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tour THE EVENING HEHALD, ALBUQTTH!QUE, K. K., SATUBDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1014. JUST REC EIVEO A shlphiiht uf the lalcM My lea In Mounts and Folders. W lire now In better shape ever to turn mil hiKh (Inn up-to-date work. our "Mi"ii.iK' will be appreciated ami every effort made lo please you ' We rent Kodak, inrry n complete line of Amateur Bupplics, and give careful and prompt attention u Koitak finishing. U)Q Gray Studios iiltOC.MI . Alliuqiitrqne SI WcM central A'P. -tioe nil. BOOKBINDERS RULING, SPECIAL FORMS OF ALL KINDS. ALBRIGHT & ANDERSON PRINTERS, BINDERS, STATIONERS. 209-210 West Gold Avenue Lemp's Fahtaff and Draught Beers are the choicest products of the brewer's art. A trial will convince you. Consolidated THE LAST WEEK OF OUR RE0U0TI0N SALE IMhiimiIiiU Mini nli lu x. lit ier cent Sterling MIht. hi m r icnl iiff. Mltt'r Fluted at'. 23 mt rii i off. Jewelry anil Ulngn. 3i n-r ieui off. ( Iim k. 25 M-r t itil oil. siHiiinc Hr" "ml I'urxx SIS iter ii'HI n. i hi .ui-m ami l IiIiim. 3;l m r een( IT. filter lake niltnnl'iut f tlic re ilmiit tlrtv I me liitM Fu'liolic IcHflcr's lilMH.1'. m i; oi ii HiMiim. llltln Wlllll lll lo g.'l.lltl. ) our ( IhiIi c fur DUKE CITY CLEANERS t kian bata, am and Mti'a ci'tlua, raa, curtaJna, tfraiMvin. Mo. S2 Wnat 0ld 4. Promptness Our Hotto F. Crollott FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMEX. Ill WtKT UAO. rbmtc uf Ifhfc 111 FAMILY LIQUOR HOUSE . A. l.lltMli; l'r.p. KiIh ag nia lr Saa I'rtlro Uaue and HiarVMal. OiiUof-lown atrtltni firomplly Bllrd. fumWdnl llutnn by wli or mouib wit vmr liua. I'hone 702. SOS X. liltOADWAY. TJIAMslMIU'T TiMrlll , I'll! sill; . . . WIMITII V' .All Mt Hi lit' Ux-y last V.llL!i!.!S0r,0G CO, 207 West Central rhone 753 aWaaaaaaat ' Jtwi i Lit. wsna KIT Wi'M Central Ae. DONT FAIL TO SEE Wright's Trading Post 3rd and Gold Ave, One of the show places of the city. Largest Collection of GEN UINE Indian and Mexican Handicraft. NAVAJO RUGS AND CURIOS FLOORS. MnU r tit P I Y mi woo, l'hnnn It'U Phone 440 1 Liquor Company Albuquerque,, Hew Hex. M liri ll.KIIAIUiKlt'tl THANSKfCIt LINK Piano Moving and Household (loads giver, apeclal attention. Best storage house In city. Office und sales stable Sit Weal Copper Ave). C. II. t OXMTU. M. If. o. o. Osteopathic Soerladac treat all curable diaeases. Office iter Bldg. Phone III nd III. I J I I Jl II New Spring Suits from Stein-Bloch Co. and Kup penheimer are now dis played Values are much letter than last year. Suits$l5toP Study our windows. Mail orders delivered free. LLWasliburn Company 1SS 8. Beo. lit W. QaU. 3 CRYSTAL Today -TIIK IIAIIMFII AllltOW" MH, titi:i mom:v" Two-IHtl, All. Mar Vltarah I'ralurtt. A.XUY I.OKH OX Till: hTAt.K' Kllxin CwiiH'dy. Kr Tiiimr "1X1)1 IA1I"."A iimtl T-lt Kalran I lalure. Pictures Changed Every Day I, SPRINGER TRANSFER HOVE HOUSES. The Weather FORKCAST New Meilco Tn nlahi ii ml Hundny gi-nrrally ilmiily. ,rulalily rnln nr anvw in north wem portion; warinrr tu niaht; colder in north porllon Piimiiiy. ALnrUlKKQl'K Weather for 21 houra ending at $ thla morning: Warini'st. to degrera. Coldrat. SI. nange. At . 13. Northeast winda: elenr. 8)MK I.ITTI.E old guminer day e bad yeatrrday. Tiling MliLg TonlKltt, "lavender and 'Id Lace'' ill Elka' thruter. Moving Pieture Hhowa. J uM One Mure Ttmn. SEED eataloguea are out! And ay. Y'tu never auw alufr gruw the way It groa In oataloguea! Tlu beet Look like the finest kind of rata! And turnlpa, too, look big and white And fairly good enough to bltet And radiahea are round and red If anybody ever fed On Ihlnga aucii aa theec pages ahow, They'd grow aa giunts uaed t) grow. ... Last year we peeled down to our aatrt. And anadrd and amoothed down the dirt. And planted need from many a pack And got a large pain in our uaek. nd planted nearly everything The pagia lilaxon forth thie eprtng; Lettuce and radlattee and hel. And all the varioua kinda of rut"; Then roving chlrkena came, and then We dug and planted aeeda again. We cared for them with lender care. And Mmuilay fare and loualed hair. And got down on our pudgy knee To weed the onion beda and peaa, And plant atlcka for the brana to climb: And we kept huay all Ihe lime. And winked about our garden Plot I'ntil It aeemed exactly what A garden plot had ought to be, A garden 'twaa a Joy to ace. We three radiahea; tint The pictured page had ehonn, and got A half a mcea of dwarfish peaa, Rome lieetK, aa woody aa young t reea. Our onlona did not turn out well. They mostly ran to topa and smelt. And we vowed ne'er again In eprlng Would we fall for Hut garden thing! Rut how thla garden-looting foola A man! We've ordered garden toola. Judd Mortimer Lewi, In the Hods-ton Yoot. ABOUT PEOPLE YOU MOW TO SUBSCRIBERS ,lf fen fall to- get your evenloi ' . paper, eall POUT At. TKI.KGRAPH f - COUPttiY, FHONB II. J. K. Uachlel of ttawaon. N. M , la a visitor In Albuquerque loduy. A. L Caaaidy, a well known Ban Krandaco clothing ialesman. arriv ed In Albuquerque thla morning. II. r. C'uggeahall. superintendent of the I'ftiled ttlatcg Indian school at ttanla Ke, arrived lo Albuquerque last night. (I.UMNU AX1 rillAMXU of LADli.ll' and OKSTLtaltN 8 CLOTHES. Eelser brog, Prr.a. ilS t. sVsrtMMl at. I'tMHie M. "We Clean 'Ent Clean." Quods Called for and Delivered. BILL'S SHOP PASTIME - .Today . "A ritlH4iXKIt OK TIIK Al'tlll'' Warner ITature IlllUXt llo lill.l.V AXU TIIK HIJIMAX" H ami A. ixm ToMonnow -A I K.IIT IXII A MILLION" A arnrra I raiurr In S HrHa, - zzZT ' "Tl t"SBE aPsssBsasssBaa FOR A TAXI CALL Dl L1AUR0 Phone 17 IIIIIIJL 1 1 HiHiTSffffl Tmm 1 Check Raised from $5.00 to $50;00, The ral-liig if liiii'ka la a ery common mviii rera-e, and Jiiura may Imp Im- !.. . . Have you a tlNi-h lnMrir? If not. git one Imlay. It lake only a niofrHni lo Htamp imr a lui-k and Ihe dngt-r la a1. It'a aa lmMHanl aa lire Imnir a nee. Vill can Imi a rliei-k lr. nlor Uw g.V. gl.iHl. tlH), t.VtMi. (g.M and SU.0J. Wlijr pay snitreT SIBOaG'S BOOK STORE "Your Money llark If Yom Want It,- Additional Society Contln'uil from laze Tlirre.) llernthold Pplta. Mr. and Mrs. Munf Stern. Mr. Iermann Bihweltser, Mr. Luve ltoeniiil. . Mlsa . Minnie Hols igun. Miss (iladva Mandell. Mr. Ar thur ITacger, Mr. N U. Mct'roden. Mr. Krmst ltndoin, Mr. Arthur Ortinefeld. Mr. Albert I'aber. Mr. I .on In llfeld. Ml. Haiti' Uarrta, Mr. Albert Uliiimfi-ld. Mrs 8am Neuatadt. Mrs. Keiwle Jaffa and Mrs. Margaret Medler. Thurxduv evening Mrs fiive Wein man was hoalesa at dinner In Mrs. Htoiiehlll's honor and f'rlduy Mm. Itcrthold Hplli gave an elaborate luncheon In her honor. Mrs. Albert Orunsfeld gave another of fter always enjoyalile dinners Fri day e filing and loniuht Mrs. Mag NoiVlhaus is entertaining for the popular l I tor. Among the affulra planned for next week are a motor trip lo fianta I Fe Hiinilay morning to remain until Moniiay allernimn; a dinner Momla" evening to le given by Mra. Hernard llfeiil, ami Tueadiky a aupper a which Mra Beaaie Jaffa Is hoateae. Mra. Kionehlll leaves Wrdneaday for New York. , 1 Y. W. C. A. Notes I The lluxiuiiua ntrJa' rluli la il.-lluhl. ed utih lb,. wi of p kcte for the en lei tuinnient to be giten Monday evening ai the Presbyterian church by Mrs Matwelle t'aln, child lluper aoliator nrd plabuloglat The Hpatilsh class will meet Tnea day eM'iniiu with Mra. J. H Head. I.I Houih t:dlth street. Th T. W. C, A. tllrla' club will meet Wednesday afternoon at 4:15. lata! WeiliitMiiay the gills were laughl how to ki-ep personal accounta and a good time was spent playing games and learning songs. All giiia between II and 14 years of age are milled to join.. Miss Nam y Hrwttl, print ll of the high s, hi.., , gave a moat tntereeling tevlew of Ihe, Wihin Ihe Ijiw." to le Amlgae. Next week an Informal meeting mill b held and all members ate urged to be present. The Hepewa fainpfire girla will meet Kuday afternoon at I o'clock. . A literary club under the leader slilp of Mrs. Addiaon Howell, has been organised and will meet Friday even ings st I o clock. The first rrsular meeting will take place neat week. Criticism Class Program The foil., In i Interesting program waa giien at rH. Vincent'fl Acad my yOH HALF- 4 (lark-Jewell t.aja Ilanrei 4 guvaniee.1 g.xi4 as wi .1 lieap. 4 Ik lai..;j.'0.-plume to, hall Wednesday night SI the meeting of th weekly "Crilirlsm ClatM". Vslse Ar'-ite Lark Margaret M'anna. June Itosea I Or.h Amy t'hupHo. Military March Krogman Puale Thomas. Violin selection, "lleic euae" llatiser Margaret Foley. Frollch flohm Ituth Little. Taranlelle lenne Irma l.lx. Ilrcllallon. .. ."C'allln Ihe Children" Nellie Iiiigenette. Rouvenlr II Violin selection Eilcnbrrj Eleanor Lynch. Impromptu Masurka ......... Lack Ratella Armljo. Primrose , Arthur Agnes Wlenecke. Masurka , Hol,m Vlrtorine Wllh. To Spring Orlerf Frances lloihe. Violin Itelectlon "The Kn',,.-T . falnt-Suctis Nellie Iagcnette. (a) Au ttevolr Klehner lb) Showers of Rtara Waciis her Thompson. The Juniors of Bt. Vincent's A-a-demy entertained the Henlors with a delightful program thla week. Lunch waa served. The prouratn waa aa follows: When That Mld-Nlght ClaM Lravra for B. V. A " Chorus Cecelia Murphy. Accompanist. "The Owl und the Puaey Cat.".... . t - tliUla . Loebs "In Vain," , Helen fe "Tola and l-nns. '... Lillian Yriaarrl Cecelia Murphy, Accompanist. "Mrs. Iloolahan on Kducatlon.". . . Marie Balling 'The Anatomical Tragedian." Carrie Bchmldt "Mrs. tlralsrnhoeffler's Troubles," Cecelia Murphy "Beautiful Night O'er the Sea.".. Marie Hailing Cecelia Murphy. Accompanist. Sodality ConcrTkonday Night ' Thrie will be a concert Monday evening ln M. Mary's hall at I o'clock given under the. auspices of Ihe Young Men's and Young ladtes a.tdalltles of the Catholic church. There wjll be no charge for admission and those who come may donate or not Just as they please. The public Is invited. The program which has been pre pared Is especially fine and dtctde'i'y well worth hearing. This Is Ihe cond of a aeries of concerts which are being given under the auspices vf the aocietlea of the Catholic church. The Aral one mat given by the Married Ladles' sodality and waa excellent throughout. Knights of Pythias Celebra tion Thutaday evening the Knights of Pythias throughout Ihe Catted Motes celebrated their fiftieth anniversary. The order of ceremony hsd teen prepared by the supreme officers of the Judge so that the same general program was followed at each tele brstlon throughout the country. Here the event look place at Ihe Klka' theater and waa open to the public. There was a large audieiK present which allowed its apprecia tion and Interest by enthusiastic ap plause The stage was attractively dei orated with Pythian symbols and the emblematic cob-re of the order. fpeclal ofnVerg for the uccaaiun were Meaara. H. U. t'ornull. chancel lor commander. W. W. tluwera. vice chancellor: C. O. Cushinan, prvlate: Manuel Vigil. . master of the ex chequer, and C. L. Ilerndieon. maa-ler-at-arms. These, together with loo speakers for the sveiniig, were seated on the stsge. Col. George W. Prkh.ird of Jjanla Fe waa the chief orator for the eve ning. He was the first deputy su preme chancellor of Ihe order in New Mexico and his interesting address was reple'e with reminiscences of the first daya of Pylhinnism la this state. . Messrs. II. C. Miller. R. U U. Mc Allister and tleorgs H. Klock gave brief talks on Ihe subjects. 'Friend ship."! "Charity" and . Benevolence." the three fundamental principles of the Knlghta of Pythiaa. The musical numbers were delight ful. Mrs. Ada Pierce Winn and Mr. Thomas Christian sang several splen did solos; an excellent men's quartette comopeed of Ihe following membcre. Mr. Charles Andrews. Mr. I!ugo Myer. Mr. Thomas Christian and Mr. Ueorge Everlll. rendered wu num bera, and the Dliiiottd orchestra plaed beautifully. Knights of Columbus Dance The Knights of Columbus gave a very Informal but entirely enjoyable dance Tuesday evening after their meeting In Odd Fellows' hall. The crowd was not very large but the af fair win quite gay and everjuae free em h"d Jolly evening. Patriotic Program at Indian School The Albuquerque Ibdlan school will give a splendid program this eve ning at 7 o'clock In the school chapel In honor of Lincoln's and Washing ton's birthdays. The pjblic Is cor dially lnlted. The program follows; Bong. "Old Glory," chorus. Recitation, "Like Washington." An gus Palaano. ' Recitation. "Lincoln's UcUysburg Hpeech." Henry Acoya. Bong. "Soldier Game," kindergar ten. Recitation, "The First Flag." Vea tor Xorrts and t'lote Venllo. Selection, "Army and Navy March," ore heat ra. Dialogue. "Telling About Washing ton." live fourth grade boys. Recitation. "Llttla Ueorge W -b-Inglon." Pedro Aiila. . Bong. "Long Live America." chorus. Recitation. "Abe," Manuel (jun ta lea. Recitation. "Johnny on Ueorge Washington." Peter KJro. Flag Play aad Bong, primary. Recitation, "Cynthia's Cow." Alive Hardia. Bong. "There Was a. boy Named Washington." five first grade boys Recitation. - Snow Kau." Grace I'k ihno. Helectlon, "Bchnol Life March," or chsaira. - . Your Money s Worth in a suit or overcoat means that you will not have to buy clothes so often it means wearing quality, as well as style and fabric. , f j you get all these in STYLEPLUS CLOTHES $17-yoti get the most in clothes that $17 ever bought, as much as you get when you pay some other dealer $20 to $25. STYLEPLUS CLOTHES meet the requirements of the average man for average wear they're guaranteed by the makers to give perfect satisfaction. 1.1 (Incorporated) I Tlie Home or Hart Kcria finer Mars 1 amotis Hollies. Crescent Hardware Co. i ' STOVE S AND RANGES PRACTICAL PLUMBERS AND TINNERS AGENTS FOR Harsh Simplex and Advance Duplex Steam Pumps 318 West Central Avenue PHONE 315 New Mexico-Colorado Lumber Co. Wholesale Lumber. Mixed Cars a Specialty Native Pine and Coast Products. A. H. HEYN. PIKKiltAJI I "The Honor of the Mounted" Thu Ili-H (t.olil heal) I Mania story of love . a. duly. MU I'aullue I'usli iiy liar- leading role "Woman'a Burden" (i;') lira its. The Light Weight Champion" (Joker) ALL FIHST RUN FiCTUnES tv tee Recitation, "The Nanio of a Hero." ten flret grade children. I Rocitallon, "Waahinglon'g Chrlal .mas Party," Joseph Martin. I Musical debate. "Washington and Lincoln." sixth grade girla. Recitation. "An I'p-to-dute Recita tion." Fran, lai n Trujillo. '. Hong, "I'nfurl the Starry Flag," ichhrus. Selection, orchestra. j Comings and Goings of Your Friends in Albuquerque . Mrs. E. T. Seaman, who hag been Visiting her mother, Mrs. B. H. ilia, i North Fourth Street, has return ed to her home In Markesuti, Wine on sin. Judge end Mrs. John R. M, Fie sre In Albuquerque visiting their daugh ters. Misses Mary and Amelia Mi Fie. Mr. and Urs. Ruftis Coodrlch hsvs arrived from Los Angeles and will make their) home In Albuquerque. Mrs. Alfred (Srunsfrld left Monday lor New York where she w ill be Joined by her daughter, Mie lilldergarde Urunafeld. and they will go abroad for several montha. " Mr. Frank Ellis of Bpringerville, Arlxona, arrived In Albuquerque this week aad will be Joined here In a few days by hla alatrr and brother. Mlaa Charlotte Kills ar,d Mr. Paul El lis. They will probably make their borne In thlg cU. Mr. Haldle Xleraon of Albuquerque, accompanied by hut bride, formerly Miaa Linnle Morris of Stanberiy, Missouri, arrived yesterday and will snake their liaine here. '.' Miss Minnie Holsmsn of El Paso la visiting her sister, Mrs, (ladle Neu stadt. 1 Fhone I, Tied Bam, Sll W. Copper for ft rat -class hacks and carrlsgeg. W, TUiibla Co. 4 Manager. FtU MNBAY Comedy BELLE MAXWELL CAIN ItiPl 1. lt PIWOUM.I-T Wll ( IIILII IMI'KRMIWTOK. reeiitrl by V. W. V A. IIIMMM .S ICt C'Ll'll. PIIKSIIVTMtlAK (ill KCil :IS. IVIwiifcry 84, lll. AilmbMton 3.V-. Tl kela al MsNai'i CALL 47 For rarrel and Baggage delivery. Bunday and night rails. Phono 31 AJImijurrque Iircl Ix llvcry. A. U. lvaca. C. T. IHINCH rcsi'.uAij MitrtToit. tin.l.MKii. Ily Aasia ant. Firth and Centra I. PVsve iMjr and KigLt, MO. '"' iiR""'-TL ', "JBrnWgg- 1 CLCANEafl HATTEHS 1)YE15 Pfaooa 4t1 dog WeM Central KOTATj DTK WU1UUI 44-4444444444444444 E. LER0Y Y0TT VIOI.IV IMtTRl'CTIOX Madia, . CilUena Jiank lUdjj. T-t I2JJ. r. tK ! IOT, rAITIJ. (llltlMVU B I PAPFIl IIAM.IMI B I BatWactlon In l-;ery ltcc. H JOHN HKItllOT!' 8 I Tlie M-renilitC lH-eiHralnr. H Heai the HX2ALD Irery Day