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" " '" """"""" " v- ' " "" . t I TWO. TITE EVENING nERAtn, ALBUQUERQUE, N. M , SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 21 . 1914. JS NAVAJO INDIAN RUGJ; MHFT r'lt Tll'! IMH TIlMiF.K TO VoC. TMIC ASWHITMI,.T AM Ilia MtWI XT i'HICKM H TIUITLY 1IIUII , t.HAOH UOOIHi. THE BENNETT INDIAN TRABU7Q COMPANY lift MM III MAIIMI hi. Pllt INS M. Aztec Fuel Co. 'iV? Gallup Stove Coal Cleanest Coal in the market NEED BODY TO REGULATE TRUSTS also might not he such, iia to estab lish broad gem sllxntliina rr ronclu ainna. Iiul the Importance of having Ih facta I none thi lege obvious.-' mourn uu THOS. BLAKEMORE Funeral lUrcctor n ml K.mlialmer CI ill) Building Opposite Pnatoltlra. I,IY Assist T. lrltai AmlHilmiiii I my or KltfiL iiniri riiMtm us. Residence I'lmne MOT W TNESSES III STRIKE PROBE WITH UTMOST fl C T Italians Making Charges of Peonage Carefully Herdeo Together to Prevent Their Being "Fixed." ALLEGE THEY WERE HELD PRISONERS (Hi lnl Wire to ftswitug flerald.) Trinidad. Colo.. Kelt. 21. The con gressional aula ommittee today made nil effort In get ! I III' bottom of lh bulges f peonage In the Colorado coal In 111. Much of iho day's fwihh wm taken up with Ihi' examination ( fuiir Italian tsiinckaca called hy tha order of Iho committee. The luiir hiti' ihi Mud yesterday by liiuvuiinl Mimiiiiil im I'uiiiiir) linn i.f hiti who i re In Id prisoners In the Dclaguu mini'. I'llUHlial precautions were taken to J !'' ' III 111 III TI IIK Willi I ! Witnesses. Tin' fuiir, I'li-lru Frolo, Vittortn From, W':ihtirio rlcmnnl mill l.eolinnlo Mori-Ill. i if In hnrgc nl I hi' scr Ki'n ni -al -a rum with orders In permit no nhi In approach thrill. iliovmihi M i ii tint 1 1 was -hided from (hi- rooni and thi nh in r I lit i-in Ii ii t ami marshal lium I hi I'claguu ratiii were ordered lo h 1 1 nut of aliMit r tin- witnesses. Tin' Italians w-rc iiii-Hl ton. il hy mem bers of the i-iitmnltti'i' hi'lor.' being tin nod over to iouin.i l tor iminuiiu i. .ii. In response o questions hy Mr. Bvrtics. the Itiillaii said he emiie Iroiu I'lttshui gh to work In the t'oln lailo iiitiii-H otter the Htrlke was call eil "The men h Im aont mil here shown iik on a a. ie r that there una u Hirlke on." said the w llm-tui. who noon ixhlhited nn unexpected ability to understand ii ml alien k Kughsh. I roio Haul thai when the train rem heil ' the similes were Il ii w ii unit the doors locked. At Trinidad, he said, "a whale hunch" of soldier not nn the train The uhoicra wire taken In licliigutt where the wit him raid he had re mained until the present. In lesponse tu rioiM- liUCHtiolitug bv Mr I'vrn.-s. l-'rolo declared that he hul made no el furl In leave Ihe mine and had not Seen any of hla com panions try to K-l ay lie said that he had worked for the company nearly Ihri'e lllontli. hut hail rei ei -ed no inolicv li.'i auw.' ho waa "Kteen mi the mim'' iiml hi I'.iliiinua Ihim lar had lint inoir Ih.iu iald Iiih hoard EVERYTHING FOR BABY iiuivs hi.i: i nit nii.iMi: o' ins Nil h. 25 to 50 off it All, llHVs AltTMI.K. TI M VMIil l. KHI-4 Ki.IS4i t Alt lrt m i-:h 4 I U.A lNl I'.I K IU KSTKItS OKIOI.K L.O-IIASKI I H I an Im had in ItJaa'k. brown, grtvn or Itrer. INMjitlMilititHrB aImu la ralau. IIIkIi I'lutlr In itiittirvMl hnlsl . I pa I, era, Ju guitlou ul futuud oak or rata ii. &urmry lalra of ratan. VTf t"n forialilii m wil aa aanliary. hwliif ( railli-a uf rwtan. In mi and Ilraaa I rlba, mImi tiufl lda a iwt MaUnVMn. falir NurN rjr lliila, lll Landlrat Unite liar tiMMll-ri . M i; Ut II HIMHIW IIPM-I.AV Strong Bros. ; HOUSE FlRNISHEHS SECOND AND CCPPIK and ntlur expetipen. liifirrln lo Olovannl Minn.. III. the It man mild: "(ilm aiiul wan kli kin every n.Kht Ik'iiiiihi the ilrher wiiuldn't furninh him fhnuah ear o that he i ould load eiiouali i. .nl in earn money tu "end home lo hln wile." The wllnena a. i Id that he hlmaelf hud hern alien an Insufficient nulil lar nl empty iiira at fur.', hut that hiii. p iiiovi.'a In nnolher pari of the minn he had had no fmthi-r Irouhle. He liddi'd that "e er hod Mn lli.l man who wi'iffha the eoal la ateal Inic." h ml he Intimated that he hlm i If thiniRht that the wt 'ithlna. waa dlHholil'Ht. It waa al the 1 1 In ma mine thai ' UaahliUflun. I'ep. il.-- loe the John It. l-aon hiii John MiJx'n-'mumipoliMli aiteiii contain In ItneIC nen. Int. or h adi'tH. Iiu.pci ted theithe aerda nf lla own iteeay ? HOalr on thi- nrniHlon of I ha eom- I Tlml i in at lull roinmiwlniu r Juaeph in II Ico n vIhIi In the alrtke ri'itliin i K. ialc. of the liui euu nf corpora -l.ii Wedni-Hilay. jtl'ina. declared. In hla atiuual repm. Mr Hvrnea then turned Ihe w llm aa '""le pihlle tuilay, a federal IniCa over In I'. C.nligun, for Ihe trlk- linllnn now under way hopea v Must Be Some Federal Bureau for Investigation and Pub licity Says Commissioner of Corporations. MONOPOLY SYSTEM MAY DIG OWN GRAVE l rif t'aar4 Wire iw fcreuing Herald.) DI1ITISII LI0L1 COMMENCES TO flOAiT era. Pu tin flnnlly Hld that ome of hla rompaiiiotiv had run awny from fii-laaua, tlecliifc over the IiIIIh. ticraiiHe they were afraid the aoldlera Would nrr.Hi them If they tried to ae nut thrnimh Ihe ante. "I'n you know of anv ni' ii heing liirmd hark hy the H .lilier?" Mheir efficiency and rrfurma, how "No." ever, are to cumprlae the principal The wltneaa wa i pharply work for Ihe romlnir year. The need He to what he had heen told liv Huper- ol aome federal body for the purpomi Intendent SnodarnHa before i.onilnn In nl InvfHtlKuttnn and puhllclty In I runt Trinidad thla morning, hut atoutl" df . nlYilia, whether It he Ihe bureau of unawor. In a rex lew of a working iroram for the bureau I'ommlHHlnner l)av le pointa out thai ainil.' I loin an eco ! notnle atud) of the trunt iiieHtion. re tail price maintenance la one of the iiueatlona lo he taken up. Truata. tiled that he had been Influenced. While I'letrn Froln wiih lentlfylnK, hla brother Vlttorln am' giilntinoo se mone and I.eobarde Morellt. who were guarded In an ante room by Herneant at Anna Jakle. began In complain bit terly of hunger. They told the aer m mil at aritiK that ihev had had no hreakfanl, and iiiuh( have Homething til .'lit. The aergeant al iirini luiHilly m nt out for aomi food, and nlllcliited at an Imiuov i'.ed hrcakfaHt-luncheoti, with the three Italiana aa hla fcUrMn When I'leirn came off the atand ho' nna even hungrier than hla brother and frlemlM. and Mr. .Iiikli gave him 1 what waa left of Ihe lunch provided by Ihe I nlted Htalea hoiiav of repre h ntatlven. corporatlona aa now organlteil. or a i oinmlHKlon as propoaed In the p.nd Ing admlnlHtratlon Idlla In eongreaa. 'ommlaHloner Iavl''a emphaalxed. In hla report he dlni unced the mo nopoly iiueatlon al length, anylng In pn rl . "The queHiloti la whether the trust form of organization la really rfft- MmcK. In purihaalng the plant of the livening Herald Iho urcouiitK for ad verlllng done prlnr lo Kehruary IMh were not Included In the pun ham-, but remain the properly of Ihe for mer ow nera. In hi by them collected. Account' for adverttHing done ainee February Kith arc Ihe properly of the new ownera and will he collected hy the regular olllce folic nf the Kv china Herald. All arcminta lor hiilinj-HilU.., . whether accruing prior lo or alnce February liilh. are the property of the new ownera of tl'.a Kvenlng Herald and will be culled for by the regular collector. TIM'S KVKNISil I! KHALI, (leu. K. Valliaiit, Manager. For a taxi, call 1I Maiiro. I'hono 17 von CASH. IIN llw. hca tl.BU IIH) IIm. ciirii fl.H I IHI lit. (Nirn eliopa SI .H5 ria.iie HI; iHiy Iho driver. Man aard Mills. llcnry'a meaaengera. Phono cli nt If ii be found Hint amuller riuiipi't itivc unltH In luduatry ran produce rommiidlllcH more rheaply, or even iia cheaply a monopollHt lo ,1111 1 1. mid that they have other and greater advantugca than thoae clalin- d for the monopnllatle or truat aya tem. then the problem la finally aet- tied In favor of the competitive aya Item, and the. chief argument fur the ! regulation of monopoly la deatroyed. Thla la a aclenlllle uueatlon of fart, and It la Ihe plan the bureau In Inveatlgale thla guention "While from a governmental point of view there are varloua oIHM-ta of I the trtiHt iiueatlon which are of groat Importnnee, aueh aa Ihe relation of : truata to popular government and their effect on the am la I and eco nomic cumlitlnha of labnr. there HTe two anpei'tK of It which are peculiar ly within the domain of the bureau. namely, the effect upon the coat of production and dlwlribulloo and the el feci upon the price to the ron aumer "It in r mlended by aome that with Ihe Increnae in the alxe of Industrial enterprlaea there goea a reduction In ihe coat of extraction, manufacture, nnd distribution, mid that aueh re 'diutlon In eoal la accompanied by lower prices lo Ihe conHiimer and does not Involve a reduction in wages i r an linpairment of the conditions of labor. j "Kven If theae elalm were true the question would atlll remain, of course, whether the evil resulting ' from large eomblnatiniia would not he greater than the alleged advant ages of cheaper production and dis tribution. II la contended, on th' other hand, that the amirra and orl gin of monopoly la found chiefly In the desire to exploit the general pub lic hv stock -Jobbing schemes for th Immediate profit of the promoters. or for the purpose of obtaining con trol of the market and exacting un duly high prices from the consumer. I "Many large coinhlnntlona hava failed and demonstrated their ero. Tinomle Inefficiency. Combination! X I which have obtained control of tha market it la admitted. havt profpered, but thla ta alleged to b due to their monopnllatle position. and not In superior efficiency. Ac cording to those who hold (his view. there la a point beyond which tha increase In alxe of operations does i.ot res,ull In an Increnae in economy and efficiency, but rather In Insa ami waste, so that Ihe maximum effi ciency ia not attained by large com binations, but Instead by concerns nf moderate site. If thla latter conten tion be true, then, us has been an Id, the monopolistic system contains In Itaelf the seeda of Its own decay. "Again, some of those who dis pute ihe superior efficiency of large combinations contend that this claim ia ma ile merely aa a blind for the purpose of selling watered stock. They aay that such organlxatloiii are csta lil li-hcd for the purpose either of getting control of the market and ex acting exi easlve prices from con sumers, or of Issuing large amounts of watered stock for the purpose of celling such stock to Ihe public. In the first case. II la argued auth coin lilnatUins are nol concerned with Ihi promotion of greater efficiency but merely with obtaining a monopoly, in the second case they are chiefly i cerned with aelllng the Block, and as they can not claim lo Ihe general public thai It has a great alue du lo monopoly, they are obliged to fin I another selling argument, namely, superior efficiency. "i if almost eiiusl Importance with the determination of thla question of comparative efficiency la that of the prle policy of aueh targe Industrial combinations aa have achieved a substantial control of the market. Ing and repairing at low IlThos who thai imn imiua- rn,riiiH IT.llll I II IHirr economy and efficiency In production often overlook the equally Important location whether or no they ahenrh all Ihe lienefiia of such economlea la increased profit without conceding my share thereof to labor In higher wages, or to consumers In relatively lower prices or improved quality of i"iw.. r.t.-. i ne ueterminaiinaj or . - I the facta In respect lo thla question I People Becoming Worked Up to Point Where They Will Demand Aggressive Atti tude by John Bull in Mexico TRAGEDY CREATES A BIG SENSATION fly Ijrad Wlm lo F. renins; Herald. l-ondon. Feb. XI The British gov ernment up to noon today had nol taken action In regard tu the execu tion at Juarea of William H. fleniofi, the Hcotlish ranchmnn. beyond in structing Hlr Cecil Hprlng-liU-e. Unt il, h ambassador al Washington tu obtain from Secretary llryan all pns ' slide Information on the affair. Al III. ough the tragedy has created a ! sensation throughout the British I Isles. It hits not nroused any dlspo itlor on the part of responsible , members of the British government i to change their policy In regard to Mexico. There ia no concenlmenl of tha fact, however, that murder of Hrli Ish subjects In Mexico, unless fol lowed by punishment of the murder ers mid puyment of Indemnity. H likely In arouse public opinion here to the point where It will demnnd that the British government take a more aggressive Httlliide. In its of filial altitude Great Britain Is look ing to the I'nlted Wales government to protect British subjects and has no Idotibt that the I'nlted Hlales will do itn best. American Flag Didn't Protect Furniture Coppe M TtlMOHII.i: OMM.HK' AShlM'l vriov The fcalores whMi yisu any a r sJusulil lut l iius'l Milan rtMMi iiMidlUima are li HKMt ixM'iieit', and llaTofnro only hii Into lie lilgbext prbcil cars. Tim isll and gasoline niileagi togillicr with Im imIht IlillUla lili'lilloiliM ale m 4 to ta li mi lid In cars coaling than '3.IMMI. ctiililliig ' It -: I lie I I I Til." whli-li la al tin. We admit that a rtia-tooM-e disi-a Hot get luinfat cor taliir linli-ea jour n'iUin'mens art HM't. lUf Me Invlle peisH-i1lve tiia-a-n. to Invi-MluMie. I ira on ill-pla) al 22:1 W. Central Ave. (mice Mill V. t.ol.l Ave. llmticM iHIt and SI J. iu:o ai t . OPEN FOR BUSINESS MONDAY, FEB. 23d A thoroughly stocked New and Second-Hand Furniture Store. Furniture bought, told & exchanged. Expert pack est prices. era fuf.::ituee CO. 313 S. Second St. r Mine Striker Testifies Deputies Didn't Pay Any Atr tention to Star Spangled Banner. Hy la-nacd Wire to FmiMf Herald.) Hancock, Mich.. Feb. J. Kvlc. Hons from houses of the Wiuoiiu Cup per company wc'c des. nbed today by strikers who appeared as witnesses before the c ongreaaloiial Investigators. 1-oui agar testified that after no tice hud been given the deputies cu un to his home and moved his furniture out. Ile aald he planted an American flag on either side of the furniture, thinking th,. deputiea would not dure to move die furniture out of the art Nevertheless the good were removed. Theodore Bisnoiit HI, u widower with four children, and Andrew Ivagus told similar stories. Brought to the copper country from New York In work ua a al like breaker In the Uuincy mine, John Mlushl testified that ho was kept un der guard at the hunk house when he waa not working. Judge. Advocate lienerul I'cpp. ami Adjutant lieneral Vandercook arrived today to repiesent Ihe militia when chargea against members of the nu tinnai guard are heard. LAST HEARING IN HARRY THAW'S CASE CONCLUDED TODAY (Dy Ijeaaod War to I. Train! Herald.) Concord, N. H., Feb. rl. The last hearing in the I nlted states court for the district of New Hampshire. In the case of Harry K- Thaw, concluded today. William T. Jerome, spoke In to Thaw's petition for a writ of habeas cut pus and for admis sion to bail. Mr. Jerome asked for permission tcj (lie uppleiui'iitry brleis and was given ten duva lo do so. Thaw'a counsel w ill reply ten days I hereafter. Judge Aldrlch then will render his decision. Bending Judiie Aldrlch a decision Thaw will remain here In the auii. ciisioily HB for the past aix montlia. The new bnefN will have to do with Ihe question of the absolute or dis cretionary right of Thaw to hail, and whether he has loat that right 'J electing tu use the process of habeas corpus. ff SACRAMENTO, NEW GUNBOAT LAUNCHED AT CRAMP SHIPYARD (Hy Iaaacd W ire lo Fveiiins Herald ) I'hiludf Iphia, Feb. 21. The gun boat Hucramento was launched from Ihe Cramp shipvard today. The new adldtlon to Ihe navy waa christened by Miss Bhoeli,. Brlgga, daughter ol lr. Kllory Brigga. of Hacramento, Cul., ihe chami.aane she aiiluslied against the ships prow being Ihe product of the Sacramento valley. Ihe Kacrumentu ta 2i feel II Inches long iter cuniiact cnila for a siiwd of 11 knots an hour. The armament consists of three 1-inch rapid fire guna. two 3-pound and two 1-pound rapid fire guna and machine and Held I guna. The ship will carry a crew ul 150 officers utid men. Tree o i, I... KwIl I'ear. PI mo. Apricot, fluliiiw. ClM-rrf. Chcatuui. Walnut, Hickory Nut, IViau. Iihh t.raia.. ( nrraut. (MaeM-ta-rr. lUsplserry. Illai khrrry. All front, Mark's .sor. I'rb-ea low. radii In any anoMinl, hh or nw.ra. L W. I I F. V 7 ( V VV w L ii ILi hX V V JrLUrUL Watch the Newspapers and Our Windows for Opening Date of the Selling Sensa tion of the Year. WOMR VALUES rAii MiliUuiy IT MiivblLu EVERWHERE YOU WANDER IN THIS GREAT STORE THE LOWNESS OF THE PRICINGS WILL MAKE YOU WONDER MORE UrJi, vv M J3 n