Newspaper Page Text
rouit. THE EVENING IIEHALD. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21,1914. t:, faZW&K i i r The advisability of placing your Jewelry and Important Tapers in n safe deposit box in the vaults of this bank is clear ly apparent because you are always conscious that your valuables cannot be lost or stolen. We rent safe deposit boxes .n which may be placed invest ment securities, contracts, in surance policies, heirlooms, etc., for $2.50 per year. FIRST SAVINGS BANK UNO TRUST CO. Alhtjquerqne, New Mexico Open Saturday Evenings and Railroad Fay Days Until 8 PM. Educational Rally Day to in Every County Daring Normal Institutes Woman's Auxiliary of New Mexico Exposition Commit tee Has Plan to Advertise State' Progress and Boosr Cause of Education. Thi. Woman's auxiliary nf the New Mexico Kxposition f ommleeion haa iiiul.rtnkcn the celebration of an "lalucntlonal Kallv Day" In each r.niiity In lie hi'lil during (hp sessions of (he Normal Institutes. It lit pro poaed to make this Kducutlonnl I'.ally luy not only of ureal conscipient e to New Mexico's educational exhibit at Han but tor the cause of cdu vntioii in ircnciul. Kw people, wen In New .Mexico, hate an adequate till'. I o( the mart clous progress thut Iiih Iji'i'n inti'l the past few yeats in educational lines, unci this rally ilay ts to art Una progress before Ihcm In a ernphlc manner. Tin- .lan will be lo have tint only the teachers lint also tli' w hool directors of lh, entire ount. uh will iui tunny of the par ents, patrons ami taxpayers, uin ml Hum rally. Tin1 children lire to he trained In exercises, nr- to I" rendered in tin- nn ii nr In audit, ,rl iina. un well ii n in hlatorlca) dramaa l.r ihikimiiiih whi-h me to In- photo- miphed r..r reproduction In col il i I H v uml to Ik exhibited at Han J'iiii". At tin- same tlini there fi i lo lif nddrcaea liy Icinllnic oducutors llllll I'XIllbltS such M Count)' Huperill- A DJ U f ANT GENERAL LOCAL GOMPflNY Believes Albuquerque Fully Able to Support Two Nation al Guard Organizations; Is Pushing Militia. , , Adjutant fiencral Harry T. Herring Ami Mra. Ilcirltitt arrniil i.n Hi.. i'iiIi forrilu 1 1 rn it thia iiioriiiMa; lioui Snn t.i Ke Mini re iii'i.a the AlvMrado for tile day, Th'-y Will leuve ihia cve nniK for Jt.'Hwell, while Mr. Iliriiii iroi-a In ItiHia-i t the I'.ohwiII natioual Kuard lialteiy. "I am eiirrpled tliit there Khoolil have been ao moi h troiihie In recruit InK a aei ond nattonal Kuard c-omtiany in AHiuiUi'riiii,'' a.i)d tirtiial J i.-r-liiiK Una nun iniiif. "Kverywlure elae in Hie atate the Ilvclieal Inliri-.t iii iiiM ehown in the iiaiioinil Ku.ird or p.iniA.inon and we are huvniK no trou ble Ht all In maintaining the toiupan lea hi their lull atrenath. With juur line nniiory hire, nod with the m of the f ity i oriMitcred. we icrtatnly ehotii.l hate tun i oiiipHnii-a, and 1 am tli-li rmlhi-d tu aecure Hie oiKHnaalli.n f u new I'oinpany if it can tie dmie tars ivi vxo rxi I ' 3X1 w tl. c 4 n WANTS MM A Masterpiece in color ly C. Allen Gilbert the well known artist W . will u-rnt m all nsrt- of COl lAl'D I OliFNTAL f If AH, a T IH.I i4 Ml l.lilrf-M 1 o ' rcourU I III Sn irl .ImiiIv " iu INinrt I'.na 11 llim irpiijoin laai .at tiu'hiv coiiii.l mii A l:v.ii Mr. l.niM-ii u e'lt'il l"f ui'il i- M.t niarieil .y aur D . itiMttrr io. a H-.ii la iio i.t I'Miioi-t.' twmll'c ia 0 ftlumt. lo iiitrr I.i'.i)ii! ami .-t..r W V afriMili lrtit A ..ii eill la- liithl .i.jw ,nh ii.i pi. on ituj iMiriclar V aiat toiU It a wuMtJ u. uiii Uiaair vr dtu. Gouraud's Oriental Cream h It piiuic , laautil'iea ami iicht r tile kV. 111. Relieve H I I. HH-!ii k, uml I'lvm tloit to 41, )aarl)r while tonipli x urn I I mi uiutli u'lucii'i. It ia u li oiul iiuncn ov pn .ir it m.ii X that iiouiiKliea the skill an I t.o.tcil it llolil the liia f aeierhle wktlirr lf all acaaoui. i, ff KD T. HOPKINS A SON. 37 CHEAT JONF1 ST.. NF.W YORK CITY h L all rI CjX, I -r r r-Ta-t fA--X it Z Be Feature tendent John V. Conway will hnl.1 in thi I'll liiip of the iloternora at Sunlit F,. on the lnt two days of February The progreaa made In manual trainlmc ami dottiest lo aiicnc will li espci liil ly emphasized and n special Iruiurr will he picture of children Rt work In thflr class rooms. The educnl.on al a lit horn lea have nlri'Hdy promised thflr h-arty co-operation to make Kducnllona! Itally Day n fin h coun ty Hit! nioBt Important event or the year. Vm. W. J. Finite of Kiiet Urn Vcfaa la rhnirninn of the commit tf In chume. Mra. n. K. AhI m ml of santu Km la secretary; Miss Aurora l.ui'fro, also of Sunta Ke. la assistant. 'n thi- executive committee there are In iiddltlon .Mra. A. n. McMlllen ol Alliuiuir.ii.. and .MiHa Flora W. Con rad of Hanta Ke. The other members are; .Mra. It I', lionohoo or Tucum arl; Mm. A. Johnson, Koawcll. Mra. J. J -Swaler. n.rt.inr Mra. A. V llocki'iihull, CI,, vis; Mra. 1. VV. Kren kcr. lais Cruccs; Mra. K. It. Kem. Arlcala; Mra. C. K. AiikIp. Silver ''il. Mra ('. II. Kti'iiriif, f-iuitu Itua.i; Mra W. tiuiiim, CuiriaoKo; Mra. Kate K Ii'iiun; Mra. .Stella. Morrla. liilliii: Mlw Lena Kenton. Waiion MiiuiuI, Mra (I. W. Yonnu. Tiilaroau: Mra. Samui'l Kldoilt. Chiimlta: Mra. A. A. It..m r. I', Mra. K. M John son, Antic; Mra. J. J. I'it.h. s,,.r..' Mm. Alexander HuHilorf, Taoa. Mra. Hurry Kiifke, Mi.iiarty; Mra. John A, I'm e, t la.Mun; Mra. laluiirilo I iter". l.onaa; Smtei Murniint Mary. Hcrnnlillo; Mra. t.'harica AmlcrMin. Kintiaton. In any way. I nm aure that a little aiiiiort for Mr. tiuodcll In hia effort to iraamxe the new company ritht now would reault in aucccaa. (lener nliy the nntlonul Kuaid oiaanliuiilon la In Bond condition, it need liulld niit up and we lire doln everythinu to that end that we poaaihly ciui, with the view to lliuklnit the Xew Mexico oiK.inixation one of Hie beat In the union." IANY ALBUQUERQUE MEN TO SANTA FE large Delegation, of Masons Leave Tonight and Tomor row to Participate in Scot tish Rite Meeting. Alhiiiuernue will he represented hy a large ili Ii nation of promim nt Ml ""ill lit the meeting of the (vottiah l:ite Maaona of New Mexico In ranta Ke K'eliriiarv un lualve. hev- crul of (in rfcoitiah lllte inn of thia city will tto ! Santa Ke hv train to ritahl and tomorrow. while aeveral uutoiniiliil. a v.ill make the trip to the en piii, iiitimrrow afternoon. The ScottlNh Kite iiioftlug ia ixpfi'.rd to hrinu reiireiitntton from all parta ol Hie atate and a l.irtie atleiiilaii' e la aiiliclpiiied. IXC 3XXORM-tXX ZTM a.. rnrr"" Il Ik a M innlul of our ol Ihr at'' I3 CuuCuC Irt'lrO uj M Tlkiawet atar ti aM. n ill OPEN H GHWAY ABO Willard and Mountainair Roadmakers Unite in Effort to Brinjr Panhandle-Pacific Route Through Their Towns At a imitlnu of rond inthualii"ta uml hno-iei held 'ciliieiliiy lit Moiiiitiiltuiir and attended l.y mniiv lMiNiiiea mi n Iroin Willard, plana Mere coinpleled for the linmeill.ito i peniiiK of n fltat -.eliiaa hluh tiiv through Aon ennvon Into Ileten. ioii iii i Him w ith the atate highway to Al- hiuiiieriiue. The l"K of the run han dle I'aciri.' hlKhway na now emnpli i ei leaven Willard and Morn- j lalnair olf the riiiite, paaainK throtmh : Katimi la and renehlng A Moi.iieriue hv way of Tlleraa riinyoii. It la 1 propoaed to open the magnificent enery of Alio ennvon lo tonrlata arid at the aame tine make auch n 1 per tei I hlvhu nv that the log will he (liiuiaeil uml the I'aiihmolle route di verted ihioiiuh Willard. M-nintalnnlr i ind Aim. At the meeting WVilnea- ' lav it la undetatooil that nifliclont finnlH were pledge,) noil lnlior ae- cured to guarantee the Immediate . construction of the highway through i the canyon. AUDIENCE WILL GREET TEIJ00 LEON OIGE Distinguished Artist to Give Evening of Song at. First Methodist Church Tomorrow Night. Indications point In a large audi ence to greet I.e. hi Hue, the eminent American teimr, who gives his l.unoua 'Kvcuilig nf Song " nt the I'll at Meth- udiat chunh toinoimw night It I seldom eu dlatiiigulalied nil urtiat of international reputation can be in duced to appear ;n lite ainuller cltiea. Muaic lovers here a re lo bu congratu lated that i ircuinaiuncea have arisen which will permit or heiiruig this tal ented urtiat. He haa Kiten over 1. tiui) recitula in American und abroad. He will uh aaaiated by Jenic Caeaur- ice, at the piano. As un uccomiainiMt Mra. Itlce haa few auperlora. Whoti but a child ."lie won thu medal for piano iilayinij al the Chicago ol Id a h'air, and haa anu e uppeuied III over J. OHO recitula. A letter 1 1 inn Itev. ir. W. K. Crab- tree, the etiiineiit puator of Central Christian i hurch, Sun I'lego. aas Hpeuking ol i he uppeurunce of Leon Itice, in my i hurch, 1 desire to add that the Imgeal uudlenre In the hlalort of the church uaaembled lo hear him, and that un u .Simula) night. I ii ion ineeiings of all the down-town tluirchea fulled t fill the greut Central auditorium, but Leon Itlce did, and more than live hundred Jummed the street ubout the entrances unuble to gel Inaule." At thi) morning service tomorrow, by requeat. Mr. Itlce will sing the Ninety and Nine," by Cunipiun. The evening program will he aulllcietitly diveraified that ull cluaaca will enjoy hia sweet voice. No seals will lie re served. First tu arrive will aecure holiest acuta, all Iree. Silver ulfcp ilU. $100 iti:wKi, 1 1 no. ; The readers of tlila puper will be , pleused lo leum that there Is at least one dreaded disease that sci ence haa been able lo cure In all Us xtagea, und thut la Cuturrh. Hall's Cuturrh Cure ia the only positive cure now known to the inedUul fra ternity. Catarrh being; a conatitu- tSonal dlaeaae, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting di rectly upon the blood and mucous aurfuces of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the dis ease, and glMng the Patient strength by building up the constitution and insisting in, tore In doing Its work. The proprietors have ao much faith n Its euratlve powers that they I- ir one Hundred Dollars for any use that It falle to cure. Send for li-t of teatlmonlala Addreaa: F. J. t'HKNKY CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Hold by ull Druggists, T5e. Take ll.ill a Family fills for con llpation. WELLINGTON BAND AT ELKS' TOMORROW The Wellington "lirla' hand, of the most unliU. or the many attrac tions being ottered by the Santa Fe reading rooms ihia season, will "I'" peur In Klks' theater tomorrow night The band, composed of girls whose pa rent a are employed by the Santu Fe al Wellington, Kan . is said tu be a crack niiiaiciil organisation and one well worth hearing. The usual houaa 1 rules go.ern admission. Ilniiiiouy Four lien. The Harmony Four, of Arkansas City, Kan., another well known read ing room attraction, consisting this y-ur of eleven members, arrived la at night and will remain over Sunday in Albuniicriiiie. The Harmony Four will ni.t appear heie, not lining been billed for Albiiiuertiie thus fur, and are stopping ..rT here for a rest. They are gueata al the Alvarudo, Kcirina spreads rapidly; Itchrtig si moat drives you mud. Fr quick re lief. Dean's iilntmeiit Is well return, mesiiei. tvo M hil stores. moo Personals. Mr .mil Mr . r Wi ll of lir,ton. ate guiata at the AlMir.ldo hotel. M I'eltitigale of Wagon Mound. V. M . la mi Alliuiiicriin Nlinr toda.v. W II Itogera of Jeinex Springa la itgiaieri'il nt the Htuigia hotel. Mra John Becker. Jr. or Hehn, la n mlliig the day in A itiiiieritie. Mr nml Mis. IM M (Hern of l.oa I.uioia are in the a.v in .iniuiii over H 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i . Mr. and Mia. K. ". Mitchell of i'-nver are gueata m n,.- I f. I MtiKlgcr, ii .,ia Vigaa inerchiint arrived In Alluiiuei.tie lnat night fur ,a hrlef lalu I Attorney Harry M. Hougherty of So'iit'io la looklni: after loiHineaa In ttereata in A lliiniuei iiie Imlay. , II. 'i man rt hwrlrer left tlila iifter IIimiii fi.r Kanaaa 'it uml t'htcago on a lulef iiiialiieaa (rip Attorney H 8. Ilodey hue gone to ' lllllahoro, N. V , on proreaalolliil lillhi lll'SM. I!ev. ham R. Alliami haa returned from Koanell, where he spent tho past week. Attorney l'rancl i t Ke la looking alt lera here todliy. Mr William It 1. ' Wllaon of Knn er hualnea mut- .It of city on Car-pro- lhaa-. N M.. la In huailieaa. tht W. I: Mn rah ot San I'edru arrived In hia n ittomoliili. ,u noon today from the mining camp mi, I will apend Hun ilay here. John rurcell, aaiatnnt to Vice I'realilent W. 11. Pmrev of the Sunta , I'e. wna In the city In rat night on Ilia way from Amarlllo to the coast. Allan II. Waaa returned to the iltv yeaterd.iy rr.nn a hitef trip to Hanta l'e. Mr. Wane now makes hia horn in i ink Intnl. t'al. I W. II. Slmpaon. general ndvertlaing naent of the Santa Ke. and Mra. f'imti aon will arrive in Allnniueriiie tomitht lor a short amy, on their wav to the coa at. :eorne g. Packftt. manager of tlx "Lavender and old Uue" company, and .Mia. Suckel, surah I'auden. the aura, lion nt Klks' theater tonight, ar rlved at noon toda from Siintii l'e. I'ol. J It Alhrlght haa lented his tn-m re alfalfa ram h Hear 'he city for it term of ;hrce yiara to It. H. Mct'lure. n prngresalve farmer from tklahoma. K It. Connell, nom.iger of Califor nia tourlat travel for :lie Hantii l'e and a t rolher of Ociieral I'aaaenger Agent J. M. Connell. ia In the city today. J. P. Sheehan. with nf fires In the Htern hulldlng, haa heen appointed liquor guager for AllitMiuernue hv the collector of Internal revenue at San ta Ke. A. (I. Wells. Kenetui mummer of the Hanta Ke I'nnal Imea. paaaed through the city last etuht, returning to h'Miiliiuartera Ht Los Angeles from ,i trip to Chicago. Mr. and Mra Coy Cnrhrin left to day on the California limited fi r Han I'tnneiai'o. where Mr. Crhan wll' Join the Han l'ranclaco Coaat league team for I he . inning seuaon. IilHtiici -'..reior A. C. IMnglnnd nml Aaoiatnnl I'oreater T H WooHey. Jr.. have gone to flnlt Ijike (lty to iitten.l the annual conference (,r trlct fureatera The young ladies' nnd young men'a sodalitloa of the Immaculate Concep tion inarch will tive a mnalcul Mon day evening in St. Marv's hull, to which the ptihllc la Invited. Itev. r. N. Howell, a general e. -retary in charge of deaconess work of the Methu.liat church, la In Alhu liieriUe from hia hendiiuurters at Luffalo. N. Y.. for an Indefinite stay.. The Young IjiiIIck- und Young Men'a Hoditlitlea o the Itnmactilate Conception chun h will Hive a mualcui In Hi. Maty a d.ill. on Monday evening. February 2. The public are mrili.ill) Invited. Milii N. TltompaoH, a well known Hanta l'e (undue tor, has returned from a tay of aeveral weeks on the coaat where he went tir u vacaMnn because of III health. He la much Improved. I Air. ami .vira. n. a. Aiciveown 01 I'lttahurgh, I'a., who have been in Albuiueriue for aeveral days, leave this evening for I lie coaat. They have been visiting Mra Mckeowns slater who la wintering here. ! Htipc rliitemii nt Itufua Mead (if the 1 .11 a Vegaa pubUi- school, uml Mra. Miuide, who i ha. i roned Tie T.aa Ve gaa baakft hall teams un their trip In Alliiiiiueriiue. b It this morning for their home, m . i.mpanied liy the haa ket hall playera I Herald L. Silnaler, of lenvT, gen eral weatern .ik. hi (or the i'hoeinx Inaur.inia compan, of New York. I'll this morning fm California, after a of two iiih with I. K. 11. Hel lera. the l.i.ul uueiit. Mr. Hihuler is on his a n nun I ii.ur of ngency inapee tioll Herman Kleiihpr, Arnn Itl. uher, (lua Htachliu and Oeorgc T Hill re turned yeaterd.iy from an automo bile trip to I'lnimiew, Tea., and re turn. The Party were away ten duva, several ot which were Spent In I'lalnvlew, whi le Mr. Hleulu r has large hiialncaa tin crests. Alfred Voabuig, who did hia first "inmle" ailing with the ft. 1-ouln Motion ricture company here a year or so ago has rapidly up the ladder, He has been with the Ktr bee anil liroucn companies and re- Montezuma Grocery St Liquor Company General AgenU for th Celebrated SCnLITZ BOTTLED BEER, Importer! of the Pure Lnrra Olive Oil and Chianti Wine, Gradl and Domenici Brand. Thone 1025 MVT IT At.t.ltW IK VH When yon have only one pair of glaaaea, w hii h vou tlei-d I ohl a tit ly. In have a Iniiliap and break a lens, and (hen have lo anrty nlotig vvithonl KlasKea tint II Hie btoken lens van be replaced ? And il aeetits 1 1ml ml h i xnapet a t ing accldi lit a ,hvc a balill of happening Juki si the moal ln-opportttiie limes whin one is out -of -town, pu ktili king, ahooilnx In fuel tut) lime when It is lin oiiv enieni. AN I 1 It rlll on hnn ! for enn rgerici.'s Immenai ly reduces exas peration, conserves the cus winds, and Instead of Just evapora'lng for want of s'riing rnoiigh language to expra your chagrin. u'J can pat youtaelf on the ha. k with a cheerful grin and put on the other pair. Wi: V III IM.ICXTF ANY MAS I IIOM Till' OltH.INII, UITIIOIT I'KI SCUII-I H. or it broken b tia. If you have the pieces C. H. CAMS OITOIIKTHHT. OpMall Hotel ( nmha. Alhililiieniue, I'liono 4.12. cetitly Joined the Weatern Vltagraph ci.tnpanv'a troupe in which he has become a leading slur. Mrs. D. It. Street, ,,f Washington. I. c. In charge of hospital work for the Woiiiun's Home Mtsxtonary siale tv ol the Methodist iburcli. H In Al buuueriiie the guest of Mrs. I . A. I'ortcrfleld. of ,10J South Kdlth street. Sirs. Hlreet la here Inspect ing the work of the Methodist iMacoueas hoapiial. A en ta log no of their "Lens Pt tubes of Indiana." has Just been published I..' Mr. and Mra. II. F. lioblnaon nf the Indian Irrigation service, cata loguing several thousand photo graphs made by Mr. and Mrs. Icobln aon during their lotig . experience among the Indians. Clonal.. White, whoae 8tiliett was 'Shivery. end tleor.fe Doilti,., who i hoae "Kxpanaion." were the winner "I the IV A II. history prlrea in y.a 'a eighth grade contest hi the Central si hool building. The . A. I! to .irrer ihese prlxc each tear for hiaii.rlcal work in ihl Blade. Itav Kills Lav Muchmore. neretl .'ones hi, I li.ii. Holdermaiin, or Ar ia nsas City, Kan. widely known alon-x the Santa Fe us The Har mony Four," hikI one of the heat of the rending n,.m iittri.tli.n-. are In Albiiquerntie today mill will spend Sunday here. The musicians will not dug In Albiiiiu. r.:ie this season, but ire here for a day's real In course of tour of the reading room. The Hi'iiiiihlln County Sunday -"hool ii .hi ii oitlon will hold a milv here Saturday und Sunday, Mar h 7 and ti. It. v W. C. Merrill, of mont, HpI.i ,., relary. will he present and speak ul both meetings. There will be a good mimical program and n number of local speakets will be heard. The meetings will be held at the Firs' lresh lerlan chunh and the full program will be .inm.un. , il later. . Man blue .iccn l-ucd. t .unity ci. rk A K. Walker tod:iy isalleil mairiage licenses na f. How" Ma,. Madid., und Joe It. Hill, both of Venus, N. M, Clara Wiley, nf Kddyvllle. N'.'h., and New land l. Webb, of It, it, in. X. M. Th day of ha rah phyalrg Is gone. People want mild, easy laxatives, lioan's regulets have sal nil d thuua anda. 2".c at all drug stores. NATIONAL CHAIRMAN OF ARBITRATION MAKES DECISIONS Rj leased Wire lo F.tentng Herald Auburn. X. Y.. Feb. Jl.- John II Farrell, th.ilrmun of the national board of today gme out the following Hiuoiig it lera, relailng to minor liaaeball: Services awarded. W. c. Mennea lo Helena; W. Whlttaker lo Keokuk; A C. Lee tu 'i.rt Worth. Applice'.ion of J. 1 1. Hardy to be free Hgeat altoweil. Application of Chut lea l.eonurd lo be free Hgenl diaullowed. ST. JOSEPH'S SECOND BASEMAN IS TRADED TO WICHITA CLUB (Ht Lcwaed Wire, to Ftenln Herald. SI. Joseph. Mo., Feb. 11. - Fred ha. second luiaeinan nf the local Western league club, was traded to Wn hita of the iwiiiv hagin today for outfielder Davis, according to Man ager Holland of St. Joseph. All I'itti-pi One. The old man had been away to the pant inc. counting his plgn, of which he had a good many, lie was not. as everyone who knew him suld. a smart man." but It was, of course, supposed thai he was Intellgent enough to count the number of hlngs- and he hud not very many In his possession. A neighbor asked hi in: "Well, Mr. Wray. how many pigs have you?." "Wal. I dunnn, pregmily," he re plied. "I counted 'em ull except on" (title runt, and hit kip' runnln' round so I couldn't count hit.'" Youth's Companion. ANOTHER WEEK of the r i ' . i h iw I v hw FEATURING I k I H ini A beautiful line of samples, odds and ends and broken lines of muslin underwear, silk petticoats, . house and chil dren's dresses. Special fine assortment of women's com bination suits, drawers, gowns, princess si ipsj&, corset covers. Bought of United Mail Order House of New York at 25c and 50c on the dollar. riyfe.rc.d.a: Half Price C.iniiiinatb.n Coisi-t Cuter and J lirawers of Nainsook, trimmed with Tor-'hon I-rne; all snos. 7c value for J)t ' Combination Corset Covers and lirawers of Naitiaoolc ti mimed with embroidery edue and Insertion. A II.2J value for Of low us of Nainsook, lace trimmed, low itn k nnd shot I alee tea. $1 .2."i value for. .H'H' IJons of Fine I.inKcrle Nain sook, d.ilnlily trimmed wult Mndi'ii eintiroliliry and Val lace; low ne k and short sleeves. I.' i'l value for l ) I'rlineaa Slips, good iiuillty Nainsook. Unladed Kith ileip Swiss embroidery llounce. Hec. t"' 1 40 Princess Hllpe of Nainsooli neatly Mulshed with Hw Iss etn bioldciy. value, for) Wool lireaa Klilria In Hhcp herd I'lim ka. Wool Kpongca, I'.edford Corda and Klne Hrrxn, all iiood styles and colors. Val. ucs to . SO, for t f 1)5 Corset Covers of fine Naln aook daintily trimmed wltlt shadow lace. ?&!. Value l"r i -ISM" DLDt RULE DRV conPAtiv House Ireses of Percale; lltiht and dark colors neatly trimmed; all sizes. A yreni value lor HIH' Chlldn-n's Iress'S of Tercale. I'ren.h style; asaoried colors: slses 2 to . for JC Worth I ton Idc. children's Ureses Tan nnd blue Chambriiy trimmed in plaid It.ilkiin sttle; hi.,, 2 to 6. The talue rannol be eitta!ed u'f 71K Children's Dresses fltrlpeil C.alelea; neatly trimmed. I ..' taliie, f,,r . . ,n . SJC 1' !..' li i I eaacs Hood tlU.lllly lillleteu '.i; Mtli: sit.-s 2 to f. The Iiicfs for Wear. Special 1 25) Children's I Messes Hood iUalily striped (laletea; kUes t to M: worth i ',. "i I i-au Wool Iircss Kklrts In .Mohairs, 1'iMiainaa und Novelly Mixtures: assorted colors. Values to "'. for $1 05 Wool dress Hklris In femes, fa mi mas and Mixtures, black and colors, values to ID tot. " 25 Muslin peltl'oats, finished with deep tfttlsa etubioUleiy flounce. J0' 600DS