Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING HERALD, AIB17QITERQITE, W. M.. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 21,1914. THREE. TELEPHONE MONEY BO STO EHFROM THE DEPOT Thieves Calmly Carry Off Cash Receptacle from Long Distance Pay Station; Hop Fiend Sold Stolen Clothes. Th iivch laM ti l: hi ripped tli' cash leiepllcb from tile Mountain tmte Telephone company' pay station lamth In the Hanta !' depot iiml made nv mill the box, The com pany's record hn there wn between 'i ntiil 110 In tin box. Win n Hip t"li wa done I nut known. Inr of ih" station employes entering the booth lt)l morning found Ihut the hex Iiml been pried rrmn II funlcn lni ami i hi' I tint r hum 11 1 in. Ken off 'I lie nIiiiIiiii la nH-n nil niKlti iiml mi officer Ik n duty rnnnil the build Ink'", tint In Saw nit uiplcluii.i rhur in ii-r iiriiuml ihi niailon iliitlm? the cvciiIiih. Thi 1 ! li i r booth I In thi' waiting rnnni. Ili I Icnil Mule Clnllii-a. Tom Tinker. 11 victim nf thi drug Imlilt h ml ii fiimllur police court . li ter uik lili'nt ifled thi morn ing Iiy A. I.lnhurg. n ticiinil-ttiini ildilir t .1 Winith llrt street. ii thi innn whe nld T.ltihurg a milt nf tilth- h.'longing In m Chinaman em ployed n cook In the MiiiinIiiii enfo mi Mouth rirt trci. Tin clothes wen Ht ilcn from Ihi t'hlnmiiun two weeks ngu, iiml he nVi lure he hud tin In ii iiiickci nf the trousers. Tuc ker denied ihi rimming ihnt hi fntitiil tiny ituincy, lull n he abm ite nleil Kti'iilmu the clothe mull thi le.iler Ident It leil him. the police con cluili i hat he .pent the money. I. In I uric nay Tucker ha friiicntly SPECIAL TO WOMEN The moat rcimnmlral, cleansing and fc-urnilcldal of all antiseptics U A aolublts Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. A a medicinal antiseptic for (louche in treating caiarrb, Inflaiuniiitlon or ulcerutiiiu of none, thnxtt, ami that cauKed by feminine Ills il linn no oqtml. Knr ten years the l.ydlu K. I'tnkliam ileillcine Co. ban riMHinimemlml I'axllue lu thulr private corrosiKiiulencfl with wouiun, which provca Ita siiMrlorltr. U'oiutm who have been cured aajr Jt la ' wortb Hr lBht In gold." At ilriiKKlxta. Soo. larte box, or by mall. '1 ba i'uitott Tolkt Co., Uoatuu, Mass t THE GOLDEN RULE DRY GOODS I GOf.lPANY ! VALUES FOR WOfJDAY FEB. 23 t Special Sale Curtain Goods i Z ... t t Y r I Y Y 20 pieces Fancy Colored Figured Curtain Drapery, in neat designs, worth from 15c to 20c a yard. On Sale Monday, 8c Yard 15 New Pieces White and Ecru Curtain Scrims in cotton and linen, plain and bordered; also plaid and stripe effects. Values to 40c yard. On Sale Monday; t Select Silk Monday Y Y y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 15 pieces 3G-inch Satin Charmeuse in all leading shades; extra quality and lustre. A $2.00 value on Sale Monday, $1.39 Yard NEW CREPE METEOR A splendid line of New Crepe Meteors, 40 inches wide; special extra good quality in all good shades; also black and white. Sold as a rule from $2.50 to $3 yard. Our Special price for I Monday, only milil him nM clnt hen, guying they hml hern (ilvi-n him. tiilmlJnn Hoys UM.i-t. The chicken Bli-all.ig gang, armed Hli letters frmn ihclr teachers, anil with antlllng face, appeared hefnr Judge I "in Ik thin morning to make ihe report which h will ri'tilr from them fur muni? lime. The Joitgt was mirprlncd In flnil Ihnt In Ih" mutter nf , hnnl attendance nil nf the hut, hiiva- good record, nvity one nf thm has been niment from school without x I lil excime inr re him twice during the pri m nt t h-n.l year. IF CHILD IS CROSS. FEVERISH AND SICK IMik MttHr! If Ifiiiitiir l ilcn mm1 Hull bowel with foinla Kyrii't nf llu. IIHlH'll. nil. I'hildren lnve thin Trull Inxntive" iiml nmlilnit I'Imo i 1'iinmn the Irniler ili'iti.ii h, Ii .er unit In welii no nicel. A ihil'l Kimiily will nut mop I v 1 1 k to eniply the IihwcIh, iiml (hp renull m, they lipcnmi iltihtly i Imixvil w ith WiiBte, llvrr gela KlUHKiNh, Htnnuii h 111111. then ynur little mi bec.,im cruKii, hiiir-uick, feM riKh, ilnn I cut. flici or Hit nnttiriilly. lirnith In luul. MVKli'ltl lull ( Ci'lil, hlH Ki'lr IhriKlt, utntniK hm he or tllitri hnea. l.lHten. Mntherl e If ti.nmie In cmiteil. then tiv- it li'iu iiniinf ill nf "i 'ii li Turn III Svruii nf Kisa," iiml In h few ImurH nil the enn lnitil wimle, amir litl' iiml uniligi' fniid I'mkm'k mil nf the -MHi'iti. ,inl ihi have ii well, !! fx I hllil nun III. M tllinnn nf ninthei-M ki "i ,Hlit'irniri Sv til nf Kin' lieiMime II i iierfecily huruilcHH; clillilri n lnve it. unci II tii v cr fnllH lii t i t nn I he aiiiininh. liM-r ami -l. Auk ynur ilruitxlHt fnr a Ml-reitl linttle nf "l 'nlf.'i m.i 8rili nf KlgH," Which hHK full illlectlniiH (or Imlilen, chililren nf nil iigen uml fur grnun uh I'lnlnly iinuti'd nn the Imtile. II Wille n'r cmitllerrim Nnlil here. Del the genuine, mule liv "I'nlifoi nlu Km Syrup 'iimimn ,'." Cefum liny nthir kiml with cmili-miit. FLOODS ACI PUT SGHEDULETO BAD Trains From Los Angeles Due Here Today Are Annulled; Trains From San Francisco on Time. Klmuin in ami! hern Ciilifnrnln .m ii hi itit the Hantii I'e'ii panliir Ncheilule (nit nf A!iuiiieriiie In Ihi" hml IiiiIh . Thi innrning h Nn l nuln Mint tnnight'M eiixilKiiiiiil lliiilted are annulled, while train Ni. 2 nml t frcm Kan Kninclcn nml which havo nn l.n Angclea rnnnectlnn ore repiirli'U mi lima, A ktnb Nn. in srnln left bcrf nn tlm thi mnrnlng y ? Y v Y Y v Y Y Y Y Y Y 5! 18c Yard Y Y Values for I t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A 1 Y Y Y $189 Yard mors 1ECKH1 SPECIAL SATURDAY EVEH8 7T0 9P. Attractive assortment rrrnA nnnlilw C.I1 T7 a H 1 h (uuu tiuativjr unrv f OUI'lll - yr j j it Hand Ties; desirable patterns and colorings; 35c values. p . . - . j . special Saturday evening. 17c Finest quality Silk Four-in- Hand Ties; wide variety of I. latest patterns and colorings ; regular 50c and 75c values. M H . j J Special baturday evening GOLDEN RULE Dry Goods Co. ONLY 1,1, Of! 39c BROTHER BELIEVESIh E W 5 BROTHER JEl'l MEXICO Texan in Search of W. C. Tor bet, Believed to Have Been Found Dead in Sheep Herd er's Tent After Six Months. """" " I.... nny.ii.e in N. w Me:. r. ...em. her ..r heunnn of Ihe fate of W .'. Tnilii'l, lull, veil to have in en found dead IhkI i ii'inlii r In a heep herdei I I nt a (ii r nix mum h : J. W. Torhet. a ram hman of 1'i.rk er county, T. xa. who laat heard ol hi brother at tilnlie, Aru., In lull, t in Alluiui'ritua in the comae of ii ci.rcli a i r wiili of whii h he hope In aolve lln liile.y of hi hrolhe.'a late. "He wrou me inun llnlie, Arir., III plellllier. lull." H.1I1I J. V. Tnr he loiluy. "aying for nte not in writs to hi in iiiialn until I lie. nd from him, a he w.i going In move. 1 never heard another word until noii.i lime ago a man named YV. I'. Inxon aalil he aaw an allied' in utiu iiev,pupcr ti I ho 1 (Ted that the den ateil liiitnw of my lirother hid liecn fn.tnd In a nheep herder lent. will, hi faithful dug, reduced lo kln and hone, anil wan hing ihe -cuii, ,1111 ol the lit ri ..I I Hheep he hud In on lemling Accord llig lo the Miio, peitinn with whom my hrotlier wa rammg heei on hnr fulled lo hear tmni him and ainriiil a weuri h which finally re vealed hi dead body. Tin loan .x nii illdn'l reniemlier what newHpnpcr il wna or what pint of ihe Hlaie. hut he Win sure II wa in New .Mexico. If I inmi.,1 gel anv kind of a clue win go to i ; lone ami try to my iirolher Iriini iheiv." AliMine who lememhers aceinu am h a neWKpuper Item will confei' a favor on (he livan It he will Infoim Ihe Kvcnilig Herald. The i.ilKiug mull w ah 61 vial old and single. UNiailE DISPLAY OF JAPANESE NEEDLEWORK SumH notridly 'MiUiftiif munplfN tf ilfll li t is I tiaB-il ts'laVi ir It it Pas iiniu isf rl annua pi, ici ii imlay in one or the win dows or the Newcomer Art hoi on Wuat t' uvenui). Kiery pie. e howii waa tmpnricit by Mi. New comer duel (mm Japan, and the UKnii.lmenl Includca mv truly gor genu apei dim lia of JapaiieNe art Kx ceptiuna lly lieaill ilul ule ihe hiiiul rmliiolilered dieaa puiiern, kimonoa ulid maliilarlu The iilpluy of Klliuller IIOM-Illea la aln notublv artis tic. SAILS FOR EUROPE TO MEET THE COLONEL New York. Keb. II. Theodore roiii;laa Itoblnson, nephew of Tiiro dnre Kooaevcll, and i liairmail nf tha New York i'rogrtaalve alula commil- .Itee. aailed for Kulnpe today, whera hu will meet Ihe colonel during the latter part of A4.rH. TEN DETR0ITERS vr.T-r TOVTi I ir liMVfi t UIl tAUi' I let roll, Keb. 21 Ten IMtrolt Anicrnun big tie buaehull players 'atarted for II. apring training camp Oulfp-nl. M.aa. aluiiaivr Jennings is alrnady at the camp. TREATIES UE RATIFIED El! Senate by Two-Thirds Vote Takes Action on Arbitration Agreements With Eight Countries. BRITAIN AND JAPAN INCLUDED IN LIST i ' l" lB-4 Wlf to Riminf Herald.) w.hinKtnn. i-i. :'i.-ii.,OU ny '""",n1""'"' h,,,ir " '' npe, the rtenni Ii nn. re than a ln. ;h,,i, v,r i,iy ,,mM..,i general ar- hltratinn trcillle Inineen .1 lie I'lilted Stale anil Ureal Itrltaln, J. i pun, I'.iiiii- Italy, Hpaln, Norway, c-wc.lcti, gal nml Hw llxerliiliil. j Attempts In repeal ihe 1'nnnma toll . itie tlnn. or lUi-stii'it nl ImnilKratlon I aiuf i liiltp which were re nin eil In the Hemic tilth Ureal llrlt- ii I ll nml Japan were ih fcateil nml the ci'iiventlnn go Into new fnrce In Ihe Halite general term a exiHleil befucr llltlV ulMl llalltlcallnn nf ihe convent Inn ."""r" ,he "!" n ' n frit r , ft it 11 ll in M i'TIHIKt'll (S (III urchigeii inr month uh oompi.s- II leg, relating In the Japnnee protct "Mlti'l the fallfntiil.i antl-iillen la ml law anil Hrltih ptm.'H attain! the toll rxempiinn l I'nnnnui. The Hr!llh trenly hud been helil up piirllcularly by Umar w ho were np pnjn'il lii Kuliiniltlug the toll iiietlon In The Hague. I'reidei)( Wllnnti plan In repeal the exemption, Includ ing Ural, the rallth atinn of ihe Hrit- l.-ti treaty a well ii the other. j Technically Ihe aenate ratified ; atri eincnt lo extend t lie ireutic live yeara frnm June 4. 1911, the date on wlili h they xplri'l. inn u ,,,,rtei hurried ly Mnt word to the preKldeiti und he iireed deep giatlltciitinn lit Ihe I reiirwulg. E Robert Scott of San Francisco Olympic Club Defeats Duke Kahanamoka, Long Distance Champion. IjpmhpiI filrai to Rtrenlnc Herald ! Honolulu. Kile 21. I'.ohcrt Scott ol ,lhe itlyniplr lull, Han Krancnu ii, de- 1 '"Uh1 th' w chun.pion h..rl .11. lam p swlmnici. Imke Kahamiimiku. , u,.rr ,,1(1Vi , n,,y M,r(1- j1( ,hl. 1 1 hiimplona world's niiiril of I'll 3-" . Keconda. FIGHTING COES ON Fifty-three More American Bluejackets and Four Offi cers Landed From Gunboat Wheeling. ( Br Ia'd Wire In F.veing Herald WaHlungton. I'eb. 21. h'ifiy-ihrpe more hluejackets and four officer iv ere landed Imlay from (he gunliimt Wheeling at l".ii lliiliien. I'llliglng the lotul American force up to 77. Nn detail' era given. Klghtlng I supposed to he in r-rogre. : ALL READY FOR THE EVER SEEN "Seven Days" at Elks' Theater Tuesday Night Under Auv pices of Best People to Be Far and Away Best Stunt Ever Attempted.' Tits ltencvnl, nl and rrotectivp ir dcr uf Klk next Tueaday night at Ihe Klk' Ihealer prnmisv to romprts in to a couple of hours or so "iern lu)S" of a Irrealwllbla ,rlb-tl('Aling, luchlnnalintf. i onvullv, rlototiH fun any Albuuueruus per.,,,, ever heard of. I' inter the ilireilloii uf Mr. K. V l.anha.n the reheuraala hav reached Ihe letter perfis t and laugh erfe.'t stugw and there Is more real, genuine, on-lhe-lce' lip roaring inl.iedy lu th play than e.en Ihe Klk ever per petrated In thi rlty netnre. Thia I suylng a good deal as some of the really bct atK fun, amateur nr pro feaalonul ever heard or seen hire ha been uinli r Klka auaplcea. A pa i sen nnuaa nus aireauy neen aaaured. Il I going In lie a great show and every una knows II. i for croup or aura tluuat. us Pr. Tbumaa' K leclli Oil. Ti aisss, til and 10c. At all drug ttors s. IDC RECORD 1 HAYTi BIGGEST SCREAM FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS iw Holm l n Thai t an t m WiilHmt HiaiiKiiroi't or ia of Tltut'. V havo a New Method thai v tires A.thnia, and we want you to try It ut our expeioe. No matter whether )n;.r in la nf ong-iandiiig or re lent development, whether It I pres ent as in-cailnniil or i hrnnic Athtna, )ou phuiild nd fnr tree trial of our method. Nn matter In what climate you live, no matter what ymir age or nceupnllnn, Il you are trnulded vyllh aalhma, our method should rcl.i v you promptly. We especially want in send It to those apj ari ntly ho.clc case. here all forms of Inhaler, dmiche. opium preparation, fume. patent innke," etc. have failed. We want In hnvv everyone at our own expense, lhat thi new method la dc-Uncd In end nil dllllciilt bieathllig, all wheex Ing and all those terrllde paroxysm at on. e and fnr all time. Thla free offer I (no Important to neglect a slnale day. Write now and then lu-gln the m.-ihotl at once. Hend no money. Himidy mall imipon be low, lin It Today. rii:r. ahthm itn itj Fit' .'TI K It ASTHMA fi, Itnom ll H. Nlagarn ami Hudson His, llulTulii, N. Y. fend free trial of your method In: START WORK ON mil ROAD AT ONCE Reported That State Engineer Is Willing and Ready to Go Ahead With Expenditure of Six Thousand Dollars. That Stati Knginevr French la will ing So have worK aiarien ai om'e on the Hiitomoblle road to the Jemes country with the l,inni now available from the atute, It. Albu. pier. pic uml al Jemes. w la the statement made to day by W. II. linger of Jemux springs, who arrived in the city from the mountain country. A nun.lier or moving spirit In the good rood local got togeih r with Mr. Kogera thi morning In Ihe office of J K. U Hrnc and will get in touch ivllli me Ktale engineer at once. It ta un diratoiid be hcurtily In favor imw of having ihe work tartet wlih Ihe fnnil on hand pending the raining uf Hiiftlclont money to make n flrt class mad all ihe way. Il i 1,,-hevcd llml the in, nan will at Icumi make Ihe road eally paasalile Tor iiiiIok, whnli will be well worth the money. FROM ALL OVER THE STATE Albuquerque Marble and Gran. ite Firm Winning Favor able Comment for Fine Mon umental Work. That Alhuiiuc ritie I winning recog nition throughout the aotithwet its heuibiuarlei lor expert aerv li e of nl mot every kind ha been strikingly llliiatrnted during the pant tew month in the experience of the Jonea-Itowera Mnumcn: company ( Sl.'i Kant cu Ital avenue. Iiurlng a comparatively h..rt per iod the JoneK-llower compiiny liu re ceived order aoine for very eluU olate granite anil imirhle worktrom priictn ally every aeciion of New .Mex ico. In every instance the work baa liecn of Ihe kind that win lavo.alde intention, and Ihe lenult ha been u Mleudy Hufelllll cemetery und nf all kind. The accrct Hticc.'M la not employ only of imiuirtea concerning ornameiilal alone work of the J, uici.. Il,, wem to ai'i'k. The hi in the moat expert work men, und every Joli given the care ful, personal Muperv.aio.i of Ihe maji age.ueiit. Spciiiil ordi'ia lor uiiiiiu iiicnia of elalii'iate deii:ii ure handled aa easily a amullcr ol, and eMil.natea are alwaya cheerfully fur nished. I ain't use hursh physics. The re action weakens the bowels, lead to chronic ronatipallon. (let I loan s Kegulets. They u penile eusily. 2i',a st all Btorea. Henry haula. Phone . Tb more critical your ttt the mora you'll appreciate ORDERS COMING IN 3 tU Greater Value I Giving Is a Regular Prac tice with Us The lady shopper of today knows value. It is, therefore reasonable to asume that in order for us to get your business we must ot'fer you greater and better val ues. We thoroughly appreciate this fact. That's why you will always find our merchandise offerings bettrr values from every viewpoint. We have this one thought in cur mind when we are buying, and while we will not make any circumstance! sacrifice quality, we closely watch every item we buy in order to keep the price down. You profit by this policy when you buy from us, and we want you to give us your business. Put us to the test, call and examine our stock of merchandise and prices, and then compare them with our competitors. If ws cpnnot save you money, we don't want your bus. iness. Evory item in our Big Store is brand new, sea sonable merchandise and they'll prove profitable to you, if you will give us an opportunity to prove it. We guarantee you a of 25 per cent if you buy from us, and we also guarantee every item of merchan lise we sell. Your money back if you are not entirely satisfied. You can ask nothing fairer than this. We will put on a special sale of New Spring Mer chandise for cur next week and every item offered U new and right up to the minute in style and quality. We are just in receipt of a beautiful line of Ruf flings in all colors and shades and we invite you to give this your inspection. Below you vill find just a fev of our remarkable of ferings, with a special offering each day in each depart ment: Muslin Underwear Day Monday, Feb. 23, '14 ONE HALF PRICE Ladies9 Silk and Street Dress Day Tuesday. Feb. 24, '14 ONE THIRD OFF Regular Price Ladies' Spring Coat & Coat Suit Day Wednesday, Feb. 25, '14 ONE TH RD OFF Regular Price Ladies' Shirt Waist Day Thursday, Feb. 26, '14 ONE THIRD OFF ReRular Price AAaAAAAAAAgAaAAAMAMMkaAWaWWWV Misses' and Children's Dress Day Friday, Feb. 27, '14 ONE HALF OFF Regular Price GINGHAM DAY Saturday, Feb. 28, '14 Regular 12-jc and 15c Values 8ic Yard In addition to above Extra Specials, we will sell every item of merchandise in our store for the next seven days at 15 off of regular selling prices and on some items 1-3 off. Sale starts Monday, February 23rd, and ends Satur day evening, February 28th. On Saturday, February 23th we will give 10 Bib Extra Specials for this date at prices less than manufacturer's cost. Watch this space and our windows every day next week. M OD DRY GOODS CO. FOURTH AND CENTRAL THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY lM'j4Jffai'WIM-.- 177 r :sSsEfa--a) I,