime Mr. Hell l omplnlned of the rondition un vhlch hi mine mil operated af ie had lned with the union I'nited Mine Worker tiava of making an example of any itor who complain." ow have the accident In th" inlnea of Colorado compared wlth the record In adjacent unlnniged atntea," anked t ontlgnn. 't'olurailo ha a hnd record on ac count nf a aerlc nf dual exploalnn In 1910. Hut accident are not con fined to non-union inlnea. one of the wnrat arc I. lent In the history nf mining wn the fherry mine dlnter In llllnolM. a unlonlied atate.' The w linen wn qultticd vlgornn- ly nliout varlou lljlcra of the Vlctor-Amprlcan company. II aohl Ihp company hnd uplclnng thnt th Pclagun dlRiiater In 1(10 wa In cendiary. "If the I'nited Mine Worker were Incorporated would you rerun nl the union?" ked rtnpreientatjv Pyrne. "No, I think not. I or do not up their mcth- prove thlr purpoae nd." The nil tie addpd' My Idea I that mime dny we will hnve compctlllon among union which will mine their (tnndarda. In that event II may hecome ufe to (ontract with them. I think ihla atteniu4ed monopoly of lahor hy Hie I 'li lied Mine Worker of Aniprl ca ' dungerou." "Haven't you practlcnlly a mnnop oly of the coal Indimtry of thin talp' anked Mr. ronllgan. "There l no rmnhinntlnn nmonv I he operator who have ndvertlaed ihcmai lve a reprenenllng OS pe' rent of the coal IlldllKtry." replied Mr iKood. The w ll nee then wn liicKtloiicd ahout retail coal price ""How many mine In thl Mate are "perilled hy union lahnr?" "Alioul five per cent of the coal In the state produced hy mine that have signed with the union." Mr. iiagood denied nny humility toward the corporation which hnve niuncd union contract. "We are Inning coal nf one of them." he explained. " don't cure to mention the niune of thl com pan been imp the contract with Mm I'nited Mine Worker prohll-ila al- to non-union mine. In renponne to ntic"tlon hy Mr. inllgall. the ultncn eul'l each com pany wn expei teil t ay lor ine machine gun need on ita own prop rty. Near the cl of the croaa- Miminalion Mr. I'oallgun prcwied the wlinea for furMvr tetlmony re nuiillng hla relation with la Ivor un ion. "I can't ee thnt the miner nre my hetter off than th"y were hefure the I'nited Mine Worker of Amen- c-i wn organiaed,'- o.h-ii rci . ihkoou Mr. riagnod wua queatloned regard ing the declination of the conl opera tor to enter a conference with ofri ecrg of the I'nited Mine Worker of America. i ' "I think we alway have declined to meet them,' en Id the wttne. Referring t iha auentlng of Colo. rado edllora. fingood aald: "When Mr. Hhnffer naked un to an- ter the conference, we accepted wllh the underatundim: that It waa not to lie a Joint dehnte. When we arriv ed we found Mr. Mclntmn Ihere. I reminded Mr. Hhaffcr thnt the run- liitlon upon which our acceptance wit haned hnd hcen violated. lie .alii Mr. Mcl-nnnn wa there through a mlHiinilerntiinillng " 'Wn Mr. Mcl.ennnn told to lene the nmrttT" "I do not know nf my own knowl understood thut he wn when I uddressed the edge, tint I not prenent editor " "You were personally the enactment of the opposed to ISI.1 mining 'ii '" "No ir. I wa not. "Was Hei retary Wilon a Invita tion one aided .' I 'Id he favor the miners?" "I was very Impressed wllh Mr. Wilson, and did not con- iilcr him unfriendly. We merel tl omtht that he did not make nny pffi rt in tnveslltinte the strike Iron, ur standpoint." Here Mr. t'ostlgan cloaed hi rr FXnmlniii Ion and llepresentntlve Kv un iiueutloiied the wllne regarding hi slock holding In coal companies Mr. Osgood aald he owned a large majority of the Victor-American Fuel company Block. Hp denied that there wna any Interlinking di rectorate hetaeen the Victor-American, the Colorado Fuel and Iron company and the liocky Mountain Kuel company. iiiu:H oiUM N liiiM i i immi to in :i. i:m-: motiikh jhm s iJenver. Colo., Kelt, 11 Appllcu I loll for a w rit of haliea corpus to ecure the relcaiwi nf "Mother" Mary Jones, who Is held a prisoner hy the Colorado Nallannl Cliiunl at Trim dud, waa filed to. lay In the atate su preme court. The application for an original writ recites the callltiK out of the militia hy clovernor K.. M. Ammnns, alnllng that at the lime the district court of l-aa Aiilmaa coiinlv was In session at Trinidad, and thut none nf the courts has heen olmiruct ed In the performance of It duties since oclo lie r tt, 113. gave a ob structed hy General Chuse." The application charge Oeneral Chase with maintain!.-;; a military dictatorship" In the southern Colo rado coal fields," notwithstanding tha rotialltullon nf the atate, which provides and requires "that the mllt ila ahull always he In strict subor dination In th civil authorities." The supreme court la asked to lake orlKlnstl Jurisdiction on the ground that otherwise the elltlon can not eeciir release from "illegul detention.' COITI'.H hTUIKK IXQI'inY c.oio to Tin: iiottom Hancock. Mich., Feb. It. Work era In the Michigan popper mine continued to voice their grievance against tha operator today at the conareaslonul strike Inquiry. Testimony wa given by two for mer employe of the Maaa Mining company In the effect that they had I Bcrlillon, of Finger Print Fame Dies l II laad Wlr in Keening Herald 1 Cans. Feb. 13. -A Mouse. Iter- tlllon. creator pf the system of criminal Identification hili made his mime known throiiKh- out the world died hcie today. naed HI a) llertillon's title wnt "dlrec- lor of Ihe nnthropnmetrlc de- pnrtment of the Paris police." He had been III for ome lime, suffering from anemia compll- ruled with other miiluille. Hp wa operated on In October Iterlillon wa a distinguished nnihiopoloKlxt and wu the nil- thor of many works on elhno- grapliv, iinthriipomeiry and pluioi.-riip)i . RIOT WITH SABRES Two Hundred Japanese Arrest ed as Result of Outbreak Started as Protest Against Increased Taxation. flly IjconciI Wire to Kvcnlng Ilcrnld.) Toklo, Fe!i. 1 3.- Kci Ions rlols start ed by cllisens of the Japallpse ctipilit! as a protest ntfalnst the lemg ot in reuse of taxation led to the arrest ol 2'in persons In the lower seitiun ol thp city early today. The dni'ilcr were quickly suppressed by a col'imn of Sun policemen, who used their sa ber freely. In pursuance of its determination to stlflle all street demonstrations the government today ordered Ihe arrest of a number of editors of opposition luipera which hnd advoculed Ihe agi tation. Their newspapers were sup pressed. Mass meetings have been called for today and tomorrow to In sist un the reslwnution of the cabinet and to protest uimtnat the hurshnvss used In the suppression of popular demonstrations. BIG DIPPER RAS GONE DIPPY Handle Moving Wrong Way and Constellation Will Dis appear, Says Astronomical Sharp. Hy I .cased Wire in f:en-.nt flrraltl. Allium, X. V., Fell. 13. I'rol. l.oii ; I loss, director of I bidlcy observatory eminent astronomer. In a lecture nt I tie. atate editcalioii bulliliiiK last ' night, declared thai he Is now fairl in un eil by recent obm-r' aliona ami ; deilui-tioiis thai stime lori e "of lb. general nature of an ele tro-iiiauiiel may be the law governliiH Hie motion atnt structure of. the star" i He also asserted that live stars ol I the t II k IHppcr are traveling hI'Uih ; loselliel. wluls the lu al I IX Ireine ends are moving In the oppo isite direction. "So that eventually (In I configuration will be broken up." lost their Job because they com J plained of conditions under w hli h .they worked and were unable to get i work in neighboring mines, because ithcy wire memlx-rs of the union. The commit tve Imlicuted Ibrnigb a stutemeiit b Chairman T,i li.r thai Ihe present Imiiilry would embrucc un liiM i-l Ion nf the eslcrn I Vdcr alloti of Miner, the Caliimel and I In la Mining company ami the Clli lens' Alliance only In ao tnr ns wa necessary In ascertain Ihe causes un derlying the strike. An offer In submit the Western J Federation of Miners to a searching Investigation If an eiiually full In oulry was made Into the nl fairs of tnp t u i umct unit itccia .Mining com inny, was made today al the open ing of the congressional committee's hearings. Itcprescntntlve Hubert M. Rwllicr of Ohio, arrived today and aat with Ihe committee licpresenlntlve llain tm of Missouri now Is the only ab sentee. The announcement was made that the hearings would be held at the county court house In Houghton beginning Monday, owln-t to Ihe limbed rapacity or the hall here. ItlTt MIMU H OI'I'H TOHH Al MINI lt. MY Al.lll i: lhliiel,oli.. Feb. 13 Prior to going Into their Secret conference to day the representatives of the opera tors and miner of the central com petltlve bituminous fields expressed confidence In their ability to strive at sr. agreement wllh regard to new wage scale without auspendlng thi I production nf coal. The olfer of I Ihe o rstor to arbitrate difference existing when nn ugreement expires Was the principal subject under dls cusslon between tha two side. tokid mm ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1914. GOUHSEL FOR THElWAnMR WEATHER PLAINTIFF JDT Chief Attorney for Mrs. Bond j Admits on Stand He Dis- likes Defendant Because; Latter Failed to Get Friend a Job. PROSECUTION RESTS IN $50,000 SUIT (Hy I.cnseil Wire to Evening Herald.) Oklahoma City, Fell. 13. -OiUiim-I ' fm Mrs. Minnie Hond, who lr some -enaior Thomas IV liorr f,,i t.MI.H'Ml bimages as Ihe result of an nietid iisb, i ali in a iiNhuiKion hotel, result their case today. James It. Jacola. who was cxpci ted to be one of ihe principal witnesses In Hie case, was not called. It was announced Dial Jacobs will be used in rebuttal. T. I'.. Itoliei tsnn. former Inw pn fi ner of lioss l.illard, chief of counsel lor the plaintiff, was recalled lis a wit ness oila ill Ihe hearing of the iiim ilatiuiKe suit biouuht by Mrs. Min nie I:. II. .Ill ugallist l ulled filllte Senator 'riionuis I'. (lure In the dis- ii id court here. Itobertson wua be ing lliestlolled by Ihe altorneia lor S.-nator Hole when loiiit uiljoui lied i sierday. He n '1 in I. -! enmity tonuiil the sen ator bi'caus.', toe wiIiicns iisseried, Dure had in uiiiihi il lo use his intlii- eiu e In liehall of II. A. Itoxers of Oklahoma, llienl loneil ii a candidate lor Ihe post of si'i rctnry of the in terior, hut had fulled to do ao. Itob ertson was lulled us an eye witness to indignities which Mrs llond al leges were oftered her by Hcnaiof lore in Washisgton last March and in which her suit Is lumed. The w itness gave priu lb ally :he urn,, testimony as Klrby Fllaputrbk, who preceded him on the witness sliinil. relation (hat he witnessed the ib'gl-d alllli k on the woman, which Is wild lo have occurred III a Washing ton hotel. Itoberlsoii, Fltxpntriek. Mrs. Itond iihI j'r. J. II l-.'iii, another witness for the plaintiff esleiilii, all de iliireil they weir ill Washington on political missions to obtain appoint minis to leibral positions anil nil laib'il. It is the contention of Sen ator Hol e's at lot in vh thai the present suit Is a result ot a political intrigue. James S. I.ti'olis. loltller I ll'lll'iilal -ic national Iroui the I ml ut ii Territory, was lo be laklcd after Hohf rison's cross-exa iniiiat ton is finished It was In Ja. oln.' loom that Mrs, 1!., ml alleges that the sen ator attacked her. Mrs. i.ole a' om- p. illicit th,. senator lo Ihe louti room and sat beside him. Shortly alter Kobertsoti took the stand to continue his testimony he was excused temporarily and I'epii ty Sheriff Fiell wua culled. The witness tent if i'il that the seiialor had evaded service of the papcis In Mrs. Hood's suit and thai to was tirev ciiicil Iiiiiii seeing the senator hy a niimbi r of trieiula of Ihe latter w ho buried the door to f lore's room In 'i locill'hotcl. Sheriff Itmloll was cull' d and tcslllied that lie look the pa pels and Weill to see lime but me', the game tactics. laite at nUht. however, he sail"., he cuughl sight nf the senator in tin hotel unit served the papers on him. SUN PA0 CHI SUCCEEDS HSIUNO HSI-LINO Hi? I rased Wlrn tn Evening llerald.l I'cklug. Feb. 1.1. A preBiileliliiil mnailale was Issued toil.iy ai.pilng Ihe resignalion of llsiung list l.lng, the t'lunese premier, and appointing Sun I'ao 'hi i, ai ling piciui. t until a definite nomination Is miuli . I 'lllir KlIllHl III I'Apliadoll. Kenvil, X. J., Feb. 13 - Four em ployes or the Hercules powder work wer,- killed in an explosion late last night, which desirojed the puking house of Ihe plum, where ton of powder were ready fur shipim ill t Mexico. PRESIDENTS COLD SLIGHTLY BETTER lly I .cased Wire In levelling II raid 1 WashliiKion, F'eb. I.I -The following sliitcmenl was I filed ut the White house at J Ii p. in. today. "S.'cretary Tumulty uiniounc- ed this afternoon Uml. iittiee- able to the advice of his pbysl- (lull, Ihe president hud decided not to ant-mi the New Jersey reception tonight. The presl- dent Inslgteil. however, that the reception he held. The preal- dent's cold Is aallsfnclorilv re- tpmiding to treatment, but fr. I Ira). on brlieveg II Is best that he renin in In hi room for the day " Although 1'realdeni WiUon'a cold, wua hetter today, he kept to his room and u rabim i meet- lug wus cancelled. Mr Wilson had exkcled. however, lo leave hia room tonlghl and meet about 4IIU guest at a special New Jersey reception Ifi LOVE WITH MR. GORE EXPECTED IfJ THE EAST Zero Blanket Still Remains Over Atlantic States and i,cw n jjuje DIE IN NEW YORK AS RESULT OF STORM (Ily leased Wire to I'.venliif lli-rnld Washington, Feb. II- "now nod n. hi today a ml tonight, ami wanner tomorrow, was today's prediction from the weather niiieau. The Texas storm uilv .iiii'lng on Ihe east turned mio ruin t"aViv as It ap proui lied Tennessee, uml even had cuuseil Ihiimli l' showers on the gulf soast. Snow ml sleet tell In the south Atlantic atiites us far north a the I'lirollnas bill the sen, blanket remained over the middle Al lam Ic uml New F.nglutid stales From the Ohio valley snows were expected to extend to the New I'nu land coast and to bring g. petal using of temperature tomorrow. MOW VOItK I XI'lJTIXIi Ki:HOltll MtWsTfll(M Xew York. Feb. 13. New York to day was still In the grip of its sec ond cold wave of Ihe winter with the temperature using slightly wllh dawn and predict iona o: an approaihing snowsloim from Ihe southwest, which Is hourly expeilcd to envelope thy eastern seaboard. MM. ixim: I IV I s l M OltK Cl.l s Xew York. Feb. 13. The cold wave claimed another victim here todiiv. The ilealh of F.ric Xelson, an aged tailor, fioxin on the streets. hrmiKhl the total since the arrival nf the xero weather Wcdncsduy tiighl to nine. The municipal lodging houses and other charitable orgiiiiixut Ions over (lowed with bn ma ti derelicts and un fortunates. Frustrations reported hv the police mc almost continuous. The lowest dip In t ne mercury tu ilav wua ul 7 o'cloi k this morning, when It stood nl 1 below. All over the city, waler, gas and other supply and feed pipes burst. KT. m isi in i.Movr hVimmiiMi itv in .r7. vim Hi. I.ouis. Feb. 13. St. Loiiia was nearly snowbound toduv ns u result of ii bbxxnrd that stalled bill- i-nr-day uftcrtiooti unit who h al I a o'i lock this morning was at the height or lis fury. Street cars on all routes' were bbs keil M"St ol the llir.'iitb pas senger trams arrived about oil time but onlv to encounter u htocl-'uilp III the l .-1 ii 1 1 iik I yards. I'.reat iliflli till was cxperieni cd in getttni: the trains Into I'liioti staii'iii. T Approval by Britain of Exclu sion by Colonies Will Pre , cipitate Terrible War, Say i Oriental Professor. i aw Has REFUSES TO STAND FOR HUMILIATION flly Is'aMil Wire to levelling Herald J Washington, Feb. 13.- rreilct ion of "the llelcist revolution the World ever has known" il the llriiish gov ernment approves the Hindu in lu eiou policies of its colonies, wcie made loiliiv before Ihe house Inillll grulion committee hy Or Siidhlndra liose, u protessor of Ihe I'ihwibiIv of Iowa, during un argument In which he lonteiiiled that Hindus wire all Aryan people, entitled to nat ira bita turn beie. He urged that. If Ihe Hin dus were to be excluded here u ' gen tlemen's agreement" be miule b.-ovten Ihe I tilled Stales ami the I Til In dian government to restrict the immi gration. "A special law excluding the Hin di's would humiliate us in the cv.s of the world. II is not necessary "We are u great class i f Itnlish siil.J. i Is." said Or. Hose, "uml are entitled to the rigliu ol such a das. International coinpn. al lotis may lol low a u attempt to cxcluile us" "The t otolites o Ureal Hi ll. no l excluding Hindus." observed Chair man I tin mil. "The central government In hind has iml endorsed sin h m turn," replied Or. Hose. "If it docs. II will precipitate the fieici'Bt revolution lh world has ever known. The people nf India lire awakening mid if the) Ule to remain a part of the Itriliih en. pile something inual he done; some solution of this problem must be ar rived ul which is more reasonably I ban all) il suggested " Mv llir Almlral for Nat). Waahliigioii. I'eb. 13 -The bill in create six vice admirals In the navy was passed by Ihe senate and tin V ii w n 1 1 m action by the house. Their salaries were fixed ul til. anil a )car and the age of retirement ut CI years THREATE WORLD'S IK REVOLUTION Ae Lud Parts Hair With Wife's Comb lHj lawvl Wtro lo E vening nera'il ' Sin 1'ranciniii. Feb. 1.1 Lord I m i I. b had to part his hair to day wllh his wlfcs comb. in Hie wuv to his hotel In i night, a dren suit case coutulning his slinvlng uleuslls, brushes and comb uml other accessories of the tolb-l mil lout or stolen. He repotted the loss lo the polli-e lo.l.iy. I ami lieclcs and Ills wife, who wa Misa Vivian tl.inlil. daughter it' Oenrge J Ooubl. Is loiiilnu Ihe cooniry In a private .ar He arrived from Hall Ijike last night and expects to eo in tan. Angeles in a few davs. j Ultra Violet Rays Set Off Torpedoes at Distance Following; Successful Experi ment. Revolutionizing War. fare, Secret Is Sold to Ital ian Government. lily I .cased Wire, lo Fvenlng Ilfrald.) Florence, Italy, Feb. 13 A auc- essfiil experiment of exploding tor pedocH from a long distance by means of the ultra-violet rays discovered hy fluilclo I'llvl, was carried out here to day. Hignor flivi has handed over his secret to the Italian government. Although today' experiment was secret, ii became known that Admiral I'lelro Fornarl hud placed In the Itlver Altl'i two torpedoes charged with the smokelcsa gunpowder and two others with black gunpowder. The ii It rn-v Intel ray apparatus was pi. bi ed on the tower of the I'uluasn I'apponi. two miles away. When Ihe signal was given the apparatus was put into iiperal I'm and In less than three minutes all four torpedoes ex ploded. INTERSTATE TRADE flBILL 'Clayton Measure Believed Un constitutional and New One Is Likely to Be Drawn. (fly licaucd Wire to JCrenliif flerald.) Washington. Feb. 13. While Pres ident I'hurles Van Hlse ,,! the I'lilver sllv of WIbioiisiii win. lesti'ying today bctore ihe bolide commerce commit tee. Itepl I B. l e Stev ens of Mln- ncsoliu ranking Kepulilban of the comilllllec. ilei I'Ted Ihe a il llllllisl I'd Hon I'liiyton bill for an Inieisiate trade commission was unconstitution al in many respects. Xo member of ihe (iimmlllec defended l lie bill, which was framed bv I 'hatrtiiun t'lay. Ion and oilers alter lonferein fs with I'residcni W ilson. The iIIbcuhsIoii which followeil bc. ine, I lo inilii iitr that a new bill might be drawn. It Van Hise urged that a commis sion be empowered to investigate the aflaira of any concern so large us to have ussiiiii"d a public interest or likely to fo-opcruip with other tlrma in rjintrollltig Ihe malkel. He con tended thai under present conditions the couniry wua us helpless before grcul iiuI'ibIi nil corporallons us It was before railroads and food inunuluctiir era camp under nmtrol of Hie inter state commerce coiumissioii and a pure food body. "The problem lo be met Is fair ill trlbiilion of profits between slock- holdera uml wage earners t'o-opera-Hon is all right wlihln limits but we must have u commission o watch over II. 1 Saul I'iibIiIiiiI Van Hlse. Henry II. Tow ne of Xew York urged the Judiciary committee to combine the trade comiulssiou project Willi oilier trust and commerce pro posals lnt,i on,, meusiir to tarry out Ihe legislatlvp program I IVi: srKWTOIts XMFI Tt l VITMi Tr: I.. V Washington. Feb. 1.1. Five seiiu tors were named in a special resolu tion ludav to co-operate with the m telMl ile viullinel' e i oiiimls:ipin to itl vesi.ig.ile alt'llis of ihe Louisville NiiBbville railroad and get informa tion the l.'lilroild refused lo give fed eral agents The conmi.Bion had reported Vice I'resilenl Mapother of Ihe Louisville Hi XubIiviII,. was defying its ugents. withdrawing Imporiaiit information from flics and threatening to destroy Ihe records. Wllh u bi-mils committee authorized In punlclpalp in the inipurv. sin h nf lion conl. I b,. held contemptuous The committee might uls.i eiiiplov special i nulls, I to unl in Its imitiirv. lill- Ml. ll Hill hllbll. foluinbiii. K. ', Feb 13.- The un li -alien bill directed against ow m-r-iblp of land by Asiiitics. waa killed ill ihe Benate l"il. ic at the re'ilicst of Us au'hi.r. following Ihe failure of a similar bill lo puna the lower house laie lust night. UNSAT SFAGTORY cvrtfxo vriuiA Mil.. S. lt. Sri. ran IDE Oil LIFE OE United States Naval Lieuten ant Shot in Hip by Unknown Mexican Gunman in City of Vera Cruz. EXCITEMENT IN AMERICAN UOLONY Further Particulars Revealed of Bold Plot by Federals to Take Horses Across the Bor der. Ily laniacd Wire lo Evening II era 14. ) Vera frti. Feb. It The attempted assassination of Lieut. Arthur U. I'ook. flag lieutenant In near Admiral Mayo of the I'.H. battleship TonnecM-' cut, which, alnca Ita occurrence? on Wednesday night, haa been kept aa secret ns possible, became, generally known In tha American colony today and caused excitement. Lieut. I'ook waa tha recipient of many congratulation on hla escape from death. The bullet struck him In the left hip. The pollc are atill searching for the assailant. It la aald they have a clew In hi Identity. A party or Mrltish hlucj.ickcls land ed two niuchln, mu from tha llrii ish flagship Suffolk lute last night anil placed them on board a car of he Mexican railway roiiuigned to Mm Hrlllsh legation In Mexico l ily. With ihe guns was sent a great quantity of ammunition. It la assumed here that the gun and ammunition lire Intended for the defenso of the llriiish legation In case of an uprising In the federal capllul. Ml ItmiltT ti MIOOTIMJ F A M K.ltltWN I.IK.I'TKX AMT Washington. Feb. 1J. Xeiiher Itenr. Admiral Fletcher nor utiy uf lha llplomuilc or consular officer In Mexico reported today on the anient nig of Lieut. Arthur II. I'ook In Vera. I'tu laat night. Secretary Hryun aalt he 'lud made nn inquiry. Mr. Hryan aald hia department had nn knowledge nf lh repurled Inten tion ol Hrlllsh officials in Mexico flly lo seek permission from London to land a force of marines from tha cruiser Kssex to handle the machine guns recently moved to tha Hrlllsh le gation In Mexico t'lty. I't'HTIIint KKTMIXOF I KHFIt Al. I'Myr CMHI F.I l'uo. Texas, Fi.-b. It. Further details of the plot hy which a de tachment of federal, or federal ir regulars, recruited In F.I Huso, crossed Inm Mexico with their arms Wedne. ilay night, were learned by Hubert T. Xetll, I'nited Slates district attorney here, today. Juan llodriguex. who waa In charge of the horses nl Ysletu, Bald that ha was hired by "a man" who wild H"d rlgtiex vaa to let none of the horeeg leave the corral except on order ot the Mexcn consul, or In the case nf one Ffanio Modesto, who might lake nut the unimiil ag he wished. llodriguex auld that the twenty seven horses taken Wednesday night were removed hy Modesto, who waa ussisted by three men. (if Ihe five other Mexicans rounded up hy lha American troops, none knew Kodrl gnex. F.raslmn Murgn, one of tha men, aald he hud been hired by Fran cisco Alderete to watch the puturt. Thl ranch "hand" wa garbed III leather legging and in garment aiich aa were worn by the Onmii federal irregular at Ihe buttle of ojlnuau. Inveaiigtitlon of the ownership of the horses progressed today. It waa burned thut they were part of lot purchased from the Mexican consul at njlniigii by a ranch ahow. Th ''utile Itulser' association held up the deul with a claim that some of the uiilmuls had been stolen from the Terrains rumh In Mexico by the fed eral soldiers, but this claim wua with drawn later and the outfit shipped to Kl I'a si i and pliicil in Aldereta'a corral at Ysletu. Alderete said thut the pasture wu rented from bun. He declined in divulge lo reporter thl name of Ihe imin M It KM TtKKN Ktllt I'ltOTrHTlOX IIK (.KltMWS Herhn. Feb. II. The Mexuun situ ation came up for discussion today in the imperial parliament. Ir. Al fred Zimmerman, under-aecretury of Btuie for foreign ufTulrs, answered an interpellation hy two nf the national liberal lenders us to "whether I'lovl sionul I'residcni Hiurts hs mud representations to tiermuny In regard to thp raising of the embargo no arm Ii) the Flitted Slat."' I'r. Zimmerman auld the In lied Stutea government, when It Informed ilermutiy of the raising nf the embar go, had expressed the conviction Hist nolioily oiiliule of Mexico could en force a settlement of thut country' difllcliltlca. The restoration of Mex ico, he said, could be hoped for only if Ihe Mexican names were allowed to fight out their iiuarieta without Inter fetence. and Hie linsing of the em bargo mi relv gave American rltixena (he samp right uf selling anna a wa enjoyed by other nations. The under secretary Inloi nn d ihe house thut ineasuiea had been taken to protect uctmiins in Mexico and declured that M'lkii would be held fully rcsponii ble for ull their property loeara.