Newspaper Page Text
TITTi EVENING HERALD, ALBUQUERQUE, H. M., SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1914. FIV 'V AWARDED M ia The Churches I1ir4in s It'iiii Nia-h-it Chitatlan Hcleitce advice. j,-e In hi ' In lh. Woman', .-lull IiiiIIiIiiik. at Ihu i timer of St-voiii li atreet m ml Hold' i iiih-, hit) Sunday morning at II 'clock Wednesday evening- acrvlce. are at R o'chu a The puhllc la cordially tnvitrd In at tend the .ervlcea. hi il n day achotd al 10 o'clock. 1'ln.t Milan I'liiiri-ti. Conn r HlUer avi'tiue u ml Fifth afreet. IIiimIi A. Cooper, paalor; Chimin ey A. Foreman, asao.-ulc paa lor. Itllil.' a., ,1.4'. adult ISIUlu I law. meet l 1; iimriiliiK woiahipi Ul II o'clock. Hi lllloll I ll -, "Hun- iirlna tlo.l With nur Huhatuni r "I F plug wnrhi., 7:4.'.. Itci. 1 1 -1 r t H pualor Firat I'rea.iv terlan I i hun h. drove city. a., will pleach hi the evening- ncrvlic. M iim n I'roaram Morning UTi-ium; "Imi-rniH o" Major Prelum-: "( KYcrtory" Iitihoi. Ant In-. n -i Clap Vour Handa'... Ktallicr Po.tludc: Allium Moderato" . . . Klttcl f ? ? v Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y SERVICE AND SOLIDITY The Banking Requisites THE satisfactory bank-tlie only bank which can be of real benefit to the business pub. lie -is that which, while assuring absolute se curity, is prepared to give expert and courteous service not only to depositors but to the publio generally. The success of the STATE NATIONAL BANK has been built upon this winning combination of Service and Solidity. i Your account is solicited. ' State National Bank OF ALBUQUEHaiTi:, N. K. AWARDED Medal and Diploma for Superiority over all competitors at the great World's Fair and at all fairs and expositions wherever exhibited. DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is the one great bak ing powdeiv for over half a century known and celebrated for its pur ity, strength, and keeping quality, lis use assures the food against alum and all forms of unwhole some adulterations that go with imitation, low grade brands. 1'-ttiiaaa Kvenl:. Prelude: "liktn" Oellhea oiTwrlrij: "llowmnty" Well Anthem: "The Hun I. Hlnkiriic Fa.f Andre. I'oatlu.le Fla. her I'harl.-a Andrew., director: Mnt. Heryl Kenworthy, nr.nniat. i The . K. mclety meet, at S:4i;' J. C Clark l leader. I (TntNH Lulhi-rait I luirvli. liov. IV Krelchmur, pastor. I ili-rniiin acrvlce. will he held to morrow afternoon at S:tn In the On Ir.l Avenue M F.. rhun h, corner Artio ami Central avenue. I'li-al IcIIiihIIm i:l-.iiml (litiri li. Corner I.chiI avenue anl Smith Third at reel. I'hurlea iiwar Ilirk in mi. pn!or; Kiliih iinrl, il--ni'oiicw; I'. A. CnrterncM. Hun.l.iy hi hool iil 1'rrintoinlent: Mm Jctinie Trott. hoir din-i ircK This i hun h la to he eHn-cliilly f.i x ul il in Ita two i III-, nl womhip. Al llin II a. in hour It. W. IIuwcMk. I. I, of Ituflalr., X. Y.. will apc.ik. niol l.ciiu Ul' c. the noieil tennr ainicr will anil! Till, will I Mr. Itln-i II i at M..curii. o h fore mi Alluin r lii Hiiillencr. At ; j p. in. Unn Itlce a III Rive tux fttiuoun "KM-ninu of Si iik." rrmlerina aonit- twenty or more a lci-tl.m. The piiHtor will de liver a ahort aildrcaa on "Thn 8U- Y 1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V Y prrtne Qun.tloni" after which Mr. Itlce will Kite hi inre3 pong acrvlce. Vr Jcnnla CaeMr-Klcv will he hl uccompanlHt. The HuniLiy m-hool niccla at :4.'i t. in. Kiiworlh I. kuc duvothmul nervlte at I 30 p. in hIiI anil ItroattMav I'liun-li of C'lirUI llcrmi.n I. William.. 11 H.iuth rroiKlway. inililal.-r lllhle whuol. :4S n. m.; Jhb. Ix-iirlint. auperlnlen denl. I.ri.n. Miitlhcw Zl. l.ui-t l,ord' duy there rr 127 pri-nent. Hpccial ineinoriiil acrvlce In ecle hliitlon o Wiiahliialon' lurthiluy. II a. nt. J. .VmllMiin Willliinia lll preur'i on -The Victory of Kiilth." Th- Hona of the American devolution, of which order I he apeuker la a nieniher. Mill iiticml In a IhiiIv. ' Kndeavor at :.1fl p. m. "liuli-a for Youiib Kuaineaa .Men and Women." ITov. 22:1-20. KenltiK Horahlp at 7: SO. S. riin.n ! the evatiKcllat. "The True Found nt Ion." The revival mc.'tli,an hiivr alHrted lit uith kihiiI ninlli-ncea In apile of I he rain. Attcmlniiee hna heen re nliir. Hud Interest i-reptlonnt The ernion Kalunliy niKht will ,e preached ,y the regular mlnlater. Ml father. J. Mudfaon Wtlllamj. preai-hea on other nccaalona. All friend, of the church nro Invited lo attend. llrM ( 'Miurcuallonal. Corner of Co.ii avenue and Hn.nd . Archie Voothtiker. tninialer.i realdcnce, K Mouth Kdith. Hunday achool at 9 1'. ,. m w... 'cial patrtoilc nro.rum linrrv t oh. Kow, aupenntendcnl. Ulvlne worahlp. II a. in. The paa tor Hill preach Hie aecond In a aerie, of 0n vital theitica. .ulijeit, "Th Xcriptuea. liiMiraton." tie.. V. I'. . C K., ( jo ,,, m, Uy Heed, preaidi nt. Al 7:3u p. m. the choir will render a .pcclal iiiuh!iii proaram. aitanley Seder. (riinlal. following . the inu aical proaraiu: Aloinina aer Ice Aiilhrm. "The Cut.-a of Peiirl" . . Hinli h Sol.,. "Hiiftei l.lltlc Chlldrrn". .Hewitt Mra. Adit I'lerce Winn. Kvrniiii - ai.ei iiii aonit .ervicr mail pnlude. Allciru con lirlu" It un. ru K Stniil. Scili-r I'lpe oraan ultertory. "luii-i meuo" Molllna Sir. r-'eiler. Sopranu aolo and "Inflimi- nuitua" (When Thou Coin.t). from thu "Slul.iil Mater" hy Itoa- aim. .unn In Knali.h Ada I'lrn-e Winn and Pull Choir. I'lpe iumn aolo. "raaiorale" Ouiliiiiint Mr. Seder. "Tn.r Citmeth a Woman r oa- inarla" Mury McKI. t-ontrallo; Thoniaa A. Chrlattan, huaao; Ada I'lert e-Wiini, aoprjno. Soiraito aolo. "Art Thou tUealer Than tur Father Jacob?" Ada I'ierca Winn. Ilaaa aolo llecilaitve, " An.wered". . , , Air. "Whoaoever lrinketh". . . . . Thotiiii. A. Chrl.tlun. (From "Th. Woman tif Samaria." Cantatii hy Stemdale Hrnneiti Firteen-iiiliiuie uddie.. by Itev. Archi. Toothaker. Huuject, "The I'ower of Konn." Anthem, "Infold T J'orlal." (From "The Itedempllon" I I loo nod llaa. aolu. "Hear M When I Call" Hruno lluhn Thomaa A. Chriallan tran M'atliule. "Inlerludlu e l'ui" Itnger. K. Stanley Seder. I'rmcram of the Conm-eaational Hunduy h.M.I for patriotic merciaea. Suiiduy, Fehruary 2: Medley National Alia, oraa o K Stanley Seder. Ki.rriae. " Waahlflntoii th. Man" llo. from III. Helping Hand claaa. Chorua, "Haiti. II) inn of thu He- puhllc" (llory rliiaa An Acroalle Huimhlne Circle and fhlnlng Star rlaaaca Holo. "Star Spnimlcd llanner" Mra. Ad.i Fierce Winn. Hon. "America"- s. hool. Kl. tntil'a Fanaclii a I nilicrau. Oliver and Sixth. I.ilward f Mchue ler. piiKtnr: paraonaue, lint Si. Mill Flxth. Sunday a. hool with adult claaaea. t.45 a. m. Service with nion, II a. in. and T 3 it p. in. Kn deavor lople. :4"i p m., "Itulea for Ynuna: Huaineaa men and Women." (lent Re Still lead.. Sunilux hool lenrhera' and nflli'lala' nieellne. I HI p. m. The IIIDIe tialnlng elaaa nlaht haa heen changed to Wedncaday. A good attendance and Intereat In.t week, hut aome face, miaaed. Chun h council nierta Monday flight. Still more rhnngea around the church: Keep yui:r eyea upen. Imniaculalc I oncrilm. Sodality mil a. nl 7 Second muaa. D in. High muaa and sermon. I". Veapera, lliatrin tlon and lien.-ilii tlnn. 7:8. Next Wrdneadat. Aah Wednea day. ma.a and aprlmtllng of anhe. al I The eprlnkllng of anhc. ll take place alan at S.ti, and alter the eve ning .ervhv. Next Frldiiy evening. Way of the I'roaa. at 7 :ii. (Vnlral Avenue MciIiihIUI. Corner of Arn it ml Cit.trnl. Sam uel K Alliaon, piiNtnr. Mlaa Mary Hanai'om. deuconena. Preaching aervlcea n 1 1 a. in. itnd 7:3n p. m. hy the pimiillng elder. Itev. tleorge lllvcn. Spi-i niuaic hy the choir. IIUMlncsa meeting of the hoard ol atrwarda, Sunday adcrnoon al 2.3U p. m. Hevotlonal meeting of thn Senior K worth league at l :i:i p. m. Woman'. Miaalonar aoclety will hold their regular monthly eoctu' leu afternoon at the realc. -nee of Mra. Ceorge (livan. Itcgular Wedneaday evening praytr aervlce at 7:4.'i. The teucher Iralnlni clan, at 7: 1 !. Kt. Jirltit'n I IiiiIi4i. Corner Fourth alrcet and Weat Sil ver avenue. Archdi -non W. K. War ren .rector; renidi-n. e i;i'i Weal Tl Ji r avenue. Quintiageaima Sunday. Holy com munion. 7 n. m.; Siinr.iv . hol. ! 4 "i a m ; morning aervin-. 11: evening crvlce. 7: in. Morning Mualc rrnceaaional: "Alleluia a Song of Oladnea. Vaughn Venlte: "t i Come !.( I". Sing Fnlo the lird Van Ijier Gloria: "tilory He lo the Father".. ' Itohlnaon To Ileum: "We I'raiac Thee, li tlud ' Juhilate: "I I He Joyful in the l.ord" Shelly Hymn: "Jeaua My SuMur I.ook on Me" Sullivan tifTcrlory: "llnck of Akca" lie llarltonc Solo lluao C. .Mi;er. Keceaalotial . "Iwi the Voice of Jcua" lMtla Pull Choral. Procei sloiial: "Alli-iiijn a Song of (I lad in Huynn Kveiting Muni tllorlii: "(Jlory I'e lo tile Father.. HolMIIHoll Magniltcat: S, Soul loth M.iKiilf the Lord" Smart Nunc Dlmlttia: "lird Now Ia-tl.-t Thou" Turin Hymn: "Lord Sin-ak to Mv" HeWR i ifTcrtory Antln in Thee" "Lord We I'ray Il.irria the Voice ol UeceaMloiiHl:" .... Chdr W eilnead ay munioit, 7 a. i I.. i I'ltt. of 20 Volcca. Service. Holy com . . morning ic t vli c. la a. m.; evening acrvlce, 7:3u Thur.d.iy and Finlay. 4 p. m. in New Books al the Public Library The following ia a ll.l of the moat popular new hooka In order of h mund. a. cullc.l tor at the AlliuiiutT iUe public hntwucn Junuar 20 and Pebruar 2. "Inalde the Cup" Win. ton Church ill. "The Woman Thou (lavit Me" Hall Came. "Tembaron" Prunci. Hodgaoit llurnett. "Tha lark Flower" John Hala aorthy. "Ijiddle" tline Strnlton potter. "The Cuatotii of the Country" Kdith Wharton "John Harlej corn" Jack London. "V. V. Kyea" H. f. Hurrlaoii. "Th. liuuae of llappinca. " Kate fi.via c!ccn3 Mother's Friend A Duty that Every Maa Owe. to TKom aw rarpaiuaxa ia Kaca, It la 1..-. I -. .... . . - - ;... .uki.i..i in. i aien .Daiiiu kaow of prr-u!ire meiinMia la .iiv.nt nt tuoili'ri.Hal. 'ike ulTerlng, pais .nil di 4r In.-lilrnt to i hllil bearing ran a- e.ilf Jnld t.y h.rlng at baud buttl. of kbHiii-r'g rrb-ial. Tula I. a iWftil, aatr.tlBg. extar l apiillctlna llial -elleire. all t-nalaa xipa tit. ana lea ami ea.lile. tbeta toxipauit ' t o-'Mt the paliifi.l .train cpoa Hie itga-tni-ni. Tbu. tiii- la avuided ad tttaa ..-r-J.aia x-oa ; Ihr i. nila.-y a.aae. r ta .rn log ali-kaea. I. ninn)er.(.ei, alll a bright, 'irtoy. h.My ni.. -.III... hi preaerreil tu.t Jefli-I. lanlrfiiliji iiH.a tha ihara. l-r ..J of th- lint, una a.M t )H,,a ea la halli.-raieal at the toy nf hi. arrival. v..,. . n ..... . . . .... . . "M.-'w imitii. or Mather a Frl-n.t' .1 any drug .t,.n ac fl.OO. .ad It all the Ih-i ...n.r a .,riti a Tr nt.Rin.. It pmerv. the neiih. ri b.-allh. i-un i.i.- h,r ,. , qil(.k and eiauoii-ta r-.-..r-ry. .ad tbu. wlih re. ew-d .trenrib ah. will e....rlr berfc-lf to Hi. rare aud .lonil... " - w " w-iiare ur in. CIIIKJ. writ. In lh. Hiailii-ld lU.nlalor f., l.'H I n. - 1 1 1 I . . i - .. i ... . . ' '.. ii.r ineir ..lit gill a. .J h,airiirll. bo... ut gutdnui-. f.if ni-.t.nt Bi..ili.r. iir- a IhUi,. ut Muil. ritaj lu-d.. i c. r FEELS LIKE A HEW IVOLIAH At Lydia E. rinkham's Vege Uble Compound Dispelled Backache, Headaches and Dizziness. rijiia,'f)hla " I would ba very nn (rateful if I failed to (rive t.ydia K Fink ham VeK't blt t'omiounl Ihe rral.e It de.erve, for I have taken it t ili'Ten-nt timeg ini it alwayn re lieved me whill ther medicine, failed, ami when 1 hear woman com )lln I alwayt rec ommend it Lant win ter I was attacked with sever cm of organic weakneai. 1 had backache, pain in my hip and over my kidney., headache, dizzine.., laaaitude, had no energy, litnus ached and I wm alway. tired. 1 was hardly able to do my housework. I had taken Lydia E. 1'inkham'i Vegetable Com pound on one other occasion, ami it had helped me to I took it airaln and it haa built ma up, until now I feel iike new woman. You have my heaVty conaent to uae my nam and teatimonial in any way and 1 hoe it will benefit women." Mra. Obpha Turner, 431 is. Wayne SU, Tiqua, Ohio. Women who are gufferinff from thnaa diitreaainir ilia peculiar to their e)t hnuld not doubt the ability of Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound to re tor their health. If you want upoclal advice) write to Lydia K. Flukliam Mtxt- iclne i'a (ronfldeiitlHl ) Lynn, K.'ft'Mt. Your letter will lie oiK-nel, rent and annwrrwd ly a woman an.l tii-ld In atrlct .confidence. I- pocher. "The Way lllchln. of Ambition" HolM-rt "Story of WaU.tlll I Wl.uin. Haxter" Kate "Within h Lata" Marvin liana. . . New hook.: "Making over Martha" Julie M. Llppinann. "Thu After Houae" Mary ll. Itlne hart. Juvenile. The folloHing la a lil given hy the ladlea of tin to the children'. Iihi.iry. of l. hooka A. U Fcl- "Llllle Col.mi l Hero" Aitnl Iowa Johnston. "Little Coli n.l Mo ul of Honor' Annie Fellowa Johlintoii. "Little Colmii r. Knight Cornea Kiding" Annie Fi-Uom. Johimton. "The Torch Iteuter." CampMre rtori I. I. Thuraion "Adteiitiirca of I'.ohl.y t irdc" Stcw.-.rt K. White. "Hetty Li-lccMter" Sarah o. Jeaett. "Jo'a I i.inrtuiiily" Lucy C. Llllle. "Call of the Wild'' Jack London. Crooked Trails" F. Ili-nilimtoii. "The Hoy Lincoln" W. Stod dard. "WlllianiH f'. .lolini.n of Weat Point" Hugh "Sloly oC liavul Livingaioii" VuU- tier Holding "The Children'a llllle lllrd' Madame Maeterlinck. "The liood Woli" France, llurnett II. FOfi THROWING DIRT III ALLEY Health Officer Serves Copies of Health Ordinance on Every One in Business District in Alley Campaign. Health nfflier Tom Morrln thla morning brought John llurtoti, ,i colored poller Into poll, e court, charged Willi t totaling the health or dinance by throning traah In an al ley. Hurt. .n plead. -il guilty, una fin ed ten dollar, and the aenlein e .ua pctnled. coiidllloiiull, on hia I til lire Hood behavior and on cleaning up the alley which he had Hard a. a diiinp in ground The lieallh ofticcr thla morning he gall serving- vopli-a of the health or on all oecu.atit of building. Ill the hii.ini-ra diatrlcl. He haa made a Iri through all iillea In the doMnioan .ectton Rotifvlng Hi ore re aponalble for refuae to clean up at once. lBa Noih-e, I-ji.t will and leaiaiiii-nt of Vine randa llrl.-gn da tlutierre.. deci-arwd. To Nalnlilad (lutl.trr. y nriiiituiio llutlerrea. executoia. Itoauctuua Hu tlerreg de Zunmra, Jualiniann (lutier rrg, lioinltllla Outltrreg d- tlarciii, (liilierieg, Jr . Iieiijainina tlulierres de llaca, and to all whom it may concern: You are hereby notif'ed that the al leged laat will and leataitienl of Ven erandii lirivgo de (luUeircn, deceaaed. bite of the toiinty of Herttalllln and latate of New Mexico, hue been pro J1T0 PiiJCIIED duced and read In the prolmte court of the county of llernulillo, .tale of NVa Mexico, on the loth day of Feb ruury. IHI4, and the day of the prov ing of anld alleged laat Kill and l.-ata-in. nt wa. by order of the Jii.Ik,. of aald court thereupon fixed for Tuea day. the 17th day of March. A l lll. at 10 o'clock In Hie loienoon of aaid day. (liven under my hand and the a.-al of Una court, thia luth day of Febru ary. A. I. II4. S-ali A F. WALK Fit. I'rol.ate Cletk. PETITIONS FOR THE oriiY HIGH SCHOOL OUT Three School Districts Vote To day and Next Week on Bond Issues for New Buildings. pcntlona f.r the .Ignalureg of voli-r.. a. king the calling of a .un cial election to vole on the ea' ment of a county high achool in Her llallllo county, were mailed eatrrda and today to e ery achoi I ill-irl. l In the county hy County Superintendent A Moiitoya and City Siim rinli-nilent John Milne, under authorllv of thu recent meeting between the city board of education and the count v achool director. The lie t It ionta Kill he pliiced In the handa of leai her. and achool director, for circulation and It I. expected that thev Mill ho returned within a week hearing the nr. canary numlier of aigniiturca to legal' the CMllIll I of I he election The achool atithorilleg leel ante that the election will be naked for. m aentluieiit III finor ol I he county high achool la arowlna ranldlv ia the delulla of the w hool and II. field he come better known. Ih.iid Flcvthm I uih-r Way. A bond election la under way In the llunihoa d Atrlai-o achool dis trict tod.iv In which the lin.nln nen uaked tu vote 13.1100 l-nda for th erection of a new achool building. It la expected that the bond laaue will carry. Ilunchoa tie Athmiuf nine will vote on a 14. into bond laaue for the aiiinn purpoae next Saturday and the Ih-I Llo dlatrlcl will vote .... I. (IHI bond laaue on March 7th. County Superintendent Moiiiova IllMO eXI.e. ta thai i:rl..,. un.l la. Canilelurta. will noun oak for a bond election. Including the merging of the diatrlelH and the ronatrm-tlon of one fiin. M-hool I. nil. ling. i (fill in Trn v. llro iiitnitii FEBRUARY 27 HI 111 MO riH.. Inc. IMlK.'K.S'T Tin- Ma I'oucrlul Mory i:er Slagill. "THEPillCE . SHE PAID " Tin- . I'm- Kaya lli-iicr Thn II David Graham Phillips' IKKIK I.V Miilit. In Ni-m ork. IIM Muhla In Chicago, e.1 Mulii. Al III lllllllll. Tin- (in-ali-M flay of Our Time SK-ilal I'rb -. lor 1'liU I nuagciiii-iu Only, HcM-rwil S.-.IH ku.1.. , AT M'loV.S IMHIK S'l'tiin: 50c 75c -$1.00 4) HICK 1 AMI TIIK ti )V it Xf ure liowcrful frietiiln Kvery healthy boy like, plenty of good, nourialiltiK llieiiil. and II I. he hot thing he can tat heat for hi. .loiitaeh, hla blood, bom. and brawn. For children grow eating our n. i-iilo-i Urea. I. which 1. inula of the be.t flour, .pcc iully milled .o ii a to retain H tin- beat nutrient. t,f the wheat. .No higher than poorer In end PIONEER OAKERY tOT South llrat tat. CHEAP RATES SANTA FE N. M., AND RETURN 1 Aiiiiual Hcoilioii KkiIIMi Itllc. ut New Mexico to ha In Id ut Santa I c 1 1 bruary i:ird H.-.lh. lull. Tick. I, on Me rn.m x.liil i, 4 idorado (IVtuldiiil ami aaailh). all adiH In t-w Mrxliii. ami leva. (I I IV.. I aiiiillllo ami Tuna) I i-bruary 21-1. il-'iul. ami i;tnl. Hale will lap lane anil oiic-lilth Hnd i U- liiullc.1 fart, fiar lla- round nip with fliil miirn limit Icbruai, aaili. . Itala fioiu AlbuiiM'riiii', Sl l) for tin- louu.l irip. I. J. JOIIVMIV. AciiI. Albuquerque foundary and Machine Work KnglneeT. taamii-ra JJa.liliif at, caatliigg In Iron, Kr. Lion.a. Aluminum, structural Htwl for Itridgea and liuildlng. Work. at rri.Alaut--r a, N. If ELKS' THEATRE Thursday QO February LU CHEER UP .l tlltMI I l In Make I.hiiuIi-i I. com Wlu-to T'h') Never .r- llclir-. THE GIRL IFJTHETAXI j.ssy ti Tin: com: t'liK'. t.roiu liifi lii-laiilly ELKS' THEATER SATURDAY, FEB. 21st Annual Tour Sarah Padden In the Best of All Book Plays ' LAVENDER AND OLD LACE" By MYRTLE REED Tour direction of United ff Tlay Co., Inc. Prices 50c, 75c, SI, $1.50 Seats on sale at Matson's Book Store February 19 ELKS' THEATER 0 TUESDAY, FEB. 24tH The Annual Elks' Play SEVEN DAYS Itll'FIM.. HOiHINfi nnnm s i i:i i . iivii nv I ndcr the IMriH-thm ,aT A I -lit (i I iii.i ; i.oih.i; iai B. P. 0. E. m:ts s w.i: t M MI , Salurila) February ilit. Prices $1 all over the house. I urn SKK TIIK "TAMiO'1 I j M-m oil Hale al Mnl-aill- g $1.50, ' 8