Newspaper Page Text
O -H r7 v TODAY MKWf TOH4Y Yfa get II In lis II KHALI,. Hfty iM'ttilh ixr IS emu n wee ilejlrnrrd I fuur dMr firtjr ifnls bjr mail. would care to lira in Mexico I - wrM"uuiri.nrijn.rLnn TWnrNICCTTIXICX, Vol. . No. . ALBUQUERQUE, HEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1914. TEN TAQES TODAY atYKMXG iriCRAIA km a. mi. . BRITAIN IN UPROAR OVER VILLA'S COLD BLOODED AND BRUTAL MURDER OF SCOT who Mm MURDERED LIKE 11 DDK, SAYS TELEGRAM TD SENATOR FALL Villa Boasting of Cold Blooded Crime; "Watchful Waiting" Failure, Sayi Indignant Message From Border City, Head in Senate Today; "New Assassination Has Horri fied Even Dupes Captained by Execrable Bandit," De clares Mexico City Newspaper While Another Shudder at Refinement of Cruelty of Rebel Chief. KOI RESOLUTIONS DENOUNCE POLICY OF AD MINI STRATI N f Ity Lrsscd Wire la F'.vonln Herald J Washington. I. '.. Keb. 21 A trleg-rum from II. N. I ikI ( or Kl I'hko. Texas. In Senator Kail. declaring Kenton "was murdered like m ring was read In tin- senate today .11 the request of Pi-nalor Kail. II-, a liui had read a telegram from tin- Kl I'aao mass meeting "I am almost certain VI In did it in M'raim." said the telegram from I mil ley. "Nn etldcncr thai Kenton waa th,. aggressor. " added Ihe tmdley Icl egum "Kterythlng shows II cold-blooded murder. Castillo, a guest f our goti-ninou! with safety from punishment. Villa boasting of bin . rlniK. In there n, protecllon anywhere? Kl Paso f'lll of rrhel o( fleer The business Hflalra or liie rebellion openly dune here. Watchful null nil a fullure." M W AshAhMVOIOX HOHKIHI.H. h.YH IMP MM I. U Mexico t'lly. Keb. 31 Thr slort nf the rxiciillon nf William H Hcn- ton by the rebel, Villa, Ik displayed today under large ly headline In all the NMtnlah ami Knglish new spa per. Kl Impar. 11 luhels It "The new assassination, which hua hurrlfleil eirn the ritira captained hy the execrable bandit." Il declares thai Villa killed Kenton In cold blond. Kl Indcpendlcnti'. refer In the crime a hut In been committed wtla) "all the refinement il cruelty." Thr leaden, of thr Hrillsh colon are contemplating calling a mas merlin of Kritlsh resident to maku rcprcscntat limit on the subject and lo demand from Ihrlr government more adequate irotrctlon for their tountrjmen residing in rebel territory. III MII.ITIONH itnf HV.til.l..TIMi POI.H V Kl Vim", Tex., Ken. 21 -The ullcg rd dlanpprarani e of Jobn l,awrfncc, an eiiRin-rr of Yuma. Arii.. and a Irlrnd of hl of the mime c'urt im. In lu.irii I.iki WediieHilnv, or whether they li.itc diHMirarrd at all. coiisli tilled a mylery today. In Juare official denied that miv in h men had been neiamed The Amrilcan conaul. Thonia K. Kd MHrda. officially Inforinrd Ihnl OiiHtav llaurh, who waa re"red en vented a a ! laat lilliht. had mera ly hren rei,loed. Irom the l-erd'i atreel barrncka, w herr he waa held Ineoiiimiinlcaitii, It, another Iih ku. and tha cnnnul u anHtired that lirnbably he will be released In a dav r Un. The acuut ion nKal'i"! !-"" h, w far uk i-oiild be learned, almmrrrd down durum the trial In thr i harce thai he had -lleil In reialrlim o comnllten for I he federal. Ham h la a railroad nuahanb'. If the nlateiiieiii it, Kdwarda proceii Irne and ha I releaacd. American refuite. h re My It will Indlcat that (he ItidiRiiatinn meillna held here lam nlabl i .roi.i.t aKainat the mur der or William M. Ilenton by liencrul Kra to lam Villa. Hit Inem ed the rebel decision. Hantficaiil I cwlnrr. The moat alunlf icaiil fratntr of thn m mreliim (a ill lo be that 't could be held nt el; with foreigners hat Ilia Intercut In .Mexico ii piu-iil. Kor Ihre jear they hate utolded ein the aeurancr of hating kii oilnlon on affair mmiiIi of I be lilo tliamle. exee.t i oiilbli-ntlallv among theniAcltea. t nlKht, elating thai thry r allied what their new attitude InlKht mean In their Inti-reat and poiwllily In their own live Hhoulil Ihry attrrnlU In return to Mcxl they allowed IhdiiNcltr In thr orn where Villa r ireM-ntallt ea, who werr ureacnt. could recognUe them. Among the Vlllalala In the audience Ma a lir l.ynian Caachtmum. Th' din tor. who la VilU'a p. ih klelan, today leaned a k.gned alale ment declaring that the xtatrmrlit In the rekolutlon thai American have been murdered In Mexico becauae of their nationality wa untrue. The rraolullon. which comb limed the atlltuile of the Vt aahlngton got -rrnmeni on Mexican affair and ao-I'liM-d the at. ilp deparlment of aui irealng thai facta In the Intereaia of a I'caer policy, werr aent In I'rea blent Wllaon by trlcgrapli laat night I'oplr wer mailed In the llritlali ambuaaador and In thr arnator from Texas and .Via Mexico. Although Villa protnlaed Conaul Kdwarda thai Ihr irate of Ilenton w-ould ba marked. It ha-Ktlon aa atlll unknown to Heutou'a ffleiuU lo tlav. Meanwhile. Ml. J M. I'atlrranll, alatrr of lUuch. taking her cue frmn I he Kenton caae. la cunt lined thai her brother ha la-en killed. l'uriort ed friend of t'urtia and I .a arnica rrlteraled their belief that tha Kng- PAINT VILLA IN BLACKEST COLORS liahmen were dead or In hihuahu.i which they aid amounted lo the i-ame thing. Colonel hrederlcn (lotixalr Oiirui. counarHor to the garrlaon coinman der at Juarex. Colon.-I Kldel At Ha. lolil reportera today that liatich waa taken to f'hlliiiahuu yraterday on the train whieh cariieil llcneral Villi and hi alaff. Conaul Kdwarda waa at the elation when ttlia train left and carefully air ul mixed Ihe puaaen ger on the platform without ecclng an American. He udmilteil that one might hatr cacaprd detection. He aald he expected an oft Ida I report of the Itam h caa. by nlKht. Atlla trhemently dinl'd thai ant loiricnera arr lo. ard up at Juarez at preaent and he aald that liwrence and t'urtia, wern peraona he had never aecn or heard of until he read the neuapapcra. lie ordered that a r ter of all priaoner lie prepared to day for hi acrtitlny and InatriiHrd that hereafter dallv rr ort l made tn him of nil nrreat tU. IHMH Mil) AH m i nitnnorH Kl I'aao. Tex.. Keb. Zl.-lirlnlu- , Hon condemning the government for II handling of .Mexican affair wern adopted at a mua meeting held In a theater hire laat night In plolent agalnat Ihe murder of V. H Hnton by lleiirrul Vllln Ml Juarex. The meeting camu a Ihe climax of a day of en llemi'itl cauard by new of the death of lieninn The meet ing waa Ural called for Clcteland Niiiire, bul Mayor Kelly In letter to Oiorge Curry, former foternor of rw Mexico, aaked him In rent a hall a he regarded an open meeting a dangerous The mayor aald he would auppreaa any attempt lo hold 111" meet lug in the open. Illi hard IhhIIcv. head of Ihe con tracting firm which built aevrral hundred mile of thn Mexico North wcai,-rii railroad and one of the moat wealthy and Influential refugee from .xicn. promptly paid I1S0 for Ihe liae of the theater Mekaenger in turn Ihe crowd front Clcteland kuale In the theater wcia popted. The killing of Kenton, a Km inn kift.Jeci. occurred laat Tuesday, hut the fai l became known here only lo day. The resolution follow; "Wherraa. Mr. William V. Kenton. highly re pei ted and honored cltl rn nf the alalr of Chihuahua and a uhjrd .f Ureal Hrliain w aa brutall ' murdered and aaainaied at I'ludail Juaie. Mexico, by mmlao Villa, , the clllxena of Kl I'aao, Tegaa, and refugeea Ironi Mexico, at an In dignation meeting bent In Kl I'aao. Kebruary I. It 14. w lading lo pro test moat emphatically again! Ihe cruel and violent Ire. "me tit whir h ha lirrn accorded foreigner during Ihr paal three, year of revolution In that country, beg In aubiuit to the world and the Amer.'caa people thv following brief alalrmenl of fact: "The cold blooded and beartlea aMHlnnllon of Mr. William H. Ken ton without any cauae whatever oth er than the fact that he went In Juarex to protest against the confl calon nf hi property, 'l,o Itemrdloa' ranch In the northern Mexico which had been repeatedly looted, la but another crime lo be added lo th., hundred that hate already Imcii committed agalnal all foreigner liv ing In Mexico who hate been driven from their home, their property de stroyed. In many case women have hern outraged and foreigner mur dered In cold blood and for no other reaaon than on account of their na llonality. We believe that the tte department ut Washington hag per alMirntly uppreaed fact concernlliif Ihr true condition In Mexico and endeavored through Inspired new paper articles and by other means to mlalrad the American people, and form public opinion for political pur pose In support of a policy thai Is ruinous to all foreign Interest In Mexico and In the Mexican peopH Ihemselve. In support of this state ment we would call altrnlon tn a recent article In the New York World which purported lo Im a semi-official Interview coming from the gec I'lury of slate's office and which atfd that while a great many Am irlians had lost their live In Mexi co, not one hud been murdered solv it on account nf his nationality. This slaiemrnt we know lu be ghsolotcty false and we believe there are re P rta on file In the state department Irom our own ronatils In the con trary. We recall 'n the lad few month inch case a ihe aaaasslna Hon of Mr. Hnrlnii at Kanta lliauilli. Mr. Hate and Mr. Thomas at Ma dera, and Mr Krook In northern Chihuahua, and In every one of the" caars they werr most brutally mur dered for no othrr reason than (hut I hey were American cltlen. "Home moulds ago the stale ilu-p-irtment officially di dared In win of Ha messages In Mexico lhal It would hold the Mexican leader per annuity responsible for outrages com milted against American cltUens. A thn preaent moment our government la harboring General Vnex Walasar, it ho ha an unbroken record ever rime he took the field In Mexico of outrage committed against our clll srns; there are many clllsens nf this city who were cruelly and hrutnliy treated bv this num. many whn have been held for ransom and at least one, Mr. Fountain, who wag shot by his order, and Ihua fsr he ha been Immune from all punishment by our ovcritment. "At Ihe preaent moment Maximo C.isiiiln, who for many months hi. l-een at the head of an out la 'A l ar d in northern Mexico, holding ou.- 1 1 1 - r-'n lor ranaom nnd perpetrating i.ll Mud of outrages, whose ' crnllv burned alive between lirt and It) passengers 'ti the i"umhr tunnel m the Northwestern railroad. I be lug given asylum and prutrctu.t. by our government "We submit these facta a evidence, that our government la. through a t eak and tacillHtitig policy rll.our agliig theae lawless tcadcra to- com mit all kind of outrage against for elgner. and doing a great injustice to our own people Hint i resulting in a losa of hundreds of million if dollar of foreign capital, Ihe mur der of many of our cltiaeiia. Ihe rap ing of American women and rulni.- lion of Mexico Itaelf. "The career of Kranclacn Villa, r man who has been an outlaw and murderer for many year and who w pi.w leading nn arbitrary and lt poll,: reign of terror over northern Mexico. Is more cruel and barbarous in his methods than any It rant in the world's history. It la a fact that he ha treated with contempt tho leprrgenlallt ra of all nations, nnd that he doc not hesitate lo put .1 man tn death for Ihe sIlKlilest causa and for any way Incurring hi ill plraure. We believe it a disgrace lo our government nnd the Amerliail people lo tolerate sin h a man, much leas tn gite him moral support, thero fnrs, be It "Itesnlird. Thst Ibis uiaaaaga hs sen I to Ihe president of the I'nilel Htalea. the Kritlsh ambassador "t Washington, to our I'ntted Hiui senators, with Ihe mines! lhal il la read into tha congressional rec ord, and we appeal lo them and t all our ri presenlallt e in b.itli branches of emigre to adopt a res olution to compel the state depatt mr-nt to Iransmil In congress It re- -i-rila pertaining In Ihe outrage com muted against Americana and fo- rigner In Mexico, and lu take u h action aa will give our people tho protection guaranteed Idem unriir their roual II ul tonal right and In maintain the honor and pr.-stigr of our country In the eyea of Ihe world. We appeal In you to make known tin fact In the American people and In srr that our citlxen who are hviiut In Mexico and hat luteal ed Ihclt money there In good faith are giv. n the protection lhal I Justly due them." TODAY IN CONGRESS Tim hrniaie. Mei al noon. Bunator iilitrr offered amend ment to thr trade commission bill lu exempt certain small cor. poratloiik. Conferences on Ihr Alaska rail road bill postponed to Monday. Telegrams on Ihe killing of William Kenton al Juarex read SI th reural of Senator Kail, like IIimiso, Mel at noon. I'rgent deficiency bill taken up. Truai bill hearing were continued. STILL I'JJIT AT THE VJHITE HOUSE Full Investigation of Facts in Benton Case Desired Be fore Any Opinion Is Ex pressed on Subject. BENTON ALLEGED TO HAVE PULLED A GUN (Hy lraaetl tt Ire In ftvrnlnf MrraM.; Washington. Krh. Kl. Whllr llnus official stated today lhal ofli iul re port from ileneral Villa and his friend declared William H. Kenton, the Kritlsh ranchman, waa executed liecaiise h entered Ihe camp of Villa, aimed and threatened the life of th constitutional!! commander. In v!w pf I hi report, there was a disposition al Ihe White House to await H full int'eallgatton of ihe fact before expressing any opinion. It waa also stated that Oreat Ktitnin was holding In abeyance any repre sentation pending the completion of a report on the affair hy the Amer ican gotrrnmcnt. laile official rt is pad ties tn the state depart ment. enntajning Villu'a ver sion of the affair, wore brought to the White House, but a complete ai count of the killing a Brsonally explained In Consul Kdward Is on Its way by mall. nrnYUtl dispatches from American consular representative say further that Villa claim Kenton tamo to him armed and thai during Ihe cournr ol a long argument and quarrel Kenton raised a gun lu shuol, hut wag dis armed and a trial by a military court followed. Uolierto V. I'riiier. constitution alist agent here, male public the fol lowing telegram fri m conatilutlonal lat headquarters at Juarex. "Kenton entered Yitlm apartment very unexpectedly, , oBtnaniling pro tection for 1fl Inter.'' fWl njtterlj Insulting Villa and the rebel army, lli lii nil Villa told him thai he consid ered him an enemy lo I be constitu tionalist cauae and that In older thut he might not continue tn wmk against it he (Villa) was going lo pay him thr value nf his i Kenton's property In the stale of Cbihu.ihua. "Ilenton became very cxaapelated at tin and drevt hi revolt er, intend ing to kill the general, hut Ihe latter Immediately kno- k.-d him down, dis armed him and sent him to Jail. Kenton awn atierward tried bt a special military court and sentenced tn death and duly executed, all In accordance with Hie laws and uaaites of war." An announcement that Kenton met death in Juairx after a court martial ordered by Villa waa made today h Secretary Krynn. who said he had li further details II. a InTol unit ion came In a dispatch from Consul Kdwarda at Juarex. who said he had read the cotirt martial pro. ceding, which wele forwarded by mail In Washington Sucretary Ho in communicated Consul Kdwarda' latest message to Hir Cecil Xpring-Klce. Ihe Kllllsh a in das sudor, and Inatimlcd Conaul Kdwards to demand ailciuaic protection and a fair hearing for "luatuv Kaucli, an American citlxen. lor whose aalciy in Juarex grave apprehcnaion ha lain felt. Krienda ol Kauch In Kl l'ao have telegraphed to Kepi eaelital It e Smith of Texas that lie had been hol aa a apt. No ! poll hail been re ceived at thr sidle department today on the reported disappearance of two other Knglishmen liwreiu e anil Cur Ha, who ale aald In hate gollu I" Juarex In search for Kenton. Ill MOIUJI l I.TIIV IHVkl ll II S I.M Kl Ml Kill ki:i Kl l'ao, Tex. Krh. 21 The report from Mexico Cut or the i nline id a rebel lanro. Iron, great been attempt to bribe Kefugio Ve federal "inmaiidaTe ut Tur in surrender, was read with Inlereal lull-, for rumois hate current for a week that Juan Krlttingham. ol Home I'alaclo, i banker and n,. ol the biggeat man 11(111 tillers of Mi in n, lost hi lite ua i result of Ihe plot. Krfugee from Chihuahua hioiisht up Ihe tor. but owing In Krlttingham a prominence nnd wealth It waa tint Pelleted The story said Krlttingham. acting .or the rebels, olteird Vcluacn lil.luiu, IiimI in give up the city. Vt-laa n I alleged lu hate demanded an addi tional million -ind guarantee ul I ion. nun. The hanker Is said lo hate turned over the guarantee money, whereat Veins'" laughed and turned him over lo a Hung squad. Juarex oftt tula dinted Ihe story. lHIMi:ilS TKK HY -iicmm m to io i iti:r Kl l'an, Tex. ft-b. J I. The Iwo priaonera taken l.y Iriaip M. Thir teenth tat all t last night, when fif teen or twenty shots wrr rxihuiiged between thr Anict leans and a crowd ol Mexican, irndahly will be re leased. Captain Harry M. fiaile aald today, after questioning tie pnaoii era, that they appeared In la? no pluyes of the smelter whn Inadvert ently became mixed up with the fly ing Mexicans. t 'notes melted lilt ornialion last Tuesday that a plot was afoot lo "rush" his little uutpual un the river near th oiiisl.ii I of tha rity. With M " ilJlili no pip Jill (Lli i Millions of Dollars Damage Done by Terrific Downpour Unequalled in History ot Southern California. SIX COUNTIES ARE SWEPT BY STORM Every Town and City Isolated; Hurricane Adds Finishing Touch to Devastation of Fair Southland. 10-INCH RAINFALL IN ONLY THREE DAYS Transportation Ceases, People Walk and Wade Miles to Work; Citrus Belt Sustains a Crushing Blow. (Hy IT-aard Wire In Kvenlnx llnrnlil.) Iis Angeles, Cal., l eu. ji. inrea days of unprecedented ralnlall hloughl six southern Callforniu coun ties to a condition of complete pros tration today. There were no slraet car or railroad lutes in service. High wind ofT ihe ocean prostrated wire and fnr hour today Iai Angeles and surrounding territory within a radius of Jill) mile were without power of telephone and telegrapn service. Kite men and women have ot Ihelr live in the Honda since Wednes day, t.reat damage has been dons by ihe storm waters which wen, tns most menacing in the recorded hiatory of the sou in em; of tho stale. Thn heavy downpours of yesterday wire loilowcd by a torrential ruin last night. This was succeeded hy a gale ol Inch velocity, and all wire, telephone, and telegraph and power line supplying clictrnlly to the 'ty and suburban railways v.enl down bating .practically t-tury town and city in six counties In complete Isola tion. The wind blew st thn rate of 3 mile an hour in Ijs Angidcs and 41 .lilies at '-an l'icgo. Similar telocilieg wctv recorded at S.inu Karbara and oilier coast towns. lu I." Angeles, although It esiaped Ihe heat lest iiiinliill. tn greal lel bridge collapsed. The usually dry bed of the l. AliK' U river and of the .Vnoyo fiai o t arried racing stream which overwhelmed mid de molished cottage and bungalow stood upon llielr bunks. All railroad lines, nteam and electric, citt and iihurban. were hclplea. Cats were balled III the street, railroad trains stalled ill the suburb, and people walked and wailed miles lo work. Street car service was not restored here until '-!' a. m. In the towns ol the citrus fruit belt cliiscns struggled to stem the floods which had already brought on great damage and were threatened with greater dei iietmn. The ralnlall for the three in l.os Angclc wa morn than sewn Inch.-H. At ailnus polnis witditi a railiiia of .'.() miles aa ininli aa nn inches fi ll, most of It during brief and licniiciit wbuh sent tor lent roaring. The storm and resultant llnnds weir Ihr woisl III tin- icoided himr ol ... inherit California. acti.rd'iig to weather Inn rail ottl' l.ils No attempt has been mad.. In esti mate dam.lgi dope la-i alike of Ihe lack of guideline reports from out lying districts tint U probablv will amount up into the millions line man w as drowned at"! ! last night, and at Vutortllle. in h o desert, a hurricane destrotcd the home of Mrs. Ilrne Hprugue wtio was killed in Ihe collapse At Huntington Keai li, Kva 1'iesioii. a XJ-year-old stud-nt at the uniirisity of Hunt hern California became ' on fused by Ihe high wind and pelting rain and stepped In from i.r a ul urhaii car ihe was Instautl allied. The Iai Attgele aqueduct slood the strain of the big Mood but the water system of several nearby town us tallied heaty damage, while the llyer- kMMMSSkSMla till- Idea of obtaining aim anil hut ta for a flltbusierlu expedition, and a close walch Inatituteil resulted in the detection of the Mexicans in an alley by Corporul Jensen. Jcnaen was hied upon when he -ailed upon the Mcxl cans lu hall and he and hia comrades returned a volley. A Mexican who went lu a Iocs I ho pltal with an unexplained bullet WtMJlid in his leg is 1elicvtd tu hat been hil by the Hoopers. 1 1 ii DELUGE mum Representatives Laval Or dor Beach Albuquerque Today Three Prominent Members ot Order Arrive at 2 O'clock This Afternoon to Study Local Conditions and Advantages for Fraternity's Great Two Million Dollar Sanitarium for Tuberculosis; Commercial Club and Local Moow Lodge Entertain Visitors. COMMITTEE NOW EXPECTS TO .-: t SPEND SUNDAY IN ALBUQUERQUE C. A Mi of Kan I iegu. t'al , Irank Monuhan of Han Kranclsco, and lr. W. A. Kink of New York, a special comniltlen of the tlriind Lodge of Ihe laiyul order of Moos", reached Albuquerque at 1.1 a this alternoon and were taken In hand Ion sewer of lx Angclc at Kugle wood burst and Hooded that town. The storm was severe In the neigh borhood of San Hernardlnn where cloudbursts swept the niojntalm, a..d t rented Hood conditions hlch wr greatly uggratalcu by thv blah wind., mma l: nw i:i.h ki it i: I HOM i iiN ti io i, on .M,u.t:s Wan Kranclsco, lch. 21 The Southern Pacific cancelled today Its through service to l.s Angeles and the Mania t-'c did Kkewlati lu l.os An gelo a nd Hun I 'lego. Houthcrn I'aclfn- ,-oasf line trains are running as far south as Kanta. llarhara, and Valley line trains tn I'.akersflelil. Ileyond thai point the Tallin Ke Is nlan lied up hy a break in Ihe loint line through the Tcha- ( hapl pug. Th ritclflc Telephone and Telegraph company renorted that In I .os Angeleg. and Han Kernur dino counties all the mountain ar- royo arc foumlng ftit; of . ruHtilfig storm waters. bridges, roads, poles and trucks hate been carried out. Although from l.os Angeles lame word lnd.iv that Ihe sun was shining here, enrly report to the weather bureau here were that ram wa fall ing oter all CallfornVi and Ihr fore cast wax for inure rain tonight and tomorrow. The storm Is nmvliu northward towurd Oregon and Wash ington. In a long distance telephone mes sage from Ihe weather forecaster al Sacramento flood stages were pre dicted in the Ka.riiiionlo river. All the mountain at renins were rising fast. At (Siimmll. the snow fall for the last ;i hours wag ii inches, making a total ot IM now on the ground, of which Hid Inche I packed l. e hard The result will be an enduring sup ply of water for Ihr summer months I'lagmeiilary . ports lo Ihe railway companies was lo ihe effet-t that five inches of rain fell last night In the Tehuchapl, and that there wa Ihrre feet of water in thr Santa Kc vards al Mo'iite. UNPRONOUNCEABLE COUNT ACQUITTED OF DOUBLE KILLING (Ke Leased Wlrr lo Kvmtnr lleraW l M.srltx. Oeriminy. Keb 21 c ount Matthias Krudxewo - Ml.dxynsgilhe. Polish aristocrat and member of the iciniaii Imperial parliament, wag nc- l ii 1 1 1 -.t today of Ihe clou its of mun slaiigliler of his wife and her nephew. Count Alfred Miucxliiekt Tho tragedy m i ni red on lieceiiidrr ;' last at I Hi how y Mokrx, tin- coiintv scat of the countess near ilr.n l., and altrai led wide atteuilon op a. i olilil ot Ihe siH-tai promineiu e of those con cerned The count shot both hia wlf. .lid lo r nephew dead on finding them together ut 4 o'cliM k In the mooting in tin- countess' a p. i ri mints Aftei llie shooting th' count toluntarllt tt sit ed hi parliamentary liniiiiinitt in order In permit bis Hial to last- i.l.i' e $5,000 Reward for Murderous Holdups Great Northern Railroad Offi cials Seek Bandits Who Shot Three Passengers to Death on Train. (H Wire in fuelling n era III J 1. II 1 n K lo III. Vt.iM:. Ki ll :i A rewaid ol, I'l.tniii for rath of three bigbwat men, dead ol alive. who held up a ill cut Northern passenger 1 1 Hill ut hiallilsll, flf- teen miles irom here, shooting to ileal d three passen gei . was an- Ihorim-d today by railroail ofH- i la Is. ) An crt. .it waa made today to put bloodhound on the Irail taken last mghl by Ihe bandit alter the holdup. The only clue 4 I three otercuala left in a i al by the men is4..aav..A.a(4444a l W of the nf Mnnsn linmedliitelv by Ihe reception cutn mltte of Ihe Commerelal Club and the Albuquerque llnnm lodge, whn will entertain Ihem during tneir tay in thn city and furnish them the In formation thry arej seeking regarding climatic and general condition In Albuquerque and vicinity. Theae three men. alt nationally prominent In Ihe work of the Moosa fraternity, arr chargud with thr duty of recommending to Ihe flrand l.odgsi a location lor thn proposed Moiaw, sanitarium for members of the or der at f llcled with tuberculosis, and for the construction of which tho tlralld Lodge has voted In appropri ate ihe sum of $ Tho rmn- milter Is now making a tour of thw Kocky Mountain region In soma part of which It has been determined tn place Ihe greal Institution Already they have Inspected wverul dtns which have liecn suggested ua loca tions for the sanitarium, coming! di rect in Albuquerque from I'rrscott, Ails., which Is one of the numerous candidates. The committee had expected to reach Albuquerque nut Thursday and at a mealing of arrangement- committees In the Commercial Chin Inst night, csrrful plans for the en tertainment of the committee wern formulated These plans wern to tally disarranged this morning when a telegram was received from Mr. McUea announcing- Ihe nxCval o( thw committer thta afternoon. The cl'ub and Moose committers. however, quickly rc-organlxeil their plans and when the train bearing the cnmmlt teemeti reached Albuquerque thin af ternoon thr visitor wern welcomed by a committer of Nome fifty direc tor and member of the Commercial Club and ol fleers and members of Ihe Moose bulge The visitors were conducted st once tu the Alvuradu hotel where luncheon was served They were ac companied at the meal by I r It. I.. Hust. dictator of Ihe local Moose lodge. r W. T. Salmon. Mr. A. fl. Slioiile of the Hhnrtte sanitarium, C. o. Ciiidiman. J. K. Ilerndon, John l..-e Clarke, directors of Ihe Commer cial Club, and others. immediately following luncheon the visitor were taken lo a battery ol automobile which had been as sembled b Mayor Keller, and start ed on a tour of tho city and vicinity in course of which they will Malt lh tarious Kiinllurliims and a number of sites which hate been suggested aa available - fur Ihe Moose mailt ut Ion. Il la expected that the aittiimnbllaj trip will occupv the visitors until tulle bite this afternoon. Plan for this riming and tomor row hatr been left to the visitor., who. wind- they desire to make their Inspection here a rapidly as poei hie. still wish to make It a thorough one N likely that they will re main here all da soinorrott, in ttdiib etent a gathering of busine- men will tie arranged for the Com mercial Club for tomorrow after i ii The member of the commit tee, bowcti.r. were not ready to sue definitely Whether or lint they l nubl remain all of tomorrow, letting that to be determined bt hotv mu.-h eoubf be accompllxbrd this afternoon, hhould ihey remain thr plan for llotr entertainment tomorrow will be announced tomorrow iti.iii.nig "Our Is slrntl) a buslioss top" said Mr Mce,. o a ll' lald reporter Ibis afternoon "We are charged with a considerable duty In re-om-mending the location of Ihe Moose iililtiiriinn. and whet tie aie seeklli to do is to make a thorough liue-iti-gallon in etciy city and of etery sit in etert tin which srein available. While we wish to conclude nur Work aa quick It s possible, we do not tt lah In lie uiidulv haslt and will glv all thr lime tn Albuquerque lhal cms necessary In lis and lu thoao in charge nf us while herr "At Present!, sheer' we wrrr s terdav. wr arrived lit noon and com pleted nur int kstlut ion tery salt lactorilv by midnight II may re quire more time here Our Intrntlon hud been to get n Albuquerque next Thursday, bul Ihe flood in Califor nia totally destroyed the schedule we had planned; hence our sudden change In dates " At Ihe start this afterruuni tha party went first tu Ihe mesa, wherw considerable lime was spent They also tl.llcd Ihe sanitaria and will b taken uter the city and as far up and limn the t alley us possible Fol lowing thv dinner tonight ut the Al i undo Ihe pmtrwin during the re mainder of ihelr stay here will rt with th wishes of b committer, men.