Newspaper Page Text
p I tt I ,. 1 ao :1M TODW'H TUIAV Yoa get it in ! in:iJl.l. iirt miii month r IS rents week tMlrercit hi or (huri nftjr ifnit bjr mall. TONES al way was a tayer, r c TRrrJuxR-cmzE. Vnl. . No, M. ALBUQUERQUE, KEW MEXICO, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1914. von to. MS Ik (till t!f 0 MOT EH uu r i 1 9 HO JONES STAYS WHERE SHE IS Governor Fear Removal to Hearing Would Cause Riot; Counsel Withdraws Request for Subpoena. TO GET EVIDENCE SOME OTHER WAY Illy I. cased Vitro 10 Evening lleralil.l Trlnldud. i:olo.. Feb. 17. F.dward I. Coetlgan. attorney fi.r the t'nlled Mine Workers of America, this afternoon tempor- willy withdrew Ma retiucsl lor ik subpoena requiring I he sp- peuranc of Mother Mary Jones ns a witness liefore -the boose. sub-committee Investigating the Colorado coal miners' strike Mr. Cosilgan. Just lie fore luncheon adjournment, address. ii the committee, saying that the Cnltcd Mine Worker did not wish In cmharrnsa the In- v estimators by Insisting iion the subpoena, Ihe Issuance ol which 4 has been resisted y the mute niilliiirv aulhnrltlea. "llcli'evlng that the committee will find a way to secure Moth- er Jones' testimony In if manner. ' he added, "I desire at this lime temporarily t with- draw my re.iiel for a auh- poena." Chairman Fouler r.plH'd: "If co ii uu I desires to Immune- the testimony nf Mother ones, I think Die rommit:ee wil- find a way to secure It In Some limn- ner l.efore the final adjourn- 4 men! " Warreg Tlaka, a young Pole, told of being brought to Colorado from Pittsburgh. He declared that he wa not lold lhat there wis a atrlke In the coal fields. When luncheon re cess was taken ahortly after 1 o'clock II wiia announced that the committee would not go to Ludlow thla aftejr noon but probably would make t..e lrl tomorrow mornlnfc AM MOM FRM IIII.FASK W4HI.II WTAHT A MOT Denver. fe. 17. Oovernor K. M. AmmnM llaf rd!rUd hta feur of serious trouble In the aouthern Colo rado strike region If Mother Jonet hnuld be taken through the atreeta of Trinidad from her prison In tha Him Itafuel hoailtul where she Is held Incommunicado by the atate troop, to the hall where the, acs alotia of the congressional Investlgat Ing committee are held. 1 resMinae to u telegram from Chalrmun M. P. Fouler of the committee, arking that the military authorities be directed to lake Mother Jonea before the committee, Oovernor Ammona re plied bv telegram and letter. In hla telegram to Chairman Foe ter. Oovernor Ammona declared he would "obey" the wUhea of the committee, hilt would much prefer (the be examined by the committee In Denver or In the hotpitul to avoid dnnaer and trouble." and mentioned hla letter which wa t r-ch the committee lh!n evening. While, Oovernor Ammona healtated to nuike public the conlenta of Iho letter liefore It reached the commit tee. l wnt underaioof that the text elaborated on the matter contained In hla telegram and lold at length the reuaon lor her eaptlvltv. and the cause of hla anxletf leaf her unre arnined preaence In fe city of Trin idad Influence the alrlkera to rlol, KTIlf'n with c'oimox Trinidad.' CobK, Feb. 17 The hntin committee Investigating tha Colorado coal mine atrlke thla morn ing henrd e fresh version of the Im portation of atrlke breakera by the mine owners. Tharles Morgan, a veteran miner, declared that he had been brought to f'olorado with the full knowledge lhat a atrlke eiclatea. having been well treated and was satisfied with eonilltioiia In the aouthern Colorado collieries. Morxnn eald he was tt yeara old. He la a native American nul miner of a type thai la rapldlv disappearing before the anvance of the army of foreign labor. tin the wlinesa stand he spoke qu'etly In well (hoecn language. The witness waa ouestioned closely bv the committee on the sublet"! of furelan Imnilera lion which he said was driving Kng- lish-apeaklng workmen from the mines Morgeti dis.-liiimeii anv knou lediie of I he alleged killing of n miner by a aoldler at the llerwlnd mine. hli-h waa described by a wit ne for the miners yesterday I'en Kromhere a Trinidad mer chant, told of being forced off the streets bv lhe militia on the neenln of a demonetisation be strikers He laid he nrreated by the soldiers then releiiaed. Kain Irons, a striker aald he ws obi by a militiaman IhH he could not go to KtiRby poslofflce without a p signed bv the mine superin tendent. He an ill the superintendent gave him the reeulred pusb. Mrs. Marie Ierr. poattnlstreBa at I.tidbia-. gave an account of the so called first battle of Ludlow on Oc tober 7. Hhe found difficulty In ninkinv the eHimtlon clear to the in testlgntorB and after a haatv confer ence ll wa decided thai the con eressmen would visit Ludlow before further testimony Is Inken In regard lo events In lhat locality. It waa planned to make the trio this after noon or tomorrow morning. The next wlinesa for the strikers l.elio Pedrl. a storekeeper at old Heenndn. lie snlil he h'' been Pre vented by the company marshal from enteritis the fegomlo mine property rf the cti!ordo iie and Iron com nnnv 'When he tried to lake orders frcn the miners.. The witness waa questioned by ItepreaentatlveB Foster and Ttyrnea about the customary election of coal company employes as officers of school districts. lie explained that In many Instam-ea nearly nil the vot ers In Ihe achool districts are em ployes of the companies. Mrs. Auguata Kadllch was onea tloned through II Polish Interpreter. Hhe aald she lived In Hie Ludlow tent tolony, where In January, she testi fied, a aoldler threatened to knock her down If she did not move from the street. The soldier curaed her, ahe told tha committee. COM M1TTFF filVI. Minnow IIAXC F, TO UK l'llli:T Hancock. Mich.. Feb. 17 Another, Invitation to the atate of Michigan to be represented nt the congression al Inmilrv In progress here, waa ex tended today by Chairman Taylor tn a telegram to Oovernor Ferris after counsel for the strikers had given notice lhat wlinesa would lie Intro duced tn show "a sc.lea of oiltrnges committed by the m 1 1 It In and the of ficers In command ' while they were here on strike duly. ll wua suggested by Allen F. r.eeg of roiingcl for the mining cmrnles that Ihe slate officials should be no tified If an Investigation of the mlll- tarv waa lo be undertaken. Chairman Taylor replied that he bad already extended a courteous In- nation to the governor lo be repre. septed here at the hearings and that It had been declined II" agreeo;. however, that due notice should ha lien to the state authorities before any evidence reflecting on the stiue's troops was heard. Counsel for the strlkera then announced lhat Ihey would defer examination of their wit nesses regarding assaults alleged to have been commuted bv the milllla Former I'ongressmiin victor I.. Iter- aer of Milwaukee waa given a hearing today before Ihe committee He made ll plain that he represented only Ihe national Mo'iiillst party, the executive committee of which be la a member. "The Socialist party had absolutely nothing lo do with Blurting the strike,'" sstid Mr. Merger, "and noth ing to do with fomenting it. When Ihe strikers lot hard up, as Ihey did as early as heptemher. We rave II- nancinl help. l"p lo February I we sent them t.'4.(H!t.!l In money and a great iiiin!IIV of clothlnr for their children. Vve would ha' e done as much for any strike of n.itlonal Im portance." Mr. Merger sjilr tha rogethrr ith Charles F.dward Mussel! and Charles II. Mover he had made an investiga tion of conditions In Ihe copper coun try lust month and be offered bis con clusions to Ihe committee for "what they ure worth." Testimony regarding attacks alleged to have been made on strikers and mem tiers of Iheir families waa heard too v hy Ihe committee. William J. Cat-bis. a striker, aald he aas held up and searched for weapona twice In one nlgtit laat De cember hy deputy sheriffs In Copper City. Mia Helm- Helkklla. wife of a striker, testified that she and six oth er women were stoned by strikebreak er near ihe Fr.inMm mine' between and T o'clock on Ihe morning of December 11. rhe Mild a deputy sher iff hud levelled a revolver at her The witness admitted that aim wua doing picketing duty at tha lime and that she and the other women were then In from nf a cmw 1 of strikers assem bled near the mine wmle the non union men er, going to work. TWO HAMS SHOT; SLAYER GIVES UP AT Attempt to Eject Timber Cut ters from Tajique Grant Re sults in Fatal Shooting. SELF DEFENSE CLAIM MADE BY PRISONERS (special Dispatch te F.vealBg Herald 1-UilalKiii. X. M. Feb. 17. Ham Ifolloway shot and Instantly killed HcriuUno Chaves and xpidonlo He dillo. the latter a precinct constable, on Ihe Tnjliiue grant near the little town of Tajliiie, west of here in the Manxano mountain foothills, shortly after I o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Bhuotlna occurred when the tw.. nut Ives und three others attempted to prevent Holloway and his companion, Joe Mi'Kiuley, from iiiiiiim umber on tb,. Tajnpie grant. liollowny and McKlnley arrived here al midnight lust night and surrendered In l.iepuly etierilT I ice lioblusoii. They clultii self detenae. From Ihe story iiu by the two A met Irn lis and other facia procur ablu here, It appears that three weeks ago Ihey stalled rutting Umber on the grant, which la leased by K. l(o mero of this place, Mr. Itomero's wile, they ullcgc, having told them ln the absence of her h'tsluind to ace his agent al Talliilie. which they claim Ihey did. When Mr. Itoinero returned the grant comiiiiHsionera asked him If the men hud pol'innooon to t ill Hin der on Ihe giant. Mr. Itoinero, II is said, Ignorant of wliul his wire had lold Ifolloway and McKiulev, in formed the commissioners the men had no permission and Chaves and Hedlllo were sent to serve notice on tfyr men to get oft Ihe grant. According to the prisoners, Chaves and Xedillo went lo Ihe S'cne of op erations at I yesterday and read the notice to the timber cutlets, who de i lined to move, declaring they had permission to till Umber. Holloway and McKlnley say the two nulivee then withdrew and returned with three more, al five being armed. The Americans suy lhat the five advanced upon them will drawn (una. upon which Holloway tired twice, killing a nun each shot. A man named Ran ches, they say. turned and ran, the other two, Juan chuveg and Plego llureln. giving up their weapons. I loth dead men were naitves of Tajbiue. Chaves leaves h wife and one child and Hedlllo a wife and three children. Friends of the dead men declare they were unarmed and were shot down In cold blood, Ihe prisoners as vigorously claiming It waa entirely a ton Her of self defense. Further light on ihe killing la ex peeled at the preliminary hearing of the two men uudcr arrest. ESTAllCIA FIVE MEfJ PERISH LASHED FAST TO STillCKEfJ VESSEL Captain and Four Saliors of Italian Bark Freeze to Death When Ship Hits Dangerous Bar. SEVEN MEN RESCUED IN NICK OF TIML (ft Leased Wire In livening llcrnld.) Welllleet, Mass., Fell. Ii. Captain Uu rn and four seamen of die Itiiliun burk 'a minim prilMicd nben t heir easl was thrown on the outer bar ol Cape fod, near the Marconi wire leas slalton, Just before ituwn tdn. The ftl'SI Illllte mo, I set en Multilist wore rest ued by life savers, one of whom. I 'u in l n ThI. In ol the tiihiMin's I lot- I low life saving station, ni ly m- I Jured by the overturning of the surf, noat. I lie skipper of the t iminKiia , as W iisbed o i l imn i il. I h i ce men i were froren lo death in Hie Hasina and one died in the surf boat on the way t.) shore. The loss ol life Has Ihe larueal in a wreck on Cape Cod In twelve years. Welllleet. Mass., men perlHhed when Feb. IT. Fonrj the Italian bark I the outer bar of' nsi an mi mi rm k on I'ape Cod a mile nml it hnlf south f i ahoon's Hollow life saving station ' a men ri'iualned In the ice pn ai today. jilent's room until lime fur the acrv- Kevcn seamen, all nearly union- Icea. when they were conducted to scions Irom exposure, were brought J scats reserved for tbeiii. aahorp by I lie 'lite mivers. The fronen When Vice FreM.lcnl Mursball botlli-a of I'nptiiin ilarva and three . walked slowly to hla seat and culled sailors with leit ill ine riugillg wneie the men hud lashed themselves dur ing ihe hours of darkness to avoid being carried overboard by the seas that swept the decks. The Custagna, from Montevideo for lliwlon with phosphate rock, struck the bur during u blinding snowstorm and alxty-mile northwest gale. The beach patrol slithied her at dawn. The combined life saving crews from Ihe Xaunsel and Cannon's Hollow alu mina set up their beach gun and shot three lines across the f iiKl'ignii'a deck, hut the benumbed sullors were unable In bundle the breeches buoy tackle, Tie life savers had to wall for some tlmv before Ihey could launch their llfcbniii and pull nut lo the wreckage against wind, sea and biting cold. The survivors were carried lo Ihe Mnii iml wirel.w slnliou. All were so greatly overcome by exposure that they could give no coherent account of Ihe dlansler. Powder's Roar Heard for 25 Miles (It Iieaawtl Wire, tn r.tiln ll'rald.l Plalrsvllle. Pa.. Feb. 17. With a roar that was heard ih miles awuy, the mixing house of the West Penn Powder company, located at tunnel 5, six miles from here, was blown to pieces by an explosion today. Hubert t'aiigherty wax killed and another work inn n mortally Injured. Two other men employed at the plant could not be found. A telephone 'message from near Ihe plant soon after Ihe explosion Bald the plant hud taken fire und wua burning. The company usually makes two shipments of powder each week and the n lift tit tt v to have been removed md'iy had not been sent out when the explosion occurred. FEDERALS HOPEFUL OF GETTING JAKE STAIIL (lir Ijcamil Wire lo Kvonlng Herald. 1 ( tilcago. Feu. it. The Feuerui league leaders said today they were still hopeful of landing Jake Htahl, (or the Job aa Hroo!n manager. A telegram warning him So "keep ha off," Pltc.ier Tom Hraton was reirlved by President (lilmore today. It was signed hy W. A. Maker, presi dent of the Philadelphia Nationals and suited that fcaton had agled In the Phillies' terms in Jnliuaty. Fed eral emissaries, hoWevei, probably Will licet Heal on soon and discuss bis standing with him, since they under stood he has cotne to no definite agreement with Ihe Philadelphia I club. til I more expressed no worr over the report that the Xewuik t bib would be put In Krooklyn to compete I with Ihe Federals there. "We are! going to give llrooklyn it' ijor league I ball. Newark's learn Is a minor league orgaiilralion." he said. "For the third lime let me deny that the American aoi latli.n offered Wcegb man the HI. Paul franchise to be put ln Chicago," requested President Chiv liiMlon of Ihe American association. Wecghman also requested that a de nial of Ihe story lie repeated oil Ills part. Chlvingtnn declares that the move In pulling the Toledo team In Cleve land W ill be a success. The asem !a tloli'a schedule makers will arrantec to huve Ihe team play In Cleveland while the Cleveland Americans are away and Chlvlngton figures that with a doxen or so Sundays available the attendance will be greater than that at Toledo, where he said 104. mm per sona aaw hint year's guinea. Twenty live cent baseball" will prove a draw ing card, too, he predicted. The Federal leugue Is after three Ctilian players, about whom President C.iimore has heard good reports. Ferdinand Coiite Is representing the league In negotiations with Ihem at Havana und Is expected lo cable Ihem aa lo Ihe results of his scouting tour In a short tune, l:ilit Hurt In Colll-loii. Kprluglield. Mo., Feb. 17. Fight persons were seriously Injured and nearly fifty alight ly hurt In the col lision which occurred at midnight last night al Nichols Junction, four miles west ol here, lietweeri two pafuo'itiier tr ains on the Hi. Louis and Huh Fran cisco railroad. INSPIRING IPOGRESSIVE BSESv SIMPLICITY FUNERAL No Eulogies, No Music and but One Floral Tribute, from1 c - a . rw. . I senate, hi uubequies oi Senator Bacon. i PRESIDENT UNABLE TO BE PRESENT City Leased Wtra lo Fvchlog Herald. 1 YViiHhliigioti, Feb. ". Funerul J services for Senator It icon of tleur- I (ilu. were held toJu in the seiiiilu chamber. Tnere were no ipcechei ol eulogy, no niuslo ,uid mi flower! . exiipl one design the tribute of lliu . senate Itself hlch rested on Ihu coffin. The ceremonies were Inspir ing in their very simplicity and the place In which Ihey were held, with ,ne dignity of those anHembled to do . . , . r ula "' HUilea llll pi esslveness. Two hours before the body wua taken Into the aetiate chamber, il lay in the adjoining murlilc room. Later the body was taken uilo the seniitl ihamlier mill placed uu the bier, dl tecily In front of the i.-c president's ilesk. M'-iuhcr of the dead eciia- 'tors family and Ike ..ffl.lutliitt cler- the senate to order, the short and simple seniles begun. Iieparting I from Ihe customary f,,rm. Mr. Mar. snail, in a voice full of feeling und lowered aliuoat to a whisper, said: "Heiiator. Ihe hour has arrived cit which In accordance with the orders of the senate, the final ceremonies over the body of Augustus tictavliis iiucon, late a senator from Georgia. and an unusually distinguished mem-I tier of this body, are lo be observed. in contortnlty in custom and In tok en or our common faith, the chap lain of Ihe senate will offer u prayer to Ood, the Father; flod. the e deemer and tld Ihe Comforter." The Itev. Forest J. Prettyman, chaplain of the senate, offered play er. The P.piecopal . burial service was pronounced br Hishop Alfred Harding and a benediction offered hy the chaplain. Members of the rnpilol police force bore the body buck to the marble riM.m where II remained until escort ed lo the railway station for the i Journey to Atlnnin. w here It will lie In state nt the Ceorgln rnpltnl until taken to Macon for Interment. ll was announced at the White bouae that President Wilson would not attend the funeral services be- cause nr. Grayson did not think It wise for Ihe prcxldent to risk ex- , posure at a time when he was recov ering from n troublesome cold. Mrs Wilson nml Miss Helen Wood- row Hones, however went lo occupy I seats In Ihe reserved mil-cry. ' Herlilo, the casket In the marble room was it ciinnl of honor c.nupoa- i ed of one veteran of the Cnlon urinv , I and one veteran of ihe Coiifedernte nrmy. Senator Huron was a Con- i j federate officer. 1 One exception tu the senate rntn uigninst flow-era In the chamber was mane, ami n wreath from the presi dent nnd Mrs. Wilson was placed on J the coffin beside ihe senate's tribute. I it was or orchids, hyacinths, nilgno nctte and dalsleg SN0W 8AJ "Y1 vt MA vJllILUKfcf. i illy IjnmmnI Wirn In Cvcnlne TleruM 1 jersey uy. a. j.. rel. 11. hnow. Which Htepben liinb of Jersey city heaped up when loaning: bis side walks, saved the live or his six chil dren today. When fire destroyed the house he dropped Ihem. one ut u time, from Ihe rit Into the siltV. None waa hurt although the young ist child is only a icar old. IbHulan king llrcaka Arm. Kruseeis. Hclgiiim. Feb. I i. -Albert I . king or the lielnlana. stlfleici a broken left arm when Ihiowu from hla horse while ii'l ug In Ihe forest of Selgnies. near Hie battlclield ol Waterloo, today A bulletin ikmiiiiI tonight by Ihc klng's liNsiciuim h.ivs Hie fracluie has been reduced and a immun e thai his majesty also sintered severe mus cular contusions of one of his legs His condition Is 'scry satisfactory." One I scad In SliHI.INMt lire. Albany, X. V . leii. 17. line man h nil. several iiiimmiik and live injured was I he toll ol a II all. anil lire i aii today In the Meihtin block, u four. story brick sirm -lure Albany firemen ba. responded t,, eighteen nlaiina III rurty-eight hours . VliaVnt hlorm- on Allaulli'. Queensiow n. Ireland, Feb. 17. Hiii h violent storms have pen ailed In Ihe North Atlantic during the last week that mmiv puaangcr steamers and cargo boats, amble to batile against the lnuh waves encountered, huve pul back into ports on this side or Ihp Atlantic, some In a builly bat tered condition. Ilulie Wndib ll In Ibid MiaH Han Antonio. Tex.. Feb. 17. Ituhe Waddell, the famous baseball pitch er formerly In ihe major leagues, who la In a hospital here suffering from a bronchial e f rcctioii, Hua tr. purled today lo be In a serious con dition. filrl'B Murderer Must 1st. Atlanta, Uu., Feb. 17. The convic tion o Leo M. Flank or llrooklyn. V V , for Ihe minder of Murv Pb.i n. a 14-year old lactorv girl, was utilrmed today bv Ihe lleorsiit sn preme court. He s under sentence uf death. SHORT AF1D UGLY WORD TO TAFT National Organizer at Wyom ing Meet Vehemently De nies Charge of Seeking Soc ialistic Democracy. iF.X.PHF.STTJF.TJT TR A DEMAGOGUE, CHARGE (llf N'Bwil Wire to Kieulug Herald.) I'.aspcr, W.vo., ,!. II. "The caiii- pulgn of mbreprewnletlon by iho Itepiililli an lenders merrily contin ues." declared William K. Ciulmiis, national i.rnn n Ixi-i . iiddresaiiig til" i oiilerence of Wyoming I'rocreksiv e here. "They are taking full nilvati lage of th" lint that they have the press and the l'ro4reHr,lves have not. Instead of changing their principles to meet Ihe popular demand of the times, Kcpiibliciin lender prefer to deceive themselves Into thinking they tan deceive the people by false news colliernim fusions, by mlsrcpreieiil btlon of Progressive principles, by Impugning the sincerity of Progreg Hle lenders." Mr. f'lMliiHis cited the article by Conner President William II. Tail In the current itn-tic of the Huturd.iv Cvenlng PoM as a case In point mid continued : Me churgea the Progressive with trying to create a 'Hoclullsii- liemoc racy' when otir purpose Is to create a social Iiemocrucv. Willi artistic mlsrcnresentatlon he charees us with .....i - ..i- who want 'to take rrom those who have and give to Hi lo redistribute the Be who have property of not : th" country.' Whnl u lir "In the past eight spoken tn thousuiiils months I have of Progressives ln thirty states and 1 have not met . .,. .h advocated such anarcliv. a man who advocated sucn anarciiy To hla recreancy In not keeping sol emn pledges upon which he wits elected In lfllltt; to hla egotism nnl RtiihhornucRN In demanding In lnC, n ronomlnni Ion which his record did pot merit. Mr. Taft now adds such statements, the deliberate net of demagogue. "uur party does advocate new measures of social and Industrial Justice, now actual tuws throughuiit much of Furope. nnd progressive Isl anils like New Zealand and Austrn llii: measures nlreudy uwil by iniiny !ndutrlnl ooiiernt ive concerns In America. without Impairment of their profits und with Immense ln I reuse or mutual good w ill Is It anarchy for the Western t'nlon to pension Its aged employes? Neither Is It anarchy lor a political party by some aiine method, adapted to Am erican conditions, to pension aged worklngmen, to secure him from the misfortunes of accident or unemploy ment. Nor is It anarchy to proliltut child labor ,r the ilixcrlmliiutlon against sex. either In Industry or at the ballot. Itecaiife we ndvoiale si'.ne human Justice to charge us with iiniirchlsilc iihsuuIib ugulnsl the In tegrity of property and Ihe security of society, would be cheap deuiHgog- ery In a bar looKr. former president of let ulotie a th Ftilted Slates. "Hut Mr. Taft In Ibcse raise state ments represents in virulent form Ihe disease or bis party. ll Is the eternal fluht of privilege against pro gress. WvomliiK knows whereof I speak. The Hepubllcnns of your last legislature founhi Hovel imr Ca rey nnd bis progressive measures at every turn of Ihe road. Had ll not been for I icm.icrat le support the feet of your governor would hnve been hobbled nnd your state would have made no progress. Led by Henntor Warren the llepubllean pur ly i.f Wyoming is hopelessly reac tionary. It does not even put Up the cheap pretense or being progressive, lust us Henntor Warren's vast hold Inga or Kraxliig land nra used to keep back the small settler, and Ihe In i ream- of your population arc so held that you arc denied proper roads by which vim can get out i-r your cities. I so the conservative Kepiiblcan parly III lis national policy would increase the vast holdings of a few. und would slop the roads by which ihe Ameri can multitudes may reach Ihe free fields of common Justice and life " SWETHEART DENIES BRUTAL MURDER OF 20-YEAR OLD GIRL II Leased Wire to renting Herald 1 III., Feb. 17 Miss Tracy Hollander, a prepossessing ittl-ycar-old girl, was murdered here lale lut nielli und lo r body drugged Into ccmeteiv und throw n on il grave Hhe was beaten lo dealh with a heavy Umber. The police have arrested Anthony llcdrocg, a discarded sweet heart of Ihe girl. He denies all con nection with the rlrie. To I'lun National lllgliwar Aid. I 'lil a so. Fell. 17 A reioliuion asking congress lo authorise the etc ulloii of a coiiiioImmiuii to determine how' national aid should lie given m ihe bioldins of highways was adopted today ut the niinual confei ence of the AsKollalloll of Male HmhWaV llirec tors. Tbt asMocial ,on til, advie'uied the use or convict labor in highway building and repair woik. T. II M.nilouald. stale engineei of Iowa, presided at Ilia vonfervio e. Lost Parlu of ajT Explorers Grisly Relics of Ill-Fated Cromer Expedition Found in Wilds of Peru; Ancient City Located. tly I -cased Wire to tfvcnlng sterald. Xcw Vork. Feb. HOTS of the ltflcv which left here lust explore Dili llnrted 17 .. Ment cxpcdHloll, siimiiiei' to rcKiott of South Amerli n. returned todnv i'ii the aU'tiiuHhip ll run, mid re ported ihey hud found the bones of uu inhere of the Cromer ex peilnion who eiiicicd the wIMs f reru nearly two years ago ,annd . re never heard' from. The i router expedition was henili'd bv W, II Omner, a former West point cinb-t and William II Page. n t'hlcapo high school teacher. The Ites lev expedition crossed the con tinent from Lima and came down the Ainiiron from the headvvalers to Its month. Thev round hip and tbluh bones nnd other traces of the Cromer par ly on Ihe vviiv and erected B croHs to their memorr. Those who returned tndiy were Captain J. Campbell Hes- lev. an KnulMiiou n: Franklin It. Contea. J. K Holbronk and .1. W Initine. They reported the discovery of a new Inca city in Peru onliod Platerlvavoc and ImIIci1 reirinns hitherto un- known to white men. Traces were found also of Ihe lost Sella n expedition. which look the same noil,, as Ihe Cromer expedition, and I 'a it a in llesley tlinnehl l pat the bones might have been the remains or ciiher party. The expedi tion was in search of rubber and It Is mi til to have been financed hv F. F illiin.lll.h or Chicago. Henley aald lhat be encountered on the trip euv use cannibal tribes, armed with poison arrows, and on on,, occasion his pally was atiackcd by them. A few aliols drove them ofr. "It was one or the most exciting and perilous Journeys that a white man bus ever undertaken and passed through alive," said a member or the purtv. "There were times when a wrong move meant death, not only among the savages hut uixo along the Ireachcioiis lliilavao river, full of i lipids an. I w hirlpools. We had to divide our it ik I-1 h Into four winches us protect ion ukiiiiimI both suvuges and wild hcaats- I ItlKMts Wit LI LITIVI S OM ItYtlll l Vil li Willi i.ltlM' Chl.ago Feb 1 7 -Friends and rel ailvcs of William II. Page, who with W. II. Cromer left two years ago to explore the wilds of South America, vveie overwhelmed with g."li f today when Ihe repoii of the Henley expedi tion was received by Ihem. Mrs. Page is now living in Keiiilworih, a S'lburh of Chicago The lust messaue received from the Croiucr party came to In. Charles s. Pane, a brother of William II. Pane, In February. I'.U.'I When Colonel lioosevell began 111 Journey Into the A inn on ronntrv an appeal was cabled to him bv Hr. Page. Mrs. Paue. Ileulamin Page, anotbur brother, and C. F Cromer, a brother of the cxe;.,rer. to search for the missing adventurers. A rumor that tbo Cromer partv bad been attacked and killed by cannibals near the head waters of the Auin?.nn was circulated laat fall an. I I tic family mid friends of Mr. Page look on the llesley dis covery aa .out li nun loll of their rears. t.iwsl IIomiIm I'rgeil. Columbus, i, Feb. 17. flood throughout the country would mean the saving of enough money en ib year to build fifteen Panama canals. This was the statement of .-'I. tie ili.4b,vay Coiiiml.sioliir James It. Marker In dlxcisstng his plana for ,i pul.llcltv campaign In connection Willi ihe department's good roads inov mcl'.l. "The cost of hauling one Ion, one mile on a good road by liorNc-ilran n wagons Is eight cents." said Marker "The average cost In be I'nlted States is cents. Five billion ions or rrelgbt are hauled an nually over roads. The uvcri.ui haul is ten miles. Tins makes iho Irarflc amount in r.o billion ton mil. 8 Al J1 cents a l"li tulle the annual emit Is 1 1 I .fnm niia.iiliii. At eisht ccnis a ton-mile, the good road com the saving would be 17 .'.ml. lion. OHO " .fulled for Kinging Poll-b Hynio. Hi Pelcisbiirg. Feb 17.-- For sing ing the Polish national atittieui two voting women of Vllna lllUHaian Po land i. Itiroiiess von llosenlo-rg aged .'1, ami Mile. Kol.lllnsliv. uued 22. to day lagan serving sentences or one inoiiib und .'a d.iyn imprisonment, rei.po lively. In a lorticK. 1' was aliened ill their trial that papers of .1 ".laliecloiis character" had been found in their iionHcsslon, bill noth ing on- proicd ugainst Ihem of a "I . v olul loti.irv ' nature except Ihey bad led in Ihe public singing of .the Polish hymn in the porch of a Vllna church. t.cls Hivonv From l-fty llyllii. t'swego, X V.. Feb. 17 A Itnal decree of divoiie i. ..I. i, lie. I by It. na l.eaiy, f'ormcrlv a ew York show girl, tr.uii Maurice II iLcttyi Flvnii. fullback oil I lie Yale f. loll. all team ol 111.', was filed here todav. Mrs. Flvnn rcccivfN I-1' a im.iiih alimouv. Thev Were married by an alderman at the New Yoig cily ball January S. Ii:t. Mis. I'Iimii ilvtigcd that the Yale fullback abandoned her eleven days later Mote Water Line INiilloii, Wasbiuif ton, Feb. 17 Six more lullrcaiix api'licil to the interstate ...inin. i 'e today lo be pet mill. ,! to Keep their water lines ail.r Jul, I Tbe Puii'tma iniil uct for'. I. Is stub ownelsblp llllieas Ihe I""" ore 11011 comneiiiig or the com mission sImoiIiI rule Ihey are abso lutely iicccMm) lo vi.iiiuit rvu. CASE AGAINST HIE GOES TO JURY No Damages If Conspiracy E isted, and Past Character Irrelevant, Instruct ions from Court. PLAINTIFF RECEIVES 1 MESSAGES OF TRUST f Df Lcnscd Wire to Etrsnlng Herald Oklahoma City. Feb. 17 Tha ca of Mrs. Minnie K. Pond, who la ailing' I'nlted States Senator Thomas f Uore of Oklahoma for ISfl.OOO dam ages ns the resit of an alleged attack n her In n Washington hotel, reached the Jury singe today. Attorneys for both Ihe plaintiff nnd defense rested today and Judge Clark Immediately began the rending of hin Instructions to the Jury. The court Instructed Ihe Jury I" Judge the evidence and credibility nf the witnesses, both for the plaintiff und defendant. Judge Clark referred to the u ll ued conspiracy against Ihe senator, and the Jury waa lold that if there wns a conspiracy nnd It wua known lo Mis. Hond, then aha was a party In ll and waa not entitled l recover damages. As to character, the Instructions said Ihe past character of Mrs. Hond or tlore hud no bearing nn Ihe case. The ccurt said If the Jury believed an aiwutilt was attempted, then the verdict should be for the plaintiff. If there was no attempt to assault or If there was a conspiracy In which Mrs. Hond was a parly, then Ihe ver dict must be for the defendant, the court held. Following Judge ("lark's Instruc tions to Ihe Jury, argument wera started and It waa expected that both sides would conclude during the after noon and that the case would be given to the Jury late tmliiv. Heclsion by both the plaintiff and defense 10 rest their caee eliminated the testimony of James R. Jacobs, one of the I iklahomans who entered Ihe room In the Washington hotel at the same time the senator and Mra. Hond were there together, and who wa expected to-be one of the plain tiffs chief witnesses. Scores nf telegrams wers received by hetiiitor (lore today from friends expresilng svrnpathy and confidence In him. A ehrnclerlBHe mr-og WsS . from L. M. Nichols of ttrlstow, Okla., who said "Tills la no tittle for a pillow fight. T.trn on the hot stuff." ADJOURNED SESSION OF NATIONAL LEAGUE fty I-ca-cd Wire to F.nnlnf Herald 1 New York, Feb, I 7. Oovernor John Tetter of Pennsylvania, presi dent of the National league, has call ed an utl punned session ol the Na tional league und an adjourned meet ing or the board of directors of the league to be held at Cincinnati, next Sniiirdny nt S o'clock. The final de tails of the tra nff'r nf former fe end llaseman John Fvers of the Chi cago cluli to the Huston club will bu completed. Wchh-Kcnynn Ijiw Invalid. ie Mulues. Feb. 17. The Iowa i supreme court, In a decision handed ....wo lodiiv. declared constitutional the Webb-Kenyon low prohibiting the shipment of liquor Into dry terri tory. . I VETO WAITS THE IMMIGRATION BILL Washllmum. Feb. 17. President Wilson's veto Is waiting for the Bur nett Immigration bill If It pusses con greaa. providing for the much dis cussed llterac test, according to the best Information today In circles lose to the White bouse. Teflnlte news of the president's npposlton In ihe test came as a surprise of manv who were led to believe he favored It. by Ihe senate Immigration com mittee's announcement thut It would go ahead with the hilt keeping the literacy lest In Its place. Senators of the committee. Ttemo crats and Republicans alike, declared a tain today that Ihe literacy lest would be retained notwithstanding the probability of presidential veto. Thev expect It to pass by a large ma jority. Whether any attempt will be made lo repass Ihe bill over a ve to, none cared to predict. WrMiTM Horsemen Aihipt rw Hull'. Chicago, Fi 0. K. Horsemen repre senting four mobile wean rn racing associations are here for their annual meeting. A new rule which would limit a new record only to the win ner of u iac and nol lo heat winners will be i. Her., I at Ihe biennial con gress of the American Trotting aasu- latum. A similar rule rrtnuiy was adopted by the National '1 rolling as social ion. 'I'll,, (ileal Weslesn circuit re-elecl-e.l !. A. Keller of Decatur, III., presi dent, mid W. L. moilinger, Irun Mountain. Mo., secretary and treas urer. Forty horsemen, representing tune stulea, wer. prcsuni; , 'lo lling dates f jr the 114 rum paUn wire a warded to Cleveland by I lie Oreat Western circuit. The l(..ld Mill luL u ,.l.... L. .... : or July JU and iHiraea will total 4il.- "' for the six days' races. Ihe rest of the schedule and Ihe amount lid the purses were lo h announced uu i-i . Itlll U X HlHTllxl, W ashingion. Feb. 17. James J. Hill lold chair. nan Adiunson of Ihe house commerce commute today he 1I1.I nol feel that business should be apprehensive of the administrations trust legislation pn gram. Upton's f 'tutlleiigc- J eter ftoartl. U.nilon. J'eb. 13 A spe.-lul dis Pali b Irom tiosport says len.iliely tr us nio. k t. Mir Thomas Mpttu'g challenger for the Americas 'tin is to lc tested as a center board yacht Her hull is nol to I- of steel, illicit, aieu out cumpoaue Wood us u factor. Willi