Newspaper Page Text
-Real Rain To day - Very nice for a change. TODAY' NF.WH TODAY You crt U In tl M. Ilri crnta month or IS cent g, rmk iMlvorwl I four door nrijr tenia by nail. TIUntTNK-CTnZE!. Vol. It. No, . ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1914. KVEMNO DRIUtA un, a. so. mi. t..,;..- mm CASTILLO lilill 11 lb LL Mexican Outlaw Who Wrecked Tunnel and Sent Americans to Fiery Death Captured in New Mexico by U. S. Troops. KNOTTY PROBLEM FOR GOVERNMENT Cannot Extradite Ilim to Reb els; Huerta Doesn't Want Ilim and He Cannot Be Tried in United States. MAY SHIP HIM BACK ACROSS THE BORDER Castillo Will Fight Deporta- inn and Declares Innocence, of Charge or Burning jucu Alive in Bore. lly U aiml W'ro lo rr'.vrnlna; Herald.) Washington. Fob. Ciiatllle-.the M:li ii l.r.ndit whj worked Hi? .. ilin tunnel miJ - i dcu'h of i-w Amerleur-.s. o- futnlh?i b . i.iU-ki koul In the Mj. van ltu;c with hl capture by U. 8. Iroopera In New Mexico. oftliUls of three dc parnm-nta vt Ihe government wcro searching urchlvea today for prece dents n. determine what they ahull do wllh him. Diplomatists pointed out thut lu rxtradltu Citaillln ti lha constitution til mis might la construed aa a recog nition of their belligerency. Thire u no Indication thut Ihe lluertu government would nak fr the butt Uit. To krap him a priaoner In the Fnlled Hiuiea .uiu pinrit Mm cat-ape from hie rrlmee In Mexico, tor In- run not be tried In title coun try for offenaea committed acrosa thr Kin Urunde. linn way out aeemed lor the Imiitlgrutlon uulhortliea lo piil Ihr ruidll licR roj tr-n border deponing him aa n undesirable alien. In that wrnl Castillo rob would lull Into the hand of Villa. I hi- constllutlnnallsl. w ho hus promised hnn a public execution ln Juurcg. MII.IO WILL 1H-.KIST l-:.TlllITIN T MI'.XIfH I--.I I'uao. Tea . Ki b. 1 Llrulcnunl Uolhvtell. ruplor of Muxliuo CuaHI!". the bandit churged with the I 'timbre luiuiel iltaunlrr. did not rench H.tchl lu. N. M . In lime lo cutch Ihe Iruln due here lhl afternoon, and II ti mild he will iioi urrne until tomor row morning Krlcnde of i'ukIHIo. Including Krnu lin I lerioinib-i. auld loduy tha ("u l Mb. Mill rell egiradltb.n lo Mexi co Hiid ner Ihe bundll la Innn cent of the crime churged ngulne him. Xl.l l l.t l M'Y. t.i:HM. snr i ux;rn Jiiurra. Mexiro. Krh. OuMav tl. .li. h. uccuaed by ttf rebcla of lug a pv. c.iulil not be aeen hr re porlera today, iiermlaalon bclim de nied by Ihe aulhorltlea. tl wua of-fli-Mlly alnteil. however. Ihnt the pria oner ho clulma to be an American of llcrinun d'-m enl. la In nn Immedi ate ilinm.-r. The finding" of the court ye.lerdnv were rindlnga of tart which (I la auld are l to be review ed by a Judjte, W. . Ilenion. Ihe Itrlllah eubjer-t nrrented luat night. al wna In Jn II lodny but prubably will hot be long held Ilia offen la raid to huve been indlacreet titteruneea with ref erence lo hla right In Mexico aa . I'.rltlrh aubjecl. Hla I no.oOO-acre ranch hue auffered greatly elnce Ihe reiolution begun, but he partlculurlf reeepta Ihe rutting of hla fruit tree for fire wood. itiiol wvrriiK I'Oll t ll.VTH H IU'RII liouglua. Aria.. Feb. 1 TTuvIng rcelicd Information thai memberg ..f the Mexican Clenllfl.-u. or Plai purtv. hud completed pluna for ru"b- log force over the International line to atart a revolution counter lo that of the coliatlliitlonalUta. of fit-era of the Ninth I. . cavalry again ealah Mahnil today a tringenl border pa In. I. It, la iinderatimd Hint Ihe rienllfl coa nlreudy have concentrated a fore of men aouth of Agua I'rlela and huve gathered arma and ammunition In I til city wllh which to euulp the men. The cavalry pnlrol a III endeavor lo prevent further running of armel men acroaa the Inlernational line In iierute aaalnal Ihe entry r-rte now held by Ihe Cairo nut forcra. rATTI.FHJ' F MVOH HH K US FXINHtT TXIoday. liouglua. Feb. 1 1. Declaring that he proposed extiorl tax of II a head on cuttle would bankrupt them, cattlemen of Honors united todav In sending a vehement protest to Oov einor Muvlorena at llermosillu. I'HFVril tiit I'HVWI'XT I IHiFn Tl TIKI' .MTIOV IV MFSH'O l'nria. Feb. 1 .- Itesolul ions urging Fr.'n. !, governme lake ron- the EPHAM Female Devil With Whip Assaults Aged Peer British Baron Falli to Ground When Brutally Attacked Without Warning by Rabid Suffragette. (ny u-mni wire o Ktmng iicraiu.) London. Fob. IK A militant suf fragette a nurd with a whip, mivogc-ly I attacked Huron Weartialr, while hu waa wuIIIiik today with SOU other wed din Burma for a iruln lo Allhorp .park. Northampton. Thr party Mas Holng lo attend the wrddllig of the Hon. rtydnpy Prl, mm of Vlacounl IV i' I, and Lady trlla Spencer, daugh- ter r i:n Kpcnrer ii l-.uri noeiii-rr. The guffrngene apparently inlmook the elderly peer for one of the ciili Inrt niintntrri. At the ft rut blow from the wonian'a dog whip he fell lo the ground. When thr aurTrHRrtie who hud nuaiiultcd Lord Wen r dale wua ar raigned a lit" refuxed to Klve her name nnd Inld the police innnmtrate thut ahe did not den I re lo any anything. Lord WenrdHle said the wom in waa a atrunger to him. Aa a pomthie e planutlon of the a'ftault he noted tnut he and Karl t'uraon of Kedleaion w-ere joint prealdenta of the anti-auf-frugelte aociety. Tha detective who arrented the atif- fragelte In Kuaton atntion, mild aha told him: "I meant to give hint a kood thrnthlng You don't know what harm he haa doiio ua " The priaoner wore the hnrige of the Vomen'i 8k-IuI nnd INilittcitl union. Kite wua remanded for further In quiry. 'l.ord Weii rdn leu aaaaliunt la Ml .Miiry Llndaay of London t'ounM'l later In the duy upplli'd lo thr police mnglNtrute lo grunt bull to Miaa Unilany. Baying "he hud mluiuk- en Lord Wrurdule for I'remler Aa- nilth. whom ahe connldered renponal- ble for the mull reut nun t of women in priaon. The utioiio-y wild un apol ogy would be rniide to Lord Weiirdule. The magletrate, however. rfuad lo runt ball, UMying thut the ail waa thai of a lunullc He added that he intended l.i order nn Itmiiiry Into Uf ntute of the priHoner'a mind. WESTERfl FUEL GO. FOUND GUILTY Two Years' Imprisonment and $10,000 Fine Maximum Pen alty for Men Convicted of Conspiracy ('Iia4.ii Jriiuu-j ot aH. Vr ul Man I'Tuticlaco, Feb. I. Imprla- onmeiil for two yrura, a fine of 110 Duo or both, la the maximum penul ty that run be Inipoecd on the three defenilanta In the western Fuel company conuplracy caav who were found guilty ut midnight lut night after a trial of more than wo moot ha. Jainea It. Hmilh. vice preaident. general manager ann a director of t he 'company : Frederick ". Milla. au- perlnli ndent, and F.dnard II. Mayer. weigher, wire the men convicted. ICdwurd J. Hinlth. a weight checker. Bllllllted Their tawyera were prepareil to lay to make un Immediate motion for a new trial Katurduy morning haa been art for sentence Kuit lo recover 12I.C.13 In customs due from the Western Fuel company of this city Is to be filed by the gov ernment, according lo an announce ment today by W. II. Tldewell. chief nut nt of Ihe treasury department, aa a aeituel to conviction lust night of the Ice president and two ciuployra of the company nci-oard of conspir acy. The amount. Tldewell auva. "repre senta an rxcraa Ihe government paid In customa draw-bucks on Imported coal over Ihe duly collected on the aume shipments " James U. Hmilh. vice president and general inunascr, F. '. Mills, super intendent, and F.. H. Mayer, a weigh er, convicted In Ihe 1'nlled Stales diairb-l court, ure to uppcur Katurduy fur aenlem e. New Ouarfcrs for John Si lirank. Fond du lute, Wis.. Feb. IX. John A blank, who attempted In assussl nata Theodore Itoiwvelt at Milwau kee I wo years ago and who haa been confined al the Northern Wisconsin hospital for Insane at Oshkosh since hla trial waa transferred to Ihe hos- Ipuul for criminal Insane al Waupun verted' action wllh Ihe I'nited Htalea and Ihe Kuropean power lo re-establish order and security In Mexico weir passed today by the national committer of counellloi a of F'e.uh foreign commerce. Meaaurea lo protect Fiench rest- denta and eonomlc Interests also were urged on Hi. tveriimenl DATTiEFIELDS or Congressional Inquisitors View Coal Mines and Camps and Interview Strikers in Lud low Tent Colony. HABEAS CORPUS WRIT DENIED MOTHER JONES lily I -rased Wire lo F.vcnlnf Herald. ) Trinldiid. Colo.. Feb. I j rVencs of Ihe exciting events In the Colorado con miners' strike were Int-pcrlcd to day by ihe tongri'SKionul Investigating committee which wenl lo Ihe Ludlow lent colony, the llastiim-. Iicrwlnd. Tabumo and other mines and other points ol iiit.rixt in connection with the strike. Only two, reprcaentutlvea of each Interested Urn accompiiiilvd Ihe expedlllon. The operutora aelected W. J. .Murray, vice president and gen eral manager or the fuel ttepurt mi-nt . of the Colorado Fuel and Iron com pany. The miners were represented by John II. Lnwson and John Mi--Lennon. Col. tieorgn M. Lee retire sented the mllltury nuihorinea. With tho coinn. itlee by special authority wua Joseph el. Meyers, siieciul inveatl gutor for the ileparlmem of lubor Forbes, the aene of Ihe famous bhl tie of October 17 between sinkers and guards In which one striker was killed and one mine guard wounded, waa visited this morning tiy the mem bers of Ihe congreanionui InvcHimat llig committee, 'i he committee and accompanying putty arrived there i.l IK o'clock. The tent colony of Forbes waa United and the resldema or Ilia tenia were Interviewed. w. Joniison, op old-'lmer of the count.', wua In troduced to the congressmen by John Lawaon, Johnson told of condiltonr In and near Folhea and lohl of soma of the Forties butt Ice. F-. H. Weitwl. who la with Ihe luirly representing tho companies, and John lnwson. who is a rprcernta tlvv of the atrlkera. described thu but tle of October 17. The parly atopped near Ihe atone house, where ouiing the- hnttle .the atrlkera' wImm and chil dren Bought refuge. The Forbca lump, owned by thu Itocky Mountain Fuel enmpuny. wus looked over. From Forbes tho purty went to Ludlow. From ForlM-a Iho party pna-redeil lo Liulio. They atopped on Ihe way to view the Iron railroad bridge which haa become famous aa Ihe "fort'' 'used by both sides In the numerous hut lies. Filtering Ihe Ludlow lent colony the party was met by strike leaders who explained Ihe location of the col ony and the method of government. The representatives sepnrutely snu singly and l twos walked .nrougn the colony Inlerv tewing tn. n. women ii ml to whom lliey could make themselves understood. It waa ex plained lo the congressmen thut 13 do IT runt lunsuugi and dialects are spoken In the colony and Ihe services of Interpreters frequently were re- lulled. The representatives appeared particularly Interested In statements made by some of the strikers that they had voted without becoming clt ixeiia. IIAItKAN f Oltl'l h HIT IIIMI.II Mol lll.ll JONF.H lieiiver, Feb. I (.The state su preme rutin today denied "Mother" Mary Jones, a military prisoner In the soul hern Colorado alrike fit-Id. u writ of habeua corpus. The court mud,, the following state ment: "In Ihe matter of the application of Mary-Jones, for leave to file a peti tion for a writ of hubena corpus, live of the Judgea tire of the opinion Ihut the application for leave lo tile a pe- tition should be denied and It la bo Chief Justice Musaer and Mr. Jus tice Heotl dissented and were of the opinion that Ihe petition should be filed und the should laaue. w nt of habeua corpus lll'..lfY Tl HTIMOW lb UK At t AT II Nf XH'K Hunemk. Mich.. Feb. 11. Further testimony to show- Ihut Iho constitu tional righla of strikers had been In terfered with wua ready for Introduc tion at todav "a session of tho congres sional committee Investigating the copper nilnera' strike Al Ihe result of a decision reached yesterday, after sharp debute between Congressman Taylor. Ihe rhulrman, and tleprescni- ullve fwilxer, one .if Ihe two Kepun licnn members, Ihe rominilire will in ept hearsuy testimony. Mr. Hwltser'a contention that some limit Bhonhl be fixed on evidence ao Ihut everything offered would not lie sdmltteil Into the record wua over- , ruled by the lirmocrailc majority on thr committee. Ilepresenlutlva Taylor of Araannus arrived here today lo Join thr con gressional Investigating committee and waa present at the afternoon hearing. The committer la now complete. Hlnw pi egress was made al the morning session, which wus devoted te hearing atrlkera' witnesses who i hurgsd that they hud been searched for weapona uninwiuny oy urimu ST VISITED sberlifa and members or the cltlxena York residence i.nlay. ihe had not ulllanis. deputised by HherirT Cruse. j been here since before Christina, but rtwlUcr asked lu be placed on rec-inr hoiin was ke.l alwava leady for ord aa disarnilng when Chairman j her use. Klie plamud to i ome hi re Taylor ruled that the romnmte hudjuuturday wllh a house- pally anj rl ample auihoriiy under the Iioiim- res- ,,,, ,, .rvtii. olutlnn lii hmr testimony hearing n I In- administration of Justice In lha copper country unit Ihi' strike. Counsel fur Ihn alrikers offered witnesses lo establish the tniciuat method of applying the luw In vogue lif ro. Mr. Taylor miIiI he thought the strlkirs should huve (hi- privilege of trying o show this method. METEOR nARROWLY MISSES DECK OF Transatlantic Passengers Tell Wonderful Tale of Hissing: Ball of Firfc Which Explod es in Mid-Ocean. (Ily Leaned Wlro lu Herald. New York. Feb. U.Among Ihe re murkuliic si or m atolles lold by Hie pnsaciigers of thu H. li. Colomblu of tho Anchor line and the Itcd flur liner Lupiaiid. both ot whi-h camo Into port Indus, two duyu lute, we.e uccouiua of a lurue and brilliunt me teor which burned Its way through I be snow and Itail and plunged hissing lino Hie sea wahin a short dlutunca of Ihe Luplund. I'lisseiiuuis said that on Friday niKht they were aturtled the up peurunce In the nnrtheiu k of u brilliant bull of fire, mcoiing In n1 p'-rnliola towurd the liner, it seemed j to them ulmost certain to full on thei Lapland's deck. Instead It hurst into) pieces with the report of u i-unnott and aank Into the ecu. The Columbia brought the low. i t buromcntrii al record iver report- ed In the history of the Am hor lihu and the story of a hurricane in which tho ship was tossed uliout a shell. whiti: srxit 1. 1 Kit lMl.l.l IN lll,I.IMl)N Napb-H. Feb. Is. The White eHur liner Celtic collided wllh Ihe Fu bra inier Madonna today and both vea aela were aerlously diiniageU. Tho Mudonna'a unchor chum was broken and she Buffered considerable Injury to th top of her stem and stent. She was t.r.uble lo leave for New Vork, for which port she arus to huve de parted today with a laro number of rmtgrunta. fhe hud been docked for repairs. The Celtic wua aerlolislv damaged on Ihe counter but It i believed l'i have liecn only slmlilly injured below water. Che u'so was nounu lor .vin i Yori. i It was aaid ut the While Star otflces here that becuusr of the sluckness of westbound travel at this acasoii the Celtic probably hud lew lirst-cluna pnssenKcra aboard. No pusechilcr lint was uvailublc here. The Madonna is it compurulively small ahip and an led inoMly immi grants. The ugetils lure said she bud I.Iimi aboard un ilim tup. FOWKItFl L TI I.S Ml HH III Imi l(IVi:it It I. New York. Feb. 1 V- Two powerful tuus. uided by o rise in Ihe tempera ture, aliceeeded todav in smashing u ihiiim d through the Ice that haa blocked the Hudson rive, between New Yo. nnd Yonkera. Tho lugs were aent out by Ihe Federul rbmar Kefining coinpuny ufur ire govern ment revenue i that Its cutters the jlockude. through wh eh erv ice nu wen iiitui'lo They have walliiuc alii; reported lo raise g path a hunted with coul und ruw sonar were nhlc to reach the cotnpuny'a dock ut Yonkcrn. STEAMER HF.Vl'NI F. rl'TTr.H Kom) at het hotel waa making no IOOHINO Itllt S41IOOl:ll rlulidertlne visit, he hud lli.idif tA'aahington. Feb. ll The revenue j know n oefore he left his office Hint he culler Onondaga w in ordered oill,wll going to the hotel to talk with from Norfolk today lo lo k or Hieljtrj. lloml. Itogi is cotitendeU that S UOU-ton : hooner Kuirc ol Hut h. Me., with a crew of eleven, about 1" in Ilea cast of t ape from I'ort Anhiir. dence. It. I. The Henry. Klie was Teg., fov I'lo.t Imiico put in at :-i with her inigo Nusmuii on January Ifled and auils ittls'tng. nrisinTtriT STORY OF BETftUlUAL qj, JJJgg WILSON IS BUT FALSE ALARM (Hi leaaeel Wlr- rretin Tera: 1 Washlnuton. 1- el. l . l uoia ui of uu offlclul denial of a report Ihut .Miss Murgaiet Wilson. Hie prcsl lient'a oldest ilaugbter. wus rtigHgcil to be married to llmil Fisher of Kansas Cliy. Mo., was requested to day by Ihe While house. MILLION-DOLLAR HOME OF VANDERBILT3 LEFT SMOULDERING WRECK Ig-aaed Wlro ut Fvsnt.ia Herald 1 Jericho. Long Isl. nd. Fell. IX. The country home of Mrs. William K. Vanib rbll!. Jr.. valued wllh Its tarnishing mid art ireusurcs at nearly tl Out).- 0(10,' was dei roved by fire lo- day. The only ooupanta were a caretaker and servants left to look after the property. The caretuker attributed the blax llo an overheated furnace. The fir-i departments of Hi-kwlla and Weal- bur were culled hot on account ol I Ihe snow clogg.-d roads they were unable to drug tlu-lr apparatus to .the scene. . Mr- Vanderbdt w..g nl her New run uuiiorinn I unj AmT-. tttttt 4r AGAINST GORE, State of Oklahoma Has Place for Men Who Plotted Ruin of His Reputation, Attorney Thunders. LAWYER INCUBATED SCHEME, ALLEGED Charge Made That McMnrray Seeks to Get Even With Blind Senator for Opposing Claims to Indian Fees. WOMAN SOLE CAUSE OF NOTORIETY. CLAIM Counsel fjr Defendant De clares Mrs. Bond Gave Case Publicity for which She nowh Asks $50,OUU Damages. Illy lrfMis4il Wire lo l-:enlijr llcrnhl nkluhoina City. Felt Is. The charge that J. F. McMnr ray. nn Oklahoma lawyer now living In Wuehlouloii. planned the iilligcd couxpirai-v uiilnst ThoimiH I". Dure. Fnlt'-il Htulea senator from o'-labouiu. which resulted III his belli sued for I 'lO.liilO damages, lor un a Hexed atl.icli on Mrs. Minnie i: lloml. was made In lte trial h-re today ltolu-rt I. Haw rs. In addressing tho Jury, said that several years ago McM array sought to prose cute claitilH for nearly n.0UO. Iilill fees from Indians on the transfer of lands. lie asserted that Kcnator Oorc optioned Mi--Murray's claims and tit retalia tion Ihe conspiracy bad been planned. "Oklahoma has u home for such conspirators," he shouted "II In over at Mc.Mealer." The stale penitent Iary U located at Mc.Mcsler. When Mr. Kodgers had fin ished hln uddresn thre allor nev-s si 111 remulned to speak before the case ready for Ihe ttiry. It was expecleil the Jury ivollld Uet the cIihc nluilit .r p. to. f Itr Taaaed Mtre to F. veiling; ricmlil.) tiklahoma Cilv. iikla. Feb. Terminal ion of arguments and plac ing or the cane In Ihe hands ot (in Jury was expelled here today in the trial of the damage suit of Mr. Min nie K. Ilond UKauist Thomas I'. Ciore, Fnited States senator from I 'kla.ioinu. The plulutitr unka fjd.uuu from thu senator us the result of uu alleged nt tuck made on her in u Washington hotel. ilx of the I.' hours a Holed by Judge Clark for urgument iclilalll -d when court convened today ltolM-tl L Uogers. uu iiitoriiey of Little Itock. Ark., addressed the Jury In Ihe senator's behalf. Id. Insisted that Ihe senator in going to meet Mrs I rv idelice in Ihe trail showed that Ml Uond was u party to 'he alleged coi splraiy against Mr. liole aud that the knew Ihe motive liiliind It all wan pobtliul opposition to Hie senator. "This woman." be said, "complains that on account ol publicity given the affair in Ihe hotel she has been dam aged l'i".ii"'l. Who gave the H -mill!' ily ? Hhe did tud the hre ineii iv ith aer In the coiiepi' ucv .' WATER PROPOSITION LOSES OUT IN DENVER lily la-aaivd W Ire io Frening Herald 1 Denver. I-eli. I i-igures conipu ed todav iiv lti elections commNnain on collllele I'eturiis llolll VeSlerd..y special election, showed the fullov lllg resllIU The Ki-iull association amclulineiit on uhiib all IcUal cl-ctnrs voted. wan dcfeuied ll.Tlu to ll.'JII. Malorli;. against. I'MUti The water contract, on whan on! taxpavel'S Voted, was tfef-ated 1 1 I to i.x:i. Mujoriiy aKaiust. :..'.' Issue of 13 lino. mill ooliiln to cover the clly's share of driv ing Ihe Juno a I'ealt funnel through the conlnicnlal divide for Ihe us,- of the Denver and Salt Lake railway, curried by a vole of nearly I to I For. l'.' f. In utuinnt. fi.M Majority for. r 7 The ll tall association uiiicndmeni the water coiilruii provided u cl.ui for apprainliig ihe Denver I n ion Wulei lompanv plant with a view to lis uHllu.iie iiut'chase by the cltv in the luenuiime the company guar in. li- leu Interest i n lis bonds The vole on oth.-r proposals Bill milled to Hie cletior follows: r-. in i - in. .in h I .- pay for city em plows For Sl.tila: against. I TSS Maturity. 1.!u7 Amendiociit lU'ohibillng the sale of pt'opcrtv for ib ! I ii. tl nt taxes oihi thun the Inntallmeni In d fault! pi. 17 111, against. 7 t7. Majority, It, 1 U. DG Will Cross Ocean in the Biggest AeropL anc Son in Law of John D. Rocke feller, on Way to Florida to Build and Launch Transat lantic Air-Craft. (Ily fa-ascil Wire to e;ei,:ng fTnrald.) Chicago. Feb. IS, Harold Me t'ormlck. aeroplane cnthtiniant nnd sun-In-law of John I . Kockefcllor. who has already In a died hdn. I 'are transportation from his hott-i in ii imrt hern suburti lo dow ntowit Chli-aao. has planned to fly acrn the At la nt I.- ocean In the largest nor op'nne vet built, uccordhig to Infor millon which r- '"ed here today. Mr .McCormick. wllh I'burb-s Tde. I. en on, president of the Chlcngo i lub now Is on his way to Miami, Flu., according to the dis patch where the pluna for building nd launching the iruim-Atlantic urr plane are to be pctfei icil. Accord ing lo Information given to airmen here C. C. Winner. Lincoln float hv ml Ttony Steadman are lo be the pilots in the 1 1 ik lit . wlh Jay J. Mi- atihy an mivmaior Oiinottne tanks hlch can lie driipped when their oiiteiits are wire said In an I til li 1 t hi 11 of the ciiulpmcnl proponed for the giant aeroplane. bono w ingi will spread 41 feet from P to tip A ulii-U-ns outfit with u IHl-tnlle radius of efl btetiev. also i'l be part of the equipment. SLEZAK CLASHES mitu oniipr ruuuL anious Tenor Get Two of His 35 Trunks; Grand Opera in All Sorts of Trouble. Illy la-usi tvirr i rrvrnmr HcrabM letiver. I-eli. : Negoil.itlotiH were iitnl. rla ... n li.ilnv wlu reliy It was hupeil a sell lenient would oe i lie. led l .iVl.llltK tor a pel fol main e hei.- to mtit l Ihe National ilr.itid opera mpaiiy of Canada. I'eiidiiu the out. otn. Clair J. 1 It . Ii n i-r, coiunus- loll, r of llllall. c. Mill Ill-Id tne eom i.iiij's propel I which was seii d lanl inglii when the member retimed to appear union the entire $ I. ;,iim inlee for Ihe nmlu s pei fornnili' i wan paid. F D. Il.ivvkltis. I.e ul promoier I do. III. ti ll tr.'.ll lie.-allne of alleged absence of some of the principals of the company. At today's conference the pi in Ipals xpressod u vv illiiiKii.-SH lo give it per formance intiifcht under a ciiiuprommc uuieeni.iil It was cxpectsd u le- Dion would lie rcaciled late! today. (iconic .-'lezuk. pilinifial tenor, vv li ant iomIii .'laslieil with s veral police n.l tl ii u 1 1 ,- sc. -tired two of thu iiiuks .leloiiging to lelt l.r 3a tha vast today. RATES ON FUEL OIL TO ARIZONA POINTS DECLARED EXCESSIVE (Iiv lAni Wirt i llralil. a hu. ton. Kth, 1 V-- lloliltim I rt'Uhl I alls 4 ti ! 'in I i; 1, nliin tit - H .li iim uiu) i iiiiu t is. 1 11. i r I Mm i illlol lit;. Ktci.H.if. (.oUi-l.tli.t till! T xiH i tuli-i .ua pitinlM it t.milM tn A rUHIH W Vt' I' kti fHl I'. 1 lit- ilili'l fil.llf t m tut 1 1 1 i-oii. rnii.i'in tin I i'iu.i m ti i't'ritlt (iiul'l'iiittri "y Xhv An nul i i ' i i' ! I'.i 1 1 1 1 4-t'tinius'!1!! uiu) lh' I m i f 14 t 'rf inn ruiiiiivili y Uut low TODAY IN CONGRESS Hcnnlc. M. t nt noon l-orelgll lelallollt committee lelaved selei Inn a . hairnian lu el i essioti lo Hie late Kcliutor "a- on until Hu- i. turn of S. naldf .-'win-, the thinking niitit il, i 'oli-t it ut o-.nal ailiell-llOeOt lo eiifiam lilse -.voiii.h wan din. u-m .1 a ii bout a. t ion. House amendment for (he half million .lo H u Ii"n cio-leia i a m -a.i.ll a k reed to and Ho- ..ill wax pn paicd for I'remlciit H il.iun't sikii.itutc. Meliatol Itlintow llitlodieiil a bill lo deposit poslal S.IVlflgH "111 In hanks of Hie in-., ledcial re serve system House. Mel at In oil llesll.lled deo ate l the .Vl.n katl lalilo.iil hill wit I plalln for pas.ase la-ror- u-liouriiui nt Mm Chri'tine Fiederies of lhllade!.hi.t uikted liK'slallve permission for niaiiuf ii tin. -is In protect the prices of their slaiid aid good lialltiiloie llnh dealers asi.e.1 liil.-rstate v oinmer. e i-ommutea to proliiliit use of food fish bf f. ruhiter ni .iijfji-1 ir.-m. I.l III Docs Not Represent Sober Judgment of Democratic Party, Declares Senator Owen in Defense of Wilson. BRIST0W MAKES VIGOROUS ATTACK Canal Tolls Exemption Debate Elicits Charge That Presi dent Interprets Planks ta Suit Circumstances. ' (LODGE UPHOLDS ADMINISTRATION Republican Senator With Ex ecutive in Policy of Keeping United States From Being '"Outlaw Among Nations." (Itf U-aaesd Wire to IC renin Iterald. Wuivbliigton, Feb. IS. I'r.-nldeltt Wilsons plan to repeal Ihn I'linaina, canal tolla cxe.llptlon calue In for IIS flint senate dciiute today, during "hah It was churn, by S. nu lor lirlstow. I ;-i.ii HI i .-i. n us an nld to II aliM ontln. nta rullrouds. Senator l.o.lKe. Kepu iilicu n. and Senator Owen defended Ihe presldent'a ponltlon, while Senator t 'liamlarlaln, Deiiiocritt, declined to agree with II. Mr. llriHtow denied having Impugned the president a motives. M-nalor llrislow declared Mr. Wil sons attitude on the I'aniiuiu canal plank of the llaltimore convention und on the surfTugc ciieatlon had "given us u line on some of tho pe culiar und IntcrcKting charnclurlatlea of our chief executive which may ba exceedingly useful lu Ihe country In the ft ure." II,. quoted the single presidential term plank and asked: "At Ihe proper tittle will Ihe preal dent interpret this plunk in harmony with hla positions to auffruge or aa to cfttml lollat" - Senator HrlntoW charged President Wilson with living Inconsistent when he i. . lined to favor woman's suffrsgn lii.-a-ls. it waa not treated In Ihe Drill ociiitlc platform, while he wag" asking congress to repeal tha I'unumii canal lolls cxetiiptloii which tho platform favored. "Th greed of the railroads and Iho uiidaeiouK claims of litem llrlluln seem far mole potent with our chief executive than a pin-ii In ol women," ha Maid. Senator Hilhorland declared lha most convincing argument for wom an's suffrage was thr luck of any per suasive argument against It. When Senator Owen look Ihe floor to defend I'renident Wilson, the de but., turned from suffrage lo I'unama tolls He declared there wna likely to creep Int. i a parly platform soma plank not f 1 1 1 1 V digested pud Ihcre lore not to be regarded ua conclusive on the parly. ' "That iiucatlon had not been de . ided on by the national Dctii.M-rucy," said hi'. "I say that Ihe conscience of no Democrat Is hound by the plat form, lie. -a use It does nol represent the sober judgment of Ihe party hut merely represents what some per sons, who found ihemsclvea In a po sition lo voice ihe principles of Hi" party believed hud been determined oh. "I Ulll opposed to no lolls. TbeV would I... unjust to the taxpayers of the I lilted Mates. I don't believe olio . I. .11.... ..r .1... Uk-i.i..lli.n I,. ..nasi MisO (vessels would ever find lis way lo lh ultimate consumer " Declaring Ihut President Wilson did not like lo see "the t inted Slates in the attitude of an outlaw moons Ihe nations." Senator I. o. lite, tlcpublican. vlitoloiisly defended tile president. "It :s certain that the president la goiilcd In this matter entirely by what he thinks is to the honor and Ihe credit of the I tilted States ln 111 lorctiui relations. He nua no olio r ol Jei t in vo w. I think he haa thu f'-eiiuu that iii one wuy or uuothcr--au.l I a i u ultai hlng no blame to unv ..lie the I luted stalls has Iticurie.l Ho- dislike of other nations and the distrust of sutiie ol them, where trust had prevailed iiclore. Hp realises lb-It Ho- iiuhtlitl position of the I nit.-. I Stales Is not to h" obtained -hv ilisle 4aid of international iiUiieaimiis or reversing pole l.-a long lo Id, simple ... Kiullt some pi. rising Whim." .-eii.itor I 'ha in lu lu. Democrat. .1". lan d ha dinus-rccd with 1'rcnl.tcnt Wilsons V lewn lllll villi not !UCSlotI Ills tltotltCH. "Tlie pi. nik adopted al llultiinota wan ami Is us hunting ua any other plank or that plailorm. ' ha said lie .!-' I. iled that if the toil exemption nt lapcalcd It would Imp uvcuusr of Ho- Cuii. Khan liuusv out ir.vutul rail-i-.iiils, na.-kt-d by the American lines Si uator Jvt - ' u 1 1 1 i , Itepiiullcan, ilu- la red be did nol join Senator llrislow in charging that the president wua million, ed by transcontinental tail i iiuiln. heiiutor ltristow denied he had tm j fa. u ued tlie prraidetu a motives. "The senator cillicr cbargea lha liresoi, nt with a to.. of tha or being un unsophisticated pl-INOIl," augmented Settatur Mvera. "I itou'l maw Ihut touclution. lha sen.iloi may if hv dealt.-," isturtvd Mr. 1'ris'ow. Sen... ..r liorah ilc-larej that t)lr I