Newspaper Page Text
ffe TODAVM yfMH TODAY Ywtt grt It in t lift crnu Mniti or IS rent week drilrerett t rnr ilior fftjr rent bjr geail. s for a graduation gown ii the Denver limit. Good itunt. girl! r I - - - - - i --M-wi-irui-A-ru'LnjT in w-.r.i- TTuncrB-rmzEX. Vol. a. No. . ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1014. TEN TAGES TODAY VOU fl. NO. tit. WESTERN FEDERATION SOCIALISTS? VELDORN WELBORn IGliOIlT SAYS ATTORFIEY FOE THE MIDE Too Much So to Employ 6,000 Miners, Lawyer Declares After C. F. and I. President Testifies. ONE HAN KILLED FOR EACH 176,857 TONS Big Operator Assumes Re sponsibility for Strike Breakers But Has None for Union Organization. lly Ir)rtl Wlr to Klng Ilcrald. Inver, Colo., Feb. 14. -on man Waa killed In the Colorado Fuel and Iron company mine luat cur lor every li4,r7 ton of coul produced, according to tb testimony of J. F. Wrlborn. president of the company, before I lie nous strike tnvesligiitlng committee today. Th- total number killed In I ha twenty operating mines of the company vi 17. In I1I twenty were killed, or one for every l'l,& tons. In llt. twenty-two, or one for every llt.SvJ tone In l 10, em tudlng the two great disaster at I'rlmero and fltarkvllle. SI men were killed, one for every 111. S2 tone. The Frimero and ritarkvllle disasters, Mr. Wei horn tea tilled, were the only serious rxplo alona which had occurred In the in i na of hla company sine he tame head of th rororatlon In 1U7. The testimony relative to fatalities came after long aerlee of nullots hy James Rrcwater. attorney for the t'nlied Mine vv oi kers of America, touching Mr. Welbnrn'e knowledge of mining atailallca In America and aliroad. In the course ot hi ques tioning Mr. Urewster declared he thought Mr. Wclborn too to be the employer of a.Oiie mine work ers. In redirect eiamlnullon Welborn was asked hy his attorney. Fred Mar rlnaton, whether he rett any obliga tions to the miners who had taken employment with the company with the undcistandlrig that they were to work under ,-oien shop conditions." Ves." replied the wllnea with sin phasls. "I feel so much responsibility lor them that I ahall never aak them to leave our mlnea If they don't )ln a unlor " ,"li you feel under ss much obliga tion to these men as you do to the t inted Mine Workers of America T" "I am under no oliltgiitlons what ever to the I'nited Mine Workers, und shall be under none as long as th organisation retains Us present melh. Welborn's cross examination was resumed Ihla morning. Th mln company president said thul his com pany was surprised that aa muny ma remained Jn th mines ss did remain when th strike waa railed. "You realise thai this strike would be a serious matter, did you not?" ssksd James Brewster, attorney for in, ktrUers. Yea, replied Welliorn. "And yet you would not meet the' officers of the tilled Mln Workers for the sak of preventing this striker "No." The witness waa questioned at length regarding the effect of th strike, and admitted that rsal prnduc lion In the lust months of I IS seriously curtailed. "Do you think this large number ot men went out on account of Imagln try grievances or threaia?" "Many men left the tt befor th strike was called, others quit work bees use they believed what they wer told by union agitators; large num bers were coerced by threats." "I don't consider that any closed I. 1 1 n which Prevents us employing men who Jo not belong to a union. Is ever preferable iw a non union shop, mid Mr. Welborn, In response to a question. Mr. Urewster asked when the oper ators first ordered rlttes for ue of ths guards. "Our first order of guns was mad between Heplember IT slid 20, five liuys after ill first order by th I'ntled Mln Worker." "Do you. after rejecting the pio pneal for a conference with the union feel no rsiponslblllty for ths tragic eventa which f oiloa sd '.' asked Urew ster. "None whatever." Mr. Weiborn. In responn to fur ther questions, denies that Judge J. 1. Nortlu'iitt had represented his company politically In aouthern Colo rado. A long series of questions abnul r slivs fulslltles In American and foreign coal mlnea brought th ad mission from ths witness that he had nut mad a study of foreign condi tions. "M'ttkmit ttvlutilnv I n eeftect nersnn- ally upon Mr. Welborn, I think he U DEFENDS COAL too Ignorant In be the employer of CQOV mlu workers," said Urewster. L..A. Il'iyden, president of th Jun iper Coal company of Houit county, waa culled aa a wllnesa by th com mittee. Ha told of a conversation with W. T. Hk-key, secretary of ths Colorado slat federation of labor, In which he said he refused to sign a contract with th I'nited Mine Work ers of America. Representative Hyrnes asked: "Did you tell him thai If you signed th contract th Col orado Fuel and Iron company would pin you out of bualneasT" "1 don't remember any such ststs- ment by myself." "Was any on els present? "Mr. Herat, mv manager, was pres ent part of th time.' The witness was questioned about price of coal In Denver, with th ap- parent purpose of Initiating th floutt county operator were subject ed to ruinous competition. "Hid you tell Mr. Illckey that If you signed with th union, th bunk with which you did business would refuse to lend you money?' ssked Representative Ityrnea. "I mad th statement that If w did sign th contract, ths bunk th Denver National bank would be lia ble to refus to lend ua money. I thought this was so because an offi cer of th bank had advised me not t sign up. II gav Ihla advice cm an occasion when I asked Him for a losn of money to keep our mine running after the strike was called. He naked ms If wa Intended to sign the union contract." "What did you tell him?" "I told him w would not sign." "(lid you get your loan"" Yes." W. T. Hlrkey, eecrelsry of the Col orado Klste Federation of Labor then waa called by th committee. He wss ssked: "Did Mr, Huyden tell you that he would grant everything you asked eicspt union recognition, which h could not grant because If h did th Colorado Kuel and Iron company would put him out of business?" Ya," replied H.ckey. Th wllnesa waa uncertain whether llayden or another Kotitt coiu.ty op erator had told him that in the event they wished to run the Uoutt county nines during th strike, guards nl guns wosld be furnished by the big companies In ths southern field. Th operator nest railed W. Falr rhild, prlvste secretsry' flovrrnnr B. M. Ammone. Mr. Fairchlld told what bf kne wabotit th si Used kid napping of Miry- Wenlger and Mary l.udvlk by strikers from the Ludlow tent colony. He Said thsl he first heard, while In Trinidad, about Octo ber S. that th two women, who wer on their way to Delagua to '"In their husbands, had been capf ed und wer being held In the Ludlow camp "1 telephoned Uovrnor Ammon." h said, "and he asked m to secure their release. I saw John 11. Lawson and h telephoned the tent colony ordering the women set at liberty." Th witness thn told of his efforts to fre th women, who finally, ti said, were permitted to leav th col ony. Attorney for th onsralor told the committee thst th two women 14 question would b put on the witness stand at Trinidad. Th nest witness for th operators waa C. U Ttaum. president of the Consolidated Coal and Coke company, operating on mine In Weld county. Mr. Ilaum denied published statis tics purported to hav been prepared by R. V. Ilrak. deputy labor com mteslonar. on mlno wages. Thes ststlstic Indicated that th Ilaum miner earned an average of tl 1 dally. Th wllnes gav fliurea In tended to show that th tru avers wa much higher. A Vol lr:l ..iii- vit Vs.. ivti. 14 (Striking miners of the West Virginia and Pittsburgh Cul company wer care- eenaa the coiuiuiny'a prop erty line today after th riot yester day when James Moor, a Birlker wss killed, and narry iucaa. ut-pu.r sheriff, wounded. Lucsa. with four mher denutles on duly at the mtns during the shooting, wer given a hesrlng hefor T. V. Jscon. jusuce of th peace at Wellaburg, and dis charged. K' fori to aettle the strike by ar bitration wer abandoned today. Munineaa men of llrooke count. who were foremost In the movement, expressed the opinion that nothing could be don st this tlm. MONROE'S LIFE RAFTS UNAVAILABLE, SAYS OFFICER OF SHIP IP Trf Wlr in KTeing Hers Id I I'hiiadelphla, Feb. H Uuy H. Horsley. first olfk'er of the slesmshlP Monroe, wss examined today by the Culled metes local luspectora of steam vessels In hs trial of Csplsin (lemyn Herry, commander of th stesinshlp Nsntucket, rhatged with negllgene In th collision of th two ships. Ilnrslvy, a young man. waa nervous whll testifying. He was not on watch when the accident occurred at I S" a. m.. January I, having left the pilot hous at II p. m. H wag el hausllvely questioned regarding th speed of th Monro. His testimony did not differ materially from that of Captain K. K. Johnson as to the Inci dents of th trip up to II o'clock. Horsley said five tif rafts on th forward part of th Monro wer lushed down and covered. II ad mitted I be re was no msrk to show pastrngers that Ufa rafla wer under covr. ' CONDITIONS COPPER OPERATQnS SHY OFF AT RED FLAG, AVERS Miners' Organization Declared to Be Socialistic in Aims and Tendencies and Mem bership. MERELY EXCUSE, SAYS LAWYER FOR MINERJ Congressman Thinks Probers Should Know If Witnesses Belong to Anti-Government Political Sect. ( petal ntapatek im Keealaa Heraldl Hancock, Mich.. Feb. 14 "We can. n t recognise the Western Federation of Miners because It Is aortollstlc In Its aims and tendencies and because It Is made up In this dlatrk-t largely of socialist. ' d'-clured A. F. Itees of counsel for the mining companies nt lb congressional strike investigation this morning. The stsleineni was mude In explan ation of a question asked of a witness to which A. W. Kerr of counsel for the copper mine strikers, objected on th ground that It was part of an ef fort to show that the strike was "fos tered and fathered by red socialism." It was the same question asked of an ether wttnesa yesterday, arousing sim ilar objections. "Are you a member of the Finnish socialist society?" John Juuhhannn, th witness, wss told that he need not answer the ques tion vnless he desired. The witness replisdt however, thst he rlld not be long to the society. II" thought Us nam w.ia Jestisi. II' did not know Its membership. Mr. Kerr objected vigorously to the line of cioes examination. "At the inception of the strike." he said, "the mining companies muiie no claim that It was being conducted by red socialism.' They set up that cry a few weeks ago w hen every other re source bad been eshauated." "Is (here anything degrading In a man admitting that he la a social ist ,M asked Congressman ttwltser. "No," repllei Mr. Kerr, "but these questions are being asked simply to ciin fuse th Issue." Mr. Bwltier expressed th opinion that If wltneiiae Introduced belonged to orgsntxuttona which had for their ot-Ject the overthrow of th govern ment of the Tnlted Hi ales, th ei -it. niitte ought to know It. Chairman Taylor agreed with him, but doubted whether a witness could be forced to answer questions along this lin without Infringing on his r.ghis under our form of government. EMI'LOYfKN iiuu.i:i tviTn DI.ATII OF KTUIKI'llH Houghton, Mich.. Feb. 14. Kinil fltrnng und James Jensen, employes of the Huperior mine near Hough ton, were arrested today on charge of murder. Frank l.letella, a strik er died yesterday In a Hancock hos pital aa a result of wounds nltcgeq to have been Inflicted February 1, by th pair in a fight In which Lleiella wsa charged with being th aggres sor. Lleiella waa an active striker and It Is said wo trying to Indue Strang Sdn Jensen to Join the strike EFFORTS MADE TO PRESS HEARING ON EXCLUSION MEASURES By Leased Wire to Keening Herald.) Washington, Feb. 14. Kftorts are being made to press hearings on Asl alio exclusion before the senate im migration committee. The committee will meet Monday and may then con aider the subject. In view of the with of the admlni tratloa that Aslalln exclusion legislu lion should not bo ugltated In con green, pending diplomatic negotiations with Japan, ii was inousnt iniro- able by several senators thut the sub ject would be reopened In the senate They argued that the house had dis posed of the quest 'on hy eliminating It from the Immigration bill. The question will be dlscuxsed a (in In befor the house committee Thurs day, when It waa announced by llep rrsnlutiv ltaker of California that Coininlwloiier Camlnetli w .ll reappear to testify on exiiuHlon again. G OVERNMENT ARMOR PLANT DISCUSSED (It Lae4 Wire to telling Meeaid.l Washington, Feb. 14. A commis sion to Investigate th deslrsliillty of a government ormor plant with ltw to action at the nexl session of .congress la being considered hy ths I house naval committee. A board of I naval officers would Investigate the I plants and prices of private munu ..usurers and report with Iceum, I niendullotis. I MILH-M I (I U T EEL FREEZIflG CUE Northeastern Part of Country Attacked by Biggest Storm of Year, Reaching Blizzard Proportions. LITTLE RELIEF FROM INTENSE COLD (Ity le U'lrw In LvriiUig Herald. 1 New London, Conn., Feb. 14. 4 r-Nlne persona, five men and four Women, lire believed to 4 have lost their I'ves In today's l.lliinnl through I be founder- lug of a string of four coai barges In lmg ldmid sound off this city. Hope that the Onrges might have survived ike ll- 4 4) mile gule was nbenaoned this 4) afternoon when the tug Rulva- 4 4 tlon returned from a vain 4 4 search. Captain Oeorge Towns 4 4 and wife of the barge Freder- 4 4) l k Wtllenbrock, kre believed to 4 4 he among the lost. 4 Washington, Feb. 14 The north- eaMern part of the country today was In the grip of the flust big stunn of the year, which rem bed bllxxard proportions in sum places. Itallroud Irufllc was delayed Slid rtreet railway service in several cities was much ham pered. Off the southern New England coast a mi'. a minute gal was blow lis. greutly endangering shipping. Hev- eral vessel were reported in distress along the const from Cap Henry, Vs., northward. Th Intense cold in New England and the middle Atlantic atates moderate- somewhat with th coming of snow but to the southward wher snow had ceased fulling, lower tem peratures were preoli tid. Th storm developed Friday after npnn off the ucorfcii rot and has moved rapidly neitbwatd It was cen trsl early today with much Intensity off the south New Knglond coast. Know has fallen In Ihe Ohio valley the lower lak.s region, the middle and south Atlantic states and In southern New Knalund. It will con tinue tonight in New England and th lower lukea region but elsewhere weather bureau ex per la any. the weather will be fair. Warning to shipping that the storm will be severe was ordered all along th Atlantic coast from Kastport, Maine, to Cape H.i Herns. N. C. TVO-IXMT tiMlttPIUITK IX XI AV Ytr.lK TTV New York, Feb 14. Seven Inches of snow had fallen in New York this morning und It was drifted In places to more than lw feet. All train, particularly those from the west, were from one to three hours lute. Hubert McKInn, of Ituyonne, N. J., died of exposure while standing on Ihe plul- form of the Central Itnllroad of New Jersey. The body of an unidentified man waa round in a hullway In Third avenue, where he had sought shelter. Death waa due to expoeure. KNOW HKM HKs KKJHTFJCX IXrilF IX I'KNXMYI.V AXI Philadelphia. Feb. 14. The first big snow storm to sweep ncrosa Ihla section of the country this winter left a fal of seven In. h.-s In Fhiludc Iphiii and a much aa eighteen inches In imrta of l'enne hania. rlleet and rain followed the snow. wixi im;iTi us iw MII.KH AX HOt It X 4lWr Huston. Feb. 14 There was bllx xard weather along Ihe New FnKlaml coast today. At Hlock island the wind registered til miles an hour At Nunturk.'t the velocity waa 44 mllea. Inlund the atorm was milder. llc-v. T1nron Itrovi n I cad. Vewion. M.IHS.. Feb. 14. flev. Theron Hrow n. aaaocliit editor of the Youths Cointmnlon since 1470. died her toda aged SS. He WHS a graduute of Vale. $8, Limit for the Graduation Gown t Dj I .cased Wire fo Evening Herald. 1 Denvr. Feb. 14. Girl mem- hers of the senior class of the 4 North Denver high school In ex- 4 e utive seseion went on record for simplicity In dress for the graduation exercises next June, 4 according lo an announcement muds today. 4 riome lime ago the Mother' cougreaa lunmhed a cnmpulgn 4 for dress ref'.rni and the action of the girl seniors waa taken fol- 4 lowing an addres by Mrs. Anna 4 (). Noble. The program decided 4 upon. It is said, provides: 4 Limit cost of graduation dress- 4) 4 es lo I. Cotton rather than silk stock- Ings. Fans, flowers and elaborate 4 ornaments tabooed. 4 4 Hi reel cats rather than taxi- cabs will be used. CIST IMPARGIAL Mexican Daily Points With Sneer to Immediate Recog nition of New Peruvian Gov ernment. EVIL PASSIONS RULE YANKEES, ALLEGED "Iniquitous Mexican Policy" Declared to Have Resulted in Failure of 150 American Banks. lily leased wire to F.rcning Oerald.l .Mexico tity. Feb. 14. In spit ol Ihe protest made by Ni '.mm o'shinmli nessy, American chnriic d'nffulres, and of Ihe lust ructions of the Mcx Icun foreign olllce, to desist from ul tucka on I'resident Wilson, Kl .m partial toduy bore a three-column, llrst iage headline: "The Word of Wilson l-acke Honor as Does He Himself." The nrtlclo which follows com ments on the recognition by Ihe I'nit ed Xtntes of the new I'cruvlun govern ment within four days alter th,. suc cess of the revolt. "This was done," the newspaper soys, "In tbe fun- of the deiiarutioii liom the White House on March II, IV 1.1, I hut the purpose of the I'nited Htaies Is to deny SMnptithy to all rev olutionary governments. Yankee pro cesses work only along the line t ev il passions." With similar prominence K Intpur cinl iitihllshea an accuunt of the al leged failure or 150 banks In th southern I'nited States because of I'resident Wilson's "Iniquitous Mexi can policy." An effort Is made by the newspaper to show that President Wilson's policy a disapproved by the great majority or people in the I'nited Mtatea and by practically all those In the southern stales. AMKIIIC.W CITIZEN KIDXAI'F.D OX UK) tillANDL' Ijiredo, Tex., Feb. 14. tlemenle V. Orgaru, an Amerban cttlxen, was kid napped from an lalund In the Itlu llrande near I'aluf" yesterday and taken to the Mexican side by a band supposed to be Mexican federals Consul liarrett at Nevo Laredo wus notified and has made a demand lor Orgara rcleaec. According to re porfa to t'onsul Oairett, Orgura hud been using the islund as pustur lor horses which he eompluined the Mex icans hud been stealing. HFItlllTI D III KItTX AITIIltl7.F.h g KMI.04HI.04HI FI AT K)M:V Mexico tity, Feb. 14. An uncin Armed report was current In bunking tirclea here today thut l'rowxlunul 'resident lluertu hud signed a de cree authorising the Issue of Iton.- IIUU.IMiu pcaos of flat iiioney or II redeeinuble pnper money made legal tender hy law. Foreign exchange toduy touched 1 for I. Ihe ln Ii eel point yet rem bed DITCH WtllMllll TO WATCH M K. I C A X Dl : V KM I l I :X Th The Hague. Feb. H The Dutch warship Korteiiuer s.iilv.1 toduy for the West Indies to watch develop menla in Mexico. She will proceed to Mexican walera to protect Dutch nub Jecta In Mexico If neceasurv. ENTIRE EAST GETTING EARTHQUAKE HABIT; OCCURS EVERY DAY fits lard Wire to Evening Herald. yuebec, I i l. 14. An euliliqiiuUu shock waa felt over the city and dis irlcl of Quebec, at 1.40 u. in. toduy. The shock waa violent eiiouuh to awaken hundreds of fitlsens. Mesa ages from l.evlN. lisle HI. I'aul and l.'lnlet recorded the same dlHIur- luilice. i-:ahtiii'. r.t iii.y MX. i: I.AKT TIiniMAV New York. Feb. It The seismo graph at Ihe American Museum of Natural history here recorded a very f.ilnl earth tremor at about f. t'l o'clock this mornliiK. Them- ire mora have occurred dully. It Is said since Ihe earthquake of lust Thur day. STRONG MEASURES TO PUT DOWN JAP RIOTS By lesacd Wire lo I veiling Hers Id. 1 Toklo. Feb. 14 The J.ipuneee government toduy look extensive meustirea for the nialnienam of or der in the capitul an. I for the sup. presalon of diMiurbuncew In connec tlon with the demonstration of pro lest against the Increuae of tu nation A line or poine armed with sulx-rs was drawn up around th luirliument buildinaa and several opposition news paper editors were arrested on tbe bulge or Incitlnf Ihe Kpulae to ri.H. In th house of peers an Interpella tion wus addressed lo th government in connection with Ihe natil scandal In the course of the delist Huron Kniiiiro Den censured Armlral Huron Mlneru Kilto. inlnlHier of murine, for not liivesitguiiiig the affair earlier. Perfect Human Not to Be Bred by Eugenics J BSWBK Nature's Laws Immutable Says Head of Department of Anatomy in Stanford Uni versity. (By lat Wire) lo Evening nerald.1 San Francisco. Feb 14 Dr. A. W. Mayer, hend or the de part ment of anatomy In the Mtutiford medi.'nl at hool of Stan- ford university, is on record to- 4 4 day ss savins thai euxenlcs 4 would never muke a perfect man 4 4 or a perfect woman. "Viitnres laws In the mating 4 of nuin and woman were Immu- 4 4 table." he sold, "unu hi ceiling 4 ini'lhods cannot be applied to Ihe 4 hiitTiiin rare." 4 Neither sex. he said In an ad- 4 dreVa, Is Inferior or superior lo 4 Ihe other Each occupies a dls- 4 Unci siihere and the professor 4 pointed out hy pictures Ihe dlf- 4 ferences In their onntomy. 'I a in In sympathy with the 4 eugenics movement." he said. 4 "bin It can never b brought to 4 4 Ihe point II foremost advocates 4 would have us believe. The mere selection of perfect types will not 4 4 nwessjirily breed perfect types, 4 nor iiccompllsh any good for the 4 bumiin race." W ADVtlfim IMIVKH'1. F.V MIX TION LAW rinvee fvh. 14. A state law re quiring physical examination before ,.1.1 rrii, u iviih MtviMil led bv Dr. Har ris Hall, president of the lllfr school of theology, In an address oeiore me Mothers' conaress yesterday. Dr. Hall expressed the opinion that plenty of fresh nlr, light, play, education a no wholesome environment would do more for Ihe child In the next gener ation than all the laws of eugenic could do In five generations. RESERVE FLY I II G FOR U Volunteer Regiment of Avia tors For Use in Time of War Launched by Commander-in-Chief. Tty 1eard Wire lo Evening- nernld. V..iv York. Feb. 14. A volunteer regiment of avlutora who are willing lo lorm themselves Into first re serve riylng corps, in cuse of any In ternational trouble. waa latiucnea vnii.riLiv bv Mortimer Delano when Km imii...I ffenernl order No. 1. a comtnanderVIn- htef or the Flrat reg-1,,,-ni uviiiilun viiliiiiteers. The aen- ertil order sketched the work to be done In assembling an aviation regi ment lo i n. Minies of Xew York. Neva Jersey, rennsyivuiiiu, iinio, siassa- I'huselts and oiinecttcut. .Mr. Delano explained that the iiiiriiosc of Ihe movement wus to nuke ii s soon as iiractieal an aero nautic map of northern I'nited Htutea und ihen seek congressional aid in .quipping the regiment with aero plane under Ihe general militia net. pleadTnot guilty OF assault to kill B0NFILS OF POST ( Ht la-need Vr to r.ventog rte.-aJd.l la-nver, Feb. 14. T. J oiioiineii c burned with usauult with Intent to kill F. 41. I Ion II Is. one of the owner of the Denver Host, pleaded not guilty when arraigned in the criminal court today. Ilia tnul was set fur February 14. O'lNillliell, it Was churged. us nutted HonlllN with a revolwr lusl .Monday on the steps of t lie county court house, ss the result of bitter ness over a isilltlcal controversy. Aiinouni emeiit Wus made toduy that the Denver count) grand Jury would be called together today lo invest! gate i hinges Ibul inonev ha been used linproiieiiy lb the wuter cumpulgn which ends next Tuesday when voters will puss upon two propositions In volving the water supply of Denver, BRITONS PEEVED AT IMP0RTINO AMERICAN RAILROAD MANAGER (Ity I .rased Wti to livening llerwl.l 1 I... ml. .ii, r cb. ii. Henry . Thornton, the Auiellcun who has IonI been selected for general mana ger or ihe Ureal Kuslern railway i f EhkIhikI lett lor New York today to conclude his itf'ulr. "The aniiovunce and surprise pressed by the HrltUh press at my appointment are perhaps natural, be said "Him I think ur unjus'-i fled. I'ersonully I feel that the Fug lish rMllroad munugcra are capablo men." I'immIssII Captain lleelg-n. Iowa 1'iiy. Iowa, Feb. 14. Leo Dick, captain-elect of the Iowa tool- hull team, resigned today. Dick an li. .lined that he had decided lo com piete his school Work and graduate CORPS lira next June, ( SHEET HUGE SOUGHT DO GORE Evidence Introduced in Dam age Suit Against Blind Sen ator to Prove Motive Is to "Get Even." MINISTERS TURNED DOWN MRS. BOND Plaintiff Said to nave Been Unsuccessful in Effort to Get Alleged Assault Before U. S. Senate. (Ity IeasceJ Wire to Kvetvlmj Herald.) tiklahoina t'Hy, Feb. 14 Instead of calling Senator tlore tu Ihe witnesa stand when court opened (or th third day's session of the trial of the SJH, 000 damage suit brought against th senator Mrs. Mrs. Minnie bond, coun sel for the defense, decided at the last moment lo call other witnesses In the iffi.rt to lay grounds for Ihe Impeach ment of several of those who testified lor the pluintlrT. Th j first witnesa waa W. F. Flslier, an Oklahoma lily ttorney. . Fisher test I lied that h had loaned T. E. Robertson, the lawyer, who waa present and witnessed th alleged at tack on Mr. Bond, S24S, and whan Kobcrtaon ram back from Washing ton after the alleged tlore Incident, he demanded that it be repaid, ob jection by counsel for Mrs. Hond caused Fisher to be excused at this point until Hoberlson could be recall ed and foundation laid on which to bus hi xumlnuiion. Deputy biierlff Usell testified about a conversation h bad With Robert son the day before th suit was filed against Our. II suld Robertson told him: "I have a paper 1 want lo serve tomorrow." Ksell asked about It and' he aald Robertson replied: "Never mind how. You'll know what It aa about when you see th headline In tkfc newspa pers tomorrow. I want you to serv the papers on a man who ha done in dirt. . It will b sweet revn4) for m." The next day suit against Senator Oore wne llled. The Itev. R. D. IJckllder, pastor of th Ollvot HupUst church, testified that Mrs. Hond and her husband and Jumes H. Jacob tried to Indue Ih Ministerial Alliance of this city to make an effort to get th ens of Hen. ator flora before the L'nlled Slates s-nute. The witness aald Mrs. Rnnd, accom panied by her husband and Jacob. attended a meeting of Ih minister shortly after the episode In Washing ton and that Mr. Hond told th de tails or th alleged attack. Th al liance, he said, after hearing th statements, voted to hnv nothing to do with th esse. Th Hev. Mr. Lack. Ilder says Mr. Hond wa a member of hla church but that she had not attended It during the past two year. Attorney Kobeitson denied the si leged conversation with Fisher but sdmltted he had gone with Mrs. Hond and J-mea R. Jacobs before Ihe Min isterial Aillunc. Flslier wss recalled and testified In hearing Robertson suy: "Wv Wave a frsmsiip against flora and unless he come across with tmi) he will hav to get out of Ih nice." r. W. (Jould of Oklahoma riiy te. lifted Dr. F.urp had told him "that tlore was an old blind fool and would have lo get out of the senate." Henaior (lore appeared more cheer ful today than at any tlm since the trial begun. Dr. J. Q. Newell, marshal for Ihe western district of Oklahoma, who wa in Washington at th time of the alleged occurreuc, test llled that he met Mr. Hond In th parlor of her hotel and in reply to a question how she felt, she said: "Not very well, but I hav some strings to pull on (lor yet." Newell said he met Dr. Karp List summer in Oklahoma City slid Karp showed him sn Indiana paper containing what purported lo be long confeasion from Senator Oore. F.utp, Newell teslilled, was quoted throughout the slleged confession. In this confestion, Oore was quoted saying: "They luld a trap for me and I fell Into It. I tried to ton Mr. Hond a little, but she fought Ilk a hyena." Karp on the stsgd testified thst Senator tlore mad this statement In him. Newell i.ld when he showed him the paper, Esrp remarked: "Kvery word of thst la a lie There t not a word of It tru." PRESIDENT VILSON UP AND ABOUT; COLD SLIGHTLY BETTER f Hy liFaissd) Wire Pn r.vntiiT Herald. 1 4 Washington, Feb. 14 Fresl- 4 dent Wilson was up and about 4 4 today and while his physlclrn did not permit him lo leave hi V bed room his told was pro- 4 4 nnunc-d better and responding 4 In treatment. Heeretsry Tumulty aald th president Would not at- tend ih ortdiron rlub dinner to. o) 4 mailt