W 1-1 1 P TtniAY'M XKWB TOIMY Yon 11 In t 1ICIIM. Ilfty cU non i h or IS rrnlj week dHlverrd I your diMtri flfly cents bjr mall. Shine 320 Day a Year that's Albuquerque. p- - lMHTl"tflVUXriJ"U'- rmnrx k-citizex. Vol. M. No. . ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1G. 1914. EVKMNO nKIlAUX vol.. . sMi. ii put yp 5 I! S11D Victim of Frame Up Inspireu by Political Enmity, Testi mony of Oklahoma Senator in Damage Suit Trial. MR3. BOND HELD HIS HAND, HE DECLARES Fell Over on Bed and Squalieu at Psychological Moment; Never Touched Woman, He Alleges. fj l.raard WIrej to Keenln Herald. 2 Oklahoma City, "kin., Feb. I. Pnllllcul opposition today wu lu'lil re sponsible Ity Thnmus l. time. I'nilcd Slut en senator from Oklahoma, for the damage mill II lid against him I V Mm. Minnie K. Ilond. who allege that the sen tor attacked her In H Washington hold. Hcnulnr Onre testified in hie o n behalf IimIhv. Hi- dcn'.'d making un attack on Vnc, ilond find wild he be lieved I h churg, to have made to Injure him In hli ciimpit.gn for re nomination nil the Hemocru'lc cnndl ilute for I hi' scuatr. sVnatnr iJnre was nkct! about hi n ! I nl a im e with Mr, liond. the plaintiff, mid replied I hut In- remem bered meeting her ut h reception here a ml I lint hi-r husband's cundiducy for internal revenue cnllectur was men tioned at I he lime. Ilr Mild he Jitid not given her any Mifniirmrnu'til iiliout her husband candidacy, Itcgnrding the ullcgcd iihmiiiIi In Washington, the senator, In reply to iliiesllotis, told ol meeting Mra. Ilond at her hotel r.ft-r she hHd telephoned him making the appointment. He mild he never knew Ihul James H Jacobs, T. F. ltnbrton mid other ere mi the hotel at the time. "I h il never lieen In there before," he anld, "Mid when I reached the dour Mra. Ilond approached me in the lob by, t anpliuited we were to go to the hotel parlor hut ahe took me to an other room." Vhore did you sit?" Senator Oore WUS HHki ll. "I wit in a rocking rhair," replied he. "We In Iked uhuiit the appointment of hi r liiiNtiimd. I told her ugam there was n i hiiln e for him. e'lie Heeined to feel ill. it he hud IohI. "I ii roue. remarking thiil I mut iio and Mrs. Ilond took hold of in hand, file was remarking that I a koiiik to hiive u hard lure. At tll.it moment the trlcplusgc rutin nml she iihswcrcd it. Tin Ii rhi- mine buck uhd mil oil the bed. We t.i I kil i.nly a few minute I aruae ullil nhe took hold of m hand then fell on the lied. ! tked. 'Vh.ii Iota thia mean 7' Jut thin lloiieti on raine Into the room unil told !ur to atop lout hipiuonig ' "Hid ou ut auy time touch Mr- liond'" he was asked. "1 did not." the Kenator replied Hctiulor tiore (aid he told Uubett- kon he wanted to see Mm. liond again "I akvd her If the Imd mi, Hung lu aa m.ioiii the Incident. 'I nant to anou vhul Hi In tneHiii.' I auld. rh replied nhe did not wiint her iiiinliund tu know about It. Itobeilaon ulo ulit he hud nothing lu any about II Tlif senator dunled lliul ai ali, llin hi i lathing mi UiurrnniU while In Ihu room. II jM he taUed ltli I t J. II. K.irp of ukluhoina t'n li next dity comcrnlnj the InLldent. J "1 told hlin that If anonc aald that I did anything iniroKir it Ha 'mi In lamoiiH lie.' " .m' ii .il or Uore denied tliut he told lr. Dutp tu try lu gel Mm. Uutid uul uf tha vil). Senator (lure denied Ihul lie knew Ito.iertnon, Jaeuba und Kirly Kltxpai rir were In tha next room while ha m talking altu Mr. Iluud. Urpl)lng to queatlon. the aenutor lold uf In acquaintance with Kit puti b a and Uoberlon. He cald Kit piilrlrk wanted lo l nppoinlud alal. unt attorney general for the Interior department; that llobertaon m aeealng the aelrcilon of II. U Hugera fur Ilia poet uf aerreUry the lull r lor, and that Jaroba aanted aonie body appointed marahal for the rual rill dlMtritt of Oklahoiim. In reply lo a (titration aa lu when ha Drat told anybody (nut Mr. Ilond had pulled hi in uvrr on the bed with Iter, Senator Hum aald; "lru.iaiy th flral time I liilked bout 11." The senator then detailed the ef fort uf the polllli Inn In the ullegeil ionplraey aaalnkt him tu gel ap pointment. Ha did not remember hating talked with a man of Ilia nam of (Iravea Ieper ahum the appoint ment uf Julian Ilond, Mm. Hond a h un hand, but waa earlnln ha never gava any eniourHgetiienl. He aald he night have lold tr. J. II. Karp ha would recommend Ilond for clerkship "When Mra. Ilond polled oii over on the bed, did U inaae any out tryT" ha waa asked. "Sit," the senator replied. "You knew It waa a eonsplracy?" "I did. at leaM I lhoug.lt then It aa a conspiracy" "When did you firt think II was conspiracy 7" "When Mra. Ilond grabbed my hands, fell buck on the bed and began In scream." aald tha senator. "J ild you ever Ul lomulalnl against any of there imrliea? Answer yes or no.'' "I cannot answer ei or no. I made complaint that it was blackmail, answered the senator. "IHdn't you. when the summon was served, say you wanted lu moke a eah settlement "Mid any one for you try to make such u settlement" "Not'lanl I know of.", said Mr. (lore. ftevertlng In the meet in with Mrs. Ilond In Washington, Heniilor (lore explained that he went lo the hotel tu meet Mra. Ilond after aha had tel ephoned, slating that she waa to leave Washington nl S:43 that night and for him lu atop nd sea her on hi way home. He said he asked her to tome to hla ol'b-e hut she complnlned about having to wait an long here and aald she was busy parking In leave for Oklahoma. He went tn the hotel, he aald. with llawurd Keyes, a guide, ami when lie entered the lobby Mr. Hontl enme up and Inn hold of him, saying: "I II lake care of him." Ha said she ex plained that the parlor wns tilled with school children and they would go lo another room. It waa not until after Mra. Ilond answered the telephone that hf look hold or his hands, and sank down on the bed, Kenator Uore testified. "You didn't know anybody else was around ?" t'ertalnly nol." replied the wit ness. The senator said he alwava lold those who came to see him for a com promise that It was an Infi.moiis He snd that he would see them In before he would compromise. He said he look no part In the Investi gation by the department of juNtlce and denied that he hud been called its a witness before the senate or that he had taUeil to the vice prcsld'-nt about It. t'ourt receed shortly after noon. The direct examination of the si n- ale WUS completed Shortly uemr- noon and cross examination taken up at once. Mr. Here la expected lo remain on the stnnd the greater pari of the day. Playful Ladies Fire Cannon Militant Suffragettes Ram Crimean Relic Full of Pow der and Wake Up Village. lit I aa Wtre t "Stentog; riereirt I Itlarkburn. Knglund. 1'fb in. Mil itant suffragette early today fired huge cannon captured from the lius slans In one of the I ail lies of the t'rl imun war Tor sixty yeur It had stood stllent a an ornament In the city park. The whole i Ity vva shak en by Ihi' explosion and people flock ed Into the streets In the darkne. fearing that u mine disaster hud or i urred In the neighborhood. It u not until daylight thai the cause of the explosion was illscov. ered Then It m found that the sul f randies had carefully denned from the bore of the gun over hulf a century's Hccumulni ion of gravel and stone before rummlng home a heavy i hurge of gunpowder. In the vicinity clinched lo a tree floated lonu strip of cnlieo In- scill.eil, "Wake tin. lUiu klnirn The Labor party which claim to stand for Jnsilce and freedom support i government that torture women tin der the Infamous 'cat and mouac' act " The Idea of the militant whs rouse the cotton worker of vhe ilty to support their propaganda.. ii:t i.mii: i-HVi.i.iM wan lltl t.t.lJI WHI N Mil. KAMI IT London. Feb. 16. The striking statement that Miss Phyllis Brail., the militant suffragette, aualllnu trial for ursou mi "drugged" when the bishop of Ixindoii interviewed her In Hollow Jull on rehruary , was made by Mra. lacie-Kox at to day's weekly meeting of the Wom en's HikIiiI and Political union. Tha bishop after hi InterviHw, suid M sf Itrudy told him she haled forcible Itedlng but that ll did not mitke her aivk. htte thought, however. It &ava her lllillgi atloU. Miss Itrady. who has illice been reln.sed on bail, avers Ihul her prl vat doctor ha expressed the pin ion that she was given large ilm'.'l of bromide. "This grave atunO.il will be brought lo the attention of the parliament." ie lured Mrs. Ca ere Kox MlMjki'r Clark m. Washington, Feb. If --Hpcaker Clark waa confined lo hi home to day with u cold und llcpreschtutlve r'itxgerald uf New York ucled a speskrr. Has Nebraska Solon Any Intention? 'Bf laaafl Wtrw Fentn fVerali ' WsKlilngtou. I'eb. Ii llepre- 4 eclila'ilve Mosrs P. Kllicuid of Nelirasku. whs hissed In the house today when he called up hi bill to provide that the marriage of a homesreiid entry- man to a homestead entryvvo- man shall not Impair Ihe right of either to a patent. The bill was passed but nol until after Mr. Klncald had run the gaunt- lei of charting from his col- lesgnea who Insisted on know- Ing whether he had msllituoiial Intentions. He Is a braee'iir. SS4.flDD.0DD IS BRITISH SUBJECT WHITMAN iippnnpm III 110 HAS DRIVES 111 I III II Mill I I II ii iiwi huh swtsf FOR AW Nearly Quarter Million Dollar Set Aside for Airships by Provisions of Measure Re ported Today. DEMOCRATS HOPE TO ADJOURN JUNE 1ST Illy Leaned Wire (o F.rettuisr ftcea.hl.1 Warhlngton, Keb. IS. The army ll IOir ill tli ill bill, ilKgregatlllK 191. DiiO.tiiiO, us reported lodny, la t(). 7 3 3. '.h .'j under the estiinuies and I27.UUU below the current army ap propriation. The algnul eive geta I'.Dd.tioo. lutitiding a muximuin of I.U'O.UUO for airship The bill, which will be luken ui np- Immediately after the Indian bill propriate f;r0.vno for mnuumctiir of small urins nml mai hine gun um uiiinu Ion. for pmetl.e at educational IiihI II ut Ions: 1 1 . 1 r.O.non for inaiiiifac- turlng rex-rve iiiniiiunitlon and flebl artillery material fnr the militia; 1 10 OK I (tr. for triinsporlutbin of the ii no v n nil It supplies. :,IJ397 for barrack and uiiartcr generally: t'.OO.nnO for horse und the usual large iiniiiuniM for ubsllence. II lllso provide that hereafter of ficers or enlisted men absent Ironi duly because of drunkenness or oth er misconduct, shall lo? receive puy for the lime of absence. DI.MtM It Tlf l.r.Alil ItH 1IK T Ai.irii Jt vi: mtvr WnshlnsTlnn. I'eb. TU June IS Is the flute iM'tnocrat leader hope to ndlourn ongresr. President Wilson believes the senate and house may work at the mime tlipe on the trus' bllla He tolit callers toduv that buslnes , men have diMcniintcd the i r Inlere! In the new legislation and thai In many eases II was very help ful Interest That Interest, however l nt so active as he lliul expected and he attributes this lo the fact that liiislnes men have dlscotincd the character of legislation and thai the measure. In a gener.il way meet their spnrnval The president Incidentally r'niark et todnv thai iiiativ ohlectmn to the pol.lliliv fnntures of the trade mm n'lon bill were bused on a im coneenilon of what the bureau of roroor.it Inns iilreiuh cotibl do liv present statutes TVIMII.IttTtllV I'll , TO nt: itrroiin'.ii iv ti: ivs Washington. 1-Vh. id. The Hur nett Immigration bill, us It passed the house, with the literacy test, will be reported by the senate committee within ten data That the llier.oy test would not be disturbed was in serted by f'halrman Hmlih niter a meeting today. The provision for American inspection officers on Im migrant ship abroad however, may be eliminated It Ml generally Supposed I'resl dent Wilson vui opposed lo the tei. Iihwkkih i:mmhisi:n wiixiv TltriT I'ltiH.HWI Washington, IVb l - Kndorstng Ihe purposes of the uilmlnlii ration trust legislation program. I.ouia l. Pranilel of Huston, before the house Judiciary committee today praised President Wilson for specifically sumeslJng that the final decree or ludement In trust encs shnll accrue lo the benefit ,,f all Injured by Hie nets Involved JOIVT IH-AIHVt.N o ltllll. IIKKIT I J .(.lsl. 1'( Waeliingion. I'eb. I Joint .oe- gtetwional heurlngs on rural credit legislation recommended ,y Presi dent Wilson began todnv with Pen al or l-'lelctier speaking In favor of his bill, drafted u the result of In vestigations of an American com mission in Kurope lie said he db not believe government aid for farm er' hank necessary. HAUGHTY AVIATORS OF FRANCE READY TO SHOOT EACH OTHER (Be leased Wire I" T-redone Her id I Pari. I'eb. 1 -Arrungemenl have not yet been completed for the duel between Jules Vcdrincs, the ivi alor and P. cue (juihtnn. president of the French Aerial leugue. but both side have iippulnled their Second who will ni'it this ufternoon with the oblect of fixing an Immediate en counter tinlesa an spologv ts mean time offered by one side or the other. The reuresentiil Iv - of Rene (join ton are Paul Pulnleve. a depn'r ens mcmlier of the Institute and llernar.l tlravler a well known Parisian. While Vedrlnes' second are Henrv Is Joiiv eiialn. chief editor of the Matin, and t'onntv Henri de Ta Vaii tax a French 'aeronaut. The iiuarrel arose out of Vedrlneg' refusal to f 1 1 ll I a rival aviator. Hen rv lloux who a well a Vedrlnes had flown from Paris lo Cairo, and who challenged Vedrlnes after he had been hit In Ihe la-e by Ihe bitter HEAD SPLIT BY AXE Diamonds and Cash Worth $10,000 Stolen Previous to Murder of Rich Man Well Known in Gold Camp3. CARRANZA O0INO TO CHIHUAHUA II leased Wire, lo l.wning Herald. J Kl t'eniro. I'ul. l-'eb. I. -I'liarlc Hale, u IHIIImIi subject, and Well known in Ihe gold enmp of Alaska and Nevada, wag found ni'irilered to day In his saloon at .Mexii all. Lower I'allfnrniH . Hiamonds und cush a mount lug lo tlO.uiiu were stolen. Gale's head hud been split with an axe as he lay in bed. Hale went lo Mexhali. opposite Calexlio. Ill-lore Ihe llrst M.ulero rev oltilloli. It whs said he was worth half ii million dollar, but his fortune was heavily druwn on by all faction In the Mexican revolution and hud been considerably depleted t.l M ltl. CUIII V. M ltls ON ill IP TO CUf III I All! l lillian, Hlnalou. Mexico Feb. I. Cenerul VeniiNtiutio t'arr.inxa. com lloiniler ln- hlef of the coiistlt utlon alius, left today to make bis Ion deferred visit tn t'hlhiiah'.ia. He plan to do direct to Nogales. on the American border, und then to travel overland on the Mexican s de of the international line In t'limis tirandes, I'lilhtinhua, whence he would go by rail ellhe rl.) I'hihiiahua Cn or Jim -rer. Ill final dentlniitlon. It was an nounced, depend upon plans for Hie projected aggressive campaign to ward the south, which Is expected to begin with tin assault by Cenerul Villa forces upon Torrenn. tleuerul t'arrunxn was a mpanled by more thnn l.nuil men. including his personal staff, a bull, lion of in fantry and a regiment of cuvulry. COl I.TFII rx i.i-: HM HFItHIF l.Ml. MMtlM.s Washington. Feb. I B, i Irent Hill ain consulted the I'nlted ! states be for., lanillna a guar dof murines for her legation in Mexico t'ltv und that I si ep is not regarded as contrary to any principles helil liv the I uiieii Kiati's In th present situation. At th,. White House today It was said Pnsidcnl Wilson saw no reason for a Mimllur guard for the Amerlcun cmhuHsv and expected nothing to nltvr that view. I.FAIH it or cximii ic I'MtTV ! llltlTI'.l Vera Crux. Feb I -Fernuiulino lulcsia Calderon. one of Ihe b-inbrs of the Calbolie parlv in Mexico, ar rived here last night in disguise from the federul capital He wns arrested this morning on hour. I the Spanish steamer Iteina Maria Christ Inn. on which he was pndeav 01 tug In escape to Havana W.I.M.I l Sl'V Wlr.I. IIWI. I AT CllWt I. Mexico City. Fci I . Knatm i Angell. a liephew ot tienerul Felipe Aimclis, one of the general who prominent in the overthrow if Ihe lute President Madero and who Is now with Vcnustlano Carransu, vaa arrested here today charged wiih riiriiishliiK inforioiit ion ot the move : mcnl of tha federal troops to !e rebelB. It w ll later teported lllla , lie had I II executed but this ' iloi I confirmed The evidence r his i guilt 1 said lo have been found in I paper In his possissloii when he v. is , arrested. i ip. I to ititini in i t TO t.lVK l l ihlll Mexico "It v. Feb. !. rreslibm lliurta Is said lo have paid certified draft on Ij'iulon ami Paris amount ing to 1 nun lino pe( to Ihe Mitsui Kuitxan company of IVlIn for nrniu nieiit lurnlshcd In tin federul gov ernment. II was reported Hi I H prominent Amerlcun is now hen- trying tu ar range fur the icsigniiioii of lTiurta on behalf of u group of financiers In the I'ulteil States and ill considera tion of the puviiicnl of a am tint ii lit In I inn of money. NOTICE TO A Vl'l.k. .1.1.. 1... M.l .- .ou inm irvin- oi i ne r.iemiix ficraiu. tills newspaper i W into the conltid of i.eorge H. Valliaul. lit-oige :t. Vnlliuni and f Allen, reci nll of I cx.irl.Hlia, Alk. who have pun based t) cent. I lei. rue iv V allium lake a.-iu(. i liaise of tin- paper loil.n There will be no change in t hr new policv of The Fvemng Herald. ll will continue lo publish all of Tod.iv' Xew Toilav und lo cover the national, stale aiul locul new field a thoroughly and accurutclv us posalhle. Impioving evetv department as tin- provemehi I possible, and keepm,, ful ului-ast ol the turn lu every particul.il- The ibslle I t,, Keep The Her.ild the newsiest. i leanest, most untri sslve and 11101 ,piilar newspaper In New Alex- Ico. The Heralds iiitluenee will lie directed iovv.,il .iid.ng every movement looking to the upbmhling of Allnniuer.iue and New Mexico. The neuspapii hereafter wtl i. ,r..ailly le railc lu poll- lies, with a th.. 10 uglily liiile.elulrMi ,, 4 ,,r supp..rtiu( puolic Uilinllilslluln.il when ll Is efricl. li! ulu , rilu liriiig 11 fieclv when Ihe public inicersis .. ilen. and rariisanhip will lud be" ull..w.d to Interfere with The Heralds ndv ,,.) f Whi.l It belicvi l.ei for Ihe people of the city und stale. . Th lo w iiiun.iK' ioent asks a continual L.11 of the friendship and support whiih have enabled The Herald to usa-ime its ptesent position us a newspaper und in lt plans to make The lletuld a stronger und belter newspaper. INQUIRY 0 STATE OFFICER TO John J. Kennedy, Ex-Treasur er of New York Takes Life While Brooding Over Im pending Examination. BOOKS FOUND IN PERFECT CONDITION lllf l-cssol Wire in femiig flerald.l AHuiuy, X. V., F,-b. 11 Ac- loiihluht from the comptroller oflli e lod iv repotted u.ter ex- nmlnillK the hook of htale Treasurer KetitieiK thai thev were In perfect condition. The examination today went buck only lo last Monday, but at thai time they wen- halunced by Hie same men who lii.iilc the audit today und pronounci-d rorreet. A complete r.'.:lil ol the I ks from the t':ne Mr. Kcmieilv look oflice liv lo the date of bis death probablv will follow.. t m iM.i n i: i v i i n a tion lI.M MH II ll I KIIMi- Hufr.ilo. X. V.. Feb. 16. A mm pleto Invest igai ion of the atfairs ot former State Treasurer John J. Ken- IK'ilv. who commuted suicide at hi hotel )icre entef'lav, w as dem.itolcd toil. iy by tiis friemls and relatives here. "olll liletlce vva evplessi'd that such an ItiMiiliy will dis lose that the aDairs of the state treasurer's oflhe have lici'ii lorriM'tly mlniiniHteied William II Kenneilv. the son. sent n telegram to liovenior CI.miii urgiliu an it ii 1 1 1 of Ins failurs anoiint us slate treasurer. Xo explanation of Ihe sub ide was forthcoining today other than that llrst given out. that Mr. Kenneilv took hi life while leinpuriirtlv deranged from brooding over Ihe Impending or deal of t russ examination nt the hand of lustrlct Attorney Charles f Whil man. Mr. Kennedy killed himself yester day noon at Ihe Markeen hotel, where he lived with his wife, son nnd duiltrtltcr. He cut hi thrmil with III ra.or lu u laVMtoiv adjoining the ball room found of bv Ule Ill- hotel. 'Ihe body was son. IMPRESSIVE BITES FOR DECEASED SENATOR Solemn Services in Halls of Congress to Be Held in Hon or of Late Mr. Bacon of Georgia. I (Ity lacil Wlro .u I:icnlng IfcrnliM I ashillgton. I 'eb. Hi. The desk of .the late r-'ch.ilor Falcon of ticoruifl l was draped III looliriniiK today. The I iincr. il of loriuer ." nalur Hiiiiiu ia held III the senate chuinbcr t'eb liiary 17, l!H'l. ten vear ago. Sena tor Ha. -oil's I uinr. il will be held , th" re tomorrow. ' Vice I'rcMilciit Marshall today named the following i oriiinltiee of cnulnr lo iii'i'iillllninv tin" body of Sclialoi I tin on to (ieorgla und Httend 'be funeral 111 Macon- Kinilli oT tlcorgi.i. TIMm.in. Cbll ton. iivcrmun, Fb lch r. Pomerenf Tltoina i i liiirtiiiiii, Varditmati. Hal linser. pool Nelson. Ilrandegee and Page. Accomp.inv ing the committee iitM be the seerelurv of the senate. June M H.il.er and the sergeant al arm. C P IliteiOfi The senate adopted a resolution ex tending limitations tu the fuioial lo 111' presiibtlt and members of Ills cabinet t In supreme court, the house cf repi i sent at i es. members of the .liplor.iailc corns, the iidmiral uf th" nuvv. Hie hlef of stall of the army THE PUBLIC ....... IJINI'H A. V I oil- SUICIDE thu t ion hsoma 11 Inst it nl ion. riic put, lie Wlil be II il III 1 1 1 til by 1 std I lie 1. 1. ilv ol Helialor Itacoll wilt lei lr. light to the c.ipliol at l o'clock loin .now mottiinu and lie In tbo mai l.le room of the setiat. until I Fail u hell It wlil be moved lo the Semite 1b11ml.11 Initial; that tune It mav I. e viewed by those v ho ordinarily II. le Hie slU.ltorilll prhlleui's but Hie public Hill be IX" lint, rt The sell ite will coiitefe at 12:4,". o'ebx k and the I11l11i.1l services will begin at I Thev will consist onlv of a prayer by the sen. ill chaplain, the reading of ilie Kplsiopal burial service bv Hlsb ..p Alfred II aiding or Washlniiton. and benediction bv the chaplain Truro v. ill be no eulogies. Vice President Marshall may nav h few woi.Im on calling Ihe senate to i.r.ler There will be no flower and 11.. mu-lc Ihe body will be taken lo (leorgll ONE KILLED. FIVE HURT. WHEN AUTO RUNS AMUCK t l4-nMil W ire 10 l''.enln; Herald. 1 I .os .V11 ue 1 11, Cul , Feb. I ! Prlvlng ,'.'i null an hour In a practice hint over tne Santa Monica course, Have Lewis, an entry In Ihe Viinderbilt cut. race, lost lotitrol of hi car toilav and tlaslii Into a erovv d. killing one man and 111 luring five persons, Including himself and three omen. The mini killed was Louis tl. Hmith a civil war veteran. Lewis and III mechanician. F It Aruott. were pinned under the car when the machine overturned and both were seriously hurt. The other Injured were .Mrs A. W. Pipe of Pol son. Mont , luken to a hospital al Fania .M.mUa with th motor driver, und Iwu girl only lightly Injured. A 1 C siviaior tjoars in Biplane Ocer Sierras Daring Birdman for First Time Successfully Crosses Tehachapi and Coast Ranges in California. (Ity la'd Wlrei to Erenii-.g Herald.) Lo Anvele. Feb l Miiaa ChrlB lofTcroii ol San Flu mined ul lived to day In u biplane iroin Hakersf nld. 1 al.. having liowu over Ihe Tehachapi and Coast range mountains, which hail resisted all previous aticiiipla ol aviators. In dossing the Hurras 1 hi 1st.. I f. 1 son at time w ent a high an . .lliul lect. lleatlv J. mill feet ubove tile highest peak. He made Ihe 1'i'U mile 111 1 hue hours and four min utes. f hi-isiolfcisoii started lust Monday to fly from sun rraluls.o in Han !hci;o. intending to complete the tri that ilav. In iittemptllig to pas over the leb. icbapi m.. 1. nl. mi tic was driv 111 l.a. k ly high winds, Itcliiruing to 1 1 1 ki rM n Id. Chi istoi lei soii equipped his Inpliii.. with a mine powerful tin. tor and cii rdav again enilcuv- 0111I to fy over the mountains, lull 1 In- winds wen- ton much lor him He loot a ililleieiit nun,, toil..y and made the flight wiilioul tr1.11 le. MEMORIAL SERVICE HELD FOR HEROES OF BATTLESHIP MAINE lllf Is-aaed Wire to ereniat nera.nf.1 V anhiuglon. Fib. I h Pi esulciit Men. n ul of ("ii. ..i sent a uicsi-.igi wlil ll w.ih lead ti.il.i.. at the exercises in Al llllUloll national eeluel. n m mt ill oty it tile sixteenth a lllllversary o the siiikmu 01 tin M. 1 1 lie in Havana harbor. II.. could hot be present and he delegated MtlaUel dc I.I Vega chain.- d aftulres ol the Cuban les.1 lion here to at lend us his lepresnl.i- live. "I'.e certain, however." read the message, 'that m mind will be with you ull, for I have lo mourn a well as ou. those who, a t lie l.ruie ..Mi eels and sudors of the Maine died in Hi. fulfillment ol Itielr duly. Plea transmit to all the mem a rs of Hi. bailiesl(.p melliori.il eomililll.'e Ihe express, unn of my .le. pe.-c svmp.iihy Hi al' A.lmil-al Slgsi.ee. in ci . m 111,1 tl .1 ol the Millie When the isel Weill I the 1. 1. It. .ill of Ha can 1 liatlioi. si III Irom New Vi.r a letter of regret III. I he collbl not lie here. I lei allse ol Lie lllt.ll . .,1.1 Wlllils alld Ihe dl lltit.g shows, the II;. lll'.l I ll ke v 11 es, instead ol iieintt h.-l.l m th Vilititoii i .-iiH'Ici v gio'iiid" were h' Id Inside the civalt v liding In. II mlj.n ut i t Fort Meier. The r .n.iind. r of Hi i"iiruiu w.i carried out. however, a I 1 . 11.11.-i . allliMliKed all. I the slu.vv 1 1. vend gt.ivc an. I no. num. -il weir ne or. It. d as hail lii i'ii .iautled. WILD-EYED JOY.RIDER CUTS THROAT AFTER BEING ARRESTEE 111 la-awsil Wire 10 Fuelling; Herald. 1 London. Feb l l..e 11. .ml a wisliliv resident of Lynd- hurst. Haiupfhite. w m. was ar- rested veslerdav nltei a thrlll- li.g allium.. I. il.- inie that lasted thinv hours cut hi- tin. .at In pi son i...l.. His 1 oil. Ihu. n ll prccarlou. lb. ml. when captured bv the police, was flourishing a rev olv- 1 r 111 cm Ii bund. Halurduy uf- teiii..oii he hiieii un automobile and b threateiiinK ;o siioot the i lia al f.-lir. for. i d tl 1 III tu tulc , a wild li.K- Ihst 1 ililed thrill I 4 thriiugli four count le. i the r.gefit utid s. 1 Tctar of i PUDGE Colorado National Guard Of ficers Refuse to Give Mother Jones to Congressional Com mittee. STATE AND NATION CLASH AT TRINIDAD Counsel for Strikers Asks Wo man's Release That She May Testify; Lebsamowski Trips on English Language, (Uf leased Wlra to Teeulnc Herald.! Trinidad. Colo.. Feb. U, A sharp lush over the right uf Ihe house coal mine strike Investigating committee 10 summon .Mother Mary Jones, how held ihe nmmunicadii in Han Itulael hospllul here by the Colorado militia came at the very opening of the llrst Trinidad session of the Investigation today. With an open prospect of de fiance of Its powers by the commander of the Colorado mil lonu I guard, tho committee deferred its decision until him artcrnonn si sslon when argu ments of attorneys will be heard. The conlllct of military snd con- gri-Kslnnal authority arose when F.. P. Cong,in. for the trlkers. usked tha cotnmltlee lo Issue a subpoena for Mother Jones, declaring that without the aid of the committee, counsel for tho strikers would he unable to pro duce the prisoner as a w lines. In. slant protest wns made by Major Ed ward Houghton, judge advocate of the national guard of Colorado. In Ihe face of a hint that It authority m if lit lie resisted by Ihe state military offi cer, the committee deferred It de cision. At the opening of Ihe scasloo today the assembly room of the city hall wag crowded to the doors, mnny of the spectator standing. Afur the preliminaries were dis posed of K. I'. Cuetlguii, of ruunsot for the strikers, addressed the com mittee, asking that "Mother" Mary Jones he produced nt the hearing no orders of the committee. Mother Jones Is now a military prig. oner confined in San Hnfael hospital without any charge having been lodged against her. "We rcullxe tout we will not be aid, to secure her release without tile aid of the committee." Major Itoiighii.ii waa on hi feet almost before Mr. t'ostlgun had fin ished hla pica. "The military authorities would like to re.uest that Ihe committee de. fer action on this request until we have an opportunity to present argu ment tn show that this lines should not be produced," he said "The legal ituestliin Involved in her Incarcera tion are now before the supreme court of this slate. Iler esse In not a proper mailer for this committee tit consider." Chairman Foster: "I ihie a formal ic.(iiet upon the committee, Mr. ("ol ilgnnr' Mr. Cm I gun; "It Is. We nnllxe th Impossibility of producing Mother ones without the aid of the commit tee Furthermore an application for a writ of hubea curpu la pending in the supreme court nnd Mother Joite noon may lie called to Denver." The chairman then announced that arguments of counsel fur and against the issuance of a subpoena for Mother Jones would be heard, briefly, after the luncheon recess Tin mutter temporarily out of Ihe way. Hie attorney fur the mine work, ers called Frank I.ehamnw kl. It soon became evident that his know -!i dge of the 1'nglisn languHge wa eg. tremclv limited After aome dlcu 111m, during which tha aervbe of Adi.lpli liernier a Interpreter weru ..feud and declined, the lommltleo swore 111 Mr. M J.ikle. Ite own sar k. -ml at arm as Herman interpreter. I'loler this arrangement the ex.m.i 11.111. m of the witness pruiedd hull inglv snd with illlllcully. The wltnes (..Id of having been sept In Colotu'l'i lo wi.rg 111 ihe mine afur the strike was called. It soon be.-amu apparent that Hie wltne a Pole spoke olio variety of Herman und the interpreter another, and before long, the wllneng was replvlng to iilteetion ill hiukett Fi.gltsh. The witue told of cunilng tn Tun lit.nl 11: a party of 1"'i workmen. Fitly of the men. he declared, escaped Itmil Hie ir ut Ttlnidad uhd dlsuppeureu. Wltn the uihrr fllti he was taken tn lb,. Ibrwind mine it the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, when- he sm I.I he w.k kept prisoner lie daclaicil that In January he Irted to e. ape but a slopped and sent hack by militia men. "He puni bed In with his bay onet." he explained, lidding that thu o.ic wa driiiia. Ibsuiowskl declared that a soldier hut and killed one 11111 who tried to e-.ape Irom the llerwind mine, liver 1 Ins point there was a long rxHmln.i lion In Hermaii and i:niih. Finally tlui intei prefer said: ' TU only way t can gt this I tu croas ex. nine the w inies mvself .' This method wag adopted '. Ihe committee with slight 1 belter lesulla. "Mr. Chairman." finally protested Mr. Hrtwslrr. "tills Is a poor. Ignor ant wiinesg, nnd Mr. Ilvrrtuglon eg